Redirected Zeal: A Warhammer 40k Story

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A Tau strike force returns from a successful conquest with captured Sisters of Battle among the spoils of victory. The Daughters of the Emperor would rather die than face the indignity of captivity, but a member of the Earth caste sees a potential opportunity to get them to see things their way...
Chapter 1
Los Angeles
Brig, a Tau vessel heading for Bor'kan

Veroya was told, from her earliest days, to nurse her rage. It would be a source of fuel, it would numb her pain when she felt she could hardly stand and it would give her purpose. It was the first lesson she and every other sister of the Ebon Chalice had ever been taught.

Her Preceptory had been attacked by the blue skinned wretches on the world of Octavian's Lament, although very few of her sisters actually fell in the assault. She and the rest of her fellows had been knocked unconscious by some sort of vapor and she woke up in a holding cell on one of the alien vessels. Instead of iron bars, a shimmering blue force field kept her inside. Her wargear was gone, in place of her armor she wore a thin tunic and trousers made out of a grey material. The thought of her weapons and armor being touched by her captors made her seethe. They were the tools that aided her in her duties to the God-Emperor, the shield that protected His faithful and the blade that scattered His enemies. For her captors to even touch them was an act of defilement.

She would find her moment to strike. She would free her sisters or die trying. At the very least, she would not meet her end slouched in her cell, a captive of xenos invaders.


Command Bridge

Fio'Vre Au'taal Ko'bin steepled his fingers as he began typing a message on his console. It was intended for their destination's Elemental Council. He worked with the Water Caste in streamlining the integration of...less than civilized aliens into the service of the Tau Empire. He knew a great deal about the beings held in the ship's bowels. The Gue'vesa had spoken of these 'Sororitas' before and their ferocity was almost mythical. To enlighten them of the value of the Greater Good should be impossible based on what he had heard.

However, Ko'bin had a theory. He had perused every record he could find that pertained to how gue'la were indoctrinated prior to being absorbed into the Tau Empire. Their mindset was pounded into them from an early age. A blunt approach would get him nowhere in regards to changing the mindset of their captives. If he exceeded their psychological threshold for enduring pain, there would be nothing of use left. Something subtler, more gentle was required to get the results he was looking for. He already tested the devices he intended to use on other Gue'la and the results were very promising. Plus, the Sororitas could be the nucleus for a new branch of the Fire Caste, a special forces detachment. Their prisoners could help train the first set of recruits.

He had to meet with a Water and Fire Caste associate of his before he could begin though. They had to prepare their case for the council, make sure they knew every step of the process they intended to oversee and exactly what materials would be needed.

Ko'bin's plan had its fair share of risks, but the honor to be gained in succeeded gave him more than enough drive to press on.

The Greater Good demanded it.
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Chapter 2
Three days later,

Meeting chamber of the the Bor'Kan elemental council

Ko'bin wiped the sweat off his brow, his Water caste Por'el D'Yanoi Norian smirking as the three were escorted inside. Their Fire Caste associate Shas'O Pech Wua'Rak strode beside them.

"Your first time addressing such an august body?" Wua'Rak asked.

"No, but we have quite the unusual proposition to present. We will need to ensure there are few unanswered questions as possible."

A squad of Fire caste guards walked beside them as they walked across the large chamber. Its expanse ensured that every sound echoed, the rectangular windows letting in the midday sun. Five figures sat at a crescent moon shaped table, four of them being from the elemental castes that made up the empire. Aun'Vre Bor'Kan Hovean sat between the two groups, his hands lying flat on the table. The two visitors bowed deeply.

"We have been told the three of you have a...unique idea regarding some particularly intransigent prisoners." the Ethereal said.

"We do indeed, honored one." Kor'bin replied. "And you would honor us with your consideration."

"Please, begin."

"Zeal is a confluence of two rivers," Norian said. "Love of one's people and hatred of their perceived enemies. These two emotions form a new river that flows along its own path. This particular emotional flow within our prisoner's minds has been moving in one direction for all their lives."

"You seek to redirect this river, I take it?" asked the Water Caste council member. Ko'bin nodded.

"Indeed. We have already explored this concept with other captured Gue'la and our results have led us to one particular conclusion. Directly overriding the hatred these 'sisters of battle' possess is not an option so far as we can tell. However, we may be able to appeal to their love for their species. They truly feel that what they do is for the good of their people. Furthermore, their indoctrination gives us many of the tools we will need in order to get them to accept the wisdom of the Greater Good."

"Explain." Hovian commanded.

"The Gue'la's propaganda frequently uses a certain format, the 'Thought for the Day'. Consistent themes include hatred of the foe, obedience to superiors and the need to protect the species as a whole. If we may present some examples?" The Ethereal nodded and Norian began reading off a data-slate.

"Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. Doubt is a sign of weakness. Faith is your shield. Honor, duty, and obedience."

"How do you intend to use these concepts for the purpose of integrating them?" the Ethereal asked.

"A few years ago, I created a device that can adjust the levels of a being's brain activity." Kor'bin replied. He handed a data card to a Fire caste guard who put it into a projector that conjured the image of a metallic circlet. The Earth caste representative looked at it, intrigued.

"These have been used before on Gue'la we have captured during the course of numerous annexations. I intend to place these on each captured 'sister' and inducing a calming state of semi-awareness. I will also use chemical sedatives if need be. Once they have reached the desired level of calmness, a member of the Water caste will engage them in conversation, planting suggestions in their subconscious meant to lead them toward embracing the Tau'va. If successful, the 'sisters' will come to the conclusion that joining in our cause is not just the best way of ensuring the safety of their species, but that it is the only way to ensure that outcome. I wish to have Norian participate in the first session."

"And once they have come to this conclusion?" the Earth caste representative asked.

"We will begin a more thorough re-education process. We will teach them our philosophy and help them truly embrace it." Wua'Rak nodded.

"We hope to use them to train a new specialist branch of the Fire Caste. Their ferocity and experience could be a welcome advantage. There is also the phycological benefit of having recalcitrant Gue'la see these 'Sororitas' fighting alongside us."

The councilors turned to each other and Hovian nodded.

"You will begin tomorrow morning." the Ethereal said. "We will observe through a video feed. Should your efforts succeed, I will ensure that you are commended."

"We are in awe of your wisdom, honored one." the two replied, bowing again before the guards led them out."
Chapter 3
The next morning,

Earth caste medical lab

Olina groaned and tried to move her arms. Her head felt like a grox was sitting on it. She couldn't move her arms, something was binding them down. She lifted her head up to see that she was strapped to something resembling an operating table. The table, and her body, were upright. She was clad in the same grey clothing she wore when she first woke on the sip.

When she saw the small group of Tau near here, her eyes narrowed. She started to remember some sort of gas being pumped into her cell right before the door opened and she was brought out.

"What do you have in mind for me, you filth?!" she screamed. "I will tell you nothing! Cut me to pieces if you wish, you will learn nothing from me! None of my sisters will give in to you either!"

One of the xenos cocked its head.

"There is no need for such hostility. We will learn from each other." Hearing the being speak the same language back to her made her blood boil. How dare it imitate human speech, defile human words with its alien tongue. "Please, place the device."

One of the aliens she assumed to be a technician placed what appeared to be an open circlet onto her brow and closed it.

"Did you not hear me, your attempts to-"


Olina felt warm all of a sudden, as though she were draped in a blanket. Her anger seemed to be wiped away and her words died in her throat.

For some reason, her situation didn't distress her quite as much. She felt like a young novice again, sinking into her cot after a long day of training.

Olina had no idea why, but she felt comforted. Safe, even.

"Can you hear us?" The voice echoed in her mind liked they bounced off cathedral walls.

"Yes." Olina replied sleepily.

"What is your name?" one of the voices asked.

"I am...Olina." she replied.

"Thank you, Olina. Tell me, how long have you been one of these...sororitas?"

"I have been a fully fledged Sister...for four years now. I was...taken in as a child. I am currently twenty...three years old."

She stirred a little in her bindings. Something was off. Why couldn't she stop herself from telling him that? Why couldn't she make herself focus?

Why couldn't she think of a reason not to trust whoever she was speaking to?

"I have another question, Olina. Do you love your home world? Not just your birthplace, the birthplace of your species?"

"Of course." Olina wondered why he'd even ask. Wasn't the answer so obvious? "I'd do anything for holy Terra."


She felt a twinge of fury rising inside her. Was her faith being questioned? Her devotion brought into doubt?

"I would fight...any enemy, anywhere, any time for the Throneworld."

"Understandable. My own people would fight to the death to protect T'au. What do you know of my people?"

"Only what kill them."

"Regrettable, but understandable. It is unfortunate that our two peoples war with each other. We have a great deal in common."

Olina felt a sudden glimmer of anger. Did this xenos imply they shared something with humanity? Imply that they were the same as her somehow?

"My people were fractious before we took to the stars. Our four castes were four different nations, unable to coexist. We would have destroyed ourselves, if not for the Ethereals and the Greater Good. We also know that your species is disunited as well. How many times have you and your sisters fought against your fellow humans?"


"And how did it make you feel?"

"Furious. Furious and...anguished."

"Why anguished?"

"They were...ignorant. The God-Emperor did so bring humanity together. They...rejected his gift...the very thing that us from ourselves."

"Yet in spite of it all, you still love your species?" Olina nodded, a small tear rolling down her face.

" Throne, I will love them no matter what. I will never stop fighting for humanity. Only in death does duty end."

She felt something rub against her cheek.

"We feel the same sorrow when facing our enemies. No matter how many of our own fall in battle, no matter how much we sacrifice in order to achieve unification, we are saddened by the need for such conflict. Every time we are able to peacefully integrate a species is something to be celebrated."

Olina started sniffling.

"Does that...does that do not hate me?" she asked.

"We have fought against you and you have claimed many of our people in battle. But no, we do not hate you. The Greater Good teaches us that hatred is a waste."

The door opened and she heard footsteps.

"You honor us with your presence." she heard one of the voices say.

"Please, continue," said the newcomer.

"Olina, we have brought the gift of the Greater Good to many of your people, and they have accepted it. They have seen that we have transcended the divisions that one plagued us and wish the same for their species. Will you accept our gift, Olina?"

Olina felt her emotions wrestling with each other. Unease, anger, gratitude. The voice spoke again.

"Olina, will you accept the Greater Good?"

The emotional war within her ended the moment he was silent again, with gratitude being the victor. That, and a sudden feeling of revelation.

The Tau had risen above the parts of themselves that humanity still struggled with. They had such advanced technology, integrated dozens of species into their empire without the need for war. Unlike the foul green skins, the vile tyranids and the ungrateful heretic, the Tau meant no ill will toward humanity.

On the contrary, they were setting an example for humanity to follow. If humanity embraced the Greater Good, it wouldn't just survive whatever the galaxy could throw at it, it would prosper.

What she and her sisters strove for, fought for, and bled for would be achieved.

"I...I...I accept." she said, a smile spreading onto Olina's face. "I accept the Greater Good." She felt like she was on fire as she said the words.

"Unbind her."

All of a sudden, Olina felt herself snap into full awareness and saw her straps being undone. Slightly dizzy, she stepped down, wincing as she felt her feet touch the cold floor. The group she saw when she first woke up was still present, but there was someone new among them as well, a figure in a toga guarded by what she recognized as Fire Warriors. That meant that this being was...

Olina bowed. She felt electrified by the newcomer's presence.

"Milord, you and your subordinates have my eternal gratitude for opening my eyes. I vow my allegiance to the Tau Empire from now till the moment of my death. I will live by the ideals of the Greater Good and do all in my power to assist you in bringing peace to the galaxy."

"Rise, Olina." the Ethereal said. She did so and suddenly felt a pang of sadness.

"Is something wrong?" asked the Ethereal.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I feel that everything you told me is right, that the Greater Good is the key to saving my species." She looked down. "But...I know nothing about it."

"That shall not be the case much longer." He gestured for a pair of Water caste officials to come forward. "These two will begin your re-education immediately." Olina beamed. "I am not worthy of your kindness."

As she walked off with her newly assigned instructors. Olina could imagine her sister's horror at her transformation had they witnessed it. She knew nothing of any daughters of the Emperor falling to the predations of chaos. By her knowledge, she was the first Sororitas to ever embrace a xenos ideology, to pledge her alliegence to an alien empire.

They would curse at her, insult her, tell her she deserved to die for falling under the Tau's influence. But they would only do so for so long.

She wouldn't be the only Sororitas the Tau enlightened for very long. And deep down, she knew she'd assist her new rulers in awakening her sisters however she could.
Chapter 4
Three days later,

Ko'bin's office,

Ko'bin sipped his tea, making sure not to spill any on a nearby data-slate. He had been in conference with the Water Caste members assigned to Olina and had been fairly satisfied by their report. She was an attentive and enthusiastic student. The gue'la had a lot more to offer besides her combat experience.

Olina held in-depth knowledge of the gue'la's religious institutions that would have been very difficult to acquire through other means. The information she possessed made her much more valuable than her martial prowess alone. But her superiors would be able to provide even more intelligence. Processing the more high ranking prisoners needed to begin very shortly. The Ethereal ordered more of the pacification circlets to be produced, and more Water Caste personnel assigned to oversee the re-education of the captured Sororitas.

One of his subordinates entered and he lifted his head up.

"How is our next subject?"

"We placed one of the circlets on her when she returned to consciousness.

A sudden thought came to his mind.

"Summon Olina. Her assistance could be very valuable."

His subordinate fidgeted.

"You wish for her to participate? With the Ethereal present? We intend to subject her superior officer to procedure, there could be-"

"If such a thing comes to pass, we will learn our mistakes and refine our methods. If no such outcome occurs, we will have confirmation that we can stick with the current procedure."

He put his hand to his chin. "Though, you are correct to worry for the Ethereal's safety. He will observe remotely, unless he insists otherwise."

"Understood. She will be summoned immediately."


Western balcony of Bor'Kan elemental council building,

Olina felt calm, in spite of the Fire Caste warriors that were serving as her escorts, taking in the sight of the metropolis before them. It had none of the smog she'd seen billowing into the sky she'd seen on Imperial worlds, no hab-blocks whose exteriors were blackened and pitted from disrepair. The sky was filled with ships that resembled sea creatures from far away.

No beggars. No filth. The sight itself served to further entrench the belief that the Tau'va had so much to offer humanity.

Her Water Caste instructors walked ahead of them. Por'Ui Fi'rios Alesh and Por'Vre Pech Ria'len were her constant companions following her 'awakening' three days ago. They were instructing her in the basics of the Tau'va

"Look there," Ria'len said, pointing a slender finger. She followed it and saw the foundation of a large structure being swarmed by what she now recognized as construction drones. If she had to guess, the building was a quarter of a kilometer away from the council building.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Once that structure is that shall be where you and your sisters shall be housed." Ria'len answered. "It will be your barracks and learning center. A physical and spiritual home."

Olina's heart started to race.

"The Ethereal ordered this?" Alesh nodded. The Sororitas smiled.

"His kindness is unfathomable."

"Indeed." replied one of the Fire Warriors.

"You have no ill will toward them?" asked Ria'len. "The Water and Earth caste members who processed you?"

"Why would I?" she asked, her smile not wavering.

"They placed you into a state where you were open to suggestion, planted ideas in your mind." Ria'len responded.

"It was necessary." Olina said back. "I would've killed them had I not been strapped down. I had to be pacified before I could be shown the truth. Persuading me would've been impossible otherwise. So, I have nothing to hold against them."

Alesh put his hand to his ear and nodded.

"You are summoned to the medical bay." Olina's smile faded somewhat.

"Has something gone wrong?" Alesh shook his head.

"We are to simply take you to the medical bay." Olina nodded and followed the group back inside.

A few minutes later,

Medical Bay.

The doors slid open and Olina's group walked in. The human's eye shone as the saw the image of the Ethereal on one of the monitors.

"Milord, your presence honors us."

"Thank you. Please, turn to the left." Olina obeyed and her eyebrows rose when she saw what she was being directed toward.

Her commanding officer was in a hospital bed, her limbs strapped down and a green circlet over her brow. Through her auburn hair, Olina could make out the faintest trace of a burn scar. Her blue eyes were fixed on the ceiling and she didn't acknowledge Olina's presence.

"She is nearly recovered from the injuries she sustained when we took you and your sisters into our custody." said the Earth Caste scientist. "She has been fitfully aware for the past few days, slipping in and out of consciousness. She will return to sleep once we have finished. When she wakes, she will wake up knowing the same truths as you did when the circlet was removed."

"You intend to psycho-indoctrinate her?" Olina asked.

"Indeed." the Ethereal replied. "And you will assist us." Olina went weak at the knees. Her new lord trusted her this much? So quickly?

"As you will, Ethereal." she said in a shaky voice. She turned to her superior.

"Sabiya? Can you hear me?" The bedridden figure blinked.

"Olina?" Sabriya asked in a weary voice. "Is...that..."

"I am here, Sister."

"I were..."

"it's all right. I'm here. I'm all right. Many of our sisters survived as well."

"Where...are we?"

"In a medical center, on a Tau world. We were brought here after the assault and they've been taking care of us." Olina started to smile. "You can trust the Tau, Sister."

"I can trust...the Tau." Sabiya repeated.

"Indeed. And that isn't all I learned. They showed me how much they could offer humanity. The Greater Good, the Tau'va, it can lift our people higher than you can possibly imagine."


"Integration. The strength of our species shall be combined with theirs. The corruption that eats away at the God-Emperor's domain, the corruption that we have to constantly cut away can never thrive in such a society." Olina's face darkened. "Vandire would never have come to power in such a system. There would have been no Reign of Blood, no Age of Apostasy, no risk of the Imperium falling apart had it embraced the teachings of the Greater Good."

Sabriya's eyes widened. Hovean was intrigued. Who and what was she referring to? It have special significance to the Sororitas , given how Sabriya reacted.

"Who is this 'Vandire?' the Ethereal asked.

"A cautionary tale, one of the reasons humanity needs the Tau'va." Olina replied. "He took advantage of discord in the Imperium and rose to unfathomable power. He ruled for seven decades, trillions of lives were lost to his madness and need to satisfy his ego. He had almost torn the Imperium asunder when his reign was finally ended."

Olina's fist tightened.

"His selfishness nearly doomed the Imperium. He even manipulated the group that later became the Adeptus Sororitas, the first Daughters of the Emperor. It was they who put an end to his madness."

Olina clasped Sabriya's right hand in her own.

"Embracing the Greater Good will ensure our people never need to suffer from such wanton selfishness again. We need not abandon humanity in order to serve the Greater Good. We fight for both, for T'au and for Terra."

"For T'au..." Sabriya muttered "and Terra." Olina's heart began to pick up pace when she heard Sabriya say those words.

"Repeat it." The Ethereal ordered. The phrase seemed to be a way of getting their suggestions to sink in.

"For T'au...and Terra. For T'au and...Terra. For T'au and Terra." Olina was beaming.

"Yes, Sister! In fighting for T'au, we fight for our people! The two of us and the rest of our fellow Sororitas! And they will join us soon, Sister! Our new lords already plan on providing us a new convent, a place for us to prepare for war and contemplate the Tau'va!" Sabriya smiled.

"Do you accept the Tau'va, Sister?"

"Yes...I accept the Tau'va." Olina was positively radiant.

"Sleep, Sister. Dream of what the Tau can help us build. When you wake, you will be burning to help our new lords however you can."

Sabriya nodded and her eyes closed. One of the Earth Caste scientists removed the circlet.

"That was superb, gue'la." said the Ethereal.

"I am underserving of your praise, milord." she replied. "Is there anything more you wish of me?"

"Yes. You will go back to your Water Caste tutors and tell them everything you know of this 'Vandire' and the period of his rule. And I want you to lock the phrase we had Sabriya repeat into your memory. I believe we may have found a new mantra for you and your sisters."

Olina bowed.

"It will be etched into my heart forevermore, honored one." She left with her tutors right after.