Random story and challenge ideas. Everything from oringinal story ideas to crossovers and au

Well, over the years I have been reading fiction and fanfiction, I have been having these random ideas and thoughts about those stories. These lingered and teased me with those infamous what if's?, many how could that have ended that way?! and those really random muse inspired thoughts that pop into heads and won't leave for several weeks :).

In response to these plot bunnies and myself wanting to see how this will all unfold, with either new stories, ideas, thoughts, insights or even spawning new muses to go out and infect others who can actually write lol, I am making this thread to start putting these thoughts to paper (in a way) before they disappear forever (as too many have over the years).

Please feel free to comment but if you want to use any of these story ideas please ask first. I will more than likely say yes :).
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First Story Idea OC/Crossover
(will be using the word they to repersent he or she instead of repeating he/she or OC too much)

A story where there is an OC from our earth that ends up in another place and/or time. Does not really matter where. They know and enjoy various anime, games, movies, fables, and whatnot but isn't a shut in who would know the exact details of any of them.

To make things even less op (to avoid curb stomps), the person is not super smart or super skilled but is very ecentric :). Before the trip that starts eveything off they will lose everything and everyone and lose themself in madness (not the usual they cannot go back to their time/dimension ever, more like everything is taken from them in a final way as in their only family and/or friends is killed in front of them or even full on war/massive meteorite wipes out the city/world) but when the madness and depression slides a bit the OC becomes determined try and start a new life.

Sometime during the Madness they will have jumped dimension's and time in a way they will not know or remember afterwards. They go on to discover that during the afor mentioned period that they have somehow acquired the ability and intelligence to invent/create anything someone could ever want but it does take a reasonable amount of resouces and time. The OC will also have become charismatic in an ecentric way (lol) but is now asexual (the opposite sex is noticed but everything has really dulled for now, think anime).

The OC's ability will NOT be on the level of RTS games for things to be built/created (at least, not at first). Kinda like the spark ability from the girl genius universe (an great online comic;)). They will also self improve as in harder to hurt, quicker to heal and maybe accidently becomes immortal but nothing overboard. They start inventing borderline crazy objects (in others eyes, it makes sense to the OC) and leaves/sells/gives them away to people just to see what would happen. They do keep an eye on things to ensure someone never goes too far, like creating an Slenderman and releasing it on the world.

The OC will not consider itself under the same rules of course and will be able to (and does) create new creatures, letting them breed into new species (NO ZERG/TYRANIDS/NANOBOT SWARMS). The OC cares not what the creations get up to as long as they obey him/her when needed. Watching and seeing how they fit into the world, how well they survive/prosper and, of course :), how much chaos they cause will always be an amusing pastime lol.

This is an fairly old story idea that I had lying around on my comp for a while now and it took some editing. Let me know any thoughts you may have, comments are always welcome
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Huh, didn't mean to leave this out to dry. Was waiting to see if anyone had any thoughts or ideas then see where it went from there and kinda forgot about it.

Soo, I'm goona use this as a place to store my story ideas and if anyone wants to comment they are free to do so
Here's a plot bunny that popped into my head awhile ago and refused to leave

Worm/40k/Girl Genius Crossover:

What would a worm universe look like if Taylor were to trigger with a combination tinker talent of that of an 40k Ork Mek and a rather strong spark from the Girl Genius web comic? To make this even more chaotic she would have the reality altering of both such gaining more mass/muscle, confidence and leadership (such as it is) which ends up with people wanting to follow her orders after a while, the ability to make anything starting from scrap and the almost total disability to back down from a fight lol.

And of course the opposite would be amusing to read as well, such as an oc spark in Girl Genius gaining ork mek abilities and/or behaviour.

I feel like I'm not explaining this as well as I should but I'd love to see what people make of this idea
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and now to continue the 40k line of thought

Stargate/40k crossover:

Now if anyone who has read into the background fluff of 40k would know, the Emperor of Mankind was tens of thousands of years old before he even started his crusade to reunite the lost colonies of Terra (Earth) and had stayed in the shadows before that to guide humanity as much as he could. Long story short he came to be around the 8th century BC, reincarnated from the accumulated souls of the many shamans, sorcerers and wise men to help guide humanity throghout the ages. Due to this they was reborn as an immortal "New Man", the first and greatest of the new race of human psykers.

Now, in the Stargate Universe the lore speaks of the Ancients in the Milky way leaving due to them losing most of their race when a massive plague had hit. There were a few that had stayed behind on Earth for awhile before they either died off themselves or ascended. It is known that at least a few of them had guided or at least influenced humaninty throughout the ages before they passed on

And so, this little gem of an idea popped into being one day. I have read some fine 40k/Stargate crossovers based in the Stargate universe but what if this were to happen?

When the Ancients left they were many more that had survived the plauge than in canon and wanted to stay on earth. After many years and with some of them starting to pass away and or ascend the remaining Ancients gathered to discuss what they were going to do from this point forward. The majority wished to continue to guide humainty but due to their advancing age they knew they were not going to be around in just a few more centuries. They could always ascend but there were strict rules of no interference from any ascended regardless of how little or human or not.

The Ancients that we know of in canon go on to do what they originally did in the lore but the majority of those that were left decided to do something a bit different. Using their knowledge and abilities they decide that since they were going to die anyway they would try something different that, if it worked, would help guide humanity. And so, they ascend in a such a way that instead of crossing over into the realm of the assended they condense into a singular soul and reincarnate, being born of a human mother. Due to the effort and power of so many Ancients the baby grows up into an extraordinary being whom regains his memories, his abilities and has become effectively immortal. So, basically, this is an way for an Emporor of Mankind to come to be in the Stargate universe.

Thats my idea of an Stargate/40k crossover and as always, let me know what you think :)
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