[X] Devil's ... Tongs
Sounds good, have to say, didn't expect a fetus to be launching an attack before it was even born, these Angels are extremely dedicated.
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Hey, wait a minute, this is Sandalphon! Get back in your volcano, you little shit, you're not due for checks notes six more Angels! :p

[X] Devil's ... Tongs

We might need to swap shooter and stabber next turn if Rei takes another hit.
[X] Plam Shoot More
-[X] Rei: Advance, AT Field, AT Field
--[X] Try to cover Shinji and the retreating JSDF
-[X] Shinji: Retrieve Weapon, Fire Weapon, Fire Weapon
-[X] JSDF: Retreat posthaste

Shinji doesn't need to charge every shot, and doing so leaves him a target while charging. With Rei here to break through the Angel's AT Field, I think it's better to just shoot more to increase the chances of landing damage and provide better cover for Rei.
It's important to use the keyword 'Plam' in front of your Plam vote, or the vote tally won't count your Plam votes correctly. :oops:
By the same token, just typing "[X] Devil's ... Tongs" is counted separately from Indivisible's original plan. But everyone's leaving off the "plan," so I think our lovely GM can sort things out.
By the same token, just typing "[X] Devil's ... Tongs" is counted separately from Indivisible's original plan. But everyone's leaving off the "plan," so I think our lovely GM can sort things out.
Ah... I didn't use 'plan' with an 'n', but instead use an 'm' instead. Plam.

The same problem that Devil's ... Tongs has applies to my plan too.
Arakiel V: Andante moderato
[X] Devil's ... Tongs
-[X] Rei: Advance, AT Field, AT Field
--[X] Try to cover Shinji and the retreating JSDF
-[X] Shinji: Retrieve Weapon, Charge Weapon, Fire Weapon
-[X] JSDF: Retreat posthaste

You order the JSSDF off the battlefield, pronto. They've clearly reached their operational limits and are more likely to get blown up than assist any further in this battle. They're not arguing with you, and continue scrambling to safety.

Meanwhile, Shinji scrambles to recover the dropped Positron Rifle while Rei tries to put herself between the Angel and its target. The Angel is gaining ground rapidly and seems disinterested in Rei's approach, only focused on its goal. Rei throws up her AT-Field to try to block its path and wear down the Angel's AT-Field, but she's struggling to reach the Angel's altitude.

The Angel stops above the center of the Null Zone, where the hole made by Sariel has been haphazardly sealed with a combination of concrete, steel and bakelite. Shinji retrieves his weapon and takes aim again. The Angel screeches and shoots fireworks onto the fresh seal, which immediately shows signs of damage. You can hear the materials splintering from the onslaught.

Shinji begins to charge his weapon. The Angel does not like this one bit and fires a volley of crystals in his direction. Rei hurls Unit-00 in their path and gets one of her arms impaled by a particularly jagged spear of legrandite for her trouble. Rei tells Shinji she will protect him. She sounds like she's in quite a lot of pain.

Shinji fires and narrowly misses Rei. You hear Rei gasp in surprise as the Positron Rifle beam's heat singes her already damaged arm and connects with the Angel's AT-Field. Most of the beam is deflected into the sky, but some of it manages to penetrate the AT-Field and tear into the Angel. A sizable chunk of the upper part of the Angel disintegrates into a fine orange mist of contaminated dust that falls onto the city like toxic snow. The Angel responds by shooting Rei point-blank with a firework volley. Rei screams and is thrown into an office building, its glass façade shattering and frame buckling under Unit-00's weight.

Shinji screams Rei's name and fires an additional, uncharged shot at the Angel. This one does not penetrate the AT-Field at all, and uselessly gets deflected into another building, which explodes. You recognize it as housing the café where you and Rei ate parfaits last week. Rei struggles to stand as the Angel fires another volley into the Null Zone, cracking through the seal. According to Hyuga, the Angel has managed to penetrate all the way back to Plate 7. It's going to reach the undamaged original plates soon.

The JSSDF, meanwhile, manages to get clear of the battlefield. The Angel appears to have lost interest in them since they've ceased trying to attack it. Rei staggers to her feet in a daze and tries futilely to reach the Angel, but it's just not happening. She needs more height. Shinji is already charging another shot without your instruction. He's clearly panicking. You can hear him panting like an animal over the loudspeakers.


What now?

[ ] Have Rei try to climb one of the buildings. Her arm still has a piece of legrandite stuck through it, but she needs that height.
[ ] Have Rei retreat. She's done enough, and Shinji will have to finish this.
[ ] Have Shinji and Rei swap weapons.
[ ] Something else (Write-in, so long as it's sufficiently general and distinct from the above)

Are there any instructions or encouragement you want to give the pilots?
[ ] Shinji instructions (Write-in)
[ ] Rei instructions (Write-in)

The Positron Rifle has 2 shots remaining.
[The JSSDF ha]ve clearly reached their operational limits—
pedant.exe loading...

I find it hard to believe that the JSSDF have reached their operational limit while within a stone's throw of their main base. (Quite literally, if we allow mechanical assistance.) According to Clausewitz and most military theorists since, planning and analysis of martial conflict can be divided into three levels—strategic, operational, and tactical. In simple (generalized) terms, tactics is what you do with an army, strategy is why you're doing that, and operations is how you get them there. Or to put it another way: Strategy is war, tactics is battle, operations is logistics.


Most of the beam is deflected into the sky, but some of it manages to penetrate the AT-Field and tear into the Angel. A sizable chunk of the upper part of the Angel disintegrates into a fine orange mist of contaminated dust that falls onto the city like toxic snow.
Well, aside from the toxic snow, that sounds like good news. The ranged weapon development wasn't for naught!

Shinji screams Rei's name and fires an additional, uncharged shot at the Angel. This one does not penetrate the AT-Field at all, and uselessly gets deflected into another building, which explodes.
Mm. Concerning. We'd better charge our weapon extra.

[ ] Have Rei try to climb one of the buildings. Her arm still has a piece of legrandite stuck through it, but she needs that height.
[ ] Have Rei retreat. She's done enough, and Shinji will have to finish this.
[ ] Have Shinji and Rei swap weapons.
[ ] Something else (Write-in, so long as it's sufficiently general and distinct from the above)
I know Rei won't be happy with this, but her arm has zinc arsenate stuck in it. She's not gonna be able to do much, even if we fumble the weapon to her.
That said, she might be able to do something...

[X] Plan Devil's Sick of Operation Names
-[X] Have Rei go over to Shinji and shield him with her AT-Field
-[X] Rei: Retreat, AT-Field, AT-Field
-[X] Shinji: Charge Weapon, Charge Weapon, Fire Weapon
--[X] Remind Shinji that he's got one more shot if this one misses, so don't panic...but also remind him not to miss.

(I hope this is the last operation of the battle, otherwise the joke in the name doesn't really work)
[X] Plan Devil's Fist
-[X] Shinji instructions: Charge weapon, then shoot the Angel
-[X] Rei instructions: Acquire another Positron Rifle, then pass it to Shinji once his current one is out of ammo/energy

Rei still has one good hand. Not so great for fighting, but she can play caddy for Shinji and make sure he has the means to continue hurting the Angel. Hence, she can be the one to spend a turn gathering a weapon from one of the deployment lifts.
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Right a few things, first I didn't think that having the JSSDF retreat would translate into a full retreat, just thought the ground units would be pulled back out of range, that unfourtantly leaves us with less options for our current situation.

The only thing that I can think of now is to let the armor plates take hits/damage in order minimize any more damage to the EVAs, for what I gather this thing will only respond when attacked but ignore you if left alone, that will gives us some time to use here, so with that in mind here is what I propose.

[X] Plan Devil's Forge
-[X] Shinji instructions: Charge weapon, then shoot the Angel,
--[X] After he fires use the buildings for cover, dependent if he can maintain his AT-field without taking damage, split the Angels attention when it focuses on Rei, try to get him to calm down By inhaling for four seconds and exhaling for four seconds, and maybe even tell a joke to get him to laugh, anything to get the panic out his system.
-[X] Rei: Strike/retreat, AT-Field, Change weapon.
--[X] Dependent, play keep away here, split the Angels attention when it focuses on Shinji, keep her AT-field at max, and send up a another MK-20 for her to switch to, tell her just a little bit more and we will bring this thing down.
--[X] Remind them both we've killed two Angels so far, one of which Rei fought starting injured. We can definitely kill a third! Also, make sure Rei keeps the glaive somewhere on the battlefield, so she can swap back if needed.
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[X] Plan Devil's Forge
-[X] Shinji instructions: Charge weapon, then shoot the Angel,
--[X] After he fires use the buildings for cover, dependent if he can maintain his AT-field without taking damage, split the Angels attention when it focuses on Rei, try to get him to calm down by inhaling for four seconds and exhaling for four seconds, and maybe even tell a joke to get him to laugh, anything to get the panic out his system.
-[X] Rei: Strike/retreat, AT-Field, Change weapon.
--[X] Dependent, play keep away here, split the Angels attention when it focuses on Shinji, keep her AT-field at max, and send up a another MK-20 for her to switch to, tell her just a little bit more and we will bring this thing down.
--[X] Remind them both we've killed two Angels so far, one of which Rei fought starting injured. We can definitely kill a third! Also, make sure Rei keeps the glaive somewhere on the battlefield, so she can swap back if needed.

This looks good; Angel seems to be actually getting hurt, so a few more shots should do it.
[X] Plan Devil's Forge
-[X] Shinji instructions: Charge weapon, then shoot the Angel,
--[X] After he fires use the buildings for cover, dependent if he can maintain his AT-field without taking damage, split the Angels attention when it focuses on Rei, try to get him to calm down by inhaling for four seconds and exhaling for four seconds, and maybe even tell a joke to get him to laugh, anything to get the panic out his system.
-[X] Rei: Strike/retreat, AT-Field, Change weapon.
--[X] Dependent, play keep away here, split the Angels attention when it focuses on Shinji, keep her AT-field at max, and send up a another MK-20 for her to switch to, tell her just a little bit more and we will bring this thing down.
--[X] Remind them both we've killed two Angels so far, one of which Rei fought starting injured. We can definitely kill a third! Also, make sure Rei keeps the glaive somewhere on the battlefield, so she can swap back if needed.
Right a few things, first I didn't think that having the JSSDF retreat would translate into a full retreat, just thought the ground units would be pulled back out of range, that unfourtantly leaves us with less options for our current situation.
Point 1: The difference between a retreat and a rout comes down to morale, which is going to be pretty low in our case, because...
Point 2: What were the JSSDF going to do against the Angel? Distract it, when even a giant robot wasn't capable of doing that? They're certainly not gonna do meaningful damage.

-[X] Rei: Strike/retreat, AT-Field, Change weapon.
I don't think we can sneak a fourth action in like that, but by the same token I'm not sure we can charge the glaive. And as a certain elephant pointed out...
Rei can't actually hit the Angel with her weapon, she can only poke it when she's on her tippy-toes.
Far as I can see, the only thing that's changed since then is that we've discovered Rei can't AT-Field the Angel's AT-Field from ground level.