Reds Official Fanfiction/Weird History Thread

Initial Post

Miss Teri

The Queen
This is the official fanfiction and weird history thread for Reds! A Revolutionary Timeline.

If you're unfamiliar with the timeline, here's the SV thread to catch up with everything: Reds! A Revolutionary Timeline Timeline - Post-1900

TL;DR it's a fanfiction thread for Reds, as well as a place to explore Weird History variations. This has been something of an institution for the timeline for a while. A way for fans to interact with the TL. Here's some of the incarnations of this concept if you need ideas (a lot of these are outdated so be warned:

Reds fanfic

This a thread to post any stuff for Reds that u do to feel need to be put on the main thread. I'll post some stuff later.

Reds! Official Fanfiction Thread (Part Two)

This is the second Fanfiction thread for the Reds! Timeline. Due to certain circumstances, the updates for the first one could not be threadmarked, making it hard to find and catalog the pieces written . Thus, it is necessary to create a second thread in order for updates to the author's liking...

@Aelita , @Spartakrod and myself will be curating this thread, and will threadmark entries. So, with all that out of the way, I hope to see some great contributions on here. I held off creating this for a while, but now with WW2 going on in the main thread, this was the best time to get this done.

Let's gooo.

The New Order: Last Days of Europe is a Hearts of Iron IV
mod dealing with the ramifications of an Axis Victory in the Second World War/Great Revolutionary War. The mod was created as an anti-fascist and anti-nazi response to the far right apologia and outright neo-nazism present in FBU politics, as well as the growth of Trump's America Forever movement in Americuban politics. This is evident in how the mod portrays the utter depravity of the Nazi system, as well as it's inherent economic inefficiencies that would guarantee collapse.

The Point of Divergence is Stalin being more resistant to the UASR's growing strength and influence in the Comintern, as well as pro-Axis Fascist Unionists and the pro-Axis elements of the Tories gaining an edge in British politics. This eventually leads to a Anglo-German alliance against the Comitern. The Great anticommunist crusade is launched against a disjointed Comitern and lead to the fall of Moscow during Operation Teutonic, the Nazi seizure of everything to the west of the Urals, and the collapse of what remains of the Soviet Union into warlord states. France is then invaded, with the British taking Normandy, Brittany declaring Independence, and Alase-Lorriane being reintergrated back into Germany. The UASR manages to defeat Canada, and was planning to liberate Europe on it's own, only to be nuked and forced to sue for peace. In Asia, Japan, under the mad rule of the Kodoha, establishes their co-prosperity Sphere. In the South American theatre, the war ends in stalemate; the Intergralists defeat Argentina and Columbia, but could not defeat the rest of the USAR's allies. The Intergralist regime would collapse later on due to internal strife and infighting in the 1950s.

The anti-Communist alliance quickly dissolves in the wake of the Second World War, with Nazi efforts to exert complete control over their allies and satellite states meeting with resistance and their economic mismanagement leading to a crash in the early 1950s that leads to the dissolution of the Axis alliance. Britain and it's bloc break free and form the Imperial Commonwealth, while Italy, Spain and Turkey form the Trivirumvirate to contain Axis ambitions in Europe. Nazi political instability leads to a temporary halt in their extermination policies, with slave labor being used to keep the Reich afloat until economic stability is fully achieved, at which point extermination policies will resume. Seeing this as a betrayal of Nazi racial ideology, Himmler and the SS attempt to mount a coup; said coup being preempted thanks to the timely intervention of Hans Spediel and the creation of the Order State of Burgundy in what was French land to appease the SS. Himmler survived the coup, and created a nightmare world of occult madness, destroying French culture and entire generations of French and Belgians. At the same time, he developed an even more extreme form of Nazism--Ultranational Socialism, also known as the Burgundian System. The ideology calls for extreme totalitarian rule combined with extreme racial purity, with Himmler planning for a "Final War" that will clense mankind of it's degenerate races.

Japan itself, being relatively isolated from European affairs has managed to maintain a degree of internal stability. Such stability however, is not to last. The UASR has been working against the Japanese government in revenge for the lost treaty ports. They've been funneling leftist revolts against Chiang's unpopular collaborationist government and in Japan's allies. The Kodoha led ultranationalist government is planning for a final struggle with the UASR, along with the Commonwealth members of New Zealand and Australia to "remove the taint of the white men from Asia" in the 1960s.

As the 1960s being, in Germany, while the economy has struggled forward, the nation has fallen behind. The military is in shambles, the slaves increasingly restless, and a generation of Germans has grown up relying entirely on this caste, never having had to work or serve in the military. Influenced by a black market of British, Italian and even Comitern media, as well as large amounts of imported literature banned by the state, they have taken to the streets to vent their frustration against the regime. By 1962, the nation has been locked in almost 6 months of constant protests and riots.

As 1962 begins, Germany soon announced the first good news for the nation seemingly in decades. Its space race with America and Japan, at least according to German authorities, has come to an end. German Raumsonauts have landed on the moon. As the celebrations at this victory began in Germania, however, a Burgundian-backed assassin struck at Hitler. While the Führer has survived, it seems that the Reich may be facing its greatest challenge yet.....for few months after the assassination, Hitler dies and the Reich dissolves into civil war.......

The German Civil War:

The main contenders for Hitler's throne(which a German player can choose to be the successor before Hitler's death) include:
  • Hermann Goering, the leader of the reformists(Speer dosen't have much notoriority TTL I feel with Ford ururping his role), whom seemed to argue for economic liberalization and a degree of political freedoms, due to influence by a cabal of anti-Nazi politicians called the Gang of Four(Henning von Treskow, Ludwig Erhard, Kurt Georg Kiesinger, Helmut Schmidt). Through it seems that perhaps Goering and this gang dosen't see eye to eye. If Goering wins the civil war, he will try to implement political reforms liberalizing the economy and even dismantling slavery; after restoring German hold over Europe, he and the Gang of Four focus their attention on dismantling the corporations profiting off the slave system, amoung them Ford Motors' German Branch. This sets off a slave revolt, and, it is revealed that Goering never agreed with the reforms in the first place aside from piggybacking on the gang to gain power and preserve Fascism in his own interpretation of Nazism; the conservative and militarist base he wanted that was taken by Bormann and Goebbels.
    • The slave revolt can lead to the Gang of Four containing the revolt on their terms, destroying Goering's political power and making him a powerless figurehead. The Gang of Four will try to liberalize further and mend ties with Britain, through far-left parties are prohibited from entering the Reichstag. They will prepare for the "Eurasian War" against a reunified Russia by forming a European Defense pact, and working with Britain to form a "Organization of Free Nations" to counterbalance the UASR and the Japanese. They also have to make tough decisions about how to deal with the Nazi bureaucracy, with the actions that show more leinancy causing more stability. While the gang started out as anti-Nazi, this, along with their anti-communism, can potentially lead them to become the monster they sought to destroy. However, if they stick true to their values, they can lay the foundations for a German democracy
    • Alternatively Goering can succeed if the negotiations are supervised by him, making Kiesinger his deputy Fuhrer, sidelining the rest of the gang with the intention of picking them off one-by-one starting with Schmidt, and remake Nazism in his own image. He will cast off the most blatantly murderous parts of the regime or make them more subdued, but maintain the totalitarianism and the rampant racism. He will use the goodwill generated by the Gang of Four's previous reforms to lure radicals in Eastern Europe out and neutralize them in a dirty war resulting in thousands of deaths written off as disappearances. He will still try to form a "Organization of Free Nations" to counterbalance the UASR and the Japanese with the British....but use it as an excuse to spread fascism and Nazism worldwide to those willing to take that message. People have noticed how unsettling this route is, not only because it provides Nazism with a path to win the Cold War, but also with it's commentary on West German militarism and its apologia of the past
    • Both Goering and the gang destroy each other, Germania rises in revolt. This, along with the Slave Revolt, leads to a successful socialist revolution in Germania.
  • Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, who calls for "Total War", a "Aryan Grand Crusade", against the entire world. He will militarize the entire German society and instigate war plans that could lead to Germany's collapse into a four way civil war between Goebbels, ultra-militarists led by Ferdinand Schörner that believe he isn't going far enough, Wehrmacht moderates led by Hans Spediel, and a Communist revolution by surviving elements of the KPD backed by the UASR. If he manages to suceed in his conquests, then it will cause the destruction of the world in nuclear war when he implements "Plan Endsieg" and attacks Britain, America, Japan or Burgundy(This is War Plan C OTL).
  • Martin Bormann, the canon victor for the Civil War. He can ally with Militarists or the remnants of the Goeringites to secure his power, eventually purging both factions once they've outlived their usefulness. He will then escalate Hitlerite policies during the "opulence" period: enacting polygamy and launching a kulturkampf against the church. This only escalates the Reich's collapse as revolts and bombing happen all around. A collapse that he does not see due to his lung cancer killing him not long before the Eurasian war, but his sucessors are left with the burden of his mistakes it guarantees the Reich's collapse regardless of if they win the Eurasian War or even prove to be the last man standing
  • Reinhard Heydrich, the canon choice for sucessor but not the victor of the Civil War. He has no chance of winning the Civil War under AI control due to the unpopularity of the SS(if he makes any progress, the other factions will temporarily join forces to turn against him, and Spediel will declare war on him as he approaches Germania) but if he does, he will be made aware of Himmler's plans and turn against him, seeking to get the rest of the SS to his side. If he succeeds he will try to consolidate power: only for him to be killed by either another ambitious SS leader or Speidel and Germany to descend into a bloodier warlord era.
  • Anarchy Descends on the Reich: If none of the potential Fuhrers win the civil war in time, the German Anarchy occurs with all of the candiates popping out their nuclear arsenal, plunging Germany into further devastation. Heydrich is killed by Himmler for "failure" and Burgundy annexes the Rhineland. A massive slave uprising emerges in Germany seeking revenge on their masters. If this slave uprising succeeds, they can seek to create a egalitarian society, or go off the deep end in their pursuit of revenge, particularly against a population that has been indoctrinated for so long; this route is noted for being particuarly depressing along with a similar route in the Ostland War, with the main theme being the concept of "revenge just brings more innocent bloodshed". If the war enters this stage, Germany's time as a world power is over and any Fuhrer that takes over will have a hard time and a extremely uphill battle to regain international power.
Chaos Descends over the Reich:
  • With Germany embroiled in Civil War, the Unity-Pakt falls into chaos. The "Model Colony" of Ostland(the Baltics+Belarus) also falls into a civil war divided into many factions:
    • The Ostland government under Franz Walter Stahlecker, whom represent the continuation of mainstream Nazi policies in the region
    • The Byelorussian Central Council led by Michal Vituska, fighting ostensibly to free Ostland from Nazi rule but in reality, a means for Vituska to rule over what was Ostland
    • Otto-Heinrich Drechsler, a militarist that has aligned himself with Goebbels and Schörner, but is more loyal to Schörner and may cause problems for Goebbels' rule
    • Reformists led by Andreas Meyer-Landrut seeking to restore native rule to Ostland, the Gang of Four is sympathetic to his aims, but Goering wants total compliance and a playthrough as him usually ends in invasion or puppetting by a Goeringite Germany with Landrut purged unless he alins himself with the Gang of Four.
    • The Free American Republic, which has grown to encompass all of Belorussia, a Burgundian System nightmare led by SS commander Joseph P. Kennedy Jr(replacing Jeckeln), whom has succeeded Pelley as the leader of the Free American Republic. Believing that the UASR and Americuba have both been contaminated by Jews, Kennedy seeks to build a new America through the purification of all of Ostland and on the corpses of millions of "undesirables"
    • The Baltic Partisan Organization, a Slave Republic that could emerge from the ashes of Meyer-Landrut's faction if the Ostland war enters the anarchy phase
  • The General Government falls to an uprising by the Polish Underground, while this uprising usually succeeds, they have to deal with a vengeful Germany. The best Poland can hope for is status as a puppet under Bormann or Goering's rule(through Schmidt can intervene and allow it to enter the Einheitspakt with the right concessions), with a second invasion possibly casting Poland into the dustbin of history once again....
  • Sweden faces a Norwegian uprising by the Milorg(which can embrace socialism or liberal democracy) that sends the Lindholm government into chaos. This chaos can see the end of Nazism in Sweden as a result of Norwegian victory in the "Scandinavian Brother Wars" or the consolidation of Swedish rule over the region. If Nazism survives in Sweden, Lindholm may maintain power, be overthrown by other fascists such as Göran Assar Oredsson or Per Engdahl, or even fall to a Burgundian coup under Hans-Gösta Pehrsson.
The Fall of the Triumvirate:
  • With a weakened Germany, the Triumvirate starts to drift apart and succumb to pent up disputes over land. Their collapse is inevitable, and ushers in a power struggle between the liberalizing leader, Ciano, and hardline Fascists led by four important Fascist figures within the Italian government. There are plenty of paths for Italy to take during a game. If Ciano suceeds in liberalizing Italy, they include becoming a pro-British government, going socialist and either keeping the monarchy or removing it if they've been able to successfully link up with the UASR and gain their support discreetly, avoiding a coup(This is impossible OTL). If the Fascists suceed however, they can also ally with Britain or form a independent Italian bloc replacing the Triumvirate. Their rule however mainly be maintained with violence, with the more peaceful options leading to collapse if not handled well, this will cause the "Years of Lead" in the 1970s starting with the Venetian uprising, and it can lead to Italian collapse, a Communist revolution, or the Fascist leadership being overthrown by worse, ultra-hardline Fascists(they would be ultranationalist ideology wise), or even worse, Burgundian System adherents centered around Julius Evola.
    • Italy's main crisis is the Oil Crisis in the 1970s as it loses it's colonies, which both the Germans and the Americans, as well as the British are taking advantage of by funneling arms into the region to their allies(through it is eventually revealed that the Burgundians kickstarted this crisis), this would trigger the Years of Lead under Scorza's government or the rise of the socialists as an electoral force under a democratic government
  • The Iberian Union, formed through a Spanish invasion of Portugal, is facing problems that are to rear their heads once Sanjuro dies, could see the restoration of the monarchy, stabilization under Sanjuro's sucessor or total collapse....which Britain, the UASR and the Nazis(regardless of Bormann, Goebbels and Goering) are willing to exploit. The sucessor states of the Iberian Union range from a restored Portugal, a restored Red Catalonia, to fascist, democratic and pro-Nazi breakaways, with the worst being an ultra-Intergralist breakaway led by Carlos Arias Navarro: the ultra-theocratic National Redemption Front, arguably the worst contender in the Second Spanish Civil War(through a Blue Division that has embraced the Burgundian system under Spanish SS member Miguel Ezquerra Sanchez can match them in awfulness).
The Lion's Last Stand(Britain, British Africa, India, Oceania):
  • As a result of Britain coming out of the war weaken: Having lost Canada and it's Caribbean colonies, it feels it has lost out of their alliance with the Germans. Their politics are now polarized with various anti-establishiment political parties emerging and odd electoral alliances being made against the governing National coalition(Tories+right wing of Labour+Far-right Unionists that have defanged themselves a bit following the German-British split) that has governed for years(NPP analogues). If British politics spirals out of control, these groups can take over, with most extreme of these on the far right, the "Jordanites"(Yockeys expy) named after their leader Colin Jordan, seek revenge against the UASR, militarization against Japan and a second alliance with Germany. On the left, you have the Labour party, whose more radical elements seek to unban the socialist parties and even seek detente with the UASR, while preparing for a war against Japan
  • South African Union, made up of Rhodesia and the Dominon falls apart not long before Hitler's death, into a deadly war war between the British dominionists, the Fascist Boer Republic and Rhodesians, as well as the UASR backed ANC if it does not support racial equality in the lead up to the war. Nazi occupied Africa will invade in the form of the Afrika-Schild and this invasion can provoke a major UASR or Commonwealth intervention if the most extreme of the Nazi leaders, Hans Huttig, uses chemical weapons, leading to the occupation of all of Africa. The UASR will install socialist regimes, while the British will enact client states on Africa first governed by British officers, with the latter potentially leading to collapse if handled poorly. If the Afrika-Schild wins, Huttig kills his allies, embraces the Burgundian system, and merges all the African Nazi colonies into one, which guarantees the collapse of Nazi Africa. The collapse of Nazi Africa is unavoidable regardless.
  • Not only is South Africa on the verge of collapse, so is India. The collapse of India sees a three way war between Bose's pro-UASR socialist India vs Savakar's pro-Japanese Azad Hind(which can embrace Burgundian System under Devi) vs. the Dominion government, which may go Ultranat in an attempt to reestablish control
  • Australia and New Zealand have to not only defend Dominion rule against Japanese incursion, but also against local pro-Unity Pakt fascists and pro-UASR socialists seeking to leave the British Sphere and align with Debs DC.
Trouble in the Co-Prosperity Sphere:
  • Japan's troubles start with the death of longtime leader Araki Sadao, plunging the nation into a major power struggle. The nation could remain ultranationalist, liberalize to a degree under Takagi Sōkichi and form a anti-Communist bulwark with the Commonwealth against the UASR in preparation for the Second Great Asian Liberation War, or remain totalitarian but modernize under Kaya Okinori, who leads the Nazi-esque reform bureaucrats. A major plot point is the "Zhou Enlai Conspiracy", which is a plan put into motion by the late Chinese socialist Zhou Enlai to destroy the co-Prosperity Sphere. If this plan gets out of hand under Takagi's governance, it is possible for them to be removed in a violent coup, leading to Japan embracing it's worst possible path, the Burgundian System under the "purist" wing of the Kodoha, led by Kishi Nobunuske.
  • Vietnam is facing a UASR backed Communist insurgency. They can remain a monarchy, either liberalize under Nguyen Ton Hoan, become a far-right Italian-style dictatorship under Ngo Dinh Diem (not as bad as he is in the original diary, more of a vanilla fascist rather than a drug Nazi) or fall to a socialist revolution under the Ho Chi Minh led Vietcong.
  • Not long after Sadao's death, Fascist Chinese leader Chiang Kai-Shek is assassinated by a Communist. He is suceeded by Gao Zongwu. Zongwu secretly opposes the Japanese, and wants to build up Chinese industry and military in secret to fight them. He will also have to deal with pro-Japan hardliners under Dai Li, remnants of the socialist wing of the KMT and the Communists, as well as ultranationalists under the National Protection Army, and eventually unify China after completing the Five Modernizations
The Ashes of Russia:
  • Russia itself fragmented into many warring nations, which could reunify Russia under not only a communist banner, but also a democratic, neo-tsarist, fascist, or even nazi and ultranationalist banner.
    • The main socialist force backed by the UASR is the West Russian Revolutionary Front, led by Mikhail Frunze. After his death, Marshal Zhukov, the more militant Tukhachevsky, as well as the more USAR-governance aligned Nikolay Ryzhkov can take over. Each route will have it's own challenges as they seek to unify Russia
    • The tsarists include the Romanovs in Vtyaka seeking a return to power, but a hardline faction led by hardline elements of the White Russians exist far in the East in Chita, using Mikhail Romanov as their puppet..regardless of whether he likes it or not(the ultra-evil "Tsarist" route dosen't exist here since I think the royal family escaped excecution and they would be understandably VERY irked by Tabby's genocidal ravings and actions). A third monarchist faction exists, that of Rurik II in Kemerovo, who can be suceeded by his more liberal son or his more autocratic daughter.
    • Apart from Chita, the other factions in the far east include the Christian Anarchist Alexander Men, Nazi Fantatics under Rodzhevsky in Amur(who will respond very well to continued ultranationalist rule in Japan, Kaya or Kishi, through reformists may cut off support for Amur), as well as pro-British fascists led by Mikhail Matkovsky in Magadan.
    • While most of the Communists have rallied around the WRRF, there is one Communist breakaway, Tyumen, that has not, and operates on an ultra-Stalinist regime decrying the USAR and the WRRF to be revisionist traitors
    • The collaborationist Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia have holed up in Samara, they can liberalize to a degree under Miletiy Zykov and renounce the Nazis, renounce the Nazis but maintain their junta under Sergey Bunyachenko, or become a corrupt pro-German state under Mikhail Oktan.
    • The most unstable Russian breakaway is Komi, a young but nightmarishly chaotic democratic Republic formed in the aftermath of the West Russian War. Based around the city of Syktyvkar, Komi boasts a democratic constitution and a multi-party democracy. However, despite its multi-party democracy, the political situation in Komi is more comparable to a city-scale civil war; former Soviet officicals, sidelined Russian democrats, far-right radicals, and all other sorts of political exiles have found a footing in the Komi Republic and started gathering forces, aiming to use the Republic's weak democracy to their advantage. Depending on the gameplay, Komi can go socialist of varying stripes and take over leadership of the WRRF, become a far right Eurasianist dictatorship, embrace a weird hybrid ideology of Nazism and Stalinism under Serov, or worst of all for all of Russia, embrace a variant of the Burgundian System under either Andrey Diky or Valery Yemelyanov, the former seeks to fully emulate the SS, while the latter views Russians as the true Aryans and the descendants of Hyperborea(AB dosen't exist TTL), and Germany and Burgundy as rivals to Russian racial supramacy.
    • The most violent of the Russian breakaways is Omsk, a fortified city broken off from the Western Siberian People's Republic. It is led by the ultranationalist All-Russian Black League, a militant organization aiming to reunite Russia and prepare it for the Great Trial, a final conflict between Russia and Germany that will decide Russia's ultimate fate.
    • A subplot tied to Russia is the Ural war, which involves the efforts of the Ural League in protecting the Orenburg Commune and themselves from the SS Black Legion, which was forced out of the Free American State and into the Russian wastes during the West Russian War, led by Richard Heinz(Effinger being long since dead), along with Trofim Lysenko, a mad scientist seeking to create an army of Super Soldiers conducting inhuman experiments in Magnitogorsk. Heinz has the most death events out of any character showcased in the mod.
The American Bloc

  • The UASR, as the home of the Communist Internationale, has to find ways to spread socialism and defeat the Nazis and the Japanese without triggering Nuclear War. Various elements of it's government seek to militarize the state and act aggressively to stop Fascism everywhere, even if it means risking nuclear war. A key feature of UASR gameplay is funding dissidents and revolutionaries in the Unity-Pakt, Commonwealth and the Sphere, this could lead to a socialist coup in Germany, Japan and even Britain in the even of war, perhaps allowing the UASR to establish world Communism without a nuclear war.
  • Americuba, following the Second World War has become a political battleground between various superpowers. In order to consolidate power and fight the UASR-backed socialist rebels, some Americubans are gravitating towards the Reich, and there is more effort by elements of the National Salvation Government to push for the continuation of Fascism. After MacArthur's death, Americuba can reform under RFK as it did in Reds, but there is more difficulty in doing so. Alternatively, in most games, it falls to a socialist revolution or can maintain Fascism under Charles Coughlin, whom has more influence due to the even further right tilt of the far right in Americuba in Reds!TNO. Perhaps more cursed, it can also embrace a more outright Nazi movement influenced by the ideas of William Dudley Pelley and Virgil Effinger that is led by Francis Parker Yockey, with a even radical wing of said movement led by William Luther Pierce that has embraced Burgundianism that could take power. Both wings seeks to create a purely white and Americanized Cuba and possibly retake the united states.....regardless of the consequences, and Pierce has far darker goals than what Yockey has. A far right government friendly with the Unity-Pakt can request the Reich place nuclear missiles on Cuban soil, potentially triggering a diplomatic crisis that can escalate into nuclear war.
  • Brazil is now divided between various warlords waging a massive civil war against each other. These warlords include regional secessionist groups, various socialist groups, Christian Fascists led by Gustavo Barroso, the monarchists, various republicans and military juntas, the remnants of the Brazilian Intergralist government under Miguel Reale, and the most extreme far-right faction: the remnants of the Guarde Verde
  • Argentina and Columbia are led by unstable far-right governments installed by the now collapsed Intergralists about to collapse into civil war, with leftist insurgence and terrorism occuring daily in these countries
The Black Spot of Europe
  • Himmler's Burgundy is a hellscape seeking to destroy the culture of the French and the Walloons while having ambitions for global genocide. It instigates wars and conflicts around the world, trying to bring the various powers into the conflict to enact nuclear war. It builds bunkers and the means it will achieve it's goals through "skilled workers": slaves to be worked to death
  • Even without Heydrich giving Burgundy the knockout punch to the world, every nation that embraces Burgundian System: SS controlled Sweden, Evolian Italy, SS controlled Brittney, Pierce led Americuba, Devi-led India, Ultranazi Blue Division led Iberia can help Burgundy in it's efforts for world destruction. Through these nations, Burgundy can acquire expertise and a large number of slaves, and eventually work to get a nuclear arsenal of their own that can be deployed against the other powers.
  • While Kishi and especially the Germanphobic Yemelyanov are not aligned with them despite adhering to the Burgundian System, Himmler can try to provoke them into taking the harshest actions possible against Germany and the UASR respectively during the Eurasian war and the Great Asian War, potentially leading to a nuclear war.
  • Burgundy itself could be destroyed. It either collapses on it's own with the 1982 death of Himmler or could be invaded via focuses and event chains, through there is a danger of starting a nuclear war with the latter. Upon collapse, France will try to retake the lands Burgundy has taken from them in WW2 and later on in the German civil war, and Germany will try to reintegrate the rest of Burgundy if still alive. If a player is playing as Burgundy, there is the chance for the SS-Langemarck and the SS-Wallonien to revolt if Himmler botches their suppression, along with ultranationalist French SS divisions, as well as the UASR-backed Red Poppy Movement.
Possible Endings
  • In the worst case , Himmler succeeds in his plans and brings about a nuclear war that causes the total devastation of human civilization. Through many of the endings paint a bittersweet tone, as humanity survives, overcomes racial hatreds and rebuilds to a spacefaring civilization that has no idea the Nazis ever existed or destroyed the old world, with some postapocalyptic societies even establishing socialism.
  • World communism is achieved, with all corners of the Earth becoming socialist in the wake of the collapse of the Nazis, Japan and the Commonwealth
  • The canon ending, Heydrich is chosen as sucessor but Bormann wins the civil war, the WRRF reunifies Russia and defeats the Nazis, which falls to a socialist revolution, the National government maintains power in Britain, and the UASR and China winning the Great Asian War. The Red Poppy movement takes over North France and establishes a Socialist Republic, while South France aligns with the Commonwealth. This is followed by a UASR-Commonwealth Cold War which the mod team hopes to explore in a future mod, where they hope to deconstruct myths and apologia pertaining to the FBU
  • Various other endings including at the worst case, reformist Nazis under Goering-led OFN winning the Cold War, all of the blocs collapsing(due to most likely Bormann knocking them out before his Germany collapses), Europe falling into a "post-Goebbelsian metahorror Dark Age" due to the Second German Civil War, a more democratic Organization of Free Nations winning the Cold War led by the Commonwealth and a Gang of Four Germany that hasn't given in to the temptations of Fascism, Japanese victory along with a Commonwealth dominance, the possibilities are rather endless
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The Three Lives of Dr. Butler
The Three Lives of Dr. Butler is a reference book chronicling the fictional life and story of Dr. Lowell Butler, who was created in 1928 and had a career of over 40 years in Print, Movies and Television. It is written by Noor Trudeau , a Media Historian based in Dallas, Texas in 2018 and features interviews with actors and writers along with a variety of pictures both official and unofficial. Comrade Trudeau has covered a variety of media topics ranging from cultural studies to sociology and social theory and had a degree from Brooklyn University.

The First Life of Dr. Butler
The author Donnchadh Thompkins*, writing as Spencer Norris*, created the character of Dr. Lowell Butler as a fictionalized version of his college friend, Dr. Leon Keyes, a New York surgeon. He first introduced the character in a short story, "Internes Can't Take Money", that appeared in the March 1926 issue of Metropolitan* magazine.[10] A second Butler story, "Whiskey Sour", was published in Metropolitan in April 1928. In these early stories, Dr. Lowell Butler is an aspiring surgeon who leaves his parents' farm to practice at a fictional big-city hospital, and through his work, comes into contact with underworld criminals.

In 1929, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) contracted with Thompkins to acquire the rights to the Butler character along with Thompkins's services as a film story writer. Thompkins then made major changes to the character to fit MGM's idea for a new movie series, including changing Butler's specialty to diagnostics rather than surgery, introducing the character of Kildare's superior Dr. Jordon Wragge*, de-emphasizing the criminal elements, and restarting the story from Butler's first arrival at the city hospital. Thompkins collaborated with MGM on its Butler's film series starting with the first MGM series release, Young Dr. Butler (1928) and continuing through The People vs. Dr. Butler (1931). During this time, Thompkins wrote several original Butler stories which were first published in magazines, later republished in novel form, and made into films by MGM. The stories were written prior to the films being made, and were not published as movie tie-ins.

The Second Life of Dr. Butler
After The People vs. Dr. Butler, Thompkins and MGM parted ways. Thompkins would write several additional stories and film scripts and submit them to various publishing houses and film studios however none would be published or filmed until after the Second Civil War and Thompkins death in 1933. In his will, Thompkins would sign over all rights and creative decision making to his friend Dr. Keyes as a way to support his friend's family post Civil War. In 1935 Keyes would re-submit the scripts to the new film collectives and would receive a positive response from the Workers Film and Photo League (WFPL). Dr. Keyes would travel to California and would work as a Medical Expert with a team of other doctors to make the films as accurate as possible. Already the WFPL and California People' Secretariat of Health were working on making a series of films to promote public health campaigns and remove some of the 'medical myths' that people believed. Dr. Keyes and the medical council agreed to this in return for technical credit and character credit for Comrade Thompkins. In 1936 Calling Dr. Butler, starring Asthon Prescott would be released with Dr. Butler working at a local Dispensary after being transferred by Dr. Wragge after a heated disagreement over 'war weariness'. Dr. Butler would assist several residents of the neighborhood dealing with a 'hermit' by the name of Dwain Terrell, a WW1 and Second Civil War veteran dealing with what is now considered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

1937 would see the release of two films The Secret of Dr. Butler and Dr. Butler's Strange Case, which would see Dr. Butler deal with psychological problems with the daughter of a prominent government official and assisting Dr. Wragge in his treatment for melanoma. These films would later be used in medical classes to help show that psychological problems were not only rooted in social conditions but also were based on a person's personal health history. Dr. Butler Goes Home was released in 1938 showing Dr. Butler and several Interns setting up a clinic in a rural part of the state.

With tensions rising in the Pacific and in Europe the People's Secretariat of Defense, WFPL and Dr. Keyes would have Dr. Butler join the military as a Major in the Army Medical Corps. From 1939-1945 Major Butler would narrate and star in six short films covering topics from Sexually Transmitted Diseases to food safety and a variety of other subjects. Copies of these movies would later be released to civilian theatres to encourage public health during wartime. The last Dr. Butler film starring Prescott would be Dr. Butler Gets Married (1946) which would see Dr. Butler return to civilian life and marry fellow Doctor Nasira Spence. Aston Prescott would retire from playing Dr. Butler and would have a successful career on stage until his death in 1959.

The Third Life of Dr. Butler
With the rise of Television both in the UASR and across the TCI there would be a revival of Dr. Butler's films in the mid 1960s with many films dubbed into a variety of languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, French and others along with similar medical dramas being made in the USSR and other countries. PBS would launch its own series in 1970 on Channel 4 called Doctor Butler which would have Lenox Alberghi as an elder Dr. Butler, the Head of Pathology of a major Metropolitan hospital, who would mentor various Interns through their residencies. The series would last from 1970 to 1975 for a total of 191 episodes. Attempts to start another Television series in the late 90s were discussed but never completed.

In January 2014 the Workers Film and Photo League would released a DVD box set of all Dr. Butler films titled The Dr. Butler in War and Peace 1928-1946. PBS would release a DVD collection of Doctor Butler television shows in 2016.

OOC: Dr. Kildare - Wikipedia
A History of the Second Brazilian Empire (Part One)
A History of the Second Brazilian Empire (Part One)

So, I was planing on writing a fic about the inernal politics of post-war Brazil ITL and some real life events gave me a good idea for this prologue. Hope you enjoy it!

Brazillian Rapper's Arrest Sparks Violent Protests
The Daily Telegraph, February 28th, 2021

Large crowds of young people took to the streets of São Paulo to protest the arrest of communist rapper Mano Brown, who was recently arrested for denigrating the monarchy and inciting violence against the state.

The protests were marked by violent clashes with the police and multiple acts of vandalism, as well as the presence of numerous organizations affiliated with the Communisty Party of Brazil (PCdB). According to São Paulo's Chief of Police Paulo Telhada the protests, while mostly peaceful, contained "certain unlawful and extremist elements".

Mano Brown has a long history of problems with the police from his past as a petty criminal who did three years of time, during which he came into contact with Rap music and so called "Comites for Justice of the Incarcerated". Minister of Justice José Mariano Beltrame claims such groups act as a focus of radicalization inside Brazil's prisons while presenting themselves as mere humanitarian organizations.

After leaving prison Mano Brown made a name for himself both as rapper and a political radical, composing lyrics that attack the Imperial Family, the police and the Catholic Church. The recent Supreme Court decision found him guilty of charges of "insulting the person of the Emperor and the institution of the Monarchy " and "inciting violent insurrection against the state".

What kind of Democracy allows political prisoners?
Daily Worker, February 28th, 2021

What happened yesterday in Brazil was a political arrest, there is no denying it. The worrying arrest of Mano Brown over songs criticising Emperor Antônio I and the police is only part of a bigger crackdown against dissenting voices by an establishment in clear crises.

The Empire of Brazil's long cultivated image of being a model parliamentary social-democracy has been confronted in the last few years by a severe economic crises, environmental degradation of the Amazon and an unstable political scene. Bruno Covas shaky liberal-conservative coalition is having a hard time containing the rise of the neo-integralist Aliança Redentora da Nação (ARN) and on the last few months the solution found by the government to combat the far-right was to outdo then in anti-communism.

Many journalists, activists, union leaders, artists and intellectuals are facing intimidation and legal persecution for expressing communist sympathies or criticising institutions like the monarchy, the Catholic Church or the police. It seems that the same capitalist regime that tolerates people like Jair Bolsonaro and Eneas Carneiro singing the praises of Salgado is determined to suppress any dissenting voice coming from the intelligentsia or the working class.
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A History of the Second Brazilian Empire (Part Two)
A A History of the Second Brazilian Empire (Part Two)

The Fall of the Estado Novo and the rise of the Second Empire

"We've an opportunity of helping the people of Brazil building a stable parliamentary system that will stand as a bastion against bolshevism and a model of liberty and good government for South America"
Nevile Henderson, first FBU ambassador to the Second Brazillian Empire

"I'm a man of principle, the most important one being choosing the winning side"
Oswaldo Aranha, first Prime-Minister of Emperor Pedro III​

The Second Brazilian Empire was born like the first, with the British Royal Navy escorting a prince into Rio de Janeiro. Contrary to popular belief Emperor Pedro III didn't first set foot on Brazil in 1944 after the collapse of the Integralist Regime, but to the majority of brazilians the monarchy was a thing of the past and most catholic-monarchists groups like Arlindo Veiga dos Santos Patrianovismo were suppressed or absorbed by the Ação Integralista Brasileira (AIB).

The idea of installing a pro-british monarchy in Brazil was first proposed during the revolutionary wave that swept the Americas in the early 30's. The UK, who had started cultivating the House of Orleans-Bragança, was according to rumors preparing a military intervention to install Pedro Henrique as Emperor if the communists managed to rise to power in Brazil like in the USA, Mexico or Argentina. The rise of the Integralists and the increasingly pro-Axis police of the tory governments stalled such plans until the declaration of war against Germany.

Fighting Germany and Italy in Europe meant also supporting the efforts of the Comintern to contain Salgado's bloody campaigns of expansionism. In order to avoid the formation of a post-Salgado Brazil aligned with the Comintern the FBU pushed for a restoration of the monarchy as the best solution to end the war in South America without a bloody invasion of Brazil. The UASR begrudgingly acquiesced with the plan given that a decade of violent repression had practically destroyed the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdB) and out of fear that disputing the british hegemony of the South Atlantic might break the united front against the Axis.

Internally the monarchy offered a country destroyed by years of war and state terror the semblance of a fresh start. Most of the elites that initially supported Salgado as the "Saviour of the Republic" and the "Terror of the Reds" started to desert him after the FBU declared war on Brazil and closed off the routes of money and supply coming from Fascist Europe. Many wealthy agrarian landlords that had spent the last decade gambling their profits from government contracts and graft in the Copacabana Hotel ran back to their rural estates and started to bury their ties with the integralist regime they had so recently supported.

Inside the state itself opposition started to grow from the ranks of the military and the civil service. Career military officers chafed under the increasing influence of the infamous Guarda Verde and Salgado's insanity, while most diplomats considered madness to continue fighting a war of conquest now that the Royal Navy and the WFRN had cut off Brazil from Libya's oil and Europe's guns and supplies. Not so long after the FBU and American Havana declared war on Brazil diplomat Oswaldo Aranha and General Dutra were in talks with the Allies to arrange a regime change that would end the war while avoiding a communist revolution.

With Salgado isolated (both from political support and reality) it was not hard for the FBU to orcasted a coup and the creation of a new monarchy quickly dubbed the Second Empire. Emperor Pedro III formed a Provisional Government with Osvaldo Aranha as the Prime Minister that in a flurry of decrees dissolved the Green Guard and other Integralist organisations, declared Salgado and his inner-circle "traitors to the motherland" and formally joined the Allies in the fight against the Axis.

Inside the military the transition of power was equally smooth outside of the Green Guard's suicidal last charges. Dutra was named Minister of War and put in charge of purging the armed forces of officers that stayed loyal to Salgado and organising a expeditionary force to join the Western Front as a gesture of good faith to the FBU. A small group of integralist officers led by Olympio Mourão attempted a military coup in response but were quickly arrested.

The Provisional Government promised a Constitutional Assembly that would convey after the war to give the young empire a proper constitution. Oswaldo Aranha and Dutra wanted to ban the the reformed Communist Party from running for the Assembly, but the Emperor overruled then - part of the reason the UASR agreed to the Imperial Restoration was because the FBU and Pedro Henrique promised to give the communists persecuted by Salgado amnesty and to legalize the PCdB.

The other question facing the government was how to deal with the Integralist. Like in the other fascist states almost every aspect of society and the state had been integrated into the fascist movement. Both the Allies and the Comintern demanded the de-integralization of Brazil, but given that the new regime was officially non-culpable in any atrocities committed by the Estado Novo and not under occupation they had a free hand to choose when to be ruthless and when to be lenient.

Most members of the Ação Integralista Brasileira (AIB) were pardoned after signing a document renouncing "Integralist fascism and the traitor Salgado and swearing allegiance to the Constitutional Emperor", this also included military officers outside the Guarda Verde, policeman and civil servants. A minority of hard-liners, proeminent war criminals and (most infamously) personal and political enemies of Oswaldo Aranha, Dutra and other ministers were sent to trial by an International Court formed by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba and Mexico (considered now the Big 5 of Latin American geopolitics).

Out of this small group the most prominent civilian was Francico Campos, Chief Justice under the Estado Novo and author of a series decrees legalizing the elimination of "undesirable and degenerate elements from society"; while Olympio Mourão was picked as the main author of war crimes such as the use of chemical weapons, deliberate targeting of civilians, mass rape and organised pillaging inside the regular army. Campos spend most of the trial pointing at the brazillian judges and recalling their conversations about the virtue of eugenics and mocking their "democratic credentials'', while Mourão refused to defend himself, claiming no court formed by communists and traitors had a right to judge a good soldier.

This is one of the most controversials chapters in post-war brazilians history. The dominant narrative inside the Empire and most capitalist countries is that the Restoration of the Monarchy allowed for a peaceful transition to democracy and the swift elimination of integralism from official politics. Leftists inside Brazil and Comintern countries tend to point to the continuation between the two regimes, with the Empire inheriting most of its military officers, police and civil service from the Integralist Regime. While Dutra and Oswaldo Aranha were not personally close to Salgado they had served under him faithfully until it became clear his fall was inevitable - Dutra was one of the leaders of the invasion of Argentina and never protested tactics like the use of chemical weapons, while Aranha personally negotiated the buying of weapons from the UK and France prior to 1940.

While Brazil is today considered the "India of South America" and a "model constitutional monarchy "the long struggle to rebuild the country and transform a deeply unequal and violent society into a stable and successful social-democracy is often ignored. In 1945 Brazil started this walk with the elections to the Constitutional Assembly, the closest thing to a free and fair election in the country's history.

The Constitutional Assembly of 1946

The elections for the Constitutional Assembly would define the main political parties of the young Empire. The Provisional Government was able to organize most of Brazil's rural oligarchy into a single party called Democratic Parliamentary Party (Partido Democrático Parlamentar, PPD), which also received support from the Emperor, the Catholic Church and generous funds from the FBU. While it was hard to reconcile Brazil's various ruling interests, a shared fear of the communists convinced even the bitterest rivals that a united conservative front was necessary.

Being a big tent center-right party the PPD would never have a cohesive ideology beyond a vague catholic conservatism and anti-communism. Raul Pilla and Gilberto Freyre would try to give the PPD an ideological platform by combining the defence of a federative parliamentary system with a ceremonial head of state with a reading of Brazil's society as a miscegenated "racial democracy" ruled by benevolent patriarchal landowners.

The Communist Party of Brazil (Partido Comunista do Brasil, PCdB) struggled to recover from a decade of repression by the integralists, most of its leaders just recently coming out of prison or returning from exile in the UASR or the USSR. After several meetings Luís Carlos Prestes, Olga Benário, Jorge Amado and Caio Prado Júnior concluded another attempt at revolution would be suicidal and settled for participation in the Constitutional Assembly with a minimum program of republicanism, creation of a generous welfare state and a national-developmentalist economic program.

An unexpected surprise in the election was the Socialist Catholic Party (Partido Socialista Católico, PSC). Part of Brazil's clergy and faithful turned away from the increasingly Integralist Church towards a liberation theology that tried to reconcile socialism with catholic values of compassion and charity. Led by Miguel Arraes and Sobral Pinto, the PSC proposed an agrarian and christhian socialism that fitted Brazil's unique history and society.

The Provisional Government headed by Aranha wanted suffrage for the coming election to be limited with literacy tests, fearing the working-class vote would benefit the PCdB, however the FBU insisted on an open election, confident their funds would propel the PPD to an overwhelming majority. Franco-British foreign policy makers wanted Brazil and the Dominions to be models of liberal democracy in the Global South to counterbalance the growth of the Comintern and heavy-handed electoral handling would only discredit the project.

The final vote held on 7th September 19146 came as a surprise. The PPD, which was expected to form a super-majority got only 55% of the vote, with the PCdB getting 25% and the PSC 20%. Out of the 350 seats the PPD got 200, giving them a superficially considerable majority but a fragile one giving the heterogeneous nature of the party. The PCdB got 80 seats and the PSC and other minor parties the remaining 70.

This surprising success of the left giving the circumstances can be explained by a series of factors: the prestige of the PCdB among urban workers and the intelligentsia and the global prestige of communism after the victory against the Axis; the resonance of the PSC's simple message of "land and justice" among the peasants and the support of catholic socialism by many village priests; the proportional voting system used in the election. All of those circumstances produced a far more diverse and progressive assembly than the FBU, the Emperor or the Provisional Government expected.

The Constitution produced in 1946 would express the contradiction of an assembly polarized between the conservative representatives of the landowners, middle classes and conservative clergy of the PPD and the worker, intellectuals and peasants delegates of the PSC/PCdB. The Second Empire of Brazil would be a parliamentary monarchy with universal suffrage and relatively autonomous states, but PPD delegates insisted on a Senate elected by state legislatures and a majoritarian distrital voting system. On the other hand the PSC/PCdB along with PPD dissenters managed to approve articles giving agrarian reform a constitutional mandate and making education, healthcare, housing old age pensions and fair labour conditions constitutional rights.

It was then a hybrid constitution that was drafted by the Assembly and ratified by the Emperor. On one hand the many positive freedoms proposed by the PSC/PCdB made Brazil, at least on paper, a social-democracy; on the other PPD managed to construct an electoral system that would prevent the election of an Assembly as progressive as the one who drafted the Constitution of 1946.
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I think rapping is called "toasting" ITTL.
Leiter: Agent of DITR8R
Leiter: Agent of DITR8R

Leiter: Agent of DITR8R is a 2015 comic miniseries by Kim Newman and Jane Addlers*, based on the James Bond character of Felix Leiter, created by Ian Fleming. In the vein of Newman's 2011 miniseries Professor Moriarity: The Hound of D'Uberville,[1], the stories are parody reversals of classic Bond novels and films, with Leiter fighting different versions of Bond villains (sometimes retellings of classic Bond books from Leiter's perspective) , told in his unpublished memoirs shortly before his 1967 "death". As per Newman's signature, the book is full of characters from other works of fiction, including Newman's own Diogenes Club. The story is an homage and parody of the American/Soviet/North Italian "anti-Bond" spy genre popular in the 1960's and 70's

Prologue (Issue 0): In 1946, Felix Leiter, a former Captain in the Revolutionary Marines, joins the Proletarian Guard to continue serving the International Revolution. Impressed, his commander gathers the credentials for him to join the "13th Regiment" or Main Directorate of State Security. Leiter is assigned to Section 1, and excels at training. In 1948, for his first assignment, he's sent to war-torn Greece with higher ranking agent "Comrade Turner" (Jonathon Turner, from the works of Maxine Kaplan) to meet with an asset moving weapons for Comintern.
The asset, a heavyset Polish-Greek man nicknamed "Scarface" is an arms dealer recruited during the war. Leiter gradually realizes that Scarface and his "No. 2" (Emilio Largo) are secretly selling weapons to both sides, hoping to profit. Scarface promptly tries to kill the two, only for them to barely escape.
In 1951, Leiter is tapped by a new division of Public Safety, inspired by the Soviet SMERSH: DIETRAITOR (a riff on "Death to Spies") shortened to DITR8R, a counter-intelligence agency for "secret affairs", which deal with both "extraordinary" foreign and domestic threats.
Issue 1, "Royale-les-Eaux": 1953- Leiter, with Polish SMERSH operative Hans Kloss [2] is sent to the Casino Royale in France to help "the Cypher", an American asset within a communist affiliated trade union, win at a baccarat tournament to recover funds lost to bad investments in brothels. Leiter learns from Vesper Lynd, his informant in the Joint Security Bureau, that two agents, one French and one British, are sent to try to keep the Cypher from winning. To "even the odds", Leiter kills a JSB agent sent to kill the Cypher,( an ex-Nazi named Herr Flick, from Allo Allo), and poses as an Americuban businessman. He has a brief encounter with "a very vigorous Hoagy Carmichael look-alike" at the bar, who he later sees at the tournament, suspecting him as one of the agents, dubbing him "The Man in Black" (or "007", as he remembers the code name given). Kloss offers the Cypher back-up funds ("Truman Aid"), which the Cypher takes immediately to up the stakes. Leiter warns the Cypher that if he loses, his "services will no longer be required". Leiter sends one of his own agents to kill 007, but he survives and wins the tournament. The Cypher promptly kidnaps Lynd as a bargaining chip for Leiter. The Man in Black pursues the Cypher, while Leiter quietly follows both parties. He watches as the Cypher tortures 007, hoping for the money. Leiter walks in and despite the Cypher's pleas, shoots him in the head. Leiter briefly considers killing 007, but decides against it, instead marking him with the Russian letter "Ш" for шпион (Spy), and leaves. He observes 007 and Lynd in a seaside French town. To prevent her from turning, Leiter and Kloss head back to Poland, where Leiter calls Lynd- from the cell of her imprisoned husband. Leiter threatens to kill him if she reveals her informant status. Lynd kills herself, leaving Leiter with no choice but to release the husband in a spy exchange (with North Italian agent "Juan Mirro" from the works of John Cromwell)
Issue 2 "Die and Let Live"- In 1956, Leiter is sent to investigate Harlem based black nationalist "Ras the Exhorter" (Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison), whose flamboyant protests and "Afro-Socialist" political organization have been causing problems with Public Safety. Posing as a "jazz critic" (an occupation Bond used in Live and Let Die), Leiter is captured by Ras' organization, who interrogate and torture him. Ras has a mambo[3] named "Fatima", who follows the "practices of Papa LaBas" (from Ishmael Reed's Mumbo Jumbo). Fatima calls out Leiter's cover, and Ras has him dumped into the East River with weights. Leiter escapes and is eventually rescued by local Harlem crime lord "Madame Saint-Marie" (Mario Puzo's The Godfather), who has been having trouble with Ras. Saint-Marie gives Leiter some key information: Ras has been selling 17th Century gold coins given to him by Garveyite supporters in Cuba and Jamaica to fund his operation. Leiter heads to a warehouse near the still under-construction Epcot complex in Florida, where the coins are being imported in the bottom of fish tanks. Leiter is caught and held over a shark tank with Fatima (revealed as a traitor). Leiter and Faitma escape, and the former promptly dispatches the owners (Cuban Garveyites associated with the NBI), and has the warehouse raided by Public Safety units. He learns that Ras has been injured in a bizarre protest in Harlem (as depicted in Invisible Man). The warehouse is turned over to DITR8R, and the coin operation placed under their asset: Mr. Big.
Issue 3 "Moon Loon"- 1959: Leiter investigates an anonymous threat to a moonshot attempt by scientist Reed Richards and his crew. He goes undercover as an ASEDA commissar, and is joined by a young WFRAAF officer named Gloria Pussey. Together, they interrogate various members, until they encounter the culprit: Samuel Steal (Silvery Dust[4]), a scientist working on behalf of his boss, ex-Nazi Kurt Steiner (Jack Higgins, The Eagle Has Landed). Leiter kills Steiner as he attempts to bomb the flight as it takes off. Leiter subsequently learns that Steiner was secretly on the payroll of "Bill Tanner", the right hand man to the notorious JSB head "M".
Issue 4 "DiamondFinger"- 1961: Leiter takes on a diamond smuggling operation exploiting African miners, run by Cuban mobster Joe "Joey" Diamond (Maxine Kaplan, The Diamond Affair) and casino owner Tex Whitshaw (portrayed by Slim Pickens on the television series Havana Vice). The two hope to bulldoze a Cuban neighborhood to build a large exclusive casino, where diamonds are gambled. Leiter manages to stop the scheme by killing Diamond and destroying the fleet used. The silent third partner mentioned throughout the issue, Michael Corleone (The Godfather), has a conversation with Bill Tanner, revealing they had a deal to give some of the diamonds to the JSB as payment in exchange for safe passage. Corleone subsequently puts the Sprang brothers in charge of the diamond operation after Tanner cuts ties with them.
Issue 5 "From Britain, With Love"- 1963: Leiter balances his protection duties (and perhaps more) for English defector Elizabeth Gold (David Cromwell, The Coldest Night) from an assortment of brutal JSB agents (mostly parodies of various Franco-British villains from American and Soviet media) sent by Bill Tanner and his burgeoning romance with Tatiana Romanova, a young Soviet cypher clerk who previously had a relationship with his rival 007. Leiter manages to dispatch the villains, but finds one agent, Harry Palmer (Len Deighton, The IPCRESS File) frustrating to get rid of. Eventually, Gold is nearly killed by a third party, who both Leiter and Palmer pursue, but can't catch. Later, the same assassin attempts to kill Tatiana, but Leiter dispatches him. He sees a letter in his pocket revealing his real affiliation: SPECTRE. In the end, Felix, Gold, and Tatiana live in a communal apartment, with Tatiana's child Natalia being born soon after.
Issue 6 "Dr. S"- 1964: Leiter is sent to Thailand by his mentor Rachel Stern (Maxine Kaplan's iconic character) with a young Nipponese agent named "Tiger" Tanaka during the Indochina conflict to investigate the disappearance of certain advisors in Khmer. They are captured and held by Indian scientist "Dr. S" (played by Peter Sellers in French Eurospy film The Island of Dr.Sin), who experiments on captured Indochinese soldiers and tries to sabotage the influx of American weapons. However, in a twist, he is then assassinated off-panel by the French operative Francis Coplan (created by Gaston Van den Panhuyse and Jean Libert, and also played by Peter Sellers in the film version), and it's revealed he is also a SPECTRE agent, who had managed to steal a nuclear weapon for the organization. Leiter is also stunned to find that the leader (who sends a message) is none other than "Scarface".
Issue 7 "The Man with the Silver Gun"- 1967: Leiter has increasing thoughts of retirement, especially after his allyship with his hated enemy 007 to take down SPECTRE in the Bahamas. He has one final assignment: track down John Drake (portrayed by Roger Moore in Danger Man), a JSB agent "reprogrammed" to execute political dissidents using a silver gun. Leiter tracks Drake to Vauxhall Cross, where he's captured and brought before Bill Tanner. It's revealed that Tanner is in fact the notorious spy master Nikolai Balabos (again, Maxine Kaplan), who uses aliases like Tanner to hide his wide array of exploits under "M" (boasting that he served under the first "M", Mycroft Holmes and his "strange little club"). He also goes by "Control" or "Mother", depending on the situation, adopting different identities for those. It's also revealed that "007" is in fact several agents, who take the same codename and identity to confuse the enemy. Balabos in fact has wide reaching powers in Franco-British intelligence, and has been manipulating conflicts to distract agents like Leiter from larger goals of political subversion and helping domestic enemies. Leiter is imprisoned, but rescued by a traitor in the JSB named "Haydon". While he fails to capture Balabos, he does have one final confrontation with John Drake, which ends in the latter's death. Stern, concerned for his health, has him reassigned to a minor contact in the Caribbean.
In an epilogue, Balabos is in a meeting with M, confirming that Leiter was killed by the latest "007", but that agent had been severely injured. They casually suggest replacing him again, and Balabos notes he himself has donned disguises to go as 007, and had fought the likes of Leiter. Finally, Balabos comments that he has a potential candidate- in the form of Bill Haydon.


[1] Real book by Kim Newman, btw. No Pictures, though: <i>Moriarty: The Hound of the D'Urbervilles</i>
[2] <i>Stawka większa niż życie</i>
[3] Haitian Vodou priestess
[4] <i>Silvery Dust</i>

Maxine Kaplan and Havana Vice courtesy of @MistahC
Call to Arms
Call to Arms

Call to Arms is a grand strategy video games produced by a cooperation of American, Franco-British and Soviet developers. The game allows the player to take control of a nation of the world and guide through World War II and the years immediately before and after it.


The player can build land and air divisions and combine them into corps and armies, and engage in technological research. A particular feature is the development of logistics in that the nations that are resource-scarce can obtain those resources from trade (at a economic production penalty) or colonies (which require military stations) and those resources have to be transported in cargo ships before being added to the total avaliable. Late in game the player can develop logistics to be done through airlift.

This has resulted in controversies as player develop "cargo rush" strategy in which the players disrupts logistics to such an extent that their enermy nations are resource starved, making it easier to defeat them.

Another game mechanic is that the player can alter the political system of their nation through a democratic vs totalitarian slider, which serves a sort of in-game Overton Window limiting which political ideologies can form parties or be part of the government. Social and economic policy can be changed by spending political power points and depends on ideology, with each ideology having a generic tree. Certain ideologies can result in penalties or bonuses depending on the political system.

Ideologies: Marxist-Lennist, Libertarian, Left-Nationalist, Social Liberal, Market Liberal, Traditionalist, Paternal Autocrat, Fascist and Nazi. Compatible ideology have no aditional cost while semi-compatible have +5% PPP and +2% stability cost for every decision and incompatible ideology have +15% PPP and +8% satbility cost for every decision.

Full Democracy: The highest democratic level, it has a 150 PPP cap. Compatible ideologies include Libertarian, Left-Nationalist, Social Liberal and Market Liberal. Semi-compatible are traditionalist and Marxist-Lennist. Incompatible ideoloy are paternal autocrat, fascist and nazi.

Authoritarian Democracy: First quarter through llevel. It has a 100 PPP cap. Compatible ideologies include Traditionalist, Marxist-Lennist and Market Liberal. Semi-compatible ideologies include left-nationalist, social liberal and libertarian. Incompatible ideology are fascist, paternal autocrat and nazi.

Dictatorship: Second quarter through. It has 100 PP cap. Compatible ideology include Marxist-Lennist, Fascism and Traditionalist. Semi-compatible ideology includes market liberal and left-nationalist. Incompatible ideology are social liberal, libertarian and nazi.

Totalitarian: It has a 90 PPP cap. Compatible ideology are nazi, marxist-lennist and paternal autocrat. Semi-compatible ideology are traditionalist and fascist. Incomatible ideology are everything else.
I'm a little confused as to why fascists can't be totalitarian.
I'm also confused as to why Nazism isn't at least semi-compatible with dictatorship.
Diary of a Southern Town (PT.IV)
Mama struck on Easter Sunday. Easter is an interesting celebration combining the resurrection of Christ, the defeat of Death and was originally a celebration of Eostre, goddess of Spring, otherwise known as Ostara, Austra, and Eastre. This was one of the few days the restaurant was closed all day and that mama and I went to Church. This time however, we dressed in our finest clothes and travelled to where Jake and Elwood were holding a Spring Picnic. I do not know where they obtained the tent and the chairs, most likely donated, but already you could hear the music. It was a choir and full band and it seemed like everyone in the town had come to see the spectacle. Picnic tables were already set up and covered in a variety of food from salads and desserts to main courses, refreshments were already being served and there were several women discouraging the kids and adults from trying to steal a cookie or a sweet. We found ourselves sitting in the second row when Jake welcomed the crowd. You could see he was in his natural element, he was warm and funny and we started with some hymms like 'With Bravest Fire'. It is true that your could take someone out of the church but you could not take the church out of someone. I think everyone in the crowd knew one of two hymns. Then Jake introduced Elwood who would lead the discussion.

At first he thanked everyone for coming and for bringing the food. He asked everyone to greet one another and their neighbors and then he began. He talked about Jesus, how he was a working man with some education since he was a carpenter and that in three years of his life he changed the world with empty hands. How he healed the sick and lame for no charge and disobeyed the rules, which angered the religious authorities. How he threw out the moneychangers in the temple and that his followers were fishermen, tax collectors and marginal people. How he never stayed in the houses of the wealthy or important people and even until his death was a humble servant. Even when he knew his death was imminent and had prayed to his father he was peaceful and sacrificed himself to save others. Yet he did this, facing the various authorities and even the most powerful Empire the world had known with no weapons or armies. Had suffered, so no was else had suffered and gone home. At the end of the discussion all you could hear was people breathing and the occasional cry. He then asked people to remember the man who died not for glory or empire or wealth but to serve others. Then he turned the service back to Jake who led the final hymn. I could see now why people came, Jake and Elwood talked to you as a friend or neighbor face to face and not from on high. They told stories and the music was uplifting and full of life.

After the service ended we all went to have lunch. While there were lines they moved quickly and the 'church ladies' kept the crowd orderly. I sat with Mama and found the seat across from her occupied by Elwood. Later on I learned that she had 'requested' that he sit with us. You did not turn down her requests if you knew what was good for you. We had fried chicken, potato salad and cole slaw but I do not think Elwood or I ate much. Tamar came and visited with us and Mama said hello to many people. The younger kids played and the adults sat and visited. By two in the afternoon everything was put away and only a few people were left. Elwood and Mama were having a good talk with Elwood talking about the places he had been and growing up in Chicago. That was when Mama said we should go home to rest and would Elwood like to come by at 6 for some coffee and pie. Before Elwood could object Mama said it was regarding Adwoa and him and that it was important. All he said was Yes Ma'am and that he would be honored. Walking home I was nervous as I could be, I had never thought of inviting Elwood to our house and wondered what mama was going to say. Did she hear some rumors, was she going to forbid us from seeing each other. Mama did not show any hints at all.

We came home, I tried to take nap and mama started making a pie at 4:30. By the time Elwood knocked at 6 the coffee was ready and I had put on my best dress. Elwood looked like he had not rested either, he had a newer pressed suit and shined shoes and had shaved. Mama invited him in and had him sit down next to me. 'Now before we have some pie I wish to discuss some matters with you and Adwoa. Now when I was a young girl there was a preacher that would travel throughout the South with his son. Both of them were handsome, had wavy hair, dressed well and could charm the birds out of the trees. I think every woman and girl for miles around went to their services, maybe even a few men to see them. When I was older I found out several women got into trouble because of them and had to leave town. I do not know what happened to them, I hoped they reformed themselves, they may have gotten killed."

"Mama, you mean those women were pregnant?"

Mama looked exasperated. "Why does every generation think they are the first ones to discover sex? Yes my dear, some of those women ended up dead, sterile or damaged because some back room butcher tried to get rid of the baby. Others were married off or sent to live with relatives until the baby was born. So, Brother Elwood, you can see my concern about Preachers near my young and pretty daughter. So I ask you, what are your intentions?"

"My intentions are honorable Ma- I mean Sister- I mean Mother. I knew many people hold you and Adwoa with a lot of respect so I did not know how to approach this. I did not know how to approach this and I did not want to start rumors. Plus, well, I did not do much dating in my life and Adwoa was different than women I knew."

" Rumors are like weeds Elwood, they start on their own where there is good soil and are hard to remove once they start. Now both you have good reputations, if Jake was after Adwoa I would not let in ten feet near her or my door. Not even if he was the President himself. So if you two are going to date we are all going to sit like civilized people and negotiate some terms. Does that agree with you both?" We both agreed and mama brought out the pie, Apple which was Elwood favorite and we began the treaty negotiations.

Adwoa "Mama" Grayson, Diary of a Southern Town, 1988.
I made a quick little MGMT Little Dark Age video for Reds!'s Long 80s, some of the stuff in the description was me filling in the gaps, so that and it's spoilery nature means I figure it belongs here
The American Girl (1977)
The American Girl (Amerikee Ladakee)1977

Forgotten Films
is a reference book chronicling 'Good Movies left behind by history'. It is written by Noor Trudeau , a Media Historian based in Dallas, Texas in 2019. Comrade Trudeau has covered a variety of media topics ranging from cultural studies to sociology and social theory and had a degree from Brooklyn University.

The American Girl is a remake of the Dr. Butler film Dr. Butler Goes Home (1940) for an Indian audience. It was geared to be distributed to cinemas in primarily smaller towns and rural villages to raise awareness regarding healthcare in less served communities. It would be one of the first films directed by Padma Choudhary, who would later become known for her 'family friendly' films. Many of the film's actors and actresses were minor actors and actresses at the time who declined a salary but received travel expenses and food during filming. Agni Mahinder Chaudhary would later gain fame in a variety of roles in television serials. The films would be a vehicle for Canadian-Indian actress Deepika Tucker, who later became an Indian citizen after 1980 to star in many films and television programs in a variety of roles. The film was successful but was pulled from distribution in 1979 during the Long 80s. It would not be shown until 1995 when Padma Choudhary would sponsor a film festival of 1970s films. The film is notable for a sympathetic portrayal of a American female doctor, discussions of women's health and rights along with LGBTQ issues, all these issues were rarely touched in mainstream 1970s Indian cinema.

The American Girl (Amerikee Ladakee) 1977

Directed by
Padma Choudhary
Starring: Agni Mahinder Chaudhary, Deepika Tucker, Devaraj Das, Pravina Vemulakonda, Gobind Bachchan
Written by Mala Narang, Padma Choudhary, Shanta Rao
Produced by Deo Avani Mhasalkar

The film starts with doctor Abhijit Mhasalkar (Agni Mahinder Chaudhary) who just graduated medical school travelling back to his village of Abshan. With him is a American woman doctor
Sushila Blythe (Deepika Tucker) who is studying in India. When he arrives in Abshan he finds out his mentor Dr. Nagendra Korrapati (Devaraj Das) is in failing health due to the strain of attending patients in a nearby village called Danlamandi, where poor economic conditions have forced the doctors there to abandon their practices. While tending to the ill Abhijit meets his mentor and his daughter/childhood friend , Minali (Pravina Vemulakonda) who is now a nurse. Minali thinks that the Sushila is dating Abhijit and is a first cool towards him. Many people refuse to be treated by Sushila because of her age, sex and her attitude. Her appearance and dress also cause problems since many of the local women think she is their to take their men and many of the boys and men attempt to 'woo' her with some hilarious results. When one of the men attempts to force himself upon her with a knife she defends herself easily.

Torn between pursuing his own career and saving his mentor's health, Abhijit conceives of the idea of establishing a community clinic where, at minimal cost and using preventive medicine, patients can avail themselves of medical services. He obtains basic medical supplies from his teaching hospital and donates them to the village clinic. However, the ignorance and prejudice of the people of village, led by the money lender Deep Vemulakonda (Gobind Bachchan), make them equally skeptical of the new clinic and modern medicine as they were of the doctors. Many women however have started to secretly visit Sushila for help and want to know how to defend themselves and need her help with 'women's problems'. She begins teaching the women general healthcare, self defense and exercise away from the village in order to improve their health and self esteem. Abhijit and Minali begin a romance when Sushila tells Minali that Abhijit did not date while in school and kept a small picture of the two of them when they were children. She also tells Minali she already engaged and has a fiancée at home.

Facing criticism along with little support from the men of the community. Abhijit soon finds the clinic jeopardized, with the local village council about to vote on its future. Suspecting Deep is harboring an illness, Abhijit tricks him into a blood test, and while consulting Nagendra, Minali and Sushila, suspects Deep has contracted meningitis from daily swims in a nearby lake. After privately speaking with Deep he rejects further treatment. Certain now that the clinic will fail, the doctor waits the council's decision before he is called back to attend to Deep who has collapsed. The doctor saves him and with his support, wins over the villagers, who now realize the value of the clinic. Nagendra is able to take a long rest and agrees to allow Abhijit and Minali to marry. When another women doctor (Apoorva Gadhavi) arrives in the village six months later Sushila tells the villagers she is heading back to America to wed her fiance and is given a present from Minali. When the nurse asks for his name, Sushila tells her in a whisper it is not a he but a she. The film ends.
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20th Century Americanism
A little weird ASB idea I had:

May 16th, 1942, 4:06 AM

The ring of the phone woke Earl Browder up.

"Did they install a phone in…."

It was then he felt the softness of the bed he was on. As he came to, he began to notice the size of the bed. The blankets on it.

He soon saw the little cabinet to the side. The large wooden door. The table with the tea kettle. The green plastered walls on the other side. The photos of Lenin, Eugene Debs, Daniel DeLeon, and Bill Foster hanging.

This was most certainly not his cell at the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary, where he went to sleep last night. Did they take him here in the middle of the night? Right when Roosevelt had commuted his sentence? Wasn't out of the bourgeois playbook. Strange they'd put him in this room.

The phone rang again, and Browder spotted it next to bed. After some hesitation, he reached out and picked it up.

".... Hello?"

"Apologies for waking you at this time, Comrade Secretary-General"

He recognized the voice as that of Morris Childs, his young protege. His brother Jack was his assistant.

"You're needed at Stavka for a Council meeting."

Stavka? "Like in Moscow?"

"No, like alongside the Potomac.

"Yeah, yeah, okay." So, he was in DC. Though, there was no "Stavka" there, as he remembered it at least. And the Council…

"Is the Politburo meeting?"

"The election is over, so probably not. Regardless, it's the Revolutionary Military Council"

The election? It's mid-May! Also, the Revolutionary Military what?

"Is Bob there? Bob Minor? I might need to speak with him"

"I thought you knew this, he left for Canada a few days ago. He and Franklin Roosevelt are trying to work out a trade deal with them now that they're in the war."

"Wait, Bob's with the President? Was that part of the deal?"

"The President? What are you talking about? Roosevelt is just a cabinet secretary and an opposition leader. And yeah, it was part of the deal to get them on board with our coalition government."

What the hell was going on?

"Are you okay, Comrade Secretary-General? Do you need to sleep more?"

"No, no, I'll try to get to this meeting. Where is it again?"

"If you've forgotten, the chauffeur probably remembers. Just get dressed."

He put down the phone, and shuttered. When he went to sleep, he was in a prison cell, about to be released from his sentence. He had beaten the unwarranted passport charge made against him, and now he was in this green, luxurious room, having to go to some meeting, and the President was hanging around with the acting head of his party.

He looked out the window, to see more clues. He saw a large lawn. To the side was a large white building. It looked familiar…

"Wait, am I in…"

Above it was a flag. But not the Stars and Stripes. It was Red and Black, with a yellow symbol he couldn't discern.

Looked a little like the Party flag.


Browder shifted in his suit. A smaller version of the flag pinned to his collar. A red pocket square. The last time he was in the backseat of the car was in the paddy wagon he was put in to transport him to Atlanta.

After finding his clothes and getting dressed, he worked around the White House. He noted that there were no photos of the Founding Fathers, no patriotic iconography. Rather, there were murals much like the ones he saw in the Soviet Union. Busts of the old socialists Eugene Debs, Daniel DeLeon, Karl Marx, even the late Emma Goldman.

There were a lot of assistants, both male and female, who were helping him out. They dismissed his confusion as merely sleepiness. Moreover, it seemed like he was…. Respected among them. He didn't expect White House aides to treat him with such deference.

He ultimately asked for a map of Washington, and received one very quickly. Upon opening, the words, "Debs Commune, DeLeon City" popped out at him.

It looked like Washington. Had the Washington and Lincoln Memorials listed, but he certainly didn't remember a city with the names of two socialists on it. Certainly not some of the landmarks, like the "Debs Monument" or the "Temple of the Revolution".

Browder, somehow, came to realize he was in some sort of Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon kind of scenario. He was on some strange version of Earth where the socialist revolution had happened 9 years ago, and there were certain things that were different.

"How is Raisa?", the driver of the car, Helmut, suddenly asked


"Your wife"

So, that was the same. "Fine."

"Heard she was in Russia. Some diplomatic mission."

"Right, right." Honestly, he couldn't even remember the last time he had spoken to his wife. She visited him often in prison, but his upcoming release precluded that.

"Congratulations on your election to SecGen, Comrade."

"Thank you." He was apparently in the same position he had been before, but this time, as the head of state. Bill Foster was the old premier, but he was gone by now. Didn't catch who was premier now before he left.

Much of DC looked like the one he left behind. That is, until they finally arrived at Stavka.

Browder was awed by the fortress before him. It looked very reminiscent of the buildings he had seen in Moscow. Very collectivist, very imposing. It looked like the buildings in Moscow.

A soldier opened the door quickly, scaring Browder. He feared this was an elaborate, cruel ruse meant to send him back to prison. The soldier pulled Browder out and saluted him.

"Comrade Chairman, I hope we didn't disrupt your sleep."

"No, no of course not."

A small cadre of soldiers surrounded Browder as he walked up the steps. He followed them primarily, as they walked into the building. The wood paneling and bustling energy of soldiers and workers reminded him of the war planning buildings he'd see in the newsreels. Except with a seal with a Raven on it (Browder didn't understand that, but let it slide).

They moved through the building, full of machinery and people running, before getting to the center. A large circular room with a circular table at the center. Large maps of Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and the entire world hung on the walls.

He was relieved to see some familiar faces sitting already there at the table, even if they looked slightly different.

He was surprised to see Eugene Dennis in a suit similar to his, with the red handkerchief. He hadn't seen Dennis with such a nice suit. Interestingly, his name tag was his birth name. Perhaps he never changed it?

That old Wobbly Liz Flynn looked the same, with her hat and suit dress. Always a pleasure to see the old "Rebel Girl".

Browder was extremely surprised to see Marty Abern there. Abern, Cannon, and that whole Trotskyist lot were expelled from the Party before the Stock Market Crash, from what Browder remembered. From his tag, he was actually this world's version of the Secretary of War! Was there more to this world than he knew? Maybe Abern stuck with Foster.

The rest, he couldn't place. Some stern looking military men (including a black man, which Browder appreciated), and some other bureaucrats around.

He didn't recognize an older gentleman in a grey suit, but did recognize the name under him: Theodore Roosevelt III.

Browder recognized the bespectacled fellow in the white suit, Harry Truman. He was the Senator from Missouri, he believed.

Browder definitely didn't recognize a sterner, German man sitting to the side. His name was Paul Mattick, and Browder didn't know him.

Browder sat down, and Abern stood up. "Alright, now we just wait…"

"I'm here, I'm here."

Everyone turned to see the man coming in. Browder didn't recognize him for a second, but once he got closer, Browder stood in silence.

He was 20 years older, with a little bit of grey now in his hair, and he looked a bit heavier, but more energetic than the last time Browder had seen him, but the man before him was John Silas Reed.

Browder watched in discomfort as Reed headed to his seat. Browder remembered when Reed died 20 years ago. He had seen his grave at the Kremlin Necropolis. And here he was, living, breathing.

"Alright, comrades, let's begin."

Browder was so stunned he barely registered the sentence.

"Oh, yes, start, start…."

What was this world?
More, please! I'm immediately hooked.
Rollerball (1975)

Directed by:
Filip Engel
Starring: Edison Mallon, Obi Aamadu Idowu, Lesleigh Connelly, Loke Lowry, Bharath Friedrich, Hartwin Favero
Written by: Ambrosius Bonaccorso, Theodor Kennedy
Produced by: Suman Riggi

Rollerball is a 1975 science fiction sports film directed and produced by Filip Engen. It stars Edison Mallon, Obi Aamadu Idowu, Lesleigh Connelly, Loke Lowry, Bharath Friedrich and Hartwin Favero. The screenplay, written by Ambrosius Bonaccorso, adapted his own short story, "Roller Ball Murder", which had first appeared in the September 1973 issue of Future Worlds.

Despite having a multinational cast the majority of filming would be conducted in France and West Germany. It would also be one of the first films to give credits to stunt people involved in the production. While not as financially successful as other science-fiction films it would remain one of the top fifty science fiction films due to its production and action sequences. The ideas and setting of Rollerball have been discussed more and more this century as televised professional sports and sport stars have become more popular the idea of sports being used as a way of pacifying the population.

By the end of the 20th Century the balance of power shifted from national governments towards multinational corporations, who possessed the enormous resources and planning for the post-war world. With this influence the corporations began to fund political candidates and governments that were easily swayed using the same tools used to advertise goods and services. Overtime more and more economic power would be transferred over to them, leaving them the new rulers. While the world is at peace and people have plenty, this has come at a cost, and to channel the aggression of the population the sport of Rollerball is created.

Jonathan E. (Edison Mallon) is the team captain and veteran star of the Lagos Rollerball team. He has become the sport's most recognizable and talented player. After another impressive performance against Madrid, Mr. Maina (Obi Aamadu Idowu), chairman of the Energy Corporation, whose headquarters is Lagos, announces that Jonathan will be featured in a "multivision" broadcast about his career.

Maina tells Jonathan that he wants him to retire. He offers the Rollerballer a lavish retirement package if Jonathan makes the announcement during the special. He then preaches the benefits of corporate-run society and the importance of respecting executive decisions, never explaining exactly why he must retire. Jonathan refuses, and requests to see his former wife Ella (Lesleigh Connelly), who had been taken from him some years earlier by a corporate executive who wanted her for himself.

Suspicious of a forced retirement, Jonathan goes to a library and asks for books about the corporations and history. He finds that all books have been digitized and "edited" to suit the corporations, and are now stored on supercomputers at large protected corporate locations. Ferdinand (Loke Lowry), Lagos's former coach who brought Jonathan along and helped make him a superstar, is now an Energy executive as well as Jonathan's friend. He warns him that the Executive Committee is afraid of him, though he cannot learn why people so powerful would be afraid of a Rollerballer, even the best player in the world.

Rollerball soon degrades into senseless violence as the rules are changed just to force Jonathan out. Lagos's semi-final game against Bangkok has no penalties and only limited substitutions. The brutality of the match kills several players, including Lagos's lead biker, Blue (Bharath Friedrich). Jonathan's best friend and teammate, Lucky (Hartwin Favero), is targeted by three Bangkok skaters and rendered unconscious. Despite the violence, Lagos is victorious and will play Paris for the world championship.

After the game, Jonathan is brought to a Bangkok hospital, where it is revealed Lucky has been left in an irreversible coma by his injuries. Jonathan defies a doctor pressuring him to sign a release form to remove his teammate's life support and has Lucky brought to Lagos to receive further medical care.

Maina hosts an executive teleconference with the six other megacorporations to discuss the game's future. They decide that the Lagos – Paris game will be played with no penalties, no substitutions, and no time limit in the hope that Jonathan, if he decides to play, will be killed during the game. The conference reveals why Jonathan must retire: Rollerball was conceived not only to satisfy man's bloodlust, but to demonstrate the futility of individualism and the benefits of a corporate caste system. Jonathan's popularity and longevity as a player threaten this purpose.

Jonathan makes his way to London to access the world's central supercomputer, known as Zero. While revered as the repository of all human knowledge, Zero's memory is corrupted, which is revealed when the librarian mentions that Zero has "lost" or misplaced the entire 13th Century, wiping out for all time consequential literature including Dante's Inferno. Zero, "finds things, and loses them, and confuses itself." Jonathan's goal is to find out how the corporations make their decisions. Instead of finding an explanation, he encounters doubletalk and psychobabble from Zero, exposing the fragility, imperfections, and impermanence of volatile memory, electronic records, and digitized encyclopedic knowledge.

Afterwards, Jonathan receives a visit from his former wife Ella, who has been sent to convince him to retire and to make it clear that the coming game will be "to the death." Jonathan realizes his wife's visit was set up by the Executives, and erases a long-cherished movie of the two of them, stating, "I just wanted you on my side." Jonathan decides that despite the dangers, he will play.

The final match quickly loses any semblance of order that it might have had as the players are injured or killed. The crowd, ecstatic at first, gradually becomes subdued as the carnage unfolds before them and the game devolves into a gladiatorial fight. Jonathan is soon the only player left on the track for Lagos, while a skater and a bikeman remain from Paris. After a violent struggle in front of Maina's box, Jonathan dispatches the skater and takes the ball from him. The biker charges but Jonathan counters, knocking him off his bike and down to the inside of the track. He pins the biker down and raises the ball over his head, then pauses. Refusing to kill his fallen opponent, Jonathan gets to his feet and painfully makes his way to the goal, slamming the ball home and scoring the game's only point.

Jonathan skates around the track in silent victory. The coaches and fans of both teams chant his name, first softly, then louder and louder as he skates faster and faster. Maina exits the arena hurriedly, possibly fearing a riot as the chant of "Jonathan! Jonathan! Jonathan!" becomes a roar.

OOC: All Actors Names are fictional. Rollerball (1975 film) - Wikipedia
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