[X] Check to see if Horaki is okay

I saw that critical fail and thought this was gonna be way worse. Possibly Reis condition is worse then it appears.
So... Do we get to court-martial Kaji for dereliction of duty?

[X] Check to see if Horaki is okay

Rei says she's fine and I don't want to push her, Asuka has worn out out patience and we need a break from her. Horaki is probably the least cost in mental energies.

Also, does anyone else think Misato would think it peculiar we got attacked out at sea? Normally the Angels hit Tokyo-3.
Hey, the grenade didn't explode and kill everyone like I thought it would on the crit fail! And we killed the Angel!

I'll make the case for all three, then decide.

[ ] Meet with Ritsuko to talk about Rei's condition
Most appealing to me prima facie, because it's Rei. Plus, if there is something wrong, we should get it checked out now rather than later. That said, she's probably getting checked over regardless of what we do, this just lets us in on the loop.

[ ] Spend some time with Asuka
She's fresh, has no idea what she's doing, and is likely feeling lonely. Also Gendo's about to rip her a new one. No real downsides beside maybe feeding into her ego, which is about to get crushed anyway.

[ ] Check to see if Horaki is okay
She kind of got dragged into the Angel fight, and could probably use someone she's cleared to talk to... talking to her about it. She's Rei's best friend at the moment, and I'd rather keep it that way.

Honestly, I'll go with the thread:

[X] Check to see if Horaki is okay

So... Do we get to court-martial Kaji for dereliction of duty?
As much as I would sort of like to, probably not - he's an Inspector, his job in that situation was to get out of the way. We might get him on "stealing a plane", but it'd be long, drawn out, and a distraction.
Making off with a fighter jet as described feels a little bit too Rule of Cool-driven compared to Kaji's canon departure (which was in a helicopter, piloted by someone else).

Especially launching from a carrier with a damaged / debris-strewn deck, without the assistance of a spotter to guide you from the elevator to the end you're supposed to start from.

(And if the plane and carrier are CATOBAR only, you need the full cooperation of the relevant crew.)
I'm headcannoning he took the last VTOL and went off to Tokyo-2, reading some security credentials to air traffic control that mean he doesn't get arrested on landing.
He actually took off with an old Soviet Yak-38 VTOL of all things, in canon. Think along the lines of a Harrier and not the gunship VTOLs.
Hurrah, I don't need to ban myself from rolling after that debacle. I guess the better the roll there, the more sub-Cores would've been taken out.
[X] Check to see if Horaki is okay

There's benefits to all of them but Horaki is someone we want to stand by Rei in the coming days.
[X] Check to see if Horaki is okay

I honestly have no idea why Misato got back together with that guy in canon. Like I know they smashed before in college but he was kind of a douche. Admittedly he did help save the world in the rebuild movies…but at the same time his stupidity of giving the bad guy the Macguffin in both continuities kinda caused the apocalypse to begin with. So yeah I kinda hate him.