Re:Start (UQ Holder/Negima)

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There is a method in waking up. Everyone has one, right up from the strongest man...
Chapter 1: Waking Up


The Library

There is a method in waking up. Everyone has one, right up from the strongest man in the world, and down to the poorest orphan in the alleyway. Each similar, yet still different -- unique. It is a habit; an semi-conscious ritual that is so deeply ingrained within every living being's mind that even trying to quell these urges are practically impossible, an act of futility. Some people wake up without an alarm, immediately fresh awake, and prepared for the day that is to come. Cheerfully walk up to the bathroom, scrub their body clean with hot water, and brush their teeth shiny white. Look at the mirror, humming a little tune they've heard in the television yesterday, smile, and spend the next five minutes gelling up their hair to the perfect style.


You, naturally, are not one of these people.

You wake up with a loud, long-suffering groan. Eyes try, and fail to open -- thick dirty crusts keeping them shut. The agonizing alarm thunders within your head, drilling holes into your brain until it feels like they're leaking through your ears. You try to move your arm to the alarm, only to end up feeling a sudden sensation of nausea, and ends up slapping your face instead.


You let out another miserable groan, begging someone out there to kill the gods-damned sound, but to no avail. You try to move your arm again, and blessedly, you succeed your mission this time -- the cold plastic surface of your rectangular alarm, feels the click as you apply pressure, and sigh in relief as the blaring alarm dies immediately. Sis had used to always chide you to get married, and get some kids so she could dot on them -- there's a reason why you always say 'no'.

You stay there on the cot for a minute, relishing in the blessed silence. Your palm rests against your face, your breathing calming down. In and out, you think to yourself. Your mind slips, trying to get more sleep. Five more minutes, you want to say, even if you're going to end up sleeping in for two hours.

You would be okay with that, if not for the fact that today's workday, and the Chief is going to kill you if you're not awake by then. You release another groan, yawning at the same time, as you throw your blanket away, and roll your body to the side. Feel the prodding pressure on your side as you lay on the verge of the cot, before you throw your legs out to the floor--

"Fuck!" you yelp in surprise at the low-temp metallic-floor. Even after a couple weeks assigned in this damned place, you're still not getting used to the awful heater. And just your luck that you've received the less well-maintained room. You shiver at the cold, lingering on the bottom of your feet, before steadily crawling as the warmth of the blanket fades.

Clambering up to your legs, you decide that you should get ready for the day than wait until you're frozen solid, and blindly search for the bathroom-- your bathroom. Not communal, or shared. Small mercy, you suppose. With your small room, it's easy for you to find the bathroom's door, and you enter it without much of a hassle. Metallic floor gives to ceramic, and the whirring noise of ventilation.

Hot water is great, and you're thankful for whatever deity up there who deigns to give the place a decent plumbing. Hot, nearly scalding droplets shower your body. Finally waking you up, make you feel less like a trash, and more human. The water scrubs the crust off your eyes, and you finally open your eyes. Not much to be seen, other than the steam fogging up the place. You lower the temperature into something more manageable, and you begin the process of cleaning yourself clean.

Stepping out of the shower feels like you've just been reborn. You swipe the towel hanging off a handle to dry yourself, before tying it around your waist. The mirror is right there in front of you, and you try to smile at your reflection. Wet, long red hair reaching to the center of your back, reminding you to go find a barber, even if you're going to forget it later right away. Tired yellow-amber eyes surrounded by dark bags, not quite sunken, but definitely starting to begin the process.

You don't look at it for long, and immediately brush your teeth.

Walking out of the bathroom feels like you've been thrown from heaven, and down to the frozen hell. The towel offers some warmth, but certainly far from enough. You shiver, teeth chattering. "Shit, fuck, shit," you mumble as you hurry to the wardrobe. You fling it open, and immediately slip into your uniform. A loose-fitting black tee with the company's symbol -- a golden hand -- on the shoulder and your assigned serial number, along with a pair of admittedly comfortable trousers that you can only describe as 'tracking pants'. Socks come immediately -- a bland white pair.

Warmth comes slowly, but in the face of clothing, the cold is defeated. You revel in it, plopping your back down on your cot. A satisfied smile spreads across your lips over the mission well done. You glance over to the digital clock -- 5:34 AM plastered on the front in dark red. "Just one last thing," you mumble, rolling on the bed and ignoring how creased your tee's going to be, reach for the white scrunchy lying next on the clock. You force yourself to take a seat, before tying it around your hair, forming a spiky, if somewhat wet ponytail. "There," you say with a tone of finality, before you plop your back on the bed.

You lay there for a moment, staring at the blank ceiling of your cubic room in some sort of a daze for god knows how long -- fifteen minutes, by your clock -- before you push yourself off the bed. "Ugh, time to work," not exactly. You still have another hour before your day officially starts, but sitting here doing nothing doesn't feel right, as much as you would like to do it. What would happen if you accidentally slept in, and wake up four hours later? Deader than dead, you're sure. Maybe you won't even wake up, what with the Chief already done with desecrating your corpse.

Grumbling, you stretch your limbs. Feel them make a series of satisfying pops, the tail of your hair swishing left and right, as you turn to your most trusted armament. Lying almost innocently on the foot of your bed. Almost careless in a way, and some part of you winces after the fact.

[] A staff. You're a mage -- an actual mage, not those wannabes who use money to buy Magic Apps. Part of you feels happy at the fact, knowing that in a way, you're superior compared to those people who could make it rain for hours, and not even put a dent on their bank account. Part of you still feels infuriated at the unfairness of it all. Doesn't help that you're rather average either.

[] A sword. A slick dark blade, slightly curved, and completely sharp. It rests inside its hard-shelled scabbard. You're not entirely sure what it's made off, but you know the weapon is well above your pay grade. Perk of working for a pretty nice paramilitary company, you suppose. Even the lowest of the rank gets something nice.

[] A pair of studded gloves. Conventional they are not, you still train as a Martial Artist, and even if you're not particularly exceptional at it, you're most comfortable with them -- helps that you can use Ki. They're sturdy, and have survived things that you would not expect they could survive. They're black, the company's insignia on the wrist, and also secretly a taser.

[] Write-in

- 1 -​

A/N: Well then.​
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Character Page (WiP)
  • Minor Cantrips. Make a flicker of fire, a small gust of wind, or conjure some light.​
  • Cure. A low-level healing spell. Only heals superficial wounds.​
  • Evoke. Summons elemental spirits to serve the caster. They are as strong as the Caster's magical capability. Only Wind Element. At most, you can only summon 7 Spirits.​
  • Deflexio. A low-level wind shield. It lasts indefinitely, so long as you keep feeding it magic.​
  • Sagitta Magica. Magical Arrows. It's a basic attack spell, but rather versatile. You can do Wind, and Lightning Elements. One of the few things you're actually good at. You can cast only up to 23 Arrows. 3, without incantation.​
  • Flans Exarmatio. A disarming Wind spell. It's non-lethal, and blows the target's weapon with a strong wind. It also turns cloth, or other soft materials into flowers.​
  • Mea Virga. Less of a spell, and more of a command. Returns your staff back to its owner. You.​

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[X] A rifle. Sometimes, when you wake up in the morning, it's easy to forget your replacements and augmentations, but the sight of your two yard long sniper rifle, heavy enough to bring normal humans to their knees, brings it all rushing back. As cumbersome as it may look, the only testament to its density and size you've had trouble with is the way it makes the floor creak when you pick it up: one of the perks of being a cyborg.

Robot quest go!
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[X] A staff. You're a mage -- an actual mage, not those wannabes who use money to buy Magic Apps. Part of you feels happy at the fact, knowing that in a way, you're superior compared to those people who could make it rain for hours, and not even put a dent on their bank account. Part of you still feels vindicated at the unfairness of it all. Doesn't help that you're rather average either.

What year is it, if that isn't too much of a spoiler?
[X] A staff. You're a mage -- an actual mage, not those wannabes who use money to buy Magic Apps. Part of you feels happy at the fact, knowing that in a way, you're superior compared to those people who could make it rain for hours, and not even put a dent on their bank account. Part of you still feels vindicated at the unfairness of it all. Doesn't help that you're rather average either.

Magic is cool you know? specially Negima magic.

And hey good Mages are also very good in other things and buffing spells are quite useful. Negi himself abusing the shit out of Cantux Bellax.
[X] A staff. You're a mage -- an actual mage, not those wannabes who use money to buy Magic Apps. Part of you feels happy at the fact, knowing that in a way, you're superior compared to those people who could make it rain for hours, and not even put a dent on their bank account. Part of you still feels vindicated at the unfairness of it all. Doesn't help that you're rather average either.
[X] A staff. You're a mage -- an actual mage, not those wannabes who use money to buy Magic Apps. Part of you feels happy at the fact, knowing that in a way, you're superior compared to those people who could make it rain for hours, and not even put a dent on their bank account. Part of you still feels vindicated at the unfairness of it all. Doesn't help that you're rather average either.

Negima magic mmm
[X] A staff. You're a mage -- an actual mage, not those wannabes who use money to buy Magic Apps. Part of you feels happy at the fact, knowing that in a way, you're superior compared to those people who could make it rain for hours, and not even put a dent on their bank account. Part of you still feels vindicated at the unfairness of it all. Doesn't help that you're rather average either.
[X] A staff. You're a mage -- an actual mage, not those wannabes who use money to buy Magic Apps. Part of you feels happy at the fact, knowing that in a way, you're superior compared to those people who could make it rain for hours, and not even put a dent on their bank account. Part of you still feels vindicated at the unfairness of it all. Doesn't help that you're rather average either.
[X] A staff. You're a mage -- an actual mage, not those wannabes who use money to buy Magic Apps. Part of you feels happy at the fact, knowing that in a way, you're superior compared to those people who could make it rain for hours, and not even put a dent on their bank account. Part of you still feels infuriated at the unfairness of it all. Doesn't help that you're rather average either.

Absolutely no question. Magic is rare enough in this time period that simply knowing it is a massive advantage. Not to mention the far wider utility.
Not to mention that as its been shown git gud enuff at something and you´ll be practically multiclassing in the higher tiers.
[X] A staff. You're a mage -- an actual mage, not those wannabes who use money to buy Magic Apps. Part of you feels happy at the fact, knowing that in a way, you're superior compared to those people who could make it rain for hours, and not even put a dent on their bank account. Part of you still feels infuriated at the unfairness of it all. Doesn't help that you're rather average either.
[X] A rifle. Sometimes, when you wake up in the morning, it's easy to forget your replacements and augmentations, but the sight of your two yard long sniper rifle, heavy enough to bring normal humans to their knees, brings it all rushing back. As cumbersome as it may look, the only testament to its density and size you've had trouble with is the way it makes the floor creak when you pick it up: one of the perks of being a cyborg.
Chapter 2: Duty Calls
[] A staff. You're a mage -- an actual mage, not those wannabes who use money to buy Magic Apps. Part of you feels happy at the fact, knowing that in a way, you're superior compared to those people who could make it rain for hours, and not even put a dent on their bank account. Part of you still feels vindicated at the unfairness of it all. Doesn't help that you're rather average either.

- 2 -​

You bend over, and clasp your hand around the staff. Smooth brown surface, with a hidden rough quality from wear. The wooden staff is nothing other than average -- or as average as you can get with a Catalyst. Smoothed wooden surface, with a crook on the end that makes it look like an oversized cane. Or a rather elaborate shepherd's crook. Yet a smile blooms over your lips as you lift it up, the loss you're not even was there in the first place fulfilled. As though you are this incomplete jigsaw puzzle, and the staff completes it.

"Sorry about that," you mutter.

Your hands go over it, checking, making sure there's nothing wrong with it. Another ritual. Mana flows within your arteries, and veins, thrumming with its special power. "Lux," a small ball of light forms at the tip of your staff, a soft glowing thing that nearly makes your smile splits your face. It has been years since you've studied Magic -- actual Magic, yet it always feels like it's the first time you've cast a spell.

The light dies, and vanishes as you dismiss it with a motion of your staff, and a command of your mind. With a few steps, you cross to the other side of your spartan cubic-like room. Your hand swipes the cloak hanging off the hanger, and you slip your shoulders in. A heavy, covering white thing with the company's insignia that makes you feel like a proper Mage ready to face the day.

Your stomach growls.

You pick breakfast on your way to work; a nearby local chain of Chao Bao Zi that opens early, and serves up a pretty nice cup of coffee as well. You slurp the bitter nectar, and carefully pick your way at the still-steaming pork bun. The street is still empty from the early hour, a quiet peaceful, and leisure morning walk with a fulfilling, if portable, breakfast.

Of course, such a thing never lasts. People begin to pour out into the street as the time ticks by, setting up shop, getting out to school, and the such. Soon, the street is bustling with life. They're beginning to notice you, watching you like a bunch of scared mice. They scurry away from you, parting like waves as you continue your walk. Some even outright glare -- not long enough for them to regret it, but certainly enough for you to feel them boring the back of your head.

Really, it doesn't take two brain-cells to figure out that you're not exactly popular around here. It's one of the first things you have gathered the first day you were assigned here. Neo-Tokyo's Slums. The abandoned, and left out part of the Capital. Ignored, and forgotten by the Elites like heaps of trash inside the junkyard.

It's not hard to see why they don't like you, either. You're not one of those Elites -- far from it -- but you're a Mercenary, and that's just a millimeter better. Simple logic, really. Mercenaries work for money, ergo you are usually hired by those who got power, and money. These people have neither of those things, and the Elites often hire mercenaries to do their dirty works -- works which often enough don't benefit these people in such a positive way. It doesn't help that you don't cost cheap -- actual magic, even if you're average at it, is not a common skill to have, after all. There's also the fact that the Company never shies away from these kind of jobs.

Theoretically speaking, you could kill one of these people in public, and the worst you're going to get is a slap on the wrists.

Not that you're going to do that.

You find your workplace in some abandoned -- more abandoned part of the Slums. A nondescript grey one-story cubicle thing that somehow manages to instill the sense of decrepit haunted house, and professionalism into one. Blotched concrete walls of what used to be graffiti, and scrubbed until it's somehow worse. Chipped stone from age, and peeled up paint from the occasional rain. It looks like the building beside it, and the building beside that too, stretching until it hits the end of the abandoned street. The only sign that you're standing before the right place is the vague light leaking from the tinted double-doors of the building.

The entry is locked by the keypad on the side, and there's a ping noise of affirmation as you finish punching in the password. A loud click follows, and you push the door open. Breathing in the air as the door behind you clicks shut, and locks itself.

Inside the Office -- as people here like to call it -- feels like you're in an entirely different place. As though you're suddenly teleported back to the Capital's Headquarter. The walls are almost shiny, and there's the scent of sanitation perfume -- lavender, you think, today -- wafting into your nose. There's a counter right in front of you, a blonde woman with an air of professionalism, and boredom garbed in a drab-looking dress.

"What are you standing there for?" Natsumi Asumaya snaps at you, glaring through the glasses on her nose. "The Chief is waiting for you,"

You blink, almost flinching at the prospect of being waited by the Chief. "Ah," you grimace, walking over to the counter. "Did I do anything wrong?"

"Who knows, " she shrugs. "Why don't you see for yourself?" there's a ghost of a smile there, and you can't help but chuckle nervously.

"Yes, yes," you grumble, entering the door on the left, and into a straight hallway. Four doors are here. Armory, break room (though living room might be more accurate), locker room, and the Chief's Office. Not exactly the most elaborate of places, but then again, there's no need for being elaborate. The place is exiled as it is, and you have no clue why the Company bothered making a post in here.

Still, with a heavy heart, you trudge to the door at the end of the hallway.
- 2 -
You salute loosely. "Arata Kuchiake reporting for duty, sir," you say.

The woman behind the desk quirks an eyebrow. Cold blue eyes with an equally cold blue hair. Yukiko Oikawa regards you with a severe expression that rivals that of the Demon Queen. "I would execute you right where you're standing for you insincerity, if not for the fact that you're early,"

"Ahaha," you chuckle nervously. Eyes flitting, right and left. Dull concrete grey wall, a bookshelf on one side, and a door on the other side. There's no window. You won't even have the chance to escape at all. "Uhm. Asumaya said you needed me?"

"Yes, that too," her lips quirk into something resembling that of a smile. A scar runs over the corner of her head to her chin, confirming her left eye being at least cybernetic, and her nose and mouth reconstructed by the power of technology. It still makes the 'smile' into something of a spine-chilling leer. "Please, take a seat. I believe I have something for you to do,"

You gulp, taking the proferred seat before the desk. It should be comfortable, but you're too tense to enjoy it. "Can't I do a simple patrol instead?" you mouth moves on your own. Damn it.

She chuckles, taking it in a good stride. Her eyes are still goddamn cold. "Unfortunately, no. This is a job that needs your... expertise,"

"Magic, you mean," you say, blinking in interest. "What's the problem?"

"There's been a murder, last night," she explains. "The victim is Amaya Higaisha. Unfortunate naming aside, he was found hanged within an abandoned warehouse. Despite so, his cause of death wasn't asphyxiation, or broken neck, but crushed throat,"

You lean back, furrowing your eyebrows. "But you said he's--"

"I know," she nods. "Somehow, the noose that was used to hang him was fused with his neck,"

You open your mouth. Picture the image in your head, and shudder. "I see why you need me. But why are you concerned with this... Higaisha," you wince at that. "Murder happens all the time in the Slums,"

"You're not wrong." she admits, eyes still cold. "However, while you haven't been here long enough know him, Amaya Higaisha is one of our own. A Powerful Hand member,"

"Ah," you make a noise at the back of your throat. Your lips thin. "What do you think it is? A warning? A threat?"

"None of my concern," she dismisses. "What does is the fact that someone dares to do so. I need you to find whoever is responsible for this murder," for the first time, you see a glimmer of emotion in her eyes. One that reaches her eyes. Her lips turning into a vicious smile. "Make an example for them,"

"Hah," you grimace, averting your eyes from hers to her shoulder. You don't think you could stand them without accidentally wetting your pants. A small smile forms on your lips. "I'll make sure that happens. Do we have his body?"

She shrugs. "You can find him in the morgue," she answers, before she fills you in with other details. Amaya's apartment. The warehouse is in the other side of the city. Enemies that Amaya has made over the course of being a mercenary. Suspects being... many. You already know that today's going to be a long day. "... Also, you will be paired with Kotarou Katsuragi during the course of this investigation. He'll keep you safe,"

You make a noise of protest. "I can protect myself, you know," you drawl.

She quirks another smile. It doesn't quite reach her eyes. "Keep you safer, then,"

Not much better, but you'll take it.
- 2 -​

Kotarou Katsuragi. Middle-aged. Short dark graying hair, face lined with age, and dressed in a patchy blue-ish kimono -- the picture of a golden hand patched on his shoulder. You do not miss the pair of swords hanging by his waist. There's an air of aloofness as he stand there, positively looming over you. He gives you a smile. "Boss said I got to work with you,"

You offer a cautious smile. "Yeah. Good to have you -- I'm Arata Kuchiake,"

He smiles crookedly. "I know your name, boy. And you should already know my name,"

"Just trying to be civil," you say dryly, shaking your head.

"You're trying on the wrong old man," he suggests.

"At least try to reciprocate," you huff. "I know the saying: When in Rome, do as the Romans do, but there's got to be a limit!" you throw your arms up in despair.

"Haha, very funny, kid," Kotarou promptly bumps you at the back of your head.

"Hey! No need for violence,"

He snorts, rolling his eyes. "Yes, yes. Now, where to?"

[] The Warehouse. The crime scene, so to speak. It's going to be a long walk, but if Magic is involved, then you need to find the mana trace quickly before it's gone. And if there's any place you're going to find a mana trace, then it's going to be the last place that the magic happens.

[] The Morgue. Check the body. Part of you is honestly morbidly curious at the cause of death -- having the rope fused with the victim's neck; that's not something you would see every other day. On the other hand, you also need to check how that happened, and what better way than checking the body? You just hope the Coroner has not extricated the rope.

[] Amaya's Apartment. If you're going to find whoever does this, then you also need to find out who Amaya is. Sure, he has plenty of enemies, but you also have plenty of enemies just by showing your face around here. You need to know what he's been doing before his untimely demise, about his person, and perhaps there are going to be clues on what happened, exactly, to him. Who knows, maybe Amaya's smart enough to leave up clues in case of his untimely demise. Doubtful, but you can hope.

On your way there, do you try to make a conversation with Kotarou?

[] Nope. He doesn't want to talk, then you're not going to give him talk. Hah! Who knows, maybe he'll cave in and try to communicate with you, instead. Then, you're going to give him the cold shoulder!

[] Of course. He's not your mother! And unless he's going to inflict excessive bodily harm on you, it's not like he could stop you.
- [] Ask him about Amaya
- [] Ask him about himself
- [] Ask him about his... swords (damn, that sounds dirty)
- [] Ask him about, ah, the Chief
- [] Write-in​
[X] The Morgue. Check the body. Part of you is honestly morbidly curious at the cause of death -- having the rope fused with the victim's neck; that's not something you would see every other day. On the other hand, you also need to check how that happened, and what better way than checking the body? You just hope the Coroner has not extricated the rope.
[X] Of course. He's not your mother! And unless he's going to inflict excessive bodily harm on you, it's not like he could stop you.
-[X] Ask him about his... swords (damn, that sounds dirty)
Chapter 3: Dead Victim
[] The Morgue. Check the body. Part of you is honestly morbidly curious at the cause of death -- having the rope fused with the victim's neck; that's not something you would see every other day. On the other hand, you also need to check how that happened, and what better way than checking the body? You just hope the Coroner has not extricated the rope.
[] Of course. He's not your mother! And unless he's going to inflict excessive bodily harm on you, it's not like he could stop you.
-[] Ask him about his... swords (damn, that sounds dirty)

- 3 -​

You frown in thought. "Let's go to the morgue, first. I want to see Amaya's body. See how..." you make a vague gesture with your hand. "It happened,"

Kotarou doesn't answer immediately, but the two of you are already moving down the street. The abandoned street of the Office soon gives way to the less abandoned street as people begin to become more common, until it finally forms into a crowd. Open shops, and hawkers on the side of the street. People ignore the both of you, scurrying, and skittering away from your path. Kids play on the side, chasing each other, and happily ignorant of your presence. Some linger around, staring at the both of you for a moment; curiosity, fear, and anger before they hurry away. There's an invisible, but unmistakable divide between you and the locale that's not easy to not miss.
"Remind me how he died," the man crudely asks. His green eyes are straight on the street, hands aloof at the hilts of his blades. You suspect he's the reason why people shy away from you. Well, more than usual, at the very least.

You shoot him a curious side-glance. "You don't know?"

He shrugs. "I know what everyone knows. Man got killed in a warehouse, and hanged -- but not the specific. The Chief sent me with you just to protect yourself from danger,"

You make an offended choking noise. "Really," you drawl, almost scowling. "I can protect myself, you know," you shake your cane-like staff to prove your point. Actual Magic is rare, and you've got it in spade.

"Feh," Kotarou dismisses.

You mutter several curses, vows, and oaths under your breath. "Well," you clear your throat. "I don't know much more than you do, but the Chief told me that rope used to hang him got fused with his neck,"

He hums. "Strange,"

"Yeah," you grunt. "No kidding."

The conversation sputters out soon thereafter. A relative silence over the two of you. Part of you wants to keep the silence. You don't dislike the man, but neither do you like him. Neutral is the word of the day. He's only here to 'guard' you -- much to your chagrin -- while you do your thing. The chance of meeting him, or even partnered up with him is rather low, other than in the passing. Besides, it's not like the man is going to return any of your effort anyway.

That other part of your head rears at that. So what if he's not going to reciprocate, or at at least attempt to be civil? He's not your mother. It's not like he could force you to stop, anyway, barring the possibility of being inflicted with extreme bodily harm.

"So..." you start, and it occurs to you that you don't know what you won't to ask. "Uh."

The man gives you a bemused side-glance. "What?"

Your eyes immediately slide to his waist, at the rough hands resting aloofly above two hilts. "Tell me about your swords," you nod at them. And damn, that sounds better in your head.

He blinks, turning an entire head to look at you. "What? Are you hitting on me?"

"What?!" You choke, cheeks flaring. "No! But, you know," you gesture vaguely to the air. Honestly not really sure yourself. Silence descends to the both of you, more awkward than you would like. He stares at you like you're a particularly boring stain. You bristle a bit at that -- an idea flits to your mind, and you latch on it like a thirty man on a desert. "What you can do," you finally say, before you tack on, "I mean you are going to guard me, aren't you? So wouldn't it be better for me to know what can you do with those swords?"

He lifts a single eyebrow. Then he turns his eyes back to the street. Eyes flitting through the crowd, picking out person after person. Sharp eyes lingering -- marking, you realize belatedly. "I wield swords," he answers simply.

You sigh. "You're going to be hard, aren't you?"

You see a smirk. "Naturally,"

You huff. "... so what style is it?" you try anyway.

He doesn't look away from the street, nor does he answer, but by the quirk on his brow, he's probably doing it in purpose. No. Not probably, but definitely doing it on purpose.

You pave on, anyway. In for a penny, in for a pound, so the saying goes. You're curious now, and if he's going to... protect you, then it's probably smart for you to actually know what he can do beyond the obvious. Not that there's anything you could do even if you find out, but, well. "... Is it the Musashi-Style?" you look for his expression.

He looks like he's eaten something sour, if anything.

"Err, what other sword-styles that uses two swords? Oh, is it the Shinmei--"

He growls. You quietens. Green eyes narrow at you, and you wonder if he's going to inflict that extreme bodily harm to shut your mouth. You're unsure if he could do that, but pride as you are in your magic, you're still an average, and rather squishy without your barrier. There's Ki, but you've never bothered learning it. You'll leave that to the actual Martial Artists. Kotarou could probably inflict some damage into you, if he wants to.

So, in hindsight, pushing the man is not the wisest of ideas, but then again, you're never keen on being wise, and this won't be your first or last rodeo --

"Will it shut you up if I tell you?"

You lower your staff. "... Yeesss?"

He looks up at the sky for a glancing moment, before letting out a long-suffering sigh. "I'm self-taught."

You open your mouth.

He glares, letting out a low growling noise.

"Right-o," you quip, before clicking your jaws shut. You make a zipping gesture across your lips, before throwing the imaginary key over your shoulder. You give him a quick thumbs up.

- 3 -​

"Here he is," Tsunetomi Noguchi, the thirty-something years old coroner, gestures over to the dead body on the metal, clinical table. "Amaya Higaisha. Twenty-six."

It occurs to you that you have never asked anything about Amaya's age. In your defense, you're too busy with something else, and it's not your highest priority. You expected the man to be something of a grisly figure, something like your assigned bodyguard, but... it strikes you a bit unbalance realizing that Amaya is pretty young -- a black-haired pretty face with a set of defined muscle. Not that you have any say about it, you're six years younger than him, after all. But still.


Nevertheless, you force yourself to take a deep breath, tasting the clinical, and preserved note in the air, and quell the churning in your stomach, reminding that this is the first time you see a human corpse left in such a state. There's an old scar on his chest, stretching diagonally from one side to another -- and an addition of a fairly recent one, forming an 'X' over his chest. More disconcerting was the lack of his arms -- cut cleanly. You can even see the bones, and you grimace.

You shake your head, eyes finally sliding to the main show. A length of cheap brown rope, one that you could purchase in cheap, tied into a noose. Most curious is how the bottom side of the noose, the part where the neck would usually hang on, is fused into the neck. There's no scar, break, or even any sign of the rope has ever touched the skin of his neck. No blood either.

Gingerly, you give the rope a light tug. Feel it stuck, and see the head lolls back to you. You grimace at the face, shuddering, feeling all sort of goosebumps and heebie-jeebies crawling all over your skin. "It's stuck, alright," you say.

"Bastard," someone behind you growls.

You cringe, looking over your shoulder to see Kotarou. For a moment, you think you've somehow done a great big mistake, and the swordsman is going to finish the job. But that moment passes as you notice that the man isn't looking at you, as much as he's looking at Amaya. Or rather, Amaya's cleanly cut arms.

You lick your lips. "What is it?"

"These." he points at the stumps. "Amaya was a Martial Artist. Coroner, did the arms got cut before, or after the death?"

"Before," comes the curt answer.

Kotarou glowers. "I see. Murders happen all the time around here, but not like this." he says the obvious. "Whoever did this was either a sadist, or was trying to prove a point. And see the cut over his chest? Whoever did this did it deliberately. And it's not some amateur cut -- so they're either a good swordsman,"

"Or a good Mage with either Ice, or Wind Affinity. Or someone rich enough to buy a Magic App for it, at least," you add bitterly. You shake your head, taking a breath. "I'm going to check the neck," you say, stepping closer the corpse, and rest your hand on the neck.

You close your eyes, and concentrate. Magic is a wonderful thing, you always think. There is something majestic, and pure about it. A deep well of calming energy. Wind shudders over your hair, and you take a deep breath. What you're doing is simple -- one of those basic non-spells you were taught at the early year of Magic Academy before you finally move to spells.

Sense Magic.

There's a difference between the dead, and the living, some distant part of you notes. Before shuddering. The living is always there, like a light. Some hidden energy in them, flowing through their veins. Those who trained it glowed brighter, those who never bothered would be dimmer. Weaker.

The dead has none of that energy. It's pitch black. An endless, choking darkness -- clotting through your noses, drowning you in into a sensation of eternity.

You ignore that part, and focuses on something else you're feeling. A trace of... something. Not Magic. Not Ki. Something close, sure, but it's neither. It's located right within Amaya's neck, where the rope should be.

You pull back out with a deep gulp of air. "There's something in the rope inside him," you say immediately.

"What is it?"

You shake your head. "I don't know." you chew your lips, stepping away from the corpse. "But it could be a lead -- a trace of magic that I could use to track whoever person did this, or,"

"It could be a trap." Kotarou finishes. "I see."

You note that the Coroner, for the first moment you've been here, shows something different than boredom. Alarm, you think. "What kind of trap?" he asks.

You shrug. "Don't know. I mean, I suppose we're just being overly paranoid, overestimating the killer, but... it could be anything," you chuckle nervously. "So, what do you reckon we should do?"

"You decide," Kotarou immediately says.


He grunts. "You know Magic. Seems natural you're the one to decide,"

"That seems overly simplified," you point out dryly.

"Just fucking decide," he grinds.

"And, uh, I'll be outside," Tsunemoto hurriedly adds. "Bye!"

Then he's gone. Leaving you alone with your bodyguard.

You snort. "He's doing the smart thing, you know?" you tell him wryly.

"I'm here to protect you," he shrugs. "Chief's order,"

You shake your head. "Talk about dedication," though you certainly can't blame him. Who knows what kind of things she would do if you fail your own job?

Right. "Right," you repeat out of your mind. You pull the sleeves of your hands.

[] Open the neck
-[] Let Kotarou do it. He's the cutter of the two of you.
-[] You'll do it. Nothing that a Wind spell couldn't do.
-[] Write-in

[] Don't open the neck
-[] Don't let anyone know
-[] Call the Chief
-[] Write-in

[] Write-in
Last edited:
[X] Open the neck
-[X] You'll do it. Nothing that a Wind spell couldn't do.
--[X] Your aim is pretty good. Maybe do it from a distance?
[X] Open the neck
-[X] Let Kotarou do it. He's the cutter of the two of you.
--[X] While you run magical analysis on the process.
[X] Open the neck
-[X] Let Kotarou do it. He's the cutter of the two of you.
--[X] While you run magical analysis on the process.
[X] Open the neck
-[X] Let Kotarou do it. He's the cutter of the two of you.
--[X] While you run magical analysis on the process.