The pallet rifle is intended to be used after suppressing the Angel's AT Field with the Eva's AT Field.

Have to disagree here, the pallet rifle and all other form of long range weaponry in the show was intended to neutralize the Angel's AT-field, for example in episode 19 when Asuka is unloading on Zeruel, she says (I'm neutralizing its At field aren't I) and as with Matarael in episode 11 that was destroyed by the pallet rifle.
Have to disagree here, the pallet rifle and all other form of long range weaponry in the show was intended to neutralize the Angel's AT-field, for example in episode 19 when Asuka is unloading on Zeruel, she says (I'm neutralizing its At field aren't I) and as with Matarael in episode 11 that was destroyed by the pallet rifle.
OK, so let's look at this:

Shamshel: Shinji wastes a bunch of ammo (and then gets his gun chopped in half by lightsaber tentacles) because he's (uncharitable interpretation) too busy focusing on his mantra of "center the target, pull the trigger" to remember to neutralize the Angel's AT Field at a distance before firing or (charitable interpretation) not been properly trained to understand the importance of, and proper technique for, neutralizing the Angel's AT Field at a distance before firing.

Matarael: they explicitly have split duties on the team: one Eva using AT Field defensively to avoid them all getting melted by the bullshittic acid, one Eva using AT Field offensively to erode the Angel's AT Field, and one Eva firing the Pallet Rifle.

Zeruel: well, (1) I'm going to assume that what's going on is that Asuka is doing her best to neutralize the AT Field at range, and is failing to process the fact that she's failing and (2) Zeruel is an absolute beast of an Angel and manages to completely no-sell one of those Nukes With The Serial Numbers Filed Off going off inside its AT Field.
OK, so let's look at this:

Shamshel: Shinji wastes a bunch of ammo (and then gets his gun chopped in half by lightsaber tentacles) because he's (uncharitable interpretation) too busy focusing on his mantra of "center the target, pull the trigger" to remember to neutralize the Angel's AT Field at a distance before firing or (charitable interpretation) not been properly trained to understand the importance of, and proper technique for, neutralizing the Angel's AT Field at a distance before firing.

Matarael: they explicitly have split duties on the team: one Eva using AT Field defensively to avoid them all getting melted by the bullshittic acid, one Eva using AT Field offensively to erode the Angel's AT Field, and one Eva firing the Pallet Rifle.

Zeruel: well, (1) I'm going to assume that what's going on is that Asuka is doing her best to neutralize the AT Field at range, and is failing to process the fact that she's failing and (2) Zeruel is an absolute beast of an Angel and manages to completely no-sell one of those Nukes With The Serial Numbers Filed Off going off inside its AT Field.

I mean don't get me wrong here, I am not defending this weapon, the pallet rifle is horrible, with the one kill to its name being Matarael, who to my knowledge has the weakest AT-field of all of his kind, I am just saying that the show had these weapons as being made to breach the Angels AT-field.
I am just saying that the show had these weapons as being made to breach the Angels AT-field.
The Pallet Rifle is never sold as having AT Field penetrating capabilities; indeed, after reviewing episode 03, I can confirm that Shinji is explicitly told (by Ritsuko, who is the technology expert here...) that he has to neutralize the Angel's AT Field before firing the pallet rifle.

Likewise, in Episode 11, Asuka's plan (which I mis-stated slightly in my previous post) entails one Eva climbing down the shaft to pass the guns back up, one Eva using its AT Field to protect them from the Angels and neutralizing the Angel's AT Field, and one Eva using the guns (once retrieved) to kill the Angel.
New Arrival IX: Acid Rain
[X] Talk with Asuka about what to expect working at NERV. Focus on the other pilots, but be vague on the details. It's important for Asuka to know what she's getting into, but the others have a right to their privacy.
-[X] Also let her know about the upcoming merchandising, so she can let marketing know about her preferences on that end before they actually start up print runs.
-[X] Try and steer her away from making public appearances, play up how boring the preparation work is.

You ring Asuka up and manage to get ahold of her surprisingly easily. She informs you she was bored and is glad you're calling. She can't wait to get off this stupid boat and back onto dry land. She declares travel by ship is so dated. Nobody was meant to travel like this. And so on. You let her vent for a little before taking control of the conversation back. It's best to let her have her say, even if what she's saying is frankly kind of annoying to listen to.

You decide to tell her about the pilots. You do your best to paint them in a positive light. You emphasize Rei's determination to get the job done and her intelligence. You tell her you think she and Asuka will get along. This is absolutely a lie, but it doesn't hurt to try to manufacture some consent. You also emphasize Shinji's courage and kindness. Asuka sounds mildly bored listening to this, but she says she's looking forward to meeting the other two pilots, and admits she's been curious about the First Child for a while. You also add that Rei and Shinji are a little shy around strangers, and you tell her to be nice. They're sensitive. Asuka sounds annoyed. Yeah, yeah, she'll be nice. Whatever. You don't think you're going to get any further with her on this topic right now, so you change the subject.

You inform her about the merchandising stuff. She seems to brighten up a bit. It's about time people began recognizing her contributions. You refrain from mentioning she hasn't actually killed any Angels yet. Marketing will contact her some time after she settles in to talk about her preferences for her image. Sounds great. Asuka's up for pretty much anything as long as it isn't too pervy. Boys can be so…ugh, you know? You sympathize with her. They really can be. You try unsuccessfully to steer her away from making public appearances by stressing how boring all the prep work is and how annoying fans can potentially be, but if anything, it seems to embolden Asuka to prove you wrong. Oops.

You also touch on the state of Tokyo-3 right now. Oh gross, is any of that stuff going to mess up her skin? You advise her not to go outside when it rains without protection. Ugh, great. Asuka says she's going to bother one of the scientists there about whether she needs to adjust her skincare routine. She heard it was like, really humid in Japan? You tell her it's been midsummer in Japan for about fifteen years now. Asuka sighs dramatically. Definitely will need to change some things up, then.

Europe has been rather chilly due to an unusual cold blob forming in the Baltic Sea and off the coast of northern Europe. Something about the Gulf Stream turning off after the Second Impact. Asuka whines about how frequent and heavy the rain is back home in Berlin. You know that they're predicting the Baltic Sea's surface could freeze any winter now? You let her go on about the Second Little Ice Age for a bit before letting her go.

You hang up the phone. Talking to Asuka is…exhausting. Still, you have to do your best to treat her with the care and understanding she needs. She's just a kid, whether she likes it or not. You just hope you're up to the task.

You pick Rei up from Horaki's. Rei seems to be in a good mood. She and Horaki did some window shopping and ate some sweets. Mostly normal girl stuff. Rei also tells you the two of them talked about boys. You almost swerve off the road. Rei says Horaki told her to keep what they discussed a secret, but she can talk about if you really need her to. You're sorely tempted to give the order but decide to let it go. You tell her it's alright, you're not that interested. You are lying. You're glad Rei is a bit guileless still.

You decide to give Rei the Asuka Talk, since it's just the two of you right now. You go over the same points as you did with Shinji. Rei seems…nervous. Her face is impassive, but there's a definite tension in her posture that you pick up on. Rei's not certain why a person like Asuka would be chosen to be a pilot, since she seems……Rei refrains from voicing her thought here, as she's clearly having trouble articulating one that doesn't outright sound unkind. You shrug at her. Everyone has their circumstances. You remind Rei she wasn't sure about Shinji being a pilot, but he saved her life in the last fight. Rei doesn't respond, seemingly deep in thought.

It starts to rain. You swear and speed up, taking some risky maneuvers to get home before it really starts coming down. You manage to pull into your parking spot right before the sky opens up, and it starts pouring down after you close your front door. You and Rei quickly shower off to get any parts of you exposed to the rain clean. A mild rash forms on the back of Rei's hand, but both of you are otherwise unharmed. Rei snuggles with Guin2​ on the couch and falls asleep. Outside, the rainwater flows on the streets covered with a layer of soap-like foam. That's probably not good. You hope nobody was caught in this storm.

Rei has now recovered from her concussion. Her memory around the end of the last Angel fight is still a little fuzzy, but she's back to normal (for Rei). There is one week remaining until Asuka arrives.

Select one of the following for each:
Talk to Rei about:
Talk to Shinji about:

[ ] General well-being
[ ] Mood
[ ] The past
[ ] The present
[ ] The future

[ ] Yourself
[ ] Friends
[ ] Romance

[ ] NERV
[ ] School
[ ] Home
[ ] Tokyo-3
[ ] The World


Select two of the following for each pilot (if the same activity is selected for two pilots, they will attend that activity together):

[ ] Combat training
[ ] Synchronization training
[ ] Physical training
[ ] Study
[ ] Arts program
[ ] Go out/free time

Special Activity

You may do one special activity of your choosing each week. It won't raise Rei's stats, but you can use it to bond with her, affect her mood, or solve her problems. Additionally, you can also use this slot to pursue your own projects, if any. This is not controlled by majority vote. The QM will merely choose the most entertaining one. Note that this activity does not have to include the pilots.
[X] Shinji: Combat training
[X] Shinji: Physical training
[X] Rei: Physical training
[X] Rei: Synchronization training

Probably best for them to not be rusty to make a good impression on Asuka.
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You also touch on the state of Tokyo-3 right now. Oh gross, is any of that stuff going to mess up her skin? You advise her not to go outside when it rains without protection. Ugh, great. Asuka says she's going to bother one of the scientists there about whether she needs to adjust her skincare routine. She heard it was like, really humid in Japan? You tell her it's been midsummer in Japan for about fifteen years now. Asuka sighs dramatically. Definitely will need to change some things up, then.

Europe has been rather chilly due to an unusual cold blob forming in the Baltic Sea and off the coast of northern Europe. Something about the Gulf Stream turning off after the Second Impact. Asuka whines about how frequent and heavy the rain is back home in Berlin. You know that they're predicting the Baltic Sea's surface could freeze any winter now? You let her go on about the Second Little Ice Age for a bit before letting her go.
This really sells that Eva-Earth is already fucked, even without any Angels or Instrumentality or whatever. Really, it's a miracle pre-Second Impact nation-states have been able to somewhat maintain themselves.
Ew, acid rain. I didn't chime in for that vote, but I guess for purposes of not looking like liars, it's good we told everyone the situation.
I want to point this out:

Rei snuggles with Guin2 on the couch and falls asleep.
It's something that struck me this time, but Rei doesn't actually spend that much time in her room by herself. She obviously feels safe enough to retreat there (thinking of the boundaries conversation, specifically). When she has a preference, after spending a weekend/sleepover with Hikari, she chooses to crash on the couch, in her public-private space.

I am also burning with curiosity about the boy-talk she had, but part of respecting boundaries is not immediately trampling them over the slightest thing. Maybe we can ask Hikari.

She feels safe and comfortable enough around Misato and Shinji to do that. I might be overthinking this, but yeah. We've definitely made her happier, healthier, and just more of a person than she was.

Wrt training this week, I think maybe give Shinji a break from phys. Avoid that strenuous block two weeks in a row, y'know?
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Progress! And, presumably, an oncoming unmitigateable disaster!

Plan time, with Thoughts:

Talk to Rei and Shinji about:
[X] The World
It's been brought up in-narrative and I think it'd be interesting to know their thoughts. I'm not sure we've asked them about this yet, either.

[X] Synchronization training
[X] Combat Training
Mostly to get her back up to speed; standard protocols will apply from following weeks. I'm not averse to changing one of these to a less-NERV activity, though.
[X] Synchronization Training
[X] Go Out
We've yet to actually dedicate time to Shinji on his own, so let's do that. I'm not committed to Sync over Combat, so that's flexible.

Special Activity:
[X] Get things prepared for Asuka's arrival, make sure she'll actually get a room with Misato at some point, and make sure she's not too far from the apartment (or at least a Geo-Front entry point) in her hotel.

I still want to do some prep work for the next Angel, but time's a-pressing.
Rei also tells you the two of them talked about boys. You almost swerve off the road. Rei says Horaki told her to keep what they discussed a secret, but she can talk about if you really need her to. You're sorely tempted to give the order but decide to let it go.
My Sync ratings with Misato reached 100% when i read this. I'm so curious to know what they talked about!

[X]Rei: The World
[X] Shinji: Friends
Rei really likes to watch documentaries in this quest, so why not try to learn more about her interests? Talk about nature, biomes and other interesting places in the world.
And let's see how things are going with Shinji and his friends. It's been a while since we last heard of them, and I want to know how things are going on that front because, honestly, they're probably the most normal relationship Shinji has.

[X] Shinji: Combat training
[X] Shinji: Arts program
[X] Rei: Physical training
[X] Rei: Synchronization training
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Talk to
[X]Rei: The World
[X] Shinji: Friends

[X] Study
[X] Combat Training

[X] Physical training
[X] Go Out

Special Activity:
[X] Get things prepared for Asuka's arrival, make sure she'll actually get a room with Misato at some point, and make sure she's not too far from the apartment (or at least a Geo-Front entry point) in her hotel.

P.S. - However, I really want to take a photo of Rei-chan sleeping with a plush penguin and send the photo to Ritsuko-san. Hell, that's a very difficult choice.
[X] Shinji: Combat training
[X] Shinji: Physical training
[X] Rei: Physical training
[X] Rei: Synchronization training

Probably for them to not be rusty to make a good impression on Asuka.
Yeesh you're quick friend. If necessary, next week we can probably use a special activity that uses Asuka's energy that doesn't exhaust the others (Lasertag? Volleyball?). I... actually hope we can make everyone friends here. I'm Rei/Asuka till the end, but not if it requires throwing people under the bus. They'll have plenty of time to find each other when peace is won.

[X] Shinji: Combat training
[X] Shinji: Go out: Shopping for audio equipment and music compatible with his player.
[X] Shinji: Royalties
-[X] We kinda felt bad not being prepared when he asked before, so we're gonna go through it with him. It'll help us not get caught flat footed by anything PR didn't realize would be an issue too!
[X] Rei: Physical training
[X] Rei: Synchronization training
[X] Rei: PenPen
-[X] We know GuinGuin isn't really the same, so we can tell you all about how to max out PenPen cuddles on his terms (We've known him for a while after all). If Rei doesn't mind, we're also here for a hug whenever!
[X] Get things prepared for Asuka's arrival, make sure we have a larger apartment or a neighboring pair of apartments in the works, and make sure she's not too far from where we are now (or at least a Geo-Front entry point) in her hotel.

Shinji is really the reasonable one in the group. I hope he knows we appreciate that (and that we see him as anything but a horn dog. I really think Misato is just riffing of of perfect nice boy Shinji). I took the idea of not doubling up in mind and am suggesting compatible accoutrement for his player (an AC port and adapter cables go a long way, and I like the idea of audiophile Shinji. It'll be good for if we have to split folks off with a second apartment, since he then gets a place to chill with friends, and we have plenty of reason to hang with him for events of he wants). For Rei, the thing about Misato is that her bones probably don't crunch as easy as a birds.

The special action is just right. I'd like to get Gendo's word on stuff but we've been told he has no opinion, and since we don't really want them getting swamped either I'm willing to do what he will want and pull the Shepard's crook on Asuka when she needs us to, whether she wants or not (though hopefully it won't come to that, as we want her to succeed).

I must see it!

(I still need to think about the move - to do a special action or not. When did we go to the movies last?)
Actually, given how tired they'll be, maybe Movies will be good for Shinji and Rei. Maybe catch an action comedy so Asuka doesn't crawl out of her skin though.
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Damn! Pen Pen bigger than I thought! Still, my Penguin advice stands. Hyper intelligent aquatic birds still have different tells than humans, and given REI is still working on that I think she will appreciate it. Who wouldn't want to max time with that absolute unit!?
Rei snuggles with Guin2

Aww our bluebird snuggling with her bird.

[X] Shinji: Friends
How is everything going with Suzuhara and Aida.
[X] Rei: School
How is school life been treating her, anything interesting happen?

[X] Shinji: Combat training
[X] Rei: Combat training
More unit, reflexes and fireteam training would be good

[X] Shinji: Arts program
[X] Rei: Arts program
Really liked the concept, Shinji playing his music while Rei paints or creates something else, should see about getting Asuka into this when she gets here.

[X] Get things prepared for Asuka's arrival, make sure we have a larger apartment or a neighboring pair of apartments in the works, and make sure she's not too far from where we are now (or at least a Geo-Front entry point) in her hotel.
Really wanted to have a at least one phone conversation between the pilots before she got here, but being just a week away its more important to get things ready for her arrival.
Just to be clear, my write ins for talks aren't going against any guidelines right? I don't want to be pushing that kinda stuff if write ins are more strict for the quest (not the least of which because I know that gets old fast) since I worry about overstepping bounds. I'm fine with folks wanting to do other stuff so long as it isn't because I'm missing something that should be obvious.

If they're just too specific or long for anyone that's something else I'd like to know. I like these sorts of quests and all, and want to be an enjoyable participant if possible.

edit: To be clear I just get a little self conscious sometimes everyone here is cool. Sorry about that.
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I'd prefer talk topics to be selected from the menu, if you don't mind. You're free to specify a direction or specifics, but please make them options from that list.
I very much appreciate the feedback. Feel like it's fine to focus on Shinji, since it doesn't really vary too much from everyone else, so what we learn from this is probably similarly applicable to Asuka an Rei (though I suspect he will be the most conscientious of this whole arrangement). PenPen is obviously a friend, so..

[X] Shinji: Combat training
[X] Shinji: Go out
-[X] Shopping for audio equipment and music compatible with his player.
[X] Shinji: Yourself
-[X] We kinda felt bad not being prepared when he asked before, so we're gonna go through it with him.
[X] Rei: Physical training
[X] Rei: Synchronization training
[X] Rei: Friends
-[X] We know GuinGuin isn't really the same, so we can tell you all about how to max out PenPen cuddles on his terms (We've known him for a while after all). If Rei doesn't mind, we're also here for a hug whenever!
[X] Get things prepared for Asuka's arrival, make sure we have a larger apartment or a neighboring pair of apartments in the works, and make sure she's not too far from where we are now (or at least a Geo-Front entry point) in her hotel.

If I missed the mark do let me know!
Talk about:
[X] Rei: The World
[X] Shinji: The World

[X] Rei: Synchronization training
[X] Rei: Combat Training
[X] Shinji: Synchronization Training
[X] Shinji: Go Out

Special Activity:
[X] Get things prepared for Asuka's arrival, make sure we have a larger apartment or a neighboring pair of apartments in the works, and make sure she's not too far from where we are now (or at least a Geo-Front entry point) in her hotel.
Talk about:
[X] Rei: The World
[X] Shinji: Friends

[X] Rei: Synchronization training
[X] Rei: Combat Training
[X] Shinji: Combat Training
[X] Shinji: Go Out

Special Activity:
[X] When Asuka arrives next week you're only going to get busier, so take a bit of time to yourself to mentally prepare. Maybe hang out with Ritsuko or one of the others.
I will say that I think the previous event regarding Penpen, where we told Rei Penpen also has boundaries and such... It strikes me that the way it turned out was more abstract than necessary. What I mean by that is Misato took a swerve towards... Ah fuck it. I'm tipsy, words hard.

So the whole thing is that all kids need to be taught that animals don't like certain touches, treatment, and etc. And if you keep doing those things the animal will be unhappy and potentially hurt you. You have to respect the animal's needs for it to like you and come to you of it's own will. Fairly expected, all in all. Videos where cats slap obnoxious toddlers is practically a genre.

There are children's books and articles focused on teaching parents how to teach their kids, yeah? Well, there's some on how to yeah your children to be gentle with pets! "Tails are not for pulling."

I don't think that Rei 100% needed to be told exactly what she was in the story post or even given a plush penguin. I think she just... Needed to be taught that holding onto Penpen too tightly is physically uncomfortable or painful for him. We might want to clarify that at some point.
I will say that I think the previous event regarding Penpen, where we told Rei Penpen also has boundaries and such... It strikes me that the way it turned out was more abstract than necessary. What I mean by that is Misato took a swerve towards... Ah fuck it. I'm tipsy, words hard.

So the whole thing is that all kids need to be taught that animals don't like certain touches, treatment, and etc. And if you keep doing those things the animal will be unhappy and potentially hurt you. You have to respect the animal's needs for it to like you and come to you of it's own will. Fairly expected, all in all. Videos where cats slap obnoxious toddlers is practically a genre.

There are children's books and articles focused on teaching parents how to teach their kids, yeah? Well, there's some on how to yeah your children to be gentle with pets! "Tails are not for pulling."

I don't think that Rei 100% needed to be told exactly what she was in the story post or even given a plush penguin. I think she just... Needed to be taught that holding onto Penpen too tightly is physically uncomfortable or painful for him. We might want to clarify that at some point.
Well yeah that's kinda what I was going for. You think it would help to modify my talk more towards correcting ourselves, or does making sure she just knows how to PenPen and that we also are available for hugs seem like its good?
[X]Rei: The World
[X] Shinji: Friends

[X] Shinji: Combat training
[X] Shinji: Go Out
-[X] Shopping for audio equipment and music compatible with his player.
[X] Rei: Physical training
[X] Rei: Synchronization training

Special Activity:
[X] Get things prepared for Asuka's arrival, make sure we have a larger apartment or a neighboring pair of apartments in the works, and make sure she's not too far from where we are now (or at least a Geo-Front entry point) in her hotel.