Glad we made it through this week, and legitimately not sure if the multi-layered approach helped keep the guy off balance enough for one of them to work. Does seem like we're not out of the woods yet, and we've caused a dozen other problems for ourselves, but we are at least slightly better prepared for Gendo to be suspicious. I'll probably advocate for us to keep doing something sidewaysly-disruptive, because a flurry of activity that suddenly stops is pretty suspicious, but nothing on the same level as last weeks'.

Those conversations were pretty painful, but that's kind of what I expected to happen; on the plus side, we're getting to the core of Shinji's self-worth issues at least. Also, I think we can see an outline of Hikari's issues - she's way too willing to put others ahead of herself.

Sketching out a write-in. There's a lot of different angles to cover but I don't want to unload the emotional equivalent of a battleship broadside into the girl when she's obviously panicking, so I'm trying to keep this relatively short.

EDIT: finishing this up to a point where I'm happy with it.

[X] Write-in:
-[X] Hug Rei. Let her calm down before continuing.
-[X] She's not going to be alone. You accepted her, Angel and all.
-[X] You've spoken to Shinji - you haven't told him the secret, but you've sounded him out on the subject of secrets in general as subtly as you can and he was pretty positive about it.
-[X] He shares her fear of rejection. Yes, Rei has a pretty big reason to be worried - but these worries are also just a natural part of getting closer to someone.
-[X] With the last Angel battle and everything else, Shinji's probably aware something is up. It'll be a lot better for you both if you talk about it now instead of having it hover over your head like a literary metaphor of her choice.
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Well, we succeeded in pushing Gendo away from Rei long enough but I fear that we might have brought too much heat on ourselves (Misato).
While telling Shinji was safe about Rei, telling Asuka might had been a mistake, it will bite us in the ass...
As for Rei, well, for a murder alien, she's pretty chill, she need to be reassured that, at least, we (Misato) is in her side.
I wonder how JSSDF are able to play a victim, I'd expect lots of footage of that battle.

Hikari seems to misunderstand who hurt her, blaming the wrong person. Would telling her about the dummy plug system solve her issues with Rei?

Persuading Rei to tell her secret to Shinji might go better if we mention what Shinji thinks about their relationship. Two "creeps" flocking together might work better than the beauty and the beast, whatever the role assignment.
His movements are highly restricted, however. He's visited Hikari and Asuka, but he hasn't been allowed to see Rei yet.
Good to know.
Still recovering from injuries, apparently.
Good that this part of Misato's plan is working.
Shinji clams up, panic on his face. He wants to do this the hard way.
Not that this is the best time and place to talk about it, but we do not have much choice.
And…Rei deserves someone better than him anyway. If he were to be with her, it'd…dirty her. He respects her too much.
Maybe he should ask Rei for the opinion then?
If he never lets himself get closer to Rei, of course she'll never love him the way he wants her to.
Let's hope he will understand it.
Ritsuko already did it. It's what prompted the termination order in the first place.
Seriously Rits, you know how to bring the mood down...
It's cute, but the Commander isn't going to like the idea of Ritsuko maiming Rei without his say-so.
This phrasing really has some dark implications...
It's surprisingly hard to pin the Commander down, however.
Does NERV have the Lance already?
You better know what you're doing. She doesn't trust this.
We always do, Rits.
The nerves in her legs still technically exist and aren't completely fried.
Well, at least we have one good news.
Her family and Suzuhara are really upset on her behalf.
I hope our relations with Kodama will not get worse at least.
Kodama's apoplectic.
Forget I said anything.
Rei really, really doesn't want to tell the others about this.
No, the best way is to continue as if nothing has happened.
Sorry Rei. No can do.

First draft. Not a big fan of direct speech, but here I think this is a good way to stay more or less concise. Even then, it is big, considering how difficult the situation (and Rei's resistance) is now.

[X] Sorry Rei. This is too dangerous information, which could be used against us.
-[X] Imagine then if somebody wanted to hurt Rei or Shinji. They would take Shinji down to Terminal Dogma. They would show him the clones. They would wait till he breaks down. They would tell him that you didn't say anything because she didn't trust him. Because she didn't care for him enough to be truthful with him.
-[X] And because Rei's reluctance, they could be right.
-[X] Gendo doesn't care about his son emotions. Don't deny this, Rei. You know this is true.
--[X] If he decides it fits his plans, he will order Ritsuko to take him to the Terminal Dogma instantly
-[X] Asuka already connected the dots anyway. We don't know how but she did.
--[X] She will tell this to Shinji ASAP. Considering how he feels about you he will obviously defend you against her.
--[X] How will he feel, when he learns, that the person he cares about, openly lied and didn't trust him about something so important? What do you think Rei?
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-[X] Tell Ritsuko about your conversation with the Commander, and the "punishments" he settled on.
--[X] See if she can't be the one to carry out this "psychological evaluation", rigged to send her home early. If not, coach Rei to get through it with Gendo or Fuyutsuki.

Ritsuko already did it. It's what prompted the termination order in the first place.
So she could rig the psychological evaluation to send her home early.

In retrospect, I guess that's obvious.

The Commander isn't going to like the idea of Ritsuko maiming Rei without his say-so. He cares too much about her. You raise an eyebrow. Ritsuko sighs and says it's very, very complicated. More or less, he's against unnecessary harm to the girl. He gets the final say as to what counts as necessary.
Hm. That doesn't actually sound all that complicated. Especially since we already know Gendo's a bit of a control freak.

Privately, you think that your efforts to cause trouble may have worked a little too well.
Good news: We've made things harder for Gendo and the rest of NERV's command staff.
Bad news: We're NERV command staff.

I wonder how JSSDF are able to play a victim, I'd expect lots of footage of that battle.
Footage of the JSSDF shooting first. Also footage of the Evangelions tearing into ordinary humans like King Kong tearing into New York. Hopefully not footage of Rei-00 eating the Angel's core and starting to march on the Geofront...

Point is, there's a lot of ways to spin this, and whoever started the fight, NERV ended it pretty brutally.

Persuading Rei to tell her secret to Shinji might go better if we mention what Shinji thinks about their relationship. Two "creeps" flocking together might work better than the beauty and the beast, whatever the role assignment.
High-reward, but also high-risk. That seems like something that Rei wouldn't know how to handle. I don't think anyone, including Rei, could predict her reaction to that news.
RE: The JSSDF, I think it's also a case of how well the respective PR departments play the game - I've seen far weirder narratives somehow take hold in real life.

Pretty decent; I chose to focus more on the emotional side of things myself but the logical side is a viable alternative.

Finished mine above as well.
Rei deserves to know what she'll face, and that we'll continue to stabilize things as much as we can.

[X] Write-in, extended Pilot Unit Cohesion edition:
-[X] Hug Rei. Let her calm down before continuing.
-[X] She's not going to be alone. You accepted her, Angel and all.
-[X] You've spoken to Shinji - you haven't told him the secret, but you've sounded him out on the subject of secrets in general as subtly as you can and he was pretty positive about it.
-[X] He shares her fear of rejection. Yes, Rei has a pretty big reason to be worried - but these worries are also just a natural part of getting closer to someone.
-[X] With the last Angel battle and everything else, Shinji's probably aware something is up. It'll be a lot better for you both if you talk about it now instead of having it hover over your head like a literary metaphor of her choice.
--[X] Asuka seems to know something is up as well, from the impression she gave you. You don't know how, you don't know how much or if it's correct. Knowing her from recently and when she was a child, however, you are convinced she never would have flat-out attacked Rei, if not for the Angel inflicting a foreign mental state of bestial rage. Giving her the full story, once she's recovered and in her right mind, may go either way depending on how it's framed. Not giving her the story at all, you suspect, has zero chance of things going well at all.
---[X] In short, taking the other pilots into her confidence is frightening for very good reasons, but it's also the best way of ensuring they stand with her in this as on any other battlefield.

This is going to be rough on the pilots once they start making public appearances again.

Och yeah... I honestly didn't see how this could be avoided, otherwise I would've added yet another thing to try and do so.

Do I mean the Scottish Gaelic, or the Swedish, "Och"? ...both? Both. Both is good.

...perfectly healthy for a boy his age, so he really shouldn't worry about that. Everyone has thoughts like that

I see Misato doesn't know about asexual people... :/ I suppose the Post-Impact years led to a lot of forceful suppression of anything which didn't fit older, incomplete-information values, tho, so I'll try not to judge her for it.

Ritsuko thinks your PR stunt is impressively reckless and expresses her amazement that you were able to get away with it. That said, she has adequate cause to demand that Rei's "replacement" actually be maimed in some way now, so what remains now is to convince Gendo to let her do it.

So, a 100% Canon-Characterization Compliant Keikaku( plan) from Misato! :D

Edit: Okay how the heck do I do the "tiny word over a regular word" thing some people manage to do, here? The editor shows the word spaced to the right place, but upon saving deletes the spaces even if I try right-justifying with a fullstop at the end! It's ruining part of the joke.

Edit squared: Thanks!
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Edit: Okay how the heck do I do the "tiny word over a regular word" thing some people manage to do, here? The editor shows the word spaced to the right place, but upon saving deletes the spaces even if I try right-justifying with a fullstop at the end! It's ruining part of the joke.
RUBY tags.

[RUBY=Above]Example[/RUBY] = Example( Above)

I'm in general agreement with giving Rei a hug and trying to gently explain that this secret appears to be on the verge of getting out regardless of what either of us do and that while her fears are justifiable and understandable they're also normal and a natural part of relationships and that we're there for her regardless.
You can Furigana text here?( It's really that easy?)

Hm. Doesn't look so good when you put a sentence over a sentence. But for words( individual) it looks fine.
It's difficult to know what to vote for here because...

We've landed ourselves in a sticky situation by telling the others "Rei has a big secret that she needs to tell you." Without bringing Rei in on that plan.

And now Rei is all but begging us to help keep that same secret, a secret.
In that regard, it's part "we ended up talking to Rei last" and part "trying to get things done before something else hits us and we have to scramble" - which is not a good place to be in, in terms of addressing problems in a healthy manner, but this is where we are.

In terms of planning - I'm aiming for a combination of addressing Rei's direct concerns without straying too far from those, in part because I don't want to hit the QM with another long write-in and because I think it'd be too much in-character. I might change it up a bit, to emphasise that Rei doesn't have to reveal this on her own and can do it in roughly her own time, but that's my line of thinking.
[X] Write-in, extended Pilot Unit Cohesion edition:
-[X] Hug Rei. Let her calm down before continuing.
-[X] She's not going to be alone. You accepted her, Angel and all.
-[X] You've spoken to Shinji - you haven't told him the secret, but you've sounded him out on the subject of secrets in general as subtly as you can and he was pretty positive about it.
-[X] He shares her fear of rejection. Yes, Rei has a pretty big reason to be worried - but these worries are also just a natural part of getting closer to someone.
-[X] With the last Angel battle and everything else, Shinji's probably aware something is up. It'll be a lot better for you both if you talk about it now instead of having it hover over your head like a literary metaphor of her choice.
--[X] Asuka seems to know something is up as well, from the impression she gave you. You don't know how, you don't know how much or if it's correct. Knowing her from recently and when she was a child, however, you are convinced she never would have flat-out attacked Rei, if not for the Angel inflicting a foreign mental state of bestial rage. Giving her the full story, once she's recovered and in her right mind, may go either way depending on how it's framed. Not giving her the story at all, you suspect, has zero chance of things going well at all.
---[X] In short, taking the other pilots into her confidence is frightening for very good reasons, but it's also the best way of ensuring they stand with her in this as on any other battlefield.
[X] Write-in:
-[X] Hug Rei. Let her calm down before continuing.
-[X] She's not going to be alone. You accepted her, Angel and all.
-[X] You've spoken to Shinji - you haven't told him the secret, but you've sounded him out on the subject of secrets in general as subtly as you can and he was pretty positive about it.
-[X] He shares her fear of rejection. Yes, Rei has a pretty big reason to be worried - but these worries are also just a natural part of getting closer to someone.
-[X] With the last Angel battle and everything else, Shinji's probably aware something is up. It'll be a lot better for you both if you talk about it now instead of having it hover over your head like a literary metaphor of her choice.
[X] Write-in:
-[X] Hug Rei. Let her calm down before continuing.
-[X] She's not going to be alone. You accepted her, Angel and all.
-[X] You've spoken to Shinji - you haven't told him the secret, but you've sounded him out on the subject of secrets in general as subtly as you can and he was pretty positive about it.
-[X] He shares her fear of rejection. Yes, Rei has a pretty big reason to be worried - but these worries are also just a natural part of getting closer to someone.
-[X] With the last Angel battle and everything else, Shinji's probably aware something is up. It'll be a lot better for you both if you talk about it now instead of having it hover over your head like a literary metaphor of her choice.

I think that hinting at Rei's nature to Asuka was a bad idea in hindsight but if Rei and Shinji trust eachothers it might help in that matter
[X] VX-145

This plan doesn't cover the Asuka situation, but I don't know if there's a good way to explain that while also trying to calm Rei down.
[X] Write-in:
-[X] Hug Rei. Let her calm down before continuing.
-[X] She's not going to be alone. You accepted her, Angel and all.
-[X] You've spoken to Shinji - you haven't told him the secret, but you've sounded him out on the subject of secrets in general as subtly as you can and he was pretty positive about it.
-[X] He shares her fear of rejection. Yes, Rei has a pretty big reason to be worried - but these worries are also just a natural part of getting closer to someone.
-[X] With the last Angel battle and everything else, Shinji's probably aware something is up. It'll be a lot better for you both if you talk about it now instead of having it hover over your head like a literary metaphor of her choice.
[X] Write-in:
-[X] Hug Rei. Let her calm down before continuing.
-[X] She's not going to be alone. You accepted her, Angel and all.
-[X] You've spoken to Shinji - you haven't told him the secret, but you've sounded him out on the subject of secrets in general as subtly as you can and he was pretty positive about it.
-[X] He shares her fear of rejection. Yes, Rei has a pretty big reason to be worried - but these worries are also just a natural part of getting closer to someone.
-[X] With the last Angel battle and everything else, Shinji's probably aware something is up. It'll be a lot better for you both if you talk about it now instead of having it hover over your head like a literary metaphor of her choice.