Y'all selling out is going to use the kids the way a desperate narcissist uses her kids to relieve her modeling days. Where do you see the three classic pilots ten years from now after being involved in Japan's idol fuckery?
Don't worry, that's merely the first step in starting Rei's idol career! Shinji could play his cello or just work as her water boy I guess.
Dearest journal,

After a whole 48 pages of people being gung-ho about mental health for Rei, I must report that upon Cinco De Mayo I awoke to a most peculiar shift. It was as if the skies themselves had shifted. As I checked the thread I found a similar sense of unfamiliarity. To my surprise there was an an endless vote for selling out. Clearly the work of people whose inner most desire is to own various forms of Eva merchandise, of course, but a part of me jumps to more sinister causes...

I will tentatively investigate this change in priorities. Hopefully this is merely paranoia, and not anything more.
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Y'all selling out is going to use the kids the way a desperate narcissist uses her kids to relieve her modeling days. Where do you see the three classic pilots ten years from now after being involved in Japan's idol fuckery? They're already child soldiers. I cannot advise against it enough. Unless we can negotiate that selling out only involves the robots or a fucking Pepsi Cola badge on the plug suits.
I mean to be fair Misato went basically from brat to traumatized teen to military recruit. This basically has little to no connection to her life. As far as selling out goes I'm mainly trying to keep it limited to whatever they are okay with (read: Whatever Shinji is okay with since we are probably gonna keep Rei's to whatever Shinji's is because-- ughhhh oh my god guys we shouldn't be doing this we are figuratively pressing every big 'piss off Gendo' button I can think of. Jesus...

We need to talk with Gendo on this (and by Gendo I mean Fuyutsuki or someone who can talk to him about the potential benefits so he can tell Gendo). He is going to start immediately typing away at his 'how to fuck over Misato and everyone she cares about' document the second he catches wind of this. It has money potential to be relevant to even NERV due to it's global scope and the intense cultural strength real live giant robots and monsters would lend (like this stuff could instantly create a giant robot craze that could reach Disney levels of value). The contracts alone should help with smoothing things out for a year or two for staff and public attention (to encourage governmental participation to increase), but it means little if we lose control of the kids because Gendo takes his frustrations out on us.

[X] Do not
-[X] Unless Fuyutsuki somehow thinks Gendo would approve of any level of this (assuming the Kids would themselves). The potential from the media contracts alone could handle staff funding issues, and holding the attention of the entire world would open up potential avenues for further investment by governments is nothing to sneeze at, but it isn't going to matter much if the kids get ripped away from you by a vengeful Gendo and then have to eat a shit sandwich because you got greedy.
[X] Appeal using your personal brand, which is particularly strong given your apparently amazing interview skills. This casts a wider net, and may attract some people mostly only interested in you, but hey, it's not like you're in this for the right reasons either.

We either need to try to build some real Gendo cred (which is gonna be touch and go to say the least) if we wanna get anywhere or be ready to carefully as hell toe the line until we can basically pull off a pilot mutiny once he tries to tang everyone (read, a Rei mutiny since he basically eats shit if she says no to ending the world). Neither of these include selling out, at least not without express permission in writing so he can't fucking twist this on us.

EDIT: Otherwise we need to repair this to the extent we can/prepare for his counterattack. We are going to play hell trying to predict what he'll do, besides 'some real annoying shit that snaps away our opportunities to provide humanizing time for our pilots' It's basically gonna need a mini munity to get him to relent at all, and we will still be worse off (with probably a significantly reduced payoff from what we were expecting due to the shitstorm).
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New Arrival VIII: Misato Katsuragi Presents: Misato Sells Out
[X] Appeal using your personal brand, which is particularly strong given your apparently amazing interview skills. This casts a wider net, and may attract some people mostly only interested in you, but hey, it's not like you're in this for the right reasons either.

You decide to put your newfound celebrity status to work. You and PR do a photo shoot to have posters of you aping Lord Kitchener with I WANT YOU TO JOIN NERV printed underneath. You haven't had this much fun in years. You have your interview rebroadcast a few more times and hold a press conference seeking recruits. You wink at the TV camera. PR says they want to do a television commercial at some point. You can tell the head of PR has wanted to do this for probably years, but Gendo had never asked them.

[X] Sell out
-[X] To the extent that our pilots permit. You did just get through talking about boundaries.

You assent to the merchandising deal with some stipulations; one: they get the go-ahead from the pilots on anything they try to do, and two: no merchandise of the Angels. Just make up monsters for them to fight if they need more toys. The First Angel killed 3 billion people. Making a figure of it is just crass. The PR department readily agrees. The head of PR looks like he's going to burst from happiness. Well, alright then. They'll be in touch with you and the pilots soon regarding their initiatives. They're going to wait for the Second Child's arrival in Tokyo-3 before they start doing merchandise of the pilots. Probably for the best.

You inform the pilots in question over dinner. Shinji, who was in the middle of complimenting your press conference, trails off midsentence. Rei seems indifferent, which doesn't surprise you much. Rei just asks how much of her time it will take up. She is a pilot, first and foremost. Don't forget that, Captain. She sounds unsettlingly Gendo-like as she says this. You and Shinji exchange a look. You tell her that her piloting and schoolwork come first. Rei seems satisfied with this and goes back to her dinner. Shinji asks if they're going to get paid. Uhhhh…yes…? You kind of don't remember what the royalty policy was…you're pretty sure there was one…

Shinji doesn't look very convinced and folds his arms. You shrug apologetically at him. If it makes him feel any better, feeding the two of them comes directly out of your pocket. Shinji sighs and tells you that you should spend less on beer. Pffft, nah. Not going to happen.

Shinji doesn't really have any strong opinion on this initiative (at least not one he's willing to share with you), but he seems skeptical. He has no idea why he should have to do this. But he'll do it. For now. You teasingly tell him he'll be able to get any girl he wants soon. He turns red and mumbles something under his breath. Rei fixes her gaze on you and frowns. Oh, come on, lighten up, Rei. She turns her attention to Shinji for a while before excusing herself from the table and going to play DDR with Pen2​. Shinji just watches her from the couch with Guin2​ slumped over on his side next to him.

Reactions at NERV are mixed. You drop Rei off at Horaki's house before going to do some weekend work regarding the whole "decontaminating the city" thing. Important, but blegh. It's dry work. The First Lieutenants all seem pretty happy with the marketing campaign. Aoba in particular thinks it will lighten up the place a bit. Hyuga collects Gundam figures apparently, so he asks you to ask PR to get him free model kits if they make them. You tell him you'll just give him your samples. Hyuga looks at you as if you are a great and powerful goddess. You add that in exchange, he can pick up your laundry. He looks…a little less enthusiastic, but he still wants those kits. Deal made.

Ritsuko thinks it's rather silly but thinks it's mostly harmless, though she expresses seemingly genuine concern about Rei being in the public eye. She's not exactly…normal. Ritsuko can't really predict what sort of effects it will have on Rei's psyche. Please keep an eye on her.

Fuyutsuki seems slightly bemused by the entire thing but tells you keep a close watch on the pilots. They have a reputation to uphold here, and well…they're teenagers. He has some misgivings about them being the face of the organization, but maybe this course was inevitable. They are the ones saving the world, after all. The public naturally would be attracted to them. Still, for the sake of this poor old man, at the very least, please make sure they don't do anything stupid.

Gendo has no feelings on this whatsoever that he's willing to disclose to you. He's focused on the investigation of staff right now. Just make sure the pilots get into the Evangelions when the Angels show up.

With that out of the way, you check your calendar and realize that Asuka's arrival is just a week away. You should probably call her and give her a rundown of what's going on. And just generally welcome her and prepare her for her stint here. Plus, you can't imagine she has any great company on the Pacific Fleet (other than your spy).

You pick up the phone.

What do you want to tell/talk about with Asuka?

[ ] Write-in
I feel like we shouldn't say anything about Fuchs as that might tip him off, but maybe we should talk about the PR initiative?
Rei just asks how much of her time it will take up. She is a pilot, first and foremost. Don't forget that, Captain. She sounds unsettlingly Gendo-like as she says this. You and Shinji exchange a look.
Ugh, hard to tell if this is promising sass, or worrying backsliding. Fuckin' Gendo.

You teasingly tell him he'll be able to get any girl he wants soon. He turns red and mumbles something under his breath. Rei fixes her gaze on you and frowns. Oh, come on, lighten up, Rei. She turns her attention to Shinji for a while before excusing herself from the table and going to play DDR with Pen2.
Oh man does he have the hots for Misato in this timeline now? Because she introduced herself as basically Rei's mom-figure, he didn't have a chance to imprint on her that same way (and thus twist himself onto a weird oedipal knot about it. Shinji's resourceful though, I'm sure he can find new and interesting ways to mantle Oedipus).

Just make sure the pilots get into the Evangelions when the Angels show up.
Fuch you buddy, we got your son in the robot without needing to pressure him with an injured Rei and an Angel over his head.

I feel like we shouldn't say anything about Fuchs as that might tip him off, but maybe we should talk about the PR initiative?
Uh. Just had a thought, do you all think that action figures models ping as close enough to dolls to set off Asuka >_>? I guess it's already taken care of by the 'respect the pilot's boundaries' thing we baked into it, but still.
Y'all selling out is going to use the kids the way a desperate narcissist uses her kids to relieve her modeling days. Where do you see the three classic pilots ten years from now after being involved in Japan's idol fuckery? They're already child soldiers. I cannot advise against it enough. Unless we can negotiate that selling out only involves the robots or a fucking Pepsi Cola badge on the plug suits.
Dearest journal,

After a whole 48 pages of people being gung-ho about mental health for Rei, I must report that upon Cinco De Mayo I awoke to a most peculiar shift. It was as if the skies themselves had shifted. As I checked the thread I found a similar sense of unfamiliarity. To my surprise there was an an endless vote for selling out. Clearly the work of people whose inner most desire is to own various forms of Eva merchandise, of course, but a part of me jumps to more sinister causes...

I will tentatively investigate this change in priorities. Hopefully this is merely paranoia, and not anything more.
I was under the impression that Sell Out would be selling out NERV and the Eva-Angel conflict in general, not the pilots in specific?

I feel like we shouldn't say anything about Fuchs as that might tip him off, but maybe we should talk about the PR initiative?
That feels like the sort of detail we don't need to bother Asuka with until she arrives. And also the sort of detail that would probably piss her off if we broke the news wrong. Maybe wait until we can see her facial expressions and body language, neh?

Far as I can tell, the only time we talked with Asuka "on-screen" was this conversation, where we mostly discussed sticking her in a hotel. I don't think the plan of where she's going to live, at least in the short term, has changed since then (ie, I don't remember getting the notice that we have to take care of Asuka too, yet). So it seems to me that the biggest thing we'd have to talk with her about it Rei and Shinji, her new colleagues.

[X] Talk with Asuka about what to expect working at NERV. Focus on the other pilots, but be vague on the details. It's important for Asuka to know what she's getting into, but the others have a right to their privacy.
[X] Talk with Asuka about what to expect working at NERV. Focus on the other pilots, but be vague on the details. It's important for Asuka to know what she's getting into, but the others have a right to their privacy.

I think Asuka's going into a hotel while we get her a separate apartment in the same building.
[X] Talk with Asuka about what to expect working at NERV. Focus on the other pilots, but be vague on the details. It's important for Asuka to know what she's getting into, but the others have a right to their privacy.
-[X] Also let her know about the upcoming merchandising, so she can let marketing know about her preferences on that end before they actually start up print runs
[X] Talk with Asuka about what to expect working at NERV. Focus on the other pilots, but be vague on the details. It's important for Asuka to know what she's getting into, but the others have a right to their privacy.
I feel like we shouldn't say anything about Fuchs as that might tip him off, but maybe we should talk about the PR initiative?
What are the chances of "Fuchs" just being Ryoji Kaji trolling people????
[X] Talk with Asuka about what to expect working at NERV. Focus on the other pilots, but be vague on the details. It's important for Asuka to know what she's getting into, but the others have a right to their privacy.
[X] Talk with Asuka about what to expect working at NERV. Focus on the other pilots, but be vague on the details. It's important for Asuka to know what she's getting into, but the others have a right to their privacy.
-[X] Also let her know about the upcoming merchandising, so she can let marketing know about her preferences on that end before they actually start up print runs
[X] Talk with Asuka about what to expect working at NERV. Focus on the other pilots, but be vague on the details. It's important for Asuka to know what she's getting into, but the others have a right to their privacy.
-[X] Also let her know about the upcoming merchandising, so she can let marketing know about her preferences on that end before they actually start up print runs
I still think we should make sure the pilots are very much secondary to any marketing; i.e. keep any interviews/appearances to a minimum (we have Gendo's sign-off on that - remember, he said "make sure the pilots get in the Eva", and they can't do that if they're doing a stage show in Hokkaido), make sure any apperances are carefully scripted, and put any focus squarely on how cool our robots are.

My general feeling is that it'll do them some good to be seen as heroes, lord knows they need the positive feedback, but we definitely do not want them to be in the spotlight. Fame does weird things to adults, let alone 14-year-olds who have severe problems. I'll admit that I initially thought the pilots would be excluded entirely, which is one of the reasons I changed my vote, but this compromise can work.

Also I'm reasonably sure PR is going to have a nightmare spinning "we use literal children in battle" to the public.

As to voting:
[X] Talk with Asuka about what to expect working at NERV. Focus on the other pilots, but be vague on the details. It's important for Asuka to know what she's getting into, but the others have a right to their privacy.
-[X] Also let her know about the upcoming merchandising, so she can let marketing know about her preferences on that end before they actually start up print runs.
-[X] Try and steer her away from making public appearances, play up how boring the preparation work is.
(Likely not going to work, given how famous Misato currently is, but figured I should add this)
[X] Talk with Asuka about what to expect working at NERV. Focus on the other pilots, but be vague on the details. It's important for Asuka to know what she's getting into, but the others have a right to their privacy.
-[X] Also let her know about the upcoming merchandising, so she can let marketing know about her preferences on that end before they actually start up print runs.
-[X] Try and steer her away from making public appearances, play up how boring the preparation work is.

Edit: More time to have her interact with her fellow pilots (superbest friendshipping her with Rei sounds good, especially if it gets her to not fixate on Misatos ex as much. I know it's crack but I can't help what I find cute).

Does anyone know if we should give the pilots a chance to talk over the phone? Actually, do they have phones, or is that not a thing here?

Also Rei needs to know we can also dispense hugs (and penguin handling tips from the expert herself, since I doubt PenPen is entirely against cuddles, just not bear hugs that make his little bones creak). First hug GET.

Edit: and reducing our beer intake might be possible, if we just limit it the two nights BEFORE we expect our hardest workdays for our sleep (which alcohol hurts) if nothing else. We'll be a little more able enjoy beer due to reduced tolerance, and we can use the extra cash for fancier beer (sorry Shinji no savings yet)!
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[X] Talk with Asuka about what to expect working at NERV. Focus on the other pilots, but be vague on the details. It's important for Asuka to know what she's getting into, but the others have a right to their privacy.
-[X] Also let her know about the upcoming merchandising, so she can let marketing know about her preferences on that end before they actually start up print runs.
-[X] Try and steer her away from making public appearances, play up how boring the preparation work is.
[X] Talk with Asuka about what to expect working at NERV. Focus on the other pilots, but be vague on the details. It's important for Asuka to know what she's getting into, but the others have a right to their privacy.
-[X] Also let her know about the upcoming merchandising, so she can let marketing know about her preferences on that end before they actually start up print runs.
-[X] Try and steer her away from making public appearances, play up how boring the preparation work is.
And to be clear we will probably try to support her if she does anyway, but if she looks like she's gonna blow we're gonna have to pull the plug before she pops, even if she resents it. Gendo is only gonna care one of his pilots is performing shitty, and we care too much to do that just so we don't have to tell her no.

She'll get tired of it pretty quick anyway, especially if she starts falling behind the other pilots.Id love to push her and Rei together but I think I'm gonna have to just make sure we keep stuff balanced for when we have to unbalance stuff, which will happen.
Even if she doesn't go for what we suggest, we can still support her until we have to cut her off for her own sake (and ours, since Gendo isn't gonna understand letting someone crash and burn and honestly I wouldn't even blame him for making us eat a shit sandwich of we did). Better her to be grumpy than resentful that we didn't intervene if we knew this would happen.
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Tell Asuka about the city. She'll want to know about her school, where she's living, and also probably the things she would like (where the mall is)
Just found this quest and I am loving it so far!

Side note: I just discovered how pathetic the pallet gun really is. According to Eva Anima the gun fired a 209mm round at around 8 Megajoules of force which sounds impressive…until you realize that this 127mm naval gun the US navy uses fires at 10 megajoiules of force:
5"/54 caliber Mark 45 gun - Wikipedia

Hell there were experimental railgun back in 2008 that fired at the 10MJ force.

If Nerv anticipated the angels could shrug off nukes then why did they give their pilots such underpowered weapons? Did they think if they shot enough rounds fast enough it would be enough to break through? Cause with the exception of Materiel they were dead wrong on that guess.
The pallet rifle is intended to be used after suppressing the Angel's AT Field with the Eva's AT Field.
Yeah but given Sachiel was still intact mostly despite its AT field failing under the force of the N2 mine I would think that after seeing that they would have immediately commenced work on a more powerful ranged weapon.