Re;Birth into Victory


Daydreaming CPU
Link to OOC


You stir from your slumber due to the sounds of someone's footsteps crunching against the stone floor of your Basilicom's throne room. You hear her speak, her voice one you know all too well. "..A person? Who would be alive here..? As far as I could tell these ruins were completely and utterly wiped from history.."

Your eyes flutter open and lock onto the source of the voice, your old rival.. Rei Ryghts. Cyan Heart. The Tyrant of Tari. Yet… She doesn't seem to recognize you, if the confused look on her face says anything.

You idly note your throne room seems to have fallen even more into ruin since the last time you awoke, as the walls sport gaping holes and cracks, filled with long-dead greenery.



You awaken from the void as your world becomes engulfed in white. When you come to, you find yourself in a large room. It features colorful circuit-like lines within a black background, as if it's the inside of a computer's central processing unit. Beside you is a floating crystal, a purple standby symbol in appearance, rotating slowly and glowing brightly. In front of you, however, is a very familiar tome fairy, the small version. She smiles, her eyes twinkling with joy. "Welcome to the world, Iris Sister \(^o^)/ ," she says.



You find yourself in your workshop in Lowee's Basilicom, gazing at a copy of your newest creations. To anyone else, it's just an ordinary cleaning robot, a roomba, but to you and your brilliance, there's more to it than that. You programmed them to be tsunderes in behavior, proper ones with both affection and denial. They're both for amusement and a purpose, to gauge the personalities of the staff, for instance, by how they treat the tsunbas. You cackle with glee as you make your final preparations. You can't wait to unleash them! It'd be quite the show to witness.


@Unlucky Bibliophile

You're in your bar at Lowee, preparing for today's shift. The workplace has been a home away from home to you, a pleasant one. Mixing drinks for your customers, some of which are classics that one can't go wrong with, and some of which are your original concoctions. Listening as people chat and tell stories. Occasionally having to mediate the drunken shenanigans. You wouldn't have it any other way.



You're in the middle of battle in a cave near the Lowee castle grounds, going up against what looks like a large floating whale. It's the objective of the quest you took.

There's no water anywhere, yet the whale is over there, attacking you with body slams and blasts of water. So far, you've made progress, but it's proven to be as tough as its boss monster status would suggest. Still, your attacks are having an effect on it.



You've taken on a quest to retrieve rare machine parts from a strong monster in a dungeon called Ario Plateau. The aesthetic of the place kinda looks like something out of Super Mario, or maybe Minecraft.

You've combed part of the place, and took out some of the resident monsters along the way. Some look like Mario's sewer pipes, others look like Tetris blocks. There are also red dogoos as well as bunnycat look alikes and levitating dolphins. You now have a good feeling of where the machine parts could be located, but unknown to you, the monster holding them would qualify as a boss.



You find yourself wandering the land, as usual. If anything, you're used to getting lost in the path of life, and you have a knack for being able to return to civilization. Well, probably, at least.

Today's meandering has you in what looks like a set of ruins, named the Zeca Ruins No.1, located somewhere within Planeptune's territory. Aside from the ruined beige stonework and the greenery around you, there are also small rabbit-like creatures running around, known as Shampurus.

Some are content to just do their thing, or stand and watch, but others look rather twitchy. Careful though, you may or may not be aware that some of the rabbits are deceptively stronger than they look.



You are unfortunate to wake up in the middle of the forest (unbeknownst to you, it is the Otori Forest, located at Planeptune), surrounded by a small sea of sleeping blue dogoos. Their snores are... well, adorable, where it not for the fact that there are a lot of the little monsters.
Unknown Time
Share Chamber, Planeptune
I'm... Iris Sister...?

You awaken from the void as your world becomes engulfed in white. When you come to, you find yourself in a large room. It features colorful circuit-like lines within a black background, as if it's the inside of a computer's central processing unit. Beside you is a floating crystal, a purple standby symbol in appearance, rotating slowly and glowing brightly. In front of you, however, is a very familiar tome fairy, the small version. She smiles, her eyes twinkling with joy. "Welcome to the world, Iris Sister \(^o^)/ ," she says.

I open my eyes, finding myself in a very different place, and no longer in pain from my failing heart. Is this the afterlife? Why does heaven look computer-y, as if I'm in Tron? Why is there a share crystal lookalike over there? I see a girl with wings as well. Is she an angel? But she's smol, and her wings are fairy ones and she looks like Histoire...

"Huh?" I blink at her words. She sounds as if greeting someone who was just born, but she's talking to me, and calling me Iris Sister... what? "Me?" I ask. No. No way. Me, Plutia's sister? That'd be so cute, but it sounds too good to be true. Oh, how I wish it's real. Then, I could finally be physically a girl, and actually be a CPU, joining in the gaming fun of the goddesses, and having a beautiful transformation to boot. "Are you real?" I reach out with my hand, to feel if the Histy person really is here. Looks like her, sounds like her...

Goodness, I sound different. My voice has become downright feminine. Does that mean... a glance downward reveals a female figure and attire that feels right to me... and it makes me smile.
Link to OOC


You stir from your slumber due to the sounds of someone's footsteps crunching against the stone floor of your Basilicom's throne room. You hear her speak, her voice one you know all too well. "..A person? Who would be alive here..? As far as I could tell these ruins were completely and utterly wiped from history.."

Your eyes flutter open and lock onto the source of the voice, your old rival.. Rei Ryghts. Cyan Heart. The Tyrant of Tari. Yet… She doesn't seem to recognize you, if the confused look on her face says anything.

You idly note your throne room seems to have fallen even more into ruin since the last time you awoke, as the walls sport gaping holes and cracks, filled with long-dead greenery.
I eye her as I yawn.. She's forgotten everything.. Hm. I need information and.. my revenge doesn't need to be instant.. Thr revolution's over after all.. We lost. Well. I did. Rei won, a phyrric victory but a victory none the less.

"Wear am I..? I'm afraid I have no idea where I am.." I say, lying through my teeth as I get up. How long was I asleep this time..? I can feel the cursed blade behind my throne, so I have that in case she HDDs. "Oh, I forgot my manners. My name's Lilliana."
You're in the middle of battle in a cave near the Lowee castle grounds, going up against what looks like a large floating whale. It's the objective of the quest you took.

There's no water anywhere, yet the whale is over there, attacking you with body slams and blasts of water. So far, you've made progress, but it's proven to be as tough as its boss monster status would suggest. Still, your attacks are having an effect on it.
Nate Nguyen/Bronze Heart
??? Time
The Cave
Oh, Muse, SING! SING of the Rage of Bronze Heart!

The sound of laughter echoes through the cave. He is garbed in his full panoply, standing in front of the whale like a mountain before the sea.

Sing of the fury that brought lamentations upon the grinding-fields!

With a mighty heave, he hurls his spear at the whale, propelling it with a burst of fire, before propelling himself after it. The god draws a sword from his belt, holding it aloft as he prepares to strike at the whale.

Sing of the CPU whose birthright is War!

You find yourself in your workshop in Lowee's Basilicom, gazing at a copy of your newest creations. To anyone else, it's just an ordinary cleaning robot, a roomba, but to you and your brilliance, there's more to it than that. You programmed them to be tsunderes in behavior, proper ones with both affection and denial. They're both for amusement and a purpose, to gauge the personalities of the staff, for instance, by how they treat the tsunbas. You cackle with glee as you make your final preparations. You can't wait to unleash them! It'd be quite the show to witness.

He paused, looking around incredulously, "Huh, so it actually started. Here I was thinking this'd be stillborn."

He spared a glance at me, "Yo, author boi, think this means I'll actually stick around in the land of the living for longer than a couple of weeks?"

Hm? Oh! Whoops, sorry, was busy re-reading your sheet.

Anyhow, yeah, looks like this RP can at least toughen out several months worth of coma, so we might luck out and get something like Yuki's Gamer RP.

He reclined against... something. His workshop was still a kind of a primordial chaos void soup thing what with the lack of descriptions, "Shit, that one still going?"

I shit you not, just poked my head into the discord channel to check.

That got a low appreciative whistle out of him, "Fuck, ain't that some diligence." Which soon turned into a critical glance around and a grunt, "Anyhow, you gonna flesh out this place or do I have to keep wading through this shite?"

Yeah, yeah, give me a sec to think it up...

He snorted, "Digging up a concept art pic to save you the work, you mean."

Shush, you.


Aight, I'm back!

Let's go full underground sci-fi complex, I've borrowed a lil from the Solaris and some more from the Grineer, here's the spoils:

The appreciative whistling was back, "Not bad, not bad at all, but you do realise it is entirely up to the GMs how big this shit'll be, right?"

Goes without saying. So long as Arkos doesn't nope this entire post out of hand we should be fine.

He gave an easy shrug, "Hey, if you are forced to rewrite the entire thing, that's your work wasted, not mine, do as you like."

Yeah, yeah, can it.

Oh, right. Here's the looks of your robot workforce.

Now that got him to rise an eyebrow, "Thought we were going with the pics from that one artist? The biomechanic mecha guy?"

Those will be for special occasions, methinks.

Yet another shrug, just as nonchalant as the last, "Works for me, I suppose. Well, I'm off to release the tsundere roombas so they pour out of the basilicom's vents and whatnot. Gotta make some waves, else I'll be stuck here waiting for the GMs to throw me a bone."

You go do that, I have some PJO research to do for the newest 3-man RP the culture club is putting together.


You find yourself wandering the land, as usual. If anything, you're used to getting lost in the path of life, and you have a knack for being able to return to civilization. Well, probably, at least.

Today's meandering has you in what looks like a set of ruins, named the Zeca Ruins No.1, located somewhere within Planeptune's territory. Aside from the ruined beige stonework and the greenery around you, there are also small rabbit-like creatures running around, known as Shampurus.

Some are content to just do their thing, or stand and watch, but others look rather twitchy. Careful though, you may or may not be aware that some of the rabbits are deceptively stronger than they look.
Walking around, I'm just doing my thing. Sticking to a strict schedule of training and exercise, I now must do the daily fighting. Stretchy Stretch. (He is doing stretches for a warmup. And due to basically being a natural at magic, also simultaneously doing very minuscule buffs/heals to make sure he doesn't hurt himself doing so)

Yosh. Done with that, now then. (kicks off the ground before flying a bit higher once he sees a target) "INFERNO DROPKICK!" (He simply aims his foot down at said targetted Shampuru, that he doesn't know the name of, and proceeds to fly forward to get some momentum for aim, before dropping the flight to let gravity do the rest of the work. Also, he's using fire offense magic on impact)
You've taken on a quest to retrieve rare machine parts from a strong monster in a dungeon called Ario Plateau. The aesthetic of the place kinda looks like something out of Super Mario, or maybe Minecraft.

You've combed part of the place, and took out some of the resident monsters along the way. Some look like Mario's sewer pipes, others look like Tetris blocks. There are also red dogoos as well as bunnycat look alikes and levitating dolphins. You now have a good feeling of where the machine parts could be located, but unknown to you, the monster holding them would qualify as a boss.
despite the fact that the area was much more dangerous than she expected, Souris was having a good day. It really helped that after the first few monsters she fought most in the area started leaving her alone. Not only that she now knew exactly where the parts were, if her gut feeling was to be trusted, which it almost always was, but she leveled up a few times as well! However, as she got closer to the place, she started feeling like something was either horribly wrong, or something was about to go terribly wrong for her.
Last edited:
Lost in the Woods
Internally Screaming

You are unfortunate to wake up in the middle of the forest (unbeknownst to you, it is the Otori Forest, located at Planeptune), surrounded by a small sea of sleeping blue dogoos. Their snores are... well, adorable, where it not for the fact that there are a lot of the little monsters.
Normally when you wake up, you expect to find yourself in the same place you went to sleep- and not doing so is usually a bad sign. In this case, however, the fact that I was waking up somewhere strange was rather overshadowed by two other rather more concerning facts: that I was also waking up in a different body to the one I went to sleep in, and that I was surrounded by a field of sleeping blue turnip dog gel... things.

"What. The hell." I muttered to myself as I rose from the heap I'd been sleeping in, cradling my head with one hand and cautiously poking myself with the other. Stomach? Poke. Legs? Poke. Cheek? Poke.

'This is not me. This is definitely not me. And this definitely isn't home.'
I thought, unconsciously clutching the duvet I'd woken up with around myself protectively as I looked around. To tell the truth, the little blue blobs that surrounded me looked absolutely adorable, but I knew better than to try to pet them or anything. Approaching any sort of wild animal is a bad idea, doubly so when you don't recognise it, and when you throw in the other aspects of the situation- you know, such as the minor detail that I'd been transplanted into a new body via what I could only assume is fucking magic- I was left with absolutely no desire to discover how these blobs might react to me. Hell, for all I knew, they would wake up, mob me, and explode the second I moved.

But at the same time, I wasn't approaching these things, I was already in the middle of them- and whilst they were asleep right now, they'd wake up eventually even if I didn't do anything to disturb them. So, moving carefully and trying to be as quiet as I could with my unfamiliar body and newly-shortened limbs, I got to my feet and began picking my way through the ranks of sleeping slimes, taking care not to kick any of them or hit them with my duvet. Every step was a battle to remain calm in the face of the fear and confusion of my strange situation, as well as a test of my dexterity, but I persevered as best I could nonetheless.
He paused, looking around incredulously, "Huh, so it actually started. Here I was thinking this'd be stillborn."

He spared a glance at me, "Yo, author boi, think this means I'll actually stick around in the land of the living for longer than a couple of weeks?"

Hm? Oh! Whoops, sorry, was busy re-reading your sheet.

Anyhow, yeah, looks like this RP can at least toughen out several months worth of coma, so we might luck out and get something like Yuki's Gamer RP.

He reclined against... something. His workshop was still a kind of a primordial chaos void soup thing what with the lack of descriptions, "Shit, that one still going?"

I shit you not, just poked my head into the discord channel to check.

That got a low appreciative whistle out of him, "Fuck, ain't that some diligence." Which soon turned into a critical glance around and a grunt, "Anyhow, you gonna flesh out this place or do I have to keep wading through this shite?"

Yeah, yeah, give me a sec to think it up...

He snorted, "Digging up a concept art pic to save you the work, you mean."

Shush, you.


Aight, I'm back!

Let's go full underground sci-fi complex, I've borrowed a lil from the Solaris and some more from the Grineer, here's the spoils:

The appreciative whistling was back, "Not bad, not bad at all, but you do realise it is entirely up to the GMs how big this shit'll be, right?"

Goes without saying. So long as Arkos doesn't nope this entire post out of hand we should be fine.

He gave an easy shrug, "Hey, if you are forced to rewrite the entire thing, that's your work wasted, not mine, do as you like."

Yeah, yeah, can it.

Oh, right. Here's the looks of your robot workforce.

Now that got him to rise an eyebrow, "Thought we were going with the pics from that one artist? The biomechanic mecha guy?"

Those will be for special occasions, methinks.

Yet another shrug, just as nonchalant as the last, "Works for me, I suppose. Well, I'm off to release the tsundere roombas so they pour out of the basilicom's vents and whatnot. Gotta make some waves, else I'll be stuck here waiting for the GMs to throw me a bone."

You go do that, I have some PJO research to do for the newest 3-man RP the culture club is putting together.
Whoops, sorry, almost forgot about you.

You know how it gets during the tail end of a semester.

So, what did I miss?

"Nothing." He replied, lounging on the thick foam covering a particularly large pipe.


He nodded and offered a helpless shrug, "Yeah, nothing's happened. Everyone has posted, but we're still waiting for any sort of GM post, so the entire thing has stalled. My tsunbas are all off, but until we get a post, they are in fuckin' limbo. 'S why I'm staying here, I finally got a defined world chunk to lounge in, I don't want to return to the primordial chaos soup for god knows how many weeks."

...Well, guess I'll leave you to it. Let's see if there's anything to do before my morning free time runs out.
@Unlucky Bibliophile

You're in your bar at Lowee, preparing for today's shift. The workplace has been a home away from home to you, a pleasant one. Mixing drinks for your customers, some of which are classics that one can't go wrong with, and some of which are your original concoctions. Listening as people chat and tell stories. Occasionally having to mediate the drunken shenanigans. You wouldn't have it any other way.

"Welcome to Vallhalla," greeted Suki warmly as a new customer wanders through the door, looking completely out of place. Not surprising. For today's aesthetic, she had decided on a more contemporary yet homely look. It took the whole weekend to get everything ready for the opening, and the electricity bill was likely to be a complete ass with all the hanging lights, but it was all worth the effort. Her tips had gone up by a fair amount! She might actually be able to pay someone else to do an oddjob for her for once.

Suki barely glanced over at the dark hooded figures in the corner, whispering to each other while their drinks remained untouched. Were they trouble? For someone else, maybe. Almost certainly. Not any of her business, though. As long as they didn't cause any trouble for her bar, they could act as suspicious and foreboding as they liked. They were paying customers, after all.

Then, the bartender shifted her gaze to a small party of adventurers arguing over who got what piece of the loot. Typical. Tempers were flaring, but at least they had the good sense not to draw weapons. The last time that happened Suki had reached beneath her counter and pulled out

Finished with her casual inspection, Suki winked and smiled at a flustered customer as her drink slid over the countertop into her hand. The cocktail was a Piano Woman, one of Suki's own creations.

Life was good.
"Welcome to Vallhalla," greeted Suki warmly as a new customer wanders through the door, looking completely out of place. Not surprising. For today's aesthetic, she had decided on a more contemporary yet homely look. It took the whole weekend to get everything ready for the opening, and the electricity bill was likely to be a complete ass with all the hanging lights, but it was all worth the effort. Her tips had gone up by a fair amount! She might actually be able to pay someone else to do an oddjob for her for once.

Suki barely glanced over at the dark hooded figures in the corner, whispering to each other while their drinks remained untouched. Were they trouble? For someone else, maybe. Almost certainly. Not any of her business, though. As long as they didn't cause any trouble for her bar, they could act as suspicious and foreboding as they liked. They were paying customers, after all.

Then, the bartender shifted her gaze to a small party of adventurers arguing over who got what piece of the loot. Typical. Tempers were flaring, but at least they had the good sense not to draw weapons. The last time that happened Suki had reached beneath her counter and pulled out

Finished with her casual inspection, Suki winked and smiled at a flustered customer as her drink slid over the countertop into her hand. The cocktail was a Piano Woman, one of Suki's own creations.

Life was good.

He looked to either side, making sure nobody but me was looking, before swan diving into the primordial soup that was the undescribed terrain of scene transitions.

The little island of descriptions and interaction that was the new post was close by enough for him to get away with showing up out of the blue by taking a "shortcut". Not like he needed to stay in his workshop to monitor the tsunbas thanks to the wonders of poorly defined shady magitech.

"Hallo, hallo~!" he greeted as he strolled into the bar, his cheerfulness clashing horribly with the aura of dread and misfortune that clung to him in a deathgrip. He didn't mind, it acted as a wonderful magnet for interesting times.
He looked to either side, making sure nobody but me was looking, before swan diving into the primordial soup that was the undescribed terrain of scene transitions.

The little island of descriptions and interaction that was the new post was close by enough for him to get away with showing up out of the blue by taking a "shortcut". Not like he needed to stay in his workshop to monitor the tsunbas thanks to the wonders of poorly defined shady magitech.

"Hallo, hallo~!" he greeted as he strolled into the bar, his cheerfulness clashing horribly with the aura of dread and misfortune that clung to him in a deathgrip. He didn't mind, it acted as a wonderful magnet for interesting times.

Suki twitched, feeling her smile get a little bit more strained as the newest customer strolled through the door of her bar. Now, Suki had experience with a lot of people. But rarely has she entertained these folks. They were probably the most troublesome of all. You know the kind.

Her other customers seemed to get more uneasy as well. The hooded folks took one look at this new man, before quickly leaping through a nearby open window and leaving a generous tip behind. Suki decided long ago to leave those open after the first few times ended up with customers defenestrating through them for whatever reason. The adventurers stayed, though they eyed the man with wariness. One seemed to be hiding underneath the table, casting a distrustful eye at the new customer.

The customer at the bar, knowing a tense situation when she saw one, abruptly stood up from her seat and rushed towards the stairs to the second floor with her cocktail in one hand. "ItwasnicetomeetyoubutIgotthisthingtodobye!" she said in one breath.

"Welcome to Valhalla," greeted Suki, sliding into more familiar territory even as she ignored the chaos around her. She gestured to the menu on the counter, listing the prices for her drinks and food alongside items one would usually find in a general store. "Would you like something to drink? Or just to talk? Both are gonna cost ya."
Suki twitched, feeling her smile get a little bit more strained as the newest customer strolled through the door of her bar. Now, Suki had experience with a lot of people. But rarely has she entertained these folks. They were probably the most troublesome of all. You know the kind.

Her other customers seemed to get more uneasy as well. The hooded folks took one look at this new man, before quickly leaping through a nearby open window and leaving a generous tip behind. Suki decided long ago to leave those open after the first few times ended up with customers defenestrating through them for whatever reason. The adventurers stayed, though they eyed the man with wariness. One seemed to be hiding underneath the table, casting a distrustful eye at the new customer.

The customer at the bar, knowing a tense situation when she saw one, abruptly stood up from her seat and rushed towards the stairs to the second floor with her cocktail in one hand. "ItwasnicetomeetyoubutIgotthisthingtodobye!" she said in one breath.

"Welcome to Valhalla," greeted Suki, sliding into more familiar territory even as she ignored the chaos around her. She gestured to the menu on the counter, listing the prices for her drinks and food alongside items one would usually find in a general store. "Would you like something to drink? Or just to talk? Both are gonna cost ya."
His head twisted like an owl's as he watched the hurried exit of most of the patrons, his neck apparently having no issue rotating a hundred and eighty degrees. Ah, the wonders of shady magitech body mods.

His head snapped back to facing forward as if it was a coiled spring, face showing genuine surprise, "Huh, didn't remember mortals being quite so skittish, 'suppose its been a while since I poked my head into the city proper. Still, pity about all those perfectly good drinks going to waste."

Regardless, he still strolled up to the bar, grabbing himself a seat to slouch on. Some rumaging around inside his robes and the sound of a few growls and hisses produced a squirming metallic thing that one could generously call a wallet, albeit one all too eager to glare and lightly snap at his owner's fingers even as he wrangled a few bills out of it, "I'll take one of those chicken sandwiches and whatever mead you got."
His head twisted like an owl's as he watched the hurried exit of most of the patrons, his neck apparently having no issue rotating a hundred and eighty degrees. Ah, the wonders of shady magitech body mods.

His head snapped back to facing forward as if it was a coiled spring, face showing genuine surprise, "Huh, didn't remember mortals being quite so skittish, 'suppose its been a while since I poked my head into the city proper. Still, pity about all those perfectly good drinks going to waste."

Regardless, he still strolled up to the bar, grabbing himself a seat to slouch on. Some rumaging around inside his robes and the sound of a few growls and hisses produced a squirming metallic thing that one could generously call a wallet, albeit one all too eager to glare and lightly snap at his owner's fingers even as he wrangled a few bills out of it, "I'll take one of those chicken sandwiches and whatever mead you got."

Suki sighed, reaching behind her to flip over a "Days Since Posted" sign over to 0. It was just one of those days, huh. "Right, I'll get on it, sir."

The bartender grumbled, reaching under her bar for the drink. She cast one look at the man, running through the possibilities before arriving at her answer: a fairly expensive and old cask of mead. With a grunt, she carried up a medium-size cask of mead and placed it on the counter, causing the countertop to shudder slightly. Suppressing a sigh, the woman pulled out a cork, causing a small waterfall of alcohol to pour into a prepared mug.

After putting the mug of frothing mead in front of the customer, Suki turned around, heading for the back. "Hold on a few more minutes while I make your sandwich, sir."

Minutes later, she returned with the snack, smelling deliciously of cooked chicken and looking slightly more disgruntled than normal. "I swear that girl will be the death of me," grumbled Suki quietly. Speaking up again, she said as she placed down the sandwich, "Thank you for your patience, sir. Sorry for the wait."
Suki sighed, reaching behind her to flip over a "Days Since Posted" sign over to 0. It was just one of those days, huh. "Right, I'll get on it, sir."

The bartender grumbled, reaching under her bar for the drink. She cast one look at the man, running through the possibilities before arriving at her answer: a fairly expensive and old cask of mead. With a grunt, she carried up a medium-size cask of mead and placed it on the counter, causing the countertop to shudder slightly. Suppressing a sigh, the woman pulled out a cork, causing a small waterfall of alcohol to pour into a prepared mug.

After putting the mug of frothing mead in front of the customer, Suki turned around, heading for the back. "Hold on a few more minutes while I make your sandwich, sir."

Minutes later, she returned with the snack, smelling deliciously of cooked chicken and looking slightly more disgruntled than normal. "I swear that girl will be the death of me," grumbled Suki quietly. Speaking up again, she said as she placed down the sandwich, "Thank you for your patience, sir. Sorry for the wait."
He had long since finished his meal with great gusto and no small amount of compliments to the chef by the time I turned my attention to him.

In my defence, this had been dead for a long-ass while and I had a monster of a backlog to wade through. This resulted in great many instances of getting sidetracked.

Not that things were progressing at all that fast a clip, all thing said.

"Yeah, yeah, we get the idea, thank you very much. Please quit it with the monologue to inflate the post and make it seem meatier than it is, you are no Ube." was the rude interruption the little shit of a god threw my way. Followed by an equally rude gesture after my accurate description.

There was no true heat from either side, however.

...So, now we wait some more?

"Wait some more. It is the maintenance memes all over again." He turned to the bartender, "You got a deck of cards somewhere in there? Anything's better than staring blankly at the walls until the RP picks up again."