[x] A. De Na, the tortoise fog warrior who tried to assault an npc, and got a few hours in jail. He's willing to fight, and having a better outlet for his anger might be good.
[x] D. Lightning Hoof, the Kirin Windrunner who is mostly angry at herself for the predicament - having a strong source of damage wouldn't be out of place, and she seems more frustrated than scared.
[x] C. Dark-Blood, the Dragon Necromancer who is just a kid. He may be just a kid, but having a ghost summon would mean not needing to have anyone get stabbed who could feel pain.
[x] B. Satoshi-San and Seto, the other pair who were trying to cheer people up in town. They both seem to be Blessed Vessels, since they were dragons who clearly were wearing Katana.
[x] E. Ichi-San, the Tiger Claw who got mad and stormed off to go hunt. He'd already died once, but he seemed fired up to go fight some more... but he was kinda a jerk who made his girlfriend cry.
[x] F. Ichi-Chan, the Armory Priest who really doesn't want to go fight. Maybe convincing her to face her fears is for the best? At the very least, she could stand back and provide more buffs for you and Fluffy to use.