Vote Tally : Original - Red Skies (Original Fantasy/SI-as-demon) | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.9
[X] Food. You don't know if you can even eat the stuff, but being prepared never hurt anybody.
[X] Money. You figure it's a good way to get things you want. After all, you're not going to violently murder
everyone you meet, are you?
[X] Jewelry and accessories. You probably won't
wear it, considering its provenance, but it's the next best thing to actual money in terms of carrying value. Also, you can sense faint flickers of magic in the room still, and enchanted trinkets seems like a good explanation.
[X] Clothes. Based on what you've seen, what you're wearing will probably stand out; especially considering you've basically done the equivalent of running through a sprinkler but with blood instead of water while getting stabbed by sharp metal objects. You might want to at least throw a cloak over it.
[X] Yes. You might make some friends! And, even if you don't, you'd never say no to dessert.
[X] Head to the town. It's the closest piece of civilization to where you are, and therefore probably the easiest way to learn more about the world at large.
No. of Votes: 4
[X] Money. You figure it's a good way to get things you want. After all, you're not going to violently murder
everyone you meet, are you?
[X] Jewelry and accessories. You probably won't
wear it, considering its provenance, but it's the next best thing to actual money in terms of carrying value. Also, you can sense faint flickers of magic in the room still, and enchanted trinkets seems like a good explanation.
[X] Sword. You have no idea how to use one, and, empirically, you've shown you can probably do more damage without, but a young woman traveling alone
and unarmed might be suspicious. Also, they're cool.
[X] Something else in particular? (write-in)
-[X] Scrolls if you can find them, and a sack to carry things in.
[X] Yes. You might make some friends! And, even if you don't, you'd never say no to dessert.
[X] Head to the town. It's the closest piece of civilization to where you are, and therefore probably the easiest way to learn more about the world at large.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Money. You figure it's a good way to get things you want. After all, you're not going to violently murder
everyone you meet, are you?
[X] Clothes. Based on what you've seen, what you're wearing will probably stand out; especially considering you've basically done the equivalent of running through a sprinkler but with blood instead of water while getting stabbed by sharp metal objects. You might want to at least throw a cloak over it.
[X] Yes. You might make some friends! And, even if you don't, you'd never say no to dessert.
[X] Head to the town. It's the closest piece of civilization to where you are, and therefore probably the easiest way to learn more about the world at large.
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 6