The one where we are supposed to totally bullshit Asuka about everything and hope she will believe us?
And they tell me my jokes are bad.
She has many problems, but she is not stupid.
It's a way to remove the issue from the scope of this quest. And by the time she's legal, she'd know better than to bring this up ever again anyway. To me it's better than the current situation, which I find absolutely silly.

Though I agree a better plan did exist - to call the whole thing off entirely.
- [X] Shinji "tries to make himself feel better" by bringing her home cooking because he feels bad about hurting her in the first place. Rei is "putting up" with Asuka because she wants to connect with her. They too care about her, and that's why they are doing it, and saying otherwise is her denying her own self worth.
The problem here is that Asuka can use this sentence exactly for supporting her idea.
"He feels bad about hurting her in the first place", and because of that he makes food for her, so he can feel better.
You may want to reformulate this to something like this:
He makes food for her to make her feel better because he knows hospital food is bad.
Maybe remind her this also:
You notice she takes time to mention that Shinji's cooking was the only respite for her.
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The problem here is that Asuka can use this sentence exactly for supporting her idea.
"He feels bad about hurting her in the first place", and because of that he makes food for her, so he can feel better.
You may want to reformulate this to something like this:
He makes food for her to make her feel better because he knows hospital food is bad.
Maybe remind her this also:
The point of my argument is that Shinji feels bad because he hurt her and he cares about her. If he didn't care, he wouldn't bother to do anything because he wouldn't regret hurting Asuka.
The point of my argument is that Shinji feels bad because he hurt her and he cares about her. If he didn't care, he wouldn't bother to do anything because he wouldn't regret hurting Asuka.
I've mentioned only how this could be interpreted. It is of course your call how to write it.
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Should we include something about how we treated her with respect and like an adult by telling her the truth? And that we didn't mislead her, lie, and let her quixiotically pursue Kaji despite our renewed relationship?

Or that we didn't spring this on her while she was in the hospital and she could be sedated, where we could just walk away
Minor edits (TNO bit about Shinji, truth inclusion)

[X] Carefully Reaching out with Truth
- [X] Above all else, make sure Asuka knows it's okay for her to be upset about this. That's why you and Kaji tried to handle it in this way, because it was always going to suck and you were hoping to make it less painful for her. You care about her, and if you were offered the choice to be her caretaker again you'd do it.
- [X] Get Kaji to discreetly leave for a bit.
- [X] Play up how you were trying to treat her as an individual and not an unruly child.
- [X] Part of that is telling her the truth, and not hiding this from her, or lying. Would she rather you had let her keep chasing after Kaji, despite your renewed relationship?
- [X] Make sure she knows you're not going to abandon her, even if this turns into a screaming match - which it probably has done by this point.
- [X] Shinji "tries to make himself feel better" by bringing her home cooking because he knows it would make her hospital stay more tolerable. Rei is "putting up" with Asuka because she wants to connect with her. They too care about her, and that's why they are doing it, and saying otherwise is her denying her own self worth.
Hybridizing the votes a bit. Telling Kaji to leave would have to be pretty dang discreet indeed to not backfire, either now or when Asuka's reviewing the events later -- it would play into the "Misato's done something to him" idea. On the other hand, Kaji leaving on his own would poke a hole in Asuka's viewing him as a -- with the whole toxic masculinity preconceptions -- man, because like canon!Shinji, he's running away from his problem.

[X] Reaching out + Care to an "Adult"
-[X] Play up how you were trying to treat her as an individual and not an unruly child.
-[X] Taking her to a fancy restaurant, this is exactly how serious meetings (e.g. between CEOs of big companies) with important partners are done. And because of her hard work, she's earned that respect.
-[X] Above all else, make sure Asuka knows anyone would be upset in her situation. Everyone, at some point, is attracted to someone they aren't compatible with, it's part of life. That's why you and Kaji tried to handle it in this way, because it was always going to suck and you were hoping to make it less painful for her.
-[X] Shinji "tries to make himself feel better" by bringing her home cooking, because he knows hospital food sucks and wants her to have a more pleasant recuperation. Rei is "putting up" with Asuka because she wants to connect with her. They too care about her, and that's why they are doing it, and saying otherwise is her denying her own self worth.
-[X] Make sure she knows you're not going to abandon her, even if this turns into a screaming match - which it probably has done by this point. Nor should she abandon herself, trying to force herself into a position that doesn't fit her. You care about her, and if you were offered the choice to be her mentor again you'd do it.
--[X] Specifically don't use the word "caretaker" or anything else which implies Asuka's immature.
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[X] Reaching out + Care to an "Adult"
-[X] Play up how you were trying to treat her as an individual and not an unruly child.
-[X] Taking her to a fancy restaurant, this is exactly how serious meetings (e.g. between CEOs of big companies) with important partners are done. And because of her hard work, she's earned that respect.
-[X] Above all else, make sure Asuka knows anyone would be upset in her situation. Everyone, at some point, is attracted to someone they aren't compatible with, it's part of life. That's why you and Kaji tried to handle it in this way, because it was always going to suck and you were hoping to make it less painful for her.
-[X] Shinji "tries to make himself feel better" by bringing her home cooking, because he knows hospital food sucks and wants her to have a more pleasant recuperation. Rei is "putting up" with Asuka because she wants to connect with her. They too care about her, and that's why they are doing it, and saying otherwise is her denying her own self worth.
-[X] Make sure she knows you're not going to abandon her, even if this turns into a screaming match - which it probably has done by this point. Nor should she abandon herself, trying to force herself into a position that doesn't fit her. You care about her, and if you were offered the choice to be her mentor again you'd do it.
--[X] Specifically don't use the word "caretaker" or anything else which implies Asuka's immature.
Okay, changing my vote now since wow, this looks like the perfect vote for this situation.

[X] Reaching out + Care to an "Adult"
Oblivion VI: Heartbreaker
[X] Reaching out + Care to an "Adult"
-[X] Play up how you were trying to treat her as an individual and not an unruly child.
-[X] Taking her to a fancy restaurant, this is exactly how serious meetings (e.g. between CEOs of big companies) with important partners are done. And because of her hard work, she's earned that respect.
-[X] Above all else, make sure Asuka knows anyone would be upset in her situation. Everyone, at some point, is attracted to someone they aren't compatible with, it's part of life. That's why you and Kaji tried to handle it in this way, because it was always going to suck and you were hoping to make it less painful for her.
-[X] Shinji "tries to make himself feel better" by bringing her home cooking, because he knows hospital food sucks and wants her to have a more pleasant recuperation. Rei is "putting up" with Asuka because she wants to connect with her. They too care about her, and that's why they are doing it, and saying otherwise is her denying her own self-worth.
-[X] Make sure she knows you're not going to abandon her, even if this turns into a screaming match - which it probably has done by this point. Nor should she abandon herself, trying to force herself into a position that doesn't fit her. You care about her, and if you were offered the choice to be her mentor again you'd do it.
--[X] Specifically don't use the word "caretaker" or anything else which implies Asuka's immature.

You tell Asuka what your intentions were taking her here and having an adult conversation about this. You could have ignored her feelings about Kaji entirely and kept up an air of plausible deniability. Even if Asuka managed to find out on her own, Kaji's made it clear there's nothing she could do about it. There's no reason to bother doing this if you didn't care about what she wanted. Asuka says you think she's stupid, huh. You shake your head. Part of why you bothered to do this is because you respect her intelligence and feelings. She's worked hard as both a pilot and as a member of your household. She's earned that respect.

Asuka snorts. That's rich. She's useless at home and completely fucked up the last operation. If she had any value at all Kaji wouldn't be abandoning her like this. Kaji gives Asuka a look of pity. Don't you dare look at her like that, Kaji, Asuka spits. These are all empty routines and platitudes people have made up so they can feel better about cutting ties. You'll throw a little pity party for her and then throw her away like the trash she is once she ceases to be of use to you. Asuka's voice gradually gets quieter as she continues. She's retreating into herself.

You tell Asuka that you're doing things this way because you knew this was going to be difficult for her. Yes, it's also difficult for you and Kaji, you're not denying that. But above all, you understand that she's the one most affected and hurt by this. You tell her that feeling like this is normal. Lots of people—almost everyone, probably—have feelings for people it doesn't work out with or that they're incompatible with. That's a normal part of life, and it's upsetting. It's humiliating and confusing and frustrating. Feeling this way is how anyone would react to hearing news like this. You took her out to lunch and are delivering this news in this way to try to make this less painful for her.

Asuka mumbles that it still hurts.

You tell her that you could easily have told her when she was in the hospital and on painkillers, confined to a bed, and left the room without letting her talk. It would certainly have been easier and quicker. But you didn't, because you care about Asuka and because you respect her too much to do that to her. The other pilots care about her too. Shinji's bringing her home cooking because he knows that being stuck in the infirmary sucks and that whether Asuka is willing to admit it or not, she likes his food. He's providing that relief because he cares about her. Rei absolutely does not have to "tolerate" her in the manner she has been. You know that Rei's…odd. The two girls have made a verbal contract on how to talk to and treat each other, and Rei has gone out of her way to honor that contract, because she respects Asuka. If she didn't, she would ignore it and defer to some higher authority. You and Asuka both know she has trouble thinking for herself sometimes. Her willingly going out of her way for Asuka to feel comfortable around her has to count for something.

Everyone at home cares about her, and nobody is abandoning her. You'd be her mentor again without question. Everyone wants her to succeed and be happy. One day she'll meet someone kind that's crazy for her. You're sure that person's out there. Maybe even closer than she thinks.

Asuka says she does not believe you. You must be lying. The anger is gone now. Almost, anyway. She occasionally grinds her teeth. She wears a forlorn expression. It's clear that her self-esteem and pride have been deeply wounded by losing Kaji. You've always known Asuka was insecure, but the idea of her openly talking about her feelings of inadequacy in front of you was practically unthinkable. As upsetting as this situation is, you wonder if this means that you and Asuka are close enough for her to show vulnerability around you.

You don't think you've convinced Asuka that her self-destructive feelings about how other people treat her are not based in reality, but you've at least made her aware. More immediately, she seems uninterested in fighting you on the subject of Kaji anymore. You don't think she's completely accepted your relationship or anything like that, but you're satisfied that she won't do anything stupid or dangerous to get his attention. You and Kaji have broken her heart, and you're going to have to live with that.

You finish by telling Asuka that although everything seems bad right now, they won't be bad forever. Above all else, you're here for her and aren't going to let her suffer by herself. Asuka mutters that she doesn't need your help. All the same, it's there if she decides to change her mind.

Kaji says that Asuka is a resourceful, intelligent, funny, talented and beautiful young woman. She shouldn't sell herself short. There will be someone, probably several someones, out there who can give Asuka what she needs. Kaji cannot, and for that he's sincerely sorry. She does not need to forgive him if she does not want to. Asuka says nothing at all in response. She shoots him an icy glare. Kaji grimaces and nods.

Asuka says she wants to go home. Alone, please. You're not comfortable with leaving her by herself in this state, though you keep that to yourself and offer to call some NERV Intelligence goons to drive her back to the apartment. Asuka considers it and reluctantly accepts. She sits back down and puts her head down on the table in front of her uneaten dessert.

You take a moment to place two phone calls. One to the goons, and one to your apartment to make sure Shinji's home. You're relieved to discover he is. You give him a heavily abridged version of events and a heads-up that Asuka's feeling pretty bad, so he should take care with how he acts around her and to be patient with her. She's hurting a lot right now. Shinji says okay, sounding nervous. You tell him you trust him and to be a good boy and hang up.

Shortly after, Asuka leaves with a guy in a suit and sunglasses you recognize as being one of the men injured during the Ninth Angel's attack. He's missing an ear.

After Asuka leaves, you breathe a sigh of what you think is relief. A huge weight feels like it's been lifted from your shoulders. You can breathe easier. You're worried about dealing with the aftermath, but the worst part is over, at least. Kaji says that sucked, but he was expecting it to be a lot worse. Asuka's matured a bit since she started living with you. He's not going to actively avoid Asuka, though he's going to keep his distance as a courtesy. You tell him not to do anything that will make her think he doesn't want to be around her. Kaji says okay.

You take the check and decide to go home. Kaji drops you off, kisses you goodbye, and wishes you luck. To your relief, the apartment is in good order when you return. Shinji seems unmaimed and Asuka has shut herself up in her bedroom. Shinji says he checked on her earlier and she was sitting in bed listening to music and told him to go away. You can hear Nine Inch Nails blasting from the other apartment. You sigh and prepare a hot water bottle and some special herbal tea for Asuka. You knock on her door. No answer.


You open the door and find Asuka reading one of the study materials Fuyutsuki gave her. Her face is tightened in concentration. You can't make yourself heard over the music, so you gesture at the supplies you got for Asuka. Asuka makes a sour expression and extends her good arm to receive them. You hand them to her and decide to exit the room after saying to holler if she needs anything else. You're not sure if she heard you, since she doesn't acknowledge you.

You and Shinji eat dinner alone. Shinji leaves a plate outside Asuka's door. Later, you find the plate empty.

Select one of the following for each:
[ ] Talk to Rei about:
[ ] Talk to Shinji about:
[ ] Talk to Asuka about:

[ ] General well-being
[ ] Mood
[ ] The past
[ ] The present
[ ] The future

[ ] Yourself
[ ] Friends
[ ] Romance

[ ] NERV
[ ] School
[ ] Home
[ ] Tokyo-3
[ ] The World


Select two of the following for each pilot (if the same activity is selected for two pilots, they will attend that activity together):

[ ] Combat training
[ ] Synchronization training
[ ] Physical training
[ ] Study
[ ] Arts program
[ ] Go out/free time

Special Activity

You may do one special activity of your choosing each week. It won't raise Rei's stats, but you can use it to bond with her, affect her mood, or solve her problems. Additionally, you can also use this slot to pursue your own projects, if any. This is not controlled by majority vote. The QM will merely choose the most entertaining one. Note that this activity does not have to include the pilots.
Asuka says you think she's stupid, huh. You shake your head. Part of why you bothered to do this is because you respect her intelligence and feelings. She's worked hard as both a pilot and as a member of your household. She's earned that respect.

Asuka snorts. That's rich. She's useless at home and completely fucked up the last operation. If she had any value at all Kaji wouldn't be abandoning her like this.
I think Asuka's Inferiority Superiority Complex is starting to collapse into a plain ol' inferiority complex.

I agree with Kaji that really did go better than I worried and Asuka really has matured.
"Better than expected" is a low, low bar. She's definitely maturing, though.

Anyways. Next week.
I kinda want to address the claims about everyone only being nice to her to get her to do stuff, but...we gotta pick our battles. Something to talk about later, though.
I don't think we really addressed that. (We had to pick our battles.) We pointed out nice things that Misato, Shinji, and Rei have done for Asuka, we asserted that they weren't just doing that to get something out of Asuka, and that's nice. But I don't get the sense that Asuka believes this.
Asuka says she does not believe you. You must be lying.
I know Asuka can be pretty subtle, but that's the vibes I get, We addressed a lot of the reasons Asuka was/is in a bad mood, but I don't think we've really convinced her that the kindness people show her is unconditional. That Shinji and Rei and Misato would still be nice to her even if she couldn't pilot an Evangelion ever again.* That Asuka is valuable for reasons beyond her utility to the people she cares about.

Think we can cover that in a conversation? Self (The Future), maybe? Or would it need to be a special activity?

*Assuming Gendo didn't deport Asuka once she was no longer useful to him. Which he probably would.
At least it's not Linkin Park and cutting said:
Now doesn't that make you feel better?
The pigs have won tonight
Now they can all sleep soundly
And everything is all right

-NIN, March of the Pigs

Three cheers for Asuka being about as mature as she could possibly be about NTR facing reality.