[X] Present Asuka as someone troubled, but be vague on the details. Asuka has a right to her privacy, but it's important for Shinji to know what he's getting into.
[X] Present Asuka as someone troubled, but be vague on the details. Asuka has a right to her privacy, but it's important for Shinji to know what he's getting into.
[X] Present Asuka as someone troubled, but be vague on the details. Asuka has a right to her privacy, but it's important for Shinji to know what he's getting into.
Perhaps throw in a bit of "just because she's troubled doesn't excuse her abusing you, if she does" and "I'm being intentionally vague to preserve her privacy, don't go prying yourself."
RE: how Misato knows all Asuka's backstory, she actually took care of the girl in canon for a while IIRC - and is friends mortal enemies with someone else who has constant contact with her.

RE: the update:
Rei's a bit upset, but I'm slightly optimistic because it's the "I have so much to learn" sort of upset, not the "My ersatz mom is taking away my toys" sort of upset. We're probably going to need to work more on it - I could have turned that write-in into a big speech about privacy and freedom, but that would have likely caused its own problems. One thought is that we could let Rei decide what to do for a non-NERV activity next week, she might be at the point where she can actually make that decision and it'd reinforce the idea of self-actualisation.
[X] Present Asuka as someone troubled, but be vague on the details. Asuka has a right to her privacy, but it's important for Shinji to know what he's getting into.
[X] Present Asuka as normally as you can. Talk about some of her bad habits and likes and dislikes but be brief. You don't want him to form too many indirect impressions of her.

Quite frankly even if we revealed everything to Shinji he's not going to be able to do much with that information and it will likely scare him off. Warning him without giving him any details will just be worse. Let's just give him some basic info so he doesn't immediately piss Asuka off. That's really the best we can hope for.
New Arrival V: About Asuka
[x] Present Asuka as someone troubled, but be vague on the details. Asuka has a right to her privacy, but it's important for the others to know what they're getting into.

You decide to have a serious conversation about Asuka's issues without getting too personal about the root causes of them. You knew Asuka briefly when you were serving in NERV Germany, but didn't care for her in the same capacity you've been caring for the other two pilots. Still, you've seen enough to know Shinji should be prepared for dealing with her.

You tell Shinji point blank that she has trouble interacting with other people. Shinji hesitates for a second. Like Rei? You think about this question. You suppose they both have interpersonal issues, but you've never really thought of them as similar. You avoid the question. You tell Shinji that Asuka had a difficult childhood (which is an understatement) without getting into the why, and say she might lash out at people. You characterize Asuka as a person quick to anger, but you make a point to say she's sensitive and hurting on the inside. Shinji seems intimidated.

You see that his impression of Asuka isn't a positive one, so you try to round out Asuka a bit by listing her positive qualities and sharing a few stories. She's intelligent, she's interesting, she's funny, she's absolutely excellent at pranks, she loves new things, she's brave. Shinji still looks worried, but he seems at least interested in meeting her. You also mention she's an attractive half-American girl. Isn't that something, Shinji? Shinji turns red and asks you to cut it out.

You tell him that you think it'd be good for him, Asuka and Rei to try to befriend her. Shinji gulps and says okay. Good man.

Shinji needs to learn how to navigate difficult social interactions better, and Rei really could use a friend to push outside of her comfort zone. Shinji is too accommodating, and Horaki is…too nice. The girl has the patience of a saint, based on what you've gathered of her attempts to befriend Rei. Not that you think Rei should be bullied into doing things she doesn't want to, but Rei really needs a female friend. Asuka needs people she feels care about her. Which is easier said than done, but some friends her own age would be a good start.

In an ideal world, you wouldn't really pick these kids to try to fill those roles for each other, but the world you live in is far from ideal, so they're going to have to do.

You conclude by asking Shinji to respect Asuka's privacy and not to pry. You also tell him to seek help from you if Asuka becomes too much. Just because she's got problems doesn't mean she can hurt people with impunity. Shinji nods. He's still obviously nervous. You take a swig of beer, clap him on the shoulders, and wish him good luck. Also, this conversation never happened.

While you and he were talking, Pen2​ ate your dinner. You send him to his fridge for the rest of the evening and you and Shinji order a pizza. Horaki stays over for dinner. After she leaves, Rei informs you that she and Horaki are going to go out together next weekend if Rei is feeling better. You almost spit out your customary post-post-dinner beer in shock. Rei doesn't react beyond raising an eyebrow and retreating to the living room to sit with Shinji and her penguin plush.

She's having trouble coming up with a name for it. Do you have any suggestions?

[ ] Write-in (not selected by majority. Best name wins.)

Select one of the following for each:
Talk to Rei about:
Talk to Shinji about:

[ ] General well-being
[ ] Mood
[ ] The past
[ ] The present
[ ] The future

[ ] Yourself
[ ] Friends
[ ] Romance

[ ] NERV
[ ] School
[ ] Home
[ ] Tokyo-3
[ ] The World


Select two of the following for each pilot (if the same activity is selected for two pilots, they will attend that activity together):

[ ] Combat training [Shinji only]
[ ] Synchronization training [Shinji only]
[ ] Physical training
[ ] Study
[ ] Arts program
[ ] Go out/free time

Special Activity

You may do one special activity of your choosing each week. It won't raise Rei's stats, but you can use it to bond with her, affect her mood, or solve her problems. Additionally, you can also use this slot to pursue your own projects, if any. This is not controlled by majority vote. The QM will merely choose the most entertaining one. Note that this activity does not have to include the pilots.
Why don't we talk to Rei and Shinji about ourselves for a change? The one and only Misato Katsuragi? So far the attention has (understandably) been on them, but I do wonder how well they know Misato in spite of how well Misato knows them?

Also, it's a change of pace from "Rei is feeling FineTM." :V
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[X] Shinji: Physical training
[X] Rei: Arts program
[X] Shinji & Rei: Go out/free time
Last week training mentioned that Shinji wasn't coordinated enough so he will probably hit a bottleneck without some physical training.
You see that his impression of Asuka isn't a positive one, so you try to round out Asuka a bit by listing her positive qualities and sharing a few stories. She's intelligent, she's interesting, she's funny, she's absolutely excellent at pranks—
Misato, why would you expect SHinji to see that as a positive quality?

You also mention she's an attractive half-American girl.
Asuka isn't German? Why was she living in Germany, and not America or Japan? Did her family move or something?
Is this explained in the show, or is it just a weird detail I shouldn't worry about?

She's having trouble coming up with a name for it. Do you have any suggestions?
Pen(3) is the obvious choice.
Maybe not with that formatting, but my thoughts exactly.
[X] Name: Pen-Pen-Pen. Pen³ for short.

[X] Rei & Shinji: Ourself
[X] Shinji: Physical training
[X] Rei: Arts program
[X] Shinji & Rei: Go out/free time

Good suggestions are good. Not terribly exciting, but we don't exactly have a crisis to react to (aside from the concussion, which is more like a crisis we have to endure).
Not sure about the name (Pen-Pen-Pen seems too long to roll off the tongue in everyday conversation), but I'll go with @GreatWyrmGold for the rest.

[X] Rei & Shinji: Ourself
[X] Shinji: Physical training
[X] Rei: Arts program
[X] Shinji & Rei: Go out/free time

Maybe we can even do "going out" and "telling Shinji/Rei about ourselves" in one sitting? Take them to a scenic overlook that's appropiately picturesque and dramatic to narrate our backstory from?
[X] Name: Pen^3

[X] Rei & Shinji: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Physical training
[X] Rei: Arts program
[X] Shinji & Rei: Go out/free time

[X] Special Activity: Start planning out a more prepared defense for the next Angel - lines of fire, pre-placed dilatant fluid pits, etc.

Plan is a plan. Special activity is one to do if nothing more interesting comes along, and is one that could produce results. Or it could not, as the Angels do what they do.
[X] Rei & Shinji: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Physical training
[X] Shinji & Rei: Arts program
[X] Rei: Study

[X] Organise a deeper investigation into who the hell Fuchs is. Whilst Asuka apparently knows him, the fact that none of your foreign counterparts did is too concerning to ignore.
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Obviously the plush penguin isn't better than PenPen, so it can't be Pen³. On the other hand, it means a lot to Rei as her first real present/toy (that isn't a Gendo memento), so it shouldn't just be Pen (which would be confusing).
As such, the only real and true name choice is:
Pen1.5​, or Pen15 for short.
i am the epitome of maturity


[X] Rei & Shinji: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Arts program
[X] Rei & Shinji: Physical Training
[X] Rei: Study

Rei might be feeling under-stimulated after her week of healing, and we've been picking Art for her a lot. She's already displaying positively un-Rei-l amounts of initiative/gregariousness by going out with Hikari next weekend of her own (not gonna lie it was probably Hikari's idea) volition.
[X] Guin-Guin. Or Guin2​ for short.
[X] Rei & Shinji: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Physical training
[X] Shinji & Rei: Arts program
[X] Rei: Study

[X] Organise a deeper investigation into who the hell Fuchs is. Whilst Asuka apparently knows him, the fact that none of your foreign counterparts did is too concerning to ignore.
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[X]Ben-Pen (written as בן Pen )

[X] Rei & Shinji: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Physical training
[X] Rei: Arts program
[X] Shinji & Rei: Go out/free time

[X] Organise a deeper investigation into who the hell Fuchs is. Whilst Asuka apparently knows him, the fact that none of your foreign counterparts did is too concerning to ignore.

Oh should we say... who the fuck is Fuchs?
[X]Ben-Pen (written as בן Pen )

[X] Rei & Shinji: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Physical training
[X] Rei: Arts program
[X] Shinji & Rei: Go out/free time

[X] Organise a deeper investigation into who the hell Fuchs is. Whilst Asuka apparently knows him, the fact that none of your foreign counterparts did is too concerning to ignore.
Oh should we say... who the fuck is Fuchs?
I sense SEELE Bullshit!
[X]Ben-Pen (written as בן Pen )

[X] Rei & Shinji: Yourself
[X] Shinji: Physical training
[X] Rei: Arts program
[X] Shinji & Rei: Go out/free time

[X] Organise a deeper investigation into who the hell Fuchs is. Whilst Asuka apparently knows him, the fact that none of your foreign counterparts did is too concerning to ignore.