The year is 2XXX, and fifteen years ago, full-body dive technology was finally perfected. Much of the younger generation now spends its life in various networks, using avatars of their own creation to navigate a realm virtual but virtually real. Even their parents are slowly coming to realize the greatness of this virtual reality in their own ways. The ability to try on clothes to an exact replica of their real self before making a purchase, the ability to taste test exactly how a meal would taste before they take the time to make it in reality, or the ability to truly work from home - but without the feeling of loneliness, as they spend time alongside their coworkers without the need for travel.
Long gone are the days of physical sports garnering hundreds of millions of viewers each year, though many still continue strong in the niche of 'physical leagues' Now they have been supplanted by V-Sports and V-Streamers- why would you want to watch a match of normal people playing football when you could instead see the best of the best face off in superhuman matches of the sport? Or to watch the thousands of semi-pros making their living through showing their skills at these spectacles?
In a period of ten years dozens of games have come and gone from each genre - each becoming more real, more full than the last. The ever updating standards of what people expect of their Full Dive gaming pushing the hottest game of last year into the trash bin. But one genre in particular had fallen to the wayside in the years of this ever advancing movement - the MMO. There had been a half dozen attempts by all manner of powerhouse companies fresh off their success, but they all ended up closing within months of opening.
Some built wonderful action systems based off their competitive games, but failed to immerse their players in the world. Others had brilliant stories that brought players into the world, but their AI was so rudimentary that there was no depth to the puddle. The problems were multifaceted, but at their core the genre was just Too Expensive; having just thousands of people in a single game world was difficult enough, to expand it to millions meant there was just no chance to make it perfect. And so after years of trying, the genre died.
Until Re:Birth was announced. The brainchild of three members of the original designers of the Full Dive pods utilizing all of what their discovery had earned them, it was a game promised to be a new world for those who wanted a different life. Built from the literal ashes of the games that fell before them, trillions of dollars was supposedly being spent to acquire the supercomputers used in each failed game before them; dozens of multi-million dollar companies were bought up in minutes to support the creation of the game. Hype soared in a way that no other game could manage. The game's release was one of the most anticipated events of the century. The Azimuth company was on everyone's tongues.
And you were chosen for the first external beta test of this game that millions wished to play. You were one of the lucky few, and received your invite because;
Vote for one.
A. I'm a professional gamer, I've tried every game to ever come out, and I'm proud enough to say I've never left the top 100 in anything I pick up, though some say I lack the dedication to reach the top. I say most things just get boring. The Azimuth company personally sent me (and other professional gamers) an invitation to join their beta test, and see if it can't keep me entertained.
B. I am a fairly successful V-Streamer, with a million followers tuning in each week to see me and my content; I was sponsored by the Azimuth company to show their game to the world. I've promised my followers that we will make the best guild to conquer all the hardest parts of the game together. Hopefully some of them will get in early!
C. I have never played a game before; I was a fairly well known member of the 'last generation' of physical martial artists doing tournaments. My family was very traditional and never allowed me to touch Full Dive systems growing up, but when I reached out to the Azimuth company, my invite was sent in minutes - along with a top grade Full Dive Pod in the next hours.
D. I am related to a developer on the Re:Birth team, and they've been promising to get me into the game test since before the first trailer was released. They've followed through on their promise, but refuse to say anything when you ask them for advice about the game, only promising that I'd understand.
E. My family is old money, so I did what we do best - I bought my way into the game, because it seemed fun. My father used his connections to purchase myself and my 'caretaker' the right to play the game early, so that I'd have the head start we deserve.
F. I was just that lucky - I'm nobody special, but with hundreds of millions applicants I got picked. Luck is its own kind of skill, right?
Each of these will provide special benefits and banes at the start, as well as set your backstory basics. More in depth info will be filled in during future votes, such as detailing the retainer for our rich kid.
As you slipped into the Full Dive system the company provided, the only option loaded on the system was a giant blue-silver lettering labeled Re:Birth. By the time you thought of the name, the world around you was already disappearing. It was replaced by a blue void that you floated in - as you looked around the only thing different in that void was your body, replaced by a black and green wireframe that had long gone out of style.
A voice alerts you to a presence before you see it, "Why HELLO! there!" You turn to see an orange… cat… robot? Looking at you, an old style ^w^ text emoji on its computer screen face as it looks at you. "Wow! One of our first users, what a PLEASURE! to meet you. My name is DAS-3, and it looks like I'll be your guide today! YAAY!!!" Its voice is high pitched but distinctly non robotic, so you wonder if there's a real person behind it.
"Are yo-"
The cat robot yells over you as the surroundings shift, a panoramic over a beautiful idyllic forest into vast fields of farms, with white marble castles in the distance beginning, literal rainbows filling the air as you fly through it. The music is jubilant, the horns sounding like that which you might hear in a medieval parade before announcing the arrival of some great knight in a period piece. "THIS! Is Caerlea!, the Realm of Light, domain of the Goddess of Light, and center of our continent! Isn't it just so beautiful? Wouldn't you love to live here?"
Before you can answer, the robot keeps going, "Caerlea is what many would call the most powerful kingdom, held up by its glorious paladins and priests, blessed by the Goddess of Light. The king and his family is said to have been personally blessed by the Goddess, and he wields a powerful sword with her strength, just as his father before him. Two main races make up the population of Caerlea, Humans, and their allies gifted by the Goddess, the Light Faeries. Meanwhile the fields and farms are often tended by the joyful Smallfolk, who resemble humans but smaller. These hardworking folk are the backbone of the kingdom, making sure all those Knights go home with full bellies!"
"It sure sounds perfect, doesn't it? Oh, but that would be too BORING!!!! These races work together to maintain the peace of the kingdom, but monsters still plague the land despite their best efforts, and the other kingdoms grow jealous of their bountiful harvests and great land. This, and their position in the center of the continent, leads to a would be idyllic realm feeling threatened from within and without, their territory simply too large for them to keep it all as well as they'd like! And fears lead to dark thoughts, as outsiders become more and more distrusted... Maybe you could help solve these problems for them?"
Almost as soon as DAS-3 asks that, your journey ends, and suddenly you are flying over something much different - jagged mountains pierce through black cloudy skies. Lightning flashes are all that light the land as your perspective shifts, "Or perhaps you prefer somewhere… darker?" The Cat's voice is too high pitched for its attempt at sounding mysterious to work, "Perhaps you are an outcast, one who seeks to thrive despite adversity?" Black spires are the only thing of beauty you see as you fly over the land. "If so, welcome to the Realm of Darkness, Thanan." The music around you had shifted to an oppressive dirge that swelled with each moment you moved over one of those black spires.
As if to assuage you, its tone goes back to normal as it jumps into furthering its explanations "Just because this realm is spooky, doesn't mean it's bad. I mean, some of it is. However it is also the only kingdom where monsters are given right to live, leading to its title as the Realm of Monsters. Humans exist within the realm, but most long to one day earn their change into Vampires - the ruling class of the land. Alongside - or perhaps, under - these Vampiric noblemen are many common monsters - goblins, orcs, True Oni, kobolds, and dragonkin, as well as the Dark Faeries, former Light Faeries touched by the Goddess of Darkness herself."
"This does not mean it is without monstrous threats, not every monster is 'civilized', and even within cities fights are common and deadly. It is officially considered 'at war' with every other nation on the continent, but few invaders actually seek to penetrate into the region, known for its horrific weather and spire-like mountains poor for any sort of harvest, but rich in other materials. Could you rise to be the next great vampire lord, or unite your Oni clan to bring back honor to your people? Perhaps you will finally be the diplomat to secure a neighbor who doesn't hate your home?"
Things shift again and you are flying through a forest of trees each reaching hundreds of feet into the sky. You see great cities lining the trees, and great beasts resting beneath the cities themselves, the untouched and unspoiled land simply… supernatural. The plants are brighter than you're used to, the animals more vivid, it's like life is simply stronger here, "Or perhaps you wish to live somewhere… scenic, like Lorothal, Realm of Wood?" The cat robot slows as you approach a great tree larger than any other - you look up and it literally reaches past the clouds, "Home to the World Tree, the Mother of Life… and Death, and its caretaker the God of Wood." The light music of wind instruments gave it a peaceful feel, especially as you watched a beautiful elf lay with a giant... bee? snuggled in her lap.
He shifts into explanation once more, as you move to the base of the tree to see great buildings seemingly growing out of the massive living thing, "Lorothal is ruled over by the eternal World Tree, which holds the ancestral memory of all who feed her roots after their death. The Wild Elves live here, organizing their society by the writ of all with wisdom past, as they live in harmony with that around them Alongside these Wild Elves exist the True Faeries, untouched by any god, capricious tricksters or wise sages - but always bound to their words."
"But all is not beautiful and without grime in this land. Less spoken of are the Half-Elves of this land, whom many Wild Elves view as mistakes at best, their villages often built separate from that of the full blooded kin. Isn't that just… so sad??" Little tear emojis replace the happy face… for about ten seconds, "Deep set prejudices from the crimes of humans long since past leave the Lorothalan Elders in a slow decline, as the forest now rests as the second smallest of the kingdoms, when it once spanned much of the continent. The refusal to seek outside aid has left this isolationist nation to fend off the monsters within and enemies without on their own. Would you be able to save it from the encroachment of others?"
You know not to try to get a word in edgewise as DAS-3 talks you through a tutorial on the world. Maybe he really was just a robot, and didn't really understand you?
Chill filled the air as your breath was stolen from you. The landscape all around was white and blue, with only small pockets of green spread throughout. Even the buildings seemed to be carved from ice - at least the majority, "If you seek power, and through power you seek importance, the Thanelands are your home. The Realm of Ice." The music swelled to something halfway between a sea shanty and the intro to some kind of folk metal, "Making your living on water and ice, with blade and blood."
"The God and Goddess of Ice preside over this land of city states, tribal chiefs, and endless conflict. This is no Kingdom, with a central ruler - instead a dozen and change Thanes fight for control over the frozen north of the Continent, just as the twin deities of Ice have fought over their domain since their birth. Blood and lineage is of paramount importance to this land, and outsiders are at best welcomed as 'honorless'. All but three of the great Thanes are human, though humans from other regions who see them sometimes mistake them as Giant-Kin. These Giant-Kin were born from unions between humans and monsters many ages ago, and two great Thanes now descend from that lineage, their blood mocked by the purer Human Thanes… but only in private."
"Cracks have formed as a Thane was usurped by a new -kin, as the Troll-Kin Chief Lorgara the Ever Living and her kin slew a faltering Thane's entire line, and claimed their right to Thanedom under the Ice Gods' laws. Lorgara the Usurper now finds herself at the center of everyone's attention - but fear of her power has made the tensions as cold as the land… for now. But war is ever flowing. Perhaps you will prove yourself worthy of your noble title under one of the Thanes, or be richly rewarded as an honorless but well paid mercenary."
As suddenly as everything turned cold, it turned hot all around you, the air practically sweltering even as you lacked a physical form to sweat. Your wireframes became hazy as the air heated up around you, great pools of magma inside of caverns you flew within, "Few have the mettle to live within the land of the continent, but should you prove of sterner stuff, the Goddess of Fire always will welcome you to Nidavellir, Realm of Fire." The music was a literal chant in a language you didn't know, set to the rhythm of a hammer hitting an anvil. As you moved, more voices and hammers added an echoing effect to the song.
Great forges make up the majority of what you see, stout folk assisted by red skinned horned humanoids, as guardian stone statues watch over the streets, "One of the few kingdoms with no human presence in the world, Nidavellir is built under the earth - many of its borders actually intersect with the borders of other kingdoms. The Dwarven King rules the lakes of magma within the planet itself, alongside their staunch allies the Goliaths and small numbers of Oni, red skinned humanoids supposedly saved from being monsters by the Goddess of Fire. Most trade cities exist within and on the borders of still active volcanoes or centers of volcanic activities, protected by the grace of the Goddess of Fire. Its capital, Gradivar, is situated upon, around, and within the largest volcano of the continent, deep within the deadly desert formed from the last eruption in the age of myths, where nothing will grow."
You've gotten used to the routine now, as he goes on to talk about the negatives of the realm right after, "They rely heavily on trade to survive, with little farm land but rich mineral deposits throughout the kingdom - only by the grace of the other nation's wars with each other does the Realm of Fire not go to war. None other than Thanan have ever declared war upon the realm of Nidavellir, but the threat of it is ever present - especially as sprawling as the kingdom is, under every nation of the whole continent. And the caves within seek their deaths, growing resistant to the Goddess of Fire's divine protections. Perhaps you can guide them outside of their tunnels, or secure them from the dangers ahead? Or perhaps you shall make a blade that allows it."
You take a deep breath as he asks that last question, the cat robot turning to look at you just before you are taken away to another land.
"AND TO CHANGE TACK COMPLETELY!" DAS-3 announces it as you literally appear in the middle of a cloud, flying out the top of it to see islands floating far above the land below, "Welcome to Wodras! Realm of Air! These ever moving islands could be your home, as you float far above everyone else… until it is time to strike!... or visit." The music was jaunty to say the least, as you flew over the floating islands of wind, and watched children playing in the air upon their great wings.
"The great Quetzal rule over Wodras, descended from the God of Air himself - their claims of being the inspiration for Caerlae's angels is not hard to take seriously, with their beautifully radiant scales and feathers nearly unique around the world. Any Quetzal who sets foot on land for too long becomes quite sick however, and so the Tengu make up the majority of Wodras' diplomats, the avian humanoids speaking on behalf of the great lords. The Sky Elves, unlike the other two races, have no physical wings - but instead a natural ability to walk upon the clouds as if they were solid land. Their cloud-mages hide the islands from those below."
"But all is not great here in the sky - there are too many people, and there is not enough land in the sky for them all. Overpopulation has led to some islands splintering off - and to the current Quetzal Warlord's overcorrecting, bringing new land into the sky before it had been cleared. Now monsters run rife through a land that new only peace in the ages before, safe from the dangers of war as they ran through the air. Do you wish to save a world within the clouds?"
You don't even get to close your eyes before things shift once more. Great pagodas fill the air as you look over temple after temple as you fly over a simply massive city - it makes the ones DAS-3 had shown you thus far look puny, "Welcome! To the land of ten thousand spirits, Yamato - Realm of Many Gods. Make your name as the champion of one of these gods, and stand out!" The music here changed every few seconds - or so it seemed. The eclectic mix of music and instruments did form a melody as the song went, like a mashup but instrumental.
DAS-3 seems particularly excited as she begins to talk about the land, "You see, where MOST lands are protected by an Origin God, this is the land of the minor gods. Spirits of the world beyond who lack domains so great as to have been around at the origin of life. Some were once men… women? Just like you! Isn't that neat? And just like this land is filled with ten thousand spirits, it is also filled with the most diverse population imaginable! Humans, Tengu, Oni, Elves of all kinds, Smallfolk, Goliath, and Dwarf all make their home here, alongside the faintly divine Beastfolk, descendents of the ten thousand Spirits themselves."
"While none of the individual Ten Thousand could match an Origin God - and even their combined might would struggle against one, attracting the attention of just one could be enough to improve one's lot in life completely. To be blessed by these gods is a deeply personal thing - and something everyone vies for. Friends become enemies in moments when a blessing is on the line. These deities are more personal than those abroad - but this also means they can be much more petty. Try not to anger them, as you seek to become their Champion. Oh, and their current leadership is extremely keen on taking territory from anyone and everyone they can… good luck with that!"
There's a more muted change now, the music in the air quiet, only the sound of rustling pages around you.
Once more you are in a forest of mighty and tall trees - but upon their forms grow crystals, colorful and plentiful. Buildings of stone and areas cleared of the trees show you that you are firmly not in Lorothal, "Lone amongst the lands of our world, Aranie stands without the protection of the Divine. Perhaps you shall stand amongst the Godless, in the Realm of Magic?" There was no music here, there was the sound of books shuffling and voices speaking... the pages turning slowly forming into something similar to music, perhaps.
"Ruled over by the Twelve Headmasters, Aranie prides itself as a noocracy above all else - where learning is the goal of all beings, and the most wise and learned should be given power to guide others in their learning. The Great Warding is maintained by the power of the Twelve Headmasters and their schools, a barrier that blinds even the gods to the goings ons within its borders - at least so far. Here Humans, High Elves, and Dwarves study the arts of magic and alchemy in ways other lands might deem heretical or wrong, accompanied by the rare Arcane Fairy, artificially intelligent beings of pure magic, created in the image of Lorothal's Fae."
"But as you can imagine with a land of magical experimentation, often the people of Aranie are their own worst enemy. The unintelligent are often deemed beyond help even as they toil in the fields alongside the golems and summons of the mages, many choosing to be experimented on to escape a life of poverty. Accidents are also common, and more than one 'School' - which all Aranian villages are referred to as - has been lost to a monster created by one of its masters. Externally, the Elves of Lorothal have long since hated Aranie - ever since its founder was granted asylum from Yamato's expansionism, only to warp the land and sever it from the God of Wood's grace. With both the smallest population and landmass, a war could be horrifying if the Great Warding is broken. Perhaps you will mend that bridge… or burn that forest to the ground? Or maybe you'll mutate yourself into an UNSPEAKABLE HORROR!! Yay!"
There's a pause as the robot keeps looking at you. Staring at you. Nothing shifts…. You're just standing in one of the great Aranie academies when it says, "WELL!? Did you fall asleep!? Mister!!!... Miss? Uh, YOU!?" It flies right into your wireframe face. "I just went through all that talking, and I even did my BEST not to EMBELLISH, juuuust like I was asked! And you can't even tell me if you like it? Woooooow!" The little robot huffs, an angry face appearing on its computer screen face.
You groan audibly, "It was just a lot, I didn't know you were done with it!" Were all the people running this game this annoying? What's up with this thing, "It was very interesting, I promise. I'm just thinking about where I want to go."
"Well I'm glad it's interesting because YOU! Need to … oh, yeah. You need to think about where you want to call home. You can't change this choice! EVER! Well, I guess you could immigrate. But where you start determines what races you can use! And what classes! And and and it'll take a VERY long time to immigrate anywhere, so honestly, don't pick somewhere because it has a cool race and plan to run away. That'll just make you really sad! Or maybe do it, because it'd be a cool story! I can't determine what you can or can't do! But I will tell you I administrate -" There's a bolt of lightning from nowhere in the sky that strikes DAS-3, and the little cat face on screen turns red as it's zapped, "Oops! Can't say that! Haha, sorry!"
The sooner you make your character, the sooner you'd be done with this weirdo cat-roleplayer-administrator-AI-whatever it is. Where do you want to start? We're gonna vote this in a fun and chaotic way because I'm in that mood. Pick your top two and your bottom one. We're going for the majority vote, and you get a negative vote to throw at wherever you most don't want to go to.
H. Caerlea - Realm of Light (Humans, Light Faeries, Smallfolk) I. Thanan - Realm of Dark (Humans, Orcs, Gnolls, True Onis, Dragonkin, Dark Faeries) J. Lorothal - Realm of Wood (Wild Elves, True Faeries, Half-Elves) K. The Thanelands - Realm of Ice (Humans, Giant-Kin, Troll-kin) L. Nidavellir - Realm of Fire (Dwarves, Goliath, Oni) M. Wodras - Realm of Air (Quetzal, Tengu, Sky Elves) O. Yamato - Realm of Many (Divine Beastkin + Most Others) P. Aranie - Realm of Magic (Humans, Half-Elves, High Elves, Dwarves, Arcane Fairies)
This is a revival/reinvention of the first Quest style game I ever tried to run. I made some mistakes when running it, particularly early on, that piled up and made it cumbersome to continue as things spiraled out of control. For the sake of full disclosure, I will happily reveal that the former MC Aisling was a pro gamer who made a True Faerie Smith in Lorothal. I have no problems revisiting that land again, but I know some have said they'd prefer to avoid anywhere close to where was touched previously. Feel free to use your nega votes for that.
Special Modifiers: +40% all stats in Asahi (rounded down)
Skills Sharpen - Rank 4 - 12/100
Increases the damage of a bladed weapon by 40% +2% per 10 points of wisdom.
Dull - Rank 4 - 12/100
Decreases the damage of a bladed weapon by 40% +2% per 10 points of wisdom.
Call Blade - Rank 6 - 37/100
Calls one bladed weapon to life, able to float up to 3 feet away from your body. This blade defender will automatically attack any enemy that comes within range, while defending its caller to the best of its ability. Defender's capability depends on user's stats, rarity of called weapon, and rank of skill. Reserves 50% of mana while active.
Double Calling: Calls two bladed weapons with 25% reduced stats, rather than one.
Call Shield - Rank 5 - 62/100
Calls one shield to life, able to float up to 3 feet away from your body. This flying shield defender will protect its user from all attacks to the best of its ability, but will not attack. Defender's capability depends on user's stats, rarity of called shield, and rank of skill. Reserves 50% of mana while active. Can be used in tandem with Call Blade.
Efficient Calling: Reserves only 25% of mana when active.
Attractive Force - Rank 1 - 15/100
Uses magnetic force to pull an enemy, ally, or piece of scenery towards you. Enemies pulled in this way have their threat towards you locked to maximum for 5 seconds. Strength of pull scales off Int + Wis.
Beginner's Staff Proficiency - Rank 6 - 39/100 - Increases staff damage by 5% per rank.
Heavy Armor Proficiency - Rank 5 - 45/100 - Increases Heavy Armor Defense by 5% per rank.
Armory Priestess' Naginata of Youkai Slaying (Uncommon- Growth)
Experience: 7/100
Damage: 44-81
Increases the effects of all Armory Priest buffs on weapon by 10%.
Deals an additional 50% damage to Youkai type enemies.
Durability 100/100
[Asahi Katana of Pristine Balance (Rare) (Longsword)
87-97 Damage
+15% Dexterity
+22 Defense
Damage of next attack is increased by 10% after successfully blocking, stacking up to 5 times.]
The Tortoise-Shell Shield is a special form of shield used by Tortoise Warriors which allow them to hide their entire body behind it, much like a tortoise can hide within their armored shell. Unfortunately these heavy shields are far from easy to carry and maneuver with. This specific example is colored a deep forest green, but still bears the blessing of the Black Tortoise.
[Asahi Heavy Samurai Kabuto (Rare) (Helmet)
Made in the style of the Shogun's Samurai, this armor is standard issue for the heavy elites of important cities throughout Yamato. These heavy samurai are known for their willingness to stand against any threat, never breaking no matter the strength of their enemies. This variant is colored in the spring green colors of Asahi, a color chosen to represent unity without one Guardian God over any other.
[Asahi Heavy Samurai Set
2/7 Set Bonus: Increases all elemental resistances by 10%
4/7 Set Bonus: Increases all physical resistances by 10%
6/7 Set Bonus: Nullifies 15% of post defense/resistance damage taken.
7/7 Set Bonus: The wearer generates additional threat in combat.]
Total Stat bonuses:
Strength: 50
Stamina: 100
Resistance: 90
White Tiger Initiate's Staff (Uncommon)
Damage: 23-34
Improves Call Blade stats by 10%.
Deals 20% extra damage when attacking the same enemy as called blade.
Requirements: Armory Priest, 24 Wisdom, 18 Strength, 18 Dexterity
Durable Iron Shield (Uncommon) Level 6
Defense: +28
Durability reduces half as quickly.
[Iron Band of Speed (Uncommon)
+15% Dexterity
Requirements: Level 9]
[Cloth Belt of Resistance (Uncommon)
Defense: +8
+10% Resistance
Requirements: Level 9, Intelligence 25, Wisdom 25]
Armory Priest's Starter Robe: +6 Defense.
A training staff.
1x Meals
Flame Youkai's Robes (Uncommon)
Titles First Landlady - While active, the owner of this title receives twice the usual benefit from their house's stats and features that benefit them personally. While inactive they gain 10% more benefit instead. Great Slayer - A slayer of great foes finds themselves strengthened when fighting enemies stronger than they are. When fighting at a level disadvantage, deal 2% more damage and take 2% less damage per level, to a maximum of 50% at a 25 level difference.. When this title is inactive, halve these bonuses. Beginner Traveler (Non-Active Title): Movement speed when on foot or mounted improved by 10%.
Perks/Boons/Traits Beastkin Divinity (Racial Trait) - Born of divine blood, Beastkin are simply 'better' than others in basic ways. As they grow in power this becomes more distinct as they become increasingly divine. Every 10 levels gain a ramping +1 bonus to all basic stats. (+1 at 10, +2 additional at 20, +3 at 30, etc.) Every 50 levels gain a free 'boon' related to divine ancestor.
Level 1 - Overflowing Gold (Economy) - Whenever a guild member gains gold, an additional 1% of that gold is added directly to the guild treasury.
Level 2 - Bolstering Form (Combat) - All guild member's hp value is raised by 10%
Level 3 - Skillful Trainees (Combat) - All guild members gain an additional 10% skill experience.
Level 4 - Guild Tabards (Production) - Allows production of guild tabards, special equipment only attainable via guilds.
Level 5 - Major Perk -
Guild Treasury: 1298 gp
Asahi Training Barracks (Overal: ★☆☆☆☆) - Guildhall
Land Size: ★★☆☆☆ 2 Additional Special Feature slots, +4 guild members per guild level.
Decor: ★☆☆☆☆ +5% (10%) Item Find, +1 Fame
Comfort: ★★☆☆☆ +20% (40%) Rest Regeneration, -20% (40%) Rest Loss
Defenses: ★★☆☆☆ +20% (40%) to all stats in Asahi and surrounding land. May hire two NPC guards.
Special Features:
Training Grounds (Bonus): ★★☆ - Enhances physical skill experience gain of owner (and guild members) when training upon land. Small chance of gaining stats when training on land.
Library: ★☆☆ - Enhances magical skill experience gain of owner (and guild members) when training upon land. Small chance of gaining mental stats when studying on land.
Guard Barracks (Bonus): ★☆☆ - +25 member slots for guild.
Kitan Von
Race: Kirin Beastkin Class: White-Gold Priest
Skill: 0
Loyalty: ++++
Courage: +
Lighting Hoof
Race: Beastkin Class: Kirin Windrunner
Skill: -
Loyalty: -
Courage: +
Dark Blade
Race: Beastkin Class: Azure Necromancer
Skill: --
Loyalty: ++
Courage: --
Race: Beastkin Class: Blessed Vessel
Skill: 0
Loyalty: +
Courage: ++
Race: Beastkin Class: Blessed Vessel
Skill: 0
Loyalty: -
Courage: ++
Secondary Guild Members
Zanba (The Magnificent) Race: Beastkin Class: Tiger's Claw
Skill: 0
Loyalty: 0
Courage: +++
Race: Beastkin Class: Tiger's Claw
Skill: -
Loyalty: +
Courage: +++
Race: Beastkin Class: Fog Warrior
Skill: -
Loyalty: +
Courage: -
Race: Beastkin Class: Decay Priest
Skill: --
Loyalty: ++
Courage: 0
Race: Beastkin Class: White-Gold Priest
Skill: --
Loyalty: 0
Courage: -
Race: Beastkin Class: White-Gold Priest
Skill: +
Loyalty: -
Courage: 0
Race: Beastkin Class: Azure Necromancer
Skill: 0
Loyalty: 0
Courage: -
Race: Beastkin Class: White-Gold Priest
Skill: -
Loyalty: +
Courage: -
Real Life Traits
Charisma: ++
Fans: +
Fan loyalty: ++
Skill: --
Special Stat: Teamwork: +
When fighting with your usual group, treat everyone's skill as one higher, to a maximum of +.
Genuine Community (Streamer Trait)
All fan loyalty starting stat improved by ++! Number of fans reduced to +.
Edit 2: someone asked for more detail on who borders who, so here's a map I made. It's bad. I'm not artistic. Remember that Wodras is moving islands above the clouds and Nidavellir is expansive tunnels under the earth.
You got into streaming when you were young as just a hobby - a lot of people did it in that day and age. It wasn't just gaming streams, but music, art, fashion, heck plenty of V-Streamers just hung out and talked to their audiences and made good money from it. Everyone had their own style, their own gimmick, their own way to stand out from the crowd - and you were just one of hundreds of thousands who wanted to be famous. But you persevered - through time and effort you cultivated a brand that was all your own, and soon enough a hobby you did after class became a replacement for attending class, as you started to make a living off the donations of others (and the ad revenue... and sponsorships...).
Now you've been doing it for a few years. You're not some pro gamer who can pull off impossible techs, you're never going to be pulling in millions from a singular tournament... heck, some even say that you're bad at games but you're entertaining. You're good at that - you know how to talk to an audience, how to make deals with corporate sponsors, how to manage an image, and even how to get into co-op streams with people bigger than you. At it's core though to you, you stuck with it because;
A. It's just catering to a bunch of pathetic parasocial types. You make them feel welcomed, remember their names, and they're throwing money at you. What other job lets me get paid to play around all day?
B. It's a job, and it's one I want to be good at - I like when people enjoy my content, because that means I'm good at what I do. That's fulfilling on its own.
C. It's a great way to meet people - I love my fans! I've met so many great personalities, and I get to make lives better - who can say they make a living off making people happy? That's why I stuck with it!
D. I always wanted to be famous - I wanted to be a household name. My brand's good, but it's not good enough, streaming is a vessel for how I'm going to be that name on everyone's lips.
"Before I can choose, I need you to redo all of that." You told it to DAS-3 with a smile that probably wasn't visible on your wireframe form, "No one taught me how to turn on the in game streaming software, after all." It wasn't weird for there to be no streaming software on the pod - most games nowadays provided their own ways of broadcasting for V-Streamers... but most of them also came with instructions on how to turn it on, "I promised my audience I'd be on like... ten minutes ago, and that I'd show off character creation so they could join me. And I mean, that opening cutscene of all of them was pretty cool, so it'd make great content."
"Oh! Yes, well, unfortunately you can't do that!!" DAS-3 was still as cheerful as ever, spinning through the air as they waited for you to make your choice, "Character creation is a very PERSONAL~! moment, and so we can't let anyone else impact that! No no no!" The bot chides you softly, "You'll have to make aaaaalll your choices before anything changes there." There's a laugh that sounds like meows from the cat-bot, "I know there's a lot of choices, but you'll be happy once you make them! I promise!"
You frown, "Great, that's going to make organizing a lot harder... I can't even access my Pandemonium channel to say where I'm going to be?" You had plans, plans that involved playing with your viewers to get a quick leg up on the competition. And now those plans seemed to have flown out the door.
"Nope! Now CHOOOOOOOOSE!" DAS-3 flew right into your face as it demanded you make your choice.
"Fine... I think most of my audience would pick either... Yamato or Thanan... hm, though Aranie is magic... Wodras sounds pretty too... no no. Yamato it is." You were torn between the choices, but at the end of the day you knew that Yamato had the most diversity... and likely would attract a lot of people just from the nature of it being vaguely anime-esque... which, well, as a V-Streamer you knew was popular as could be.
"YES! EXCELLENT CHOOOIICE!" DAS-3 seems to light up as you picked it, "That means you'll continue your character creation journey with meeee! Hahaha! You wont need to meet any of those annoying other DAS. Three is the best number anyways, is it not? Right? Right?" He flies around your head zipping up and down like he's dancing, "You wont regret it! Yamato is definitely the very best!"
"ANYWAYS!" He cuts you off again, "As I explained, Yamato is the land of ten thousand gods. They're as diverse and divisive as, well, the entire rest of the world combined! But this means it's also a place where everyone can find a place." He 'coughs' as your view goes to a great palace directly next to an even greater and grander looking temple building, "The governance of Yamato is technically twofold - Shogun Naritaka and his line charged with the governance of all matters mortal. This means he handles basically everything.... except if the Ten Thousand object, in which case they supersede him on... well, everything!" It titters a laugh. "In reality, he's mostly a figurehead, the Spirits are the real rulers. He only serves so long as the Four Great Spirits like him and his line. Remember that!"
"Lately the Ten Thousand have been pushing for expansion - our nation is great! It's the best, you see, everyone is welcome. And we should clearly spread that welcome to everywhere - isn't it so wrong that Lorothal would kill any who stagger into their woods, without warning? Isn't it so crude that Caerlea would claim the most fertile land in the world, but only use it to extort in trades? How about how Lorothal labels their non-pure elves as needing to be out of sight, or how the humans force Smallfolk into being laborers?" DAS-3 gives you all the justifications very quickly, happily railing about how bad the other nations are, "See, MY nation is the best one. And since the Great Spirits know it, they want to spread it! And you can help with that!"
"But I'm getting ahead of myself... first, I need to ask you... uh. Are you a boy, or a girl? Oh, not in real life if you don't want to match. You don't have to. It's just for appearance purposes! If you want, I can just set you up to be in the middle. Plenty of the Ten Thousand eschew gender, why not you?" He seems plenty happy.
1. Boy
2. Girl
3. Androgynous
"Oh, and with that out of the way!! I should introduce you to the races of Yamato! There's a lot, so you should strap in!"
You're suddenly standing in front of two... fairly regular humans. They have jet black hair, and the man has a small beard. Both of them are slightly shorter than average... you think. They're shorter than your wireframe form, "Humans are, well, humans. They're super adaptable, and live basically all over. The Shogun has always been chosen from humans, because... well, they tend to have a lot of drive, and they're something everyone can agree with. Plus, it makes it easier to do diplomacy with most of the world, since Humans control much of it. You can do well at any discipline as a human! Their unique class is the Shogun's Samurai, an improved variant of the Yamato Samurai class that provides them with some manner of the Shogun's personal blessings as they grow stronger, as well as various social benefits.."
The next two are short, so short you have to shift where your wireframe head is pointed to look down to them. They look akin to humans, but smaller, the man with dramatic muttonchops and the woman with 'cute' wild hair that seems unbrushed, "The Smallfolk are just that, small folk - but they're hard workers and so they've made themselves a home here just like anywhere else. Unlike Caerlea where most Smallfolk live in their own villages farming and providing the backbone of the nation's heartlands, most of them in Yamato live in the cities - where they're known as industrious types who are always trying to make something to do their job for them. They're not terribly popular with the Spirits, because some of their 'inventions' are... less than beautiful, but they survive without those blessings. Their unique classes are the Golemancer inventors who have created magi-tek golems to serve as their guardians and servants, and the Musketeer who use experimental, loud, and dirty firearms to deal massive damage to their enemies... if they can hit.
The shift is drastic as they are replaced with much taller, slightly more muscular and prettier versions of themselves, their pointed ears and soft features the main hint of their descent - well that and the bright green hair falling from both of their heads, "Wild Half-Elves, descended from Lorothal's physically intimidating Wild Elves, were once fairly frequent defectors from the bordering nation. Our policy of accepting them without question led to some... unfortunate consequences and they have since been much more limited in their ability to join our great nation. But many still remain within its borders, their strength far from abnormal here - and their ties to nature proving popular with many of the Spirits. Their unique class is the Beast-Hearted, a variant on the usual Beast Tamer class most races can gain. Much like their Wild Elf parents, these Beast-Hearted instead form a bond with a singular animal for the length of their life, both sides gaining great power from each other."
A smaller, skinnier half elf replaces it - this one's hair is a bright gold, and golden tattoos cover the length of their extremely exposed body. Besides them stand two more beautiful full elves that are even more lithe - only the barest hint of clothes covering them, instead great tattoos mark bare skin, "High Elves, and their Half-Elf offspring, are masters of Arcane magic energy, and while many of them have left to Aranie and its libraries, we were the original home to many when they originally came from their last world. The bloodlines run long and deep, and much of the upper nobility has at least some elven blood these days. Their arcane tattoos grant them protection on par with armor or weapon - the wielding of metal weaponry is often viewed as 'dirty' by these high minded elves. Their unique classes include the Soulblade, a melee class that uses magic to create physical weapons from the image in their soul, and the High Wizard, a version of the Wizard class focused on spells with larger effects - but larger costs."
They are both replaced by perhaps the most sudden change possible, as the next race is only four feet tall but also nearly three feet wide. Their bodies are thick, but you can tell the strength just from looking at them - the male's long beard nearly touches the ground, while the woman's hair literally does, "The Dwarven Exiles of Nidavellir all left their tunnels for different reasons, but over the years they've become a minority with great power in Yamato. Their skill at craftsmanship, architecture, and mining has earned many families patronage from warrior Spirits pleased with their gifts of arms and temples of the highest beauty. Their unique classes are the Ironblood, a warrior class that enhances their physical capabilities to the highest heights, literally turning skin to metal to resist blows, and the Dwarven Earthsmith, a production class that combines the powers of the architect, blacksmith, and jeweler to work with all materials formed in the earth."
Next is a bird-like humanoid, one with the deep jet black plumage and looks of a raven, its eyes piercing through you... and the other the bright flamboyance of a macaw, the two birds next to each other, "The Tengu were originally born here in Yamato, from one of the first spirits after the Origin Gods, the Feathered Goddess. They are distinct from the Beastkin in a few ways - the largest being their inability to intermingle with other races and create offspring. They are also much older, old enough to have a true culture that lives mostly atop the highest mountains of Yamato, out of sight of the other races... or with the traitors who went to Wodras, of course." DAS-3 seems annoyed at that point, "Their unique class is the Windcaller, a hybrid magical warrior class that uses their mastery of the wind to draw enemies in, deflect enemy attacks, or cut down those who flee them."
The next race was quite distinctive to look at, the two humanoids standing at least six and a half feet tall, their horns poking straight upward. They look nearly as muscular as the dwarves had, and their eyes a yellow color. The male was quite distinctively blue, while the female was a pale literal white - not like human skin, but like a piece of paper. "The Oni are... a recent race, on thin ground these days. The Goddess of Fire showed the world that the brutish cannibalistic nature of the True Oni could be burned away to leave non-monsters... and some of our Spirits took it upon themselves to save those cannibal monsters from themselves in the same manner. They are the physically strongest of all the races in Yamato, matching even the great Tiger Beastkin - and they are similarly fierce of temperament. Many areas will refuse their patronage for fear they may destroy another street in a rage. Their unique classes are the Ancestral, who call upon their monstrous former race's strengths to augment their already great strength and destructive power with only their bare hands, and the Accursed, Oni who the spirits burned too much away from, who have learned to harness their curse to sap the strength of others and empower themselves with it."
"Our last 'race' is more easily described as four different - but the Four Great Spirits each have given birth to their own line of Divine Beastkin through intermingling in the ages since. Few actual half-gods still exist, but all Beastkin retain some traits of their spiritual ancestor. Unlike the other races discussed so far, all non-unique classes are off limits to the Divine Beastkin. You cannot have a Samurai Beastkin, nor a Shrinemaiden Beastkin. Their divine heritage shall instead strengthen as... well, you level up!"
Things shift and you see two humans who are slightly lankier than normal, their white glowing hair long enough to touch the ground on both male and female, and antlers sprout from their heads. They look almost flowless, As you look closer, you can see small scales of gold on their bodies, "The children of the Golden Kirin boast speed that invokes jealousy in all others, and a power over her mystical white-gold flame. They're the most often seen Divine Beastkin, due to their use as the messengers of the Four Great Spirits, running across the sky to spread news all around our nation. Their two unique classes are the Kirin Windrunner a physically inclined class based around speed above all else, moving faster than any other, and the White-Gold Priests masters of the divine light and flame that heals the just and burns the wicked."
The next group are distinctively set against them, jet black hair cut short and dark black eyes that look through you. Their skin was an interlacing web of armor that was much more noticeable than the small scales of the Kirin born. "The children of the Black Tortoise are the physically toughest in the lands, born with literal armor across their body. Most often seen in the honor guards of Spirits smiled upon by the Tortoise, they are known across the land as some of the most difficult enemies to crack, as their sire's poisonous blood makes wounding them not only difficult but foolhardy. Their unique paths are the Fog Guardian, heavily armored warriors who create a deadly fog around them as they are harmed, and the Decay Priests who master their toxic blood to create and use the power of decay itself, rusting away their enemy's weapons even as they decay their forms."
Just as distinctive are the next pair, their white-black striped hair matched by a pair of cat ears on their head, white fur patches along their exposed human arms, and a lashing tiger tail. The lithe forms of them remind you of the elves from so long ago... but their eyes are an icy white without distinction between any feature of them, unnerving to look at to say the least, "The White Tiger's children are the most... fearsome of the Beastkin, born with the Tiger's metal in their blood and soul. Despite looking so frail, they can match even an Orc in physical strength, and while not as tough as the children of the Tortoise, their bodies are far tougher than you'd expect. Many of these Beastkin enjoy high posts within the military, their fearsome attitudes and great strength allowing them to lead from the front. Their unique classes include the Tiger Claw, which emphasizes the Tiger's physical strength and the power of the claws inherited from her, and the Armory Priests who eschew the arts of healing bodies or enhancing strength for the art of enhancing weaponry... or arming themselves with far more weapons than they normally could."
The last to appear, the azure hair instantly sets them apart from those before - the frailest looking of the three, their eyes were kind looking and their bodies despite the light scaling seemed... fragile, their skin so thin you could see through it practically, "The Azure Dragon's children are scholars above all else, as physically frail as a Faery but equally as adept at seeing beyond. These government officials and researchers maintain the ancient records of Yamato first and foremost, the Azure Dragon's domain over death and the spiritual extending to their very real duties of keeping track of the dead. Their unique paths include the Azure Necromancer, who call upon the spirits of the dead who swore to guard the Azure Dragon forever to scour their enemies as the one legal form of Necromancy in Yamato, and the Blessed Vessel, who instead fill their own form with the power of the long dead to empower their bodies that already exist halfway between life and death."
"I know, I know, it's a lot of choices! So many choices! My land is like, the best for that. We have so many choices you just can't believe some people would choose somewhere with only like, two, could you? We're really the best after all!" DAS-3 goes back to his normal attitude once he's explained in the more professional way. You have a feeling something is forcing him to be more professional with you to make sure you actually understand what you're being offered. "I can't give you any suggestions, but I think that you'd do well as literally anything! Oh, but be careful! Once you make your decision, it's final. Forever! You'll never get to make another character!"
As before, choose up to two you like most, and one you are least interested in to nega-vote it. I think that was a fun system.
D. Human
E. Smallfolk
F. Wild Half-Elf
G. High Elf
H. High Half-Elf
I. Dwarf
J. Tengu
K. Oni
L. Beastkin
You genuinely enjoyed streaming a lot - the first time someone sent you a message saying you made them laugh was when you realized the power of entertainment. Your audience is incredibly tight knit because above all else you're extremely genuine - and that's what they're here for. They want to watch you laugh, or cry, or scream in terror as monsters chase you - they want to have you say hi, to have you ask how they've been, and you want to do that for them! You don't have the best edited content, you're not appealing to the widest demographics, you can't claim that you're the best of the best - but a lot of people who watch you say they only watch you. And that's its own kind of special!
More than that, you've made a lot of friends through your Pandemonium streams. Your moderators, your subscribers, your entire audience have been there for you when times were tough. Even when you were feeling too low to stream at as high an energy they were encouraging more than anything - sure you lost some people in those times, but compared to others? You barely noticed the dips. And the few times there've been problem children in the community, it more than worked itself out! What wasn't there to like about it.
You have gained a Genuinely Loyal Audience. You have less fans overall but they're more likely to stand by you when times are tough. But they also have high expectations for how you'll reciprocate.
You had so many options, but not all of them were made equal, so you said it quickly, "Beastkin! They seem awesome!" You weren't going to think too deeply on it - most of the ones you saw were pretty, they seemed to be very unique in the story view, and... well, you knew your audience would love you with cat ears. Who doesn't love cat ears? Though all of the choices seemed super good. "Tell me more about them!"
"Excellent choice! Amazing! FANTASTIC!" DAS-3 nods its whole body as you make your decision, "You said you're famous right? Because wow, now you certainly are here too! Every Beastkin has a little bit of fame, just from their bloodline!!! After all, only the Shogun's direct line is more blessed by the Four Great Spirits! You're almost practically nobility - and if you work hard, maybe you'll literally inherit a title some day! Isn't that neat!?" It floated around happily as it told you the good news.
All Beastkin begin with 1 Fame in Yamato.
"To explain a little bit more! You will be entering the world as an Awoken - a grand hero chosen by a power greater than the Origin Gods, with the gift of immortality. The Awoken have always come to this world in the time of their greatest need - and now they have appeared, as war threatens the continent, as great monsters surge forth from parts unknown, and as mysterious powers creep in to try and control what is good to create evil." DAS-3 gives a little sinister cat-laugh of evil meows as he says the last part, "To the inhabitants of the world, you've always lived there - you just Awoke to your destiny now! Whaaat that means is that we need to choose your backstory! Are you the child of a great hero who perished in battle? Were you born to a poor and downtrodden family, only to have long suppressed blood resurge with you? Did you pledge yourself to the Shogun, to show how he holds the Great Spirit's favor? Oh, not everyone gets the same choices... so which ones will you get... hmm."
A. My parents were brave heroes who died in the line of duty when I was young. All that remains of them is a single piece of equipment, an heirloom. You begin play with a 'Growth' type item dependent on your class. B. When I came of age I pledged myself to the Shogun rather than my family. You begin play in a non-Beastkin starting area, and have +1 fame with all organizations loyal to the Shogun. You are formally part of the Yamato military. C. I lived a good life amongst the highest parts of society, meeting nobility and making connections with those after my family's power. You have +1 fame with all nobles in Yamato, and begin play with a set of attire befitting a noble. D. I struggled day in and day out to be the best, setting myself against my own family to prove my strength. You begin with no fame bonus, your reputation for starting fights has outweighed the reputation of your families. You begin with your starting skills at rank 2. E. I pledged myself to my great ancestor, becoming their servant and their servant alone, and was granted a boon. You begin play with a random boon from whatever Great Spirit you are descended from. Your relationship with servants and beastkin of the other Great Spirits are more strained.
"Alright, we already talked about them a bit, but lets get into the details of the different Beastkin - and their divine ancestors, of course! The Kirin Beastkin are often considered the most beautiful of the Beastkin - they certainly are dazzling types no doubt! More than that, they are the most commonly seen amongst the lower classes, which leads to more people talking about that beauty. The Great White-Gold Kirin is the youngest of the Four Great Spirits, who took the mantle after the Scarlet-Winged Goddess, matriarch of the Tengu, abandoned the title. She is also often known as the most approachable - as are her children."
"She is known by three titles predominantly: The White-Gold Healer, The Dawn Chaser, and The Purifier of Evil. Her children split these titles between themselves - The White-Gold Priests are not the strongest healers on their own - but their presence welcomed on any battlefield as their flames bathe their allies in healing warmth, as those flames do more than help their allies, turning enemy to ash if they dare to turn hostility upon the Kirin's blessed. Even the Temples of the Ten Thousand welcome the presence of a White-Gold Priest, the Kirin's blessed welcomed to join in any rituals due to her good standing with most of the other spirits."
"Their starting skills are the Golden Bolt, a magic spell that heals allies hit with it and harming enemies near them, or vice versa, and the White Cloak, a buff that grants allies regeneration and causes enemies that attack them in melee to take damage. Amongst their more specialized path are the White Gold Commanders, who devote themselves to healing and harming along the battle lines with the military, wreathing entire regiments in their golden flames to turn the tides of battles, and the Golden Cleansers, who master the art of healing in specific, abandoning their prowess for damage to become healers pre-eminent."
"This is an excellently balanced caster class, that can heal while doing damage, and do damage while healing. It's not the best at either of those at base, but it's fairly unique!" DAS-3 seemed to approve of it himself... but he seemed to approve of most things Yamato, "It's also very flashy!"
"Second amongst her children are the more physically blessed Kirin Windrunners - the fastest warriors you'll never see! These children act as messengers, scouts, assassins, and more for the nation of Yamato - and they do it with style. While most of the Windrunners prefer the use of spears or naginata as their lack of armor makes approaching enemies up close dangerous, they're fully proficient in all but the heaviest of weapons. Their unique ability of the windstep makes them unpredictable combatants who most would prefer not to fight.
"Their starting skills are the aforementioned Wind Step, that allows them to move much quicker than normal and float off the ground for as long as they have mana to activate the skill, as well as the Windrunner's Lunge, which greatly increases speed for a moment when moving towards an enemy, and grants a large damage bonus based on how quickly they are moving. These combine to create opponents impossible to outrun! Amongst their more advanced specializations include the Skyrunning Legionary, who have mastered the Wind Step to the point of being able to literally fly through the sky so long as they keep moving, and the Invisible Wind who have learned to move so quickly that they literally become invisible."
"This is a damage dealing melee class that only has its speed for survivability. But amongst speed oriented classes it's top tier - if you have the skill to back it up, you can become a terror that hits enemies a dozen times before they can even react. Wouldn't that be cool?" It sounded like a more difficult class than the Priest at least...
"Maybe you're not interested in the Kirin though - beauty isn't everything, and the Tortoise's Children know that best. The Tortoise is perhaps the least revered of the Four Great spirits - as his domain of decay and poison hardly inspires much in the way of good feeling. But in times of war, none of the Spirits are as staunch in supporting the nation as the Tortoise, his mythical shell said to only have been pierced once in the age of Myth - a mistake that cost the warrior their life. Still, his children exist in a similar setting - where they are respected, but kept at a distance for fear of their nature."
"The Northern Border benefits greatly from the Tortoise Wall, a rampart built by the Beastkin of the Tortoise and their loyal retainers in ages past. This wall has held Thanan's raids mostly at bay, as the nation of monsters crashes down from their dark mountains to attempt to invade the bountiful Yamato. The Tortoise is slow to move, but slower to betray its loyalty - and those of the Tortoise bloodline are similar. A tortoise wronged may never forget, but a tortoise in debt will honor it - even if it takes until the end of their days."
"The Fog Guardians are known as the something to be feared - not for their thick scales that can catch blades, nor their heavy armor that would crush a lesser man, nor their shields the size of a human body... but for what happens if you manage to get through those defenses. The blood of the Tortoise is a poison most potent, and when exposed to the air is quick to evaporate - leaving a fog of toxins around a wounded Fog Guardian, who masters the art of defending the line and enhancing their own toxic blood. These guardians blind their enemies while sapping their strength, in battles of attrition where the more hurt they are, the worse it is for their enemies."
"Their starting skills are Tortoise's Challenge, a taunt skill that roots them to the spot they are in but forces enemies to attack them, and the passive Toxic Blood, which deals damage over time to everyone within a set radius based on how much health they are missing. Their more advanced specialized paths include the Siege Tortoise who strengthen their body over their blood, becoming a literal battering ram with their shield as they bowl over their enemies, and the Deathcloud, who can emit their toxic blood whenever they wish, becoming a cloud of danger to anyone who comes near them at will."
"This is a powerful tanking class with passive damage abilities that trigger as they lose health, allowing them to solo despite only having shields as allowed weapons. However, they can be as dangerous to their allies as their enemies, and so perform best with either other Tortoise children who are immune to the Tortoise's toxin, or with those who can remain at range."
"Their other class, the Decay Priest is known popularly as the 'worst priest' for supporting others. Instead they weave poisons and toxins into corrosive substances that they 'bless' their enemies with, melting around flesh and armor at once as they call upon the Tortoise's toxins. These priests are only rarely present at religious ceremony - few of the Ten Thousand welcome Decay into their midst - instead living mostly amongst themselves and their Fog Guardian brothers, keeping away from the common folk who fear them."
"Their starting skills are the Bolt of Decay, a damage spell that reduces an enemy's armor value when it hits, and the Sapping Mist, an area debuff spell that makes all enemies and allies within it lose both strength and speed while within it, sapping their strength away from them. Their specialized forms include the Mistweaver, who master the toxic mists and area spells - allowing them to avoid hurting allies as they destroy enemies, and the Aspect of Corrosion who destroy all unliving materials near them, stripping enemies of their arms and armor or rotting their way through walls of stone."
"A damage dealing and debuff focused priest, these Priests of Decay lack any form of healing or buff capability - but clever use of their spells and manipulation of the terrain with their Mists can let an intelligent user shine even under these conditions."
"If you crave Strength above all else, the White Tiger is the Great Guardian for you. Her ethos is simple - if you are strong, you deserve great things. And so she is known as the strongest of the Great Guardians, at least in physical strength. Much of the military worship the White Tiger as their patron deity, and her blessings have turned the tides of battles. But to lose to another is to lose her blessing, marking her as a fickle Guardian, who is happy to let go of those who would tarnish her name by failing."
"Her domain in the West lies next to both Caerlea and Lorothal - and she craves their lands. Border skirmishes are common - but they are boring, and the White Tiger craves true battle for her chosen to prove themselves in. The Shogun Naritaka and the other Guardians have been swayed by her words, and the nation seeks to arm itself in preparation for these wars... but until that day she lays bored, only entertained by the struggles of her children. And while these children may seem small and frail to the uneducated, they each carry the strength of the Tiger in them, bolstering their body beyond what it seems capable of."
"The Tiger Claws are those blessed of the White Tiger's physical aspect - strong as an Oni and fierce as an orc, these fighters are the last one in any fight... because running away would be an insult to their Grand Ancestor. Many Tiger Claws serve in the Yamato military - indeed, the Silver Claw Regiment is made up only of Tiger Claws, an elite fighting force who are known to have turned impossible odds around with their refusal to give up and their ferocity to the man. For this reason they are well respected as grand warriors."
"Their starting skills include Rend, a powerful attack skill that allows them to ignore their enemy's armor for a single blow, and Tiger's Ferocity, a passive skill that increases their strength based on how injured they are. Their advanced specializations include the Steel-Furred, who seek to embody the White Tiger's aspect of metal, hardening themselves to weather endless blows as they grow ever fiercer, and the Pouncing Stalkers, who eschew honorable battle to rend apart their opponents from stealth before slipping away once more."
"These are powerful damage dealing off-tanks who can take a hit and come back harder for it. Their biggest limitation? They can't wield any weapons or armor! Instead, as they grow in level their claws become more powerful - and specialized!"
"The Armory Priests take what a Blacksmith has perfected... and they make it better than it ever could have been on its own. They make armor thicker yet lighter, they make blades sharper yet sturdier, they warp enemy's weapons to be as dull as a hammer, or as heavy as a boulder. And when threatened, an Armory Priest can prove why they are such named - calling their floating weapons to defend them even as they focus their attentions elsewhere. Rather than claiming glory for themselves, they aid others in their pursuit of glory."
"Their starting skills are Sharpen, a spell that increases the damage of any bladed weapon they target with it, Dull, a debuff spell that decreases the damage of any bladed weapon they target with it, and Call Blade, which summons one bladed weapon from their inventory to defend them and attack their enemies. Their advanced class paths include the Regiment of Weapons, who call upon so many weapons at once they may as well be an army, a dervish of dozens of flying blades cutting apart their enemies, and the Shaper, who can transform a weapon's shape so smoothly as to create a new form of weapon in its place - or disarm their opponent entirely.
"These priests lack any abilities that target the living directly - they cannot cast a spell to deal damage, nor can they cast a spell to heal. Instead they may bolster or bane weapons or armor, while calling upon their own weapons and armor to defend their selves. Despite this, like most priests they cannot wear armor or wield weapons other than magical implements - except when Called."
"Last is the oldest of our Four Guardians, who lives between life and death, the Azure Dragon, psychopomp and spirit caller, who walks the halls of death and brings their knowledge to the world of the living. The most reclusive of the four Guardians, but also the wisest - they are a silent guardian of all of Yamato's knowledge and history. Those born to the Azure Dragon live similarly - somewhere halfway between living and dead, weak and sickly but with an ability to see beyond. Most become scholars or officials, unable to handle the rigors of the battlefield. There is a sad beauty to their form, certainly."
"The guardian of the dead, they are the patron called upon to bless the righteous dead as they move to the next world, and to silence the unrestful dead raised through foul necromancy. And yet, in times of need the Azure Dragon and her children call upon those who made pledges of loyalty in times long since passed, to rise once more and fulfil their pledge. But these dead are tethered not by force, but by request - they are honorable spirits, not revenants ripped from their rightful places. The Azure Dragon abhors those who would violate the dead - her own children most of all.
"The Azure Necromancers call upon these dead externally, bringing forth warriors, scholars, and even poets from the past to assist them in their tasks, while also acting to give funerary rights to those who have died, ensuring their peaceful passing. Azure Necromancers are respected and not feared - for they are the connection of Yamato to its past, and proof that the ancestors still watch over them. Their place of honor is such that no home would ever dare turn away one of the Azure when asked for food or lodging - doing so being tantamount to turning away their own ancestors."
"Their starting skills are Call Spirit, which summons a contracted spirit - initially only accessing the Spirit Ashigaru - to serve the Azure Necromancer as guardian and advisor, and Mend Dead, a healing spell that mends the righteous dead, knitting their form... and weakens the unrestful dead, 'mending' the wound of their being raised. The Azure's spirits are free willed and if mistreated can and will refuse to be summoned, requiring respect for their wishes. Their more advanced paths include the forbidden Jiangshi Necromancer, who betrays the oath of the Azure to create powerful indestructible dead that obey their every command, and the Spirit Fortifier, who call upon a single spirit and strengthen it with the power of the realm between life and death."
"This is a powerful summoner class that can potentially contract with dozens of different spirits fitting to different roles. But an Azure Necromancer without a Spirit is able to do little on their own - so tread carefully as you deal with these honorable spirits."
"Some Azurekin cannot externalize their power over the dead, however - instead they are the Blessed Vessels, who call upon the deathly realm's power and the strength of the dead who have long forgotten themselves to become warriors capable of fighting upon the front lines. These ghostly apparitions terrorize their foes with images of warriors long past, as they wield their weapons with an unnatural strength and speed - so long as they can handle the power of the dead without turning themselves into one. These Vessels are feared by the common folk, who see them as one step away from the dreaded Jiangshi."
"Unlike the Azure Necromancer, the Blessed Vessel makes no contract and harnesses no thinking dead - instead they call upon the realm of death itself, and those who have absorbed into it via their skill Vessel of the Dead. So long as the skill is active the Blessed Vessel increases their strength, dexterity, and stamina based on their intelligence, wisdom, and resistance - but at the cost of slowly damaging themselves. In addition they gain access to the skill Unliving Touch while in this form, a spell-strike effect that deals great damage to natural, living opponents. Advanced disciplines include the Endless Vessel, who have mastered the flow of the deathly realm, taking only as much as they can handle but able to fight without exhaustion using it, and the Terror, who drive their enemies to flee before them by overlaying death so fully in themselves."
"This is a potent damage dealer that slowly kills itself as fights drag on, in exchange for great power against the living. They are able to wield all weapons and wear all armor, if not for their weak bodies. It displays almost no ability to fight the dead or constructs, however."
The choices are all neat - and definitely unique. Having to pick your race with your class was hard too. But eventually you decided on;
G. Kirin White-Gold Priest
H. Kirin Windrunner
I. Tortoise Fog Warrior
J. Tortoise Decay Priest
K. Tiger Claws
L. Tiger Armory Priest
M. Dragon Azure Necromancer
N. Dragon Blessed Vessel
Once more you may choose your top two choices... and nega vote one! But to keep it more organized, the nega votes will use the text below!
O. Kirin White-Gold Priest
P. Kirin Windrunner
Q. Tortoise Fog Warrior
R. Tortoise Decay Priest
S. Tiger Claws
T. Tiger Armory Priest
U. Dragon Azure Necromancer
V. Dragon Blessed Vessel
After you made your choice, DAS-3 asked you one more thing, "And, to finish it all off... what name will you be going with today? Don't worry if it doesn't match the world! Everyone will think your name is odd, but not anything so weird as to be questionable. Your parents just had weird taste, you know! That kind of thing. You said you stream right? Will you be going with your stream name?"
Feel free to suggest names for your 'character'. If you want to not use your typical stream name for some reason, denote it in your name suggestion.
"Hita Von Fluffens the Armory Priest, is it?" DAS-3 bounced up and down as your skin began to fill in with actual... well, skin. Bits of fur came in as well, white with black stripes - you could see it forming all over you. You were like a barbie doll as you floated there for a moment, able to see yourself in the mirror - the game made you look fairly similar to what you'd want, honestly. It nearly matched your usual V-Streaming avatars for different games, "Well, lets make some adjustments to the automatic modeling though! With a name like that, we'll definitely need to... FLUFF it up a bit!" The robot laughs as suddenly your tail becomes twice and then three times as fluffy. "Yes, yes! More FLUFF! I love it! Do you have any requests?"
You swish it around a few times, but it's not bothersome, "Oh I love it! Can my hair be fluffier too?" As if expecting the question already, your hair suddenly just became more voluminous, the long pretty white hair mixing with the black streaking hair, "Ooh, ooh, and can I also have a mole riiiight here." You point right under your left eye. It appears a moment later, "Oh, and I think freckles are in right now, aren't they? I could use some freckles!"
By the time you're done with your custom-order avatar even DAS-3 seems exhausted, "Please.... tell me... you're.... done...." The robot pants for air despite not breathing. "Four hundred and thirty seven Yamato players have finished their character generation before you."
Your good charisma skill and knowledge of what people like to see has let you make an above average avatar!
"Oh! Oh wow, has it really been that long? Oopies! My bad! I guess I don't need to see what I'd look like with freckles on my shoulders. Yeah! I should be good!" You clapped your hands together, enjoying the stinging sensation for a moment after the long time as a wireframe without senses, "Send me in, DAS!"
"...I can't send you in yet, we haven't even done the preparations! We just barely finished step ONE!" DAS-3's face lights up in red for a moment as he gets 'angry' at you, "Okay, anyways. Your character is the daughter of a once great Armory Priest who died in the last war with Caerlea. Your Father was so heartbroken when his wife died, that his poor human heart couldn't take it and he left you soon after. You were left alone, to fend for yourself with only a single servant to care for you - the only thing that ever returned of your mother was.... tADA!" A naginata appears right in front of you, an ornate blade decorated with a tiger pattern around the shaft, and the words 'Victory' engraved on the side. When you try to reach for it, it disappears, a window coming up instead with the information of the item.
Damage: 27-38
Increases the effects of all Armory Priest buffs on weapon by 10%.
Durability 100/100
"Wait, why are you crying? What's wrong, do you not like Naginata? I could give you a katana instead, but I thought this was cool." DAS-3 seems to panic as you fight tears.
"I-it's just so sad! I lost both my parents as a kid? T-that's not fair! I must have been miserable!" You hadn't considered it when you were offered the choice of stories, but it certainly was a sad one. And you were always very full of emotion, so hearing it out loud was just enough to make you start crying.
"...You literally picked it!" DAS-3 goes red faced again, "It's fine, it's fine. It's all in the past. Now you're happy! You're an adult, and you're Awoken, and you're going to prove to everyone that you're a worthy successor to your Mother!" He headbutts you and it hurts a little, "So buck up and smile, I wont have any crying in my character creation!"
"S..sorry!" You rub your forehead while pouting at the robot who just hit you.
"Anyways, you'll be transported to Asahi in the north-western Yamato region. This is a very exclusive village - only Beastkin and their families are allowed to live inside of it, mostly their human significant others. The small amount of commerce conducted within the village is mostly due to these humans being too obsessed with working to retire from their jobs. But recently troubles have been brewing - supplies have gone missing en route to the village, monsters have been sighted along the roads, servants have disappeared from their homes on the edge of the village, and worse! As a young Awoken Beastkin, you were called upon to protect your elders and save the village of Asahi. Along with some of your fellows at least! Any questions?"
"Yeah!" You raised your hand as you said that... waiting for DAS-3 to say 'yes?' before you continued, "Can I start streaming now?"
"That is not the kind of question I am taking! Fairwell, Hita Von Fluffens! May your fluffy tail keep you grounded!" Everything turns black for a moment, and you stop being able to breath. There's a split second of panic before you realize you're in a frosty village now, the cold chilling you through the robe you suddenly find yourself wearing. White with black stripes, the edging and markings are lines with metal and seem to denote you as one of the White Tiger's priests.
The village itself seems rather simply laid out, as you stand at the center of it amongst a crowd of other people - all with golden names above their heads and all looking just as confused as you do. The northern part of the village seemed to be devoted to the Black Tortoise, the West to the White Tiger, the East to the Azure Dragon, and the South to the Golden Kirin - just like their directional focuses. Small shops seemed to make up the center of the town itself, most of them with names related to the four guardians as well - Dragon's Diner, White Tiger Smithy, Kirin Apothecary, etc.
You tried to think of options menus and streaming and even said, "Stream start. Stream begin. Stream on." a few times as you tried to figure out how the controls worked... but nothing seemed to do anything. At the very least it caught the eyes of some people though, as you talked to yourself into the air. Or maybe they were looking at your customized avatar? Most of the people around you seemed to have fairly close to what you were first given, with few minute customizations made.
That attention led to even more attention as you were suddenly tackled to the ground, "OH MY GOODNESS HITA-HIIIIIMEE~!" The shrill girl's voice that tackled you from behind wasn't recognizable, nor was your own when you spoke. "Is it really really youuuu~!?" The girl pressed her face against yours as she rubbed her head directly against your own. You could fear cat ears hitting cat ears. And a lot of pain in your hands and butt from falling. Why did that hurt so much? "I thought you'd gone somewhere else for a moment! What tooook you so loooong?"
Glancing upward at the girl's name at least told you who she was, "Aya, you scared me Fluffy-nee!" At least the viewer who found you had kept their own nickname from your streams, so you knew who they were. You hugged back as you both lay there, a weird puddle of catgirls reunited, "I tried to jump on to stream so everyone would know where to start, but the admins were bullies and wouldn't let me." You pouted at that fact, shaking your head, "Have you seen anyo-" You were going to ask if she'd seen any others...
But a small frail looking man in gold robes with white accents was reaching down to you already his antlers glowing lightly in the light reflected by the snow, "Hita-chan, it looks like you're in quite a fix." He smiled a soft smile, "Would you like me to burn away this rodent that has attached itself to you?" As if to do so, his hands became wreathed in white-gold flame. The look in his eyes told you that yes, he'd relish the chance to burn your other viewer right now, first five minutes into the game.
"No no no, none of that Fluffy-nee didn't do anything wrong Kitan-Von." You recognized him instantly as one of your moderators, and one who was very happy to be the bad guy hitting those time outs even when you weren't willing to be that mean one. "We're all going to get along here, whether Kitan's timed you out or not in the past - and whether Fluff's deserved it or not!" You wanted your group to be cohesive... but there was a lot there already. The flames went out as you lectured them, at least.
"Yeah! You're not even a moderator here!" Fluffy-nee stuck her tongue out and bonked her head against yours again, "You didn't even guess the right type of Beastkin! Now we're really just like sisters! Look at me, I even knew she was going to go for the priest option! Just like I did! Now we'll be able to sharpen each other's weapons, and you'll just be lonely throwing fireballs! Admit it, I know Hita-hime waaaay better than you do!" She had pushed her luck, and you saw white fire forming once again.
The fireball thrown for Fluffy at least got her off you as she dodged away. You could feel the healing energy hit in the aoe around where it was tossed, the pain from being literally glomped onto the hard stone flooring fading away. "Get back here you little devil! I wasn't trying to mimic Hita-chan! I was trying to support her! Because unlike someone, I can think of more than myself!" You had become the center of attention due to the little clown show going on with your viewers... but you didn't really mind it. You were used to having eyes on you.
"Ohaiyooo~" You waved to the onlookers, "I'm Hita Von Fluffens, but you can call me Hita! I stream monday through friday on Pandemonium~! Please come check it out!" You used the chance to plug your channel, flashing a little v with your right hand as you did, "I just have to figure out how to get the stream working for this first and I'll be on soon! Sorry for the interruption~ Gooooomeennn~!" You gave a short bow before looking back at the chaos of Fluffy and Kitan, but they'd already been stopped by two black named people - with the word Guard under their proper names.
You could hear the NPCs scolding them, "You're supposed to be great heroes, and you're starting fights in the middle of the village? Someone could get hurt." They both look older - likely in their fifties at least... maybe even older than that. One was a Tortoise and the other a Tiger, "We moved out here for a quite life, not for a bunch of hooligan Awoken to come make chaos for us!"
You could see Kitan getting annoyed and Fluffy literally playing with her own cat ears rather than listen to the scolding, so you jumped in, "Oh I am so sorry for my friend's behavior officers~!" You put on all your sweet charm as you did it, "We are just so excited to help out, we wanted to get some exercise in before we went to fight. You know how it is!!! If you just jump right in, you'll pull something! We should have done it outside the village, though, that was tooootally our bad!"
The Tiger looked at the Tortoise and gave a slow nod, "Yeah, I pulled a muscle in my back when I was running after that Kirin hoodlum whose grandmother lost track of him."
The tortoise nodded back, "Sometimes it feels like I can pull a muscle just doing my morning stretches! Gahahaha!" His laugh becomes a cough as he does it, and he wheezes a little, "Oh golly, well I guess I can see why you'd want to prepare. But just be safer in the future, you hear?" He clapped you on the shoulder as he said it, "If you need somewhere safe to do stretches, the guardhouse will always welcome a few whippersnappers who need to be whipped into shape! We've got plenty of pointers for youngsters like you, if you can prove yourself!"
"Yeah, pointers on how to eat too much and gain weight maybe!" The tiger poked fun at his friends, and the two began to jokingly bicker with each other.
You were freed from the situation, and wagged one finger at the pair while putting your other hand on your hip, "No more fighting in town! Jeeze! You're gonna get us kicked out!" You were pouting as you did it, trying your best to look Serious.
"Well tell him(her) to stop being such a jerk(so annoying)!" They were practically in sync as they yelled their lines about each other. Both of them turned to glare at one another as soon as they realized they'd talked at the same time. You couldn't hold the serious look anymore, as they started to glare at each other so intensely. You started to giggle, and giggling turned into snorting.
Both of them stopped their glaring as you started to laugh at them at least.
The nice moment is ruined as the world around you turns blue - and all the NPCs seem to freeze. Your friends and the other gold named players continue to move around, quite a few people looking scared at the sudden shift in lighting. After a moment a window opens in front of your face. Text begins to fill the window as you look at it.
"Welcome, players, to Re:Birth. We apologize for the delay in the opening of our new Beta. All characters have been made, and placed within the world successfully. We congratulate you on joining us in this momentous occasion - you were all chosen for reasons, some of them known, some of them unknown. You are special.
We created Re:Birth to be a new sort of life, for people to find something that had been lost, or to discover joys they never knew. To learn about one another, and to experience love, life, and find beauty in each day. Each of us project heads put our heart and soul into this world, and we hope that you will love it as much as we do.
Enjoy your stay."
As the message in the box begins to fade, soon enough only the last three words remain. The blue world remained however. And slowly the the last three words faded away, leaving behind three words in their place.
"You can't leave."
As if on command, as those three words were left behind... you started to hear people say it. "Logout." "Escape" "Main Menu" "Log Out" "LOG. OUT." "Deactivate Dive." They were saying every command they could think of. But there was no light of anyone leaving. Nothing was changing, every golden name was still there.
"Logout." You heard Kitan-Von say it, and he seemed frustrated when it didn't work, "Don't fucking give me that..." He cursed in a way you weren't used to - the Kitan you knew was more than happy to tell people not to use harsh language like that in your streams, "No way, they're playing a joke on us. They have to be."
Fluffy-nee just wrapped you in a hug as he cursed, "Well, I don't care if I'm trapped here since I have my Hita-hime with me!!!" She squeezed you a little tight, and you realized her tiger arms had a good bit of strength, "It just means I don't have to go to work and miss streams anymore! Now I'll be able to be in them all the time!!"
"Oh no! The stream!" You had promised to be online like, an hour ago. People were probably waiting for you to start it up any second now, "Everyone's going to be so sad when I don't show up! They're gonna think I flaked, or something happened!"
"Something did happen Hita!" Kitan-Von shook you out of your momentary panic, "We just got told we're trapped inside of these devs stupid game. You should focus on that, not on your stream!" He looked annoyed with you, and it made you feel bad. You didn't want him to be more upset, he was already upset.
"Hey! Stop making Hita-hime feel bad!" Fluffy was quick to your defense. You weren't the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes, so it genuinely hadn't hit you yet the severity of the situation. As the news that you were apparently trapped sunk in, you felt;
[x] A. Panic - Am I going to die in my dive-pod? Is anyone going to come check on me?
[x] B. Anger - How could they do this to us? How dare they!
[x] C. Regret - Maybe I should have known better than to let some strange company connect to my brain.
[x] D. Potential - Imagine how great a story this will be once the authorities get us out. I could really grow my channel!
[x] E. Comfort - At least I have two friends with me to help with this crazy situation, I can't imagine how it'd feel to be alone right now.
[x] F. Surprisingly okay - Maybe I'm just not getting it, but I already played games like 12 hours a day... this doesn't seem that bad yet?
This is a loosey goosey consensus vote - whatever gets the most votes will be the predominant mood of the upcoming posts, but other highly voted emotions will get some light. You can be scared and angry after all! Just vote for whichever one you feel most strongly.
You had two allies with you - a White-Gold Priest and a fellow Armory Priest... and no direction. Both of them were looking to you for that direction. In this relationship you were the one they were there for... and that was kind of intimidating. Kitan was only barely holding himself together, while Fluffy seemed like the entire reveal meant nothing to her at all. As your first act you decide to;
[x] I. Investigate the village and see if any of the NPCs have ideas about us being trapped.
[x] J. Try to calm down some of the more upset and scared players.
[x] K. Head out of the village to fight things - and get away from the panic. L. Sit around and be self pitying and pathetic. (Locked off by being a protagonist)
[x] M. Make your way to the Guardhouse because you don't even know how to fight in this game yet.
[x] N. Investigate the town to try and find QUESTS!
This is not a Majorly Important Action, so I'll be going back to the roulette method for now. Which means any of them have a chance to win, with politicking important to try and tip that in your favor. I think it'll be more fun than a straight majority, at least for actions that aren't of irreversible importance.
For those concerned that RNG might affect the integrity of this quest:
RNG is already present at every level of this quest.
When you go into a fight, I am rolling dice to see how well you do. Being more skilled, being higher level, having better stats and gear improves your dice. But it's still dice. You might somehow roll all 1s on 30 dice, who knows.
When you meet a simp, I am rolling dice to determine their Skill, Loyalty, and Courage stats, as well as their race, gender, and class.
When you go be charismatic at people, you are rolling a charisma check based on your charisma skill and could fail even though you're good at it.
When you obtain loot drops it will be very RNG!
On the note of simp stats, your starting simps aren't too bad honestly. Above average. The RNG is weighted to give lower end stats more often than higher end, since we don't want simps who are constantly cooler than you;
Skill is their ability at game, and has the lowest starting range - it ranges from --- to +. (So five levels, including 0 which is 'perfectly average') So Fluffy at -- is lower middle of the road, sort of, and equal to you. Kitan-Von is actually better at games than you at his -! He's still a below average gamer though.
Loyalty usually ranges from - to +++. With your loyalty benefit of your genuine-ness, it instead goes from + to +++++. Fluffy is literally maxxed out loyal, she's with you to the end (as long as you don't abuse her). Kitan is still above average loyal at ++++, so he'll be there for the whole game if you let him be, but he's not as unquestioning as a +++++.
Courage is their willingness to go off and do things on their own. It ranges from -- to +++ to start, with -- indicating 'will never do anything useful unless you directly ask/are present for it' and +++ meaning 'will go try to raid bosses without you to bring you drops'. Fluffy has minimal courage at --, she will be a direct hanger on if you want her to do anything useful. Kitan has + courage, so he's going to at least be a little proactive while off screen, but he's not gonna be going out making huge waves.
The longer they're on screen and the more you build bonds with them, the more likely it is these stats will change. Possibly in positive ways, possibly in negative ways. If you coddle Fluffy too much she might get even worse at gaming, if you tell Kitan off for getting himself killed trying to get you a cool item his courage may drop, but if you encourage Fluffy maybe she'll improve at her gaming!
Non simp characters will use these stats as well (if you make friends with other players, as people seem intent on doing), but you can generally expect much lower loyalty stats, your personal stream trait not affecting new friends.
First Trapped Action: 1d3122 - Helping others wins with 25 votes. The top three feelings were comforted (16), surprisingly okay (7) and panic (3).
People around you were panicking as the situation sunk in for them, but you felt different. Maybe it was because you were being hugged by one friend, or because your other friend was clearly scared - but most of what you felt was that you needed to do something to help. It wouldn't help anyone if they gave in to fear now - it'd just make things worse. So you wrapped Kitan in a hug first, dragging Fluffy-nee with you as you did it, "It's okay, Kitan. It's okay. We'll be alright. Someone's gonna find out this happened. How long could they possibly keep it hidden for? I'm sure we'll be free soon enough!" You gave him a little squeeze, "And we have each other until then."
Even Fluffy reached over and patted his arm, "Yeah, don't be so scared! If you don't buck up, I'll have to take Hita-hime all for myself! Wait, actually, feel free to be as depressed as you want to be! I can have a nice time with just me and her!!!" She started to laugh at the stressed out man.
Before you could scold her, he was already moving though, his hand surrounded in white-fire once more, "I will kill you, you little vermin!" He had recovered a bit of his energy as he shook out of your hug to try and throw another fireball at the girl in question. "I'm gonna make sure she's safe from you until we're out of this mess!"
Leaving you to sigh as you watched them goof off. "Guys, now's reaaaally not the time to be playing around!" You put your hands on your hips as you scolded them lightly, "We gotta set a good example for everyone. They're all super stressed and upset too!" You waggle your finger dramatically at them, and they both stop fighting just as Kitan gets his hands on Fluffy's hair and starts to pull it.
"Yeeeesss Hime~!" Fluffy is quick to run over to support you. "I don't wanna be surrounded by a bunch of debbie downers on this vacation!"
"Panic isn't conductive to anything good, I suppose... I don't know if it's your job to care for them... but if we must."
You and your followers split up as you moved to try and offer some helpful words to the people who were worst off... though Fluffy mostly just went up to whoever was next to who you were speaking to. "Please don't cry friends," You were like sunlight, your only fear being your fear for others and how they were feeling, "We're going to be okay. You don't have to worry!" You had no actual assurances you could give them, but you were someone to talk to, and one that wasn't consumed by fear for what was coming.
You estimated there were probably about fifty players in the town - and there were only a few of you. But there were a couple of other players who hadn't lost heart too, who were going around trying to cheer people up. And a few people didn't even seem scared, marching off before you'd even jumped to action to go outside the village. The scariest though were those who were getting angry instead of scared. You watched a Tortoise threaten to beat a shopkeeper NPC to death for trapping them, only for him to be hit over the head by one of the guards you had almost been on the wrong side of earlier just before he could smack the human with his shield. In a single hit the angry man went down, before being hefted up and walked towards the guardhouse - and that at least kept the others from resorting to violence.
"I'm sure your sister's going to find you in your pod, and you'll be okay! You'll probably be one of the first of us out of here!" You insisted it to the clearly younger Dragon, Dark-Blood, who was taking up so much of your time, telling you all about how he stole his sister's chance to play the game.
"It's my punishment for stealing her prize. I knew I shouldn't do it but it sounded so fun... now... now I'm gonna die in here!" He wailed loudly.
"Shh, shh. You're not gonna die!" You hugged the boy as he sobbed, "We're going to be okay. Don't worry."
"I should have known this all was too good to be true! Why would they just give away a chance to play this game? I'm so stupid. So so so so stupid!" A kirin girl named Lightning Hoof was banging her head against a wall as she yelled at herself. "Nothing ever goes right for me!"
"Hey, hey. it's not that bad..." You tried your best to approach her carefully, "There's no way we're gonna be here forever. We can't lose hope yet..." She turned to give you an angry glare, but you continued, "Giving up doesn't make anything better!"
One particular player seemed upset for a different reason, as someone with a matching name curled up on the floor. The tiger boy, Ichi-San was clearly mad as you approached just before his outburst, "Fine, you lay here being useless. I'll go save us myself, since everyone wants to be so useless." He bumped his shoulder right against you as he stormed past you.
"Are you okay?" The white tiger girl on the ground, Ichi-Chan, was just crying, "Did he hurt you...?" You weren't sure what had happened, you'd been too busy with the others to watch the whole exchange, but she was hiccuping into her own legs. She only looked up slowly when you repeated yourself after pressing a hand to her shoulder, "Do you need me to get my friend? He's a healer class."
She shook her head, "Ijustdidn'twanttogogethurttooanditmademyboyfriendmad..." Her voice was so quiet as she mumbled directly into her raised legs still. "Idontwanthimtogethurtorbemadbutthat'stooscary... Whatifdyingkillshimforever....buteventhenIcan'tgetmylegstomove..."
You gave a little frown as you looked towards where her boyfriend had gone... you were glad that your friends were way more understanding than he was. "You don't have to go fight things if you don't want to. We don't even know if that'd help. I'm sure he's just scared too, and lashing out because of it. He didn't mean it." You patted her shoulder oh so gently, "I know it can be scary, but if you need anyone I'm here for you, okay? And I'm happy to be here for you!"
She looked surprised at your sudden genuine reach out to a stranger, but buried her head once more, mumbling a "Thankth..."
Things got worse before they got better. Within an hour of the announcement, people started to respawn at their respective Great Spirit's temple. Their stories of what they saw and felt out there were not comforting to the already scared population.
"They weren't even that quick, but they stabbed me and... why did they make it hurt so bad?"
"I got hit with a fireball and all I could think of was that I wanted to die rather than keep feeling that."
"I couldn't even hit the damn thing, every time I threw my spell at it, it moved!"
"I got one of them with my spear, and before I even noticed another got an arrow in my thigh, and made just moving too painful. How am I supposed to dodge like that?"
You had a vague idea of it from when you were tackled into the ground by Fluffy... but it seemed that pain was just as present here as it was in the real world. Being stabbed, being set on fire, being hurt in general hurt, and that meant things were going to be a lot harder for sure. Most V-Games simulated some pain, to encourage your primal senses and help you with knowing where you got hit from... but that was normally kept around ten percent. Hardcore games built for masochists sometimes pushed it up to thirty. A hundred percent pain would be... well, it'd be illegal. But so would kidnapping all these people.
Half of the people who went out to fight once refused to do so again. Most of the people who stayed behind too afraid before they knew the truth of it? They were as likely to go fighting things as Fluffy was to let go of you without being asked.
You'd managed to make a people stop crying and feeling like they were going to die - but you hadn't exactly given them hope. There was little hope you could give them - you didn't know how to get out any better than them. It was around this time when another pop up appeared - apparently not just for you, but for most people.
You have become Hungry. Over time, your satiation gauge will deplete. Once it reaches two thirds filled, you will become Hungry, losing 10% to all stats until it is filled beyond this point.
If your satiation gauge lowers below 1/3rd of the gauge, you will become extremely hungry. You will lose an additional 20% to all stats, and your natural mana regeneration will cease.
If your satiation gauge ever empties, you will begin to starve, lowering all stats by an additional 30% and causing you to take damage until you restore satiation.
Dying of starvation will reset you to 1/3rd of your satiation gauge. You have been given twenty beginner's mealkits to aid in the start of your journey.
The tutorial seemed to sense when you finished reading it, because it disappeared. You checked the description of the beginner's mealkits in the moment after, noting that they filled exactly a third of your gauge. Meaning you'd probably need to eat at least two a day...
"They're telling us that if we don't get moving within a week, we'll starve to death. Continually." Kitan summed it up for you. He looked very serious as he pushed up on the bridge of his nose. You filed a mental note that he needed glasses for his character, just so his mannerisms would be more natural.
"Aaaaah~! I'll never let our Hita-Hime starve! I'll give you all my meals! I can survive with just your love, Hita-Hime!" She clung onto you with one arm, piles of little bento boxes filling her free hand as she tried to offer them to you.
"You're not gonna starve, Fluffy." You said it happily despite the dire news of starvation putting even more rain on people's parades. "We're gonna be fine. I'm not gonna let you go hungry for me, we've got this." You did your best to pat her head without knocking over the unstable tower of food that more than a few people were eyeing after she took them out of her inventory.
"Eeee~ Of course we'll be fine with you here!" If nothing else she wasn't scared of anything, that was for sure.
"With a time limit on getting started, we should make a plan." Kitan was ignoring Fluffy's outbursts for once, the current situation more pressing to the Kirin boy than the leech attached to your arm. "Did you have any ideas, Hita-chan?"
"I think we should try to get some more people for our group. If combat is as hard as people make it sound, three priests without any sort of warrior in front might be... bad." Strength in numbers was the biggest strength you had - but apparently only two of your viewers ended up in the same starter village as you. Who did you want to attempt to recruit to helping you in your future plans?
[x] A. De Na, the tortoise fog warrior who tried to assault an npc, and got a few hours in jail. He's willing to fight, and having a better outlet for his anger might be good. [x] B. Satoshi-San and Seto, the other pair who were trying to cheer people up in town. They both seem to be Blessed Vessels, since they were dragons who clearly were wearing Katana. [x] C. Dark-Blood, the Dragon Necromancer who is just a kid. He may be just a kid, but having a ghost summon would mean not needing to have anyone get stabbed who could feel pain. [x] D. Lightning Hoof, the Kirin Windrunner who is mostly angry at herself for the predicament - having a strong source of damage wouldn't be out of place, and she seems more frustrated than scared. [x] E. Ichi-San, the Tiger Claw who got mad and stormed off to go hunt. He'd already died once, but he seemed fired up to go fight some more... but he was kinda a jerk who made his girlfriend cry. [x] F. Ichi-Chan, the Armory Priest who really doesn't want to go fight. Maybe convincing her to face her fears is for the best? At the very least, she could stand back and provide more buffs for you and Fluffy to use.
This is approval voting, because I like changing the vote method between every single vote apparently. Vote for whoever you'd be okay with becoming part of the crew/who you think would synergize best. You will (probably) get the top two, possibly even the top three depending on who are picked/how good your charisma results are.
Recruiting more people to join you was one thing - but you still needed to actually do something. Yelling at NPCs didn't do anything for anyone who tried it, so that was out the door. And you couldn't comfort people with no hope. Which meant you had a few options left to investigate with your group, new and old.
[x] H. Travel outside the village to try and level up, get loot, and hopefully find success in doing so.
[x] I. Try to investigate the town as a group, and see if there are any more specific quests to pursue for village.
[x] J. Go to the Guardhouse you were invited to, and see what the 'advice' the guards were offering meant.
[x] K. Go outside the village to explore - fighting isn't the goal, getting the lay of the land is. This is back to raffle for now. They're all valid options! They all could be fitting to the moment! But which is gonna win?
Just to note, I tallied and started writing this right when I warned I would be closing votes. 3 people voted after this time.
You had a few people in mind when Kitan asked that - but you weren't exactly sure how most of them would respond to being asked. But there was one person, frustrated and annoyed who you almost instantly knew would be willing to join in. Her class wasn't built to solo, and she seemed to realize that enough to not rush out in her anger. So you went back to Lightning Hoof, with both of your viewers behind you. She was still glaring at everything around her, but she wasn't yelling at herself anymore - or hitting her antlers against the wall.
"What the hell do you want this time? I stopped hurting myself, it's fine." She groused as you got closer with your group, glaring daggers at you all. "I know it doesn't help anything to do that, you don't need to come check up on me."
"Well good! Because that's not it at all! I wanted to come see if you wanted to, you know, come do stuff with us." You motioned to your friends... you didn't really need to. Fluffy-nee was literally holding onto your arm quite firmly, and Kitan was glaring back the second Lightning had dared to look your way. "Like I was saying earlier, I'm a streamer and these are some of my followers, but I thought... well, why not make some new friends too!" Made sense to you. "And if things are as hard as they sound, the more people we get together the more likely we are to win!"
She looked at the three of you dubiously, before shrugging a shoulder, "What the hell. Sure, I guess I can join you. My class doesn't seem super good at soloing anyways. What're you guys playing?"
"I'm an Armory Priest." You said it with a small smile, "I picked it because I thought my viewers would like a classic catgirl-like look, and well... Tiger Claw seemed a little too violent for my stream, you know? And I could interact with them more with a pet class!"
Fluffy lit up as you made you reasonings known, "My name is Fluffy-Nee!!!! But you can call me Nee~chan~! Iiiii chose Armory Priest because I wanted to match with my Hita-hime, and I knew as soon as I saw them that she'd pick it! The race, the class, everything! I was like, so super certain. Because I'm her biggest fan!" She held you even more tightly as she said that.
"I picked White-Gold because it was the only healer. And I knew that it would be my job to keep Hita-chan from being hurt." He glared at Fluff even as he said that, "And it being able to burn away unwanted pests was a bonus too."
"...Riiiight." She seemed a little more dubious after seeing your 'friends', but she introduced herself anyways, "I picked Windrunner because..." A scratch of her cheek, "I liked the sounds of the Kirin, but being a healer seemed boring?"
"I dunno, I thought being a healer sounded fun too! You get to make sure other people are doing good after all. But I'm sure a Windrunner will be super useful! We don't really have a lot of damage output between us. I think. We haven't actually tried. Anyways, I had another person in mind for the group. The more the merrier after all!"
"I mean, I guess..?" Lightning gave an awkward shrug.
As you started to back to where you remembered Dark-Blood sitting after you comforted him, you found him looking a little intimidated as two of the taller Dragon's you saw earlier sort of... loomed over him, their deep blue hair, pale vampire like skin, and sickly eyes not exactly making them look friendly... though Dark-Blood had looks much the same. "We just wanted to check in on you. We're trying to figure out who's going to need help going forward, and who isn't." Seto had a smile on his face, but due to the look of his avatar it looked sinister. Even you could see that.
"Are you alright, Dark-kun?" You spoke up from behind the two sickly Dragons, "I was just looking for you, and I almost missed you!" You butted into the situation without knowing anything about it quite readily, "Oh! Wait!" You paused for a second as you looked at the people 'harassing' him, "Oh, you two were the ones going around trying to help people calm down, weren't you? Nice to meet you! I'm Hita Von Fluffens! You can look me up on - well, actually, nevermind! You can't really look me up right now, since I can't stream! But hi!"
"Hello." Satoshi-san gave a little bow to you as he greeted you, "I am Satoshi-San... but ah." There was a light blush on his face, "You can just call me Satoshi. The name was just..." He mumbles as he trails off, trying to excuse his weebishness to someone he need make no excuse to.
"I'm Seto." The second one is less polite than Satoshi, his tone annoyed, "We're trying to put together a census of who we need to help most. You know, the ones who aren't gonna be willing to go out and fight."
"Oh! Well, I'm kinda doing similar. Sort of. The opposite? Yeah! I'm doing the opposite!" You went through the possibilities for a moment, speaking out loud and then giggling. Satoshi scratched his cheek as you spoke, while Seto just stared at you, "I don't want everyone to lose hope, so my friends and I are gonna start heading out. And I figured... why not ask some more people if they wanna join us? And then we can have more friends, and it'll be even better! And tada, now we have a Lightning Hoof!" You raise your hands like a girl on a gameshow showcasing a prize to show her off.
Dark Blade looked uncomfortably around at the now six people around him, his eyes a little wide. "You... you shouldn't go out there and get hurt, Ms Fluffens..." He seemed concerned about you, at least.
"Oh! That's actually part of why I wanted to ask if you wanted to come!" You said it happily to the younger boy, giggling as you did. "After all, you're a necromancer right? And you can summon a ghost? Aaaand that ghost probably doesn't feel pain! And that way none of us have to feel injured!"
"Aww, he's so cute too!" Fluffy chimed in, "I mean, not cute like you Hita-hime, but cute like a mascot! Though you're cute like a mascot too! Even cuter really!"
"Don't you think he seems a little nervous, Hita-chan? It wouldn't do if he broke during a fight and ran away. Then you could get hurt." Kitan was a little severe.
"Wait wait wait," Seto butted in, "You're just gonna invite a kid to come fight with you? No questions asked? Doesn't that seem a little... cold?" He was quirking a brow.
"I mean, it's better than being stuck here. And we could keep him safe! I mean, he'd just need to stand back near Kitan and heal his ghost. And that way he wont starve! It's like, a winwinwinwinwin for us all!" You nodded vigorously. Your logic was perfect.
"We were planning to simply buy meals for those who weren't willing to fight, so they wouldn't have to suffer." Satoshi looked a little sad at your logic for some reason, though he still avoided looking directly at you. "There's no need for them to be forced to go out."
"Oh!" You paused for a second, "Oh, yeah. That makes sense. If we're out adventuring, we could probably find food for you too, if you wanna stay here Dark! I just wasn't sure. It's fine if you don't wanna fight, I like, totaaaally understand." It had never dawned on you to just feed the kid without forcing him to fight.
But he looked btween Seto and Satoshi and you and... he pushed himself up off the floor, "I... I'd like to try to help. I-if you're going to be risking getting hurt, Miss Fl-fluffens... I-I'd rather help too. I... I can't just rely on other people all the time."
"Yay!" You wrapped the kid in a hug, pulling him right against you, "I promise we'll keep you safe! Don't worry! Fluffy and I are going to be wayyyy closer to the monsters than you. And with Lightning and your summon that'll be a lot of people before they can reach you!"
Seto and Satoshi exchanged a look, and then Seto said, "Fine. Then we're joining you too. If your goals are to help people, so are ours. And there is strength in numbers, like you said."
You weren't expecting them to just volunteer like that, but you left the hug with Dark - the boy looking extremely awkward after it ended, especially as Fluffy and Kitan both glared at him - to celebrate it, "Oh, yay! That'll be like... even better. Uuuuhhm... so we have Me and Fluffy-nee, and we're Armory Priests! And Kitan-Von here is a White Gold Priest, so he's our healer! And Lightning Hoof's a Windrunner, so she'll do big dps... and with Dark that's a necromancer and their summon... aand... two... Blesseds? Right? That's what you were called?"
"Blessed Vessels, yes. We actually bonded over making the same class choice before the announcement. It's how we got to know each other." Satoshi-san nodded to Seto.
"We don't need you two." Kitan said it seriously, "That's too much melee at once. With everyone included, that'd be two priests and their weapons, a necromancer's summon, a windrunner, and you two. And I'm the only healer, I can't be constantly babysitting you as you kill yourselves fighting." He was much harsher than you were willing to be... but as usual, he made sense.
At least until Seto's katana disappeared, and in its place was a yumi and a quiver on his side, "Luckily for you, we can use all weapons and armor. We start with a katana and a bow, so we can just stay at range if you need us to." Satoshi brought out his own as if to show that he had one too, just a moment later.
"See, Kitan! Stop being a meany, the more the merrier! Even if we all had swords, I'm sure we'd find a way to work together and make it work!"
He grumbled out a, "Fine. Just don't shoot anyone in the back."
"And stop staring at Hita-hime! She's mine, I've been following her for years!" Fluffy latched onto your arms as she glared at Satoshi in particular.
Lighting Hoof
Race: Beastkin Class: Kirin Windrunner
Skill: --
Loyalty: -
Courage: +
Dark Blade
Race: Beastkin Class: Azure Necromancer
You cleared her throat as she declared you were hers, "Before anything else, some of the Guards invited us to go to the Guardhouse for training if we wanted pointers. Since everyone's saying the combat is too hard and even killing one monster is difficult, I was thinking... that seemed like a good idea? Yeah?" You were a little worried that someone wouldn't like the idea of delaying going out... but to your surprise, it was mostly nodding heads.
"Yeah, that makes sense."
"Practice makes perfect."
"Better than getting injured."
"Whatever you wanna do!"
"How'd you already make friends with the Guards?"
With the group in agreement - and you pointedly ignoring explaining how Fluffy and Kitan tried to fight each other earlier and nearly got arrested for it - you made your way towards the large barracks marked with the Tiger's flag, just at the beginning of the Western section. You'd seen the guards dragging that Tortoise who tried to punch the shopkeep in here earlier, so you knew where to go!
One older Kirin looked at you blankly as you moved towards the door, "State your business." He said it in a bored manner from his chair. You could tell that he didn't want to be out there at the door. "If you don't have any official business here, please move along. We're too busy to deal with kids today. Four assaults and a robbery in just a couple hours." He glares for just a moment, "You Awoken aren't exactly living up to your storied standards."
You can tell Kitan is getting annoyed - and Lightning looks ready to start a fight. So you move yourself between them and the older man, taking up the job of acting as face easily, "Oh, I am so sorry to bother you while you are so busy today. I just had a lovely encounter a few hours ago with Kuga-san and Hyou-san! They were so funny, you know!" You giggled as you said that, "and they recommended that I come here if my friends and I wanted some advice and direction from those who know far more about fighting than us." You were a sweet talker, that was for sure - you could see his expression lightening, "Of course, if you're too busy I understand... but we just really wanted to learn all we could from the experience of you all."
He was practically grinning, a blush covering his old face as the young girl praised him and his Knowledge and Experience. A finger came up and rubbed under his nose, "Well, I didn't mean we're too busy for official business. If Kuga and Hyou offered our help, it'd be rude to their names not to fulfil that offer." He stood up, pushing open the door as he did, "Please, come in. I'll see who we can spare for instructors, and meet you in the training square behind the building. Hmm, and bring out some training weapons. We haven't had trainees in a long time."
"Oh, I would be happy to help you with that, Raji-san~!" You jumped at the chance, both to make a good impression and because he seemed old and making him carry everything himself would be rude. You read the black name above his head.
"I'll help too!" Fluffy said it quickly, before anyone else could join in. She clung to you tightly.
"Well well, diligent and respectful Tigers for once! I'm going to have to stop teasing Hyou about how rude his family is at this rate, you're making too good an impression! I can't believe Kuga told you my name, and you even got it right." He laughed one of those old man laughs. "Come with me then."
You split off from the party as Fluffy and you went further into the guard house - it was really large, for how small the village seemed to be. And well decorated too. And warm - every room had a fireplace. Even though they were simply guards, the fact that these were Beastkin - and elder ones at that - clearly meant they were important people at one time or another, "Is it rude why if I ask why you aren't retired, Raji-san~?" You were curious. Why were some of the Beastkin working, when otherwise it just seemed to be humans running commerce for their families that were retired here.
"Oh, no, it's not rude. I know I'm old, young lady! Haha!" He laughed again - despite his age, you had to basically run to keep up with him in the hallway you went down, "I tried the whole retirement thing. But my wife said I was driving her crazy, walking in circles until I burned holes in the floor! So I decided to keep myself active by volunteering down here. It's the same for most of us. It's boring being retired!" He came to a stop at the door, "Right, this should be where the training materials are..." He pushed open the door... or tried. It took a moment, and then you jumped in to help before it started to slide open, "Oof... this thing hasn't been opened in years... lets hope it's all still in usable shape."
Despite the timeframe since it last was opened, besides collections of cobwebs and dust the training weapons were still in good shape. Wooden swords, bows, staves, blunted spears, they had it all. "Oooh... oh. Wait. I can't use any weapons!" You said it out loud, frowning. You were a priest, not a weapon user... even if you did sort of use weapons. But those had to have blades, so wooden ones wouldn't really work.
"Yeah we can, Hita-hime!" Fluffy had been right behind you the whole way down the hall, and when you stopped she was practically on your back - but now she had already made her way into the room, grabbing a staff from the wall mount, "We have a staff proficiency!" She swung it through the air a couple times, "They probably mean magic staves, but this works too!"
You rushed into grab one too - instantly trying to pull off a cool move by attempting to twirl it through the air in front of you. Except by the third rotation you missed as you moved to switch hands and instead sent it flying up into the air, where it hit the ceiling - and then forced you to run out of the way before it came back down.
"It's always good to know how to use a weapon even if you're more of priestly type, girls." Raji had a happy smile as he looked at you two, like a grandparent watching their child play around, "Too many place all their eggs in the basket of their magic, and then... well, then they don't get to make it to live here. And I'd hope in fifty, sixty years you'll be here yourselves!" He laughed as he said that. "So feel free to take whichever of the practice weapons you think people would like back out to the training square. I'm gonna go round up a few more of us to share our experience and knowledge with you." He rubbed under his nose again as he said that, clearly happy.
A spear for Lighting Hoof, sword and bow for Satoshi-san and Seto, staves for you and Fluffy... you weren't sure what to bring back for Dark or Kitan, so you just brought back an assortment really. All of the training weapons had the same stats - a damage range of 1-1, particularly.
"My class weapon is 'rods', apparently. None of these qualify. However, my starting rod," White light appeared in his hand as Kitan pulled it from his inventory, a small silver rod about half the size of a baseball bat, or a little larger than a magical girl wand, "also has a physical damage range of 1-1. Perhaps they will allow me to use it."
"...I... I use tomes." Dark frowned, pulling out a beaten up book from the same light that Kitan just had, "Tomes and Scrolls. I-I doubt I'll be able to block anything with these."
"Correct!" A very loud yet hoarse woman entered the room - and if you thought the other three Guards you had met looked old, this woman looked practically ancient. Her face was sunken in to the point where you could make out every bone in her body. And yet she was still moving, and still quite loud, "You'll be with me, kiddo. The important thing for us is learning how to support our spirits. Not physical training. I can help you with that."
Raji came back with an unfamiliar tiger woman, as well as Kuga, the tortoise from earlier in the day, "Which means the other three of you will be with us. We need to get a feel for your capabilities, so we know what we're working with. So to start off, you're going to show us your basics."
You had fairly good physical stats despite your priest class, probably due to being a Tiger... but you weren't a professional fighter or anything. Most of the time when you played games it was with groups from your chat and while you wouldn't say you got carried fairly frequently, it was more just for fun than for winning. So you weren't surprised when your evaluation was less than stunning... but neither were most of the group's.
"I understand that three of you are priests but... that's no excuse. What were your parents thinking, your training is so lacking. The program I was expecting to use for you would be way too advance. Only one of you shows even close to the ability to follow it... but as a Dragon I can't okay it unless we get some more basic training into you, Seto." The tiger woman, Momo was harsh with you.
"Yes ma'am." He was panting for breath just from the demonstration. Him and Satoshi definitely had lower stats than you - when you asked them their physical stats, you were shocked to hear they had six in all three of them. That meant you had eight points of strength on them, and you weren't even a weapon class.
You weren't given the chance to say no as Raji said, "Instead, we'll be working on the most basic of basics. You will follow my instructions." He twirled his training staff in one hand, while Momo played with her claws absently, "And maybe in a week you'll be ready for Momo's."
You had spent the whole day without even using your staff. You'd mostly exercised and been told to move your feet better while Raji aimed at you. He never really hurt any of you, but the practice was meant to show how flatfooted each of you were. Seto instead just exercised until exhaustion... and then returned as soon as he could. But at the end of the night Raji gave a nod, "Well, none of you gave up in the middle of it. So that's praiseworthy. I know my grandkids would probably have given up and gone home before lunch time." He gave a little laugh.
"I... didn't know... that was... an option..." You tried to make a joke, but you were exhausted. Literally - another pop up had appeared moments before.
As the day goes on, your rest meter will slowly decrease over time. Physical activity and strenuous tasks will decrease your rest meter more quickly than non-strenuous tasks. Your rest meter can be recovered by sleeping, and better sleeping arrangements will recover rest more quickly.
When your rest meter reaches twenty five percent of its usual capacity, you are considered tired. Your movement, attack, and casting speed is reduced by 25% when tired. When your rest meter reaches ten percent of its usual capacity, you are considered exhausted. All of these statistics are reduced by an additional 50% when exhausted.
When your rest meter reaches zero, you will fall unconscious no matter where you are, until you reach the ten percent mark.
You'd expected it after you found out eating was a thing, but sleeping was also something. And you'd spent an entire day practicing with the guards instead of doing anything to get money, food, or knowledge about what was going on.
Raji laughed at your joke regardless of its delivery, "You can always give up. But I'm very proud of all of you for making it through the day. I've already arranged for one of my servants to prepare the old barracks for you tonight, if you wish to stay here. Though it is only one room, so you will have to sleep co-ed. If that would be a problem, there are also two inns I could suggest for you to stay in, so you could have private rooms. Feel free to discuss it over your dinner together."
As he gave a short bow before leaving, another window popped up.
You have completed hidden quest 'The Guard's Basics step 1 of 10'.
Reward: +1 to strength, dexterity, and stamina.
You have began the hidden quest 'The Guard's Basics Step 2 of 10'
The guards of Asahi have taken a liking to you, and have begun training you despite - or perhaps because of - your failure to impress them with your prowess. Make them proud by attending to their lessons each day, and improve yourself.
Goal: Practice with Raji daily until he is satisfied. 0/1
Reward: ???
On quest failure: 'The Guard's Basics' cancelled.
The food Raji's servant had provided was much tastier than the beginner meal kit of dried meats and veggies with rice that was undercooked and cold. It was fresh, first of all. The fish in it tasted real, and it tasted good - you had eaten most of it before you could even start discussing what had gone on during the day. Or the surprise quest completion at the end of it all. You were tired, and you were starving.
But Seto brought it up anyways, "Maybe we should try to convince more people to come train with the Guards. They're providing us food and beds for free just so long as we're training with them. It's hard work, but it's better than starving."
"If they can train with the guards, that is." Kitan said it with a small bit of hostility, "Don't forget that we only got the chance because Hita-chan convinced them to train us. They weren't interested in us before she stepped up.
"Well, maybe she could convince them to train everyone!" Seto replied to that hostility with a bit of his own, the two of them bumping heads already.
"Uhmmm." You butted in as you sensed the conflict, "I'm right here. I'd be happy to try and help, but I don't know if they'll be able to take everyone. There only seems to be like a dozen of them... and theres like, fifty? of us? Not including us six!" You tried to think hard about it.
"I doubt their barracks could even fit everyone." Lightning Hoof was happy to make her own two cents known, "I think we should just be happy we have this, and take advantage of it while we can."
You'd finished your food, but Fluffy was trying to feed you from her chopstick now, as the talk went on. She giggled the second you ate the bite of the fish, wiggling in her seat next to you.
"The rewards are... nice, and all." Satoshi spoke up from his own meal, which he'd devoured almost as quickly as you, "But if it's really one of ten, and we need to do ten days of this... people would be running out of food by the time we're done. We need to be out hunting, getting gold and food for them, if rescue really doesn't come for that long."
"It's not our job." Kitan was more than happy to play the bad guy in your chat, and in the game, "This is a chance Hita-chan earned for us - and who knows what tomorrow's rewards will be. I wouldn't be surprised if it got better each round of it we completed."
"Wooow, that's meaaaan Vonny-von. You're so cruel!" Fluffy taunted him from her spot - you right between them. "I'm happy to do whatever Hita-hime wants to do~ be that staying here or going to fight monsters!"
"He's right though." Lightning Hoof huffed as she said it, "They're teaching us how to fight, providing us food, providing us beds, and we're gaining stats for it. Who knows if we might lose this chance now."
"W-wait you guys gained stats?" Dark Blade spoke up from his position down at the far end of the table you were using, "I-I just got some experience points for my Call Spirit skill, and a bit of affinity for my Ashigaru. Toyo-san was really nice... b-but I want stats!" He seemed jealous... and like he wasn't that concerned over whether or not you supported everyone.
How do you want to approach the situation?
A. Agree with Kitan and Lightning Hoof - you don't want to see your friends get hurt by being unprepared. Stick with the training hidden quest.
B. Agree with Kitan and Lightning Hoof, but try to work out a compromise to keep Seto and Satoshi from potentially leaving the group. Write in your idea if you have a specific plan you think would work for this. C. Agree with Seto and Satoshi - while the quest is nice, getting people to a more comfortable and stable position is more important.
D. Agree with Seto and Satoshi - but try to get more days of training in before you leave. You should comfortably have 7 days until people run out of food.
E. Try and convince the guards to let more players train with them, and try to convince the players to train if they say yes, to make both sides happy.
"I think Kitan's right about the training being worthwhile, and that we should stick with it!" You started off nodding to your mod, because they deserved to hear that they were right. Seto and Satoshi looked sad as you said that, and you continued quickly, "But! That doesn't mean we have to just... abandon helping others. I mean, I have nineteen of my beginner meals left, and a hundred gold. I bet we all have similar, no?" There were nodded heads amongst verbal agreements... Lightning Hoof frowned as she seemed to get what you were going to say before you said it, "It seems like if we pooled aaaaalll of it together!" You made a huge sweeping motion with your arms, bringing everything towards you, "We could probably have a few more days before people start really suffering. That'd give us enough time to finish training and then help more!"
Seto and Satoshi looked at each other for a moment, and Lightning Hoof pouted in her own little spot... but fluffy and Kitan were quick to agree with you.
"I'll happily give you all my food, Hita-hime~!"
"If you've decided to take care of people, I will do what I can to help you in that."
Dark Blade was a little more hesitant, but he gave a little nod, "If... if you think it's for the best."
The two Dragons talked amongst themselves as they seemed to consider it.
"We'd still be cutting it close..."
"But there's no telling we'll even be trapped here for that long."
"If we are though, will we have wasted time?"
"I mean, if it's as hard out there as everyone was saying, I don't think training is wasted. And having a bigger group is good - how many others do you think care about anyone out there?"
Seto sighed as Satoshi got the last word in, "I suppose if people aren't actively starving while I'm doing the training, it's a good idea to pursue it together." He seemed on edge still, but he gave a little bow of his head, "Pooling our resources is a good idea."
"Hey. I still didn't agree to this." Lightning Hoof looked offended that your offer was just accepted without her chiming in at all, "It's not my problem if people can't feed themselves. They could go walk to the temples and ask to get a job there. Or they could have come here and seen if the Guards would help them. Or even just go move boxes at one of those shops to keep some food on the table. Why do I have to babysit them?"
"It's not about babysitting anyone, Lightning!" You protested as she made it seem so bad, "We're just working together to make sure everyone survives this experience. It's not fair to any of us after all!"
"Yeah, it's not fair to any of us. So why should they just get to be coddled? I didn't sign up to be some caretaker of the poor or whatever you're thinking of yourselves as. I signed up to get stronger and hopefully beat up whatever dumbass developer avatar they have waiting around for us to stab." She crossed her arms, "If they wanna go take care of the poor and needy, that's on them - I shouldn't have to."
"I mean..." You hesitated for a second, you weren't used to dealing with this. "I can't force you to listen to me. I wouldn't even try. I just think we'll have a better chance working together than not... if you don't agree, you don't have to stay." It was quiet, implicit. You put her on the spot as you made it a her vs the group situation.
She looked to Kitan, the other person who had opposed babysitting the others... but she received far from the reply she wanted, "The only reason any of us are able to benefit from this hidden training quest is due to Hita-chan's influence. If she wants us to give her our food and gold to feed others as her payment for it, it's her right. If you do not want to pay it, you can always leave the quest behind and make your own way. If you think you can."
"..." She glared down at the ground as Kitan talked down to her, "...Fine." Soon enough the nineteen meals were out of her inventory, "You're right and I'm wrong. I don't want to leave the group." The stares from Fluffy and Kitan elicited a continuing response from the girl, "I'm sorry for being a jerk about it. Please forgive me." Fluffy looked smug from her spot next to you as the apology came out.
"Of course I accept your apology, Lightning! I get it - it's a really stressful situation. And we're giving up our safety net to provide for others - if the Guards decide we're not good enough, oops, what are we gonna do. But it just means we need to work together even more!" You did your best to try and inspire them, "We have this secret hidden opportunity just for us, and we're going to make the most of it. And then we're going to be so ready that we'll easily crush everything plaguing the town and it wont even be hard to help people if we want to."
Fluffy cheered loudly at your speech, the others mostly just nodded their heads - Kitan just kept a leveled stare at the still clearly not completely satisfied Lightning Hoof.
The next morning came bright and early, as you had to fight for your life as a sudden ringing bell sent you literally falling out of the small bed you were in within the barracks. Kitan's threats had managed to secure you a bed to yourself instead of Fluffy sneaking in, but it was still small enough that the sudden noise sent you right off the edge from where you were laying. Only after you looked up from the ground did you see Raji the Kirin guard laughing heartily at you all from the doorway, "Up and at'm trainees. Don't you know us oldfolks like to wake early and go to sleep before it's dark? Chop chop! My bones aren't getting any younger you know!"
You were not the early to rise type - you controlled your own schedule after all, you streamed when you wanted to. Which meant you ate when you wanted to, woke up when you wanted to, did whatever you wanted to do basically when you wanted to. So having a schedule enforced on you was weird and foreign. But you did your best to smile as you said, "Yes sir!" There was nothing to gain by complaining or being mad about it.
"Right, yesterday I got a feel for where you each were already and especially where you were weakest. Today I'm going to start training you according to those weaknesses - some people might say that a Kirin who is fast enough doesn't need to be able to take a hit." He looked directly at Lightning Hoof as he said that, "But I'm standing here at a hundred and twelve years old, and I've buried plenty of my fellows who were faster than I've ever been." His look was a little sad as he said that... and then noticed Dark, "Oh, right. Kuzu said to send you to where you were practicing yesterday. I tried to convince her that you needed to strengthen your body too, but she opposed the idea."
Dark looked right at you and frowned but as you smiled and waved at him he said, "O-okay. B..bye then..."
"Anyways." Raji turned back to the rest of you, "For my Tigers, you'll be doing agility training. I've set up an old netted rope over the ground with some stakes." He pointed down to where you could see it, "The rope's just big enough that if you step through it fully and then try to raise your foot without changing how you're standing, you'll trip yourself and fall. You're both going to be running that as fast as you can."
Fluffy seemed elated at being paired with you, while you were... grimacing. Physical hard work was hard, and you didn't quite like the fact that it hurt as much as exercising in real life. But you'd spent so much time and effort convincing people to stick with the training... you couldn't be the one to chicken out. "Of course, Raji-sensei." You gave a deep respectful bow, and he rubbed under his nose as you called him sensei, clearly flattered.
"For my Kirin grandchildren," the look was full of happiness as he called them that, "You'll be running laps around the perimeter until you can't run anymore. And then you'll jog until you can't jog anymore. And then you'll walk until you can't walk anymore. And then you'll crawl until I say you're done crawling. You need to build up your body's stamina more than anything."
"If you say so." Kitan gave a nod at least.
"Sure." Lightning Hoof didn't even nod as she took her instructions.
"And well... my Dragons... you're all hopeless. Your Ancestor should be praised for her dedication to the world, but I am sorry to say that I can see why most of your people eschew the battlefield, to instead work in record keeping and governance. You are equally sad in every respect, and I will be personally overseeing your training to try and see what, if anything, we can do for that."
Your training was more hands off than the day before, but it wasn't easy. The ropes were sized exactly as he said - each time you stepped down, you had to angle your foot down. But if you tried to just stay on your tip toes, your balance was awful and your entire back hated you after just a bit. So you had to step down gracefully, and then as you raised your foot point your toes again. It was the oddest training you had ever heard of, and you tripped and fell dozens of times through the day. Fluffy was always quick to rush over to help you up, and you her though.
You saw Kitan and Lightning throughout the day running past you. And then jogging past you. And then running again. And then walking... Raji seemed quite serious when he said they would crawl if it kept them moving, because the only times you really saw him was when they stopped for longer than a minute or so to catch their breath. You weren't sure where he was even coming from until you heard him scolding them for not working hard enough - he had disappeared with the dragon twins for their individual training.
You ate what felt like a late lunch but in reality was just around noon - once more Raji's servants had brought out a meal for you to enjoy. This time he stayed with you, Kuzu, the very loud Dragon who sounded like her throat was torn to shreds also joined you with Dark. The food was 'simple' veggie buns, but they were delicious to your tired self, and Raji laughed as you devoured two in bites, "Feel free to enjoy yourself. After a workout you need to eat. If you keep working hard, perhaps I'll have to make sure you make you a separate meal. Just because I can't handle a heavy meal of meat during the day doesn't mean you kids couldn't, hmm?" He raised an eyebrow, giving a laugh.
"You seem more alive than you have in months, Raji." Kuzu said it in a still loud voice, like she had to fight to make her voice heard, "Does it remind you of our time in the army, training those kids who didn't know their claws from their tails? Keeping them from getting themselves killed."
You perked up as you heard that, "Oh, you were in the military Raji-sensei~?" Showing interest in others was the best way to get them to like you - and it wasn't hard, since you were always interested in basically everyone. "Is that why you have so much to teach us?"
He raised an eyebrow at that, "I have so much to teach you because you're all hopeless!" He laughed at his own joke, "But I've worked with worse. At least you know how to listen, that's better than half those glory hounds we had to deal with during the last war."
"War?" Fluffy asked it with bun still in her mouth.
The both of them frowned and shook their head, "Don't ask." Was all Kuzu said on it.
It definitely killed the mood of the nice lunch, a dark cloud hanging over the two of them the rest of the day.
You were already hitting the 'tired' debuff when you finished lunch, that was how intense the workout was. But Raji wasn't done with you yet, "Now that you've each done a lot of focused training, we're just going to do some light generalized exercise together. Just like yesterday, when I say to drop - drop and do a pushup. When I say to sprint, hit the wall and come back to your starting spot. When I say to dodge - you'd better not get hit with the training spear I'm holding. Pay attention and you'll do fine."
"Good work everyone. I'm heading back for the night, but Kuzu said she'd send a servant out with food for you all in a couple of hours. Remember - bright and early in the morning. Whoever is the last one up and out of bed, I'm giving you extra lessons." The old man laughed as he said his goodbyes - you, Seto, and Satoshi bowed deeply to the man. Fluffy and Kitan at least gave small bows of their own.
You have completed hidden quest 'The Guard's Basics, Step 2 of 10'
You have gained +4 to your lowest physical stats - +3 has been allocated to dexterity, +1 to stamina.
You have gained the hidden quest 'The Guard's Basics, Step 3 of 10'
You saw that the quest info mimicked yesterday's quests - simply train with Raji until he was satisfied, and don't miss a day or the quest ends. But the reward had already gone up by one, relatively. You weren't exactly sure what the change was with the dexterity, but you thought maybe... just maybe? That you were walking a little faster. Or maybe your legs just felt so much like jelly that you felt like you were going faster.
"I gained three stamina and a strength, Hita-chan." Kitan reported his own benefits to you.
"One in each, and an extra stamina." Satoshi was next.
"I got my second point in dexterity instead. Guess it just chose randomly." Seto chimed in.
"I just got stamina." Lightning was last...
Except that Fluffy yelled out, "I got exactly the same as you, Hita-Hime!" As if it was a surprise. No one said anything as she seemed so happy about matching with you.
Until Kitan said, "Of course you did, you've got the same class and none of us have raised our stats at all, you idiot."
She looked dumbstruck for a moment, her eyes going wide as she took in that info. She lowered herself to the ground in a split second and started to 'whisper' to herself... very loudly, "Kyaahhh now I looked stupid in front of Hita!! Stupidstupid!!!" Before popping up suddenly and pointing her finger at Kitan, "How dare you make me look stupid!"
"It's not just looking. You are stupid." He laughed at his own insult.
"How dare you! Call blade!" Suddenly a small wakizashi was flying through the air around her, "I'll kick your butt, Kitan!"
Seto and Satoshi seemed really worried about the fight going on, but you just said, "Lets go hand out these meals and try to get things organized, before we run out of all our rest."
"...Shouldn't we stop them from fighting?" Satoshi-san asked you it with a worried glance to where Kitan was now throwing fireballs at Fluffy, her blade intercepting some, others missing, and just a handful being avoided by the girl.
"Oh, no, don't worry! They're always like that, it's okay!" You weren't worried at all, and the two dragons... slowly came after you as you left the chaos behind.
'Four Spirits General Market' seemed like the best place to go based on the fresh fruits and veggies right outside on the outdoor stalls. You stepped inside to find an old human man and two younger looking dwarves running it, the dwarves wearing the same clothes as Raji's servants had been. "Oh." The owner opened an eye to look at you, raising a small circular glass to presumably see you better, "Another of the Awoken, is it? You'd best not try to steal from me as well. The guards will catch you, you hear." He coughed into a sleeve as he said that, his anger apparently fresh.
"I promise I'm not here to steal." You gave a bow to the older man, "In fact I am here to make a purchase if I could, Goto-sama." You had seen enough anime to know that respecting your elders was the right thing to do here, "I was wondering how much it would cost to purchase some basic meals for eating out in the field."
"Hhhrrrm. Fifteen gold." He gave a nod towards one of the Dwarves, who ran over with a [Basic Mealkit] that was equivalent to your Beginner ones, but had a level limit of twenty and below. "Thirty gold for the next step."
You did the math quickly in your head. And then you conferred with Satoshi before you said the number... and once you were corrected you said, "I'll take forty six of them." You may have almost only gotten thirty eight somehow. You weren't sure where your math had gone wrong, but you trusted Satoshi and Seto's correction.
His eye went a little wide as you made that order, "Perchance you could tell this old man why you need so much?" There was a little distrustful glint to his eyes, "Not hoping to take advantage of anyone if our supplies keep not coming in, are you?"
"Never!" The idea was ghoulish at best! "As you said, some of my fellow players haven't been adapting well to our being trapped here. Many of them, I'm afraid, might simply die if no one helps them. So my friends and I decided to pool all of what we had, to help those who were feeling less secure than us. I promise all of what I buy will be donated to help keep people from feeling like they need to steal!" You put a hand on your heart as if to show your sincerity.
"Hrm. I must be getting old, because I actually believe you. I'll tell you what, I'll knock the price down to twelve gold just this once... and throw in a couple extra for making a bulk purchase." He had a kindly smile now, "It's the job of us old timers to encourage you kids with good moral centers to keep doing good, after all."
"Thank you Goto-sama!"
"Hello everyone!" You were practically standing on the Fountain of Four Spirits as you spoke to the square where most of the players were still lounging around in, being public nuisances by loitering at the least, "My friends and I are here to offer anyone who's worried about if they'll be able to have enough food a few of ours. If you wa-" People were already moving "Waitwaitwait if you want some please line up!" You had to screech out that last bit as at least a dozen people started to rush towards you to get food. They were the proactive ones, at least.
Seto was very detailed oriented and organized - and he noted down every person who you gave meals to, one by one, on paper. Satoshi and you meanwhile confirmed their background and whether they had any interest in trying to adventure... and the vast majority seemed to just be hoping that the proper authorities would be freeing them from their kidnapping as soon as possible. Others seemed too scared of the pain to even consider it an option. Most of the players who were willing to go out and fight had already taken upon themselves to go and do it, and weren't hanging out in the square lazing around during these daylight hours perfect for hunting.
It took nearly an hour and a half to get everything organized and the food given out... but nearly everyone had an extra two days of meals now. A few people had refused to take your pity help, one person had tried to rob you and got carted away by guards - and marked down by Seto as not deserving to be fed - but most of the players who weren't up to the task of finding their own way were happy to just... accept the charity. It left you feeling good, if nothing else.
After training with Raji, you're usually around fifteen percent rest - on the cusp of the Exhausted debuff. That meant going out to try and fight monsters was almost certainly a terrible idea, even with seven of you. But you still had a couple of hours until sundown, and when you had to sleep. The first day you spent those hours comforting the panicked and recruiting Lightning Hoof, Dark Blade, Seto and Satoshi-san. The second day you spent it purchasing and handing out supplies for those who were least well adjusted.
On the third day and beyond you;
[ ] A. Focus on getting to know more of the players who have given up.
[ ] B. Focus on getting closer to some of the Guards.
[ ] C. Explore the town and get to know more about who is in charge and how it's organized.
[ ] D. Spend time getting to know your group better, try to build group cohesion.
[ ] E. Learn more about the troubles plaguing the town, and local monsters.
[ ] F. Spar with your fellow group members despite your Exhaustion.
[ ] G. Learn more about the Four Great Spirits from the temples.
Back to raffle because these are all equally interesting options I believe!
"Hita-chan, it's time to wake up." You were roused from your sleep by a light shaking of your shoulder. Kitan was looking down at you as he did it, raising a finger to his lips, "The sun's just come up, the guard should be here soon. I'm sorry for waking you." He was whispering softly - and just before you could reply, you could hear the same bell that woke you the day before ringing through the barracks you were in.
Just like before Raji seemed to open the door with just enough time for everyone to sort of bleerily blinky their eyes. Kitan was already fully ready to go, and you were a little more aware than the others... while Fluffy and Dark Blade seemed the messiest of the group, both of them rolling over instead - not reacting until Raji opened his mouth, "Alright, up up. If you're not out of bed in the next minute you're out of here."
You were out within a few seconds, stretching and not shocked out of sleep this time around, "Good morning Raji-sensei." You greeted the old Kirin man with a smile.
"Good morning. I hope you're all ready for a good workout because we're going to be pushing you to your limits today. If we're lucky, this'll be the last day of having to just build your strength up, and I'll finally be able to... well, we'll see if you make it."
Training was once again individually curated - but this time other guards came by to help, rather than leaving you on your own to push yourselves. You weren't sure if that was a good sign - that you'd proven worth putting even more resources into, or a bad one where you'd proven you needed to be watched. Hyou, the Tiger who had almost arrested Kitan and Fluffy for public disturbance was amongst them, and you and Fluffy exercised under his care today, while Kitan and Lightning Hoof followed Raji, and Satoshi-san and Seto left with Dark Blade to join Kuzu in getting personalized instruction from the eldest of the Guards.
"I'm surprised you two chose to seek instruction in physical combat. I'm sure Abbess Akane could have taught you better in following the path our Great Ancestor blessed you with." Raji hadn't questioned it at all, but Hyou seemed quite pleased, "Too many who receive a connection to her magical side forget that White Tiger forged her legacy with tooth and nail, destroying enemies with her physical strength long before she became the master of all things weapon." He flicked out his claws for a moment, the slender blades extending from his fingers, the metal coating on them making them shine in the light reflecting off the snowy floor. "Being able to fall back on your own strength is a boon few have."
"Oh!... I didn't even think about that!" You admitted it readily - you'd never even gone to the White Tiger Temple thus far, let alone met any priestesses. Now that he said that, it seemed quite obvious to go seek out a mentor of your actual class... but you were glad you chose to come to the Guards instead. It meant all your group could participate and grow together - except for the fact that you kept getting split up. Still, it was something each of you was doing at the same time. "I just thought you and Kuga-san seemed so funny and kind, that I should seek you out."
"And I just followed Hita-hime!" Fluffy added on helpfully in the split seconds afterwards. She was playing with her cat ears again, as you talked to Hyou.
He gave a little laugh, puffing out his chest for a moment, "Well, you weren't wrong about us being great at least. We're all happy to have you here, I can tell you that. And I think you'll find the value in the training soon enough."
"I was wondering though, are we taking you away from important duties?" You weren't super worried when it was just Raji and Kuzu, but now four guards were being pulled to help you guys train. You'd only seen six total thus far, which seemed like not many for a town with at least a couple hundred residents, not counting their servants.
"Oh, no. We don't do much around here besides chase around people's hooligan grandchildren, or lately deal with those Awoken who came in with you." He gave a sigh as he complained about them, shaking his head, "Honestly I've arrested more people in the last three days than I had in the last three years." The disappointment was palpable in the air, "Oh, not that I blame you, of course. Anyways, unlike most places we don't really deal with monsters usually. The borders are blessed by the Four Spirits, so most monsters can't even approach anywhere near town. So we don't have to go fight or anything. It's mostly just walking around and making ourselves feel useful." He stretched as he said that.
"Speaking of which, I think it's time we get to work. I expect the best out of you both! I know you can do it!"
Hyou's workout routine was intense, and he seemed to understand more than Raji how to work your Tiger Beastkin physiology to its limits. He was also loud and encouraging though - much rowdier than Hyou's training where he just provided advice and small encouragements. Hyou just constantly advised you to be spirited, to draw deep, to pull out that power deep in side, and similar pieces of rather useless advice that still helped you feel like he wanted you to succeed.
And by mid afternoon you thought you had. Your body hurt and you didn't particularly enjoy it, but you stuck with it. You weren't going to give up half way. Unlike you, Fluffy seemed perfectly happy throughout the whole workout and didn't even complain as it ended. Instead she just laid on the floor next to you as you collapsed in heaving breaths, smiling as she watched you the whole time you were suffering.
Hyou, Raji, and Kuzu came together before they came back to meet with you - and everyone seemed to be in similar states. Even Dark Blade had apparently been pushed to work physically it seemed, as he was entirely and completely out of breath, literally collapsing down onto the floor as soon as you were there. Fluffy seemed the least tired of the seven of you, though Kitan stopped breathing hard the second he noticed Fluffy was not openly struggling. There was no real discussion had, as all of you were just too busy catching your breath and laying back in the cool snow. It felt good with how hot your body was.
"I may have been a little too hasty in saying this was your last day doing basic training." Raji came back looking a little disheartened, "I'd hoped for a little more than I suppose was reasonable from you all. This isn't to say I'm disappointed in you." His voice conveyed that disappointment even as he denied it, "I just am too used to my time dealing with the extremely talented, and forgot myself." His words stung but no one had the energy to argue with him. "It's still good progress, I just think we need another day before we move up to sparring."
You have completed hidden quest 'The Guard's Basics, Step 3 of 10'
You have gained +5 to your lowest physical stats. +1str +2 dex +2sta
You have gained the hidden quest 'The Guard's Basics, Step 4 of 10'
The next step of the quest seemed to be more of the same... but the slowly increasing number of stats was nice at least. You'd earned twelve stat points in the three days you'd been training. It was definitely worth sticking it out.
Off-Time Vote: 1d3329 - F, town troubles and local monsters, wins with 5 votes
"I wonder if it was possible to impress them even," Seto complained a little as you ate your evening meal in peace together, once again provided by your hosts, "Or if the hidden quest chain is programmed to just make sure you can't 'actually' pass the test on this day?"
"Maybe." For once, Lightning agreed with the Dragons she had been sort of ignoring ever since the issue of charity had been pushed, "It wouldn't surprise me if they wanted to make players feel like they'd missed something, to try and make them work harder. Or just to make them feel like they've failed, since they seem like the types to love kicking downwards."
"I mean, this whole quest chain just came from Hita-chan being friendly with a guard, and look where we are now. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more secrets hidden within the questline. And look at the name of the quest - the Guard's Basics. I think it's the same as the first day - they judged us as needing the Basics, not, I don't know, the Guard's Intermediate Training." Kitan shrugged his shoulders as he made that last point, "Maybe we could skip steps in the basics too, if we did good enough."
"Either way we've been doing good!" You insisted on it, as people started to clearly feel low as fomo began to set in over what could have been, "And we're still getting good rewards, whether we're succeeding at hidden optional objectives or not! We can't get down about what might be the case!"
Dark Blade gave a little nod from his position across from you - which had become more regular now. Fluffy to your left, Kitan to your right, and Dark Blade across the table from you with the other two dragons flanking him. "I-I think we're all working as hard as we can. A-aren't we?"
"Of course!"
"Did I look lazy out there to you!?"
"I would never let Hita-Hime down!"
The affirmatives confirmed what he said, and he seemed happy for that.
"If we're working as hard as we can, then we can't be too upset about anything. We'll keep doing out best! Kitan makes a good point though, we found this quest by accident basically. He and Fluffy just got in a fight, and when the Guards were breaking it up, I happened to get recommended to come by and learn. If Hyou-san hadn't said that, I never would have. Who knows how many other quests there are around the town that no one cares to find because they're not being like... plastered onto the board in the center of town?" You were kind of fired up as you thought of it, because talking to people was something you were good at. "I was thinking... why don't we start going around town, and asking about its troubles? Maybe we can find some information or leads for quests."
"I just wanna sleep." Lightning Hoof, predictably, bowed out.
"I-I'm not... I'd rather not talk to strangers." Dark Blade as well stayed back.
"I'd stay here if I didn't have to keep a certain threat in line." Kitan sighed as he stood up at your suggestion.
"I dunno what that that is, but I'd keep Hime safe with or without you!" Fluffy was already trying to help you stand, before you even noticed.
"Getting to know more is a good idea. Maybe we can learn about the monsters around town, so we can be ready to fight them."
"Quest rewards could be another way to keep people from starving."
With most of the group agreeing to go with, you happily said, "Alright, then lets spend some time getting to know what's going on!"
Hyou's suggestion of seeking out the priestess at the White Tiger Temple gave you a good first place to go at least, as your ragtag group of three different kind of Beastkin walked through the western village. The buildings here were heavily accented in metals, artwork was common on the outside of them and it felt like a rich area. But at the same time there was this odd buzzing sense of threat from all around you, as the older White Tiger beastkin and their human significant others stared at you oddly as you all moved together.
The Temple itself was perhaps exactly what you were expecting, as the small fortress like building stood out against the more well decorated domiciles around it. A large ballista sat at the top of the temple, and its walls were lined with spikes peaking through small holes. And yet the gates inward were quite open, the space within the temple itself resembling instead a classical martial arts training ground. You saw a handful of black named NPCs with Initiate prefixing their names, weapons floating around them as they sparred with each other. They were the first young non-player Beastkin you had ever seen. They paid you no mind as you walked up the stone steps.
At the top stood Abbess Akane - the elder Tiger looked at you with tired eyes. "Ah, another group of the Awoken come to beg for my assistance." She shook her head as she pointed her way back down the stairs and towards the doorway, "Even for those of Tiger's blood, there are no gifts for those unearning of them. Only in victory and success will the temple grant you succor, if that is what you seek." She didn't hesitate to look away, not evening looking at you as she continued, "Perhaps the Kirin shall be soft enough to coddle her children, if you require it."
"We actually came to ask more about how we could help around here." You let the rudeness slide off your back, as you gave Fluffy a little half hug that made her completely forget she was tempted to go beat up the Abbess for being rude to you. You'd dealt with meaner haters for years, "All we were told when we were sent here was that things were getting dangerous, and that some supplies aren't coming on time... but no specifics. I figured this would be a good place to start asking." You kept a small smile on your face as you said it.
"Hmm. Interesting." She didn't look back at you, "You seem to have the respect of your peers, even those not of Tiger's blood, so I can commend you on that much." Her words were still haughty as she said it, there was no real respect given even as you gave it, "Though I am a little disappointed in the cowardice to attempt to study your enemy like some sort of Dragon or Tortoise, rather than having the courage to face the unknown." She motioned down to in front of her, raising a hand as you and the others moved. "Only our young leader is invited to join me." There was malice behind the voice, you were certain of that.
But you moved to sit as directed, "We're all doing our best." You said it gently, with your head still slightly bowed even as you sat in front of the Abbess, "My companions and I have been training hard to try and prepare to aid the town. Hyou-san and some of the other guards have been teaching us. Now we seek teaching in another way. Please."
"I do not know everything that happens in each part of the town." The Abbess says it with the same tired voice as before, but she at least opens her eyes and looks at you, "But I hear all that goes on to those of Tiger's progeny. Chi-chan's grandchildren were recently turned back from leaving the town when a slime youkai destroyed their cart. Those little monsters used to keep to the western pools, only coming out at night and never straying far. Now they are near the roads even during the day. I'd offer a small bounty if you can bring me the proof of their demise, at least. If you could actually find the source of their sudden abundance, even if you cannot remove it yourself, I would reward you well." There's something unspoken as she stares at you with a solid gaze for a looong moment. A gaze that makes you know not to speak. Eventually, only after that unspoken moment does she continue, "And Chi-chan and her husband petitioned for some of my initiates to escort her grandchildren to the edge of the springs. Unfortunately I have been unable to assist as of yet. Perhaps you could seek her out if you wished to offer aid in that."
"What's a slime Youkai?" You asked it curiously, you'd seen a lot of slimes through the years in different games. But who knew how different these ones could be from another game. "Are they very strong?"
"..." She stares at you for a long moment, and then sighs, "Your mentor must have forgotten to teach you the basics. They're amongst the weakest of youkai after all... but Slimes are formed from some of the lesser dark thoughts of humanity. Hunger is the main core of their being, but others factor in as well. When lots of those feelings gather together across our lands, they can create slimes. They're weak creatures for the most part, but most annoying to deal with at the same time. Their forms themselves are destructive - touching them is like touching an open flame. It makes them annoying to handle especially in large groups."
It seemed pretty basic overall - a slime was a slime, whether it was formed from some primal urge to consume or not. "So don't touch them. Got it! Thank you!"
"There is one more issue I can tell you about, before you go. Though I truly doubt it is still anywhere near intact, if they even still possess it at all," She stops you just before you stand up to make your way back to the barracks and sleep. The Exhaustion penalty had just hit you and you were very aware it was getting late, "A relic of our Temple was plundered by ogres years ago. When we went to reclaim it, the survivors claimed it was stolen by harpies before they had even gotten it back. We've had no luck in locating it. If you happen to find it in your adventures as Awoken, we would be eternally thankful."
"Find some harpies, and find a relic. Right. Sounds great!!" You looked back and Kitan was mouthing words to you as you turned around... so you turned back to the Abbess "... uhhh... what do relics look like though?"
"It is a large femur from one of White Tiger's first children. When the Jade Tiger died, his bones became holy artifacts. You should easily be able to recognize it if you see it. It will call to your nature as our Great-Mother's child."
Gained quest: A bounty on slimes (Repeatable)
Slimes have been a nuisance near the roads of western Asahi. Cull their numbers and the abbess will grant you a small reward.
Slimes killed 0/10
Reward: 30 gold
Gained quest: A Sudden Surge
While slimes had always been an issue around Asahi, their numbers had always been in the dozens - not the seemingly limitless numbers they now possess. Find out why these numbers have grown so much.
Discover the source of the current slime situation
Optional: Destroy the source (Unique)
Reward: 2500 Gold
Optional Reward: ???
Gained quest: The Jade Femur (Unique)
The Jade Tiger was the mystical first born of the White Tiger, said to inherit all of her strength both physical and magical. Many assumed he would become a god himself due to his potency - but before that day could come, he was slain by a cowardly ambush of jealous rivals. His Femur has been stolen from the Asahi Tiger Monastery, recover it.
Recover the Jade Femur (Left) and return it to the Asahi Tiger Monastery
Reward: White Tiger's Boon, +1 Fame, Rare Grade Item Choice
You weren't likely to finish any of these quests anytime soon, since by the time you were free from training you were almost always suffering from large penalties... but knowing they existed was good at least. More than that, you now knew more about one of the enemies you might face around town. "So don't let it touch you, and don't touch it. Not super complicated." Lightning Hoof shrugged as you relayed the information to her.
"It sounds like they're small enough to be overlooked or stepped on. Which with their numbers could prove dangerous - if we lose our footing in a fight, we're going to be in a bad place." Seto gave his own examination.
"Well, either way I think we'll be alright. By the time we're done training we'll be strong enough to beat any slime! I wont even have to use any of my priest powers!" You flexed your arms, giggling as you did so.
Day 4
"Up and at 'em!" Raji came in the same as always, loudly announcing his presence just long enough after the bell to scare those who just barely woke up. Except today most people were awake and out of bed before the bell even rung - only Fluffy was still asleep in her bed when Raji came in. "Woah-ho. Finally looking like a somewhat decent military response now! You know back in my day if you were still in bed when I came in, I'd berate you until you cried Fluffy-chan. But instead I'm just going to make everyone work a little extra hard all for you!"
"I'm so sore." You complained as the training came to an end. You weren't sure how you could possibly feel so sore in a video game, but you certainly did. Every part of you ached and not in the ways you were used to - they weren't from sitting in a VR pod for twelve hours straight, or that crick in the neck from pouring over your desk figuring out what you wanted to play when, or any of the usual streamer pains. They were pains of a jock, of someone who worked out, and it was terrible!
"Oh! I know! I'll give you a nice massage, Hita-hime~!" The second she thought of the idea, Fluffy was more than happy to jump up and rush even closer to you, "It's the least I could do with me getting you in trouble this morning!"
"Don't you dare touch her, you perverted rodent." Kitan glared at her as she tried to reach out to touch you.
"Hita-hime is suffering and my being kind and helping her is being perverted!? So mean! You just want our Hita to suffer!" She played up like she was hurt.
And that's when a white fireball came lobbing towards you both. Fluffy was already standing up. She was ready to move, and she did so - the fireball missed her as she avoided it. You were sitting down, you were in pain and didn't want to move or think you had to. So you instead took the fireball right to the face.
There was a shock of silence as it happened before Fluffy rushed Kitan, floating blade beside her as she tried to chase him down. Except... you weren't in pain, in the least. It felt good, actually - like your neck muscles were less tense. Like everything was less tense. "Fluffy stop!" You called out to her, "Kitan healed me, he didn't hurt me!"
The one thing she could hear even through rage was your voice, so she was quick to rush back over, "OhmygoshIwassoworried!!!" She pushed you to the ground from your seating position as she literally tackled you.
"Tch, of course she wasn't hurt. I couldn't think of Hita-chan as an enemy even if I tried. My fire only hurts my enemies." Kitan seemed proud of his statement.
You sort of gently pushed Fluffy off of you as she tried to check you over for injuries just in case, "Actually, could you try that again? It felt kind of nice."
Experimentation confirmed it as Kitan through fireball after fireball at you, each one relieving a bit of the tension and pain from the heavy workout. It was far from mana efficient - and with Kitan's low mental stats, level, and skill rank even emptying him out didn't remove all the pain from just you. But it made it better. And he was more than happy to help.
"Alright recruits." Kaji called it out loudly.... causing him to have a wracking coughing fit as he did. But he recovered soon enough. "Tomorrow will be a big day. You'll need some good rest, so I'm not gonna make you run an extra ten laps due to Fluffy's inability to wake up on time. As always, dinner will be here shortly. Enjoy the rest while you can."
You went to the Eastern village this time. The realm of the Dragons was much less lively than that of the Tigers - where the Tigers were all out and about even in the early evening you walked through their area, the wooden homes of the Dragons were dark, dreary, and not even a window was opened at your passing. The temple looked more traditional to your eyes - a rock garden made up the central courtyard of a building with normal walls instead of fortress height ones lined with weapons for defending it. Many dragons sat within the walls of the garden in silence - some of them reading, others writings, and more just meditating. You might have seen the whole population of Eastern Asahi within those garden walls.
Abbot Shou had none of the rudeness of the Abbess at least, rising to greet you with a small bow, "Welcome, honored Awoken. I am Abbot Shou, head of this temple and liaison between Great-Progenitor Dragon and her progeny. What brings your group to my temple?" His skin was paper thin, and you could literally see the blood flowing under it. His eyes were sunken in to the point of being cast in shadow. And the dark blue scales that dotted his skin gave him the appearance of rotting flesh. "I have little to offer, I regret to say, only the knowledge my Great-Progenitor has gifted me and this place of peace."
You gave a deep bow back to him, far further than he gave you. He was kind and soft but he was still head of a temple and far your elder. You knew to be respectful, "Knowledge is exactly what we were hoping to obtain, honored elder Shou. We are trying to figure out more of what ails the town, its troubles and how they have been affected. That way we can attempt to help it. We were given precious little to work with when we were called to here." The way you described it was definitely soft, even Kitan rolling his eyes as you said 'called to here' about it.
"Ah. Well, I think the most pressing issue facing Asahi is that our honored dead no longer rest peacefully." He looks quite sad as he says that, "Down the mountain path just a ways east is where all who retire to Asahi without family elsewhere are buried. It has been that way for three hundred years. Unfortunately, my predecessors and I underestimated the damage a collection of the divinely-dead would make. It turns out, even as diluted as our divinity is, our power can cause harm in death." He gives a long slow sigh, "Now the veil between living and dead is splintering in the woods around the graveyard. Animals, monsters, and more return to life and walk the woods making more of their kind, and spreading more of the Dead's essence."
"Why'd it get this bad? Couldn't you have stopped it?" You remembered being told Azure Necromancers excelled against the dead, their healing magic even hurting undead. It seemed odd that they couldn't stop it themselves.
"If only I had two... or even three of me." His tired eyes blinked slowly, "I am devoting much of my energy to ensuring none of our dead may be infected by this deathly energy. If the divinely dead could cause havoc, the divinely undead would be much... much worse." He coughs into a hand, and you half expect there to be blood to wipe off when he stops from just how sickly he looks. But there is none. "I cannot even leave the temple for fear that without being here to direct our Great-Progenitor's power we may face something much worse than simple undead. If you would attempt to cleanse the woods of some of the dead, know I would be grateful. I must warn for caution however, young Tiger. The Dead are much hardier than they appear - even should their limbs be removed, even should their head be lopped off, their body may still attack so long as the energies may animate it. Do not lower your guard, even should they appear slow and weak."
"Of course, honored abbot. Thank you for your time."
You have gained quest: A Bounty on the Dead (Repeatable)
The undead pour forth in the eastern forest around Asahi graveyard, spreading the energy of death throughout and raising unnatural allies. Lessen their numbers to slow the spread.
Undead killed 0/3
Reward: 30 gold
You have gained quest: Mending the Veil (Unique)
The graveyard outside eastern Asahi has seen a breach in the veil between life and death due to the collected residue of divine death-energy within the stories graves. Find a way to mend this rift.
Rift mended 0/1
Reward: ???
Day 5
You all woke up on time today, and it wasn't even that big of a struggle anymore since you were getting used to going to bed just after sundown. When Raji-san entered he gave a little nod at each person, "Excellent. Today's a big day for you all. It's the day you prove that you've got the guts to continue this training." He crossed his arms nodding his head a few times more. "You're going to show how much you've grown to us today by heading outside the village." There was a pause, "There, you will each fight a single monster and defeat it."
It seemed like an easy task, so none of you felt that worried... until he continued, "You will do this on your own. There will be no healing, no providing support magic, no sharpening of weapons, nothing. It is an individual test." A little more pause, "You will also do this without getting injured in the process. If you are hurt by whatever you choose to face, you will finish that fight, and then face another one without getting hurt. You will try until you succeed, and Kirin will tell me whether you have done so or not."
Multiple fallen faces at that mention. The idea of fighting monsters alone without a numbers advantage was already intimidating... but trying to do so without taking any wounds was even scarier. Would you be capable of that?
"And make sure it's something actually on par with you. Beating up something much weaker than you is not proof of strength."
Gained quest: The Guard's Basics Step 5 of 10
The midterm exam has been declared: You must enter the forest around Asahi and defeat one monster alone, without taking any wounds. There is no partial credit on this examination.
Defeat one monster worth experience points without taking any injuries 0/1
Reward: The Guard's Basics Step 6 of 10 begins. ???
Failure: Do not succeed by sundown. Cancels questline 'The Guard's Basics'
How do you want to approach the quest?
[x] A. Split up the party so everyone can do the quest on their own, the quickest method if people can succeed. [x] B. Split up the party into groups of two so that everyone can have someone to support them in case they get hurt. [x] C. Split up into two groups so that there are many supports for each side, and everyone can face favored opponents. [x] D. Everyone work together as one large group until everyone finishes, the slowest method.
Where does Hita go to finish her quest?
[x] F. Western Forest. Slimes are apparently plentiful and weak, but they can apparently be tricky opponents who easily cause minor injuries. [x] G. Eastern Forest. Zombies and undead are slow and might make easy targets to kill. Dark Blade is strong against undead. Seto and Satoshi are weak against undead. [x] H. Northern Forest. ??? [x] I. Southern Forest. ???