We always at one point tie everything on purpose to make things interesting. Clean cut votes are boring. Have to keep the QMs proactive when it comes to voting. :V
Votes closed, I was busy today and wasn't able to put up the new post so it'll be up tomorrow.

That's a clean vote for going west, which I expected to happen

Did you guys tie these on purpose my god.

Alright, so ill roll the 20 for our focus along with the 2 ties.

Alright so Our real name is Micheal and we'll be focusing Constitution.

Constitution focus [5/100]

Low roll sucks.

Also, +5 exp for discussion. added to the 20 which we got from the story so far leaves us with 25 exp currently

Wait... wtf I hit edit to edit the other post and it made it its own post?

Alright well, I guess that works anyways... I need a constitution check for the next post so if someone can roll a d10 +1
7 to half succeed 9 to full.
(The plus 1 is for the focus, only getting a +1 cause its currently at base)
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Roll, roll, roll the die.

I have no idea how to do the plus one so i guess i can do that manually.

4 plus 1 = 5

Yay, i can do math...

If doing this manually somehow invalidates the roll just say so. I have no problem if someone else redoes the roll. It´s not like my roll is bad or anything :I
EchoNova threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Constitution Total: 4
4 4
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Rolling the die though means we might get screwed sooner or later on if we make the wrong roll...

Hopefully that does not happen...
1.1 The Real Beginning
The Real Beginning


Location ?
Month ? | Day ? | Year ?
| Jack |

(Real Name is Michael)
Auburn Hair | Brown Eyes | Small figure
Strength 1
Agility 3 [0]
+2 Agility Modifier (From small figure)
Wisdom 3 [0]
+2 Wisdom Modifier (From Past Life as a Historian)
Constitution 1 [5/100]
Charisma 1 [0]
Metal Spear

The Fires of Life
The fires of life allow you to control flames, and produce them from anywhere on your body.
Given to you by Reliah after you first arrived here in Nione hundreds of years in the past.
You currently have little control over the flames.
You've figured out that you can burn stuff by raising its heat.
You've began to suspects the flames might have healing properties at low temperatures.
Const Focus 5/100 | Current Exp 25

It had been five days since you arrived in this strange world, since you were ripped away from limbo and forced to wander this fantasy. In the span of less than twenty four hours you were given some strange power, watched dozens of men and monsters get slaughtered. Then you were apparently transported into this world's future. Told to hunt and defeat some great evil, that snapped a little girl's neck not even a minute after you learnt who he was. To top it all of the whole reason why these psychos even brought you here was because of some bull shit prophecy that even one of your guides didn't seem to believe in.

The past four days had been incredibly dull, the forest was gigantic and barely any animals seemed to live in it. There were bugs and the odd bird, but apart from that the closest thing you'd found that was edible was a bush of berries two days ago. Luckily Lande and Gile both had canteens of water, and with Marks abilities they stayed full.

Around midday yesterday, the groups path had been blocked by a river. Its waters where fast, dangerous and at least twenty feet wide in most places. Since then you'd been heading north looking for someway to cross, a bridge, a dam or any end to the river. It was now the middle of the next day and after almost twenty four hours of walking along the river's banks it still had no end.

But apart from the impending starvation and utter boredom you'd gotten to know your companions a little better and have learnt a bit more about the people who brought you here.

The girl with the blue hair was named Scarlett, born in Vancouver Canada 1992. Her and her family moved to Winnipeg when she was in the middle of highschool, and she inevitably died there in 2014. Which made her twenty two, born the same year as you although you didn't die until 2016. She was fairly open about the majority of her past, although she constantly avoided any questions about her death. From her freak out the first day you all arrived here it sounded like she killed herself, why though is unknown to you.

Ability wise shes to be able to summon a mis shapen white bird. More like a white ball with wings, its uses if any remained unknown. Lande said she should be able to summon a thousand different things, including things that we could kill for food. But currently at least it seems to be beyond Scarlett's abilities. She has a knife with her that she got back from the camp.

The green armored girls name was Lucilla, born somewhere in Italy during the reign of Tiberius Caesar. She was a tailor's daughter, and had taken up her father's trade when he passed away. Her husband helped her tend the shop and she apparently died giving birth to her first child. From what you could judge she was a few years older than you, she wasn't sure though. Your knowledge of earth's past intrigued her, and she'd been asking you question after question the past few days. Actually most of the group had been, you being from the furthest point in earth's future and a historian at that. Mark was able to help answer a lot of Elizabeth's and Lucilla's questions although neither Mark or Scarlett believed you when you told them about the current U.S election. Lande and Giles were also interested, refusing to believe how far we on earth had come without the aid of magic.

Currently Lucilla can do two things with her power she can go invisible by somehow blending herself into the environment. Apparently she was able to hold it for a time while moving back at the camp, although she currently isn't sure how she managed it. Lande said she should be able to do the same thing that Anthol did, taking the form of another person or even changing form into an animal. Currently however it was beyond her abilities. She was also able to grow grass on the ash back at the camp by just touching it, she doesn't know the extent of this ability though. She has a bow with her which she got from the camp.

You'd also learnt a bit more about Elizabeth, who had apparently taken the fall for her husband and was executed. The exact extent of what she took the fall for or why she was executed over it she wouldn't say. The more you talked with her the more rebellious she came off, she had some very firm opinions on the industrial reforms of england. A lot of her issues were eventually addressed in the years after she died, her main concerns being the insane hours and incredibly dirty environment.

With her mark she could absorb an object's heat, or stop its heat as Lande put it. Lande also stated that Elizabeth should be able to manipulate time in some sense, how she could even begin trying was unknown though. Apparently a few Krohns in the past were completely unable to use that side of the mark at all. She left her sword back at the camp.

When you spoke to Mark he was a bit closed off, although he did say that he was a soldier who had taken part in The Gulf War. Apart from that he dodged every question about his past, outright refusing to talk about his time after the war or how he died. He was born in Chicago 1962, with him dying in 1994 he was currently 32 although he looked fairly young. You had noticed that he seemed to favor his right leg for some reason, almost limping when he walked.

Currently Mark can produce water from nowhere, just creating a stream from his hand at will. He can manipulate it to a minor extent, as he apparently created a dense bubble of it to block Lande's attack earlier. He hasn't been able to produce another shield since though. Lande also said that his waters might hold other properties, being able to be a poison or a truth serum. He has a sword which he brought with him from the camp.

Now Lande and Giles where different of course, both of them were somewhere in their early thirties and had both been raised in small villages. Conscripted in their teens to fight against the Venti they've known nothing but war for most of their lives. Lande had been conscripted under Krohn to help all of you with this task. She hadn't actually learn't what the task was all about until the night you were all summoned. Giles was actually just a passing soldier, a friend of Lande who she grabbed to come along with them for added protection.

Giles mark lets him pull metal towards himself from a maximum distance of five feet. He's unable to push metal away from himself only pull and it goes towards his center not his hand. He can't pull a huge amount of weight, and it takes a lot out of him to rip a weapon out from someone's hand. On a scale of marks, Giles would fall around a D rank, which was why he was just a soldier.

Lande's mark however is much more powerful, as you saw her display before. She's able to manipulate blood almost effortlessly, and control it however she likes. She can apparently condense and fire the blood as well. While not being strong enough to go through metal it can easily pierce flesh and muscle. Giles told a few stories of "the Bloody Maiden" who would walk through a battlefield collecting the blood of fallen soldiers. It swirling around her in balls, effortlessly killing hundreds of creatures with her crimson fury. Lande held a high position in the army with her A rank mark, there was a reason why the shepherds trusted her to help you.

Lande and Giles went over a bit about the shepherds and what exactly each of them represented as well as their marks.

Elrios was called "The Lord of Matter" his base element was Lightning although he was able to control the other elements to a lesser degree. He leads the armies of man against the Venti, the first Elrios was apparently the one to first to push towards banishing the Venti. Elrios's mark was lost with the death of the viking.

Seriah called "The Lady of Reality" her abilities are similar to Anthol in a way, as their considered rivals. Seriah is capable of changing her appearance, becoming another person or simply not existing in body. She can manipulate nature, making plants grow wild or creating green in places where there was once none. She isn't considered to be much of a fighter, although Seriah's have been in the past. Apparently she works with her kin as spies mainly, trying to gain intel on the enemy. Lucilla currently holds Seriah's mark

Pyriel called "The Lord of Creation" can summon things from other places. Summoning great dragons or transporting someone miles away. He's also able to control wind, moving it with such force that it can cleanly cut through metal. This generation's Pyriel is considered to be the leader of the Shepherds although all the shepherds are suppose to be equal. He's considered to be a great tactical mind, as well as a great fighter. Scarlett currently holds Pyriels mark.

Reliah called "The Lady of Life" can create infernos which disintegrate enemies or heal and invigorate allies. Her fires can heal any wound if she wishes it, or she can kill an enemy boiling them with incredibly hot flames. She leads the armies alongside Elrios and is considered to be the best fighter amongst the seven shepherds. The original Reliah was betrothed to the original Krohn and is considered to have the most descendants amongst the original seven. You currently hold Reliah's mark.

Krohn called "The Lord of Time" was able to bend reality around him. Slowing his enemies or simply freezing them solid, he's considered one of the strongest among the seven. The Krohn's have always been fairly mysterious, distant from the others acted as they wish, while usually helping guide Pyriel or Mepha in their duties. Elizabeth is the current holder of Krohn's mark.

Mepha called "The Lady of Law and Mind" was able to control water, creating it from nothing she could create rivers and lakes. There were rumors that she was able to control weak men's minds, forcing them to tell the truth after drinking her waters. Her waters could apparently be poisonous if she wished using them on criminals and enemies alike. Mepha doesn't take part in the eternal war, not fully at least like the rest. She helps run the empire, appointing heads of state and dealing out justice. Mark currently holds Mepha's mark.

Erral was called "The Harbinger" or there new title "The Traitor" was the only seer amongst the seven, although some people think krohn might have similar gifts. Erral was rumored to be able to see the future and see events that were going to take place. She could also manipulate light, making herself invisible or sending out beams of it that could pierce any material. Erral was the first to be chosen by the Alri and was considered the greatest of the seven until the current generations Erral soiled their name. Erral's mark is currently held by the last generations Erral who escaped to this time with Anthol.


It was nearly dark and the sun was about to set on your fifth day of arriving in this strange world. The seven of you were walking down the bank of a river as Giles regaled you with their peoples origin story, when you noticed something grey on the river up ahead. As you neared closer you could make out a well crafted stone bridge arching over the river with a road connecting through it.

In a few minutes the group was at the bridge, and for the first time in four days you weren't alone. Camped out beside and partially on the bridge was what looked like a merchant's caravan or atleast what you would expect a merchant's caravan to look like. There were three carts, each of them covered in a tattered looking cloth. All you could see under the cloth was wood, the carts looking fairly normal from what you could see.

There were five men setting up camp on the other side of the road, none of them had noticed you. Two of them looked fairly alert and had swords strapped to their belts. While the other three looked all but unarmed, apart from maybe knives. They were blocking the road however and you would need to walk past them to get on the bridge.

A few of the people in your group want to go talk to them, wanting to see if they have food to spare or information to give. The others are opposed to it, wanting to leave them alone and get past. Scarlet even brought up the idea of robbing or killing them, you're all hungry and who knows how long it is to anyplace with food.

What do you do?
[ ] Go greet them. Ask them directions to the empire and maybe even learn more about your current situation.
[ ] Go greet them. Ask them questions about the world and ask if you can join them eastwards.
[ ] Go greet them, when their guard is down attack and take the caravans for yourself.
[ ] Wait till night and try to sneak past them.
[ ] Wait till night and try to steal some supplies from them, then sneak past along the bridge.
[ ] Wait till night and murder them while they're sleeping. The horses could make your trip a lot faster, the supplies they have would go a long way.
[ ] Wait till they leave and cross once they've left.
[ ] Turn around and maybe find another way across somewhere to the south.
[ ] Move west and try to follow the road that way. You can see it wynding to the north, maybe there's another way around.
[ ] (Write in!)


Yeah this post has been more of an information dump than anything, sorry for the lack of actual character interaction in the post. I just think it would take up a bit too much space if I write out the full boring four days.

This kind of post should be incredibly rare if it's not the only one like this, I'll usually try to give information more organically. This is just an exception to that.

Tomorrow i'll be putting up a post of Giles story which he was telling before they saw the bridge.

There should be a main post once every 2-3 days from here on out, although I might have minor story posts in between.

Oh also just a tid bit, each of the other fours powers are powers which we could have ended up with. Each combination of the two choices from the first post was a different ability. I might post a chart later of each possible power which we could have ended up with.

Honestly Jacks power, the fires of life were one of my top 3 out of all the outcomes.

Once again I waited to late to write this and I have class in 6 hours...
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[X] Go greet them. Ask them directions to the empire and maybe even learn more about your current situation.
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[ X ] Wait till night and try to steal some supplies from them, then sneak past along the bridge.
Currently 3 votes with two going towards greeting the merchants and one wanting to steal from them.
2 [X] Go greet them. Ask them directions to the empire and maybe even learn more about your current situation.
1 [ X ] Wait till night and try to steal some supplies from them, then sneak past along the bridge.

If you guys have any questions or criticisms please ask.
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Well thats a depressingly low number of votes but whatever, i'm just going to close the vote now.

Rolling for a Wisdom check
7 or more to succeed 11 to fully succeed

1+2 = 3

Epic failure will be repercussions.

Rolling for a Dexterity check
6 to partially succeed 8 or above to fully

10 + 2 = 12

Huge success, will be bonuses because of it

Then a Strength check
5 is a success, 8 is a full success

8 is a full success

Fan fucking tastic rolls for dex and strength that wisdom roll is brutal though.

Actually a really good outcome, this decision could have had a really bad outcome. Like incredibly brutal, the only thing we're missing here is instantly gaining a new skill.
BetaM threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Wisdom Total: 1
1 1
BetaM threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Dexterity Total: 10
10 10
BetaM threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Strength Total: 8
8 8
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[X] Go greet them. Ask them directions to the empire and maybe even learn more about your current situation.
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Well, that was certainly a pointless entry I made there. Have to wait until the next one... :V
meant too send this in a differnet chat
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1.2.1 Lost Souls
Lost Souls

Location ?
Month ? | Day ? | Year ?
| Jack |

(Real Name is Michael)
Auburn Hair | Brown Eyes | Small figure
Strength 1
Agility 3 [0]
+2 Agility Modifier (From small figure)
Wisdom 3 [0]
+2 Wisdom Modifier (From Past Life as a Historian)
Constitution 1 [5/100]
Charisma 1 [0]
Metal Spear

The Fires of Life
The fires of life allow you to control flames, and produce them from anywhere on your body.
Given to you by Reliah after you first arrived here in Nione hundreds of years in the past.
You currently have little control over the flames.
You've figured out that you can burn stuff by raising its heat.
You've began to suspects the flames might have healing properties at low temperatures.
Const Focus 5/100 | Current Exp 25
After a round of arguments, debates and negotiation between the seven of you. The general consensus fell on the group going out and talking to the merchants. You were all hungry, lost and although none of you would admit it, scared.

Lucy, Giles and yourself left the treeline to go talk to them, Lande staying behind paranoid about the strangers. She stood in the treeline, hidden behind a few bushes, juggling a dozen balls of crimson. The three of you were unarmed, your spear, Giles sword and Luci's bow back with the others. As the three of you came into view, the merchants froze, the two armed men grasping sword hilts.

Giles raised his hand in a defencive manner "We mean you no harm." he said loudly, so his voice would travel.

The men didn't react, they actually looked more threatened. One of the unarmed men, a scrawny fellow in fine looking clothes got up from a log. He walked over to the edge of the road, the two men with swords trailing after him.

He spoke in an accent similar to Lande and Giles, but the words he spoke didn't make sense. You think one of the words might have been "do" the others where a jumble though...

They spoke in a completely different language than the one which had been engraved into your mind. The man spoke some more, the men behind him talking as well. You tried understanding, at least some of what they were saying but it was lost to you. You weren't a linguist and nothing they said made any sense to you.

"Do you know what they're saying?" Luci said directing the question to Giles.

He just shrugged "Not a clue, it doesn't sound like any language i've ever heard."

"Well you did say this was the future right? It would make sense, the language I grew up with was all but dead in Jack's time." What Luci said made sense but it didn't change anything.

Giles put his hand on his stomach, then mimed feeding himself. He made a ridiculous display of himself and it actually looked more like he was sick than hungry. The other two unarmed men started talking to each other, the unarmed man who was standing on the road started arguing back. Or well you thought he was arguing? His tone of voice didn't sound like he agree'd but, after a tense couple seconds they settled down.

The protesting man put his hands up and angrily stalked off behind their middle cart. The other two men gestured towards the three of you, pointing at benches that they had been setting up around a firepit. Three more armed men walked around from the back of the carts, they froze like the merchants had earlier staring at you. One of the unarmed men, a pudgy bald man waved his hand at them, saying something sharp in a strange language. One of the three men actually smiled gesturing towards the benches.

Lande left the tree line, Elizabeth, Scarlet and Mark trailing behind. The seven of you sat around on the benches, there was an oddly high number of seats. Five benches in total, while their where only eight men from the looks of it. Maybe they were selling benches?

The man who'd been protesting earlier came back carrying a big pot. The man spat something at one of the new armed men, who went over to the setup logs and started snapping his fingers. Each snap made a spark that fell down on a pile of dry grass that caught after a few snaps.

"Skin made of flint?" Mark said, absentmindedly snapping his fingers. The flint man grinned at him, snapping his fingers back making sparks, one of the merchants slapped him pointing off to one of the carts.

The grumpy man set the pot up so it was hanging above the fire, water splashed out of it putting out part of the fire. For the next hour, everyone sat around the fire and attempted to socialize, Luci even helped the grumpy man cut vegetables for the soup. Elizabeth tried learning their language, she sat next to one of the guards pointing at various objects and saying the word in english. Giles was actually participating, sounding out the english words and asking if they were correct in his language.

Scarlett summoned her angel thing, commanding it to do tricks and fly around above everyone's heads. Everyone looked to be enjoying themselves at least partially, you sat there staring at the sky thinking of the things that made you, you. The events that brought you here today, the good, the bad, the things that made the idiot that was you. The idiot who managed to burn down a bachelor part killing himself in the process.

What makes you you?
[Alright so I kinda realized that if we didn't do this our characters gonna end up pretty bland and 2 dimensional. I have personalities set up for all the side characters but not Jack]
(not his real name)
Auburn Hair | Brown Eyes | Small figure
Strength 1
Agility 3 [0]
+2 Agility Modifier (From small figure)
Wisdom 3 [0]
+2 Wisdom Modifier (From Past Life as a Historian)
Constitution 1 [5/100]
Charisma 1 [0]
Metal Spear
The Fires of Life
The fires of life allow you to control flames, and produce them from anywhere on your body.
Given to you by Reliah after you first arrived here in Nione hundreds of years in the past.
You currently have little control over the flames.
You've figured out that you can burn stuff by raising its heat.
You've began to suspects the flames might have healing properties at low temperatures.

Pick 3 Positive traits and 2 Negative Traits that don't clash.

Positive Traits
[] Attractive
[] Loyal
[] Brave
[] Fair
[] Trusting
[] Patient
[] Tough
[] Strong Willed
[] Responsible
[] Forgiving
[] Kind
[] Optimist
[] Neat
[] Perceptive
[] Selfless
[] Romantic
[] Zealous
[] (Write in!)
Negative Traits
[] Lust
[] Greed
[] Pride
[] Envy
[] Sloth
[] Gluttony
[] Short Tempered
[] Cruel
[] Coward
[] Emotional
[] Outspoken
[] Shy
[] Cynical
[] Impulsive
[] (Write in!)
Plan format please

Bleh I've kinda neglected this quest the past week, and realized that a big reason why I was unmotivated was because our character had no personality.

This is a two part post, the next part will be up sometime tomorrow. I just wanted to get this vote out there along with this story update.
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[X]Plan: Silent Flame

[X] Perceptive
[X] Patient
[X] Fair
[X] Cynical
[X] Shy