
Rise for the Shadow Queen
Dream of The 90s

Compassion Always, Cynicism Never

Greetings, Union Comrade! Are you prepared to defend the interests of the utopian Union of Materialist Republic from the sinister machinations of the corrupt and exploitative governments of the United States and USSR? Will you bravely preach the benefits of Progressive Materialism to the proletariat who yearn to be free? Will you guard all life against the Geometrist's 2D menace? Are you willing to give all for the ideals and People of Mars? Of course you are Comrade, because you are a Citizen of the Union. We would expect nothing less!

Red Planet is a Fate Core setting based on Soviet Pulp Fiction. Think of the setting as a kind of spiritual sequel to Spirit of the Century. You are a citizen of Mars, which has united under a pseudo-communist philosophy of Progressive Materialism. Mars is a utopian filled with idealists, and you my friend are one of them. Not only are there rayguns, jetpacks, spaceships, 2D space, a hollow earth, aliens and ancient ruins, but there is also Two Fisted Ideological battles! The corrupt, archaic, toxic Earth is beset by the Capitalist USA and the Autocratic USSR (ruled by the frozen head of Joseph Stalin), as its masses yearn for a better way! You're all young, idealistic adventurers trying to make a difference.

This setting is idealistic as fuck and you can make a difference in it. The world and rulebook encourages the fact that your characters can and will change how the universe works through their beliefs, skills and efforts. There is no status quo, big enough impacts on the setting are possible. Big success, big changes. That's hope and change you can believe in!

It's available for the low, low price of Those According to Their Needs. (Its pay what you want. Its a solid book so if you can, send a little love their way but there isn't a financial obstacle to actually playing it)

A few notes:

First, this is a setting that depends on certain themes and attitudes. It's based on Soviet Pulp and uses a fictional ideology similar to, but without the baggage of, Communism. The setting is incredibly fun to roleplay in and has all sorts of great elements ready to be played with, but I am going to be a bit of bear about keeping on Theme. Idealism is the overarching theme of the work. The idea that in universe, there is a canonically better way. I don't normally eject people but its super crucial that people be engaging with the spirit of the piece. So no characters that go against the ideals or themes of Union. You don't need to believe in communism IRL, but your character needs to believe in it. I hope it isn't a problem, but I wanted to make it clear up front.

Also so that some people I want in can play it, its going to be play by post. I'd like to hopefully get a good number of players as I can handle 8-12 but I can run with minimal players if necessary (But I hope it isn't because I love this setting and there are so many good characters possible)
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"I'm not sure if I'm interested" I might hear some rhetorical people out there say, possibly worried this might be too political or dry. Well friend, have Communist Arnold Schwarzenegger fist fighting Raptors on Venus.

There are shit tons of pulpy fun to be had!
Comrade Swaaaf is reporting in. I've brought my space suit and my antimatter plasma revolver.
I have been informed a Sloth in a space suit wielding an antimatter plasma revolver is too unrealistic for this game. She's now a Sloth in a space suit wielding an Atomic Plasma Revolver.
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Having read through the book, I find myself with three equally appealing options. Comrades, might I ask your assistance in determining which of these would be best?

A psychic brain-in-a-jar, possibly taking psychic stunts from other FATE books like Slip or Nitrate City or the setting that totally isn't Psychonauts we swear.

A Rapport-focused explorer, who is able to talk us out of problems, but just as frequently lands us in them,

An astrogator who might also be an uplift. This of course assumes that in full pulp tradition, that slipsticks are the go-to calculating tool rather than the larger but slower computers.
Dissmech is currently building a rapport explorer, so I would say either of the others. The other two sound great either way.
Query: Fellow citizen is your stuggle perhaps needing the aid of a soldier of not flesh and bone but steel and circuitry? Statement: If that is so, I wish to aid in your collective goal.

Name: Warbot T-34/85 aka 'Kirov'
Class: Soldier (+1 Fight, +1 Shoot)
Height: 3.81 Meters
Weight: 3.40 Metric Tons


High Concept: Sentient War Machine
Trouble: Renegade Soviet Military Project
Aspects: Built Like a Tank, Here Comes the Calvary, Programmed for War

Personality & Bio: Kirov was supposed to be a centerpiece weapon in the vast Soviet arsenal to defend against the predations of the capitalist Americans and the progressive materialism of the Unionists, a machine purpose built for conquest. What was not expected however, was his inventor Doctor Pavel Zhukov to view his creation more as his son than a tool of war. This was unfortunately discovered when an American infiltrator compromised the programs security at the initial field test and fatally shot Dr. Zhukov. Forcibly waking himself from sleep mode, Kirov went on a rampage, pursuing the infiltrator into the city of Kiev. By the time the dust had settled, a large portion of Kiev was either in ruins or on fire due to the actions of Kirov, the Soviets trying to recover him, and the American agent. Disappearing during the mission, Kirov was located later on Mars operating as a soldier for the Union. In his new home Kirov has found his place by using his considerable talents as a soldier to protect his fellow citizens from harm.

Refresh: 2




Great +4 Fight Physique Shoot  
Good +3        
Fair +2 Athletics Crafts Notice  
Average +1 Burglary Investigate Lore Will

Death from Above - +2 to Athletics when Jumping.

Heavy Metal - Armor: 2 versus physical damage (see Super-Toughness)

Hull Down - Use Physique instead of Athletics to defend against physical attacks (see Atomic Robo Stunts)

Tin Can Hitman - Absolutely Stronger than a Human (Physique), but at a cost (see Atomic Robo Mega-Stunts)

Note: Edited. Fixed up background, aspects, costs of stunts, and accordingly adjusted refresh.
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The sloth with a gun and a spacesuit.

Special Citizen: Uplift

Don't Rush Me.

I Have Hooks for Hands!!!....and Feet.
The Vents I've Seen. The Consoles I've Been.

Great - Shoot, Notice
Good - Craft, Physique
Fair - Athletics, Fight
Average - Empathy, Provoke, Will, Pilot

BTX-7TW Shoulder Mount:
When you're wielding a fully automatic weapon, you can
always use Shoot to actively oppose attacks against you or any nearby
allies, even if there's no situation aspect in play to justify doing so. If
your opposition fails, you take a physical hit equal to your margin of
Series E Atomic Drop Bear:
Enemies beware, there's Drop Bears there. Use Physique instead of fight when using Swaaaf's natural claws.
Zero G Repair Kit:
Add +2 to Craft when in a zero g environment.

Weapon: 2

This One Is Mine: You have a special firearm that you value above all
others. Give it a high concept aspect and a trouble aspect. Once per
scene, you can invoke one of those aspects for free.

"I feel like ima break this damn thing!"
"*Slam* Ooooooeeeeh. Th...tha..that hurt."
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Query: Fellow citizen is your stuggle perhaps needing the aid of a soldier of not flesh and bone but steel and circuitry? Statement: If that is so, I wish to aid in your collective goal.

Name: Warbot T-34/85 aka 'Kirov'
Class: Soldier (+1 Fight, +1 Shoot)


High Concept: Sentient War Machine
Trouble: Renegade Soviet Military Project
Aspects: Virtually Indestructible, Multi-ton Mayhem, Programmed to Fight

Personality & Bio: A secret Soviet military project that was successfully reprogrammed and turned against his former masters, Kirov aids the Union by being the final response when Conversion sadly fails and a soldier must do their sworn civic duty.

Refresh: 3
Physical: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Morale: [ ] [ ] [ ]

Great +4 Fight Physique Shoot  
Good +3        
Fair +2 Athletics Crafts Notice  
Average +1 Burglary Investigate Lore Will
Walking Tank - Use Physique to defend against physical attacks; Armor 2 (see Atomic Robo Stunts/Mega Stunts - note: this uses up all of the 3 base char gen stunts)

So, wanna be my Groot?
Okay, this does take some stuff from Psychademia and SLIP, so let me know if Tharsian Thinker Thaddeus Thay needs changeing

Name: Thaddeus Thaye
High Concept: A Literal Wandering Mind
Trouble: Unintentionally Terrifying
Aspects: Convenient Carrying Handle; Quis Champion of Trinadstadt; Funny Story About That...
Class: Special Citizen (Brain-in-a-jar)
Talent: Tracker (I can find weird stuff, but weird stuff can find me)

+5 Will
+4 Shoot
+3 Lore
+2 Empathy, Investigate, Notice
+1 Athletics, , Stealth, Renown, Contacts

Refresh 2
ESP Warning: (In a fight, gain +2 to empathy when creating advantages to read your target's intent)
MIND LASER (Doesn't need a weapon to use Shoot)
Mind Over Matter (Can use Will instead of Physique for Overcome actions)
Telepathic Background Noise: (Can learn any language quickly. With tutelage, it takes only a day. With only the opportunity to read or listen, it takes a week. If the source material is especially sparse, it may take as long as a month)

Physical [ ] [ ]
Mental [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
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I'm thinking about making a pilot?

Debating between a Wagner Washout and a pirate's daughter who got converted. [Possibly by Anya?]
So, in case any real time discussion on chargen or the game needs to happen, setting up an IRC channel and maybe a discord later if my old lady cane shaking doesn't get in the way

Channel: #GetYourAssToMars
Esfir Rozental, fighter pilot.

High Concept: Daredevil Fighter Pilot from the Belt
Trouble: Highway to the Danger Zone
Aspects: Pirate's daughter, taught the family trade
Compassion Always, Cynicism Never (any more)
Proud Guardian of Union Space

Social Class: Pilot

Fate Points: 3
Refresh: 3

Superb (+5) Pilot      
Great (+4)        
Good (+3) Shoot Notice Athletics  
Fair (+2) Stealth Will    
Average (+1) Rapport Deceit Physique Empathy
Hard to Shake: +2 to Pilot whenever you're pursuing another craft in a flying contest.
Hide in the Clouds: You're a master of the ambush. +2 to create an advantage with Stealth when piloting a craft.
Talking Shop. When speaking with fellow pilots, you may use Pilot in place of Rapport.


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