Rama one Half Hikaru Gosunkugi Quest

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HiKaru Gosunkugi

Class Time mage level 10
Class Alchemist level...
The Player


HiKaru Gosunkugi

Class Time mage level 10
Class Alchemist level 12

Hit points-195
Mana -190
Haste-8 mana
Haste 2- 30 mana
Slow- 8 mana
Slow 2-30 mana
Stop-14 mana
Immobalise-10 mana
Float- 8 mana
Reflect- 12
Gravity- 24
Gravity 2-50
Gravity well-10

Special abilities
Mana sheild- Can take damage to mana instead of hit points
Teleport- can teleport 100 meters in any direction
D pocket- Can hold 40 kilos of stuff

Alchemist powers

Create Healing potion
Create mana potion
Create cure disease potion
Create minor Strength potion
Create minor Perception potion
Create minor endurance potion
Create minor Charisma potion
Create minor inteligence potion
Create minor Agility potion
Create minor luck potion
Create smoke bomb
Create minor strength poison
Create minot perception poison
Create minor endurance poison
Create minor charisma poison
Create minor Inteligence poison
Create minor agility posion
Create minor luck poison
Create minor curse breaking potion
Create Greater curse supresion potion
Create knock out poison
Create haste potion
Cure Poison minor
Cure Poison lesser
Cure Poison Average
Cure Poison Greater
Cure Poison ledgendary
Invisability potion
Water walking potion
Lesser flight potion
float potion
flight potion
Calculation potion

White wedding.- power level 9
Creates a glowing suit of holy armor
gives you the power of flight, holy energy generation, general toughness, and damages unholy and evil things.

Second stage powers
Your now much better at a certain thing... yes its pretty much useless but your girl friend would love it, if you had one... point is you have a slightly stronger stand!

Third stage powers
Sense life and see peoples auras!

looks like billy idol.

Trait- Savior of the damned -5 reaction from normal people +5 from japans social outcasts
Perk- Man of science +3 to social combat with scientists
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Are you serious?! THIS is the guy we're playing as?! Ahahahahahahahaha!!!!
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You know Nabiki will already know when we do something suspicious the moment we do it.
that's why we include provisions in our plans so that she profits from not interfering.

for example in order to gather intel on Ranma's current combat potential we locate a martial artist that looks impressive and will seem strong to the majority of the school but is incapable of beating Ranma. we then cue Nabiki in on it and she can then manipulate the betting pools for maximum profit.
Your boned
Welcome to the martial arts world of Rama one Half

You are not a martial artist, you are not rich, you are not popular, you don't even have any friends at all.

You are Hikaru Gosunkugi and right now you are a middle school student, you cant move you can barely breath. The rain pours on you and you hear the laughter of other children.


Their not precisely wrong, eventaly you find the strength to hobble home, no body helps you and you collapse in front of some american. He looks at you and speaks in Broken Japanese.


He helps you up and into a tea shop where he gives you some tea.


"He looks at you."

"Your weak."


"So was I, we all start off some where."

The rain continues.

"But were not weak every were whats your strong point?"

(X) Im perceptive
(X) Im smart
(X) I can endure.

"You have to know your strengths thats good your greatest weakness?

(X) Im weak
(X) Im clumsy
(X) Bad luck

You shiver.

"Ive got the summer here, if you want I could take you under my wing show you a couple tricks."

"Like what?"

He smiles.

"I see you practice magic."

"You don't have the strength to hide your dolls."

He brings out a wand.

"I do too, but magic real magic always has a price kid."

He frowns.

"A heavy one, I've been to a dozen worlds this is just a stop over but I feel for you and Im willing to give you a gift."


"Power, only have enough time to give you one gift and there will be a price."

Choose your class!

(X) Alchemist

(X) White mage

(X) Black mage

(X) Summoner

(X) time Mage

(X) Calculator

(X) Bard

(X) No I will stick to my guns I am japanese and only practice japanese magic
(X) I'm smart
(X) I'm weak
(X) Calculator

Wtf is a Calculator class? It sounds pretty unique though, so I'm hoping this is something interesting. Like being able to calculate all the movement and actions of a person by using given data, and do awesome things with anything that would use calculations, like perhaps magic that needs high levels of math.
(X) I'm smart
(X) I'm weak
(X) Time Mage

Go to the spring of curse waters and ask the guy who owned the place if there was a dragon or anything extremely durable that fell into one of the springs around there. Lets get rid of our squishiness.
I love this guy.:lol
(X) Im smart
(X) Im weak
(X) Black mage

Reason,wew are black mage that our destiny and smart to increase our learning chance.

Weak can mitigate but bad luck has no tantigle way to mitigate that,clumsy is complicate to pull of than weak.
Ok, but what the hell is the calculator class supposed to be? Anything like Block Transfer Computation maybe?

Final fantasy tactics classes if modified.

A Calculator could ponentially do a lot more, but they have to prepare all their spells. So no spontainious casting but you can do alot more, even if it takes a lot longer.

Alchemist is the same deal except with potions.
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(X) Im smart
(X) I'm weak
(X) Alchemist
(X) White Mage

(X) Time Mage

Screw it, let's see what time magic gives us.
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(X) I'm smart
(X) I'm weak
(X) Time Mage

Ah screw it, if no one else wants it, then at least I'll vote for my second choice.
Ugh... on the one hand, my favorite class of all in Tactics was the Monk class since they had awesome unarmed combat and the Charkra move that replenished both health and MP. However, I can see that wouldn't really fit in with Hikaru's theme.

As for the class to pick... White Mage gives cool healing powers and one possible thing to do would go around casting 'Raise' on dead warriors to bring them to life, then tell them to help us out. The idea of playing an evil-ish white mage amuses me.

Edit: Changing my vote to Time Mage.
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delusions of greatness
(X) I'm smart
(X) I'm weak
(X) Alchemist/time mage tie

"I, I want to become a Time mage."

The man smiles.

"Well hells bells kid, Names Alex."

He shakes your hand.

"You have the summer off?"


"Good because for the next three months Im putting you through hell."

"Hikaru Gosunkugi."

"Yeah... Your name is now Ru."

"Ok Al."

You say it as a weak attempt at defiance.

"Good to many people get all formal and shit, Im just going to give you the basics and turn you into some one who can stand up for themselves."

"You mean I can be the strongest boy in town?"

You sensei laughs, and laughs.

"Oh, oh no, look first lesson magic is external your pullin on the higher diemeinsions to get juice so you start out with well not a whole lot in the tank. The locals here use Ki lots of training powers all internal."

"So their always going to be stronger?"

"Yeah, fact is kid I only have enough time to teach you the basics of a single art. Then Im gone, the Martial artists here are spoiled for masters. So if you get into a fight with one."


"You will lose, if you have to fight them fight smart or you will be fucked, and even if you fight smart and win be aware that they can learn new tricks and you cant."

"Why not?"

"You know any other mages kid?"

That silences you, the next three months are horrible but you learn to speed and slow down time and teleport. You feel stronger.

"Feeling better kid."

"Im going to miss you."

The guy frowns.

"Yeah, kid Im going to miss you too so Im going to offer you one of my tokens I got on my travels and only one."

He lays down a sword, a vial, and black arrow head."

"This baby right here? Wound healer, you get fucked up and it will heal any injury any disease."

He goes to the vial.

"I got this from a screwed up world, gives you super powers, but it can also mutate you badly and I have no idea what you will get. Only use it in an emergency."

Finally a black arrow.

"You cut yourself with this and it will unlock some thing called a stand. Powerful magic but your going to have to fight your inner deamons and win. One more thing."

He pulls out a massive book.

"This baby is the comprehensive guide to alchemy, be careful because I cant wipe your ass when Im gone."


"Because you showed some god damned grit, now pick some thing before we get all mushy."

(X) The arrowhead

(X) The sword

(X) The vial
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(X) The arrowhead

Much as I'd like Woundhealer, a stand might give us a real chance because of a limited OCP nature. Thought the arrow being stolen would be worse than if it happened to Woundhealer.

Plus I don't want to risk seeing what would happen with people like Gendo or Nabiki nearby the Sword of Mercy/Love.