Re:creators Warhammer crossover

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Up for adoption if anyone wants it.

Like a hart beat that lasted an eternity, an entire...


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
Up for adoption if anyone wants it.

Like a hart beat that lasted an eternity, an entire universe died and with it all others born from it.

However for those that fought to protect it, a gift and a punishment was given.

A gift because they fought desperately to save it, a punishment because they failed to save it.

To the one responsible for it's death, only none existent would suffice, a realm of nothingness, for it to never be free.

In a world where twisted beast roam a corrupted forest, a blond knight who's hart is heavy with regret, weeps on the shoulder of the man she calls her creator.

Who in turn cries tears of joy at the fact that she was with him, for he had seen her die.

In a moment blast of an alterd fate made it self known. As a pod fell from the sky and a boy emerge from it.

No one saw the boys arrival save for the two of them.

In their pain they took the infant in to their arms and bowed to teach him as parents would.

In world covered in darkness two friends woke, they would travel for days and fight endless battles, against the mutated forms, of those that were once human.

It would only be the sheer advancement of the technology around them, that allowed their smartphones to upload it's language in to the machines, just so they could understand what they said.

Slowly they reactivated ancient forgotten technology and brought light into the darkness.

Eating chemically created food and gathering followers as the days went by.

Despite the coldness and danger of the ever present darkness, they created a kingdom for themselves.

Until the day a loud crash fell from the numerous floors above.

Emerging from a pool of lava a boy came forth, yet the two men took the boy and made him one of their own.

Unknowingly saving him, from a twisted fate that had been set for him.

With the two friends was man they called creator, that would teach the boy to harness his gifts and keep them from overwhelming him.

On a distant planet a giant of a man argued with small woman as they discussed many things.

His long red mane like hair, contradicted her short blue hair.

With them as a young man with glasses looking at the ruins around them.

To any outsider the sight would have confused them, for the blue hair woman and giant red man, seemed to have the same sized appetite.

While the glasses wearing man, drew everything around them.

Far from there, on a distant world two lovers fought alongside a man, as they tried to put down a serpent like creature made of metal.

Their massive mechsuits, kept the creatures attention , while a giant of a man managed to push it into a river of lava.

When he energed he found his hands now covered in the same metal the creature was made of.

With them was a man, who wrote the story of their lives.

With fear and regret, the giant spoke to Thor's he called mother and father and to the man he called grandfather, as he showed them his arm.

They simply hugged him and attempted to put away his fears.

On a broken world, several people arrived at a small village.

Two young woman and a thin weak man, by the planets inhabitants standards.

With them they held an infant who's skin was as black oil but his eyes were a blazing red.

The world would one-day know the two girls as their guardian angels and the infant as the planets manifestation.

During this entire time they would all notice that the thin weak man wrote everything he saw.

Still on a world once beloved lost a war raged on, as a massive mechanical titan fought against countless poison enhanced mutants and aliens.

Piloting it was a boy with blue hair and with him was a rather plump man and a woman with glasses that gave off a kind Ora.

Fighting along side them was a giant man that called the boy brother and the two adults aunt and uncle.

They foughT to free the people from the toxin covered world, never knowing that Faye had now been changed.

Finally on a forgotten world a man with a long coat, smoking a cigarette walked along side a woman he called creator.

The woman was thin and like the man smoked, in her arms she carried a young girl who slept peacefully.

The people of the world had grown to accept the man as the authority of the law, even though he had no official title.

Unbeknownst to anyone of them, their lives would soon connect, as their fates were weaved into each other.

And so a new game would start, for the fate of a new dimension.
Loyalties would be tested, lovers would separate and connect with another.

Sons would see Thor's they grew to love be divided and more, tragedies would come.
Not many things are known about the age lost, save for what few statements can be uncovered.

Even then they are few and far between.

It is said that rare were the times the Primarchs gathered in one place.

Yet it was in one of these events that something notable happened, away from their collective eyes.

A gathering of old friends occurred.

Each ones of the Emperors sons companions, met and talked as if the had known each other long ago.

Hugs were given and tears of joy she'd, which was odd considering that there was no possible way for them to know each other.

Still no one thought much of it, until the day Prospero burned.
What can be said about the planet of sorcerers, with its cristal pyramids, various wards that seemed to glow blue whenever something strange happened.

Great was it's potential and many wonder what would have happened, had the Red King trusted in the woman he called his trusted friend.

So the day the Wolf King came to bring punishment to the worlds people, it is said that blue glowing wards teleported the people away.

They found her, guiding the Thousand Sons and the planets defenders, so rounded by hundreds of wards.

It was only after the confrontation between the brothers, that the man that was known as the woman's pattern made himself known.

Hundreds of pages, with engravings so complex no one could engaging, teleporting the entirety of the planets remaining population.