(Recruiting Again) Reincarnation Wars : Wells Of The Soul

So roll call, who is going to post today? Will get a post up sometime later.

Hello. I'm finally back. I'm extremely sorry for just dying and not posting for a week(Was it more?) I was surprised and it was hard to keep up with a daily posting, and a couple days ago my father had to go to the hospital, and he had to stay there, which just cut down on my time more(Since I'm the only person in the house). Thankfully, he is coming home tomorrow or the day after, which will let me post more frequently.

Again I am sorry for just disappearing like that.

Hello. I'm finally back. I'm extremely sorry for just dying and not posting for a week(Was it more?) I was surprised and it was hard to keep up with a daily posting, and a couple days ago my father had to go to the hospital, and he had to stay there, which just cut down on my time more(Since I'm the only person in the house). Thankfully, he is coming home tomorrow or the day after, which will let me post more frequently.

Again I am sorry for just disappearing like that.
Don't worry it's understandable anyway Janus said he'll post later today with you we have five players now.
I finally got a post out, sorry if the transitions are wrong, not sure what actually happened too well.
Hm, should I be there as well? Feel like I should be something like an operator. Also, @Janus, what exactly had I found out about our foes?
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Wait there is an in character already. Can someone share a link? sorry i had a blackout. i'll just lay low as the number of games i'm in means that it's been 5 hours since i turned on the computer and just addressing the games i'm in. both alive and dead. I will probably stop asking to join games now but any game i've applied to has a grantee that i will still play.
I think my account just got okayed so i can actually post now?

Testing.. Testing...

Edit: Testing good proceding to upload character

Name: Jonathan Hawkwood
Sex: Male
Age: 56 years old
Occupation: Disability collecting veteran
Personality: PTSD riddled veteran of the Falkland wars. Paranoid and alcoholic. Had his daughter Petra (currently 14) taken from him by the state and put into foster care.

Tier 2:Early Parameters
Rick (Rick and Morty)[Really Super scientist]
Riot(DC)[Duplicator]{clones have training power abilities plus cloning (ie no new powers go onto clones)}

Tier 1:Beginning Parameters
David Bowie/The Sovereign (Venture Bros)[Shape-shifter including animals and inanimate objects]
Tattletale (Worm)[pericog, ability to extrapolate an incredible wealth of inference from the smallest trace of data.]
Domino (Marvel)[Luck]

Future "Plot" advanced soul: Tzeentch the Chaos God of Magic, Change, Evolution, Destiny, Lies and Trickery (warhammer fantasy)
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Wait there is an in character already. Can someone share a link? sorry i had a blackout. i'll just lay low as the number of games i'm in means that it's been 5 hours since i turned on the computer and just addressing the games i'm in. both alive and dead. I will probably stop asking to join games now but any game i've applied to has a grantee that i will still play.
Oops! Sorry about missing you, but here's the link!
What are these...? I'm not really understanding this, can you explain it to me?

Also, you can only have three max I believe. And you should probably slap a tier onto each character.

Sorry I was coming from the giantitp version of this game and had just copied my character over where we had gotten an extra. but we still started with 4.

Checking through the OP of this thread it would seam you get up to 4?

Janus said:
You may choose up to 4 3rd tier characters at the beginning of the role play.

Although that seems wrong as it should be 1st tier as the tiers get stronger as they go up?

janus said:
Tier 1 :Beginning Parameters:
These characters can be powerful, sort of world threatening, but not planet busters or casual destroyers civilization. For example, you could choose fictional characters who could resurrect the dead, who could summon thunderstorms that devastate miles of land, even receive tactical nuclear warfare in the face and not even flinch. Magneto from the X-Men, for example, could work, as could some exceptionally powerful characters from video games such as Liu Kang, a powerful martial artist who could defeat opponents far above his weight class, and has, such as Shao Kahn, also, under the right circumstances Batman, although he could threaten nearly everyone, he has to use his brain to do so.

Tier 2 :Early Parameters:
Early Parameter characters are earned and/or attained through role play. Shao Kahn fits this niche very nicely, although if you want him to use his ability to rip out the souls of an entire world through the Soulnado, you need to bump him to middle Parameters.
You can gain charactersfrom past lives who are over powered in their own worlds, this includes Apocalypse from Marvel Cinematics because of his ability to manipulate mutations in his own body through the molecular level, Medivh from Warcraft, and his ability to conjure such strong magic that he can fight otherworldly beings considered deities, Li-Ming from Diablo, some over blown DC characters (No Superman). Gill, from Street Fighter works very well here, as he not only has extremely potent durability, able to take nuclear strikes without flinching, he can raise himself from the DEAD. ;)

Tier 3: Middle Parameters:
Shao Kahn, and his ability steal the souls of an entire world, Darth Vitiate's ability to drain The Force from entire worlds, his power to manipulate the minds of thousands of extremely powerful individuals at once through Force possession, make him a past live that fits Middle Game Parameters. Deities, Akuma from Street Fighter (In his Oni form), and characters that are seen as uniquely powerful belong in the Middle Parameter level. Rogue from the X-Men universe has the power to steal powers from others and has super strength, and flight. Apocalypse, yet again, in his Comic Book Form, belongs here. Lucifer, Rowena and Castiel in Supernatural belong here.

Tier 4 :Advanced Parameters:
The Chaos Gods from Warhammer Fantasy (though Warhammer 40,000 Chaos gods are too powerful), The Daedric Princes from Elder Scrolls, God, Amara and Death from Supernatural belong here. PM me for anyone you want to play who belong in the Advanced Parameters level. Superman, in his lowly incarnations might exist in this parameter, although I might reserve him for an NPC.

So assuming its 4 of up to 3rd ill just drop out tattletale for now. especially as the dm was ignoring her abilities completely last game.
Sorry I was coming from the giantitp version of this game and had just copied my character over where we had gotten an extra. but we still started with 4.

Checking through the OP of this thread it would seam you get up to 4?

Although that seems wrong as it should be 1st tier as the tiers get stronger as they go up?

So assuming its 4 of up to 3rd ill just drop out tattletale for now. especially as the dm was ignoring her abilities completely last game.

I apologize. . . I will not ignore anyone.
I apologize. . . I will not ignore anyone.
Its ok. Her ability was a passive tell me more/tell me what they actually mean. Her go to example feat was figuring out that an opponent secretly had a crush on her own sister after about 5 unrelated sentences. It was probably a bit much detail to try and ask for at all times.

What is the deal with starting souls here? 4 of up to 3rd or 4 tier 1's

Also how are you feeling now? Getting better I hope.
Its ok. Her ability was a passive tell me more/tell me what they actually mean. Her go to example feat was figuring out that an opponent secretly had a crush on her own sister after about 5 unrelated sentences. It was probably a bit much detail to try and ask for at all times.

What is the deal with starting souls here? 4 of up to 3rd or 4 tier 1's

Also how are you feeling now? Getting better I hope.

Just 4 Souls of any listed non advanced tier.
If Janus is willing to bump Rick to middle parameters and give hims his cross dimensional portal then i can actually probably write iceseer and myself back into the story in a suspension of disbelive feindly way.

My souls would then look like

T3: Middle
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)[Smartest mammal in the multiverse. has a cross dimensional Portal gun. Disintegration ray watch and a snake holster technology on his leg.]

T2: Early
Riot(DC)[Can clone himself infinite times. Damage dealt to himself or clones is divided between all clones]

T1: Beginning
Domino(Marvel)[Extreme luck]
The Sovereign/David Bowie (Veture Bros){Shape shifter: people, animals, inanimate objects}

If that is all ok then my proposal for getting iceseer and myself in game is for the giantitp universe Blackwell's island being attacked by overwhelming power as were told to run. John/rick opens a portal to this universes Blackwells island and game continues.

P.S. Ive got some reading to do here
If Janus is willing to bump Rick to middle parameters and give hims his cross dimensional portal then i can actually probably write iceseer and myself back into the story in a suspension of disbelive feindly way.

My souls would then look like

T3: Middle
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)[Smartest mammal in the multiverse. has a cross dimensional Portal gun. Disintegration ray watch and a snake holster technology on his leg.]

T2: Early
Riot(DC)[Can clone himself infinite times. Damage dealt to himself or clones is divided between all clones]

T1: Beginning
Domino(Marvel)[Extreme luck]
The Sovereign/David Bowie (Veture Bros){Shape shifter: people, animals, inanimate objects}

If that is all ok then my proposal for getting iceseer and myself in game is for the giantitp universe Blackwell's island being attacked by overwhelming power as were told to run. John/rick opens a portal to this universes Blackwells island and game continues.

P.S. Ive got some reading to do here

That's fine.
Ill write up a short colab to post for every one IC between me and iceseer.

This could be a good chance for foreshadowing. i see that Cthulhu is the current antagonist here.

Should i write the emergency as being Cthulhu is summoned at black well island in universe G and starts killing indiscriminately so we gtf or is there another threat you would like me to use?

Any details i should include?
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Should i add my other added on character since i might actually be from that universe? I added it on just in case.
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You looked at Evelyn(We introduced ourselves) and felt unnerved for a moment. You don't know if she was like this before the awakening. But she seemed far too mechanical to be human.
You know, she does have emotions, but the majority of them come from the two galactic genocide machines, so...it's best they don't show.
Sorry guys its been a while simce ive checked this thread in hindsight probobly should have checked before I posted IN