We can probably convert something out of tow ropes or, as you say, the canvas. My general idea was "bombs strapped to pallets", which would at least be discrete objects to carry as opposed to a handful of bombs.

Yes. More to the point, I don't want to risk going up against the Angel with only a knife, which is what we have right now. We might be able to neutralise the Angel's AT Field... but backup options are always good. We're suffering right now because we used the entirety of our N2 mines in the first barrage - which was good, but I would have liked to have saved one for this moment.

I like the idea don't get me wrong, but the problem is the current smashing the munitions against Unit 2, which would be bad but manageable with its AT-field up, but it would be catastrophic if the Umbilical cord is destroyed by our own bombs.

How many knots (if I'm using that term correctly) is the current is going at?
It's a possible risk, but not one I think is high. First, the bombs would (ideally) be strapped to Unit 02, then if at all possible only armed once Unit 02's in a position to use them - this is less doable with dumb bombs, but maybe the armourers can rig something. Assuming neither of those are possible, what I'm envisioning is closer to an Eva-scale hand grenade (in the shape of a box) rather than a single plane-scale bomb, or group thereof; this not only makes it easier for Unit 02 to carry (thus lowering the chance of dropping it) but also means that if they are dropped, they should be already clear of Unit 02's umbilical cable.

Regardless, my main concern is what the tentacles are going to be doing on the approach, and if the Angel has a sonic attack up its sleeve; hopefully the fleet can distract it while we close, but I don't see another way to mitigate that risk.
It's a possible risk, but not one I think is high. First, the bombs would (ideally) be strapped to Unit 02, then if at all possible only armed once Unit 02's in a position to use them - this is less doable with dumb bombs, but maybe the armourers can rig something. Assuming neither of those are possible, what I'm envisioning is closer to an Eva-scale hand grenade (in the shape of a box) rather than a single plane-scale bomb, or group thereof; this not only makes it easier for Unit 02 to carry (thus lowering the chance of dropping it) but also means that if they are dropped, they should be already clear of Unit 02's umbilical cable.

Regardless, my main concern is what the tentacles are going to be doing on the approach, and if the Angel has a sonic attack up its sleeve; hopefully the fleet can distract it while we close, but I don't see another way to mitigate that risk.

Ok, I'm convinced, I edited my vote, I'm getting a bit to paranode for my own good here, I really hate hate fighting in the ocean.
This I can work with! I will be accepting this plan unless you guys vote for a different one before I get off work. So sorry about this particular round lasting so long.
Ananiel IV: Schnell
[X] Plan Bleeding Serpent (with addition)
-[X] Instructions for the Fleet (write-in)
--[X] Continue bombarding the Angel's outer tentacles, and its body underwater where it is showing signs of collapse, try to split the Angel's attention.
--[X] A convoy will deliver/escort Unit 2 to the lee of the oral disk, after either neutralizing all nearby inner tentacles or bypassing them, using its umbilical cable to insert Unit 2 into the hole in the Angels mouth, to locate/destroy the core.
--[X] Ask if the Over The Rainbow's spare munitions can be converted into bombs for Unit 02 to take with it.
-[X] Instructions for your interpreter, to be relayed to the pilots (try to keep it brief, he's really not doing so good right now)
--[X] Have Unit 02 (once inserted) see if it can neutralize the Angel's AT-field from the inside.

You have the crew of the Over the Rainbow prepare a single pallet of high-yield munitions that you've rigged to be remotely detonated. It's not much, but it's all you feel you have time to prepare. Asuka returns to the Over the Rainbow via being reeled in by its umbilical cord and quickly scoops up your impromptu bomb.

You decide to take a two-pronged approach; the fleet will fire torpedoes and missiles at the Angel's body while Asuka and Rei try to get in close and do a little spelunking. Unit-02 gets on one of your larger destroyers and slowly approaches the Angel's body. As one of the flailing tentacles lashes out at the pair of them, you have the fleet unload on it. It ruptures rather messily, at its limit from the damage it sustained from your N2 ​assault. A loud bellow that sounds like metal scraping on metal fills the air in a cacophony. It appears the Angel's AT-Field is weak away from its oral disk. Unit-02 is coated in blackish-violet blood. Asuka swears in German, then starts yelling at Rei for some reason. Your interpreter tells you Rei is feeling sick. To her credit, Asuka seems more concerned than angry right now.

You tell Rei that you've got the Angel on the rocks, but you need her to focus. You can see that Unit-02 is swaying slightly. Rei tells you that she will execute whatever orders you give her. Asuka says something your interpreter says is hard to translate but it isn't very nice. You tell Asuka to lay off and focus on the mission. She needs to work with Rei as a team, no matter what's going on with her right now. Asuka complains Rei is holding her back. You tell her she needs to accommodate Rei or they'll both die. Asuka says hmpf, fine.

The torpedoes hit the Angel's body underwater. The whirlpool above weakens considerably. It appears you've managed to punch a new hole in its body, which is going to adversely affect the suction it's generating. The water around its body turns black as it bleeds from the wound. Asuka and Rei jump the last little bit of distance onto the Angel's oral disk. Its list seems to be reversing to lean towards you. The oral disk will soon be back underwater, though Unit-02 might be able to stand on it still. You're pretty sure it's tall enough.

The disk itself appears miraculously almost completely unharmed. Rei reports the Angel's AT-Field is at its strongest here. The inner tentacles have begun to curl inwards, towards Unit-02. One of them shoots a tarry substance out of its tip, but Asuka and Rei manage to dodge it without too much trouble. The others follow suit, narrowly missing Unit-02. The pair of them begin trying to neutralize the Angel's AT-Field while you fire another volley of shots at the Angel's body to keep it busy.


What now?

[ ] Asuka and Rei make a break for the Angel's mouth and jump in
[ ] Grenade in the Angel's mouth, Rei and Asuka attack the tentacles
[ ] Grenade to be used on some of the Angel's tentacles, then Rei and Asuka clean up the remainder
Last edited:
[X] Grenade in the Angel's mouth, Rei and Asuka attack the tentacles

Let's see what happens to things that go into the Angel's mouth before we send Asuka and Rei into it.
[X] Grenade in the Angel's mouth, Rei and Asuka attack the tentacles

I am going to approval vote:
[X] Grenade to be used on some of the Angel's tentacles, then Rei and Asuka clean up the remainder
but Indivisible's logic is sound to me. Plus, it might distract the Angel or do some damage. Otherwise, I'm okay with cleaning up the tentacles here and now.
[X] Grenade to be used on some of the Angel's tentacles, then Rei and Asuka clean up the remainder
but Indivisible's logic is sound to me. Plus, it might distract the Angel or do some damage. Otherwise, I'm okay with cleaning up the tentacles here and now.
[X] Grenade in the Angel's mouth, Rei and Asuka attack the tentacles

Maybe it will finally shut up (or at least get a little quieter so REI can focus). Any more holes in it's defence will help when they have to jump either way.
Okay, so one crit fail, and two mid-rolls. So much for "roll low system means my terrible dice luck will actually be good" XD
Ananiel IV: Bewegt
[X] Grenade in the Angel's mouth, Rei and Asuka attack the tentacle
-[X] Roll 1d6: 6 (critical failure)
-[X] Roll 1d100+1d20: 63

Unit-02 throws the grenade into the Angel's gaping maw after dodging another jet of the tarry substance. You signal to the crew to detonate the bombs remotely. The button is pressed and…nothing happens. The bomb doesn't appear to go off at all. The Admiral demands an explanation from his crew, who have no idea what went wrong, but you ignore them. For one reason or another, the grenade failed.

The Angel finally finds its target and a blob of black goop hits Unit-02 in the side of the head, and another catches it in the leg. You hear the two of them scream in pain. It appears to be a sort of acid, and it's corroding Unit-02's armor. Nevertheless, the pair of them continue to try to attack the Angel.

Well, great. It's just not your lucky day, you suppose. As you are about to despair, a fighter jet appears from an elevator onto the ruined flight deck. It's Kaji! Your heart leaps. It seems like he has a trick up his sleeve. Perhaps he's going to do a bombing run to keep the Angel busy? Kaji calls out to you from the plane. He's got to make a "delivery" so he's going to be heading out ahead of you. See you back at HQ! Take care! And with that, the jet takes off and he's gone.

The bridge is speechless for a moment before Horaki says what everyone is thinking. He…ran away.

You are going to kill him.

The Angel pauses its assault for a moment or two as Asuka and Rei manage to successfully dodge another onslaught of black goop. Rei and Asuka seize the opportunity and cut through the Angel's AT-Field quickly. It seems that their combined AT-Field is more than a match for the Angel's. Asuka and Rei take a knife to the closest tentacle…

And they suddenly throw up their AT-Field. You're not sure what's going on. Asuka tells you that the Angel attempted unsuccessfully to electrocute them. Must be a defense mechanism on the tentacles. Seems like it really doesn't want anyone messing with those. Which, you know, the more someone tells Asuka not to do something, the more she wants to do it.

You give the order to take them out with the caveat to avoid getting shocked. Asuka and Rei say they're on it in unison. The pair of them cut through the first of the seven tentacles. The Angel shrieks in pain. You hear Asuka growl something at Rei. You order the remaining munitions be fired at the Angel (taking care to avoid the pilots). The Angel is quickly overwhelmed by the combined assault and the tentacles burst into bloody pulp.

Rei and Asuka cut down the final inner tentacle to reveal a glittering red object at the very bottom of its base. It appears the Angel has seven small cores in the bases of each of its tentacles. Unit-02 limp-runs around the disk and crushes them under its good foot after cutting the rest loose. The Angel makes a raspy, wheezing sound, and the remaining outer tentacles collapse into the sea with a mighty splash.

Sonar confirms the source of the deafening underwater noise has stopped. It appears that the Angel is dead.


You reel Unit-02 back in to the Over the Rainbow. Asuka and Rei exit the plug. Asuka is standing on the deck with her hands on her hips in a triumphant pose. Rei looks unwell. The red plugsuit she borrowed from Asuka is clearly too small for her. Asuka asks what she's sulking for before you can intervene and fuss over your ward. Rei says she's fine. She just needs to lie down for a little. Asuka tells her to suit herself. Rei bows politely to Asuka and stumbles over to the stairwell, where Horaki gives Rei her shoulder to lean on. You're glad you brought Horaki with you.

You look out at what's left of the Fleet. It looks like you've lost at least eight ships, including two battleships. You'd rather not think too much about the casualty counts right now. They will be high.

You approach Asuka and tell her she did well, especially considering the conditions you were fighting in. Asuka preens, greedily sucking up your praise like a sponge. You decide to leave the German language thing for another time. It will need to be addressed, but you think it's best to let Asuka have her victory for now. She earned it. You're sure Gendo will complain in the debriefing later. Her eye and cheek seem a little swollen and red from the acid attack. Seems she got a sympathetic injury. Asuka either doesn't notice or care, and she's in good spirits.

The rest of your trip into New Yokosuka goes uneventfully. Rei reappears as you pull into harbor, back in her casual clothes. Her hair is still matted with LCL, and she looks a little tired, but her condition seems to have improved. She tells you she's doing fine (really, she is uninjured) and goes down the ramp into the harbor with Asuka, who proclaims she is relieved to be on dry land at last.

The Admiral signs your release form in stony silence, avoiding eye contact with you. You thank him for his cooperation. He grunts at you and returns to his ship.

What will you do now?

[ ] Meet with Ritsuko to talk about Rei's condition
[ ] Spend some time with Asuka
[ ] Check to see if Horaki is okay
[X] Check to see if Horaki is okay

Hear me out. No one checked on her and her life is officially weird.