The Caribbean is an interesting place nowadays. With the war over, the whole sea is filled with privateers who just lost their letters of marque but not their urge to plunder. Many of them have joined one up with one Pirate's Republic or another, Nassau if they call themselves Christians and Kingston if they call themselves Jews. Not that either city is filled with paragons of piety, only the sights and smells of all the curses the poorer buccaneers put on their more successful brethren. It is truly fortunate for these pirates that magic only comes at the call of liberty-loving souls and not the tyrants coming from Europe to "put things in order." And by fortunate, you mean for yourself, since you have just become captain of a fine ship whose crew is all pirate, and a pirate captain must be more magical than everyone else on the ship or risk demotion and death. So, Captain, what will you do with your new title?
But before that, what kind of person are you?
Name: [] Write-in
Gender: [] Write-in
Background: [] Your family's been doing this for a long time and passed the trade on to you.
[] You want a life built on your on terms that has more meaning than working yourself to death for profit and nothing else.
[] Your freedom matters to you more than anything, where else to live and work than among other liberty-lovers?
[] Write-in
Magical Specialty: [] No one you know can lay curses as mean and creative as yours.
[] No ailment, magical or mundane, can withstand your skills.
[] The spirits like you, and they're almost always willing to do you favors.
[] Write-in
Now then, what were you planning to do again?
[] There are many great treasures that they say can give their owners all sorts of powers. Better your crew has them than anyone else.
[] In a year's time, the Spanish Treasure Fleet will be coming by again. With the right allies, you can make a killing. Your allies too, even.
[] You think the world could stand to have another Pirate's Republic. It'll take a lot of work, but you can do it.
- [] Build a new city
- [] Capture a preexisting city
[] Write-in
GM's Note: I would appreciate a beta, so please PM me if you're interested.