Arakiel VII: Prestissimo
[X] Have Rei and Shinji try to shoot the Angel before it goes supercritical

Rei makes a soft groan that you interpret as acknowledgement of the order and tries to angle her arm up towards the core. She's quite literally shooting from the hip, and Unit-00's wrist shakes with the effort of trying to hold the heavy weapon with just one hand. Shinji, meanwhile, charges up his final shot.

Rei fires her first, uncharged shot. It manages to pass through the Angel's weakening AT-Field and tear a round hole through its wings, hitting wide of the core. Thousands of kilograms of crystal fall onto the pavement below and shatter into jagged piles of toxic waste. The air is filled with dark orange dust. Rei makes an exasperated noise and fires two more shots quickly, punching more holes in the Angel's body. The next shot grazes the Angel's core, which leaks a turquoise fluid that coats some of its looser-looking crystals with a dazzling blue film. The effect is quite spectacular. The Angel's descent increases in speed.

Shinji fires his final shot, fully charged…which only destroys half the Angel's core. Its right wing and half of its body are destroyed completely with a tremendous kaboom that you can feel down in the Geofront. Shards of crystal and dust fly everywhere and the cloud of debris is so thick it blocks out the midday sun. The Angel smashes into the earth, causing Rei's fifth shot to go wide. You hear something pop in Unit-00's wrist. Ibuki informs you that Unit-00's wrist has broken from the recoil.

Ibuki also informs you that Rei has lost consciousness. Unit-00 has gone silent. Vitals are elevated. Rei's body is undergoing acute stress. Shinji throws down his rifle and sprints towards the crash site. He places Unit-01 between Rei and the impact crater, throwing his arms up protectively just as the remains of the Angel explode.

An enormous yellow-white cross of light appears as the energy from the explosion shoots into the sky, along with tens of thousands of fireworks. The entire Geofront rumbles. The camera feed goes offline. The instruments on the bridge flicker and beep erratically before going quiet. The entire bridge is silent. All three of the lead technicians stare at the now-gray screen with their mouths open. You feel your legs give out from under you.

Gendo's voice breaks the silence. He demands the feed be restored, and further, a status update on the Evangelions. There's some mumbling from the bridge and the video switches to another camera, which is blurry and covered in dirt, but you can make out Unit-01 and Unit-00, still intact. Unit-01 is standing in front of Unit-00 holding the Sonic Glaive in a protective stance.

There's a collective sigh of relief. Ibuki and the other techs have a brief argument which Ibuki seems to win, followed by a full shutdown of the Evangelion monitoring system and restart. Ibuki finally confirms that both pilots are alive, and both Units were protected by Unit-01's AT-Field. Some of Unit-01's armor has partially melted, but the damage is relatively minor.

Aoba confirms it: the Angel is destroyed.


You shakily rise to your feet and ask for the pilots to be extracted and returned to base to receive prompt medical treatment. You also ask for a damage report as soon as possible, and have a cleanup crew deployed in full hazmat gear to examine the extent of the damage.

It takes some time, but Hyuga finally comes to you with some data about the Angel's last moments. Apparently, Shinji's last shot managed to vaporize around 71.58% of the Angel's core, which killed it. The remainder of its mass detonated in a fizzle. You stare at him in disbelief. That was a fizzle? Hyuga shrugs at you. The blast radius would likely have been around four to six times larger had the Angel been allowed to finish its attack. The majority of the detonation was due to the…fireworks (???) the Angel had.

As a result, the entirety of the Null Zone has been completely leveled, with varying damage to Blocks B1, B2, B3, C2, C4, D3, D4, D5, mostly on the edges. Had the Angel detonated at full strength most of the aforementioned would need extensive repairs. The Angel also managed to melt down to Plate 15, and completely destroy the seal, obviously. All things considered, Tokyo-3 got off light. The biggest issue right now is removing the enormous amount of contaminated dust from the battlefield and surrounding city, and putting out fires. Much of the Angel's remains were vaporized in the explosion into toxic fumes, which will likely dissipate within a couple days, but it's uncertain right now what the long-term environmental effect on Tokyo-3 will be.

You thank Hyuga and dismiss him in somewhat of a daze. That could have been very bad. You decide to check in on the pilots' status, feeling some dread.

Rei is back in the hospital, no surprises there. She sustained some sympathetic injuries from the beating Unit-00 took from the Angel and apparently has a mild concussion. Her injuries are not serious, but will cause her discomfort until they heal up. Also, she should avoid doing any activity that involves concentration or focus for the next week. That means taking some time off school and avoiding using electronics, listening to loud music, heavy reading, or playing games. Rei is not going to take getting medically banned from playing mahjong and watching nature documentaries well. You don't get to talk to her, as she is asleep.

Shinji manages to get off with some nasty-looking bruises on his arms. He's glued to Rei's side and refuses to leave the room. It's very sweet.

Is there anything you'd like to say to Shinji right now?

[ ] Write-in
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And while the Angel descriptions are intentionally like Forgotten Beasts (and uh, Angels) from DF—
And Titans. And Demons, the original angels.

I've been coming up with the designs and descriptions largely on my own. Usually in the shower. Most of the Angels I have basic ideas for what fighting them will be like and their general concepts and titles are, but I don't usually flesh out the entire design until it's close to time for one to show up.
That seems to have worked out pretty well so far. Your Angels so far have had a handful of really strong ideas tying them together, which makes them pretty memorable.

...aside from the names, but I don't see how you could make angel names more memorable.

Ibuki also informs you that Rei has lost consciousness. Unit-00 has gone silent. Vitals are elevated. Rei's body is undergoing acute stress.
Between this and the toxic snow, I think it's fair to say this was our worst victory yet.

(Gendo would probably disagree, saying that the Geofront damage Sariel caused was worse, but...screw him.)

The remainder of its mass detonated in a fizzle. You stare at him in disbelief. That was a fizzle? Hyuga shrugs at you. The blast radius would likely have been around four to six times larger had the Angel been allowed to finish its attack. do you know that?

Also, she should avoid doing any activity that involves concentration or focus for the next week.
...which includes basically all of her hobbies except watching documentaries and smothering Pen-Pen.

Rei is not going to take getting medically banned from playing mahjong and watching nature documentaries well.
Wait, even watching TV is too much focus? Damn. What's she allowed to do?

[X] "Christ, fuck that angel. Am I right, Shinji?"
Funny idea is funny.

More productively:
[X] "So. How was your first time?"
Wow this fight reads how my cold feels. Horrible, more horrible, and yet somehow ending with only "slightly less bad" results than the start. Jesus Christ uhhhhh

I dunno. From the pov of someone who has spent the last few days reading off and on while ill? I feel like we could have made better choices here. Or more accurately I feel like the overly long write in plans may have worked against us. I can't remember exactly why I've been thinking that though. Still sick.

But ultimately I just want to apologize to Shinji and Rei. It feels like we fucked up.
But ultimately I just want to apologize to Shinji and Rei. It feels like we fucked up.
nah fam, we did good

quest angels are motherfuckers. like, i think it's a common tendency, not just this quest. this angel is genuinely more horrifying than anything before Bardiel
[X] Write-in
-[X] "You did good kid. Nailing that Angel before it could fully explode stopped it from doing a lot of damage, and throwing yourself in front of Rei to protect her was very brave. Everyone here owes you a debt of gratitude. And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Rei, but I'd rather she be awake before I thank her."
Jesus Christ, this angel would make Ramiel feel proud. This fight was brutal.

Also, she should avoid doing any activity that involves concentration or focus for the next week. That means taking some time off school and avoiding using electronics, listening to loud music, heavy reading, or playing games. Rei is not going to take getting medically banned from playing mahjong and watching nature documentaries well.
Well, that doesn't leave her with many options. Would another trip to the zoo be safe for her? I can't think of much else to do that she would enjoy.

Shinji manages to get off with some nasty-looking bruises on his arms. He's glued to Rei's side and refuses to leave the room. It's very sweet.

Is there anything you'd like to say to Shinji right now?
Ouch. Yeah, not exactly the best first fight experience for our boy.

[X] First, assure him (and ourself) that Rei will be okay. Then, ask how he's feeling. if he looks guilty, tell him he did a great job out there, that it's thanks to him that Rei didn't get more hurt. It's just a tough job, and he did the best he could.
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[X] First, assure him (and ourself) that Rei will be okay. Then, ask how he's feeling. if he looks guilty, tell him he did a great job out there, that it's thanks to him that Rei didn't get more hurt. It's just a tough job, and he did the best he could.

Some hindsight thoughts about the angel fight:
  • We went with a mix of melee and ranged weapons because we didn't know what to expect, which I feel was reasonable.
  • We had Rei choose the glaive over the knife so she'd have more reach, which was the correct choice since it's reach was the only thing that let it contribute at all. If Rei had tried to attack the ball with the knife she would have gotten hurt or we wouldn't have ordered her to try, and it was the damage she did that let us know that the ball had no AT field as early as we did.
  • We had Shinji go for the chargeable, low ammo positron rifle instead of the electromagnetic crossbow. This was an objectively good decision because it took charging the weapon up to penetrate the AT field.
  • The JSSDF got into the angel's path to deploy the dilatant liquid, but didn't have a plan to get out of the way if the liquid didn't stop the angel. We ordered it early, but the angel isn't mentioned as changing direction so it looks like the JSSDF was at least partially set up in its path? It was tanks that were crushed and they shouldn't be set up to spray the fluid.
  • The JSSDF was helpful in stopping the ball, but once the AT field came out they just died. Specifically it was the VTOLs in the open that took the brunt of the deaths.
  • We took too long to have Rei get a new weapon. If we'd had Rei switch to the rifle instead of trying AT field shenanigans, she could have contributed a lot more and she and Shinji could have alternated charging and firing.
Some thoughts for the future:
  • We need to be more willing to change weapons even if it costs us actions.
  • We need to suggest to the JSSDF that they had flying distributors of relevant liquid on hand, I guess?
  • Maybe put RnD into Evangelion sized weapon harnesses, so Pilots can switch weapons in less than a full round?
  • We need to be prepared for angels to use high velocity objects without AT field as weapons, since that had proved effective against us.
  • This angel used chemical warfare to ensure that we were hurt even if it failed
  • We should probably expect more suicide explosions if it looks like we're going to win.
[X] First, assure him (and ourself) that Rei will be okay. Then, ask how he's feeling. if he looks guilty, tell him he did a great job out there, that it's thanks to him that Rei didn't get more hurt. It's just a tough job, and he did the best he could.
[X] "Christ, fuck that angel. Am I right, Shinji?"
Okay, so admittedly I first made the vote for the funnies, but on reflection I think there's a pretty good case for it.

I get that the first instinct is to congratulate Shinji on his performance in the battle. But, given his extremely low self esteem I fear it may ring hollow to him on a personal level, especially considering the visible damage the Angel did cause. And "it could have been so much worse" might not be terribly reassuring to him.

Meanwhile, the "fuck that Angel" statement, flippant though it might seem, has some merits:
  1. It promotes some rapport and common ground, by establishing that Misato and Shinji both found the Angel to be an utter bastard to fight, and they're really glad it's dead now.

  2. It provides a bit of levity to the situation, in the face of the stress and adrenaline that Shinji is no doubt still coming down from.

  3. It feels genuinely Misato-like. I enjoyed the original Shinji Ikari Raising Project quest, but I think the Misato of that quest diverged rather heavily from canon with her big, perfect speeches born of quest enthusiasts with detailed meta-knowledge and hours at a keyboard to spare. This feels more genuine and off-the-cuff.
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Okay, so admittedly I first made the vote for the funnies, but on reflection I think there's a pretty good case for it.

I get that the first instinct is to congratulate Shinji on his performance in the battle. But, given his extremely low self esteem I fear it may ring hollow to him on a personal level, especially considering the visible damage the Angel did cause. And "it could have been so much worse" might not be terribly reassuring to him.

Meanwhile, the "fuck that Angel" statement, flippant though it might seem, has some merits:
  1. It promotes some rapport and common ground, by establishing that Misato and Shinji both found the Angel to be an utter bastard to fight, and they're really glad it's dead now.

  2. It provides a bit of levity to the situation, in the face of the stress and adrenaline that Shinji is no doubt still coming down from.

  3. It feels genuinely Misato-like. I enjoyed the original Shinji Ikari Raising Project quest, but I think the Misato of that quest diverged rather heavily from canon with her big, perfect speeches born of quest enthusiasts with detailed meta-knowledge and hours at a keyboard to spare. This feels more genuine and off-the-cuff.
Good point. Maybe open with that, then segue into the speech?

[X] "Christ, fuck that angel. Am I right, Shinji?"
-[X] After that, assure him (and ourself) that Rei will be okay. Then, ask how he's feeling. if he looks guilty, tell him he did a great job out there, that it's thanks to him that Rei didn't get more hurt. It's just a tough job, and he did the best he could.
Personally I'm sticking with the pure thing and letting Misato handle it from there, on the assumption that the Misato we've established does not need to be micromanaged into showing care for Rei.
True, but she might need to be micromanaged into showing care for Shinji. (Well, showing in the right way, I suppose.) Misato does have her issues with connecting to men.
Re: blast radius projection, I think it's just some Magi-math. Our great Pilots' shots managed to knock off about 85% or more of the Angel's core before it went off. And it blew up with a size of (big). 15 * 6.66~= 100%. 🤷‍♂️

Re: the fight, I think the only way it could have gone much better is if we had tried to engage it outside of the city. Hard to make the call to fling our Pilots at an enemy of unknown capability, pretty far from direct support.

Fuck Hanaball*, for real.
[X] "Christ, fuck that angel. Am I right, Shinji?"

*Hanabi - firework, ball because, y'know, prenatal city-bowling.
her big, perfect speeches born of quest enthusiasts with detailed meta-knowledge and hours at a keyboard to spare.
This is one of the reasons I give relatively little time and space for votes and write-ins. I think it's cool people get really involved but I also was not a super big fan of giving dictated five paragraph long speeches after learning life altering information. I try to throw in Misato being mildly incompetent at social interaction when I can.
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I'm gonna be serious and sappy here, Shinji deserves it
[X] Tell Shinji you're proud of him, and that even if he feels like nobody appreciates his efforts, you do.
[X] "Christ, fuck that angel. Am I right, Shinji?"
[X] Tell Shinji you're proud of him, and that even if he feels like nobody appreciates his efforts, you do.

Poor kids. Hugs and a good vacation would be good.