Good we have regained the ground we lost, now just need to bring it on home.

[X] Tell Rei that no matter what her secrets or circumstances are, she's already proven her humanity to you. You'll wait for Rei to speak when she wants to.
-[X] Tell Rei to put down the gun. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.
-[X] Ask Ritsuko what evidence she needs to be convinced of Rei's humanity and right to live.

Ritsuko has already laid her weapon down before, now it is Rei's turn to show good faith.
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[X] Tell Rei that no matter what her secrets or circumstances are, she's already proven her humanity to you. You'll wait for Rei to speak when she wants to.
-[X] Tell Rei and Ritsuko to put down their weapons at the same time. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.
-[X] Ask Ritsuko what evidence she needs to be convinced of Rei's humanity and right to live.

This sounds pretty good to me. The only possible addition I'd consider is the "consider my questions retracted then" to keep Ritsuko from using that as a reason to keep talking about matters Rei is clearly uncomfortable with (and appears to be the actual matter that is driving Rei's desire to shoot more than the PDA here right this second) - at least in the immediate sense where we've still got a standoff. But the rest of the write-in might make that unnecessary to put in a vote.
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In addition to the obvious problem of "Rei appears to be contemplating murdering high-level NERV personnel" that still needs to be dealt with

"Yo Rits, if contemplating murdering high-level NERV personnel is enough to get put on your personal hit list, then you should make a space for me on there because I have half a mind to frag Gendo!"
[X] Tell Rei that no matter what her secrets or circumstances are, she's already proven her humanity to you. You'll wait for Rei to speak when she wants to.
-[X] Tell Rei and Ritsuko to put down their weapons at the same time. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.
-[X] Ask Ritsuko what evidence she needs to be convinced of Rei's humanity and right to live.
[X] Tell Rei that no matter what her secrets or circumstances are, she's already proven her humanity to you. You'll wait for Rei to speak when she wants to.
-[X] Tell Rei and Ritsuko to put down their weapons at the same time. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.
-[X] Ask Ritsuko what evidence she needs to be convinced of Rei's humanity and right to live.
[X] Tell Rei that no matter what her secrets or circumstances are, she's already proven her humanity to you. You'll wait for Rei to speak when she wants to.
-[X] Tell Rei and Ritsuko to put down their weapons at the same time. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.
-[X] Ask Ritsuko what evidence she needs to be convinced of Rei's right to live.
[X] Tell Rei that no matter what her secrets or circumstances are, she's already proven her humanity to you. You'll wait for Rei to speak when she wants to.
-[X] Tell Rei and Ritsuko to put down their weapons at the same time. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.
-[X] Ask Ritsuko what evidence she needs to be convinced of Rei's right to live.

I'm so very very tempted to put in a line....
-[] Tell Rei that, at this point, not even Ritsuko dropping some bombshell of Rei being part-Angel or something would change your mind. You love her as a daughter.
[X] Tell Rei that no matter what her secrets or circumstances are, she's already proven her humanity to you. You'll wait for Rei to speak when she wants to.
-[X] Tell Rei and Ritsuko to put down their weapons at the same time. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.
-[X] Ask Ritsuko what evidence she needs to be convinced of Rei's humanity and right to live.
Isn't Misato doing that already though?
That's contingent on Misato staying between them (not assured) and Misato's body being bulletproof (counterfactual). Or Rei not being willing to shoot Misato, which Ritsuko is clearly not convinced is fact.

Definitely ruin the mood of the two of them trying to kill each other. It'd get real awkward
Feature, not a bug.

[X] Tell Rei to put down the gun. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.
Simple. Focused. Focused where it needs to be.
I'm not convinced that Ritsuko will push the button if she's not in immediate danger of lead poisoning, and clearly favoring Ritsuko for a moment after arguably favoring Rei for several minutes shouldn't hurt.

But complicated answers are popular.
[X] VX-145
[X] Tell Rei that no matter what her secrets or circumstances are, she's already proven her humanity to you. You'll wait for Rei to speak when she wants to.
-[X] Tell Rei and Ritsuko to put down their weapons at the same time. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.
-[X] Ask Ritsuko what evidence she needs to be convinced of Rei's right to live.
[X] Tell Rei to put down the gun. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.

Ritsuko reiterates that Rei is not human and that she is trying to do what's necessary for the safety of humanity.
Sure Rits, this will definitely help this situation.
Ritsuko reiterates her offer to tell you more about Rei.
You really want to kill everybody here don't you, Rits?
so the only reason she can use on Rei is something Rei has never had to worry about, the threat of actual, permanent death.
I think Misato knows enough to speculate on the matter of replacements.
After decanting, a Rei will exist. But will this will not be the Rei that is standing here. So the Rei which currently is talking with Misato will die anyway.
While this may or not be true, maybe we should use this argument.
If that isn't enough to stop Rei from killing Ritsuko, then it only proves Ritsuko's point that she's completely gone.
Seriously Ritsuko. Do you really do want to push Rei's buttons until she shoots just to prove that you are right?
Rei clearly doesn't want Misato to know her entire story. Ritsuko probably knows that and seems eager to spill it on purpose.
Misato (and pilots) will have to know her entire story ASAP, but here and now is not the time.
"Yeah it must really suck to be at constant risk of disposal and replacement..." - Rei Ayanami, if she had a sarcastic bone in her body.
She de facto said something similar in manga, only in non-sarcastic way.
Rei is not a doll Dr. Akagi can play with, create, and destroy at will. Dr. Akagi is not a god. She's a means to an end. Just like Rei is.

Well, let's get sappy...

[X] Tell Rei that even if Ritsuko actually was a heartless monster deserving to die (who has now a perfect chance to prove she is not), she is indispensable for keeping Rei alive. Even if there were no other reasons, this one is enough to keep Rei from killing Ritsuko.
-[X] Rei has said that Ritsuko is also only "a mean to an end". What this is supposed to mean?
-[X] Tell Rei that, at this point, not even Ritsuko dropping some bombshell of Rei being part-Angel or something would change your mind. You love her as a daughter.
[X] Crying Misato Plan
-[X] Start crying, curling and begging them that you want neither of them to be hurt. That the only thing you ever wanted was happiness.
--[X] Cry to Ritsuko that she's your only friend and that after your failed love life, you could only rely on her.
--[X] Cry to Rei that she's like a daughter to you and after loosing your family you don't want it to happen again.

Here, for posterity I add the "Crying Misato plan"
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[X] Crying Misato Plan
-[X] Start crying, curling and begging them that you want neither of them to be hurt. That the only thing you ever wanted was happiness.
--[X] Cry to Ritsuko that she's your only friend and that after your failed love life, you could only rely on her.
--[X] Cry to Rei that she's like a daughter to you and after loosing your family you don't want it to happen again.

Here, for posterity I add the "Crying Misato plan"
Brilliant! Ritsuko and Rei will feel too awkward to kill anyone!

[X] Tell Rei to put down the gun. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.

Not sure how much they'll help, but okay.

[X] Tell Rei that no matter what her secrets or circumstances are, she's already proven her humanity to you. You'll wait for Rei to speak when she wants to.
-[X] Tell Rei and Ritsuko to put down their weapons at the same time. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.

I'm not so sure about that last part. This is one hill that Ritsuko seems determined to die on, and it's probably best to steer clear of it for now. There's always the option of discussing it later in a less emotionally charged situation.
Nothingness XI: Mother Night
[X] Tell Rei that no matter what her secrets or circumstances are, she's already proven her humanity to you. You'll wait for Rei to speak when she wants to.
-[X] Tell Rei and Ritsuko to put down their weapons at the same time. Pledge to do everything in your power to ensure Rei's safety. Reiterate that you're not letting anyone die here.
-[X] Ask Ritsuko what evidence she needs to be convinced of Rei's humanity and right to live.

Rei doesn't react to your words at first. You have to repeat yourself a few times, gently asking her to lower her weapon and reiterating that she's safe. Ritsuko plays the bad cop, pointing out that using your gun wouldn't accomplish any of Rei's stated goals in a meaningful way. Rei seems less receptive to this, but it does have an effect on her. After you ask Rei for a fourth time to give up the gun, she finally relents. She turns the safety on, holds the gun out to you, grip first, and lets you take it from her hands without making eye contact, fixing her gaze on her mutilated foot. You holster the weapon where it belongs. For good measure, you walk over to Ritsuko's gun and pick that up, too.

You keep a watchful gaze on the other two as you do this. They glare at each other. Ritsuko, after a moment of hesitation, presses a few buttons on the PDA to disengage it and stuffs it back into her lab coat's pocket. Ritsuko tells Rei to get back into the wheelchair. Rei doesn't move, reluctant to move any closer to Ritsuko. You take the wheelchair over to Rei's side and she gingerly sits down in it, not taking her eyes off of Ritsuko. At the moment, the crisis has been deescalated from "imminent threat of bodily harm to the people in the room", but the impasse between Rei and Ritsuko remains.

Ritsuko has been ordered to terminate the girl in this wheelchair, and she seems wholly convinced that this is the correct course of action. Rei, on the other hand, obviously prefers not to be terminated, and no matter what, you don't want that either. You gave her your word that you'd keep her safe. But you'll have to find some way to keep her alive without the use of lethal force.

You ask Ritsuko what would convince her that Rei is a person with the same right to life as everyone else. Ritsuko shakes her head. You really don't get it. Rei wouldn't die. She's just being moved. You reiterate that the process would not leave her intact, which is unacceptable. A piece of her is lost every time, and tampering with Rei's memories even further breaks the continuity between the girl with you right now and one of those things floating behind the glass. Besides, there's no guarantee there's even continuity of consciousness between clones anyway.

Ritsuko says she's not going to bother with sophistry about what counts as death for Rei. You've obviously made up your mind. But you will never convince her that Rei is a human being. The evidence refuting her humanity is floating all around you. But fine. You don't know enough. Ritsuko starts to leave the room, gesturing at you to follow. You look at Rei. What little color she had in her face has disappeared. She grips the arms of the wheelchair tightly. You tell her that it will be okay. She's safe with you.

You push Rei forward through the door, back through the hallways you arrived in. Ritsuko stops in front of the pits full of Evangelion remains. The musty stench tickles the inside of your nostrils. Ritsuko says that eleven years ago, there was an accident. Right here. The accident involved Shinji's mother. The Commander's wife. Yui Ikari. Ritsuko told you earlier that Evangelions require souls to function. Dr. Ikari knew this, of course. Ritsuko is a little fuzzy on the specifics, but Evangelion research had hit a dead end. There wasn't, and still isn't, a way to artificially manufacture a soul. The Chamber of Guf is the only place they can be recovered from, and the Chamber was empty.

Dr. Ikari claimed she knew of a way. She proposed another Contact Experiment. Fuyutsuki was against it, at first, anyway. He changed his mind. The Commander of course supported Dr. Ikari. He had absolute faith in her. Dr. Ikari boarded Evangelion Unit-01.

You don't like where this story is going.

There was an accident, Ritsuko says again. Dr. Ikari did not come back. She's still there, in Unit-01.

You feel sick.

Shinji and the Commander saw the whole thing, by the way. Ritsuko thought you ought to know. Shinji probably doesn't remember it.

Now this place is used as a dumping ground for the failed Evangelion prototypes. All those things down there are failed clones of Adam and armor prototypes for Unit-00. Sometimes the regeneration process for Evangelion repairs still goes wrong, so NERV just dumps the refuse here. Ritsuko continues moving.

You're not sure where she's going with this. You look at Rei. She's squeezed her eyes shut.

You return to the unsettling room that resembled Rei's old apartment. Ritsuko says that this is where Rei was born. And where she lived for part of her life. It seems that the memory of this place is strongly embedded in her mind. Rei stabilizes psychologically in environments that mirror this place. It is her natural habitat. Rei stares at the room expressionlessly.

You tell her that treating a child like this is inhumane. Ritsuko says it is. But it worked. Where you two are going next, Rei cannot follow. Loath as she is to leave Rei behind, it's the only way. Ritsuko walks to one of the dusty cabinets and opens one, pulling something out. It looks like a black collar with a red rectangle at its front. Ritsuko walks across the room and puts it around Rei's neck. You start, demanding to know what that is.

Ritsuko says that it is, among other things, a tracking device. So Rei doesn't wander off when you leave her alone. Ritsuko asks Rei if she knows what it is. Rei says yes. There's a hint of anger in her voice. There's obviously something they're not telling you about this thing. Ritsuko fiddles with some sort of remote for a second. The red rectangle over Rei's throat glows faintly with what look like runes of some sort. You don't trust this. You tell Ritsuko to take it off. Ritsuko says it's just a precaution. She'd prefer to restrain Rei more traditionally, but regrettably, Rei was restrained with zip ties she had to cut rather than handcuffs she could have kept on her person. As long as Rei does not leave this room, nothing will happen.

And if she does? you ask.

Ritsuko says that an alarm will be raised. And restraint options will be made available. Ritsuko looks at Rei and tells her to stay put. Rei says nothing. Ritsuko repeats herself and asks Rei if she understands. Rei nods. You say you don't like this. Why can't you just take Rei with you? Ritsuko says you're going to a room Rei categorically should not enter, and for reasons you'll soon find to be sound. It's a safety issue. Going there could legitimately kill Rei. So she has to stay here.

You ask Rei if Ritsuko is telling you the truth. Rei says yes.

Fine. But this better not be a trick. You unholster your weapon to emphasize who's in charge here. Ritsuko eyes the firearm for a moment before motioning that the two of you should continue. Ritsuko again reminds Rei not to leave this room under any circumstances. Rei nods slowly and begins staring off into space.

Reluctantly, the two of you leave her behind. As an apparent gesture of good will, as soon as you're out of Rei's sight, Ritsuko hands you the remote connected to the collar. She knows you do not trust her and figures you're not going to be able to pay attention if you're stressing about whether Ritsuko has an ace up her sleeve. Ritsuko knows you and her aren't exactly seeing eye-to-eye right now, but all of this is for your own good.

You follow Ritsuko down a mazelike series of corridors before you step onto an elevator. There are only two buttons. The current floor you're on, and a button labelled TERMINAL DOGMA. Ritsuko presses it.

At the bottom, you walk down a few more dark hallways before arriving at a familiar sight: the gigantic door that you caught Kaji snooping around. It feels like such a long time ago now. You already know what's behind this door. Ritsuko moves to the keypad and unlocks the door. It groans open, the mechanisms clunking and bumping as the curtain of steel slides away. You can see it again, on the red cross.

Ritsuko beckons you into the room. You look at your gun before following her into the oppressive presence of the giant mounted high above the two of you. It remains unnaturally still, save for the twitching of one of the hundreds of tiny legs emerging from the tumor-like growths where its lower body should be. The only sound in the room is the low wind of its slow breaths.

Ritsuko looks at you. You try and fail to hide your lack of surprise. Ritsuko closes her eyes in annoyance and states that you've clearly been in this room before, haven't you? You don't answer. She had her suspicions when you reacted the way you did to the Eleventh Angel's presence down in Terminal Dogma.

The two of you stand in silence for a moment. Just you, Ritsuko, and Adam. Ritsuko asks if you know what the Angel in the room is. There's no point in playing dumb.

You admit that you're aware that this Angel is Adam, the trigger behind Second Impact. You don't know why it's here and alive. You know that if the Angels make contact with it, humanity will end. You'd like some answers.

Ritsuko shakes her head. The thing up there isn't Adam. It's the Second Angel. Lilith.


Ritsuko says there are many theories about where they came from, but two unusual spherical geological structures were discovered at the end of the twentieth century. The Black Moon, and the White Moon. The second term feels very familiar. Ritsuko says the White Moon was discovered under Antarctica, and it contained Adam. A giant of light. It's what your father was researching. The Black Moon was discovered under Hakone, Japan. Now called Tokyo-3. You're currently standing at the center of it. It contains Lilith.

Adam is most likely the progenitor of the other Angels. And Lilith is the progenitor of all other life on Earth. It is our mother. Mother Night. Humanity is an Angel too, technically. But Angels cannot coexist with each other.

As for why it's here? Ritsuko already told you. It's always been here. NERV and its predecessor organization, GEHIRN, have of course taken precautions to ensure that it doesn't do anything it isn't supposed to do. Which is sit inert at the bottom of this pit forever. Like every Angel, it has the power to annihilate us all.

These revelations are a lot to take in, but they mostly make sense to you. Ritsuko had mentioned months ago that the Angels' microscopic structure resembled the human genome. Still, the idea that this hideous thing somehow created life itself is…unpleasant to consider. What the hell even is it?

More importantly, what does this have to do with Rei?

The accident, Ritsuko says. As you know, Evangelions are clones of Adam. Most of them. But Evangelion Unit-01 is a clone of Lilith. It's special. The methods used to clone Evangelions were crude at the time. You might be wondering what happened to Lilith's lower body. Unit-01 was created via fission. The accident happened when Unit-01 was still attached to Lilith. Dr. Ikari was drawn into Unit-01 while it was fused with Lilith.

You stare at Ritsuko, questions flooding your head. There's still so much you don't understand about NERV. Why make a special Evangelion? Why has its existence been kept secret from you? Are there things about Unit-01 you need to worry about that nobody's told you? What other secrets do the Evangelions hold?

Ritsuko looks out into the distance, a forlorn look in her eyes. It was Fuyutsuki's idea, at first, but the Commander unhesitatingly signed off on it. Gendo Ikari loved his wife. More than anything else. He would do anything to get her back. There was a procedure, Fuyutsuki conjectured, that could retrieve Yui Ikari from the body of Unit-01. They worked to salvage her soul and put it into a new body. There were some remains in the Entry Plug. Not much. The salvage process was supposed to make the constituent parts of Yui Ikari dissolved in the Plug's LCL back into a person again.

The process failed. Yui Ikari didn't come back. She's still there. But there was another soul salvaged from the wreck. Another body formed, from what was left of Yui Ikari, but also the biomatter of Unit-01 and Lilith. It wears Dr. Ikari's face and walks around in a warped version of her flesh that needs constant medication and monitoring to stay alive. The contradictions within its form threaten to tear it apart. Its mind and spirit belong to the terrible being in front of you. You already know its identity.

Rei Ayanami.

They did not get Dr. Ikari back. They got a thing that is not Yui Ikari. They accidentally trapped the soul of the Creator in a coffin of rotting flesh. And it wants to escape. But Rei has her uses. An infinite supply of loyal pilots to sync with Unit-00 or Unit-01. A living guarantee that Lilith will remain harmless so long as she remains physically separated from it. A sentimental object for NERV to remember Dr. Ikari by. A container for the Infinite for everyone's protection.

But these purposes are only served so long as Rei is stable. Rei is aware of her nature, on some level. Up until recently, Ritsuko assumed Onze lacked the imagination to understand what that means. But recent events have shown that time and time again, Ritsuko has underestimated her. She is a container for the Endless. She contains unimaginable destructive energies within her. That containment is failing. If something is not done to correct the psychological and spiritual damage from her time as pilot, and the rapid destabilization of her personality, the consequences would be apocalyptic. She is a reactor on the verge of meltdown. She is a dam about to break. She is dry grass in a lightning storm. She is a tumor about to metastasize. The disease must be cut out.

Lilith needs to be transferred to a safer body.

What will you do, Major?

[ ] Write-in
[] we're at an impasse here, aren't we Rits? I don't think it would still be Rei if we moved the soul to another body, so I don't really believe that it's the soul of Lillith, either. Not anymore.
-[] She isn't Lilith anymore. Even if she's not strictly human, she's still a person. I think she has been for a while.
--[] Try interacting with her in a non-professional setting, and I think you'll see it too.
-[] So, I'm not the expert here. Please tell me there's a way to help Rei that both she and I wouldn't view as killing her.
--[] Could we do transplants from those Rei clones? Swap out broken parts?
-[] BTW, if Rei really is of Lillith, how is it at all safe to have her pilot an Adam clone?

Edit: nevermind, Mechasaurian's is better.
[X] Try to convince Ritsuko of Rei's (metaphorical) humanity
-[X] Talk about Rei. Talk about how Rei has changed and developed as Misato's ward. Talk about Rei's relationship with the other pilots and how she has come to care for them. Talk about Rei's increasing attachment to Misato. Talk about the jealousy Rei showed when Misato chose to bunk with Asuka instead of her. Talk about Rei applying herself to Mahjong and becoming terrifyingly good at it. Mention every little bit of emotion and humanity that comes to mind.

[X] Plan We're All Fucked Up
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Well, we've solved the immediate problem.

I don't think the thread will go for actually terminating Rei and moving her to a new body. I'm not keen on it either.

The problem with not doing so, is selling it to Gendo: Rei 11 has a horribly injured foot (I forget how permanent the injury is) which is very very identifiable.

I'm going to suggest:

[X] Destroy the spare bodies

That way, we can force Gendo's hand. He'll have no choice but to keep Rei 11 around as the pilot for Unit-00, and to order Ritsuko to keep her alive.
Ritsuko, you're a pretty lousy scientist, you know that? You've been repeatedly handed evidence that Misato can't be convinced that Rei is anything but her daughter human and you're still going at it. Theories are meant to be molded around the facts, not the other way around. Then again you are the one lusting after Gendo despite having incontrovertible proof that he only loves Yui Ikari so maybe it shouldn't be a shocker that you're a supporter of lost causes.
Oh, right, Misato still doesn't know that Ritsuko and Gendo are fucking. :rofl: Looking forwards to that revelation.

That said, I doubt we can convince Ritsuko either. Rits is convinced that Rei is a world-destroying monster in human skin. And...well, she's partly correct, to be fair. Rei was created from Lilith's "soul," and she really does have the power to end the world under the right circumstances. But Rits is also deeply blind to the psychological reality of Rei's actual existence, or that Rei Ayanami is fundamentally a completely different person from Lilith the Second Angel.

Rits has her head so far up her own ass that she could not stop dehumanizing and antagonizing Rei when the latter had a gun trained on her.

That reminds me, I've been meaning to say that Ritsuko's emphasis on "souls" is very unscientific, not least because it's far from clear what a soul actually does or why it's important. It seems completely unrelated to continuity of consciousness or memory, in which case why is it important to one's identity?

If we do try to convince Rits of Rei's humanity...I think the best way to do so would be to tell her everything about Rei as seen through Misato's eyes. Tell her about how Rei has changed and developed as Misato's ward. Tell her about Rei's relationship with the other pilots. Tell her about Rei becoming attached to Misato, and showing signs of longing for affection, and outright jealousy when Misato chose to live with Asuka instead of Rei. Tell her about Rei becoming terrifyingly good at Mahjong. Etc.

Edit: Sod it, I'll make it a vote.

[X] Try to convince Ritsuko of Rei's (metaphorical) humanity
-[X] Talk about Rei. Talk about how Rei has changed and developed as Misato's ward. Talk about Rei's relationship with the other pilots and how she has come to care for them. Talk about Rei's increasing attachment to Misato. Talk about the jealousy Rei showed when Misato chose to bunk with Asuka instead of her. Talk about Rei applying herself to Mahjong and becoming terrifyingly good at it. Mention every little bit of emotion and humanity that comes to mind.
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A - Is the only way to turn back the timer on Rei's terminal illnesses to go into a clone body? Is there truly no other way?
B - Can we convince Rei in any way to transfer to a clone body more willingly than killing her. Can she like... Leave the body? And get into a new bod?

I'd make a vote properly asking these questions but I'm currently on the move right now, if someone makes one asking those questions I'll throw them my vote.
[X] Try to convince Ritsuko of Rei's (metaphorical) humanity
-[X] Talk about Rei. Talk about how Rei has changed and developed as Misato's ward. Talk about Rei's relationship with the other pilots and how she has come to care for them. Talk about Rei's increasing attachment to Misato. Talk about the jealousy Rei showed when Misato chose to bunk with Asuka instead of her. Talk about Rei applying herself to Mahjong and becoming terrifyingly good at it. Mention every little bit of emotion and humanity that comes to mind.

Wait, is Rei physically dying? I know that she's not in the greatest health, but I thought the reason she was being euthanized was because Angel shenanigans and Evangelion influence caused her to try and kill off NERV command.

I mean, I can sort of understand Ritsuko's perspective. To us, Rei is Misato's beloved ward, but even disregarding the whole mess of... stuff with Gendo and Ritsuko's mom, Rei has stated her clear intention to kill Ritsuko and acted on it twice now, even if there were mitigating circumstances. I'm still siding with Rei here for obvious reasons, but it's important to consider Ritsuko's side of the story when deciding on our approach.
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Wait, is Rei physically dying?
No. Unless you get Ritsuko killed. If it wasn't clear, Rei's body is a mixture of Angelic and ordinary baryonic matter, and those things don't play nice together. She also has some alien anatomy stuff happening inside her organ cavities. Her body will basically disintegrate in a similar manner to radiation poisoning if she doesn't keep receiving medication from Ritsuko.

Rei's being put down because the mind of the body that's supposed to keep Lilith trapped is acting erratically and violently. Obviously there's leeway to how unreasonable Rei (the person) is being here, but the bottom line is that the object containing the Godhead with the power of absolute annihilation has become concerningly hostile to the people that run the anti-annihilation organization on behalf of mankind and is making threats that sound suspiciously like it resents being under the thumb of its leadership, and might do Something about it, which given the powers involved, could be something quite bad.
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