(Recuriting) Sufficent Velocity Powers


Beta God
The Dark Abyss of My Soul
Alright, so Sufficient Velocity Powers is a fantasy nation running game, where you along with everyone else playing runs there own nation. How you do so is up to you and the players around you, the only real limit is your creativity for how you want to play. The game will have a few mechanics and rules, how well the game goes really depends on everyone playing it and how invested everyone is in the game.

There will be world events, although I won't start any of those until we're settled.

Alright so if you guys are interested then please fill out the Profile Outline below, ill be updating this post with more on how the game will run in the next week.

These are the maps for the Game
Simple Map of the starting Continent., I'll update this a bit more later. It's bigger then it looks in the image, it'll show more in the tiled version.

Tiled Map of the starting Continent [Should be up in the next few days]

Backstory on the Game
SvP is based off a forum game that was on reddit, which I ran for an iteration of, and modded for another. There were four iterations total, the main issues with the game where mainly with the restraints of what we were capable of doing on reddit. Along with incompetent people lying about having working military systems...
Link to what the subs like now, The subs similar to a few other power subs on reddit, wastelandpowers being the main one.

This is the Guide for SFP, the past iteration of this game. I wrote them myself with reference from a similar guide that someone else had wrote for a previous iteration of the game. (Most of the things in the guide will work very differently for us here.)

I'll be going through this guide during the next few days and will be simplifying it. As well as changing how everything works so it fits better with the forum, theirs alot of things we can do here that was impossible on reddit.

[I'm going to rework this section alot before the game actually starts]
This sections pretty w.i.p currently

This is a roleplaying game, so for the most part the game will be based off player interaction. Alliances can be formed through nations who are close enough to each other, it doesn't make sense for someone to be allies with another nation whose on the other side of the continent.

Population will be a thing, each nation will start off with a base pop of 100k, then that will increase weekly. [Ill expand on this more later, pop is a decent factor Military size. Along with allowing increased expansion.]

Each nation will have one major action available to them each day, which will increase percentages towards certain development goals.

There will be a handful of development actions available.

Territory expansion [When completed lets you claim a tile specified previously]
National health expansion [When completed raised modifier for population]
Population Movement [Having people immigrate to less populated provinces]
Conquest [Process towards taking over someone else land]

Once we actually start the game, everyone will claim three tiles on the map. We'll go in order, each person claiming one tile, then a second directly next to the one they claimed and a 3rd next to one of the two claimed previous. [Ill put up the tile map in the next few days.]

Conflict will

  • Above each of your posts in the IC thread, list your countries name, just so it's easier for us to know who you are. Having the name be the colour of your country or even linking to your nation profile would be awesome too, but I understand that might be a bit too much for every post.
  • All rolls will take place in the OOC thread, then be written about in the IC post
  • In character interactions can happen in private chats, but a GM must be present during the exchanges. There needs to be a post in the OOC thread stating that its taking place though, any character interactions not recorded in the ICC thread or a private ICC thread aren't cannon.
  • This is a roleplaying game, don't try to Meta game and have your goal be to rule the world. This isn't Civilization, the games about interacting with each other if it be positively or negatively is up to you, just don't try to ruin other peoples experiences


Magic is present in the world of Sufficent Velocity Powers, but primarily as a means of adding theme to mundane actions than as a world changing force. As a result, anything done with magic is equally effective and equally costly to doing it without magic. For example, it would not be acceptable for a player to create an Event describing a mage instantly carve a castle out of rock, as the magic is being used to hand-wave the necessary work. It would be fine for a player to have a mage grow a castle out of stone through a lengthy ritual which lasted just as long as if it had been built by manual labor. Obviously, in the second example the player could have just built the castle with workers and gotten an identical result, but choosing to describe a mage shaping the rock was more fun and interesting.

In addition:
  • Magical armies are possible, but once again they will have costs and strength equivalent to a mundane army.

Profile Outline

[Picture of a flag that represents your nation, not needed but its a good touch.]
*Nation Name

*Head of State

*Capital City

*Government Type

*Language [Having 'Common', be the base language, although you can always adopt others languages. I recommend having 'Common, be one of your state's languages, but you don't need to have it.]

*Background[Doesn't need to be incredibly long, but do whatever you want with it]


We'll go with 7 players to start off with. They will be picked based on writing quality, creativity and interest in the game, if we have more then 7 nations sign up by the time we start.

Try being a bit original with your nations, its fine if there based off fandoms but don't have them be direct rip offs of them.

I'm also looking for a co GM, but I don't think we'll be in desperate need of one.

If you have any questions please ask, ill be updating this thread alot in the next few days. Currently I just want to gage the general interest in this kind of thing.
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Hmm I'm interest, quick question what sort of tech level are we looking at and to what degree are we allowed to have our empire include fantasy elements? Like for example what if I wanted my empire to have special soldiers literally made out of swarms of insects or clockwork soldiers powered by magic?
Hmm I'm interest, quick question what sort of tech level are we looking at and to what degree are we allowed to have our empire include fantasy elements? Like for example what if I wanted my empire to have special soldiers literally made out of swarms of insects or clockwork soldiers powered by magic?

Tech level i'm leaving fairly vague. Anything below industrial, depending on how you want to set your nation up. I don't want to get in the way of peoples creative freedoms, but also this is a fantasy game, so no tanks and machine guns.

For magic, essentially it just has to use the same amount of resources as it would normally. For example, a clockwork soldier could be worth 10 normal soldiers, so you'd still have the same military power as say someone with the same pop and military bonuses. [Haven't gotten this laid out yet, it'll come soon] The clockwork soldier just takes up more resources, so even though you have an army of lets say 100 of them, it would be the equivalent to an army of 1000 men.

I have an example in the post, which is a direct copy paste from my previous guide for how the game worked on reddit, where it compares the building of a castle. Having a mage be able to create castles out of thin air wouldn't fly, but if he grew the castle, it taking an equivalent amount of time as it would for someone to normally build one, if not a bit faster. Then thats fine.
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Tech level i'm leaving fairly vague. Anything below industrial, depending on how you want to set your naton up. I don't want to get in the way of peoples creative freedoms, but also this is a fantasy game, so no tanks and machine guns.

For magic, essentially it just has to use the same amount of resources as it would normally. For example, a clockwork soldier could be worth 10 normal soldiers, so you'd still have the same military power as say someone with the same pop and military bonuses. [Haven't gotten this laid out yet, it'll come soon] The clockwork soldier just takes up more resources, so even though you have an army of lets say 100 of them, it would be the equivalent to an army of 1000 men.

I have an example in the post, which is a direct copy paste from my previous guide for how the game worked on reddit, where it compares the building of a castle. Having a mage be able to create castles out of thin air wouldn't fly, but if he grew the castle, it taking an equivalent amount of time as it would for someone to normally build one, if not a bit faster. Then thats fine.
Alright and just a quick question, to what level will you allow me to go full Lovecraft? Because I want to go full lovecraft.
Alright and just a quick question, to what level will you allow me to go full Lovecraft? Because I want to go full lovecraft.
However deep you want, as long as its atleast a bit original.

We had a race of otter people one game.

The last game which didn't actually happened had a civilization of angels and another civilization of demons, I would have been the demons.

My first nation was a race of tri mutant people, there social status changing depending on there mutation and the number of mutations they had.
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Kingdom: The Empire of the Black Isles

Head of State: Xal'nosha

Capital City: Ny'lisho

Government Type: Theocratic Dictatorship

  • Black Speech: A type of dialect native to the Black Isles, is extremely hard for an outside to learn and there are few outside of the Isles that can speak it.
  • Common: Less prominent than Black Speech, mainly only spoken by traders and diplomats that venture beyond the isles.
Background: The Empire of the Black Isles was once just a loose collection of minor city states that took made up the aforementioned Black Isles. In the days of the city states the Black Isles was in constant turmoil as trade princes, pirates and would be conquerors vied for as much wealth and power as they possibly could. Back then it was said that a man could make himself a king within a month only to lose it all as he was overthrown by the next would be king.

This all changed with the founding of the Sable Church of the Deep or as it is simply more commonly known the Sable Church. Legend tells of the Church's founder, but a common fisherman back then, discovering a cavern into the darkest depths beneath the sea. There he heard a voice that compelled him to enter and within he came into contact the being only known as The Deep One who opened his eyes to the truth about the world and showed him what he must do. He founded the Sable Church and traveled from Island to Island spreading The Deep One's words, ending the petty rivalries of the past in the name of the Deep One's grand plan.

Now generations later the Sable Church stand at the head of the Empire of the Black Isles, it's capital city of Ny'lisho build on top of the entrance to that most sacred cavern to which only the head of the Church and Voice of the Deep One may enter.

Military: As an empire comprising of a string of Islands the Black Isles maintains a powerful fleet to protect it's shores, these vast fleets made of the blackened wood that is the Isles namesake are a symbol of fear to all who trespass upon their waters. Those who survive an encounter with these ships speak of how the very ocean itself seemed to turn against them and of monsters half human and half fish climbing upon their ships to slaughter the crew.
So yeah going full lovecraft oceanic empire here so fully expect me to have Priests with Eldritch magic, Fish people as soldiers and tentacle monsters. But I'm not outright evil, just following the deep one's grand plan.
Wouldn't this be grand strategy, given the whole controlling countries thing? We do have council games in the RP section, which brings lie to the first statement, but this ain't a council game.

Anyway, seems interesting.
Wouldn't this be grand strategy, given the whole controlling countries thing? We do have council games in the RP section, which brings lie to the first statement, but this ain't a council game.

Anyway, seems interesting.
90% of the game is roleplaying, I wouldn't say theres anything Grand or Strategic really about it. Whats a lie?

There are mechanics but that more serves as progression then anything, Meta gaming, meaning trying to "win" and just killling everyone else is frowned upon.

Its just as grand Strategy as DnD would be
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90% of the game is roleplaying, I wouldn't say theres anything Grand or Strategic really about it. Whats a lie?

There are mechanics but that more serves as progression then anything, Meta gaming, meaning trying to "win" and just killling everyone else is frowned upon.

Its just as grand Strategy as DnD would be
Grand strategy, here, means less ... I don't want to say people focused, about half the games in GS are ASoIaF, but something along those lines. If you'd look at the GS forum, you'd see people focused games just on a more nation controlling scale. The main difference between the two forums here, to widely approximate, is that controlling nations wether via directly (Teko style games) or via characters (but also battles and taxes and armies) (aforementioned ASoIaF games, some of mental) is GS.
There are mechanics but that more serves as progression then anything, Meta gaming, meaning trying to "win" and just killling everyone else is frowned upon.
I think that applies to all games. And quests. Verisimilitude is always nice.
Its just as grand Strategy as DnD would be
Have you played the nation ruling expansions to DnD? (Don't, they're shit) They are, however, still grand strategy.
Grand strategy, here, means less ... I don't want to say people focused, about half the games in GS are ASoIaF, but something along those lines. If you'd look at the GS forum, you'd see people focused games just on a more nation controlling scale. The main difference between the two forums here, to widely approximate, is that controlling nations wether via directly (Teko style games) or via characters (but also battles and taxes and armies) (aforementioned ASoIaF games, some of mental) is GS.

Have you played the nation ruling expansions to DnD? (Don't, they're shit) They are, however, still grand strategy.
Like i said, this isnt a strategy game, its a roleplaying game. 90% of the content will be interaction between each other, roleplaying situations etc.

I think that applies to all games. And quests. Verisimilitude is always nice.
Pretty sure you know what I mean, this game isn't driven by the little mechanics there are, its driven by the roleplaying.

Have you played the nation ruling expansions to DnD? (Don't, they're shit) They are, however, still grand strategy.
Once again, im pretty sure you know what i meant. Its focused on roleplaying, not strategy. Just cause the word nation is involved doesn't make it grand strategy.
The Westerlands, Tir Dunamor
The allied Free Kingdoms of the West.

Lady Rhianna Ni Merreth O'Donnell, High Queen of the West

*Capital City Tar Riamor, 5.ooo Ew

*Government :Federal Semi-elective constitutional Monarchy

*Language :Common, Dunall (the human language of most tribes, spoken in a great variant of dialects differing as much as Dutch does from high German.An indo-europeab language not unlike celtic languages.)

Sylaroi (-language of the nonhuman , humanoid Sylans, a faun like race of firest and mountain dwelling herders/gatherers).It sounds vaguely greek, but has a totally alien grammar)
Edendra (language of the reclusive green people, human like plant beings dwelling in the firests as hirticultists/hunters/chlorophyll using life. Phonetically, not unlike Sylaroi, perhaps the origin of that language)
Werrow(language of the small, riverbank dwelling werrow.Clearly a derrivative pidgin of Dunall and some elder language.)
Khazadarak (dwarfen language, structurally rather semituc, but allien set of root consonant groupings.)


*Behind the troll and guant ridden Benhross, the Red peaks, to the utmost west lies a land of many people loosely united by a common culture (with nany local differences) under an High King .

-the Westerlands are not a human realm, e en if mankind now dominates them.Nor does the POLITICAL Entitty by that name include all the lands commonly considered a part of them.

When Men furst came to these kands, they came iver the sea in great longships aided by elemental magic.
They found several races already living there... the coastal and riverdwelling small humanlike Ekwesh , the Forest and hildwelling Sylaroi, the strang "Green oeople" called Edendrya...
But also bale ful things like trolls and ogers, like the oack-hunting Gorroth and wild megafauna galore.
It is a testament to the sheer pugnaciousness of the People of the west that they not only survived but prospered.
They drove the trolls into the remotest swamps, the ogers striaght back into the mountains and the Gorrhoth into extinction, almost anyways (there were strange interminglings if the blood.)
And then, the three hundred clans of the Tua Dun set into a routine if quarrelling, building small kingdom and losing them again, assimaliting the werrow and some Sylaroi into their culture...
A culture which started to develop into a rather semi-feudal clan based set up of semi-inheritable kingships (and queendoms, they are a rather egalitarian society due to widely available herbal contraceptives) .
Slowly , several factors started to create a greater cultural cohaesion again.
One was the contact with the NehKhazad, the hildwarf clans, which pushed their material culture inexorably into late Iron Age.
The other, the development of a system of universally acknowledge AsDana or Tuadana, skilled people and their fraternities (the term is used for lack of a better word).
These include mages guilds, priesthoods , craftsmen guilds..all of them transcending kingdoms and tribes.
Still , the final push would not have come had not an alien people come from the sea.
The Mac lakhlann, who called them self Korians, were a theocratic, decadent race of sorcerers served by twusted humanoid beings the Tua Dun called the Fyrd.
And they were horrible.
They took slaves without ever granting maumission or giving them even basic pritection under the kaw-indeed, in lean times they ATE them.
Their shadowy sea and Sky gods routinely demanded human sacrifice.
They burned and logged much of the forests, stripmined hills, inshort, they behaved without respect for gods, men and spirits.
After the first onslaught and two generations of that, a brave nan rose up and started uniting the Kingdoms and races.
His Name was Donall Averi Mac Owen and later, Simply DonnalMor.
He fought in five great battles and drove the invaders halfway back to the sea, getting crowned as High King of the West afterwards and giving the new high king dom oervasive legal codes and order.
After him , his son Cullan, his daughter Deirdra and her son Arrethor ruled and fought the Korians... and then, Owen Ironhand managed to break and scatter the last strong Korian stronghold, sending them into the sea from which they came.
He us dead now, having died under the fangs of an elder dragon woken from his sleep by dwarfs under the mountains. But his young daughter and heir-designate Rhianna rules.They call her Dragonslayer.

All in all, this is a human majority realm.. with about 75000 humans, 10000 werrow, 9000 NanKhazad, 4000 Sylaroi and 2000 Green people swearing allegiance to the High Queen at Ter Riamor .

Millitary:As varied as the tribes, but there are three basic concepts.
One is that of the oermanent warrior elite paid in some way by clan leaders or kings.
These Thains, theyns or Thanes are trained professional warriors, armoured and equipped to the best abillity of every single clan or kingdom and highly honored.
The second is the millitia .
Every grown man (and woman not nursing a child, which period is set at three years) has to fight for a season withouth pay if called in.
The only exceptions are the infirm or the TuaDaana.
Thirdly, the difference between honorable war as is done between People(no rape, no attacking non combatants, certain strategems are seen as unwirthy to unaccptable... ) and all out war (waged against not-people like Trolls or the Korians.

Millitary tech is medieval, high standart are chain shirts or hauberks,
Cavalry units are using the stirrup and an ealry chain-plate combination.
There are bows and slings as distance weapons and the dwarves use crissbows.
Hand-to-hand Axes of various types, Long swords , a kind of saber and soears are much used, although some tribes use bizarre "Signature wepons" like glaives or triple flails.
Millitary doctrine is varied, from 'knight'assaukts to shieldwall formations... but always supported by missile fire.[/QUOTE]
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