Reign: Of fire (OC, eldest son of Aegon, born to Visenya 9 BC)
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Aerion Targaryen, born in 9 BC, came from a marriage of duty and not love as the unexpected son of Aegon Targaryen and Visenya Targaryen. He was never supposed to have been born, and yet here he is to stay. No matter how his birth has changed the world, Aerion Targaryen is the blood of a dragon, and he shall change the world for the better or worse.
Chapter I: The Unexpected Birth


Georgian(ქართველი)🇬🇪 not 🇺🇸
Second Moon 10-9 BC
Aerion Targaryen

Aerion Targaryen was, by many, and considered by few as a hard and stiff man without the ability to smile or laugh and a Penny Pincher. He did, in fact, smile and even laugh on rare occasions. He simply had few those occasions that allowed him to smile or even laugh. But in fact, he had smiled when he married his dear Valaena and after she had given birth to their children.

For what man would have not smiled upon seeing his children being born healthy and powerful?. And even now, he laughs when he remembers how his beloved daughter Visenya whacked Aegon with his wood sword. after he had taken her favorite doll. Valaena had wanted her punished for her unlady behavior, like behavior, but Aerion had stopped any such attempts. Visenya had always been a good, dutiful, and obedient girl. And most of all, she had claimed a dragon; and at such a young age as well, the blood of dragonlords ran thickly inside her veins. How could he not have given her the boon of being allowed to train alongside her brother?.

It had been nine months since the maester had come to him with news of Visenya's pregency. Aerion had no delusions about the fact that he was an old man with not many years left in him. As a lord, he was proud of both his children for fulfilling their duties and making sure that the line of the dragon continued. and of the fact that he would be able to both see his grandchild and feel the experience of being a grandsire. Perhaps even take the babe flying with him on his dragon while he still could. as his own grandsire had done for him. Aerion was not one of the men who didn't understand that pregnancy, without a doubt, came with many dangers for the woman who was carrying the babe. His own grandmother had perished from fever after delivering his sire.

a fate that he hoped that his beloved daughter would be spared from For that, he prayed to both the gods of Valyria and the Andal gods to help his daughter in childbirth. But the dangers of bearing the child was the way that the gods had made the world, death for the potential of bringing new life into the world, as was the way of the gods of Valyria. Women bore the children of their husbands, as was expected of them. He was glad of the fact that Visenya took the news of her expecting a child positively. Only if she had been born a man, would Aerion have been prouder of Visenya.

And even Aegon was now giving her more attention and focusing on his duties as her husband. His decision to marry them had been proven fruitful. as he had expected. He was not blind to the fact that Aegon had more of a preference for Rhaenys. Valaena's request to defuse any sort of potential conflict, was the reason he allowed Aegon to take his younger sister as his second wife. He hoped that with the fact that Visenya was carrying his child. He would give her more of his interest. Even if he hadn't, he had done his duty of siring a son. and Rhaenys precious Rhaenys had clung to Visenya since she had heard of the news. She clung to her sister even more than usual. and with Rhaenys, Aegon followed soon after her. and Rhaenys declaration of being the best aunt for her nephew had broth. both himself and Valaena.

He knew that as long as Rhaenys was with Visenya and Aegon, all things would turn out well. As long as they were united, nothing could challenge them. Aerion was proud of his children as much as he could be. and he knew that he must do his own part and thus threw himself even more into his duties as the lord of the Dragonstone. recovering the damage that was done to the island by his uncles. Slowly but steadfastly, the treasure of Dragonstone was no longer just the same as it was in his grandfather's reign but had grown even more.

and with the improvement to the Treasury, the melancholy of the island was lifted. as he no longer had to have the taxes raised as high as he did to repay the various loans his uncles had left. The burden on Aegon's shoulders would be lighter as a result of the coppers being full of coins and the island being well managed when he finally inherited the island from him. and free to pursue his dream. and not have to clean up the mistakes of his predecessors like he had done.

Fifth Moon
Valaena Velaryon

The screams of her oldest daughter broke Valaena's heart. seeing her stoic daughter screaming and crying. She know just how painful it was; after all, she gave birth to three of them herself. She had come to love her children just as she had learned to love her lord husband, but it took time Her marriage was one of many between House Targaryen and Velaryon. To keep the blood of the dragonlords pure and true, marriages between two houses had become more frequent. with the hope that one day there would also be Velaryon dragonriders.

Visenya lied on a great bed. covered with the most expensive materials that money could buy: satin, silk, and velvet. and white sheets. Her daughter was afraid, yet far braver than she ever had been. Her eldest daughter, who was 19 name days old and already rode a dragon, wielded darksister. and trained with her brother, and yet now she looked truly scared.

"Mother, it hurts so much," spoke Visenya, her iliac eyes were fearful. She held her daughter's hand with both of her own. and started squeezing them gently.

"I know Visenya, my little girl. But I also know just how tough and strong you are. but be strong for the child and for us. I'm with you, and so are Rhaenys and Aegon outside of the room." Vstated alaena

"What about Father? Why is he not here to see me give birth to his grandson?" asked Visenya with tired eyes and hoarse throat

"He is very busy, but as soon as he finishes, he shall come." It was a lie to comfort her daughter, but in fact, Aerion was doing nothing more than fucking his whore, as usual. suspected Valaena, but she kept her thoughts to herself because she didn't want to burden her daughter with the fact that while she was giving birth, her father was fucking Tanner's daughter while his daughter could be dying. She shook herself from such thoughts; now was not the time for such things. The only thing that mattered was that Visenya gave birth. She didn't know at what time, but eventually her Lord Husband had come.

"Has the babe been delivered yet, Valaena" spoke Aerion Targaryen with sad face

. "Not yet, Lord Husband, but the maester and midwives are attending to her, and if the gods are kind, it shall take a couple of hours more."

She hoped that he had taken a hint at the fact that she was disappointed with him by calling him by title. a flash of realization in his eyes of the fact that she knew what he was doing before he had come to see Visenya. Finally, after a waiting moment, Aerion came inside the room along with Rhaenys, whom Visenya had called forth. to be with her as she closed the door and looked at Rhaenys taking Visenya's hand. As time passed and even Aegon finally entered, being brave enough, the baby was finally coming out. Visenya's screams covered the entire room as she pushed with all of her strength and vigor.

And finally, the screaming of the child was heard, and what scream was, the child must have very powerful lungs. As the maester cleaned the babe with a clean towel, he finally announced,

"It's a healthy boy." The baby was carried by the maester to all of them.

Rhaenys looked transfixed by the child. while Aegon's thumb was grabbed by the babe. Valaena started crying; she had a baby and a healthy grandchild. Even Aerion looked pleased with himself after inspecting the babe. The baby looked handsome, of course he would be handsome, for both Aegon and Visenya were very attractive themselves, and Valaena had no doubt that when he grew up, he would have no shortage of maidens interested in him. Finally, Visenya held the child in her arms. while Rhaenys and Aegon stood on both sides of her bed.

"You have done very well, Visenya. You gave birth to the next lord of Dragonstone. and I can see that the blood of the dragonlords is strong within himself, and if I may ask, have you thought of a name yet" asked the Lord of Dragonstone

Visenya and Aegon looked at each other before Aegon started speaking.

"Yes, Aerion, after his grandsire, is a fine name."

"And this is a gift to my nephew from me as his aunt. I want you to place it in his cradle. It's Meraxe's first egg, and I want him to have it."

and what a gift. It was large and warm to touch, and it was colored. shade of deep Tyrian purple and gold.
So what is this? This is a new fic about the son of Aegon and Visenya, born from their bedding in 9 BC. The story will be focused on the era of conquest and after. Discussion and activity, as always, are encouraged.

" I am the Dragon. You are privy to a great knowledge but you recognise nothing. To me, you are a slug in the sun. You are an ant in the afterbirth. It is your nature to do one thing correctly: before me, you rightly tremble. But Fear is not what you owe me.

You owe me Awe!

In case you people have forgotten, this Kingdom operates under the my rules as the rest of them. Andals nor First Men are not the law. I am the Law.

In running this kingdom, there are many moments for compassion and tender action. There are also many moments for ruthless action...What is often called "ruthless". What may, in many circumstances, be only clarity: seeing clearly what there is to be done and doing it: directly, quickly, awake, looking at it.

As for my critics, I am unconcerned. I am beyond their timid, lying morality. And so I am beyond caring. For I answer to neither gods nor men."
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