[X] Instructions for Rei: cockpit monitors to b&w; look and fire at the legs.
[X] Instructions for Shinji: scope to enhanced visual mode; after JSSDF's volley, faceshot.
[X] Instructions for Asuka: fall back, break eye contact, calm down, status report.

[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: switch to thermals where possible; start incendiary strikes - napalm, white phosphorus, what have you. The main goal is to raise the temp around/on the Angel, the secondary is to obscure its unsightly features with the resulting vapors.
[X] Instructions for Rei: cockpit monitors to b&w; look and fire at the legs. [X] Instructions for Shinji: scope to enhanced visual mode; after JSSDF's volley, faceshot.

[X] Instructions for Asuka: fall back, break eye contact, calm down, status report.

[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: switch to thermals where possible; start incendiary strikes - napalm, white phosphorus, what have you. The main goal is to raise the temp around/on the Angel, the secondary is to obscure its unsightly features with the resulting vapors.
Difficult choice...

[X] Operation Meltdown
-[X] Instructions for Rei: cockpit monitors to b&w; look and fire at the legs.
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: scope to enhanced visual mode; after JSSDF's volley, faceshot.
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: fall back, break eye contact, calm down, status report.

-[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: switch to thermals where possible; start incendiary strikes - napalm, white phosphorus, what have you. The main goal is to raise the temp around/on the Angel, the secondary is to obscure its unsightly features with the resulting vapors.

I was going to vote for Operation Winter's Blade, but this has a potential for dealing with angel faster, then we can focus on the shelter and helping civilians fully
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Qaspiel VI: La nostalgia dell'infinito
[X] Operation Meltdown
-[X] Instructions for Rei: cockpit monitors to b&w; look and fire at the legs.
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: scope to enhanced visual mode; after JSSDF's volley, faceshot.
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: fall back, break eye contact, calm down, status report.
-[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: switch to thermals where possible; start incendiary strikes - napalm, white phosphorus, what have you. The main goal is to raise the temp around/on the Angel, the secondary is to obscure its unsightly features with the resulting vapors.

Rei accedes. She begins moving towards the Angel to ensure a more accurate shot. The Angel continues its rampage across the city, sowing as much destruction as possible in its wake. Shinji begins charging a shot and moves to a better firing position. You relay the order to the JSSDF. They balk. You want them to firebomb Tokyo-3? You stress you'd prefer they keep the destruction as limited to the Angel as possible. You advise them to switch to thermals to pinpoint the greatest source of cold air. The JSSDF reluctantly complies.

Asuka does not want to drop back. You repeat the order more forcefully. Asuka says no. She stumbles towards the Angel. You and she have an unproductive back-and-forth where you try to warn her of the incoming incendiary attack, but she seems indifferent to or unaware of the danger being in the vicinity of the strike poses.

While you and Asuka are arguing, Rei begins firing shots at the Angel's legs, causing it to stumble. It braces itself against a building, tearing off its façade. Its advance towards the stuck shelter slows as it begins limping towards Rei.

Ritsuko announces that Melchior is once again functional. Please ignore any reports that the current date is 100000000000000000000000 AD; this is an error. Psychographic readouts are back online. You quickly learn that despite a lack of obvious symptoms, all three pilots are experiencing irregular psychograph outputs; for Shinji and Rei, the outputs are manageable and comparable to outputs expected from moderately stressful activity. They are still usable. Asuka on the other hand is experiencing acute stress and should be removed from the operation as soon as possible.

Additionally, some rudimentary reports on each Evangelion's condition are coming in. Unit-00 and Unit-01 status is nominal. Unit-02 has sustained essentially the equivalent of a moderate concussion. The arm afflicted by the Angel has also begun showing signs of severe frostbite. The ice sheet on Unit-02's arm is slowly spreading. It's amazing Asuka is still conscious, frankly, but her synchronization ratio has dropped severely since the start of the engagement, shielding her from the worst of the pain.

You ask Asuka if she heard all that. Asuka doesn't care. She has to do this. She's not going to sit back and let Shinji and Rei take all the credit. She's better than them. She can't be removed from this operation. You need her. She's killed more Angels than anyone else. You sigh and do what you've been reluctant to do during this entire argument. You pull rank. You tell her that if she doesn't knock the insubordination off there will be disciplinary measures taken, which could include discharge from service. Asuka thinks you're bluffing.

Gendo takes the opportunity to speak directly to Asuka. No, Second Child. If she does not obey orders, he will personally ensure she never sits in the cockpit of Unit-02 ever again. Asuka slowly lowers her weapon. Rei says quietly that she thinks Sohryu should listen to what's being said. She's injured and is putting herself at risk for personal reasons. Sohryu once became upset with Rei for taking unnecessary risks. Rei has decided that she would similarly become upset with Sohryu.

Asuka explodes that she and Rei are not alike, and that Rei shouldn't act like she knows her—

Rei sprints past the Angel at Asuka and tackles her out of the way as an incendiary strike streaks across the black sky towards Asuka's location. The city block erupts into a pillar of fire. The Angel is a few blocks away. You swear and demand an explanation.

Turns out that thermal imaging doesn't work very well when the IR radiation is scattered by the ice crystals in the air. The poor contrast and patch of ice crystals on Unit-02's arm, which appears to be spreading, led to Unit-02 being misidentified as the target. You restrain yourself from issuing a death threat and help point them in the correct direction. Shinji follows up the attack by shooting the Angel in the head with the Positron Rifle. See? Shoot where that laser beam terminated.

A second strike connects with the Angel, which emits a piercing wail and clutches its head, dropping its severed arm to the ground as it writhes in pain. It seems it does not like heat. A haze of smoke emits from its body as the fluid leaking from its arms combusts. Counterintuitively, rather than vaporizing, the fluid merely hardens, partially encasing the Angel's arms in an icy substance. Which is evidently also quite flammable. The Angel's arms are now on fire. You can barely make out its figure, wreathed in smoke and flame. It is still en route to the stuck shelter, but its movements are jerky and hampered by its injuries. The fire spreads from the Angel to the surrounding buildings. The Angel appears to be in extreme amounts of pain, judging by its vocalizations. Ritsuko notes Rei's psychograph shows greater amounts of irregularity. Unlike with Asuka, she does not recommend Rei be removed from the operation.

Asuka groans in pain and shoves Rei off of her. She wants a piece of it. Rei stands and takes the weapon out of her hands, exchanging it for the crossbow. Rei will protect everyone. It's imperative that Sohryu take a moment to regroup before entering the fray again. She offers a hand to Asuka to help her up. Asuka doesn't take it, but she seems unable to stand up on her own. Her vitals are weak. Shinji comes over and offers a hand as well. They'll do it together.

Asuka reluctantly lets Rei and Shinji pull her up and moves behind them.

The Angel is getting very near the stuck shelter. You suspect that it's dying, but if nobody takes it down soon, it will take that shelter with it. Moreover, the fires started by the two incendiary strikes and the Angel are beginning to spread due to the wind. Tokyo-3 is built with fire-resistance in mind, but there's only so much punishment it can take.

~O L#^* 7&ou pl%cke$# me @*(~

[ ] Instructions for Rei: (write-in)
[ ] Instructions for Shinji: (write-in)
[ ] Instructions for Asuka: (write-in)

[ ] Instructions for the JSSDF: (write-in)

The Positron Rifle has 3 shots remaining.
Asuka does not want to drop back.
Why am I not surprised?
Please ignore any reports that the current date is 100000000000000000000000 AD; this is an error.
At least we know that MAGI are not Y2K vulnerable.
Asuka on the other hand is experiencing acute stress and should be removed from the operation as soon as possible.
Easier said than done.
Gendo takes the opportunity to speak directly to Asuka.
If King of Bastards speaks, then the matter is serious.
Sohryu once became upset with Rei for taking unnecessary risks.
You do not forget anything Rei, do you?
A second strike connects with the Angel, which emits a piercing wail and clutches its head, dropping its severed arm to the ground as it writhes in pain.
Finally, JSSDF has done something right!
Unlike with Asuka, she does not recommend Rei be removed from the operation.
You would like to see her in the infirmary again, wouldn't you, Rits?
Rei will protect everyone
Not this "replacement" crap again!

[X] Blaze of glory
-[X] Instructions for Rei: Hit and run attacks, just enough close combat to slow it down
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: Charge and fire when opportunity appears
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: Fire from crossbow to grab its attention
-[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: Split forces. One half should continue firebombing angel, the other should try to contain the worst fires.
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So things are on fire, everybody's on the verge of a mental breakdown, and the Angel's about to fuck up one of the shelters. Just another Tuesday, really.

TNO's plan is solid:

[X] Blaze of glory
-[X] Instructions for Rei: Hit and run attacks, just enough close combat to slow it down
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: Charge and fire when opportunity appears
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: Fire from crossbow to grab its attention
-[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: Split forces. One half should continue firebombing angel, the other should try to contain the worst fires.
[X] Blaze of glory
-[X] Instructions for Rei: Hit and run attacks, just enough close combat to slow it down
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: Charge and fire when opportunity appears
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: Fire from crossbow to grab its attention
-[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: Split forces. One half should continue firebombing angel, the other should try to contain the worst fires.
While it was effective, I think it would probably be best to cut off the fire bombing at this point, seeing as it's getting close to the shelter. We wouldn't want an errant shell or rocket to hit it.
Solution for next time: Evangelion flamethrowers
Eeeeh, flamethrowers are a terrible weapon for 80-metre-tall giant robots. You really want guns with incendiary ammo.

(For reference, the Churchill Crocodile's flame projector had a range of just over 100 metres.)
Eeeeh, flamethrowers are a terrible weapon for 80-metre-tall giant robots. You really want guns with incendiary ammo.

(For reference, the Churchill Crocodile's flame projector had a range of just over 100 metres.)

but flamethrowers are cool as shit

(You are right though, different ammo variants would be really useful in the future. You never know what angel is gonna pop out at us, but its best to have a bunch of options)
[X] Firepit
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: Fire upon the Angel's left leg
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: Fire upon the Angel's right leg
-[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: Prepare incendiary ammunition. If the the angel gets knocked prone, let it have it.
-[X] Instructions for Rei: Reposition between the Angel and the Shelter, in case the Angel is not halted.

I think this plan good in terms of both tactics and drama.

If we want an Eva flamethrower, it would probably have to fire napalm. Problematic, but maybe doable.
I enjoyed this chapter for many reasons: the intense and flashy action sequence, how it creatively punished us for the oversights and rewarded for the good calls, how Gendo acted on his own when appropriate, how some things didn't work but others worked in unexpected ways. It was... realistic and satisfying.

Did you notice how positron rifle faceshot had absolutely zero effect on the thing? It's probably the first time ever a positron rifle had been treated as a puny target designator. Imagine Shinji's expression at that moment. Props to Misato for not missing a beat!

Finally, JSSDF has done something right!
Yeah, I bet that made them happier. I can't help thinking this is important.

So, we obscured the Angel's face, which maybe makes everyone somewhat shielded against its mind attacks. And we upgraded it from being too cold to being too hot, which makes it uncomfortable and hopefully unable to maintain a strong AT field, if any at all. It's just flailing around now.
Attacks upon its legs proved to be highly effective, and also steered it towards the attacker- maybe we can use that more.
I'd say JSSDF have done great and their subsequent incendiary attacks would have substantially lower effect on target while being just as destructive to the city, so it's better to stop. Not to mention the target is getting closer to the shelter and to our kids.

I doubt we can afford to be cautious if we want to save the shelter, so I'm skeptical about non-conclusive plans that prioritize safety over results. The story flow kind of suggests the next turn should be the last one, and Rei have also given us some cues. I'm not good at psychology, but maybe her readings are more of battle clarity thing than something being wrong? Why would she exchange her weapon with Asuka otherwise? It's rare for her to act on her own in battles, and if she actively wants to get close and personal now, I say we give it to her.

If my understanding is correct, all 3 Units are together, between the Angel and the shelter? And Asuka is slightly behind the other two. We probably don't have time for fancy maneuvers, and this arrangement makes sense, so I'd go with the flow and do what Rei said: protect everyone, together. But I'm not confident enough that I'm reading the kids, Rei especially, right, so I won't suggest any plans.
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[X] Blaze of glory
-[X] Instructions for Rei: Hit and run attacks, just enough close combat to slow it down
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: Charge and fire when opportunity appears
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: Fire from crossbow to grab its attention
-[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: Split forces. One half should continue firebombing angel, the other should try to contain the worst fires.
You relay the order to the JSSDF. They balk. You want them to firebomb Tokyo-3?
Is that really worse than dropping N-3 bombs on the waterfront? And our pilots could look at that Angel without experiencing psychological distress.

Ritsuko announces that Melchior is once again functional. Please ignore any reports that the current date is 100000000000000000000000 AD; this is an error.
By my calculations, that date is about 500 times as large as the largest 64-bit unsigned integer. Who programmed Melchior's time/date system?

More trivia: A hundred million quadrillion years is about a billion times the length of the expected period of star formation. That said, it's about one-hundred-billionth of the minimum estimated time it would take for proton decay to bring about the true heat death of the universe.

All three pilots are experiencing irregular psychograph outputs [...] Asuka on the other hand is experiencing acute stress and should be removed from the operation as soon as possible.
She doesn't want to retreat away from the firebombs. Good luck getting Asuka to do anything for her own safety.

Gendo takes the opportunity to speak directly to Asuka. No, Second Child. If she does not obey orders, he will personally ensure she never sits in the cockpit of Unit-02 ever again.
Ah, yes. Threaten the thing Asuka values most: A chance to risk her own safety!

A second strike connects with the Angel, which emits a piercing wail and clutches its head, dropping its severed arm to the ground as it writhes in pain. It seems it does not like heat. A haze of smoke emits from its body as the fluid leaking from its arms combusts. Counterintuitively, rather than vaporizing, the fluid merely hardens, partially encasing the Angel's arms in an icy substance. Which is evidently also quite flammable. The Angel's arms are now on fire. You can barely make out its figure, wreathed in smoke and flame.
The Angels might be a horrifying apocalyptic threat, but killing them looks really cool.

Eeeeh, flamethrowers are a terrible weapon for 80-metre-tall giant robots. You really want guns with incendiary ammo.

(For reference, the Churchill Crocodile's flame projector had a range of just over 100 metres.)
Yeah, but that was limited by the weight of equipment a human-sized soldier can carry. A mecha-sized flamethrower would presumably have longer range.
Evangelion flamethrowers are impractical for other reasons.

[X] Firepit
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: Fire upon the Angel's left leg
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: Fire upon the Angel's right leg
-[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: Prepare incendiary ammunition. If the the angel gets knocked prone, let it have it.
-[X] Instructions for Rei: Reposition between the Angel and the Shelter, in case the Angel is not halted.

No more firebombs please. The firefighters are already gonna have a bad day.
Yeah, but that was limited by the weight of equipment a human-sized soldier can carry.
The flamethrowers mounted on the British WW2 Churchill Crocodile (a conversion of a 40-tonne infantry tank) or the American Cold War era M132 (a conversion of the M113 APC) were definitely not limited by a need to be carried by a single human operator.

(The limiting factors on the range of a flamethrower derive from things like operating pressure, fuel viscosity, and air resistance.)
[X] Firepit
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: Fire upon the Angel's left leg
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: Fire upon the Angel's right leg
-[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: Prepare incendiary ammunition. If the the angel gets knocked prone, let it have it.
-[X] Instructions for Rei: Reposition between the Angel and the Shelter, in case the Angel is not halted.
[X] Blaze of glory
-[X] Instructions for Rei: Hit and run attacks, just enough close combat to slow it down
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: Charge and fire when opportunity appears
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: Fire from crossbow to grab its attention
-[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: Split forces. One half should continue firebombing angel, the other should try to contain the worst fires.

[X] Firepit
The coup de grace

After some more thinking I will be switching my vote to Firepit.
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The flamethrowers mounted on the British WW2 Churchill Crocodile (a conversion of a 40-tonne infantry tank) or the American Cold War era M132 (a conversion of the M113 APC) were definitely not limited by a need to be carried by a single human operator.

(The limiting factors on the range of a flamethrower derive from things like operating pressure, fuel viscosity, and air resistance.)
Completely forgot that flamethrower tanks were a thing.

An Evangelion could probably mount a fuel tank heavier than an entire infantry tank, which could probably store fuel at a higher pressure. Air resistance is a lot harder to meddle with, though...
[X] Firepit
-[X] Instructions for Shinji: Fire upon the Angel's left leg
-[X] Instructions for Asuka: Fire upon the Angel's right leg
-[X] Instructions for the JSSDF: Prepare incendiary ammunition. If the the angel gets knocked prone, let it have it.
-[X] Instructions for Rei: Reposition between the Angel and the Shelter, in case the Angel is not halted.