[x] CYOA Book. One of the classics from when there were only pages, dice, and pencils. (Howard Perk: The Dice are kind...for today. (+10 to any Failed Roll once a Day))
[X] Dispelling Serious Rumors!: It's all a misunderstanding, really! (Decrease Alarm)
[x] Call Rivauld: Ok..you can do this. (Improve Ms. R SL) [x] Watch TV?: Who knows? She may actually learns something from it. (???)
[x] Sense Eldritch: They are not getting into our house again. (Anastasia will use her Eldritch Powers to try to sense who or what is currently watching you. May lead to discovery of other Supernatural beings.)
[X] Investigate Crossroads: Seriously, the fuck! (Possibly learn why there is an Eldritch Monster underneath your school and how to stop it 85% Done) [X] Dispelling Serious Rumors!: It's all a misunderstanding, really! (Decrease Alarm) [X] Sense Eldritch: They are not getting into our house again. (Anastasia will use her Eldritch Powers to try to sense who or what is currently watching you. May lead to discovery of other Supernatural beings.) [X] Watch TV?: Who knows? She may actually learns something from it. (???)
[X] CYOA Book. One of the classics from when there were only pages, dice, and pencils. (Howard Perk: The Dice are kind...for today. (+10 to any Failed Roll once a Day))
[X] Dispelling Serious Rumors!: It's all a misunderstanding, really! (Decrease Alarm)
[X] Do some side work: More cash is always a good thing. (Add +2 to Money immediately)
[X] CYOA Book. One of the classics from when there were only pages, dice, and pencils. (Howard Perk: The Dice are kind...for today. (+10 to any Failed Roll once a Day))
[X] Dispelling Serious Rumors!: It's all a misunderstanding, really! (Decrease Alarm)
[X] Call Rivauld: Ok..you can do this. (Improve Ms. R SL)
[X] Read a book: The best way to gain knowledge on just about anything. (Anastasia will look through your collection of books and read one on her own. May result in new Perk.)
[X] Sense Eldritch: They are not getting into our house again. (Anastasia will use her Eldritch Powers to try to sense who or what is currently watching you. May lead to discovery of other Supernatural beings.)