Ranma New Half

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Ranma had always had an idea what was wrong, but never quite the words or the freedom to reach the truth, until she was knocked into the Spring of the Drowned Girl and everything became clear. Now, Ranma intends to make this liberation stick
Chapter 1
Ranma New Half
Ranma had always had an idea what was wrong, but never quite the words or the freedom to reach the truth, until she was knocked into the Spring of the Drowned Girl and everything became clear. Now, Ranma intends to make this liberation stick.
Genma gets violent, Ranma kicks his ass if that helps.

Chapter 1

Ranma hadn't been sure what to expect of Jusenkyo, but their father bursting out of one of the springs as an extremely pissed off looking panda hadn't even been on the list.

A brief attempt at reasoning had netted nothing more than a strike across the jaw, sending Ranma hurtling into another small body of water.

'Please don't be something weak!' was Ranma's thought as the water washed over sun kissed skin and began to change... them?

Tingly, it was very tingly, but though Ranma felt lighter in some places and heavier in others, there was not the sort of change one might expect from becoming an animal.

Bursting from the water, Ranma sucked in a desperate breath and only half heard the guide, "Too bad, you have fallen into the Spring of Drown Girl, very tragic tale..."

Pulling apart the gi, heaving chest making the changes obvious, Ranma's entire mind felt a strange tilt, no a shift. Like the world had always been a little off kilter and the only thing to do was to live with it, because speaking of it only made things worse and what words even existed for that feeling.

But now, the floor was stable, the tilt was gone and everything felt strangely new and right and... Perfect.

Ranma's eyes flickered to her fathers and she could see him stricken and scared, expecting an explosion of rage and instincts long honed from knowing just what to say to keep the man happy took over.

"I'm gonna kill you old man!" She howled, launching herself after the panda which fled in abject terror in the opposite direction, completely unaware of the nearly maniacal look of glee on his daughters face.

It had been a few hours since then and the excitement had yet to wear off, even as the faux rage and shock had. She'd even found an excuse to bail on the would be chase which gave her some much needed time alone.

Granted, Ranma's efforts to find the guy she'd knocked off the cliff had failed, so she could only hope whoever had been unlucky enough to be used as a jumping board had managed to land safely, rather than in Spring of Drown Rat or something.

The return to their temporary abode, found her father sullen enough that Ranma wished she'd spent more time looking, or maybe taken more of it to appreciate her new body. Especially when the guide proffered them some hot water and the wrongness and the tilting came back worse than ever, so much Ranma almost wanted to throw up, before blaming it on 'vertigo' from the slight height shift.

After a dinner, "Bereft of boar!" the guide insisted, Genma dragged them on a walking tour of the springs, which was lasting well into the evening.

"And this is the Spring of the Drowned-"

"Dammit man, I don't care about the other Springs, just show me the Spring of Drowned Man so we can fix this mess!" Genma howled, a sort of desperate, terrified edge to his voice.

Why her father was so scared didn't even occur as a question to Ranma, as the thought of being cured, of being trapped in a body so wrong fitting that it was like layers of someone else stapled onto her true self, Ranma began frantically looking for exits.

Fortunately, their guide came in for the save.

"Oh sir, no that will not do," He said lightly, "Best case scenario there is you just reverse your curses, becoming Panda who becomes a man in cold water. Worser case, you mix the cursed, very unpredictable, I will not allow that."

"Mixing?" Genma whispered, glancing back at Ranma and grimacing, "We'll have to find another way, I won't see my son become more of a-ak!"

Ranma roughly punched his jaw shut, "Can it already," Gods she hated how deep this voice was, "If ya can't fix what you broke, just leave me alone!"

Genma made to strike back but stalled himself, perhaps seeing all the springs around and thinking better of it, he marched away, "We leave in the morning to seek a cure, boy!"

'Like hell we will,' Ranma thought, before turning to the guide, "So wanna finish the tour?"

Tapping his signs in hand, the guide nodded, "If guest wishes to."

Ranma shrugged, "Got nothing better to do."

The tour lasted well into the night and Ranma could see smoke coming from their rest house, meaning her father was tending the fire.

"And this of course, is Spring of Drowned Girl, which guest is rather familiar, hm?" The guide said, jokingly.

"That I am," Ranma murmured, "So weird question, but if jumping in another pool can mix the curses, what happens if you jump in the same one?" Ranma then took a very carefully exaggerated step away from the Spring, as if afraid of the thought.

"Oh sir, you would not want to do that, I am thinking, that is said to lock the curse, or at least make it much harder to turn back," the guide said, hand on his chin as if in thought.

Ranma nodded, solemnly, "Can it be used as a weapon? Cos Pops and I have made a few enemies and I'd hate for someone to start throwing this stuff at us in water balloon form or something."

The guide nodded, "Weapon not so much, but water can be transported and used, for at least a month or two, before the magic fades."

"Good to know," She said, before spinning a thin bamboo shoot she'd picked up on their tour and tossed it into the ground above the spring, "Thanks for ruining my life, stupid body of water."

That night, once her father was well and truly asleep, Ranma snuck out of their lodging with two thermos's in hand and found the Spring once again, still marked by the bamboo shoot and just as she remembered.

'Its the same spring, Pops was there all night, same for the guide, no one's moved it, no one's tricking you, this is it,' she thought intently.

Dropping to her knees, Ranma took out a ladle and began carefully and quietly filling the oversized thermos's. She couldn't just take another dip now of course, then Pops would definitely dump her in the Spring of Drowned Man in a desperate bid to 'fix' her.

'But wait a few days, maybe a week or two and we'll be too far away, he probably won't even notice if it works, not for awhile and I'll, I'll get to be me... Forever.'

Just so long as her father didn't find some local 'cure' like he planned.

Two days later, they fled the Village of Women Heroes and Ranma would happily offer Xian Pu her infinite and eternal gratitude for ensuring they had no time at all to look fore 'cures' while fleeing her relentless assault.

Sometimes things worked out and life just loved you.

"This is awful!" Akane half shouted at her father, "You can't just engage us to some boy we've never met before!"

Kasumi nodded, "This does seem like a very poor idea father."

Nabiki, who was the only one who bothered to dress up for this farce shrugged in her elegant kimono, "Well so long as he's cute, it might be worthwhile, right daddy?"

Letting the responses wash over him in a wave, Soun Tendo let out a cheery chuckle, "Well we'll all see soon, won't we?"

There was a beat of silence, and Nabiki's formally bemused voice turned sharp, "You've never even met him, have you?"

Akane started massaging her head at the oncoming headache as her father answered, "I've never met him, but any man raised by Genma will surely be a pinnacle of masculinity, you'll all love him, I'm sure!"

Any retort they might offer was cut off by the sound of the front door being hurled open and slightly high pitched shout, "Put me down, ya oaf!"

"Ah that must be them now!" Her father cheered, racing out the door, followed closely by Nabiki with a look of curiosity on her face.

Kasumi shook her head, "I suppose I should go put the tea on-"

"What the hell!?" Nabiki screamed, speeding back into the room, quickly followed by their father.

Akane took up a stance, only to fumble it at the sight that greeted her, a giant, incredibly fat panda with stubby limbs marched in and made a strange "Brfra" Sound at them, while a petite figured wrestled for freedom on its shoulder.

"Oh father, is this your friend?" Kasumi asked, somehow immune to the madness taking place in front of her.

Soun Tendo shook his head frantically, stiff as a board, as Nabiki pushed him towards the beast, "Cos pandas just show up at doorsteps nowadays!"

"Pops, put me down, ya scaring them!" Shrieked the voice, and finally the panda relented, stepping back and loosened its grip on what turned out to be a redheaded girl with a pigtail bout Akane's height in blue pants and a red top in an older Chinese style.

Her father finally found his voice, "Are you... Would you by chance be..."

The girl nodded, looking at the floor, "I'm Ranma Saotome, sorry about the ruckus-"

Akane watched at her father raced forward with a cheer, "Oh its wonderful to meet you son!"

Akane leaned over to whisper in Nabiki's ear, "Uh, son?"

The brunette shrugged, "Not sure daddy was paying attention, she is cute though, right?"

It seemed their fathers brain had caught up with his body at last as he stepped back, hands clasped on Ranma's shoulders as he stared at her rather pronounced bust.

"Um... I... What is happening here?"

Nabiki, ever confident except when she wasn't strode forward placed a hand against the girls chest, "Well if I were a betting gal, I'd say this is a cute girl, right?" She added, emphasizing her words with a squeeze, that left Ranma's face burning red.

"Um, I... Uh...." Her eyes shot to the panda that was holding up a notepad for Kasumi to read... Akane decided to ignore that for the moment, while their father began weeping.

"Genma!!! Why would you lie to meeeee!? How are the Schools to be joined!?" He collapsed to his knees and Ranma only looked more uncomfortable, head shooting around as if for an escape.

'This isn't fair,' she decided, as Nabiki began mocking their fathers hysterics, Akane clapped a hand on the girls shoulder, "Hey, I'm Akane, wanna be friends?"

The shy look on Ranma's face was obvious as she slowly nodded, a tiny smile blooming as Akane led her out of the room and to the Dojo.

"You study Kempo right?"

"Well, just a bit."

Just a little bit turned out to be more than enough to roundly mop the floor with Akane without so much as touching her. Normally she'd be vexed, but right now relief and some hope won out over everything else.

"I'm just glad you're not a boy," Akane said conversationally, still catching her breath.

Ranma's giggle was intense, like she was laughing at some inside joke, "Same!" She then looked around askance, "Uh, say Akane-Chan, can I use your Furo before your dad kicks us out?"

"Sure, its on the second floor second door on the left," Akane shrugged, "I'll tidy things up here and then join you, but don't worry about my dad, he's just dramatic like that."

"Well at least its not just me," Ranma said cheerily, before going in the opposite direction that Akane had suggested, spinning around to say, "Just gotta grab a change of clothes, thanks again!"

Akane waved her off, and set about finding the broom to sweep up those cinderblock remains from earlier.

The trick to hiding anything valuable from Saotome Genma on the road was not to create secret pockets or elaborate systems, it was to make the thing look mundane and worthless.

Of course, finally taking the plunge meant Ranma very much 'had' to squirrel away one of the thermos's holding magic water, just in case it was necessary or her father had some trick up his sleeve, but he knew this place as well as she did so the man's snooping wouldn't avail him much.

Which was how she found herself here.

Having hosed off the shower stool and staring at one of three thick metal jugs that her father saw as one, two at best from his observation and long since too broken to retain heat and thus useless to them in anyway that counted to Genma.

Ranma gently poured out some of the water into a ladle and swallowed, 'Please work, please gods work, I need this.'

Taking it up, she strategically splashed the water across her face, then used her hands to ensure not a drop got away, spreading it over her head and through her now loose hair.

Then, she poured another ladle and moved to her chest, still silently praying to the Springs that this would work.

Five minutes later and it was empty, every last drop of liquid scraped out down to the bone in desperation and now Ranma found herself standing before the steaming Furo, hands shaking.

'Please work,' she prayed one last time before throwing herself into the water, eyes closed and body tense, awaiting the...


Ranma felt... Nothing.

No tingle, no stiffening or stretching no... Change.

"YES!" The water muffled her screams of joy almost entirely, and she surfaced with a burst, intent on drinking up every last second of this wonder.

Akane had washed herself off in the shower very quickly, still hoping to join Ranma in the furo.

Sliding open the door and tossing away her Gi and hanging up her towel, Akane smiled at the sight of Ranma's fresh clothes, blue pants like before, but with a sleeveless white top with slim black ribbons and gold lining, a matching set of golden bracers resting atop them.

'Guess she's still here!' Akane thought, stepping into the furo just in time to see the other girl burst from the water, glistening droplets falling from her sun kissed skin and hair in a wild mane of fire, Ranma's smile could have lit up a room.

"Ranma-Chan," She cheered, snapping the girl out of her gleeful daze and being greeted by that ten thousand volt grin, as Ranma hastily tied her hair into a loose ponytail.

"Akane-Chan, hop in the waters so good and warm and," She flopped back with a sigh, "Everything's just perfect."

"I don't think our furo's ever received such high praise," Akane said, slipping into the water with a sigh, "I guess you didn't get to enjoy many nice bath houses on your way here?"

Ranma sighed happily, "Or ever really, and I wanna enjoy this before I gotta go again."

That sounded odd to Akane, but she wasn't about to question it, instead zeroing in on the second half of that statement, "Oh I hope you can stay for a while at least. So few girls here like martial arts like I do and my sisters definitely don't, maybe we can ask your dad when he gets here?"

Ranma snorted, "Trust me, Akane-Chan, he'll be the biggest problem," Ranma sunk a little deeper into the water hands tracing over her skin as if to ensure it was still there. "But I also just don't wanna cause you guys trouble."

"Please, your guests," Akane said carelessly "And I bet you could show me so much about martial arts, like how did you know just when and where I was going to punch?"

Ranma blinked and sat up, eyes twinkling, "Oh that's easy, pops and I met this guy from halfway across the world in our travels, he was a wandering martial artist like us and came from ah... I don't remember what he called their schools, but he was from some temple in this big desert over in Africa. Anyway, their style was built heavily around counter attacks and they would study how these leaping vipers attacked to see how muscles work, right?"

"I think?" Akane said, trying t keep up with the mile a minute words of the redhead.

Ranma raised an arm and tensed it like she was going to strike the air, "See, animals don't really do deception like us, or uncertainty, when they move its with total clarity and instinct. So these martial artists would encourage these jumping snakes to have a go at them and learn to watch the muscles tension, then apply that to people, not just the striking part either, but everything."

Ranma pumped a fist into the air, "Your hits were strong and pretty fast, but not so fast I couldn't move around-em and the rest of your body didn't move around much except to throw the punch. All those little instinctive movements you practice means I can tell where you're gonna swing just from the angle of your torso or how you tense your legs. Meaning you gotta be way faster than me to land a hit, or start overcoming those instincts and working in quick feints and adaptions to your attacks so you can follow me with your fists even if I do dodge."

Akane wished she had a notepad, but nodded along eagerly, "Wow, that's incredible, you got all that just from my stance? I guess you really do learn a lot on the road."

Ranma smirked, looking cocky, "Ya pick things up."

They were drawn from their conversation by the sound of Kasumi knocking on the door, "Girls, dinner will be ready soon and Ranma's father wants to have a meeting with us."

"Coming, Kasumi-Neechan!" Akane turned back to Ranma and saw the girl had started sinking below the water, looking tense and unhappy. "You OK?"

Ranma sighed, "Guess I gotta get it over with, thanks for everything Akane-Chan," She said, casually somersaulting out of the furo with one hand.

"Show off," Akane chuckled, following after Ranma at a more sedate pace.

Snatching up a spare set of clothes, Akane watched as Ranma worked through her rather masculine undergarments, put on her clothes, sans a bra or anything for support for some reason, and beckoned her to look as she clasped on the golden bracers.

"Hey, Akane-Chan, look, look, this is the first outfit I bought without my old man breathing down my neck, cool right?" She asked intently, eyeing her reflection in those golden bracers like it was something precious to be protected.

"It looks great Ranma-Chan, and fits you really well, I especially like the gold touches." It also fit her much better than the red clothes had, which looked like they'd been made for someone at least one size beyond Ranma.

Ranma's smirk was burning bright, "Awesome, well, let's go get this over with then."

'It can't be as bad as she's imagining,' Akane told herself.

Nabiki was watching the proceedings with a look of veiled disinterest, as her father and this 'Uncle Genma' chatted between themselves while Kasumi slipped back into the room.

"I told the girls and they should be out of the furo and down soon," She said with her usual serenity, already making her way back to the kitchen.

Her fathers twitched aggressively, "Saotome, I certainly hope your son isn't sharing a bath with my Akane!"

Genma waved him off, "Most surely not, I imagine Kasumi-Chan misunderstood, though if they are so inclined it would be be good news for the wedding, ey Tendo?"

Her father eased back, "Well I suppose so."

Nabiki could hear footsteps echoing from above and decided to shoot her shot, "So when you say Ranma-San is your son?"

Genma nodded grimly, "I mean he is a boy, we are both cursed you see, thanks to some unfortunate business in China and an idiot guide who did not tell us the springs of Jusenkyo were cursed."

"Jusenkyo, meaning cursed Springs," Nabiki filled in, with a contemptuously arched eyebrow.

"Yes, well, he did not explain it well at the time," Genma said, before motioning at the teapot and glasses of water laid out for them, "Now my son and I are cursed to transform into a panda and a girl when struck with cold water. But fortunately, we return when doused with hot water."

"Really," Nabiki drawled as a still very busty Ranma stepped into the dining room alongside a cheery Akane.

Genma's face was ashen, and her father confounded, while Ranma met both expression with a sort of doggedly enforced cocksure expression and defiant tilt to her head.

"Boy, what are you doing!?" Genma seethed.

Ranma tilted her head to the side, ponytail flicking over her shoulder, "Don't know what you're on about pops."

Genma's fist struck the floor and shook the entire room, "Why haven't you transformed back into a man!?"

Her father was more gentle but no less stern, "Indeed Ranma, your father has told us all about the Jusenkyo curses, there's no need to hide it."

"Jusenkyo?" Akane whispered.

"Magic springs, transforming people, shush," Nabiki whispered back.

Ranma for her part only scoffed, "Unlike my old man I was smart enough to bail on those springs the moment I saw him get turned into a panda. No curses for Ranma-Chan!" She said with a delightfully smug smirk.

"Yes you are!" Genma roared, snatching up the kettle and dousing Ranma in a blast of steaming water, that made the redhead hiss. but otherwise remain exactly as she was, redhead and all.

"What is wrong with you!?" Akane shouted.

"That stung, jackass!" Ranma snapped.

Her father looked like he might start crying again, while Genma looked... Thunderous, grasping Ranma's arm he dragged her away form the room, "Excuse us Tendo."

"Hey, not so, I just bought this!" Ranma grumbled as she was tugged away.

Akane made to go after them.

"Akane, this is a family matter," their father intoned.

"But he looked really angry, what if he hurts he? He's obviously crazy!" Akane argued.

"Genma's an honorable man, I am sure whatever... Whatever confusion is being sorted out right now and we can move forward with our plans."

"Xian Pu!" Genma howled.

But before anyone could so much as be confused, there was a pained scream and a thud.

Akane didn't wait for permission this time, and Kasumi followed, Nabiki bringing up the rear with their father and a glass of water in hand.

The scene Nabiki came onto was brutal, Genma had Ranma in some sort of hold, keeping her arms bound with one arm while blood strained the side of her white shirt and his free hand encircled her neck, choking the life out of her as she thrashed and hissed.

"What did you do boy? What did you do!?" Genma roared, sounding more like a wild animal than a man.

"Get off her!" Akane bellowed, striking Gena's side to no effect save her knuckles letting out a crack, making Akane screech and snap her hand back while what looked like blue fire encompassed Gema's frame.

"Father, father stop this!" Kasumi whispered.

"It is... It is a family matter," Her father intoned.

Nabiki, recalling the stubby armed creature that had first brought the redhead to them, tossed her glass of water at Genma and watched as his body swelled and expanded, his arms floundering to retain control even as they were warped, giving Ranma the room to escape.

She didn't run though, instead kicking off from his gut and bouncing off the wall, she let loose a roar and slammed a fist each into his beady little eyes, before bouncing off again and kicking off form the floor to deliver a powerful dual set of knees to Genma's throat, launching him into the garden.

"Not done," She rasped, bouncing off the wall, Ranma slammed both palms into the ground, taking the momentum and letting the explosion of force connect with a dual kick to Genma's chin, sending him one, two, nearly three stories into the air!

Ranma was already bouncing around the garden frantically, becoming little more than a crimson blur before launching into the sky just as Gema reached his apex.

She shouted, "I got ya!" and Genma slashed at nothing, Ranma had thrown her voice just enough that his wounded eyes missed her.

Ranma flipped over Genma's head, grasping his hears she roared and dragged him into an even higher assent, snatching his legs as it pass and letting the momentum drag her into the sky with him.

Genma tried to fight back, but he was too slow, as Ranma and he spiraled through the air, the red head using his larger frame like a jungle gym to spin and flip her way around for one impactful attack after another.

"Are they flying?" Kasumi wondered.

That was when they began to descend.

Ranma weaved around another blow of sharp claws and encircled her arms around Genma's neck, knees frantically and forcefully slamming into his back, forcing the air form his lungs as they fell from nearly six stories high.

Ranma let go at the last second, adding whatever impact she could to the launch by kicking off from his frame and Genma landed with the force of a meteor, the grass swelled, the ground exploded and then cratered in on itself with a violent rumbling, roar.

With one final flip, Ranma landed on the ground, still in a combat stance, watching as her fathers legs kicked feebly for a few moments before he went limp.

Chest heaving she rasped out, "And that's what happens when you can't sneak up on me asshole!" She fell out of her stance, looking to the sky with something glittering in her eyes before a hand came to rest on her shirt.

"Oh crap, I'm bleeding... That's not... Good..."

That was when Ranma passed out.

Dr Tofu was not used to being roused from his dinner to take care of patients but it did happen. Said patients being a half dressed panda and a red headed girl who were dragged in by the Tendo's was admittedly less common.

Still, as he worked on Akane's hand and very pointedly tried to ignore Kausmi's presence so that he could focus, the good doctor was increasingly glad he'd taken the girls insistence on inspecting the redhead over the clearly more injured panda turned man first.

'As a doctor I cannot cause harm, but I am entirely happy to put the child ahead of a would be child killer,' he thought. Offering Akane a kindly smile, "You were very brave to stand up to an elite master like that," he whispered, while Nabiki & Kasumi continued giving heir father the business.

"Girls please, you're overreacting," Sound said gently.

"We are not overreacting," Nabiki said with such venom that Soun looked like he'd been slapped. "You invited a strange man into a home with three girls, and as it happens, he's a violent thug who puts us all in danger!"

"He's my friend-"

"Father, really, he broke Akane-Chan's hands and just look at poor Ranma-Chan," Kasumi said with steel.

"Well, well, it was unwise to attack Genma during the middle of a fight, I am sure he will apologize-"

"Apologize?" Akane snapped, "He nearly ripped Ranma-Chan's heart out!"

Nabiki rounded, "Exactly. You might think you know him, but that was years ago and all we know of him is that's he's willing to try and kill his own child. How do you expect us to feel safe in our home with a man like that?"

Soun was floundering, unused to being on the receiving end of all his daughters anger at once.

That was when Ranma stopped drifting and awoke in full, trying to sit up, Tofu was quick to place a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Please Miss Saotome," He filed away the startled smile at that for later, "Don't sit up, you're still wounded."

Ranma struggled for a moment before flopping back with a groan, "Thanks doc."

"Ranma-Chan, you're OK!" Akane cheered, clasping her hand.

"Bah, I'm fine, takes more than a stupid surprise attack to take me down," Ranma insisted.

"He almost ripped your heart out Saotome-Chan," Nabiki cut in, looking ready to pick up where she left off.

Ranma nodded, "I know, I was actually gonna say, once I can... You know, sit up, how about I go on the run, pops will try and chase me down, but I'll have a good few days on him before he can even get up."

"Out of the question," Soun started before Kasumi of all people spoke over him.

"Indeed, sending a young girl out like that is unacceptable, let alone with someone like this man pursuing her."

"That's not-" Soun started weakly.

Nabiki kicked Genma's bed making the man lurch, "Yeah, I say we keep Saotome-Chan and sell this one to a zoo, or maybe a restaurant." Licking her lips for emphasis.

Soun looked miserable but was clearly not quite broken yet, so Tofu lent his support, "As a doctor, I think keeping the Saotome's close together would be unwise."

Soun cringed but finally let his shoulders drop, "I... I propose a compromise."

Several sharp glares were the retort, but he spoke quickly, "Genma can stay here and recover, while you girls take Ranma home to heal up. I will impress upon him the fright he gave you all and how he is to conduct himself in a house with three young women."

"Four," Several voices snapped, while Soun plowed on, pretending not to hear them.

"And ensure that this never happens again, allowing us to move forward with purpose."

Akane looked ready to argue, Kasumi pensive, and Ranma seemed surprised the discussion was happening at all, but just as Akane made to speak, Nabiki mouthed, "Pick our battles," and Kasumi nodded.

"Very well then father, I think we can escort, Ranma-Chan home safely enough, while you keep an eye on your dear friend," Her tone broke no room for argument and Soun nodded.

"Uh, are you guys sure-" Ranma started, only to be quieted by several sharp yes's that left her looking boggle eyed at the other girls.

After that, it was a mostly silent affair until he saw them all off, Ranma still needing a cane to ensure she stayed up right but swearing she'd be right as rain in the morning, while the Tendo girls thanked him profusely, before closing ranks around the redhead and left the clinic.

'Well... This certainly is a mess,' Tofu mused, ignoring Soun's prattling to a still unconscious Genma, he went to gather some resources he expected, Ranma-Chan would need in a few days.

The next morning came all to quickly for Kasumi that she hardly felt like she slept at all.

'It seems I'm not the only one,' Kasumi mused, seeing Akane and Nabiki were already up, though looking thoroughly exhausted.

"Hello little sisters, some tea perhaps?" She asked gently.

"Thanks, Kasumi-Neechan," Akane answered, still rubbing her bandaged hand, while Nabiki groused, "Coffee..."

"Should one of us get Ranma-Chan up, or do we want to talk more about last night first?" Akane asked as Kasumi prepared their drinks.

Kasumi hummed, "I think Ranma-Chan should have a say, she's a part of it after all," What exactly they could do with father so insistent was another matter, but if nothing else, Kasumi would be serving bamboo for someone's dinner, that much was certain.

Light foot steps echoed down the hall as Ranma herself strode into the room, red hair in a messy ponytail, loose boxer shorts and a tank top that barely covered her thanks to hanging so loosely.

"Ranma-Chan you need to keep using your cane," Akane insisted, already up to make sure the girl didn't fall.

"Nah, its good Akane-Chan, I heal quick, see," Ranma flexed, only to stiffen and cringe, "Well, ya know, relatively... I can walk at least," She added, hand resting over her wound.

"Another martial artist trick?" Nabiki asked.

"Oh yeah, I wasn't kidding bout pops being up in a few days, and like, just three months ago I broke my arm training, it only took a week to heal up to a little twinge." Ranma said it all carelessly, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Still," Kasumi cut in, "Please do take care, Ranma-Chan, you're a girl after all."

Ranma shuffled, but smiled shyly at that before answer, "Ah, um, thanks, sure, Kasumi-Neechan, will do!" Looking askance, Ranma added, "Um, can I help out with breakfast or something maybe? I mean, if I can't train, and ya know, I wanna pay my way at least a little."

"That's not necessary at all, Ranma-Chan, you're our guest, but," Kasumi added thoughtfully, "If you want to help I won't say no, you can cook then?"

Ranma shrugged, already moving to join her in the kitchen, "I can chop and fry and all that, and I make a pretty mean bento when I get the chance."

"Ooh maybe I can help too?" Akane asked.

"I think one extra set of hands is enough, Akane-Chan, you and Nabiki-Chan enjoy your drinks," She added, hastily passing out tea and coffee to the girls.

Nabiki, thankfully, sensed the shift in Akane's mood and moved to adjust the discussion, "So, Ranma-Chan I can't help but notice you don't have a bra for those giant boobs."

'Did I say thankfully, I meant why me?' Kasumi thought.

Ranma however seemed blissfully unaware of anything questionable about that statement, lazily tugging at her top and shrugging, "Yeah I couldn't exactly buy one on the road with the old man watching, ya know? Besides, they look super uncomfortable."

Akane ran a hand through her hair as Ranma twirled a knife and began chopping, "Ranma, you seriously need to work on some feminine modesty?"

"Doesn't it hurt your back though?" Nabiki added.

Zeroing in on perhaps the easier question, Ranma said, "I mean, a little maybe, kinda stings when I jump around but that's just the price for these amazing gals and I'll pay it gladly."

"Hmm, I might have something for thing, one sec," Nabiki said, before darting up stairs.

They worked in silence relative silence for a few minutes, while Akane tried to articulate over a decades worth of education on feminine modesty to Ranma, before Nabiki returned, carrying a black line of material and wearing a cocky smirk. "This, my dear Ranma-Chan is a Bandeaus. Easily as good as a sports bra and fortunately, much more adjustable to your, size," She wiggled her eyebrows at that and slid into the kitchen, "Top off."

Ranma did so without question, Akane's strangled screech of shock and Kasumi's murmured 'Oh My' not seeming to register to either girl. Nabiki, with less tenderness and more surgical like precision tied off the material, careful of Ranma's wound and ensuring she breathed to get the size just right.

Soon enough it was done and Ranma did an experimental little jump on her right side and blinked owlishly, "They didn't do the thing, that felt great, this is great! I'm unstoppable now!"

"Some humility wouldn't go astray either, Ranma-Chan," Akane intoned, while trying to smother her laughter.

"Eh, modesty, humility, what are these strange words?" Ranma chuckled, as she let her tank top slide back over her frame and turned to Nabiki. "This is amazing, you don't mind me borrowing it Nabiki-Neechan?"

"Consider the first one free," she said with a wink and a wave.

Breakfast, both in preparation and eating followed much the same pattern, only stalling out when Kasumi brought up the elephant in the room.

"School?" Ranma gasped.

"Indeed, I overheard it being discussed last night, apparently you've already been enrolled, though if you're not feeling up to it, or Dr Tofu insists otherwise, I'll ask you to take the day off at least."

Ranma was still boggling at the thought a little, and Nabiki was giving Akane a speculative look, "I think Akane should stay home too."

"What?" Akan shook her head frantically, "I can't do that they'll think-"

"They'll think whatever I tell them to think," Nabiki stressed, "After last night do you really want to risk being at anything but your best if one of those stooges gets lucky?"

Akane stiffened, looking like she had swallowed something sour as her bandaged hand quivered, "I'll stay home."

Ranma looked between the two, clearly seeking context, but Kasumi pressed on, "I will give Dr Tofu a call this morning and ask him to make a house call, how does that sound?"

"Oh, I mean, ya don't have to-" Ranma started.

Kasumi raised her hand, "I insist, Ranma-Chan."

Blushing the girl nodded, "Thanks, all of you, for well.. All of this."

Patting the younger girls head, Kasumi smiled at her, enjoying the moment of peace and solidarity with her sisters and their new resident.

She just wished it could last.

And for now that is that, I had a scene with Genma and Soun in mind but it fucked up the tone I wanted to end on. Anyway this is a fic I've been working on for a couple of months and I was convinced to give it its own thread by @Chloe Sullivan and thus here it is!

So yeah, Ranma is super trans and also sneaky, and everyone is either unaware she's used Curse Water to transition (But will accept it with time) or deduced it but is fine letting the polite fiction that Ranma never touched the Cursed Springs persist... Or are like Genma and Soun who represent two different but still transphobic parent responses, one being violent denial and the other a sort of weepy rejection/refusal to acknowledge, while enabling the former.

If you think Nabiki is being too nice here, good eye, there's a few reasons for that:

First and foremost, early Nabiki did occasionally express disgust at the damage Genma did to Ranma.
But more integrally, this whole exchange has raised Genma from, 'noisy oaf' to 'threat' in Nabiki's world view. Normally, she'd be able to manipulate, extort or even bribe her way out of a problem, and could always fall back on Akane or Soun if she got desperate. But Soun's on his side and Akane can't fight him, that's terrifying and she doesn't trust that she'd want to use the methods she can think of to manipulate someone like him and doubts he could be controlled easily. Thus, even outside the genuine empathy and sense of solidarity, Nabiki is trying to endear herself to the only combatant capable of keeping Genma down and readjusting her general strategy to accommodate this new potential threat.

Kasumi's just being empathic and Akane's thrilled to have a girl she vibes with present and also protective, while Ranma's sort of happy but also adrift, not sure if any of this can last or of what to do going forward. She very much planned to get this far, but not much after that.

Anyway that's all, so thanks for reading, I would love to hear any feedback, questions or comments!
I think the balance between "gender euphoria" and "at this point in the character arc, Ranma is kinda still a huge jerk" has been managed well so far.
It does seem to be a good story so far. There was that one part in the story where, just for a moment, it seemed Ranma-chan got her first period. But no, that was actually a stomach wound. I hope the transition to female can be as smooth as possible. Ranma will eventually have to tell more of her past especially if either the cat phobia or Shampoo shows up. I worry that the full body scrubbing with cursed water won't keep her locked forever.
It does seem to be a good story so far. There was that one part in the story where, just for a moment, it seemed Ranma-chan got her first period. But no, that was actually a stomach wound. I hope the transition to female can be as smooth as possible. Ranma will eventually have to tell more of her past especially if either the cat phobia or Shampoo shows up. I worry that the full body scrubbing with cursed water won't keep her locked forever.
Thanks, I am heartened to hear that! Ah, sorry for the misunderstanding there, though that subject does come up in a later chapter, as will Ranma's past. A fair worry, though I can't say much else for fear of relative spoilers.
I'd read the fuck out of more chapters of this. Absolutely loved how she went about it (locking the curse only after they arrive) and the different attitudes of the dads.

Great job, would love more but works great as a one shot. My money on what the girls think at this moment.
Akane: "Ranma was never given a chance to be raised as a girl because her father wanted a boy so badly he deluded himself and didn't give her the chance to be feminine."
Nabiki: "Ranma never got to enjoy feminine things growing up, so I'm going to see how much I can exploit her to buy us nice stuff while I come up with reasons. Brand names, here I come!"
Kasumi: "Good for her. She found a way to be herself even if her dad doesn't approve. Better just play along that she didn't fall in the cursed spring and find a way to make it stuck."

Because Kasumi, despite being oblivious to many things, notices the real important things and would be so fucking supportive.
I'd read the fuck out of more chapters of this. Absolutely loved how she went about it (locking the curse only after they arrive) and the different attitudes of the dads.

Great job, would love more but works great as a one shot. My money on what the girls think at this moment.
Akane: "Ranma was never given a chance to be raised as a girl because her father wanted a boy so badly he deluded himself and didn't give her the chance to be feminine."
Nabiki: "Ranma never got to enjoy feminine things growing up, so I'm going to see how much I can exploit her to buy us nice stuff while I come up with reasons. Brand names, here I come!"
Kasumi: "Good for her. She found a way to be herself even if her dad doesn't approve. Better just play along that she didn't fall in the cursed spring and find a way to make it stuck."

Because Kasumi, despite being oblivious to many things, notices the real important things and would be so fucking supportive.
I'm glad to hear that you can expect more in a relatively short frame of time too :D So glad that decision worked visa V locking the curse and that the dads landed, I've often seen Soun portrayed as very progressive on these matters which I confess to finding odd myself.

Thanks so much an excellent insights in regards to the sisters, Akane's and Kasumi's are especially on the money in terms of relative interpretations of events and awareness as to the truth.

Also yes, that is definitely the vibe I am aiming for with Kasumi :D
Is this just a reposting of the chapters from Ao3 until we catch up or are you doing edits as well?
I absolutely loved this.

I enjoyed how you've shown Ranma's character so far as well as the others. Keep up the great work and I can't wait to see more.
Chapter 2
Ranma New Half
Chapter 2

Tapping her chin, Akane said, "You know Ranma-Chan, if we're going to be staying home today, maybe we should go shopping?"

Kasumi clapped her hands, "That's a wonderful idea, Nabiki-Chan only has one Bandeaus after all and maybe we can get you some other necessities."

The redhead swallowed her mouthful with a hum, "Hmm, yeah I probably should get some stuff. I really wanna get another shirt like the one Pops wrecked too." She tilted her head to the side, "I don't have much money though."

"That won't be a problem," Kasumi insisted.

"Yeah," Akane added, "You're our guest after all."

Ranma shook her head, ponytail flicking wildly, "Thanks, but I can't just let ya spoil me like that. Lemme at least check my and the old man's packs for some cash."

As it looked like Kasumi was going to argue, Ranma raised a hand as if in prayer, "Please, I insist."

"Very well, but if you need the money we will be helping, I insist," She added with a touch of mischievousness of her own.

"Thanks, Kasumi Nee-Chan," Ranma said, feeling her face flush a touch, before the sound of thumping feet drew their attention as Nabiki moved through the room in a blue and white touched dress.

"Leaving already sis?" Akane asked, glancing at the clock.

Nabiki smirked, "I have some business to take care off before class, bye bye~" she sang, disappearing out of the room.

"Business?" Ranma asked with a tilted head.

Akane shook her head, "Trust me, you don't wanna know."

Nabiki knew she could be ruthless and honestly took pride in that, but she also liked to think she was also a realist.

'And the reality of today is different to the reality of yesterday,' she mused with an ugly frown.

Genma Saotome, far from an ideal father in law or easily ignorable oaf, was a problem, and one she did not have a solution for. No extortion was available, her father had more money than her so bribery was out and anything she could think of to manipulate a man like that was not on the table.

'Worst came to worst, I could always throw Akane or daddy at a problem, but he's on Genma's side and Akane's not strong enough to help if things take a turn for the worst.'

It was a scary thought, not one she'd ever really had to conceive of before, not at this level at least, and for the first time she had no one to turn to. Dr Tofu had his uses of course, but he was a pacifist at the end of the day and not someone Nabiki had any real influence over and the prospect of begging for help rankled her.

To say these facts alone had kept her up at night would be accurate, but not the whole truth. The image of Ranma desperately thrashing for life in her fathers grasp, the reminder of terror she felt when Akane's fist crashed against Genma to no effect...

'No, I didn't like any of that,' she thought coldly.

Nabiki brushed a hand through her hair, as if to clear the thoughts from her mind as she began closing in on the school. Her steps slowed ever so slightly, any hints of her inner turmoil or concern, let alone that she hadn't slept well, neatly brushed aside with practiced ease. Weakness had its uses, or the image of it at least, but only at the right times and with the right people and right now, this was not the right time and these were not the right people.

Nabiki Tendo took a breath and prepared to do something she usually hated, namely, helping out.

Stepping into the courtyard where Akane's gang of suitors was already marshalled, and while other students took the long way around to avoid them Nabaiki cast her gaze across the crowd, seeking her targets.

'Good, the people I called are in place, then we can begin act one,' Placing her fingers other lips Nabiki whistled, so loud and so sharply it drew all eyes to her. Then, with her usual smirk, she called, "Where's Kuno-Chan I have a message from my little sister!"

There was a stirring and then several boys were sent into the air or to the ground as Tatewaki Kuno burst through the crowd and raced to stand before her.

"My beloved goddess has a message for me!?"

Nabiki snorted, "No, I just didn't want to bother looking for you."

Kuno clutched his head and howled, "Nabiki-San, your vile manipulations have cost me my dramatic entrance!"

Waving him off she strode by him, as though marching to school, "Yes, yes, I just wanted to tell you and your gaggle of stooges that my sister won't be coming today."

"What!?" Kuno howled while the crowd began to murmur.

Nabiki shrugged, "She came down with a head cold and Kasumi Nee-Chan insisted she stay home for the day."

Now Kuno was crying, typical, "Oh what a cruel twist of fate, for the mighty tigress to be laid so low by sickness. I must go to her side and offer her my strength!"


Nabiki turned sharply, murder in her eyes, "You're going to go and force yourself on my little sister when she can't even fight back?"

Kuno gagged, "I - I wouldn't-"

Nabiki turned away, "Of course you would. Why am I even surprised? Its not as though you ever fight my sister fairly."

"You dare-"

"After all, isn't that why you wait for Akane-Chan to tire herself out fighting through this rabble you raised? So scared of her strength you need a wave of meat shields to wear her down."

The crowd of boys was murmuring now and a few choice players she had called on and a few she didn't raised their voices in ire

"Yeah, how come Kuno-Senpai is always last to fight!?"

"That's why he did that speech, the rat bastard!"

"The captain's been using us? Say it isn't so!"

"You lowly peons question my bravery, my strength!?" Kuno howled, drawing his practice sword.

Nabaiki slowly shuffled away from the enraged swordsman, "I don't know about you all, but if I were in your shoes and I'd been turned into someone's punching bag just so another guy could try and fail to get a date.... Well, I'd be pretty angry."

"Nabiki-San, if you think to-OW!" Someone had lobbed a music box at Kuno's head, "Which one of you uncultured swine did that!?"

"He's betrayed us!"

"Let's kill Kuno!"

"Get him!"

And thus the hundred boy army boy of Furinkan Highschool descended upon Tatewaki Kuno with all their fury and fighting prowess.

Of course, given Tatewaki was a match for Akane, their fury and fighting prowess didn't even let them last a minute.

But it did let Nabiki get into school without trouble and addressed the first of several problems.

'Next up,' she thought, looking at her watch, 'The schools registration office.'

After all, Ranma-Chan's paper work still needed to be sorted out.

Genma's return to the waking world was filled with an eerie numbness and burning frustration, humiliation even!

'At least the boy's combat skills didn't completely vanish with his manhood!' A part of him thought, even as he trembled in fear and terror at the memories of the night before. 'Nodoka will never let this slide, nor will I, we cannot!' he thought, eyes finally opening to a dimly lit medical lounge.

Soun sat up from the chair he'd been resting in, "Genma, my friend, I am so glad to see you back with us."

"I as well old friend, though I wish the circumstances were better," he grumbled through an all too numb jaw. "Where am I?"

Soun passed him some ice chips, "This is the office of Dr Tofu, an expert in chiropractic's and esoteric, chi healing techniques.

'That explains the numbness, but it seems the fools more invested in lessening my pain than hastening my healing, such weakness!' Genma had been raised on pain, he could stomach this.

Swallowing the icy water, Genma looked to Soun who was frowning intently, compelling Genma to speak, "Where did the fool boy run off too?"

"Ranma-Kun is staying with my daughters, but he is still insisting on this girl nonsense and my daughters seem quite taken with it," Soun shook his head. "What happened old friend?"

'That's what I want to know,' Genma thought bitterly. He'd spent over a decade honing Ranma into an icon of masculinity, leaving no room for weakness or vulnerability. Any thought even tangentially feminine were trained out of him with blood and sweat and broken bones. 'This cannot be my fault and so, there is only one explanation!' He was reaching, some part of him knew, but this needed to be his reality, it had to be.

"This curse, Tendo, I believe it is to blame for the madness afflicting my son," He intoned gravely.

Soun gasped, "Whatever do you mean, Saotome?"

Genma's hazy mind danced from one explanation to the next before hitting on the right memory. "The guide, when we sought a cure, he told us the curses could mix or mutate, but he also told us... He told us of the Spring of Drowned Pious Man."

Soun, smart man that he was, put the pieces together for Genma, "A Spring that changes not just the body but the mind too?"

Genma tried to nod but failed thanks to the neck brace, "I believe they all do to some extent. But I am a master martial artist, Ranma, for all his skill and strength is still a boy, not yet wise enough to notice such subtle manipulations."

"I see, I see. Then Saotome, we must find a cure and a means of shocking your son back to his senses!" Soun said with a sharp clap of fist against palm.

"Agreed, we'll need to utilize our every contact in the community and beyond to seek a cure, but as to shocking Ranma back to his senses... There's a small chest hidden in my travel pack, contained within it are pictures of our journey before we were cursed. Find them Tendo, show your daughters and my son the truth and force them to confront reality."

Soun rested a hand on his shoulder, "You can count on me old friend, always."

In the next room over, Dr Tofu listened intently.

Ranma spent a solid hour in the practice hall, rummaging through her fathers pack, finding everything from old contracts, to scrolls and of course several money clips worth of yen. Some were in hidden compartments, others just carelessly strewn about in a sort of vaguely ordered chaos.

But she also found the true target of her search, the photo box.

It was a humble thing really, redwood that was perhaps a little rough but well made, lined with dark, thin metal strips that made it look sturdy and a touch fancy, with a simple padlock now broken.

Inside were a handful of pictures of another person, another life, dark hair and too broad shoulders, a chest that never sat right and a smile that rarely reached the eyes.

Ranma knelt before the dustbin, pictures in hand and for a moment she struggled to let them go.

'Its not that I don't want to, or even that I can't, but...' But there was something missing from the moment, the moment that would ensure Ranma's new life could go uninterrupted by memories of another... 'That's what it is,' she thought with a silent sigh of relief as she began shuffling through the pictures again.

'I want to say thank you, for who we were, for being able to find some times and people to smile with and... For being able to get us to where I am now.' A tear glistened in her eye as she closed her fist around the pictures, Chi bursting from her palm and reducing them to ash. Ranma then let the ash fall and clapped her hands before bowing, 'A prayer for an old life that's no longer here and the new life that it helped create... Thank you.'

There was a moment of silence and Ranma could finally breath again, truly free, and with that in mind... She picked up her fathers photo box and with a careless flex of her fingers crushed it into shrapnel, letting it fall into the dustbin.

Normally Akane would enjoy the chance to be alone with her crush, but given the injury and the fact she knew her father had come home to claim his 'Dear friends' effects her mood was silently soured.

"OK Akane-Chan, try and flex your fingers against mine," the good doctor said gently from his position at the table side with her.

Akane blushed but nodded, letting her fingers interlock with his and she began to close her hand, fingers shaking the further she went.

"That's good, Akane-Chan, you're recovering very quickly!" Dr Tofu encouraged, loosening his grip.

"I am? That's such a relief, thank you doctor!" She said.

The taller man bowed his head, "I only played a role, Akane-Chan, your body and Chi are quite resilient. Still," he added, taking some notes, "I don't want you practicing any martial arts or doing heavy lifting with that hand for another day. It could impact your recovery."

"Are you sure?" She asked, a nervous tremor at the thought of that horde of boys and only one available hand.

Tofu nodded slowly, "I know it seems harsh but a misplaced punch or too heavy bag could undo all the good work and possibly prove detrimental long term. At times like this, don't be afraid to ask others for help."

As if summoned, Ranma slipped into the room, still in a loose fitting tank top but at least wearing pants now.

"Ah Ranma-Chan, just in time for your appointment," Dr Tofu cheered, turning to face the redhead.

"Thanks doc, need me to take my ah... What did Nabiki call this?" Ranma asked, using her good sides arm to slide the tank top off.

"Ranma! You can't just strip down in front of a guy!!!" Akane screeched, her face burning as she searched for something to throw atop the girl.

"Its quite all right, Akane-Chan, as a doctor I am quite inured to matters like this. Though if Ranma-Chan would like more privacy?" Dr Tofu asked lightly, eying the open door to the back garden.

"Eh, not much privacy on the road with the old man, and if guys do perv on me I just beat-em up!" Ranma's words had a laughing quality to them.

Not sure what to feel about any of that, Akane found herself shuffling nervously and refusing to look up as her face burned. Meanwhile Dr Tofu continued to professionally and calmly assess Ranma's injury, the two drifting into a conversation about Chi and recovery times she could only half follow.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Dr Tofu declared, "You're healing very well, I think we can forgo the bandages in favor of a patch and some Shiatsu Point techniques."

"Sounds awesome, you actually know your stuff, Tofu-Sensei," Ranma's shift from Doc to Sensei was something Akane had picked up on but not known what to think about.

Ranma's entire top half was also now completely naked, a fact which she showed no concern over, as Dr Tofu prepped her with a water proof Band-Aid.

'She's half wild,' Akane thought, only to stiffen at a set of familiar footfalls.

"Excuse me, is Ranma-Kun here?" her father called, and Ranma's face flickered from carefree to ashen in an instant, her shoulders hunching as she stared at the floor.

"Ranma-Chan is in the middle of a medical check-up," Dr Tofu intoned gravely, but her father waved him off and strode into the room , a travelling pack dangling from his hand.

"I'm practically his father in law" He said, "And I have a rather important question for you, Ranma-Kun?"

"Dad, stop being rude-"

"Its fine, Akane-Chan," Ranma said with forced jocularity and turning to face Soun Tendo, top still off, causing her father to nearly spasm, as she continued. "Though if ya talk about me like that with people around they might start to think you're going senile, Tendo-San."

"Regardless of your current body, you are a boy in spirit and mind lad," Soun insisted, leading Ranma to mutter something to herself, while Akane massaged her head.

Before she could yell at her father for this mad behavior, he pressed on, "Anyway son, your father asked me to collect his effect. He also mentioned a box of some sentimental value to you both, housing pictures I believe?"

Ranma was letting Dr Tofu rebind her chest with the Bandeaus as she hummed thoughtfully, "Earthy brown, darker metal, with a tough looking lock?"

Soun smiled eagerly, "Yes, that's it!"

"Pops pawned it in China."

The sudden choking noise Soun Tendo made seemed to have almost torn itself from his throat.

Regaining his composure, such as it was, her father insisted, "Given the importance of those photos I doubt he would do such a thing, Ranma-Kun."

Ranma shrugged, "I think he forgot the pictures were in there. He does stuff like that all the time, like pawning my friends Yattai a few towns after we got it as a going away present."

'Who gives someone a yattai as a going away present?' Akane wondered.

Pulling a handful of pictures from her pocket, Ranma slapped them on the table. "If you wanna seem some old pictures I have a few though, take a gander."

Soun shot down, only to start weeping, while Akane brightened as she and Dr Tofu joined Ranma in looking over them.

"Oh this Qipao is gorgeous Ranma-Chan, when did you get it?" She asked.

"Ah that was from a waitressing job I had when the old man and I got separated for a week.

Dr Tofu picked up another, "This looks like it was from a very old camera."

"Got that right one of those one's that prints the picture, I got a nice lady to take it when I saw her doing nature photography near Jusenkyo."

Ranma snatched up another photo of herself in an arcade booth, wearing little more than an oversized sparring Gi. "I got these right after we got back to the first big city, it was so bright there it looked like daytime even in the middle of the night!"

"Why are you a girl in all of them!?" Soun sobbed.

"Uh, cos I am a girl?" Ranma said, causing the man to cry harder.

Akane just tuned him out while Dr Tofu started ferrying her father out the door, where Kasumi was already waiting with a bag packed for several days worth of travel.

Ranma was grinning as she finished recounting her first day as a waitress before stilling, "Hey uh... Not for nothing, but should I thank your pa for me using his room?"

Akane waved her off, "You're injured and we don't exactly had a dedicated guest room, though if you're going to be studying here... I think there's a storage room we could reorganize maybe?"

"Ah, well... Guess we'll see... Thanks, Akane-Chan," Ranma said with another of her shy smiles.

"The curse has its claws in him deep, Saotome," Soun sighed as he finished recounting the harrowing tale from his bed side chair.

"Clearly, yet we cannot lose hope, Tendo," Genma intoned gravely, strength coming back to his voice.

"I know old friend," Soun leaned back in his chair, "If we are still seeking pictures, maybe we can ask your wife?"

Genma's entire body stiffened and twitched violently, "Ther- There's no need for such hasty action, Tendo! Let's try and resolve this ourselves before getting 'her' involved."

"Ah yes, I had almost forgotten 'that' agreement, though it might have its worth in forcing the matter," He mused.

Genma tried and failed to shake his head, "Too risky, remember its not just one life you're gambling with here, it is mine as well."

"True, true, I suppose then we focus on our other idea?"

"Indeed," Genma said, a twinkle in his eye, "We must get the word out across the entire community, martial arts, Shinobi, Samurai and mystic alike."

Sound nodded, "I have already begun old friend, by sending messages to all our old contacts while I was at home. Soon, all shall hear of Genma' Saotome's quest."

The solemn tone was cut short as Genma froze in his bed, "You didn't tell anyone-"

"About the curse? Assuredly not," He said, scandalized, "I was very careful about how I phrased things while ensuring we would still get what we needed."

"That's not... That's not all, I mean... Did you use my name?" The beefy man quivered.

He blinked owlishly, "Well yes, why wouldn't I?"

Genma Saotome, promptly passed out.

Shopping with Akane and Kasumi had turned out to be a fairly calm affair, the ice cream they had for lunch only made it better.

That wasn't to say it had all been smooth sailing.

Akane & Kasumi clearly had very cutesy, ladylike tastes and while Ranma wasn't exactly unhappy to finally explore the women's sections, she & Akane had nearly gotten into a fight over a too cutsie outfit. The facts were, Ranma Saotome was and always would be a fighter and that meant she preferred her clothes to be good for moving, kicking and flipping.

Plus, she just liked a lot of her usual ware.

But with some back and forth, they had been able to make the right purchases, along with Ranma's wardrobe definitely having spiced up some.

Though not all losses went to the dress duo as Ranma had mentally called the sister, as could be seen by the the fact she was currently in a changing room wearing an elegant, white sundress.

It hugged to her torso but wasn't too tight, leaving her shoulders and sun kissed arms nearly laid bare. It emphasized her curves but remained firmly in place, while the flowing skirt let her well toned legs lie free and when Ranma looked in the mirror...

'This is... Me,' she thought, hand pressed to the glass.

"Ranma-Chan, what do you think?" Kasumi called gently.

"Yeah, let us see!" Akane added excitedly.

Ranma sucked in a breath and stepped out, to the oohs and aahs of the sisters while her heart tremored in her chest.

"Ranma-Chan, are you all right?" Kasumi asked gently, a hand resting on her arm, "If you don't like-"

Ranma shook her head frantically, "I love it... Can we get one?" She whispered.

The Tendo sisters smiles were radiant, as Kasumi answered, "Of course, Ranma-Chan."

When Nabiki got home the evening sun was setting and she could smell dinner cooking, Ranma and Kasumi's voices echoing from the kitchen.

"I'm home," she called with a tired sigh.

"You were out late," Akane observed from her comfortable spot at the table, an essay due on Friday laid out before her.

"Indeed, I hope you didn't spoil your appetite?" Kasumi added, she and Ranma stepping from the steam filled kitchen.

"My appetite? Never," she scoffed, before flopping down next to Akane, "I just had some things to take care of, Wala!"

She threw down transfer papers, documents and more, all labelled with Ranma Saotome. She saw the redhead tensing and smiled in that soft way Kasumi did that Nabiki could only fake. "I talked to the school about Ranma-Chan's transfer, that idiot father of her tried to register her as a boy and caused no end of confusion, but I straightened it all out with them."

Ranma's breathing slowed and she grinned, "Thanks so much, Nabiki Nee-Chan!"

Nabiki waved her hand lazily, "Figured if my sisters were helping you shop I should help too, and speaking of helping..." she gave Akane a significant look and said. "I couldn't get rid of Kuno, but that morning routine with the hundred boys? That's over."

Akane stared at her, pleased smile fading to something suspicious, "That's not funny."

"No joke," Nabiki said gravely, matching her sisters glare, "I broke it down for those morons that Kuno was just using them as punching bags to tire you out. Then with a few people in the crowd who owed me favors egging everyone on, they turned on him like rabid dogs. Its over little siste-"

"Nabiki Nee-Chan!" Akane wailed, or cheered, scooping the taller girl up in her arms and spinning her like a doll. The strength of her grasp near suffocating, but it was hard to tell with Akane shivering as they came to a stop and she whispered, "You... You really-"

"I mean it, I can't get rid of Kuno, but-"

"No one could deal with that brick wall, but the boys, that morning attack, its finally over?"

"It is," Nabiki said with carefully measured gentleness, "I made sure of it through the rest of the day... If I'd know it was getting you this much I'd have done it sooner, sorry, Akane-Chan. You always seemed to handle it so easily but after last nights scare... Well, that made it all more real."

Akane gave her another squeeze, "Thank you, Nee-sama."

Awkwardly, Nabiki patted the smaller girls head, as Akane's grip slackened and she faced them all with a bright smile, "I've gotta go call my friends and tell them the good news!" Before bouncing off.

Kasumi was giving her a very fond look of... Pride... Nabiki did not know how to deal with that.

Thankfully, Ranma broke the silence, "Um, what happened?"

"I'll explain as we finish cooking, Ranma-Chan, I don't want to sour Akane-Chan's mood over dinner by telling of it. Nabiki-Chan go upstairs and enjoy the furo."

Nabiki saluted, "Can do Nee-chan!"

Dinner ended up passing by in a flurry of anecdotes and displaying newly bought clothes, along with Akane's excited chatter about school and her friends.

When every plate was dusted off, Nabiki somehow matching Ranma's own appetite with ease, Akane had to go and finish her essay and Ranma was politely shooed away from helping with the dishes.

"You had a long day, Ranma-Chan and I want you to rest," Kasumi insisted, hands on her shoulders.

Nabiki was picking up her clothes and said, "Come on, Ranma-Chan, I'll help you put this stuff away."

"Ah, thanks, Nabiki Nee-Chan!" Ranma offered, silently grateful for the offers as her side was aching.

Kasumi was returning to the kitchen but almost as an aside Ranma likely wasn't meant to hear said, "Thank you for being so helpful today, Nabiki-Chan."

"Enjoy it while it lasts~" Was Nabiki's sing song retort, before the brunette helped return Ranma's clothes to her fathers room. Ranma watched from the bed as the older girl began tossing aside her dads clothes to make room for Ranma's with careless ease.

Rubbing her side, and hoping to whatever gods were out there that the Band-Aid didn't come off and stain her new dress, Ranma smiled at the older girl.

"Thanks again for your help, Nabiki Nee-Chan, with everything today."

"Its fine," Nabiki said, idly toying with a a piece of fabric, "Though if you don't mind I had something I wanted to discuss with you."

Ranma swallowed, stomach dropping but she nodded, "Uh sure, what is it?"

"Well," the girl started slowly, "I got them to update your student profile in the database, you'll need to go in for a proper photo tomorrow just so you know but..." she trailed off and slowly revealed something from her pocket, "I heard about my dads visit and found this in the dustbin."

It was a few chunks of redwood, with dark metal embedded onto it and a broken lock.

"I... Uh... I..." She couldn't think, she couldn't move, her heart was racing, her whole body shook as she staggered to her feet, exits, exits, she needed-

"Hey pretty girl," Nabiki's voice cut through the frantic terror and Ranma froze, gaze snapping to the taller woman.

Nabiki's sharp, elegant fingers cradled her cheek as she met Ranma's eyes, "Ranma-Chan, I am not telling you this to scare you or hold something over you. I am telling you this because as sneaky as you had to be to get around that man you call father, you got blind spots. Just like we all do," she added, like a dirty little confession on her part.

"Then you... I mean..." Ranma didn't have the words, she didn't even know if the words existed.

"Its a secret between us girls, K?" Nabiki said, with mischievous smirk.

Ranma didn't even think before throwing her arms around the girl in a weak but intense hug, shaking as she whispered, "Thank you, Nabiki Nee-sama."

Sharp nails ran through her hair in soothing strokes that made Ranma want to purr, "Don't worry about it, us girls have to stick together."

"Yeah," Ranma whispered, with a smile so strong she just knew it reached her eyes.

And that's chapter 2, I hope people enjoyed it as much as the first one!

Ranma's prayer to her old 'self' was inspired by a comic where someone imagined themselves post transition being able to speak with their child counterpart. I'm not sure I hit on the same themes, but I hope the vibe is similar.

Also the dress was inspired by the one she's seen wearing in that OVA music video on the docks. I don't think Ranma will ever be particularly 'feminine' but much like wearing suits can make one feel cool and suave on occasion there will be times she wants to really emphasize that side of herself and outfits like that are perfect for those times. Plus Manga Ranma developed a huge feminine wardrobe she was happy to bust out and well, speaking from personal experience with gender Euphoria, I don't 'enjoy' wearing jewelry cos its uncomfortable, but I love seeing myself in jewelry ya know?

Given the attack on Ranma & Akane's injury were treated seriously and the context in which I chose to treat them seriously and gauge other characters responses, it only made sense to do the same for the Furinkan horde, or at least on their emotional impact on Akane.

Also if Nabiki is being too nice, keep in mind at this stage her motives are less "I want to be a good person" and more, "I want Genma Saotome out of my life and Ranma's my best card on the table for that." IE, she's freaked out cos for the first time in forever she might actually be in danger with no way out, so she's getting all her ducks in a row to counterbalance Genma & Soun.
God, having Ranma pretend to be AFAB is such an effective plot beat. I think when you write a fanfic like this it's easy to either make it too serious (by [justifiably] recontextualizing all of the slapstick elements of canon as open hate crimes) or too simple (by writing a protagonist who takes active initiative to fix her life).

But no, actually, Ranma fixing her life and fighting off hate crimes is actually still extremely funny and needlessly complicated when her big idea for getting away with it is "gaslighting". The 3D chess is 100% in-character from the character who once pretended to be "Yoiko Hibiki" and it's a fun way to inject a lot of canon's absurdist tone back into the story.
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God, having Ranma pretend to be AFAB is such an effective plot beat. I think when you write a fanfic like this it's easy to either make it too serious (by [justifiably] recontextualizing all of the slapstick elements of canon as open hate crimes) or too simple (by writing a protagonist who takes active initiative to fix her life).

But no, actually, Ranma fixing her life and fighting off hate crimes is actually still extremely funny and needlessly complicated when her big idea for getting away with it is "gaslighting". The 3D chess is 100% in-character from the character who once pretended to be "Yoiko Hibiki" and it's a fun way to inject a lot of canon's absurdist tone back into the story.
I am so glad that idea worked, readers on AO3 enjoyed it quite a bit XD Also yes, I definitely see and agree with your point, balancing that line of taking certain elements seriously but which one's and how much can be a real challenge.

Ranma arrived in Nerima with a plan to gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss her way through Genma no matter the cost, and I am glad it feels suitably Ranma 1/2 and Ranma in general, great citation with the Yoiko Hibiki, this is even more in line with Ranma than I expected, haha!
Nabiki being nice in her own way, even if it is to get what she wants in the long term.

Would be good character development if she can start integrating it as an everyday thing, whilst maintaining her essential mercenary character.
Nabiki being nice in her own way, even if it is to get what she wants in the long term.

Would be good character development if she can start integrating it as an everyday thing, whilst maintaining her essential mercenary character.
That's the exact vibe I was going for, glad it landed as intended, and as to the second part of the comment, well, no spoilers but I do plan on continuing to focus on her character a bit; let's hope it continues to work as intended :D
Chapter 3
Ranma New Half
Chapter 3

Mornings at the Tendo Dojo had a habit of being both bustling and quiet.

Kasumi would find herself preparing meals, Akane exercising, and Nabiki usually somewhere between scheming, eating and waking up.

The temporary exile of the family patriarch and adoption of Ranma Saotome had not wholly changed this reality; save that now two people could be seen doing Kata in the early morning light.

Ranma herself was only vaguely aware of these facts and was far more focused on the familiar exercises as she and Akane went through some more advanced Kata the redhead knew in the Dojo.

For Ranma it was pleasantly relaxing, smooth and easy, for Akane, it was clearly pushing her physical awareness and there was a rigid, almost angry tension in her frame.

"Hya!" They finished with a dual set of strikes, only for Akane to bite back a snarl and fall back into her ready stance to try again, sweat dripping onto her Gi.

"Let's do another," She said sharply, bruised knuckles clenched tight as she stared at some place far away from Ranma.

Straightening her ponytail, Ranma said, "Guess we better stop, you seem pretty done."

"I'm not done!" Akane snapped, before covering her eyes, her breaths hot and angry, "I'm sorry Ranma-Chan, but I promise I'm fine."

Arching her brow, Ranma answered very slowly, "I'm not the brightest bulb when it comes to this stuff but ah, you seem bothered by something, Akane-Chan."

"I just want to... I just want to be stronger!" She insisted hotly,

Ranma tilted her head to the side, not terribly versed in picking up on another's Chi unless their intent was murderous and even then she wasn't great, as recent experienced showed.

'Still, her Chi seems more... Pushed?' Fingers clicked as she put the pieces together, "Are you trying to call up your Battle Spirit?"

The question broke through whatever frustration had been brewing in Akane's mind as she murmured, "That's what that was... That sounds so anime."

Ranma snorted, "Hey, they named that after us martial artists, thank you." Hands on her hips, she added, "So that's what you were trying then?"

Akane looked away, "I suppose its just... I mean..." She looked nervous and Ranma, to her credit, didn't take long to put it together.

"You can bring up the fight, its not the first time the old man's messed me up or that I've laid him out for it," She inwardly cringed at the sorrowful look Akane sent her at that "Oh don't look at me like that," She groused, turning away to stretch as a silence began to fester.

Finally, Akane plowed passed the awkwardness, "When he was grappling you... I hit him, but it didn't do a thing and it was only after I stepped back that I saw it, like he was surrounding in light and shadow, fire and smoke."

"And you wanna do that too?" Ranma asked.

Akane shrugged, "I suppose, I just... I've never felt that vulnerable before, never seen that kind of strength before. I know, I know you're better than me but I feel like I should be more than... This." She was staring at her bruised knuckles with a shameful expression.

Ranma slowly sucked in and let out a breath. Never having gotten much encouragement she wasn't the best person to do this but with a shrug she said. "You're plenty strong, and I bet you'll get stronger," She added hastily. "Thing is you're already using Chi, its why you hit so hard without putting on tons of muscle and why you heal so quick but..."

Ranma dropped to the floor, legs crossing over one another, "A Battle Aura, calling up your Chi, your spirit to use it like that in a fight, that's another level and my Pop said it could be risky too." Seeing Akane frown at that Ranma hastened to add, "Look he's a bastard but he knows about fighting, I'll give him that much. Still," She motioned for Akane to sit, "Let's see if we can work something out."

"Really!?" Akane mimicked her sitting position and looked at her with an almost aggressive amount of hope.

"Course!" Ranma cheered, before leaning forward conspirituality, "But first ya gotta know some stuff."

Akane nodded attentively, "What is it?"

"First," Ranma began counting off, "Battle Aura and Chi aren't quite the same thing. A Battle Aura is like... Its like you turned your Spirit into a weapon or a Kata, its a state of mind and takes a long time to achieve, it means your resolve won't break easy but it also means you can't do much but fight."

Akane nodded, though a question lingered in her gaze, as Ranma counted to two.

"Secondly, when you're just calling your Chi up... Well emotions play a big roll in things, focus too; lose your focus and its gone, lose your confidence or will to fight and it will be harder to muster, see?"

"So it just, vanishes?" Akane asked.

"Vanishes... More like flows in the wrong direction, like a river getting diverted, all the waters still there but now its not longer flowing how or where you wanted it to."

Akane nodded, "Is that why people develop a Battle Aura?"

Ranma clapped, "Hey, you got it in one! Those can still be broken too but its a lot harder and like I said, it can mess with ya in its own ways too, but that's for later. For now, let's try and just play with our Chi, here, here," Ranma held out her hands, both palms facing Akane, who slowly brought up her own hands and together, they encircled their fingered.

"Close your eyes and focus in ya breathing, feel the beating of my heart and yours..."

They stayed like that for almost half an hour, Akane's impatience at war with her desire, but with steady effort, they soon reached their goal.

Anyone who walked into the Dojo would be able to see two sets of phantasmal light, one a sharp crisp, baby blue, radiating and swirling around Akane's form. While another, darker and more like powerful flames blazed around Ranma's frame, casting their spectral light across the well cared for wood.

But all good things must come to an end and Akane's arms were quaking, even as she stared longingly at the lights radiating from her.

Slowly, reluctantly, they pulled their hands apart, Akane's Aura lingering, clinging to her as she looked at the now entirely healed hand and beamed.

"That was amazing, Ranma-Chan, thank you!"

Ranma gave the other girl a thumbs up.

"Girls, breakfast is almost ready!"

Breakfast hadn't been a particularly quiet affair, Akane excitedly sharing her experience with 'Chi' to Kasumi, while Ranma wolfed down her meal.

However, as the meal drew closer and closer to its close, Akane became increasingly confused and finally asked, "Say, where is Nabiki Nee-Chan?"

Cradling her own cheek, Kasumi murmured, "I'm not sure, she took her breakfast and went upstairs before you two came in. She said something about research."

"I hope she didn't fall behind any homework," Akane mused, "Maybe I should go check on her?"

Ranma suddenly spoke up, "Let me, Akane-Chan, you gotta go to school with your friends right?"

Akane's eyes shot open at that and she forced down the rest of her meal in three mouthfuls, "Thanks for the amazing breakfast, Kasumi Nee-Chan, gotta go!"

"That was... Sudden," Ranma said slowly.

"Its been awhile since Akane could walk to school with her little friends," Kasumi offered, hand feeling around beneath the table for a container.

"Man, those attacks must have sucked, super dishonorable too, the jerks," Ranma groused, before glancing up stairs. "Do you mind if I finish eating before checking on Nabiki Nee-Chan?"

"Not at all, Ranma-Chan in fact I was hoping to speak to you alone anyway," she said gently, keeping her smile serene as she placed a cardboard box on the table. "This is a care package, put together by myself and with some borrowed books from Dr Tofu."

The nervousness that had been blossoming on Ranma's features faded to dull confusion, "Um, thanks?"

"You're welcome," Kasumi chuckled, before patting the smaller girls shoulder. "As a young woman, you'll be going through many changes. Other girls might have more experience with them than you have had so far, but that's fine. Just know you will have everything you need in here," she tapped the boxes lid, "and if there's anything you don't know or need help with, I'll understand. No questions asked."

Ranma hiccupped a little and wiped her face, "Thank you, Kasumi Nee-Sama."

A little while later, the box of 'essential reading' tucked away in her pack, Ranma tracked Nabiki to the attic.

It was a big, dusty place, but no real cobwebs or the like, and there was everything from sets of armor, to stuffed toys, crates and scroll cases scattered around.

Sitting among several scrolls was where Ranma found Nabiki, using her phone to take pictures of each one before placing them back.

"Nabiki Nee-Chan?" She asked, spying the empty breakfast tray behind the brunette.

"Ah, Ranma-Chan, what can I do for you, or what can you do for me?" She asked, with a turned head and a wink.

"Oh, uh, nothing much! I mean, your sisters were wondering what you were getting up too. Thinking of joining the art?" Ranma asked idly, as she noted the strange chart displaying a Chi Network, 'Moxiburn cure?'

Nabiki chuckled, "Well, we'll see," wrapping up the last scroll and locking it away, before standing and facing Ranma fully. "I get the impression you wanted to speak to me too?" She added, hand on her hip and a cocky smirk on her lips.

"Um, A little," Ranma slowly pulled her ponytail free, crimson locks spilling over her back, and she studiously ignored the wolfish expression Nabiki was wearing. "So, you know about the," She waved her hand and Nabki nodded, more serious now. "Well, see, before coming to Japan I ate this meal made with a dragon whisker."

Nabiki squinted at the strip of darkness held between Ranma's fingers, "That's a dragons whisker?"

"I guess, looks pretty small right? But," She coiled it in her palm, "Ya see, if prepped properly, its apparently a cure for baldness. But only for like, people who are men? I don't really need it to keep my hair from growing all wild and crap, and I heard you do good with money-" she stopped as Nabiki's hands clapped down on her shoulders.

"You're telling me, in your hands is a cure for male pattern baldness?" She asked intently.

"Um, yeah that's what the guy said, and well, it works on certain bodies to be sure; the chef said this one had six months of magic left and that was only a few weeks ago."

Nabiki's hands trailed up to her cheeks and the brunette kissed her brow, leaving Ranma's babbling as the older girl spoke.

"Ranma-Chan, you are a marvel, we're going to be rich!"

'Is this karma, is this what karma feels like?' Nabiki mused as she made her way to school, a bar of white chocolate in her hand and Ranma at her side.

They'd locked up the dragons whisker in a safe, hidden place, obscured by random knickknacks to further hide it from prying eyes.

'If she's right and we find a buyer, so many problems could just disappear! Though, I don't have an account for such a thing yet, so I'll need someone to be the front, and maybe a cook? Yes, more research need to be done, but still!'

The sheer potential was too much to not put a smile on her face, as she waved the bar of chocolate in front of Ranma's nose, "Want some?"

"Eeeh, thank you!" Ranma cheered, breaking off a row and munching down with almost childlike glee.

'Remember, Nabiki, no cackling. That comes later,' she thought, spying her school in the distance and checking her watch she said. "We're making good time, you remember what we discussed?"

Ranma swallowed her row of chocolate with an audible gulp and nodded, "I make myself scarce, only jump in if you need it and then go to the main office with you."

Nabiki patted Ranma's hair, "Good girl," she said with a cheeky smirk, making Ranma blush before bailing over the wall and into the trees with a wave.

Striding into the main path into the school, Nabiki was pleased to see no gathering mob of boys and less pleased to see Kuno awaiting her before the doors. As she approached, the taller student began his usual pontifications but with some added spice.

"Tendo-San, you have proven a thorn in my side most foul! You wicked ways and wily words have struck a blow to my reputation, my very honor and esteem; turning the lowly one's against the Blue Thunder, while framing me as the villain! Surely only a cruel sorceresses could-"

Nabiki swallowed another row of chocolate and walked passed him.

"Do not ignore me Nabiki Tendo- Ack!"

She only saw what happened through the reflections in the glass, but Ranma swooped down from one of the trees and snatched Kuno's reaching hand, dragging him into a sharp, twisting lock and forcing him to face her before delivering a violent kick to his jaw. The force of which sent him rocketing through the cement roof.

The kendoist twitched several times before going limp.

"Impressive, Ranma-Chan, he's not dead is he?" She mused, not really caring that much as she broke off another row of chocolate for the girl.

"Nah, he's pretty sturdy as these things go, he'll wake up with a killer headache in a bit."

"Then I get to enjoy my first period in piece, thank you Ranma-Chan. Now let's go get you registered properly, shall we?"

Unknown to all, as Ranma Saotome disappeared into the halls of Furinkan High, two figures blurred into the trees, each taking note of the other and stilling their pursuit.

They couldn't move, not yet, not if the other didn't move first, not if their target didn't come out of a place with too many places to hide and escape, not yet.

So in the trees, separated by a wide path of concrete and throng of students, they hid in the shadows, weapons at the ready.

Meanwhile, wandering the backstreets of Nerima, a bandanna clad figure held up a slip of paper and asked, "Excuse me, can you direct me to Furinkan High School?"

Ranma was honestly surprised by how relatively painless the registration process had been.

Of course Nabiki bull-shiting up a backstory behind her attendance of an all boys school had helped, along with her spotty existence in records in general. That, when combined with the somewhat esoteric culture and subtle leeway that was granted to their community meant Ranma was registered within an hour.

She even had a cute new picture added to the database and a whispered understanding regarding the uniform. Granted she did get given the blouse and skirt, but apparently the principles sons penchant for ignoring the dress code was leaving the school more lenient.

'At least until 'he' comes back,' shuddered the vice principle, before refusing to elaborate.

Passing by Akane and Nabiki's class before bailing she was pleased to see that Kuno jerk still sporting a noticeable bruise on his chin and both sisters sending her a smile before she left. With that all done and one more day before she began attending classes, for who knew how long. Ranma leapt from the third story window and sailed down to the path leading out of the school.

She was immediately set upon by three figures, each one roaring in fury, bristling battle aura screaming with murderous intent.

"Ranma Saotome!" Shouted a brunette with a ponytail, giant squared off blade and surprisingly normally clothes save for the bandolier, with martial arts pants and khaki shirt.

"Prepare to-" Cried the one in the middle, with dark hair, a black and yellow bandanna, with green pants, yellow top and old style umbrella.

"DIE!" Howled the last, and only familiar figure, long purple hair, red chest armor and a loose, lilac body suit, wielding a pair of chui.

All three impacted against the earth, ponytails weapon carving a long trench, bandanna making a crater around his feet and Xian Pu leaving two smaller craters where her weapons landed. Each rose into a combat stance, but also eyed each other warily.

'Well, this is new, normally its only one person trying to kill me at a time!' Bereft of any sensible options, Ranma raised a single hand and said, "Yo, Xian Pu."

The girl flushed and then growled, "Stop being friendly, still killing you!"

"But you're the only one here I know!" Ranma whined in a way that was only half put upon.

That sent a spasm through the brunette, sharp, handsome features turning beastial and vicious, "Don't you dare pretend to not remember me, Satome scum!"

Ranma blinked, "I seriously have no idea who you are dude."

"Die," he snarled, before coming to a halt as bandanna began to snicker, then chuckle, before graduating to roaring with laughter.

'Oh this oughta be good.'

"Of course Ranma, of course it would be you who'd inflict this hell upon me," He ground out.

"Um, what hell?" She asked, seriously, she was sure she hadn't managed to piss off this may people she couldn't recognize!

"I didn't think it was you at first, but now I see.... I see it was you who knocked me into the Spring, you bastard!"

Ranma's hand shot over her mouth, "Oh shit, that was me! Would it make you feel better if I said I was sorry?" She had looked for the unfortunate hiker after her old man had 'escaped' her 'fury' but... "Wait why were you seeking me out before then?"

"Enough talk, let's fight-" He was drawn to a stop by the brunette and Xian Pu, the former snarling.

"My families grudge against the Saotome's takes precedence over your personal slights!"

Xian Pu cut off bandanna's retort, "Hah, Joketsuzoku law is supreme, stay away!"

Ranma's brain was wracking, what was that phrase, 'Ah right, blessed are the peace makers,' she thought with a smile.

"Well, I think the solution is clear guys."

"Shut up!" they all roared.

"Listen, listen," she called cheerily, "Clearly you all need to face me, but yer personal honor's not gonna be satisfied by a cheap win," Well she sure hoped it wouldn't. "And really, only the baddest of the bad, the best of the best is gonna stand a chance anyway. So, why not sort it out among yourselves first?"

Brunettes scoffed, "Do you really think we'd fall for that?"

"Playing us, but right," Xian Pu said, all the while swinging her Chi at bandanna's face and sending him flying with said backhand, before striking at the brunette in a surprise jab.

Unfortunately for her, Xian Pu underestimated her foes.

Bandanna fell into a roll and rose to his feet, having thrown himself back to avoid the worst of it, while the brunette blocked her strike with his blade.

"How dare you!" Bandanna roared, flinging himself into the fray.

Things quickly devolved from there.

Xian Pu, was on the receiving end of a swift defensive attempt to disarm her from the brunette, quickly compounded with a furious assault by the bandanna boy. But then the brunettes made a sudden switch and jammed the pommel of his blade in bandanna's gut out of some misplaced sense of chivalry; thus causing the fanged fighters to change targets and Xian Pu to leap on them both.

Ranma was five seconds from bailing and leaving them to sort each other out, when she noticed the brunette was making a move. Slowly shifting away from the center of the melee to let the other two furious fighters square off.

Just as it seemed they had noticed he leapt into the air, loosing a bag of powder which when swiped by the umbrella exploded into a haze of red powder than began popping, bursting and banging.

Ranma joined the brunette in the sky before the wave of crackling smoke hit her and grimaced, 'Shit he turned around.' Bracing for the strike, Ranma rolled and kicked off from the spatula when he swung and disappeared into the trees surrounding Furinkan.

Bouncing off a branch, then a trunk she landed in time to watch the Shinobi leap off the school and follow her path.

"Hey what happened to honor?" She chided, leaping out of the way of another sweep strike.

"What honor!?" He howled, "Your family stole that along with everything else, you traitor!"

"Wait are you-"

That was naturally when Xian Pu and the cursed fighter rejoined the fray.

Class had unsurprisingly ground to a halt with what sounded like explosions taking place outside. Akane had been nervous at the strength on display just with these strange fighters presence, but as the battle became more chaotic she tremored.

Entire trees were cut down be it by weapons or fists, some hoisted into the air to be used as shields, or weapons. The fighters moved in blurs she couldn't even follow, rage and bloodlust practically radiating through the air. Only the attackers malice towards one another seemed to be letting Ranma stay ahead- She lost sight of them again, but then a red blur launched from the trees.

Leaning out the window, Akane cried, "Ranma-Chan!" As the redhead impacted with the corner walls of the roof.

"I got this!" She called back, barely dodging a tree lobbed from the ground, only to be ambushed by the purple haired woman, being clipped by her strikes.

Then the Shinobi and the warrior joined the fray, each fighter racing across the wire fence atop the school, sharp blades and bludgeons clashing against flesh and bone.

Finally Ranma kicked off the giant spatula and into the sky, "Wanna fight? Follow me assholes!" Sailing down from the top of the six story building, across the courtyard and onto the street, not even stopping in her escape, as each fighter followed suit.

"Ranma..." Not wasting a moment, Akane opened the window and jumped.

So, world building! I've been sporadically musing on the implications of how characters utilize and talk about stuff like Chi, battle spirit, Aura's, ETC, especially in light of how stuff like the Shi Shi Hokodan or Mako Tabakisha work, or super don't work depending on one's emotions. I hope it proved interesting!

I am so happy with this little plot point with the whisker, I wanted to remind people of it a little hence Ranma undoing her hair and not redoing it in a pigtail after finding hot water didn't change her back. Also if Ranma seems a little too soft here, its mostly cos she's euphoric and on the receiving end of the most emotional support & validation she's ever gotten.

I mentioned before that Ranma was grateful to Xian Pu, hence her differing reaction to canon here; also I love exploring the implications to the fact there seems to be a sort of cultural and even slightly legal separation between like... Martial artist families (Plus samurai, Shinobi, ETC) and civilians folks. Or at least one can interpret it that way given some of what we see in the series, so I run with it.

Also, yeah, this is exactly the sort of situation Genma feared happening last chapter just applied to Ranma rather than himself. IE why he passed out in terror when Soun mentioned he was throwing around Genma's name in the various circles of martial artists, mystics and more; as well as why certain people are hear early.
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Absolutely phenomenal.
Reading this is giving me warm fuzzies inside. I love Ranma's "pretend to be AFAB" plan, and I love the fact Nabiki instantly discovered the truth, and yet she accepted Ranma and helps her.

Also the dragon whisker plot point is clever
Absolutely phenomenal.
Reading this is giving me warm fuzzies inside. I love Ranma's "pretend to be AFAB" plan, and I love the fact Nabiki instantly discovered the truth, and yet she accepted Ranma and helps her.

Also the dragon whisker plot point is clever
Thanks so much :D

I'm s glad, I won't deny there's an element of pure joy when writing this. Hehe, so glad that's landed and yeah Nabiki struck me as too cunning and used to deception to not put things together, but she also seems largely unbothered by all this even in canon.

Thanks, I came up with it mid writing and was like "Well Ranma doesn't need it anymore" and opportunities just occurred in waves.
Chapter 4
Ranma New Half

Chapter 4

'Another attack attempt, followed by another feeble failure. My only comfort is this time I alone do not share all the blame and thus, all the shame,' Xian Pu mused. She glared down at the wiggling black piglet, trying desperately to keep its backpack from falling into the artificial river running through the city.

"Fanged fool," She bit out, snatching the creature up by his bandanna and giving him a shake as his supplies splashed into the water and drifted away. Shaking him she shouted, "Had you not interfered, had you not distracted me, I could have continued to hound her but you bound me here and so I must track Ranma down again!"

The pig stared uncomprehending.

"Useless foreigners, you travel all the way to Jusenkyo and do not bother to learn our language? I am only here by duty and I still know more than you, ignorant pig," This time the pig seemed to at least pick up a few words, particularly the insults. It went from confused staring to angry thrashing and attempted biting very quickly after all.

"Oh be silent, you pose no threat to me now, nor can you get in the way of my pursuits like this." Now she just needed to determine how best to deal with that brunette. Perhaps if he slew Ranma and she defeated or wed him her her pride and honor would be restored and she could go home again?

'But that's for later, for now, I should find somewhere safe to store this one and return to my mission.' Killing him would be easier, but slaying something so weak would be shameful.

Sighing, she stood up, taking in the long streets and wary locals watching her. Signs of the battle in small craters and speckles of blood were clear to see. Her gaze trailed along the path her foes shadows had followed, across the roof tops of shops and towards the docks it seemed.

'Back to the hunt,' she sighed, moving to collect her Chui when well honed instincts flared.

Spinning around Xian Pu snatched what looked to be a satchel from the air and eyed a girl with dark hair and a light blue, white topped dress staring her down.

"Ranma-Chan, where is she!?"

Xian Pu's head tilted in confusion for a moment before it clicked together, "Ah... You that noisy window girl."

Her would be attacker took up a fighting stance and snarled, making Xian Pu chuckle, "Oh, little girl wants to play?"

Akane liked having Ranma around, she liked her for the girl she was and especially for the fact it meant she had another martial artist to talk with and learn from.

She wouldn't have flung herself out a second story window on pure adrenaline and concern if she didn't care. But despite that, there was no denying her pride had taken a pounding these last few days.

So when some stupid jerk looked at her, mockery clear in those ruby red eyes and said, "Little girl wants to play?" She lost it.

Just a little.

Letting out a furious shriek, Akane charged and loosed a wide arcing kick the other girl jumped over with insulting ease.

She followed it up with a series of sharp jabs as her foe landed, each one aimed squared for her face and each one failing to land.

'She's reading my moves!' Akane thought, teeth gnashing as she forced her body to move faster, faster.

But it did nothing to wipe that mocking smirk of the other fighters face. Each dodge was by mere inches by choice as she lazily angled her head to the side to dodge each strike.

Ranma's words echoed back to her as the girl leaned to the left and Akane pivoted violently at the last second. Her arm contorting and stiffening, wrist twisting with an audible snap against the air and the girls eyes widened, her hair flew back and there was a crack without contact.

'I got her!' Akane barreled forward and watched as the purple haired fighter leapt back and well out of reach.

Dropping the pig, the girl grasped her nose and re-set it with a crack, sucked in a breath and spread her lips in a wicked grin.

"Little girl wants to make it a fight?" She took a stance, "Come then."

Roaring, Akane charged forward, but just as she approached, Akane jumped to the left and struck out with a kick.

The blow was blocked and she was nearly knocked off balance, but braced just in time to let loose a nearly random swing of her arms, forcing the other girl to dodge.

She tried to barrel forward again, but was forced to fling herself to the side at a sharp, swiping strike that severed a chunk of her hair.

"Hey!" Spinning, Akane loosed a wide, arching kick the other girl bent back to avoid. Her effort to pivot and turn it into a downward strike was too slow, so all she broke was pavement.

'She ducked low, if I hit her now!' Akane spun on her feet, intent on driving her fist into the other girls skull.

Only for her to move out of reach in a blur and deliver her own crescent moon kick, right to the side of Akane's head.

The blow resounded in her skull like a bullet and launched her from the street.

'Brace!' She curled up, desperately calling on her Chi, 'Don't die, don't die!' Some part of her begged as she slammed against the cement and felt the bricks crack.

Rebounding off the wall, the world still blurred but at the sight of purple, Akane lashed out with a hook swing on pure instinct. Her fist crashed against a hand and she felt herself being yanked up by the taller girl.

'Not yet, I'm not done!' A sharp, upper kick barely clipped the girls jaw, but it let Akane gain some distance.

The foreign fighter shot forward and Akane met her charge, fist clashed against palms, chops were turned back.

With each resounding blow, Akane felt her body tremor, until-

It all ended in an instant.

Akane felt the gagging, half scream escape her lips before she quite 'felt' the fist in her solar plexus, or the fact she'd been lifted off the ground. She barely even saw the world as the other fighter twisted in the blow and then loosed her into the air, letting Akane slam the pavement. Sparks of pain left her to spasm on the ground, hands too uncoordinated to even grasp the wound as she heaved and choked on nothing.

Then she felt it, a hand on her chest, pressing down, firm but calm, those red eyes meeting hers as the girl intoned, "Breath, one, two." Each count signaling Akane's chest to move as the girl made her breath in oxygen through the pain, forcing the world back into clarity.

"Don't move, some minutes," She said firmly, finally releasing Akane's chest and reaching up to cradle her cheek.

'What... What is she going to-' The other girl smiled, and with no trace of mockery said.

"We fight again later, warrior."

And then, she was gone.

Ranma's breaths were hard and heavy, the sting of shallow cuts and subtle burns familiar as they were unwelcome.

Charging across from her, in the due for destruction parking garage was her opponent, his weapon raised in an arcing slash.

His chest did not heave, his breathing perfectly under control, but lines of bruises and his pose showed he was hurting too.

She weaved around the slice and skidded back to avoid the wave of dust and shrapnel his strike caused.

'A bit stronger than me, but a bit slower, he's not quite as skilled but that weapon makes up the difference, still an even fight,' she mused.

Leaping forward she lashed out with a double kick which was blocked by the blades handle.

She pivoted into a twist, to get closer, only for the blade to be spun against her, forcing her to flip away.

Grasping a pillar she swung around and released just in time to avoid the oncoming slash that turned it to rubble.

"Will you ever stop running!?" Her foe seethed.

Skidding away, Ranma stared at the other fighter and hard, mind buzzing as images splashed across her brain.

Two little spatulas slashing as she jumped over them; and a bid to do the same today getting her belly cut.

An older man with long hair in a top knot letting two children try to lift his battle spatula; and the sheer weight of her foes matching weapon.

The image of sitting atop a yattai, a gift from her friend who chased after them, tears streaming down his face.

"Uchan?" She ventured.

The retort was another slash, feet slamming against concrete and a howl, "Don't call me that! You have no right!"

Each swing of the blade loosed a painful burst of wind, the cement and asphalt tearing as Ukyo chased her through the parking lot, stone pillars impeding him not at all.

"Is this about the yattai?" She shouted, rolling around a strike and sweeping at Ukyo's legs only to be forced back by the handle of her friends weapon nearly breaking her skull.

"The yattai, the yattai!?" He seethed, rebounding off the pillar to chase after her.

"Well why else would ya wanna kill me!?" She rolled around another slash as Ukyo's blow tore through the floor. "If its about me fucking up your family sauce recipe I'm sorry about that too!"

That stilled him for a moment and his brow scrunched, "You..." He shook his head, "Don't try and distract me, Saotome!"

"Well what's wrong man, I thought we were friends!" Kicking off a pillar Ranma clipped Ukyo's shoulder with her knee, but failed the follow up to knock him down when Ukyo weaved around the second strike.

Swinging his blade in retort, Ukyo left another low cut along her collar bone and shouted. "Don't you dare stand there with that beautiful body and mock me Saotome! Don't you dare lie to me again!"

Ranma stilled, her expression growing rictus and fierce, "Is this cos I'm not a guy?"

Ukyo tilted his head in confusion, before shaking it off, "Like that has anything to do with your betrayal!"

"What betrayal!?" She howled back, "My dads a bastard, I get that he robbed you and your pa, but I didn't know! If you wanna beat him up I'll show you where he is!"

Ukyo's entire frame quaked, a spasm running along strong, square shoulders, and something glistened in his eyes.

"Don't... Don't take this away from me too," He rasped, "I can't take this again, Ranchan, not again."

"I... Uchan, what did we-"

"You were supposed to marry me!"

That cry echoed through the domicile and Ranma sucked in a breath, mind whirring and clicking as pieces fell into place and then failed to because... Because if Ukyo thought that was true, if that was true and Ukyo didn't think it could happen now then...

"Uchan... Are you a girl?" Ranma asked, wary and worried to get this wrong.

Ukyo's laugh was tinged with a warped sort of despair. "Not anymore, and never again. My honor was stolen, my families pride as Shinobi left in tatters and now... Now all I have left is what honor a son can grasp by avenging my line against yours!"

Ranma slowly fell out of her stance, "Even if I didn't know, even if I still think you're my friend?" Ukyo choked something down and Ranma pleaded, "Come on, Uchan, we can fix this."

"No! No more lies! No more trust! Not again!" He howled, tears sparkling in his eyes.

Ranma swallowed and lowered her guard entirely, "Then go ahead, Uchan, take your revenge."

Ranma closed her eyes, crossed her arms and waited, heart pounding in her ears, lungs burning, eyes stinging.

The wind cried as Ukyo drew back their blade and-

It fell to the floor with a clang.

Ranma opened her eyes to see Ukyo frantically scrubbing away at their eyes, "Men don't cry. Men don't cry," He sobbed.

Head lolling back, Ranma let out a breath, relief etching itself into her bones.

Falling to her knees, she dragged Ukyo into a hug.

Were Nabiki anyone else, she might be mourning the loss of her nice, relatively normal life right now, as she raced through the Nerima streets looking for any signs of blue or red hair.

Fortunately, Nabiki wasn't anybody else, and so while she might take some time to grouse on the oncoming challenges later, right now she was still in problem solving mode.

Problem one, Genma Saotome, problem two, a group of other assholes all trying to kill Ranma, problem three, Akane was missing and now they were both cutting class.

'Plus I still have that stupid essay due, maybe I'll get Kayuri to do it?' She thought, turning a corner & feeling a tightness she hadn't known was in her chest loosen.

"Akane-Chan!" She called, seeing her sister alive was a relief, seeing her obviously more than a little scuffed up, less so. But she was walking under her own power, if with a hand over her abdomen and a pained scowl.

"What happened?" She asked, coming to a stop before the smaller girl and offering her a shoulder to lean on.

"Its... Not as bad as it looks..." Akane said glumly, "I think... I think that girl lost Ranma-Chan, I don't know about the two guys though... I can't find any trace of them."

'You got your ass kicked, didn't you?' Nabiki wanted to ask, but kept her peace, she could be sensitive Sometimes.

Arm wrapping around her little sister, she said, "I managed to bribe Kuno-Chan's ninja to go looking for Ranma-Chan, so for now, let's get you to Dr Tofu."

"Not there..." Akane groaned, "And why Kuno?" She grumbled, leaning against Nabiki who was already dialing the good doctors number.

"Calling in another house visit, and cos Kuno-Chan is the only person I know with a personal ninja I can bribe." It wasn't much of a bribe really, but the man was pitifully desperate to earn his masters good graces, so offering him a potential 'gift' to seek out Ranma-Chan and keep her updated wasn't a huge price to pay.

'Sadly, he hasn't found them y-' Her phone buzzed and she glanced at the picture, eyebrows arching at the sight of Ranma and the brunette hugging, both sobbing. 'Well now, that's interesting,' she thought, "Looks like Ranma-Chan's OK, sis, she should be home soon."

"That's... Good..." Akane murmured, now sounding less pained and more exhausted.

"Oh you're gonna pass out aren't you?" Nabiki could already feel Akane going limp against her.

"Adrenaline... Crash..."

Nabiki groaned as she squatted down and let Akane slump onto her back. 'This is getting ridiculous,' she groused, pushing herself through the Nerima streets and through anyone in her way.

"Hey... Nabiki Nee-Sama..." Akane murmured into her ear.

Sighing, she answered, "What is it little sister?"

"Thanks for coming for me."

"... Its nothing."
As I am working on several projects I decided to end this chapter here, despite having at least a few more scenes in mind when I wrote it. Emotionally this also felt like the right spot to call things to an end for this one, at least as far as I can tell, but you tell me!

Someone on another site said I should write Xian Pu's name like: Shanpu or Shan Pu (Coral + Rough Gem). Also happens to be pronounced identically to Shanpu/Shan Pu (Mountain[-like] + Chest). But I can't find any sources so :/

This is a weird thing, but one trend, sort of, that I've noted in some fics is having Akane take Xian Pu in a fight. This always kind of gets to me, because while I like Akane, she has not been pitted against peers who fight her seriously, or trained heavily by a major master. So it often feels like using Xian Pu as a Warf to make Akane look better. In this chapter I tried to sell the idea that Akane is skilled and strong, even if she isn't at her opponents level yet, so I hope that worked.

Also, if one looks at the subtext of Ukyo's language their reasons for going after Ranma are, I hope, conveyed. If not, I intend to cover it in the next chapter once they stop crying on each other.

Also Nabiki continues her, "Circumstances are making me be a good person and I hate it" character arc.
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I believe it is Shan as in "Mountain" in canon. But it's been a while since I was active in the fandom so I am not the most relatable source.
What... What is she going to-' The other girl smiled, and with no trace of mockery said.

"We fight again later, warrior."

And then, she was gone.

Sort of.

Ranma's breaths were hard and heavy, the sting of low cuts and subtle burns familiar as they were unwelcome.
Is this supposed to be 'shallow'?

"I... Uchan, what did we-"

"You were supposed to marry me!"
Well if you were dead set on a fellow this will complicate matters....
I believe it is Shan as in "Mountain" in canon. But it's been a while since I was active in the fandom so I am not the most relatable source.
Iiinteresting, thanks for the info, if I write another Ranma 1/2 fic after this I will like go with the Shan Pu writing.


Friendly-ish rivals maybe?

Is this supposed to be 'shallow'?
Thanks for the catch!

Well if you were dead set on a fellow this will complicate matters....
Indeed XD Of course there is the opposite direction it could go:

Ukyo:... So, did you change your register?
Ranma: I think so, why?
Ukyo: Well so did I... ;)