Reach the Stars, Explore the Void REBOOT : A Stellaris-inspired quest of research and exploration

I have an idea for a write in for a payload, though it's less a payload and more of a weapon.

We have a spaceship, and a bunch of people with the ability to bend space, and Prismtech.

Ever fried ants with a magnifying glass? Imagine that, but you've distorted spacetime to focus even more light into the prisms to release insane amounts of energy.

[X] Academy of Xenonaturalism
-[X]Global Prisms-Light Energy Systems [4/8]

For most of the year, you were quite focused on the encouraging progress of the Academy on the new network.
In particular, the ability of the Prisms, when properly shaped, to generate cohesive ray of light or other electromagnetic waves, with very little loss of energy, to receive and absorb those waves, and to transform them, had shown, despite intensive tests, very little limit.
As far as the Academy is concerned, energy could be produced in the Pacific, beamed to a satellite equipped with a Prisms system, and the satellite could transmit the energy to a Scandinavian base with little loss or delay.
So could this be used to create an orbital laser cannon?
Yes, issues would be targetting, power stockage and focusing enought energy at once, but yes.
Focusing the energy Might Be possible through Singularities bending space, energy storage... I have some thoughts that also involve bending space but I don't think we could have the Singularities do more than one job here safely.
Yeah. If you look at all the Other's we got there is

Memory worm


Marsh Lights



Prism Forests

Now the main issue is the 3 bases we.are facing, which is

Minor bases - Small and weak. Should be easily taken care of

Yellowstone - Heavily fortified, explodes in 2-3 turns.

Ring of Fire - Several bases underwater, explodes in 4-5 turns.

Most of the bigger weapon tech we got, is going to take us arouns 5 turns in order to finish. Now, we might get war prototypes that will maybe finish in 2-3 turns, if we're lucky.

in which case, we should see at how they might help with the underwater bases.

Yellowstone, is going to explode too early, and honestly the Titans are the best other for how to deal with it, as for what the rest can do.

Memory worms-Memory tapes would finish in 5 turns. Might we be able to create a prototype exclusively designed to just shut down Builders? If we combinde that with Arona'a study the builder project, we might be able to get some results out of it.

Dreamlands - Dreamlands aren't directly hostile, so their utility must be less direct. They might be able to stabalize an area so it doesn't shake, so they might stabalize or make underwater have less pressure. They don't seem to be of much help in this case here from what i can see.

Marsh Lights - Marsh light canisters is a 6 turn research project with Arona on it and it's not an Anomalous tech so she would be the only one that would be efficent at researching it. I don't see Marsh Light being that directly usefull for, given the cost.

Singularities - Allready massively in use. We got the singularities field shield. With Academy would take 4 turns, with Aarona would take 3 turns. 2 turns if we get the 50% roll on the first roll. And that would be the mass-produced version, and that's armour capable of withstanding Builder lasers.

Huh. That's actually pretty feasible, assuming we get it. Of course, this means we'll also need to spend 10 influence to keep Arona so we can assign her freely.

Titans - Well. Uh, pretty obvious what they can do.

Prism Forests - Allready use. We got the orbital canon idea, but that wouldn't be finished in time for the yellowstone assult, and the ring of fire bases are underwater, so unless we can do some really weird stuff with dreamlands and singularities, won't reach the bases.

And firing them into the ocean, is a terrible idea. We do not want to see what happens when red water, poisonous get turned into vapour and suddenly starts raining over the land. What if it happen to rain over North Pole or a city. That would just be another ecological disaster.

So. The best step forwards i see is.

1. Academy on worm tapes, in order to make anti-Builder worm tapes while astra team makes underwater spaceships. Crystal Order on beesech the Titan, and if that's not an option, on Study the Builder with Aarona. This would be the delayed comprises plan.

2. Academy and Arona on Singularity shields with astra team on underwater spaceships. The Crystal order...Beesech the titans, and might depend on our options from there. This plan would mean we'd spend 10 influence to keep her, and the war front would not get direct Academy help(and we'd have no ability to influence it). It might also come in too late for Yellowstone attack.

@OldShadow The singularity shield tech. How feasible would that be for soldiers to carry. Or would it be too large and mostly for spaceships.
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For now, only for ships or buildings.

Righto. That makes it a lot less usefull for yellowstone, but it would make it a lot better for the Ring of Fire attack, assuming astra team can design ships for it.
(And i think we kinda have to assume that, how else are we suppose to reach underwater like that)

In which case, we can swap things around perhaps. Arona on study builder first turn, along with the academy on memory worms, and then we flip those two to finishing Singularities shield for the underwater base attack.

That seems like it might work?
@OldShadow If we refuse, and keeps the Speaker. Do we still get like a "project" option, to allocate an assest activation, to indicate we are spesifically helping with an Assult, as if we've chosen comprimise option(for that turn only)?

So, we might choose to abstain from attacking the minor one, but choose to help on yellowstone?
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Right. In that case, i think we should keep her.

We can put academy and Speaker on Marsh light canisters. It finishes in 2 turn. Then we move those two towards singularity shielding tech.

I'm gonna assume, that if we do research better weapons, that High Command will move over, but for the very start nuclear weapon is probaly better untill we get something else out

[] Plan Weapon prototyping
-[] Minor Earthshaker [Priority] : Relatively easy targets, but very dispersed, their destruction will reduce the wave of disasters.
-[] Nuclear [Payload] : Privilege reliability and immediate damage by posing portable nuclear bombs
-[] Full assault [Risks] : Multiples strike teams with multiple points of entry, ensure effectiveness, but require more assets per attack, and increase loss in case of traps or disasters
-[] Refuse [Requisition] : -10 Influence, kept Speaker Rewiti
Right. So

[X] Plan Weapon prototyping
-[X] Minor Earthshaker [Priority] : Relatively easy targets, but very dispersed, their destruction will reduce the wave of disasters.
-[X] Nuclear [Payload] : Privilege reliability and immediate damage by posing portable nuclear bombs
-[X] Full assault [Risks] : Multiples strike teams with multiple points of entry, ensure effectiveness, but require more assets per attack, and increase loss in case of traps or disasters
-[X] Refuse [Requisition] : -10 Influence, kept Speaker Rewiti

This relies on primary on one type of technology.

[] Marsh Lights Canisters (Anomalous)(Particules) [0/12]
When people see the modern Marsh Lights, many wonder why they were once so feared, their entropic field only dangerous if one stays near them for too long without the Lights being otherwise fed.
This is because they have never seen the Marsh Lights feeling menaced, like during the Invasion, never seen them reproduce fast enough to be able to double their number in less than a minute and generate entropic fields strong enough to reduce a man to ashes in seconds or bring a Builder down.
Thankfully for Earth, this state is temporary, and the Marsh Lights rapidly return to their normal, peaceful shelves afterward.
The Canisters project is nothing more than a weaponization of this "survival frenzy", by putting Marsh Lights into a sealed rocket, and firing it at an enemy force will trigger inside the rockets a series of reactions generating stimulus causing the frenzy.
Needless to say, the Canisters would ensure the annihilation of most foes under a swarm of rapidly reproducing Marsh Light and intense entropic fields.The main issue is to ensure the safety of such weapons.

Develop Marsh Lights Canisters, Entropic missiles usable for both armies and starship

This is noted as being a sealed rocket, and it's capable of being used by both armies and ships. With both The academy and the Speaker on it, it's going to finish in two turns maximum. If we get the 50% chance roll with the Speaker on the first turn, we can have her do something else on the second turn, either Singularity shields or the Study builder projects for a turn, is what i'm currently thinking.

By getting the minor earthshakers first, we would be stopping the current disasters, letting High command get their armies, and wake their Titans, in (relative) peace, so that when we turn around to focus on the Yellowstone cluster in two turns, we will have the Marsh Light rockets ready to be deployed. Which is also going to help with the Ring of Fire cluster.

I'm voting for nuclear payload, for the minor earthshakers, because it's the tested methoed, i'm gonna assume that once we research a better anti-builder weapon for the Yellowstone attack, with the Marhs lights that High Command is going to switch over, and that we aren't stuck with the payload chosen now. Would seem really harsh.

Meanwhile, since Oldshadow has stated we can still help the war effort as a "project", we can put either Order of Bird or the Astra team on that, assuming there is not directly usefull reserach for them at the moment.

The drawback of this plan, is that the Marsh light won't leave much debris to be analyzed, but like. Globe is in the procress of being world-cracked, i don't think we quite have that luxary to take our time with it.
Really low voting so far compared to normal, wonder if people missed it. Kinda weird

On a different note @OldShadow Did the natural 100 end up doing anything special? And from the second post, each of the invading forces, ended up granting humanity different knowledge right? The eternal army with how to battle, parasitic godlings with weird tech.

The worldshapers were suppose to be terraforming and infrastructure, but so far i haven't seen that much of it. Did we kinda "trade" that for anomalous tech tree with the original write-in? Or is it because we're probaly the lowest starting techbase. If this isn't a spoilerly question.
Really low voting so far compared to normal, wonder if people missed it. Kinda weird

On a different note @OldShadow Did the natural 100 end up doing anything special? And from the second post, each of the invading forces, ended up granting humanity different knowledge right? The eternal army with how to battle, parasitic godlings with weird tech.

The worldshapers were suppose to be terraforming and infrastructure, but so far i haven't seen that much of it. Did we kinda "trade" that for anomalous tech tree with the original write-in? Or is it because we're probaly the lowest starting techbase. If this isn't a spoilerly question.
The natural 100 will have its effect show progressively, but there is going to be a major productivity boost and an acceleration of industrial development.

For the terraforming and infrastructure, there are two parts.
First, you got a mean to terraform and create better infrastructures than your tech level should allow, the Others.
Second, the Catalog as exceptionally advanced terraforming and infrastructures, without them the Enclosures and silver cities would not exist, and neither the Earthshakers.
However, you need to get that tech out of the remnants of the Invasion. The Earthshakers were supposed to act as tech loot box but the dice decided otherwise.

EDIT : As for the low voters count, I do not know. I just know that I mostly write original quest, I update at weird hour since I do not live in America, and I have a somewhat weird way of writing (mostly due to having learned english more from video games and fantasy books than anything else), so my quests will of course tend to be lower in popularity compared to an author of equivalent writing skills without the same hindrances.
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The natural 100 will have its effect show progressively, but there is going to be a major productivity boost and an acceleration of industrial development.

For the terraforming and infrastructure, there are two parts.
First, you got a mean to terraform and create better infrastructures than your tech level should allow, the Others.
Second, the Catalog as exceptionally advanced terraforming and infrastructures, without them the Enclosures and silver cities would not exist, and neither the Earthshakers.
However, you need to get that tech out of the remnants of the Invasion. The Earthshakers were supposed to act as tech loot box but the dice decided otherwise.

"What do you mean you rolled catastrophic environmental damage on your gacha, that's not even suppose to be an option?!"

But i see, allrighty thanks. Well, the dice to be dicing. I do still hope on distantly on the befriending Builders idea, but i do admit chances are getting low for that.

Which, given we have two civic traits based around living in peace and exploring unknow creatures, is bit of a wah moment. Still, it does leave for a narrative cool story with the earthshaker thing.

(We keep on getting like, "how to destroy a planet terraforming" events. Considering we're extremly against heavy industrial civilization, i don't foresee that leading to any negative problems what so ever)
Really low voting so far compared to normal, wonder if people missed it. Kinda weird
I think it the result of being a novel situation where a lot of thing depend too much on speculation that make people go "yeah, that's close enough to what I want" since no one really have a concrete idea to about on what to really expect from each choices.

[X] Plan Weapon prototyping

Also, @OldShadow, why did Astra team made 4 progress instead of 3? I think Sa'kage asked this already, but you migh have missed it.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by OldShadow on Jun 22, 2024 at 5:17 PM, finished with 14 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan Weapon prototyping
    -[X] Minor Earthshaker [Priority] : Relatively easy targets, but very dispersed, their destruction will reduce the wave of disasters.
    -[X] Nuclear [Payload] : Privilege reliability and immediate damage by posing portable nuclear bombs
    -[X] Full assault [Risks] : Multiples strike teams with multiple points of entry, ensure effectiveness, but require more assets per attack, and increase loss in case of traps or disasters
    -[X] Refuse [Requisition] : -10 Influence, kept Speaker Rewiti