Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger (Equestria Girls/Power Rangers X-over)

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So I've been running this story for around a year now on Fimfiction, and decided that I wasn't...

Xero Key

Flying high, spinning webs!
So I've been running this story for around a year now on Fimfiction, and decided that I wasn't getting enough viewership and should bring it here. I'm going to post every chapter I've done so far, all 26 of them, but I'll probably merge the two-parters together because most are "just over 1k words & well over 2k words". There are a lot of errors (boy are there!) but I will not change them for this thread, you're going to get exactly what the Fimfiction readers get.

Here's a link to the original
Here's a link to the spin-off

I will allow you guys to write omakes if you feel like it, but if I like it enough and want to Threadmark it, I will ask you if you want it to be canonized as a "Lost Episode". If not, I won't be upset.

Story starts on next post...
Episode 1: Evil Cometh
Evil Cometh: by Xero Key

One Month after the events of the Battle of the Bands

At the prestigious Canterlot High School, home to the Wondercolts and nexus of insane magical contrivances, five girls sit at a table to enjoy their lunch. These are the Rainbooms, and they are a rock band-slash-magical girl group-best friends. Their lead guitarist has hair that looks like a rainbow and her Name is Rainbow Dash; Looking closely it is obvious her ego leads the band more than her head. The bassist is Applejack, a farm girl who helps run the family apple orchard just outside of Canterlot City. Playing the Keytar is the school's predominant authority on fashion, Rarity. Next is vocalist and tambourine player Fluttershy and yes her name does speak for itself. And currently playing two spoons like drum sticks on the table is their drummer, Pinkie Pie, don't question anything she does. The band is actually waiting for their lead vocalist and last member of their group, who has been incredibly cryptic as of late.

"Ugh! Where is Sunset Shimmer? Lunch ends in ten minutes and I wanted to get some practice in!"

"Now Rainbow darling, we have plenty of time to prepare for the music video. Sunset knows how much the opportunity to have so much creative freedom as musical act these days is. She's not going to ruin it for us."

"Really, Rarity?" Dash said snidely "Then what has she been doing this past month. First she gets us to set up a music video with weapon versions of our instruments, then cancels the weapons! Then she just has us record sample individually for no real reason! And she keeps getting packages from Princess Twilight and won't tell us what they are!!"

"Um, Rainbow, she doesn't have to tell us what she's getting from the Other Side. They might be family photos or something private." Fluttershy interjected.

"That's right. Dash, you need ta calm down. Just because she's been doing some project with Vinyl and is getting stuff from the Princess, doesn't mean we need to barge in just because we have a gig."

"'Just a gig'?" Dash exclaimed "It's not just a gig. It's our first music video and single. I'd like to imagine something that can actually benefit us would be important to our Lead Vocalist."

"Come on Dashie, it's not like she's going evil again and is planning a new invasion of the Pony World."

Despite their better judgment and care about their friend, the rest of the group froze at that thought. Besides the smiling and humming Pinkie Pie, the group shiftily looked around the table. They all knew that Sunset collected a few of the Dazzlings pendant fragments and that despite being nice, Sunset's temper definitely reminded them of her…hellish.…night at the Fall Formal. Almost as one, despite knowing it truly was ridiculous, the Rainbooms stood up from the table and walked to the only place Sunset could be, the High School Courtyard Statue and Inter-dimensional Gateway.

When they left the school building, they found Sunset at the statue pacing back and forth in front of it and checking the time on her phone. "Come on Princess. I can't exactly let them find out about the plant before everything else is ready." Sunset mumbled to herself as she moved. The other Rainbooms noticed that the side she was pacing before had silver-mirror like sheen to it, indicating that the portal to Equestria was open.

"Should we be expecting guests or a package?" Dash asked rudely.

Sunset jumped, having not noticed that her friends where there. She shyly rubbed the back of her head. "Oh, hi guys. Didn't see you. Package actually. It's for a project I'm working on" Sunset checks her phone again and glares. "It just so happens to be late."

"Listen, Sugar, we know that reconnecting with your old home is important and all…But we kind of want to know what's goin' on…"

"Cause you do realize that our music video has to be finished next week right?" Dash interrupted Applejack. The others glared at Dash for her lack of tact but didn't deny what she said.

Sunset sighed "I guess I should have realized my secrecy was going to be noticed eventually. See the thing is…"


A box dropped out of the portal behind Sunset and the wall became marble. Sunset looked at the box and smiled, making a squeaky toy like sound her friends attribute to 'she's an alien.' "I'll explain after school I promise. Meet me at the entrance to Crystal Caves Park, trust me." Sunset then picked up the box and ran towards the parking lot.

"She's actually skipping class? Dears, now I'm curious." Rarity said. The others just nodded.

Meanwhile in the local hospital, three former magical beings lie in beds gradually dying. These three are the Dazzlings, Sirens who were banished from Equestria a thousand years ago because their magic spread hatred. They are Adagio Dazzle, their leader; Aria Blaze, their deadpan snarker; and Sonata Dusk, their ditz. Don't let the third fool you, all of them have been the cause of many of the worst incidents in history by causing and feeding off of hatred, the ditzy one is perfectly willing to kill to survive. Unfortunately, that does not appear to be possible.

"To think after all these centuries on Earth, the moment we lose our limited magic, our immortality is ripped from us." Adagio complained, looking towards the ceiling. "Now we age an entire year in one day. By the end of the month we'll be physically in our seventies by the human's standards. We won't survive two."

"Well, I blame you for this. If you hadn't tried to play with the Rainbooms before Sunset joined them and just killed them, we'd be gods by now." Aria snarked, not that she had any other way to talk.

"I'm just sad that rainbows hurt so much." Sonata said.

The three, mostly Adagio and Aria, began to argue when the power cut out. The light from outside dimmed so much that it may as well have been night. The air chilled and without the comforting sound of their heart monitors, the room's shadows seemed to grow in the darkness.

A dark chuckle echoed through the room like it was in a cave, reverberating within the Dazzlings heart. "So, you too have been defeated by the Elements of Harmony, hmm? I have as well. How would you like to get revenge?" The sinister voice slithered around the room like a snake, with the sound seeming to be right over the Dazzling's shoulders.

Adagio gulped. "What's in it for us?"

From the corner shadows, two glowing green eyes opened. "Life."

Crystal Cave Park

The Rainbooms arrived at Crystal Cave Park, with Sunset Shimmer waiting for them in a large jeep. She waved them over and they got in. As Sunset drove deeper into the park, it became obvious to everyone that they were not going to one of the public areas.

"Um Sunset? Could you tell us where we are going… if you don't mind that is?"

Sunset only smirked and accelerated the jeep…straight into a large mountain wall!?

"AAaaaaaahhhhh!" The passengers screamed…and kept on screaming well after they should have been made into puddles of gore. Pinkie pie was the first to open her eyes and turn around, seeing that the wall shimmered, and that they were in a cave with Krypton-like crystals growing out of the walls. The jeep descended into the cave until it came to a roundabout that had been built in. Above the path was a platform.

"Vinyl! We're here!" Sunset yelled up and in response a blue haired girl popped her head over and gave a thumbs up before disappearing again. "Come on girls, the surprise is this way." Sunset led them to a circling stairwell leading to the platform. On the platform were multiple computers and screens, some monitoring social media, some with news reports and police scanners and CB radios, three central computer screens that looked like they came from the Matrix, and one large curved television screen turned off above them. Vinyl sat in a chair inform of the three Matrix screens, headphones with a microphone hung about her neck.

"Hey Sunny. Got everything ready, well, except the 'bots cause, ya know, we're broke." Vinyl Scratch said. "We can probably use my cars if it comes to that, but putting them together? Yeah, talk to the Princess about that."

"Thanks Vinyl, I hope we don't need any of this, but it doesn't hurt to be sure." Sunset then turned to her friends. "Now I know you are confused by all of this but I have an..okay explanation. Do you remember when we dressed up as Power Rangers Zeo at a charity event?" The girls nodded.

"Indeed. Those spandex, though well-coordinated, certainly chafed." The others stared at Rarity for interrupting. "Sorry."

"It's okay" Sunset continued. "I began thinking about how we 'Morph' every time we play, and about how we have saved the world. So I thought, in case something happens, having a team of Power Rangers would be a good idea. Vinyl, the box." Vinyl grabbed a wooden box off of her desk and gave it to Sunset. "I had you record individual pieces of a larger song so that you would transform, and used the fragments of the Dazzlings' crystals to synchronize the music with your transformations. I then used some of Rarity's Daft Punk costumes and wired the songs to play inside them. I then put the recordings and crystals in these." Sunset opened the box and revealed to the other five devices designed to look like the Galaxy Morphers. "I call them Harmonizers, and they will allow you to become Power Rangers. By opening up the slot in the center, pressing a button and saying 'Rangers Harmonize!', you will become Power Rangers."

Sunset walked up to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy and placed the pink and yellow Harmonizer and their left wrists. "Pinkie, you who have the gift of Laughter are the Pink Ranger. Fluttershy, your great Kindness has made you the Yellow Ranger." Pinkie was jumping up and down while Fluttershy stared at her Morpher and shuddered, either from fear or excitement, she wasn't sure. Sunset placed the blue Harmonizer on Rarity's wrist next. "Your Generous spirit makes you the Blue Ranger, Rarity."

"Well, it is a bit gaudy and will be hard to accessorize to…But the blue gem at the top is so pretty!"

"Applejack," Sunset said after placing the green Harmoinzer on her. "You keep us Honest with each other and bring us down to Earth. For that, you are the Green Ranger."

Applejack looked at her Morpher. "Well, if you think this is best in case something like the Dazzlings or…uh…you happen again, then I'm happy to help."

Rainbow Dash looked over her friends as Sunset walked towards her, and was counting off her fingers. When she reached her thumb after the others had closed, her eyes widened in surprise and giant grin burst on her face. "You mean? I get to be…?"

Sunset nodded. "Rainbow Dash, for always being Loyal and leading us when crisis happens, usually, I give you the Red Harmonizer and name you Red Ranger." Dash of course freaked out.


Suddenly buzzers went off and lights around the central screen started flashing red. Vinyl spun her chair around to monitor the screens, while at the same time turning on the main viewer. On it was a news reporter in the city.

"This is a breaking news report. The newly opened youth center in downtown Canterlot City is under attack by a, what I'm being told is, a Minoboar and ninjas made out of smoke. What appears to be leading them are three teenage girls with bat wings. Wait, the creatures are heading this way! No… Stop… Help!" The screen went to static as the camera was knocked over.

Sunset turned to the others, who with a shocked expression were looking down at their Morphers. With a determined look in her eye, Sunset said "Rangers. The time is now." The others nodded and ran for the jeep, Rainbow grabbing a stunned Fluttershy by the arm and dragging her along. Sunset turned to Vinyl. "Monitor everything. We can't take any chances with this." Vinyl nodded and put on her headset and Sunset went to the jeep.

The jeep pulled into the chaos around the youth center, having barreled through a police barricade. They stopped a few meters away from the three who were attacking. "The Dazzlings?" The Rangers and Sunset shouted.

The Dazzlings turned at the sound. "Well, well, well, If it isn't the Rainbooms. Our Queen was wondering if you would appear. I suggest you come with us so that we may drain of your magic. Or don't and we force it from you the fun way. I'm okay with either." Adagio said with a nonchalant smirk.

"Not happening Adagio." Rainbow dash said as she and the other Rangers left the jeep. "We're gonna stop you, just like last time."

"Hm. I heard you were bad at math." Adagio snapped her fingers and the smoke creatures appeared in front of the Rangers. "But I thought you would be able to see you were outnumbered."

"Girls. Use the Harmonizers!" Sunset yelled from the jeep.

"Got it. Ready ladies?" Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity nodded while Fluttershy shook her head. "Good. It's Morphin' Time!"

In sync, the girls brought their Morphers up to their chest and clicking switches on the sides, and shouted "Power Rangers!" before pulling their left arms up so that they were parallel with their forms, then pressed the now exposed button beneath the crystal. "Harmonize!"

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between he fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

The girls appeared in colored body suits with white necks and skirts, and colored helmets designed to look like horse head, and ears with speakers in them. The uniforms had grey shoulder pauldrens and grey belts that were hooked by gold emblems of their Element Across their chests were the Rainboom band symbol. On their belt was a holster with a transforming pistol/dagger. Their gloves and boots were the only differences besides color. Dash's were white with red lightning bolt streaks coming from the top of the gloves and boots Rarity had diamonds like the Mighty Morphin' costumes. Applejack had straight green lines and Western styled frills. Pinkie Pie had balloons and Fluttershy had swirls of wind.

"What the…What is this..?" Aria stammered.

"We'll tell you losers." Rainbow said, then slapped her chest. "Element of Loyalty: Red Harmony Ranger!" She called as she posed like she had finished her morphing sequence. A cloud of red smoke exploded behind her.

"Dash" Applejack sighed, before mimicking her. "Element of Honesty: Green Harmony Ranger!" She posed in a boxing stance and green smoke exploded behind her.

"Hmmph. If I must." Rarity said. "Element of Generosity: Blue Harmony Ranger!" She posed and blue smoke appeared behind her.

"Ooh! This will be fun" Pinkie exclaimed. "Element of Laughter: Pink Harmony Ranger!" She posed and pink smoke appeared behind her.

"Oh dear." Fluttershy whimpered. "E-Element of K-Kindness: Y-Yellow Harmony Ranger?" She squeaked as the yellow smoke exploded behind her and covered her head in fear.

Rainbow and the others then posed together with arms in a V shape crying out "Harmony Rangers!" as an explosion of fire appeared behind them. Back in the Crystal Caves Vinyl stared at the screens in from of her. "Where did those explosions come from!?"

Adagio blinked in confusion at the girls. "So you want to be superheroes then? Well as the designated villain here…Terrorvons! Attack!" The shadow creatures, now known as Terrorvons leapt at the Rangers. Applejack was the first to respond by quickly drawing her blaster and taking out three of the Terrorvons by literally shooting from the hip.

The Rangers then split up to cover more ground and handle the monsters individually. Rarity and Rainbow transformed their blasters into blade-mode and slashed their way through the Terrorvons, Dash acting like a ninja and Rarity as though she were fencing. Pinkie Pie bounced around her enemies blasting them while in the air, giggling the entire time. Fluttershy blasted two then went into a fetal position, causing five more to crash into each other.

"Boarbatusk!" Adagio called out to the minoboar. "Deal with these…Power Rangers. The Queen has need of us elsewhere." In a flash of smoke and flames the Dazzlings vanished leaving the remaining Terrorvons and the monster, Boarbatusk.

"I'm going to enjoy squashing you!" The monster cried.

"Girls. You need to use your special weapons! Call out 'Rock and Load!' and they'll appear."

"Got it Sunset. Rock and Load!" In Rainbow Dash's hands, a double bladed axe that had been combined with a guitar appeared in a flash of red lightning. "Aw yeah!" Rainbow then played a quick riff on the weapon, causing red lighting to strike around her. She then took the weapon by the handle and swung it, destroying six Terrorvons that had surrounded her.

The other Rangers followed her example. "Rock and Load!" Applejack received a bass guitar/sledgehammer. Rarity got a Keytar with blaster barrels. Pinkie pie a nun chuck that was designed to look like a pair of drumsticks, and Fluttershy received a hula-hoop sized open tambourine. Rarity fired off crystal notes and blaster bolts at Boarbatusk as Applejack slammed it into the air with her hammer. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy took care of the remaining Terrorvons, with Pinkie swing her nun chucks around like a whip, jump rope, and beating on the heads of the Terrorvons like drums; while Fluttershy shook the tambourine to send out butterflies made of lasers, and spun the tambourine like a hula-hoop around her as she performed a moving pirouette, cutting through the Terrorvons.

"Alright girls, blasters to maximum fire!" Rainbow said, her blaster in hand. The others joined her and formed a pentagon shape in front of the stunned Boarbatusk. Their blasters began to glow with energy and the Rangers fired them in sync at the creature, causing it to explode. As the girls celebrated victory, a swirling storm cloud appeared above them, which then sent down a light that caused whatever was seen through to appear like a photo-negative. The light hit the remains of Boarbatusk and reformed the monster before causing it grow five stories high.

"Vinyl, send the vehicles we have prepared." Sunset said into a radio on the jeep.

"Okay…Not that it will help."

Roaring out of the sky came a red fighter jet, which Rainbow Dash promptly leapt towards, coming into a cockpit with a video game control in the center. "Awesome." A yellow winged helicopter appeared above Fluutershy, inside was a cockpit much like Dash's. "Oh my." A pink tank and blue motorcycle roared down the street, followed by a green fire truck. Rarity and Pinkie backlipped into their vehicles while Applejack jumped onto the side of hers.

"A game controller? Not exactly fashionable."

"Ooh, it's a big Party Cannon."

"Never was one for firefighting, but this is nice."

The vehicles sent as much firepower as they had against the monster, but it just shrugged them off and sent burst of flame from its mouth back at the Rangers. In the cave, Vinyl was freaking out while monitoring the computers. "Oh man. Without a Megazord their toast! But I couldn't make one!" Off to Vinyl's side, a curtained off area began to glow and an ethereal wind blew throughout the cavern. "What the…?" The curtain flew open and a blinding light burst out, reflecting off of the crystals and out of the cave. "Woah…"

Back at the battle, a shockwave of light engulfed the Rangers vehicles, and filled their minds with an instinctive knowledge. Rarity and Pinkie Pie spun their vehicles so that they were driving backwards into Applejack's. The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted "Harmony Megazord!"

Boarbatusk fired a burst of flame at the mecha, but the robot just walked right through it. No matter what the monster did, the Megazord knocked it back and caused serious damage. Inside the cockpit the Rangers were ready to end this fight. "Alright guys! Let's put this clown down!" "Right!" Two guns moved off the Megazord's back and on to its shoulders. The arms grabbed onto the bottom on the weapons and leapt into the sky, firing two streams of rainbow-colored energy at Boarbatusk, causing it to flail around with electrical sparks, then explode. The Rangers celebrated their victory and left the cockpit to relax on the chest of the Megazord.

"You know guys, I think we can actually do something good with this." Rainbow said as she watched the sun set.

"Of course darling. And I must admit that these uniforms aren't as bad as I imagined."

"I figured you'd say that Rarity. You got attached didn't ya?" Rarity just turned away from Applejack.

"That was so cool though! All the explosions and jumping and explosions and…"

"And leveled buildings and police cars surrounding our giant robot." Fluttershy pointed out. The Rangers looked down from where they were sitting and sure enough, there was the police.

"Good thing we have super strength to help clean this up, huh?" Rainbow rubbed the back of her helmet shyly.

Meanwhile, in a dark and ruined castle, the Dazzlings kneel before a shadowed throne.

"It was Sonata's fault we failed. She's the worst at fighting."

"No I'm not Aria. You are!"

"Quiet! Both of you. I take responsibility, my Queen. If I had attacked the Rangers before they transformed, then we would have succeeded."

From the shadows, a female figure rose from the throne, and a pale hand grabbed a scythe that had been leaning on the wall. "A failure you say? I disagree. The existence of these…Power Rangers was it? Yes, their existence only proves that which I seek is here. Someone is protecting the key to our revenge." The figured moved from the shadows revealing a woman in black and blue armor, with a cloak of black feathers reaching the floor attached by a brooch that appears like a green demonic eye. "Soon their night mares will begin."

The Dazzlings looked down in submission to their Queen. "As you command…Nightmare Moon."

Back in the caves, the Rangers were once more getting in their jeep. "We must clothes shop soon dears. I'm feeling…itchy when not in my colors." The others nodded to Rarity, except for Rainbow Dash who was having a panic attack, having removed her jacket and skirt leaving her in her t-shirt and athletic shorts.

"Just hurry Rarity! I'm going nuts here!"

"Coming Sunset?"

Sunset shook her head. "Sorry, got things to clear up here in case the Dazzlings come back." Rarity shrugged and got into the driver's seat of the jeep and left the cave with the others. Sunset then truned to Vinyl with a glare. "I thought you said we didn't have a Megazord?" Vinyl walked over to the curtained off area, pulling it back and to reveal a bright light coming from it.

"You said that Princess Twilight told you it shouldn't be this strong yet, right?" Sunset nodded, her face one of pure shock at what was in the room. Glowing with an eerie light, was a pale blue plant, barely even a sapling. "Guess protecting the Tree, just became more important, huh?" Vinyl joked. Sunset didn't respond, an only gained a worried look on her face.

"This has only begun."
Episode 2: Want it, Need it.
Want it, Need it: by Xero Key

"For the last few weeks the city of Canterlot, California has seen monsters and creatures straight out of Japan…"

"Exactly who is responsible for these giant monsters is still unknown, but not the fighters who have defeated them time and time again…"

"The indie band called the Rainbooms, a group cited in numerous strange incidents around the city, have been implicated as these new 'Power Rangers.' …

"Both Saban and Toei have made statements that they have no intention to sue the group for copyright infringement, but have offered for likeness…

"Why are we letting teenage girls handle this? The military and it alone should deal with situations like this!" A man says. "And girls can't be superheroes?" One of his opponents in the debate asks. "This ain't about heroes, it's about…"

"…Setting an example for our children." The lead female speaker at a rally proclaims. "Soon children will rush into danger instead of letting the proper authorities handle things. This is the decline…"

Sunset Shimmer turns off the main viewer in the Command Center and holds her head in her hands. Vinyl Scratch looks to her and smirks. "Well, at least we can say we matter." Sunset lets her head slam into the desk and groans in response.

Power Rangers

Meanwhile at the newly refurbished Canterlot Youth Center, the subjects of debate are being crowded by fans asking for autographs. It wasn't until Donut Joe, the center's manager, forced the fans to either buy something or leave that the Rangers were given some peace and quiet. "Geez. They nearly ruined my jacket." Rainbow Dash said, now sporting a red sleeveless hoodie left unzipped, and red bicycle pants. Since their first time using their morphers, the Rangers have felt an un-ignorable itch to wear their Ranger colors constantly.

"You, complaining about your clothes? Now I've seen everything." Applejack, the Green Ranger said. She now wears a pair of jeans, cowboy boots, her signature Stetson, and a green flannel shirt.

"There is nothing wrong with having good taste Applejack. I think you dress in quite the style, oh fearless leader." Rarity, the Blue Ranger said. Rainbow just groaned and slumped into her seat. Rarity was the least effected by the 'Color OCD' as Vinyl Scratch coined it, just wearing a dark blue skirt and pale blue top, not unlike her previous outfit.

"Style nothing. I spent forever getting enough Pink that didn't clash with my skin and hair! Do you have any idea how expensive it was? Do you!? I wasted two month's pay! And now I look like Little Mac, the boxer not a tiny farmer." Pinkie Pie ranted, and she did indeed look like said boxer by currently being dressed in a pink sweat hoodie and matching bottoms.

"Oh it's not so bad I think" Fluttershy, the Yellow Ranger, said. "I actually like my new collection of yellow sundresses."

"Um…Excuse me."

The Rangers turn towards the voice. A little girl is holding a crudely wrapped present in her arms. "I want to give this to you, for saving me a few days ago." The girl was smiling up to her golden eyes. She placed the present on the table then ran off to a woman in a post officer's uniform. The Rangers are stunned by the scene and look towards the gift they were given. Pinkie Pie gently unwrapped it, after all a trap disguised as a gift wouldn't be unexpected, but fortunately it wasn't. In side were clay pendants like a child would make in art class, crude but beautiful in their simplicity. There were five, each with the Ranger's personal symbol and a colored string.

"Well…it's sweet…at least." Rarity said holding hers up by a single finger, as if it was unwanted.

"No kidding. If the band fails, we might be able to live of being heroes." Rainbow Dash said, proudly wearing her pendant. She was then promptly slapped upside the head by Applejack's hat.

This scene played out in a pool of water on a raised platform in the ruined castle. "Hey, this gives me an idea!" Sonata Dusk said. Her sister were not thrilled and glared at her but said nothing for fear of reprisal from their master.

"Oh? Do speak Sonata." Nightmare Moon commanded.

"Well, what if we made them get gifts for being heroes. Then they'll get greedy and fight over favors…Ooh Ooh. Better idea, make the pendants they have make them want to get favors!"

Adagio and Aria were slack jawed, that was actually a good plan. Nightmare Moon smiled. "Excellent suggestion Sonata. That should the little Thief's pets busy for some time. If they are destroyed or destroy each other, all the better. But if not, I will be able to gauge how much of a threat they are."

Nightmare walked over to the pool and placed the tip of her scythe into it causing ripples to shimmer, before focusing on a split image of the Ranger's gifts. "Gratitude, given freely, be the start of something greedy. Let the whims of those without need, now in action plant my seed!" A dark laugh came from Nightmare while back in the Youth Center, the Rangers shuddered in sudden cold, not noticing a black aura that surrounded their pendants briefly before vanishing.

The next day at Canterlot High

Sunset Shimmer walks into school expecting a barely average day without a major monster attack, and instead finds herself in a version of Orwell's 1984. All over the walls and lockers were posters bearing the images of her friends with the caption 'GIVE' stylized on the bottom. "I'm starting to regret making those morphers." She said before following the sound of shouting to the cafeteria. Inside she found her friends at separate tables…that they had converted into thrones. Each throne had a group of students lined up in front of them with the Rangers looking down on them, Morphed but helmets off and in near reach. The students appeared to be groveling and giving up items, some as little as lint, before the Rangers shove them away for the next in line. The only one not submitting is Vinyl Scratch, who is waiting by the door.

"Vinyl, how long has this been going on? It's only.." Sunset checks her watch. "8:45, classes haven't even begun."

"I'm going to say it started last night but this," she gestured to the Game of Thrones reenactment with less death. "This started pretty much as soon as they walked in. It started with a protection racket, then they just jumped people. I arrived the same moment my phone's 'Morph Alert' went off and the Queens of the School took your old title as Queen B…"

"Thank you Vinyl." Sunset face palmed before looking over her friends. She noticed the one commonality between them was the pendant they were each wearing. "We need to get those things off them, they are what's causing this."

"How can you tell?" Vinyl asked. Sunset merely gestured to Rarity who was cuddling with the pendant saying 'My Prescioussss.' "Oh. Yeah, they gotta go."

"Vinyl, the remote." Vinyl reached into her bag and pulled out what appeared to be the remote from the movie Click. Sunset took it from her and pointed it at her friends, then pressed the power button. The Rangers on the thrones suddenly seized up as if hit by a Taser, and their uniforms and helmets vanished. They collapsed off their thrones and onto the cafeteria floor.

Rainbow Dash looked up and saw Sunset with the remote. "What the…? You can turn us off?"

Sunset merely raised an eyebrow. "I turned into a raging she-demon using a mystical item meant to channel the power of Friendship. You really think I wouldn't install an off switch into something I built with the same risk." Sunset walked over to the still kneeling teens. "Now give me those pendants and I'll turn the morphers back on."

"No way José. We earned these and all this too." Applejack says as she waves her arm around the room, indicating the thrones full of stuff taken from their fellow students. "And you ain't done nothin' to get them, so NO!"

Sunset just gave them a deadpan stare. "So besides the fact I designed the morphers, gave them to you, and have guided you through every fight you've had, so you wouldn't have any of it without me…You're acting insane and most likely under a spell. So, Hand Them Over!" Sunset lunged at Fluttershy, who struggles fairly well, but Sunset was able to remove the pendant from her, which was promptly stolen by Pinkie Pie.

"Mine!" This quickly escalated into a brawl between the Rangers over all of the pendants, culminating in Rarity becoming victorious.

"At last! Rarity Rules!" She laughed, now wearing all five pendants. Sunset looked on in awe as…Rarity proceeded to dance around. "I've got the lovelies! I've got the lovelies!" Sunset hit a different button on the remote causing a shock to emanate from Rarity's morpher, tripping up her dancing and causing her to fall to the ground.

Sunset then removed the pendants and held them in her hand as she berated the Rangers. "You are supposed to be Power Rangers, a group dedicated to Friendship and Harmony! You can't just do things, especially super heroics, and expect gifts. Even ones…so…pretty…" Sunset's eyes began to focus on the pendants, as if witnessing the most beautiful sight. Some part of her recognized the magic effecting her mind and snapped her out of it. She then threw the pendants to the ground before raising her foot to crush them.

Suddenly they burst into black smoke which quickly filled the room. When the smoke cleared, a hand was holding up Sunset's foot before it threw her back. The hand was attached to a monster that looked like a gothic version of a Holiday present. "Oh come on! I almost had them too!" The monster cried in a whiny voice, tears actually coming from its lid.

"And who the heck are you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I'm Gift Box! And now I have to do this the old fashioned way! Terrorvons!" Terrorvons appeared at its command. "Attack!"

Sunset pressed the power button on the remote again, and a tone rang out from the morphers. "Deal with the monster right now, we'll deal with the greed issue later." The Rangers nodded and ran out to the football field, Gift Box and the Terrorvons following.

"Right, come on you annoyances." Rarity spat at the other Rangers. "It's Morphin' Time!" And together they shouted "Power Rangers! Harmonize!"

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boozing stance.

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between he fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

Rainbow slapped her chest. "Element of Loyalty: Red Harmony Ranger!" She called as she posed like she had finished her morphing sequence. A cloud of red smoke exploded behind her.

Applejack mimicked her. "Element of Honesty: Green Harmony Ranger!" She posed in a boxing stance and green smoke exploded behind her.

"Element of Generosity: Blue Harmony Ranger!" Rarity said. She posed and blue smoke appeared behind her.

"Element of Laughter: Pink Harmony Ranger!" Pinkie posed and pink smoke appeared behind her.

"E-Element of K-Kindness: Y-Yellow Harmony Ranger?" Fluttershy squeaked as the yellow smoke exploded behind her and covered her head in fear.

Rainbow and the others then posed together with arms in a V shape crying out "Harmony Rangers!" as an explosion of fire appeared behind them.

The villains watching in their pool looked on in confusion.


"Yes, My Queen?"

"Have they done it again?"

"Yes, My Queen."

"Ah. Why aren't they killed while doing that?"

"I have no idea My Queen."

Back with the Rangers, the fight was under way and the Rangers were arguing the entire time over who gets to fight Gift Box, who was currently sitting on a curbside reading a newspaper while the Rangers beat up the Terrorvons and argued.

"I'm Red, that means he's mine as I'm the leader!"

"Color don't make ya a leader! And he's mine cause my zord makes the body!"

"No he's mine! After all, I looked so much better with him when he was a pendant!"

"No, Me! I'm the Fun One!"

"I think I should…because…I..s-say so?"

Gift Box had finally had enough and opened up his lid and fired lasers from inside his body. "I'm really getting annoyed here! Can we just fight already?"

"Fine, let's Rock and Load!"

If Gift Box had eyes they would have widened. "Uh Oh." Without any Terrorvons to distract the Rangers, their full firepower would go to him, a problem he just realized, which Adagio back in the castle also did and slapped her face with her hand. The Rangers played their weapons like their instruments, Pinkie Pie drumming air and making sound somehow, causing a ball of energy to appear in front of them and launch towards Gift Box. "I just wanted to make you happy with material items!" He cried before exploding.

The Rangers shook their heads. "What the..?"

"Was I really acting like that?"

"So sorry guys."

"Dear me, that was positively ghastly the way I was acting."

"I didn't know I could be so demanding." The Rangers apologized to each other and went into a group hug.

Nightmare Moon was not amused and raised her scythe above her head with both hands. "Powers of Darkness, heed my command! Grant this Creature a final stand!" The sky above the Rangers turned black as a negative light struck the remains of Gift Box, causing him to grow.

Placing a hand to the side of her helmet, Rainbow Dash contacted Vinyl and Sunset. "Guy's we need the zords now!" Sunset nodded to Vinyl, who inputted a command into her phone. Back at the Command Center, the main computers displayed the zord activation sequence. Within moments the Rangers were in their vehicles.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie spun their vehicles so that they were driving backwards into Applejack's. The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted "Harmony Megazord!"

"How about a present from me to you, for getting in my way!" Gift Box fired lasers once more, staggering the Megazord and pushing them back.

In the cockpit, the Rangers were shaken up.

"Activating the Rotor Sword." Fluttershy said. From the yellow arm's wrist came a single edge blade. The Megazord used it to slash Gift Box, but the monster was barely effected.

"Time for the Knee Gun!" Pinkie then caused the pink leg to performing a rising knee kick while firing its cannon. This knocked Gift Box onto the ground, conveniently into a city park with no buildings.

"Diamond Pirouette!" Rarity called out and the Megazord started spinning, blue leg out and causing massive damage to Gift Box who went flying.

"Water Cannons, Fire!" Applejack commanded and the sides of the Megazord's torso opened up and blasted Gift Box.

"Jet Boost Punch!" Rainbow commanded the red arm to light itself on fire before landing a massive haymaker on Gift Box, knocking him to the ground and stunning him.

"Harmony Cannons Ready!" Two massive guns slid onto the Megazord's shoulders. "Fire!" And rainbow lasers impacted Gift Box, completely destroying him.

Nightmare paced her throne room, Aria and Sonata standing to the sides of the throne while Sonata kneeled, crying. "You have failed me Sonata." The siren didn't dare look up to her meet her mistress' gaze. "But, it was not a complete failure." The other Dazzlings stared in shock at their Queen as Sonata raised her head hopefully. "We may not have destroyed the Rangers, but we have learned their weakness." Nightmare looked into the pool which was showing Gift Box's defeat. "They have desires, and those desires will destroy them. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!"

Back with the Rangers, they had demorphed and were inside Principal Celestia's office. "I'm not happy girls." The Rangers did not look up from the floor. "I have allowed your band to be signed and I have allowed you to fight these monsters because I owe you my life." Celestia leveled the Rangers a glare from behind her folded hands. "But that doesn't give you a right to extort other students. Detention, seven full days not just school days, Ranger duties are your only excuse. Now get to class." The Rangers shuffled out of the office, barely acknowledging Sunset Shimmer as she wrote in her magic journal to Princess Twilight in Equestria.

Dear Princess Twilight,

Sometimes when you do something nice for another person, they give a gift. The problem comes when you start expecting those gifts, even when you have done nothing to deserve them. A true friend is someone who doesn't expect gifts for anything.

Your Friend,

Sunset Shimmer
Episode 3: Lone Ranger
Lone Ranger: by Xero Key

Canterlot High School

Two girls are talking by their lockers. The subject of conversation is one that's been on everyone's lips recently: the Power Rangers.

"I'm telling you BonBon, I really don't care where they got their powers from."

"Lyra Heartstrings, not caring about a conspiracy?"

"A conspiracy, honey, implies that they overtly hide information, not publically announce it on the news. Besides, discovering where the Rainbooms got Morphing tech is Her thing." Lyra said while pointing with her thumb to a blue and purple trash can, which started to scoot away as when it was noticed. In doing so, it ended up in the middle of the main hallway, just as five teenagers with attitude came running down full sprint. Fluttershy knocked it over, and without even looking back said "Sorry Trixie, Ranger Emergency."

The now trash covered Trixie Lulamoon glares from her sitting position on the floor. "I'll find out eventually Power Rangers, just you wait!"

Lyra and BonBon just watched the most recent variation of a common occurrence, then shrugged, took their books from their lockers, and walked hand in hand out the front door.

Power Rangers

In the Ranger's jeep Applejack was driving at full speed towards the most recent monster attack. Over the radio, Vinyl Scratch was informing them of the situation. "Ok, here's the sitch. Our new friend is about 8 feet tall, about 2000 lbs, likes warm walks on the beach…"

"Um, Vinyl dear…not helpful."

Jeeze, take a joke. He looks like someone took King Hippo out of Punch-Out, then gave him steroids so watch out for punches. He's ransacking the mall with Terrorvons , so getting the civilians out of harm's way is a first priority."

"Got it sugar. He'll go down just as easy as the last one." Applejack said confidently. The other Rangers only looked at her strangely. Then remembered that the last monster didn't require a Megazord, only Applejack firing her Zord's blasters point blank into the monster's face. And the time before that she beat it so completely into submission it didn't reform properly when it grew giant size. Applejack's slasher smile did not help.

"Anybody feel AJ is a bit…trigger happy?" Rainbow asked. Pinkie attempted to respond but Applejack swiftly took a corner and swerved into the parking lot of the mall, so she just settled on nodding like a bobble head.

"What are you waiting for slowpokes? we got a monster to beat!"

Inside the Hippounder was leading his Terrorvons through a…lingerie store? "Move it!" he said in a helium like voice completely opposite to his form. "The Mistresses want the best and I won't disappoint!"

"Too bad ugly! Hi Ya!" Applejack performed a flying jump kick and knocked Hippounder back, before landing safely. "Element of Honesty: Green Harmony Ranger!" She posed in a boxing stance and green smoke exploded behind her.

The other Rangers followed behind her morphed. "Applejack? Maybe we could slow down a little?" Fluttershy asked, to her dismay was too late as she was in a boxing match with Hippounder. "Oh dear."

Hippounder and Applejack's fight was intense and brutal, neither opponent giving an inch. Applejack and an opening and went to use a round house kick to Hippounder's head, but at that exact moment Hippounder fired an upper cut straight to Applejack's solar plexus and sent her flying and forced her to dimorph. "Well, that was quick and easy. Come on boys, we're heading home!" Hippounder laughed as the other Rangers rushed to Applejack's side, who merely glared as the monsters disappeared into smoke before she fell unconscious.

Two days later Applejack was at the Youth Center gym wailing on a punching bag when Sunset came up behind her. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Talk about what?"

"The fight I lost. And the one after that, and the one after that!" As she spoke, Applejack's punches became more forceful. "That darn Hippo is mocking me every time we fight and I can't beat him!"

"Why are you trying so hard?"

"I'm a Power Ranger, simple as that."

Sunset was not happy with the answer and stopped the bag from flying. "Fight me." Applejack just stared incredulously at Sunset. "If you win, we drop it. I win, you talk, got it?"

They both started to circle each other, Applejack in a boxing stance and Sunset with one hand up, palm out, and right arm held behind her back. "You're gonna lose with only one hand Sunny." "Just watch." Applejack opened with a straight towards Sunset's head which was deflected and Sunset followed with a sweep kick, and Applejack jumped to avoid. Applejack rushed in close when Sunset surprised her by using a right hook, knocking Applejack down in a single blow.

"You cheated."

"I knew only one hand wouldn't be enough, so I had to remember that I did in fact have two. So start talking." Sunset said as she sat down next to Applejack.

*Sigh* "Remember Cathulu?" Sunset shuddered at the memory of the Cuttlefish/Cat combination. "Thought so. Applebloom was near the fight, cheering us on." She looked down dejectedly. "When it grew giant, it knocked a tree over and it landed on Applebloom's arm. I feel responsible."

"Applejack, it wasn't your fault alone. If one Ranger is responsible for something, we all are. That's what makes a team."

Applejack looked up at that, slightly smiling and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Thanks Sunset, I needed that." Just then Applejack's morpher went off and Sunset checked her phone.

"Up for a beach trip?"

"Aah, A day off at last! I could get used to this!" Hippounder said, laying down on a beach towel.

"Don't get too comfortable loser, you're here to keep the Rangers off me while I tan." Aria Blaze likewise was laying on a towel and a tanning mirror was in her hands.

"I'm pretty sure that a pale face like yours would burn, honey." Aria and Hippounder looked up and saw Applejack standing on an outcropping unmorphed.

"Ugh. Well my day is ruined. Deal with her and the others when they show up." Aria said then vanished.

"Looking for more punishment honey?"

"Nope, gonna beat you this time for sure. How abouts a fight? Montero a Womano."

"You're on Greenhorn."

"Alright then. It's Morphin' Time!" Applejack brought her morpher in front of her "Power Rangers!" Then moved her arm up and pressed the revealed button. "Harmonize!"

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

The two opponents squared off, preparing for a fist fight. Hippounder rushed in to land the first blow when applejack pulled out her blaster and fired a green blast, four other blasts of color coming from around them and hitting Hippounder. The other Rangers leapt out of their hiding places and joined Applejack.

"Great plan Applejack, he totally didn't see that coming!" Pinki Pie said.

"Hey! That's cheating!"

"Eenope. Teamwork, bucko. Mind if I finish him off?"

"Go right ahead AJ." Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack nodded and pulled out her Bass Hammer and played a quick riff, causing a fissure to appear and Hippounder fell into it. More music caused Applejack to be raised on a plateau above everyone else, where she leapt off and slammed her hammer into Hippounder's head, causing him to explode.

When the negative light made Hippounder grow, the Megazord was already formed and had landed a Rocket Punch right to his face. "Will you stop cheating?"

"Not cheating, just trusting my friends. That's what I should have doen before and just been Honest with them." When Applejack said these words, her apple shaped belt buckle began to glow green, and the pulsing image of an apple exploded from the Megazord. The light then turned into a giant, green, metallic apple on a metal chain. The Megazord grabbed the chain with both hands and held it high, revealing it to be a ball-and-chain weapon. The Megazord swung it around and hit Hippounder multiple times. On a final swing, the apple began to glow and attached to Hippounder, pulling him upwards into the sky, before being slammed into the ground. Hippounder exploded as the Megazord posed, the apple slung over its shoulder.

At the ruined castle, Nightmare was not pleased with the Dazzlings, who were laying on the floor in pain. "You used one of my creatures to steal clothes and act as a body guard, while I was resting. Are you IDIOTS!" Nightmare shouted, causing the black/blue flames on the torches to grow in intensity. "Do this again…and there will not be enough for the Theif and her pet Rangers to destroy. Remember that." Nightmare then stalked into the shadows, leaving the Dazzlings in the main hall.

The Rangers were practicing for an upcoming concert at Sweet Apple Acres when Applebloom came in. Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up. "Uh, sorry about getting you hurt kid."

"We should have taken the fight out of the area."

"Yeah, it's not fun when we let people get hurt."

"Ah shucks guys. It's my fault. I shouldn't have been there." Applebloom smiled. "Besides, my arm should be healed pretty fast, and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are trying for Nurse Merit Badges! I'll be fine." She walked off when she heard her friends arrive.

"Well I need to apologize to you all. I should have been honest from the beginning. Which caused that weapon to appear…Hey where's Sunset?" The Rangers looked around, finally having noticed their lead vocalist was missing.

Meanwhile Sunset was reviewing a tape with Vinyl. On it, a green glow enveloped the command center, time stamped for the exact moment the Megazord's Apple Chain appeared.

"I'm telling you, you need to call Princess Twilight. This is getting freaky."

"I'm keeping her up to date." Sunset brought up an image of the Megazord gaining its new weapon on one of the monitors. "She thinks we should wait and see if the others do this as well. If the Elements of Harmony are growing here, she wants us to make sure we don't need her."
Episode 4: Old Wounds
Old Wounds: by Xero Key

Rainbow Dash was walking down the street of Canterlot's entertainment district, when she saw a crowd gathered outside a store but not going in, blocked off by what Rainbow guessed would be police tape judging by the police cars waiting in the street with lights flashing. Curiosity getting the better of her, Rainbow came closer and saw that it was a Super Sentai curio shop, one of many that had appeared since her and the other Rangers began crime fighting.

"Third shop this week. Think someone has it out for the Rangers?" One officer asked another.

"At least one specifically."

"Um, excuse me? Who's got it out for us?" Rainbow asked the officers. They jumped a little in surprise and when they fully took notice of her, one of the officers went inside. When he came back a detective was with him.

"Ma'am, you're the Red Ranger right?" Rainbow nodded. "You should probably come inside."

Rainbow was brought under the police line and taken into the shop. The glass from the broken window was everywhere, numerous statues and toys flung about and broken, claw marks scraping across the walls. "Normally I wouldn't let a civilian into a crime scene, but considering this is the third time this has happened, I think the Rangers needed to be aware." The detective spoke up. "Notice anything about the destruction?" Rainbow Dash glanced around, but shook her head. The detective then picked up one of the destroyed toys, a Red Gingaman/Galaxy mask with three tears through its visor like claw marks, and handed it to Rainbow. "Now see?" Rainbow looked at the mask in her hands and then around the destroyed shop, and she did see.

Everything that was broken was a Red Ranger or Red focused. "You said this was the third time. Did the other shops only have destroyed Red stuff?" The detective nodded.

"We think this is something specific, can you guess what?"

Rainbow looked down at the mask in her hands, the three tears stirring something at the edge of her memory. "A message." She said.

Power Rangers

"Only Red Ranger items?" Sunset asked after Rainbow explained the situation while at the Youth Center.

"Yeah. I think someone has a grudge against me."

"Well I do, for not talking to me!" A voice called out across the room. Looking up, Dash saw a white haired girl with yellow eyes in a leather jacket. She had three piercings on her left ear and a predatory smile. "So, what's with radio silence dweeb?"

"Gilda?" Dash ran up and hugged her, Gilda's smile softening as she returned it. "I thought you moved away?"

"Yeah I did. But then I hear about you fighting giant monsters as a freakin' Power Ranger! What are you, six?"

"Excuse me." Sunset interrupted. "But I made the Ranger powers, don't mock them."

"Yeah, so what?"

"Easy, both of you. Sunset, this is my old friend Gilda. Gilda, this is Sunset Shimmer, ex-super villain and Ranger coordinator." Gilda raised an eyebrow at the 'ex-super villain' part. "Long story. Anyway, why don't we hang out and catch up. I know a place we can…" Suddenly Dash's morpher and Sunset's phone went off.

Vinyl Scratch's voice came through. "Head's up. We got Terrorvons attacking a soccer game in the park."

"Sorry Gilda. Duty calls." Dash ran out the building to her motorcycle outside.

"Tch. Always running off." Gilda said. Then she turned slightly and saw Sunset glaring at her. "What do you want?"

"I'm watching you. I get the feeling you aren't here to catch up, and if you hurt Dash in any way, you'll get a firsthand look at my 'Long Story'." Sunset then stalked out of the Youth Center, Gilda's eyes shining with anger, before looking at a clock and smirking.

At the park, the Rangers were easily pushing back the Terrorvons, holding a conversation as they did so. "So Dashie, can we play with your old pal Gilda?"

"Pinkie, she's always been anti-social, except with me. Heck the last time I saw, she's just gotten out of the hospital."

"Oh my, what happened?"

"We were stupid kids who messed with a wild animal. Her face got scratched and then she moved away. I'm just glad she healed so well honestly. I didn't see in scars."

Suddenly a bolt of energy struck the ground in front of the Rangers and knocked them back. Descending from the sky was a humanoid gryphon. It was gold and black in color, with a long black mane coming out of a crow like mask on its face. "Skreeeee!" A loud cry came from its mouth and sent the Rangers flying. Its glowing green eyes focused on Rainbow Dash and attacked her, ignoring the other Rangers.

Dash fought the creature as best as it could, but was barely doing any damage. Every time the others tried to help, they were outnumbered by Terrorvons and couldn't get to her. Up on a nearby hill, Adagio looked down on the Rangers and smiled. "Well, it seems our little pet does have a grudge after all. Mistress will be pleased."

The Terrorvons vanished, allowing the Rangers to rush to Dash's side and the Gryphon took off into the sky, screeching in a sound of agony. Dash followed its flight until it disappeared, a look of puzzled recognition on her face.

Over the next few days, Rainbow Dash never showed up to fight monsters, which was fortunately not needed as it was always Terrorvons pulling pranks or doing petty theft for one of the Dazzlings, none of the Sirens staying to fight. Sunset found out that Dash had been spending her time with Gilda and she was not happy.

"Are just abandoning your team? The powers don't fully work without all five of you!" Sunset yelled to Rainbow Dash while they were in the command center. "You have the power of Loyalty! Show some!"

"I am!" Dash yelled back.

"Yes to Gilda. A girl with a criminal record for animal abuse. Nice choice."

"It's more complicated than that." Dash sighed. "Look, I'm not just using this time to catch up with Gilda. We're walking around town and I'm keeping an eye for where that gryphon might attack next."

"What do you mean?"

"Three Sentai shops with only Red Ranger items destroyed. A soccer match for a team I used to play for attacked. The gryphon is specifically targeting me. Gilda knew all my old hangouts, so with us reminiscing she might point out a possible target."

"That doesn't explain why you left the team alone in combat."

"Terrorvons. Fluttershy can beat ten of them unmorphed these days. If the Dazzlings stay or a real monster shows up, then I'm right by their side. But for now I need to make sure the gryphon doesn't target civilians I may know to get to me."

Sunset looked unsure, but relented. "The moment a real threat shows up, be there. Got it?" Dash nodded and went down to the vehicle bay for her motor cycle.

That night at a Sentai shop that had been repaired, the gryphon did return, breaking the main window and headed straight for a mannequin of Dash's costume, until the mannequin grabbed the gryphon's wrist. "Not happening buddy."

In the darkened shop, Dash was able to fight it off, slightly breaking the creature's mask, showing three scars on its face. Dash staggered backwards, an image of a glaring Gilda with bandages on her face filling her head. "Gilda?" The gryphon pushed Dash back with its wing and took off into the night. "What happened to you?"

The next morning Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity were fighting off Terrorvons unmorphed in a quarry owned by Pinkie's parents. "Why do your parents own this place if it's never used darling?" Rarity asked.

"I dunno. But it's nice and out of the way for fights huh?" The others agreed. The sounds of thunder and a darkening sky signaled that an early morning storm was coming. A loud cry pierced the sky and the Terrorvons vanished, giving room for the gryphon to land.

"All alone Rangers?" It asked in a voice half like a roar and half like a screech. "Too bad, but then Red never was that faithful to friends."

"We don' need her to beat you. It's four on one! Ready girls?" Applejack said and the others nodded. "It's Morphin Time!""Power Rangers! Harmonize!"

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

Before they could fight however, the gryphon launched itself at them so fast it became a blur, rapidly moving between them and knocking them around but still rooting them in one position. When the gryphon stopped, the girls were forcibly demorphed. A cage of green energy surrounded them controlled by Adagio Dazzle. "Well done. If this doesn't draw the Red Ranger, I don't know what will."

The gryphon merely chucked before glowing a negative light and shrinking. When the light faded, Gilda was standing in its place, with three black scars like burned wood standing out on her face. "If she shows up. Get the camera ready."

At Canterlot High, Sunset and Dash wondered where the other Rangers were. "This doesn't make any sense. Terrorvons shouldn't cause them to be late." Sunset said checking her phone.

"My morpher hasn't gone off either." Dash said, then shot up her head. "Gilda! She must have them!"

"Are you sure? You only said the gryphon's scars matched the damage done to the different items. How do you know it is her?"

"Because.." Dash was cut off as a nearby student's laptop sprung to life, showing Adagio Dazzle, the captured Rangers, and Gilda in a quarry.

Attention Red Ranger. It's time we settle our score" Gilda said with a sneer. "Come to the old quarry in one hour and pay for your crimes against me. Or prove you're just as un-Loyal as I remember and leave them to their fate. Either way, you lose." The transmission cut off and before Sunset could advise Dash, she was gone and already on her motorcycle.

At the quarry, the Rangers were silent and Adagio was sulking. "You know villains are supposed to monologue, but you won't even ask why we're doing this. Stupid Genre Savvy heroes."

"We're doing this Siren because I want revenge on Dash. She told how we were 'attacked' by a wild animal? Well, we did the attacking. On a neighbor's dog that was bothering everyone and was practically rabid without having rabies. But the dog was never put down because guess what, its owner ran Animal Control. So we decided to protect everyone and put it down. We did and I got these damn scars because of it, but that's the price you pay for heroics. Then Dash went to the police and told them what happened, so as soon as I got out of the hospital I was arrested and she got off scott free."

"Finish the story Gilda!" Dash called out across the quarry. "Why don't you tell them about how you had constantly antagonized the dog and used chemicals to make it feral. Or about how you did it because the owner was investigating you for the recent animal deaths in the area. You made his dog a monster so he would be humiliated, then used me to get rid of the evidence. I didn't go to jail because I made a deal with the police. You deserved it."

"Ain't you ever heard that 'Friends bail you out, best friends sit in the cell with you'? You should have been there!"

"We are friends Gilda, but now I see what everyone else saw, what you show to everyone now. You are a monster. And I'm bringing you down."

A bolt of lightning and a crack of thunder signaled the downpour that had been building, and for Dash and Gilda to launch at each other, as if in slow motion. Their blows as humans barely staggering each other and only tossed up the growing mud. Gilda landed a punch to Dash's jaw the same time Dash did the same to Gilda, knocking them both back. Grappling each other, they threw each other towards the canyon wall. Rainbow got there back first and Gilda began punching relentlessly. Dash was able to kick Gilda's legs out from under her and make her fall, and then Dash started her punches. Gilda launched a quick hook and knocked Dash off.

Gilda transformed into her gryphon state. "I will destroy you and the other Rangers! No matter what Nightmare Moon wants! Skreeeee!" Rainbow Dash didn't respond, only reveal the button on her morpher and press it. Dash was covered in a red light that quickly faded and showing Dash fully morphed.

"I'm sorry Gilda." Dash relented. "But right now, I can't let you hurt anyone else." She held out her hand and willed her guitar to appear. In a quick riff, red lighting struck Grypha and Adagio, knocking Adagio out while freeing the Rangers, and a whirl of wind sucked Grypha and Rainbow Dash into the sky. Dash held her guitar with two hands by the handle, so that the axe blades where above her head. A bolt of lightning charged it and Dash flew into Grypha, slashing with her electric axe and causing an explosion.

Nightmare watched the battle from her scrying pool and did not acknowledge Adagio's appearance in the room. In the pool, she could see Grypha crash but still be alive, and the Red Ranger ignoring the other's congratulations of victory. "Hmmm. Darkness of the heart, let it not be in vain. Raise this creature to fight again." And with that, Nightmare tapped her scythe to the image of Grypha and caused ripple in the pool.

Grypha stood up to face the Rangers and began to grow to giant size. Hearing footsteps behind her, the Megazord was ready to fight. In its cockpit Dash sat in her seat like a captain. "I couldn't help you then, and now I have to fight you now. You may hate me…But I will save you from this!" A bright light shone from Dash and shield appeared in the Megazord's hands. It was a red lightning bolt with two bird wings facing upwards. The wings extended to make the shield into a boomerang. The Megazord through it at Grypha and caused her to spin in a cyclone, being struck by lightning as she rotated. The Megazord's Rotor Blade extended from its yellow arm and pulled back from a stab. Just before the attack launched, Dash leapt from the cockpit and landed on the blades tip, riding it as it struck Grypha. As the explosion began, Dash grabbed a human Gilda that was chained by black sludge and pulled her free, diving from the exploding monster. Rainbow Dash saw that Gilda was not breathing, so she took her helmet off quickly and attempted to resuscitate her as the rain fell.

"So she's in a coma." Sunset stated the next day in the command center.

"Yeah." Said Dash. "The doctors don't know if the transformations did it, the shcok from me pulling her out forcibly, or what. I bet if we beat this 'Nightmare Moon' she'll get better. Any idea who that is."

"Indeed." Sunset and Dash turned around as a purple girl walked in. "She's a ghostly entity that was once attached to Princess Luna. She feeds on negative energy and uses your doubts to possess you."

"Princess Twilight?" They both asked.

"Yes. I'm not here for long. I just felt I needed to bring you details of many of the threats I've faced. Nightmare was not the most powerful, but she used one of my friends as a host in one of her attacks. If she's targeting you, it's possibly someone close to you."

In a laboratory not far away, a similar girl looks at a wall of notes and pictures focusing on the one of Canterlot High. "Soon, I'll know exactly what's going on there, and how the Power Rangers are part of it."
Episode 5: Illusion, Ride On!
Illusion, Ride On!: by Xero Key

It was an unusual day at Canterlot High. Unusual in the fact that there was no giant monster currently wrecking the city, and five girls looked like they may be able to make up all of their absences with one assignment. The Power Rangers were working on a group project in what had been practically dedicated as their band room.

"Finally, just one day where we aren't fighting for our lives." Rainbow Dash said. "I may like being a Ranger and helping people, but Geez!" She leaned back in her chair, taking the front two legs off the ground and balanced off the bottom of deask.

"I quite agree darling. My reputation has never been more successful for commissioned work, but I would enjoy a little more peace and quiet." Rarity said while typing at her laptop.

"No kidding. Big Mac had to chase off some reporters a week ago. We're still pretty sure one of them is camping somewhere on the orchard." Applejack sighed shaking her wrist to will away the pain of typing for so long.

"It's not too bad." Fluttershy said while drinking some tea.

"Oh come on Flutters. That's just because you do so well in class that no cares when you miss." Pinkie Pie said as Fluttershy blushed.

Dash fell forward suddenly. "Hey anyone seen Sunset?"

On cue Sunset Shimmer entered the room, by slamming the door open. She stalked to her usual work station and dropped herself into the chair, her head falling into her hands. "I lost the designs for the morphers." She said before the others could ask what was wrong. "I was taking them the Patent Office and I lost them on the way there."

"Don't you have back-ups?" Applejack asked.


"And aren't we the ones who can use 'em?"

"True. But I can't say someone couldn't figure it out. Someone like…"

"Behold! The Great Illusionist! The Best Hero to Ever Exist!" A smug voice shouted from outside. The girls went to the window and saw their self-proclaimed rival Trixie Lulamoon standing on a soapbox, with a very distinct gauntlet on wrist that looked like a card reader and an oversized belt buckle.

Sunset's eyes narrowed. "Trixie."

Power Rang "Not this time. Trixie is the star now!" Kamen Rider: Illusion

Going outside, Trixie taunted the Rangers. "You know, there are suddenly Five too many superheroes in Canterlot City. Let's narrow it down to One!"

"What do you mean Trix?" Pinkie asked while eating a handful of Trix cereal.

"Trixie hates that joke." She incredulously. "But no matter. I mean this!" Trixie then took a card from her belt buckle, one that had the appearance of a stage magician outfit imprinted on it, and brought the wrist with her gauntlet forward. "Great Illusion!" She then swiped the card through the device and a robotic voice shouted from it "Ride On!".

Trixie on a stage throws the card forward and it grows in size till it is large enough to step through like a portal. The portal pulls back onto Trixie as she holds her arms out to her sides. She passes through the portal, coming out in light blue armor. A helmet like Akibranger Blue2 on her head with a metallic top hat. Her chest becomes an armored version of a stage magician outfit, with a red bowtie turning into a broach for her cape. Her left arm gaining a silver gauntlet while her right arm with the morpher gains a shield around the device. Her belt buckle gains a five pointed purple star and her legs copy her left arm. She then poses with her arms diagonal of each other in a devil horns position..

"I am Kamen Rider: Great Illusionist! And I don't think this city needs Power Rangers anymore." The Rangers backed up in shock. Before they could respond, Terrorvons and a bear in samurai armor appeared and attacked. "Well well well, the perfect opportunity to show off my skills." Trixie immediately leapt into battle, knocking six Terrorvons back with a simple back fist.

"Woah. She's good." Dash admitted.

"Now Bear, I'd draw this out, but I like making my point early on." Trixie took a card from her belt, this time one of Kamen Rider Kuuga and a flaming leg. She swiped it through her card reader "Kuuga Nuclear Kick!" The card then started to glow and floated out of Trixie's hand, landing in a slot that opened up on her leg which was then engulfed in flames. Trixie then leapt high into the air before pointing her flaming leg down at the bear and launching a dive kick. With a primal scream, Trixie made impact on the monster, releasing enough energy to cause a mushroom cloud. When the smoke cleared, there was no damage to the city from the blast, but the bear was sparking with electricity. "Oh no, No giants today!" Trixie said taking off her top hat. She the pointed it at the bear, and a vacuum sound sucked it in. With a flourish, Trixie placed the hat back on her helmet and a card with the bear imprinted on it popped out of the top, which Trixie easily caught. "Hmm." Turning around Trixie saw that the Rangers were standing in awe of what had just happened.

Dash was the first to come out of her stupor. "Hey uh Trixie? You know how Power Rangers teams have six members?" Back by the school Sunset Shimmer grit her teeth. "Do you, maybe, want to be ours?" Dash asked.

Trixie, still morphed, calmly put her new card in her belt buckle before leveling a very obvious deadpan stare through her mask at Rainbow Dash. "Kamen Riders work alone Crash. Besides, my attacks don't harm the city unlike yours." She waved her hand towards downtown where six different cranes where visible in the skyline. "The Power Rangers are obsolete compared to me! Get used it." And with that, Trixie snapped her fingers and a motorcycle drove itself up to her. She got on and sped off into the…suddenly appearing sunset?

"Uh, Isn't it noon?" Applejack asked. As soon as Trixie had vanished the sky returned to normal. The girls just shrugged then walked over to Sunset. "Didn't think anyone could make morphers like that."

Sunset glared out towards Trixie's last location. "Neither did I."

Nightmare Moon and the Dazzlings watched the fight from the scrying pool. "Uh, this is the worst. Now we have another hero to worry about." Aria scoffed.

"That outfit is hideous." Sonata said.

"I remember her. She's Trixie, the one who trapped the Rainbooms for us. Great, she'll probably come after us specifically." Adagio complained.

"I think we can use this." Nightmare said getting hup from her throne. "Even as a card, I can still sense my monster's power." Walking over to the scrying pool, Nightmare gained a predatory smile. With a wave of her hand the image focused on Trixie's belt buckle. "Defeated in combat as not even a chore, use their strength! It is Yours!" And her scythe dipped into the pool. Trixie, now demorphed and at home, didn't notice the glow of negative light that briefly took over her belt buckle before vanishing.

A water monster that looks like Chaos from Sonic Adventure attacks the beach. The Rangers try and stop it but are forced back. Trixie appears and uses the card of the bear monster. "Bear Strong!" and the card lands in a slot where her bowtie was. With an uncrossing of her arms, the image of bear appears behind her and blows away the water monster. She has her hat transform it into a card, poses for pictures and autographs, then rides away leaving the Rangers to sulk.

A monster that looks like King Kittan from Gurren Lagan attacks the park, and the Rangers aren't able to stop this one either."Water Snare!". A long black arm with a card attached to a simple silver gauntlet wraps around the star-like monster, before slamming it around. The monster is the dragged into Trixie's hat and she leaves with a flourish of her cape.

A giant cheetah stomps around the city and knocks the Megazord off balance. "Star Fall!". The Megazord looked up into the sky and saw a slowly falling Trixie, cape flowing behind her, launching beams of energy from her morpher hand. Just as the opposing monster blew up, the energy was sucked away into Trixie's hat.

The next monster was a bomb with legs. The Rangers had just morphed when Trixie came out of nowhere. "Beast Speed!". She fired off a blue of kicks with a single leg, destroying the monster and absorbing, before zooming off.

"I have had it!" Rarity said throwing her helmet down onto the floor of the command center. "Every time we show up, she's always there taking the victory, and making it look easy! We have bled and lost, and then she just waltzes in here like she owns the place? I say nay!"

Applejack nodded solemnly, helmet off but still morphed. "It aint right. She's just in it for the glory anyway."

Vinyl noticed a change on the screen. "Hey guys. We got a call." She pressed a button and Trixie, at an autograph session, appeared on the main view screen.

"Hello Rangers. Listen, you really need to stay out of my way, I can't civilians be caught in the crossfire of my fights. Hero and all that. So since you won't just give up your morphers, how about a Versus? You five against me in the old quarry, winner stays the Canterlot City hero, losers don't fight again. See you in two hours, if you aren't chicken." The crowd behind Trixie started to cheer as the image turned off. The Rangers turned to Sunset, her eyes hidden by her bangs.

She raised her head. "Get moving."

The Rangers jeep pulled into the quarry, seeing Trixie there leaning on her motorcycle unmorphed. "So you showed up, good. I didn't want this to be boring." She said taking the Magician card from her buckle. "Now, what was that phrase you use? Oh yes.It's Morphin' Time!"


. "Great Illusion!" She then swiped the card through the device and a robotic voice shouted from it "Ride On!".

Trixie on a stage throws the card forward and it grows in size till it is large enough to step through like a portal. The portal pulls back onto Trixie as she holds her arms out to her sides. She passes through the portal, coming out in light blue armor. A helmet like Akibranger Blue2 on her head with a metallic top hat. Her chest becomes an armored version of a stage magician outfit, with a red bowtie turning into a broach for her cape. Her left arm gaining a silver gauntlet while her right arm with the morpher gains a shield around the device. Her belt buckle gains a five pointed purple star and her legs copy her left arm. She then poses with her arms diagonal of each other in a devil horns position..

"Power Rangers! Harmonize!"

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between he fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

Trixie smirked beneath her mask. "How about a game? Five Card Draw to be specific." She drew five cards from her belt buckle and showed them to the Rangers, revealing the monsters she had beaten. She swiped all of them through her morpher rapidly."Bear Strong! Water Snare! Beast Speed! Star Fall! Bomb Leg!". The five cards flew up and landed in slots on both legs, her left arm, morpher shield, and chest.

Trixie sped in close and sent a single kick that caused a massive explosion. She then knocked the Rangers further back with an energy wave that looked like a bear. She grabbed Fluttershy and flung her into the sky with her stretched arms, before shooting her with the star-energy. "Alright, enough of this. Girls, Rock and Load!" Dash ordered.

The Rangers summoned their weapons and unleashed their combined attack. Trixie flipped her hat off and absorbed the blast, creating a card with a five colored sphere on it. "Thanks for the trick Rangers. I think I'll borrow it for a while!" She swiped the new card through the reader "Rock and Load!" and the new card flew up and attached itself to the front of her hat. Nightmare Moon smiled as this happened and slammed the butt of her scythe to her throne room floor. The five monster cards began to glow and cause Trixie pain as they and the Ranger's energy card flew away to form a monster. It looked like a ten foot tall bear made of the night sky, and spotted armor made of metal. "What is that? No matter, I'll deal with it." Trixie performed a flying kick to the Ursa but was swatted aside, her morpher knocked off and broken as she demorphed.

The Rangers fired off another blast from their weapons, but the Ursa ate the energy and sent it right back at them, knocking them around. "Okay, we need a new plan." Dash said.

"How about pure sound?" Vinyl suggested over the comm system. Then flying down from the sky was a miniaturized jet version of Vinyl's transforming car. "Say hello to the Wub Cannon. Lock in your guns and hit him with a wall of Wub!"

The Cannon transformed into a tuning fork attached to a bazooka and two speakers. The Rangers put their blasters in and leveled it at the Ursa. "

"Ready!" Pinkie and Fluttershy.

"Aim!" Applejack and Rarity.

"Fire!" Dash commanded and a wall of sound burst from the weapon with a rainbow wake. The blast knocked the beast back until it exploded.

"My Queen, aren't you going to make it grow?" Adagio asked as Nightmare Moon left the throne room.

"The Energy to do so was wasted on creating that beast. Besides, I know what I need now."

After the Rangers' brief panic as to why the monster didn't grow, they took Trixie and her morpher back to her house, where Sunset was waiting. "What have we learned Trixie?" She asked.

"Don't get overconfident?" Sunset merely raised an eyebrow, her arms crossed. "Don't try and do something I can't just because I'm jealous." Trixie sighed out.

"Close enough." Sunset admitted. "I'm okay with you having a morpher, but being a Ranger is being part of a team. If you ever fix that up, 'I hope you don't', the team will be glad to take you."

"Thank you Sunset Shimmer. But I think my Rider days are done, for now at least." Sunset nodded and went to the Rangers' jeep. As it drove off Trixie looked at her broken morpher, still in its armored state, and went inside. An hour or so later her doorbell rang.

"So Miss. Lulamoon?" A suave British voice asked. "I understand you know how to make a morpher."
Episode 6: Laughter and Joy
Laughter and Joy: by Xero Key

Christmas was just around the corner at Canterlot High school. The halls were decked with holly and garland, a few with mistletoe to the annoyance of the teachers, and good feelings were in the air.

"Christmas Party at my house!"

Especially for the Pink Ranger. Pinkie Pie, lover of parties and good cheer, would never remain calm during this time of year.

"Pinkie. School only just got out, Hearth's Warming isn't for a few weeks." Sunset Shimmer said while trying settle Pinkie down. It didn't work as she inexplicitly found herself wearing a Santa hat.

"It's called Christmas Sunny! You know, Santa and Presents and Trees and Presents…"

"And a charity concert at the hospital we have tonight." Sunset said smiling while crossing her arms. Pinkie stopped jumping in mid-air before somehow turning her head nearly one hundred eighty degrees towards Sunset.

"Oh My Gosh! I almost forgot! I have to get ready!" Pinkie Pie then zoomed off in a trail of pink peppermint scented smoke.

"I will never understand that girl." Sunset said shaking her head.

Power Rangers

The charity concert went off without a hitch. The girls were dressed in female Santa suits in their Ranger colors, and their pony attributes stayed after the concert ended because of the good feelings everywhere. They signed autographs and took pictures with fans until one boy came up to Pinkie Pie.

"Excuse me miss." He said in a strong British accent. "You are the Pink Ranger, right?"

"That's me!"

"My name's Pipsqueak and…I…" He started to tear up and close his eyes. Pipsqueak ran forward and hugged Pinkie's legs, surprising her. "I want you to save me Mum!" He said sobbing. Pinkie didn't know what to do about the boy crying at her legs. She looked around awkwardly, noting that they had drawn attention to themselves, before looking down and feeling sad at seeing the boy in tears. Her hair and pony ears flattened, and she knelt down to look the boy in the eye.

"I don't know if I can save her. Tell me what's wrong." Her voice was sympathetic, calm, and soothing. More like Fluttershy as her friends noticed. They had never seen her so serious.

"Me Mum has HAE and she's in the hospital right now and this always happens and I don't think she's coming home and I can't live without her!" He cried, all of his emotions coming out in tears on Pinkie's costume. The tears couldn't be stopped from Pinkie's eyes either, the sheer fear and sadness she felt from the boy causing her pony attributes to fade away.

"Pipsqueak! Oh Pip. Don't bother the woman." A man came up to them out of breath. "I'm so sorry miss. He didn't mean to bother you. Come along Pipsqueak, your mother is waiting." He took Pipsqueak by the hand and led him back into the hospital, leaving Pinkie on her knees, the crying having stopped but the tears remained. Her friends came over and helped her to the jeep and drove home.

The next day at the command center, Pinkie's hair was still straight as she worked at the computer. Sunset came up behind her with two mugs of steaming liquid. "I got hot cocoa. The weather's been kind of cold lately so I thought you might like some." She got no response, Pinkie continually scrolling through the computer, clicking now and then to open a link in a new tab. "What are you looking at?"

"HAE. Hereditary Angioedemea." She said, bring up one of the tabs. "The boy from yesterday, the one crying, he said his mom was in the hospital for it." On the screen were images of people with extreme swelling, the most grotesque on their faces.

"How can someone survive like that?" Sunset asked.

"They can't in the worst cases. Apparently stress, sudden weather changes like hot to cold or cold to hot, sudden pain, or even regular stomach issues can cause swelling, and it usually starts around puberty. Their C1-inhibitor, what stops swelling in the body, doesn't work so they blow up like a balloon." Pinkie said seriously, closing her eyes and sighing. "It can range from the limbs to the throat, sealing the airways shut as your own body chokes you." Pinkie's eyes opened in a glare. "How many other little children fear losing their parents every year just because it gets nippy outside. It's not fair." Sunset didn't say anything, merely gave Pinkie the hug she desperately needed as they both read on about the disease, swearing to do something to help the poor bot and others like him.

From the scrying pool, Nightmare Moon and Adagio watched Pipsqueak lounge in his room without energy to do anything. "My Queen." Adagio said. "He is so desperate for a cure that he ran to the Power Rangers. Perhaps a bargain could be made with us."

Nightmare raised an eyebrow beneath her helm. "Oh?"

"We cure his mother. Then use the ensuing grief at her death in a…car accident or something as she leaves the hospital, to power a monster able to destroy the Rangers!" Adagio clenched a fist and smiled evilly.

"Why Adagio, that is brilliant." Nightmare waved her hand over the pool and its image shimmered to a swollen woman in the ICU. "Suffer in life no more, be healed and live a life galore. But do not die to soon," Nightmare smiled like a serpent. "or your son shall cry evermore!" And as her scythe touched the pool, a negative light filled the hospital, and Pipsqueak shot up from his bed sweating.

The next day Pipsqueak and his father were rolling his mother out of the hospital in a wheelchair miraculously cured. On the roof above them Adagio was smiling and snapped her fingers, summoning a legion of Terrorvons. "Go cause havoc around the area so that the Rangers are drawn out. Once they are here, make sure they do damage to that woman there." She said pointing to Pipsqueak's mother. The Terrovons vanished in a puff of smoke only to reappear on the street below, attacking anything and anyone.

It didn't take long for the Rangers to arrive, already morphed, and start fighting off the Terrorvons. Pinkie ended up surrounded as she noticed one Terrorvon heading towards Pipsqueak and his family. She quickly drew her blaster and fired off a bolt towards the monster, just as Adagio's smirk became a wide smile. The Terrorvons all vanished and Pinkie could only watch, as if in slow motion, her blaster bot hit the wheelchair Pipsqueak's mother was in, causing it to explode in a shower of sparks and fling the woman into the air. She landed face first on the ground as her husband and nurses rushed to her side. They found enough of a pulse but had to rush her into the hospital for emergency treatment. Pipsqueak just sat on his knees staring at Pinkie with wide eyes, before they shrunk into a glare. Pipsqueak got up and slowly walked into the hospital, never noticing that his shadow seemed thick in the early winter light.

Pinkie didn't move from her spot, blaster still drawn and in its fired position. Her friends came over to talk to her, but she ignored them, calmly demorphed and walked away, hair flat.

Inside a darkened waiting room Pipsqueak sat waiting for information about his mother. From the shadows he could hear a friendly voice.

It was the Pink Ranger's fault.

"She couldn't have known it would disappear."

But she had other options.

"Let me mum get captured?"

She's a Power Ranger, she could have saved her.

"I guess you're right."

She didn't care.

"No. She didn't."

Do you want her to suffer?


Do you wish me to do it?

Pipsqueak raised his head from his lap, his eyes darkened by tears. "Yes." From the shadows a smile formed.

It didn't take long for the new monster to begin attacking the city. The Rangers arrived on the scene within in minutes. It looked like a female harlequin mixed with a Halloween witch, maze like patterns going around its limbs, and colored black and grey. "Ah Rangers. I've been looking for you, especially Pink. A little boy asked me to pass along a message. Die!" She opened her hand and a bolt of black energy fired off at the Rangers, sending them flying.

"What are you talking about?" Applejack was able to grunt out from the ground.

"The Pink one hurt my charge by shooting his mother. Tsk tsk. How naughty for heroes. Anyway, I should introduce myself, after all I am far more polite than you." She curtseyed. "I am Grief Seed. And after I'm done with the boy's wish, this world will fall to darkness for Queen Nightmare Moon."

Pinkie got up holding her side. "You…Were created from Pipsqueak's sadness weren't you?" Grief Seed nodded. "That means you are my responsibility." Pinkie turned her head to the other Rangers. "Leave this to me. It's Morphin' Time!" Pinkie activated her morpher. "Power Rangers! Harmonize!"

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

"Element of Laughter: Pink Harmony Ranger!" Pinkie posed and pink smoke appeared behind her. "I'm taking you down Clown." Pinkie charged forward and started fighting Grief Seed hand to hand.

"Oh please. You made me Mother."

"Then I brought you in, I'll take you out! Rock and Load!" Pinkie's nun chucks appeared in her hand. She used them to keep Greif Seed on her toes until the monster leapt away. An aura of pink surrounded Pinkie, causing cotton candy clouds to fill the area. She began to swing the nun chucks over her head like a lasso, its tie extending with every revolution. Pinkie the whipped it forward so that it ensnared Grief Seed, pulling her towards Pinkie. Pinkie then kicked her left leg out as Grief Seed entered range and the contact caused an explosion.

In the hospital, Pipsqueak woke up from a nightmare. "Son, your mother is okay, but she's starting to swell again." His father said, kneeling down to eye level. "It will be fine. Don't blame the Pink Ranger, it was an accident." They heard stomping as they looked out the window and saw Grief Seed fighting the Megazord with its Strato Shield. "We better get to the hospital shelter, come on." His father dragged Pipsqueak away from the window.

Outside in the fight, Grief Seed was taunting Pinkie. "Death is inevitable but the boy couldn't see it. No matter what I would have been born from his sorrow! I am the grief that was seeded the moment he realized he could lose his mother! You, Pink Ranger, merely let me grow!"

In the cockpit, Pinkie Pie had her head bowed. "We may lose people." She raised her head determinedly. "But that just means we need to be happy with what little time we have! I promised I'd make others Smile no matter what!" Pinkie Pie's belt began to glow as balloon shaped light appeared outside the Megazord. The light burst and revealed a large pink backpack like form that attached to the back of the Megazord. Part of it extended with the Megazord's guns, making them appear like Gatling guns as the rested in their finishing position. The rest of it lowered itself to form to cannon like structures that bent upwards to rest beneath the arms of the Megazord. "Party Cannons!" The weapons began to glow. "Fire!" Pinkie said pointing forward.

And fire they did. The two large guns pulsing out energy rapidly, while the shoulder guns were unleashing an unending barrage. Greif Seed cried out as she was struck, finally falling as the attack ended, and caused an explosion destroying her.

In the castle ruins, Adagio kneeld before Nightmare Moon in submission. "My Queen. I have failed you."

"True, the plan did fail. But now I know that the Thief is protecting it." Nightmare said, her back turned to Adagio.

"'It'? My Queen?"

"In time Adagio. But for now, we must wait for the rest of the Rangers to show their true colors. Only then will my revenge be ready."

The next day at the hospital, Pinkie Pie visited Pipsqueak and his parents. "I'm really really really sorry I put you back in here just as you left!"

"It's alright." The mother said. "You didn't plan on me being there."

"Still. I promised I'd help Pipsqueak so I made a few calls. You can come in now!" She called out of the room.

A woman with pink hair tied in loops came in. "Hello, I'm Joy. I have HAE as well, but I also work with an organization that can help you get treatment." The woman smiled and tears started to fill the families' eyes at the hop she brought, smiles on their faces. Pipsqueak turned to thank Pinkie, but she was gone. He went to the window and saw her walking away from the hospital. He opened the window. "Thank you so much!" Pinkie turned and waved, satisfied that the world was a better place this Christmas season.
(This chapter is dedicated to my mother, who is an RN with HAE. She was made into Nurse Joy for the purposes of this story.)
Episode 7: Sacrifice
Sacrifice: by Xero Key

"This is True Talk! With Blunt Fact!" The camera pans in on a news desk. The man at it wears a suit and glares at the camera.

"Welcome back Ladies and Gentleman, I'm Blunt Fact and we have a problem!" An image of the Rainbooms in concert slides on screen. "Teenage superheroes! We are letting little girls deal with the problems our military should be dealing with!" The Audience boos and Blunt tries to calm them down with his hands. "Now now, let's not jump down their throats. I'll give them a chance to prove they aren't just wasting our time!" Blunt turns to face the camera as it zooms in on his face. "Okay 'Rangers'. I'll be in Canterlot City in a week with a camera. Prove you aren't just publicity hogs and…" The image pauses before he can say another word.

In the command center, Sunset stands up from her computer that was playing the Television show, displayed on the main viewer. "Well he was particularly nasty, wasn't he? How can a man be allowed to say such rude things on television?" Rarity asked.

"Check the watermark." Sunset said pointing at the main viewer.

Rarity did so and saw a lock with a stylized letter L in it. "Oh, Lock Network. Well now everything makes sense." She said pinching her nose. "We can't let him follow us around can we?"

Sunset sighed. "He's annoying but has a following, including friends in Congress and the Army. If we don't pacify him we may end up drafted." She shrugged. "Besides, he can't be stupid enough to put himself in danger with just to harass us. What could possibly go wrong?" A large explosion came from behind the nearby curtain as smoke billowed out from the Tree room. Vinyl came out coughing.

"Wow. Power generators and magic crystals. Don't mix them together."

Power Rangers

"In Canterlot, it's True Talk with Blunt Fact!"

"Ladies and gentleman, this is Blunt Fact." A camera moves about in first person. "My head cam will allow me to follow the Rangers around and prove how much of a menace they truly are!" The camera moved to face Canterlot High. "In here the so called 'heroes' put lives in danger every day! Let's see how their fellow students feel about it!"

A girl in pink, expensive clothes sits in front of screen with the True Talk logo. She isn't paying much attention, focusing on her phone.

"Miss, how well do you know the Rangers?"

"Eh, they're a grade above me. But I see them around."

"Do you ever interact with them?"

The girl looks up from her phone with an eyebrow raised. She puts her phone in her lap and looks directly at the camera. "I've tried not too since they took in Sunset Shimmer. She used to own this school. Students, teachers, I hear even the School Board. The Queen B may seem kind, but she made the Rangers, do you think she's let go of that kind of power?"

The camera focused on Rarity. "Blue Ranger! Over Here!" Rarity looks over at the camera and face palms. "Blunt Fact, let's True Talk. How much damage do you and your teammates do to the city every day?"

"Seriously?" Rarity asked, face still in her hand. "That's how you are going to start? Did you even get a journalism degree or was it mail order?"

"Don't patronize me. I'm here for the Truth, so Talk!"

"When did my life become this?" Rarity pinched her nose ad looked straight into the camera. "If you are going to come along with any mission, you follow my orders." The camera moved in way to suggest Blunt took a breath to speak. "No I don't want to hear it. You are right in what we do is dangerous, so treat this like a police ride along, you stay out of the way and stay safe. I say duck you duck, I say hide you hide, I say run you run, got it?" Blunt didn't say anything so Rarity leaned into his personal space. The image would later be used for demotivational posters captioned: Obey—Your Queen Demands It. "Got it?"

"Yes ma'am."

A tall man in a blue pinstripe suit and glasses is in front of the interview screen. "Mr. Turner, you are the physics teacher here correct?"

"Doctor actually, and yes."

"Do the Rangers cause trouble in your opinion? Records here *shuffling of paper* say you are their Homeroom teacher, all five of them, so you must know them pretty well."

"The Rangers, trouble? No. They usually stop trouble, even before the suits. Lovely suits don't you think? I wonder how they appear on them."

"What about their friend, Sunset Shimmer?"

Doctor Turner's eyes seem to darken as if a soldier remembering a war zone. "Sunset Shimmer. A brilliant girl, she made the suits you know. Even at her worst…" Turner removes his glasses and stares into the camera, eyes haunted by horrors unknowable. "That girl has a great darkness in her, and I fear if it ever comes out again."

"Again?" Turner doesn't answer and takes off the lapel mic. He grabs his long coat and leaves the view of the camera.

Static fills the screen as the image starts bouncing, indicating that Blunt was running. He ducked behind an overturned car just before an explosion. The camera peeked behind the car to show a destroyed street. The Rangers were fighting a camera monster. "See people pf America, teenagers should not be fighting monsters if the end result is a leveled city!"

The camera jerked back to see the mask of the Blue Ranger. "I told you to get at least five miles away!"

"Oh no, the people need to see just how dangerous you are while fighting a monster!"

"A monster you caused or did you forget?" The image goes static as the viewers of this episode of True Talk are treated to an image of Blunt Fact working on his interview camera, the head cam resting on a desk charging. The sound of a door opens and a female voice is heard. "You wanted to talk to me, Mr. Fact?" The woman walks into view of the head cam revealing Sunset Shimmer, a cruel smile on her face.

"Yes. As the one closest to the Rangers, I want to know why you made the suits and their powers."

Sunset's smile fell as she tapped her finger to her chin. "They earned it." At Blunt's confused face she smirked again. "They beat Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzlings."

"What's with the third person?" Sunset's eyes flashed an eerie green and slitted. "What the!?" A burst of blue-black fire engulfed Sunset and she transformed into a tall woman in azure armor. A second flash in her hand revealed a scythe.

"Quite honestly I wouldn't have done this myself if it wasn't for the fact that I like you." She said.

"Wh—wh-who are you?"

"Nightmare Moon, but you may call me…Queen." Her hand took on a negative light as she touched the main camera. "All that negativity…It's so delicious." The camera glowed and Nightmare snapped her fingers. The camera transformed into a monster and bowed to Nightmare. Static once more fills the screen as the image settles on the cockpit of the Motorzord.

"How could you not tell that wasn't Sunset?" Rarity yelled as she piloted the zord to down a desert highway and avoiding laser blasts from behind.

"Everyone at the school said she was a –Son of a!!" The zord lurched sideways from an explosion. Rarity was able to correct it.

"She was but not anymore! This is why I don't like you. You took everything at face value and never looked deeper!"

"I sacrifice everything for the truth!" Rarity slammed the breaks and tripped the monster.

Putting her hand to her head she spoke to the other Rangers. "It's out of the city, deal with it while I deal with the ride along." She turned back towards Blunt Fact, the tint of her helmet having faded away so her eyes could be seen. "Sacrifice is putting your life on the line so that others may live. Sacrifice is the ability to truly expect nothing but contempt in return for your actions. We sacrifice our lives so that this world can be safe from our mistakes! So don't you tell me about sacrifice!"

A young woman in a lab coat and glasses sits in front of the interview screen. "Dr. Twilight Sparkle? Why would the youngest woman to get a doctorate in Quantum Physics come back to high school?"

Dr. Sparkle adjusted her glasses. "The Rangers have been the source of multiple unexplained incidents of, in lay terms, magical phenomena. I wish to know why."

"Do you think they are a danger to the world?"

"Everyone could be a danger Mr. Fact. You with words, me with knowledge, the Rangers with 'Magic'. But do I believe the Rangers would ever let the collateral damage harm civilians?" Dr. Sparkle smiled. "Never."

From the ground, the camera could see the Megazord fighting the monster. A holographic image of a blue diamond appeared in the Megazord's hand, replaced by a large version of the Orion Quasar Saber. The Megazord performed quick slashes before turning around and saluting with the blade, the monster exploding behind it.

"This is True Talk with Blunt Fact!"

"Ladies and Gentleman, welcome back. As you know this is the last show of True Talk. I believe I have been unfair to the Rangers and most likely other guests and people I've investigated. I'm going on a trip to try and make up for any pain I may have caused. Good night."

As the credits rolled sunset spun her chair to face Rarity. "Well done."

"I just wonder why Nightmare Moon used your form?"

"We may never know why, but she showed she can shapeshift, which means we need to tighten security." Rarity raised an eyebrow. "If she can transform into us, she could be anyone. We have to be careful."
Episode 8: To Care is Human
To Care is Human: by Xero Key

A female anthromorphic butterfly runs through a forest in a panic. "Over there!" A deep voice calls out as she hides in a bush. A gloved hand covers her mandibles, a glove with yellow swirls on it. The hand turns the buttersfly's head back to show the helmet of the Yellow Harmony Ranger.

Power Rangers

The day before

Canterlot High was busy as the second semester of the year ended its second week. The indie rock band Rainbooms, more commonly known as the Power Rangers, were dreading the first full week of classes and homework. The only one not in fear of failure was Fluttershy.

"I don't know how you do it Flutters. The rest of us lose sleep fighting, homework, work-work, the ridiculous amount of charities we do, concerts, recording sessions, and training. Yet you get grades and…*yawn*…not be exhausted." Rainbow commented as they left the school.

"Oh, it's really easy. Meditation comes so naturally in this life." Fluttershy responded.

"'This life?'"

"I'm Buddhist."

"You fight and blow things up."

"I can take some bad karma if others are made safe."

The two Rangers walked downtown in silence until they came to a clothing store with a monster inside…shopping? "I, Mademoiselle Monarch, do declare that these are fine dresses. Do you take gold?"

"Well if you got fillings, you can pay with those once we knock 'em out of your mouth!" Monarch turned and saw the Red and Yellow Rangers morphed in the doorway.

"Seriously? Do you see any Terrorvons? I'm just shopping."

"You're a bug, why do you need to shop for a dress?"

"I like to look good, like any girl."

Rainbow scoffed but before she spoke up, Fluttershy was over by Monarch. "Uhh, Flutters? What are you doing?"

Fluttershy's helmet turned to Dash. "She isn't doing anything evil. If we just stay with her we can make sure nothing happens." She demorphed and started looking at dresses with Monarch.

Dash raised her hand to her helmet. "Uh, Red to base. We have a possible 0-20 on 12th and Trot."

"What did you just say?" Vinyl asked.

"A monster is not attacking people and Fluttershy has roped herself into a shopping trip."


"Yeah. Put Sunset on." Dash looked over to Fluttershy and Monarch, who appeared to be air measuring Dash's figure before directing the store operator to Rainbow, who waved her off. Elevator music was playing over the communicator. "Seriously?" The operator slowly moved around Dash, moving her arms and measuring her.

"Rainbow, you there?" Sunset's voice came over the communicator.

"Yeah, and I think I just got a dress."

"Vinyl filled me in and after checking your camera…"

"We have cameras?"

"Yes, now just go along with Fluttershy's plan. If Nightmare Moon messed up…you know, not full evil…we can get some info on where she is."

Dash looked over at Fluttershy and Monarch as they paid for dresses, one of which they held up to her. "10-4." Dash demorphed and grudgingly walked over to them. 'At least it's red.'

What followed was a long shopping trip in which Rainbow Dash was subjected to spa treatments, fancy restraunts, and upper class socializing. As the night came to an end at a penthouse party, Dash finally spoke up. "Really? This is Rarity's thing. And, oh yeah, monster?" She gestured to where Monarch was flirting, successfully, with businessmen.

"She didn't want to hurt anyone. If a little kindness can turn a monster good. Then we are changing things." Fluttershy said fondly. A sudden scream grabbed their attention. Walking off from the balcony pool was Adagio.

"Well well, Mademoiselle. A party that you didn't invite your dear Aunt Adagio to?" Monarch started to back up towards the elevator, when she was grabbed by Terrorvons. "Now now. Running away from family isn't nice? Bring her." As the Terrorvons dragged Monarch out, Adagio walked up to the Rangers. "You're lucky we came for her and not you. Unmorphed and in dresses, would have been too easy." Adagio walked back out to the balcony, only to be blindsided by a flying kick from Fluttershy.

Fluttershy took Monarch by the arm and they jumped off the balcony, a flash of yellow light signifying that Fluttershy had morphed during the fall and saved both of them.

The next day a Minotaur is leading a Terrorvon squadron through a forest. "Over here!" it shouts as a blink of orange passes b his vision. In a bush, Fluttershy is holding a hand over Monarch's mouth. She raises a finger to the plate of her mask, telling her to remain quiet.

After they were sure the patrol had left they snuck out of the forest. They were able to reach a clearing where Fluttershy demorphed. "Why are you helping me?" Monarch panted out. "It can't be just because of one day."

"You weren't doing anything, except being scary because, well…giant butterfly." Fluttershy said timidly. "I thought a little kindness would be good for you."

Monarch was at a loss for words. She raised herself up to give Fluttershy a hug but was struck by an energy arrow, and fell into Fluttershy's arms. Behind them, the patrol had caught up. The Minotaur was just lowering a crossbow. Fluttershy looked down to the being in her arms. "Don't worry, you'll be okay." She readied her morpher. "Power rangers! Harmonize!"

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

Fluttershy led off a kick to the Minotaur's center, followed by three quick jabs to its legs. Before the monster could retaliate, Fluttershy fired a burst of energy from her blaster into the Minotaur's jaw. "Rock and Load!" Fluttershy summoned her Tambourine and began used it like a hula hoop. The flowers of the field swirled around her in a tornado. The Minotaur was tossed into the air and cut by thousands of tiny blades. The monster exploded in mid-air.

When Fluttershy landed, as the monster grew, she found Monarch unconscious on the ground. A screech of an engine overhead indicated that Dash and the other Rangers were there. Rarity and Pinkie Pie spun their vehicles so that they were driving backwards into Applejack's. The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted "Harmony Megazord!"

"Why do you fight for a being of darkness?" Nightmare Moon, through the Minotaur asked. A double of voices ringing across the forest.

"Because she didn't do anything to harm anyone. There is nothing but good in her. And I will not let you hurt an innocent!" A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy and came to settle on the unconscious Monarch. Her body took on a more feminine shape and became yellow-metallic. The new Monarch spread her wings and grew to the size of a zord.

"Thank you for protecting me Fluttershy, but now I shall protect you my friend." Monarch's translucent wings began to shine with a rainbow light and with a single flap of her wings destroyed the Minotaur.

Later, at the command center, Monarch had shrunken down to the size of an adult human, her wings forming a cape. "I promise to help you all whenever you need it." She said.

"I know." Fluttershy said, putting her hand out. Dash followed suit and put hers on Fluttershy's, followed by the rest of the Rangers, Sunset, and Vinyl.

"Go Go Power Rangers!"
Episode 9: The Best
The Best: by Shadow-DJ

At the Wonder dome, the Rainbooms watched eagerly at Motorcycle Derby going on, as Applejack elbows Rainbow a bit, smirking at her. "Thanks for da tickets, Dash." She told her, watching the Wonderbolts ride out on their motorcycles, showing great skills while flying.

"No problem, I can't help it if I'm awesome." Rainbow said with a smirk, as the cowgirl just rolled her eyes. "Just glad we were able to get this gig." She then cheered loudly as she saw one of the Wonderbolts do a flip on the motorcycle.

"Indeed, it is quite exciting to see the Wonderbolts in full form. And I have to say, I LOVE the designs of the jumpsuits. Especially on...Soarin…" Rarity said, her eyes suddenly getting dreamy as she stared at one of the male members of the Wonderbolts, who was casually leaning back with the others as they watched the newest member riding along, his helmet by his side. The young man in question, only about collage age if one could believe it, was a handsome young man with spikey blue hair and wearing a Wonder Bolt uniform, with a lightning bolt shaped badge on his shirt.

"Easy there, Rare." Sunset said with a laugh. "Remember why we're really here; we were hired by the Wonderbolt's captain, Spitfire, to do the halftime show."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, Sunset, we got our band equipment in the back, don't you remember? Vinyl put it there earlier. Plus you got to admit, it's really cool! And after halftime, it's the race!" Rainbow gave a fan-girly squeal at this, which she caught and cleared her throats before relaxing…while putting her hoodie over her head to hide her blush, making the others chuckle.

Unbeknownst to them, watching from afar, was the Twilight Sparkle, who had also gotten tickets to watch the girls in action, a tape recorder near her mouth as she adjusts her thick glasses. "Day three of my research of Subject: Power Rangers. So far, when not on duty, they appear to be your average, everyday group of teenage girls. But what secrets can they be hiding?"

"HI TWILIGHT!!" said a voice, making Twilight jump a bit, turning ot see a grinning Pinkie Pie.

"Wait, how did-when did-where did you come from!?" asked Twilight in shock, looking at her with a surprised look. "…And how do you know my name? I've never met you personally."

"…Ooh…whoops. Sorry, I forgot you're not the Twilight I know; you're the new Twilight. So HI new Twilight!" Said Pinkie, giving her a hug, surprising the girl greatly as she says, "You better get into your seat, the Halftime show is gonna be up after this." She hummed as she went along, leaving the frazzled Twilight with her glasses askew and her hair a little messy, as she quickly fixed her bun, clearing her throat as she adjusted her glasses.

"Ahem…and Subject: Pink Ranger…knows nothing about personal space." Twilight said flatly as she looked at the group curiously but shakes it off as she went back to observing them.

Power Rangers

Later, the Rainbooms were getting all set up on stage as people were getting popcorn and other treats, Vinyl checking the sound system of the stage that will be rolled out as she gave a thumbs up.

"We are good here, gals." Vinyl said with a smirk as she says, "Though I am thinking of getting you girls some sweet rides as well. I'm just lucky our last couple gigs got us enough cash to do that."

"Yeah, it's not easy getting money for this kind of work." Sunset said with a nod, sighing a bit as she stretched out a bit. "So…how soon are the Harmony Racers are done?"

"Harmony Racers? Come on, Sunset, you can do better than that." Rainbow joked as Sunset gave her a smirk.

"And what would you call it?" Sunset asked as Rainbow as about to say something, but then Pinkie came out.

"I know! I know! The Rainboom Riders!" Pinkie said with a dramatic hand wave, as the others thought it over.

"Hmm…I think we got a winner there." Said Vinyl with a smirk. "And to answer your question Sunny, they're almost done. Just need to give them their power source and Bada-boom, we got Five new rides for our girls to ride into action with. Plus with the weapons on it, it'd be a big help in the long run."

"I'll say. Havin' ta run to every battle or use the Jeep? Dat's gonna take a lot of our energy AND gas money to get to them with both." AJ said as the others nod in agreement.

"Rainbooms, you're on in a few minutes." Said a voice as a yellow skinned young woman with fiery yellow and orange hair came in, giving them a smirk. "And Dash…I know I graduated a couple years ago, so don't let me down, OK?"

"Gotcha, Spitfire. Alright girls, lets ROCK!" Rainbow Said with a smirk as they all nod in agreement.

Elsewhere, in another part of the stage, Fleetfoot, a fusia skinned young woman with wild white hair and wearing the standard uniform, hung out with Soarin' and a red haired young man named Fire Streak, who looked over the bikes, before slamming onto it.

"It's a great practice guys, but we're almost out of juice in our bikes. They won't be fast enough for the show." Said Fire Streak as Fleetfoot groaned

"You're right…we can't go out there if our rides aren't up to snuff. How are we gonna give them a good race?" Fleetfoot said as she crosses her arms, annoyed.

"Come on, we're the best out there. WE can figure something out." Soarin' said with a smirk as three giggles can be heard.

" I think we can help with that.." said a voice as The three turn to three girls dressed in over alls and wearing caps that obscure their hair and eyes, all smirking as they kept mostly to themselves.

"And what do you want? How did you get back here?" Fleetfoot asked as one of them giggled at this.

" We got some new bikes if you're interested." Said the girl the girl on the right as the one on the left nods in agreement, smirking.

'Yeah, our boss wanted the best to try them out." She said, as the three looked at each other quizzically.

"OK...? What did you have in mind?" asked Streak, as the middle girl just smirked.

"Say hello to the newest brand of motorcycles: The CycloRiders." The three moved aside, revealing three Motorcycles: one red, one green and one blue, each with an outfitted insignia of each rider. The bikes themselves looked like a Harley Davidson with the fronts taking the shape of three different birds: The red one one was an eagle, the Blue one was a Hawk and the Green one was a Falcon.

Soarin' was in we as he went to the blue one. "whoa! Sweet ride, girls!" The three just gave proud smiles as Soaring looked it over, Fleetfoot going to the green and Fire Streak to the Red one.

Fleetfoot looked it over and shrugs. "Hmm...yeah, I guess." She said, trying to not sound impressed. The girl on the right was about to say something, but the girl on the left covered her mouth and shook her head 'no.'

Fire Streak looked them over and asks, "OK, what's your price for them?"

The girl on the right just giggled. "Oh, nothing much, except maybe your undying gratitude and maybe working with us."

Fire Streak and the others looked confused as he asks, "What?" The other girl just covers the her mouth, as the middle one quickly stepped up.

" What she means is that we are hoping to work with you...we want to see if the bikes are good before they are sold out to the public." Said the girl as the other two nod, as they looked at each other.

Fleetfoot and the others shrug as each of them get on the bike, as a sudden dark blue energy went into their eyes, making them flash yellow before turning back to normal, as a whispering voice went through their minds.

"Hello...my dears..." The voice said as the image of Nightmare Moon appeared before them as they all nod numbly.

"Yes Nightmare Moon..." the three said in unison, clenching the handles tightly as the three girls smirked as they removed their hats, revealing themselves to be the Dazzlings.

"Time to make your lives worthwhile, as you all wish to be the best. And you shall be...as my newest monsters: The Shadow Bolts!" Suddenly blue lightning went over the three, giving them black jumpsuits with yellow lightning lining on the neck and gloves, a purple torso and legging area and black boots with white pegasai wings on the end of them and helmets akin to the Ranger's, only with blue spikes coming out of them to represent manes

Fleetfoot looked at the two and nods, "Lets Ride, boys!" She said in a distorted voice as the two guys nod in agreement as they ride off, the Sirens smirking evilly at the sight of this, with Terrorvons appearing from smoke as they went with them.

Back outside, the Rainbooms finished their song as Rainbow strummed her guitar a bit before doing a loud strum as the girls all posed as fireworks came out of the back, the crowd cheering for them, their ears and tails now showing after their song ended.

"And there you are! The Rainbooms/Power Rangers will be signing autographs in the main hall. But now here comes the moment you've all been waiting for!" The crowd cheered more as Twilight put down her phone and replayed parts that showed the girls changing.

"Hmm…that's curious…" Twilight mutters, rubbing her chins. "They grew Equine ears and, in the guitarist and back up vocalist's case, wings…how is that possible?" Twilight asked as she saw 8 Riders coming out, each with different looking bikes.

Rainbow then noticed one of the riders nearest to them with the new look. Shadow Leader, aka Fleetfoot, looked at Shadow 2 and Shadow 3 and both nod to her, who nods back as they got ready.

"Ready set…GO!" said the announcer as they nod and the other three cycles suddenly sped forward, sending out a shock wave that caused the other riders to fall out of their bikes, making them cry out as they got knocked over, the Terrorvons appearing.

"Ah man…just when the race was starting." Rainbow said with a groan as Sunset scowled.

"Vinyl, come on! We got to help get these civilians out." Vinyl nods as they ran off, Twilight watching with shock as she stayed hidden, as the people began to run away screaming.

"Come on, we gotta help!" Said Dash as the girls nod as they got their morphers out. "Power Rangers! Harmonize!" The Five yell out at once.

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between he fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

The Five rangers yell out at once as they charged at the Terrorvons, ducking from swipes as Rainbow Dash blocks a swipe from one and flips him over her shoulder before giving a kick to the one behind her.

Pinkie, giggling, jumped over one's head. "LEAPFROG!" She squealed as she knocked him down due to that before skipping over to another and giving him a bit of a tap before shoving him away.

Applejack ducks behind one of the ramps before getting her dagger out and firing at several of them, giving a 'Yeehaw!' as she kept shooting before blowing into the smoking nozzle, smirking under her helmet.

Rarity ducks as she did a back flip before two of them grabbed her. "Oh, how rude!" she then flips the two over onto the ground before kicking one away. Fluttershy yelped as she ducked a way from one of them, making him crash into one of his friends.

"Oh, sorry." She said as she yelps and smacked another one that was getting too close. Twilight watched this, recording the footage.

"Interesting…the girls seem to have been able to call upon their power by some sort of battle cry…and are now physically stronger…must be some sort of nanotechnology." Said Twilight as Vinyl suddenly came out of nowhere.

"Hey, are you stupid or something? You gotta get out of here before those psycho bikers see ya." Vinyl said as she began to shove Twilight, making her yell out.

"Hey, quit it!" Twilight said as Sunset sighs, rubbing her temples.

"Ah boy…" She then noticed Spitfire leading some of the men out, as the Shadow Bolts saw her and drove towards her.

"Lets get her!" said Shadow Leader as the CycloRiders aimed their blasters as Rainbow noticed.

"Girls, those bikers!" said Rainbow as all five of them got their guns out. "FIRE!" They all fired their blasters, making the three riders yell out in shock as they glared in their direction and then swerved and drove right over to them, making the five jump to the side as the three rode off.

"See you later, Power Geeks!" Said Shadow Two as the three laughed evilly as they rode off, cheering as they left.

"'Power Geeks'? How droll..." Rarity mutters as Pinkie nods.

"Yeah, who do they think they are, Rita? That joke is SO old." Pinkie said as they nod, Fluttershy going over and helping Spitfire up.

"Are you alright, Spitfire?" Fluttershy asked as Spitfire nods, sighing a bit.

"We better get back to the command center." Rainbow said as the girls all nod in agreement.


At the Command Center, the girls all sat down, looking over the screens as scenes of the Shadow Bolts going on a rampage are shown, as Rainbow groaned. "Who are these guys?"

"I've done some analysis on their physiques and, well…they're a match to three of the Wonderbolts." Vinyl said as she showed the three Shadow Bolts and showed their true faces.

"Fleetfoot, Fire Streak and…Soarin'?!" asked Rainbow with shock. They all gasp in shock at this.

"Three of the best stunt riders out there." Sunset said with a nod. "Ugh…Nightmare Moon makes me sick…she's using innocent civilians now!"

"They're likely controlled by her magic…ma-maybe we can talk them out of it?" Fluttershy asked, looking concerned.

"I say we gotta out-ride them and get them off of those bikes.' Said Rainbow with a punch into her palm, as Vinyl smirked.

"I thought you'd say that, Dash." Vinyl said as she got up and opened up an garage, revealing…five medium-sized Monocycles, which each had large white tires going around it with each of the five's color schemes and their handles being akin to the rainbow form's hair coloring; Rainbow's was red with rainbow styled handles, AJ's was Green with yellow, dark pink and red handles, Rarity's was Blue with purple, yellow, blue and yellow handles, Fluttershy was yellow with pink, dark red and teal and cool green handles, and finally Pinkie's was Pink with dark-pink, orange, yellow and blue handles.

"Ooh…very wheelie!" Said Pinkie with a huge grin. The girls got into their bikes and noticed a special slot in the middle of the handle bars shaped like their belt buckles.

'"What's that?" Asked Fluttershy asked as Vinyl shrugs, giving the girls a smirk.

"I found out a way to power it. Remember how it's powered by the Elements of Harmony? WELL…that'll be the power source for these. Sunny told me how to hard wire it like that on the way here." Vinyl said as they nod, getting their crystals into the slot and then they rode off, heading out towards the city.

The people ran away, screaming as the Shadow Bolts riding ahead, firing energy until Five streaks of light came by surprising them Red, Blue, Yellow, Green and Pink streaks raced by them as Pinkie gave an enthusiastic wink and Rarity teasingly blew them a kiss from her helmet before riding ahead.

Shadow Leader's eyes narrowed as she says, "After them! NO ONE out rides the Shadow Bolts!" They nod as they followed, heading out of town.

"So what's the plan?" asked AJ as she looks towards Dash, who just looks ahead.

"We head to the Quarry and get them off of those bikes." Dash said as Rarity looked behind her and went wide eyed.

"Well, we better hurry! They're on our tails!" Rarity said as Pinkie, looking confused, looked behind her with confusion. "It's an expression, darling."

"OOH, my bad." Pinkie said sheepishly as Dash just face palmed as the three bird-faced motorcycles grew closer.

"Shadow Lightning strike!" The Shadow Leader called a the three bikes fired out blasts of dark blue lightning out of their eyes as they swerved off a bit to dodge, as Dash glared back.

"Come on, speed up!" Dash said as they sped faster, making the Shadow Bolts growl in anger as they sped up as well, the road under them cracking from their anger as negative energy began to feed the bikes, which glowed brightly as they sped up more.

They approached the Quarry as Dash nods to the others. "NOW!" She said as they did a quick turn, spinning around before turning towards them and speeding right at them.

"Wait, what are they doing?" Asked Shadow 3 with confusion as Shadow Leader and Shadow 2 shrug.

"Whatever, FIRE! Shadow Lightning strike!" Fleetfoot said as they fired but the blasts missed, as Shadow Leader growled. "How the heck did we miss?! They were literally coming right at us!?"

At the castle, Sonata whistled a bit as Aria and Adagio gave her death glares. "heh…I MAY have forgot to put in the aiming thingy-magig when helping put these bikes together…heh…"

"You're the worst, Sonata…" Aria mutters as Sonata stuck her tongue out.

At the battle field, Dash nods as they cry out, "Harmony Prism lasers! Fire!" Suddenly the turrets on the top of the metal keeping the tires up fired out multi-colored energy, hitting the Shadowbolts point blank, making them yell out as they were sent off of the bikes. The five rangers ran over to the three as the bikes ended up rolling around, being busted in the process.

The Shadowbolts groaned a bit, their costumes turning back to their usual attire, as Fleetfoot groaned. "What happened…" she asked with a daze as she saw the Rangers coming over.

"You were taken over by Nightmare Moon." Dash said as the Three Sirens groaned at the pool, but Nightmare Moon smirked.

She waved her hands as she says, "My three warriors, you have turned the tide…now come back to fight, and RIDE!" Nightmare Moon fired energy, as the three bikes glowed.

"Ah horse apples…" AJ said as the group turned to see the bikes suddenly fuse together, turning into a freakish combination of the three bikes with the Eagle, Falcon and Hawk heads on it's torso, wheeled hands and feet and three headlights for eyes.

"I am CycloRider! I'm not gonna be beaten by a bunch of cosplayin' brats!" the robotic villain said as it glowed. "Eat this! Shadow Lightning blast!" he fired out giant blasts from his chest as they dodged, knocking them aside.

"Get out of here, now!" Said Fluttershy in a surprisingly firm as they went to their bikes, the three Wonderbolts nodding as they went out of there, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.

"Alright…lets show this thing how REAL Riders do things!" Said Rainbow as the five drove around in a circle, akin to shark surrounding it's prey as they fired at it, making him cry out to the heavens.

"My empress, empower me!" The machine said as a blast of energy came down, and the CycloRider suddenly grew into it's giant form.

"Ah nuts…Vinyl, send the zords now!" said Dash as the Five zords came in, the girls jumping right in and changing into the Harmony Megazord right away. The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted "Harmony Megazord!"

CycloRider growled as he says, "Take this!" he then rode over on his wheel-like feet and punched at the Megazord, spinning it's tire-like hands to enhance the punches, making them yell out.

"ugh…Rotor Sword!" Fluttershy said as the slashing of the blade hit it, making it roar out as it was hit.

"Knee Cannon!" Said Pinkie as it sent the Robotic villain flying back, who growled in anger at this.

"That's it…Cyclone Wheel Charge!" He drove quickly towards them as the Rangers got pushed back from the frst charge as he got up and rode forward for a second one.

Pinkie giggled as she nods to them, who nod back as Dash got out her buckle and put it in, creating the Stratos Shield, which blocked the attack and pushed him back before making it turn into a boomerang and throwing it, slashing through the CycloRider, making it yell out as it sparked up as the Zord posed in front of it, making it explode.


"Hey, thanks for helping us out there." Soarin' said to the rangers, who were now back at their garage.

"No problem. Just glad I-I mean, we could help." Dash said, as the others laughed at her misuse of words.

"Listen, if you want, you guys can hang with us for awhile. We kind of had to explain to the press earlier about how that Nightmare chick brainwashed us." Fleetfoot said as they nod.

"Sure. Come on, lets head to Sugar Cube Corner, my treat!" Pinkie grinned as the girls all got into their bikes as the Wonder Bolts got their own bikes, which was fixed up after they got back.

They rode off at this, a new day ahead.

In a near-by apartment, Twilight was working on some footage, looking at the concert and comparing it to when the rangers were morphing and took notes.

"I'll figure out how this magic works…no matter what." Twilight said, adjusting her glasse
Episode 10: Tactical Nightmare
Tactical Nightmare: by Xero Key and ShadowDJ

At Canterlot High soccer field, AJ yelled out, while morphed, into a net making her groan a bit as she got back up, glaring at a new monster in front of her. The monster in question appeared to be made out of a tree and something of a dust-like quality, laughing as it dodged each hit from the other rangers, made out of light purple and black dust in a swirling motion from the chest outward, with a glowing crystal chest spot. Around them many people were asleep.

"Pwahahaha! Let's see you take me on, little girls. No one can beat Mesmerio." The monster laughed as he got some sand and threw it out, which explode on contact, sending the Rangers back.

"A'right, time for some tree buckin'." AJ said as she got her hands out. "Rock and Load!" She summoned her Bass-Hammer and ran forward, swinging the hammer at him as the others cried out 'Rock and Load' as Terrovons appeared.

"Rarity, help AJ with that tree. We got these clowns." Dash said as Rarity nods, her Keytar Blaster at the ready as she aims at the Dust monster's chest, where a crystal lied and likely was a weak spot.

Pinkie giggled as she played one of the Terrovon's head like a drum before whipping it around, creating cotton candy clouds to capture them in to keep them at bay as Fluttershy shook up her large tambourine before throwing it out, as it shot out energy blossoms in the form of a giant chakram, slashing through the caught Terrovons as she nods.

"Look out!" Rainbow said as she jumped over Fluttershy and slashed through a Terrovon with her axe.

"Ugh…Their teamwork is getting on my nerves…" Aria said as she watched the battle happening, Adagio studying it carefully as Sonata…just ate popcorn, showing enjoyment in the action before her.

'Maybe…' Adagio thought before noticing the two Rangers fighting the monster and noticing Rarity having some trouble.

"Applejack, hold still! I am trying to get a good lock on him." Rarity said as AJ just rolled her eyes under her helmet as she blocked a slash with her sledgehammer.

"Then stop standin' around like a statue and get over here and help! I can easily just make this overgrown dust bunny inta powder if ya actually DO something." AJ said as Rarity gasped at that.

"Well excuse me for wanting to be TACTICAL!" Rarity said as AJ just scoffed at that, jumping away from him.

"What'z dere to be tactical about? It's a pile of sand! Just blast him and he goes up in smoke! So stop just standin' around and just DO." AJ said as Rarity just shook her head.

"THAT is the stupidest plan I've ever heard!" Rarity said as AJ just stomped over to her.

"Ya'll tellin' me I don't know how to fight? We've been doing this for a couple months now!" Said AJ as the two glared under their helmets.

"I am well aware of that, but we can't just go into this haphazardly. We both know how dangerous that is." Rarity said as the Mesmerio looked at the two, showing some confusion at this.

"And so is just standin' around doin' nothin'. It just gives da monster more time to do damage and hurt other people." AJ said as the Mesmerio just looked at the two and slowly backed away before taking off, using this distraction as a way to get out of the battlefield.

"Uh…guys? The monster left." Rainbow said flatly as the two looked in shock as they saw that, indeed, the tree monster left.

"NOW look what you did!" The two yelled at each other, glaring daggers at the others as the other three rangers looked concerned.

Power Rangers

"Ya should have taken the shot!" AJ yelled at Rarity back at the Crystal Caves, as the others just watched the two go at it, Monarch just reading a magazine, waiting for them to stop.

"You were too close! You should have kept him more still so I could have a clear shot!" Rarity countered as Vinyl just put her headphones on, focusing on something and didn't want to get distracted.

"Oh, so this is MY fault?!" AJ asked in retaliation, as Sunset groaned.

"OK, ENOUGH." She said, separating the two. "Look, you two need to cool it. Mesmerio is still out there, and you two need to learn how to work together."

"What do ya mean?" asked AJ, crossing her arms as Sunset sighs rubbing her temples.

"You two are the most polar opposites of the team. One is into high society, one is more rustic. One is more fashion forward, the other is more on the lines of practical. And in this case, one of you prefers hands-on while the other likes to think it in small steps. Both are good, but if you keep clashing, the monster will get away again." The two just grunt as they looked away, crossing their arms in the process as Sunset just sighed.

"I swear, those two act like children at the playground." Monarch said, looking at this scene quizzically.

"You said it…" Dash said with a sigh. "Sure AJ and I get into arguments all the time, but it's more of a rivalry than that. And yeah, AJ can be a bit stubborn at times, but that's because she's usually out doing stuff."

"And Rarity and I spend a lot of time together, so I know how much little details mean to her, as she needs to know what works and what doesn't." Fluttershy said with a nod, as Monarch nods.

"Hmm…Well, if they can't find a compromise, that monster will just take advantage of it." Monarch said with a shrug. "They usually do. Not to mention stop him from putting everyone asleep."

At the castle, the Sirens have told Nightmare moon about the argument and the dark woman just rubs her chin in curiosity. "Hmm…so, the Green and Blue Ranger are at each other's throats, hmm?"

"Eyeah, they were SO mad." Sonata said with a laugh.

"I'm wondering what would happen if we would…escalate it a bit with the next battle. You know…have it that they have to be the ones that go against the other." Adagio smirked as Nightmare Moon nods.

"Mesmerio, come here!" Nightmare Moon said as she gave him a bag. "Use this to capture the Rangers. Those other two will still be at each other's throats to the point they become easy targets." Mesmerio nods at this, "As you command Empress!" smirking as he took the bag and vanished in a swirl of dust.

At the Youth Center, Donut Joe was mixing some drinks as he noticed the Rangers sitting…with Rarity and AJ not facing each other, making him blink in confusion. "Don't ask." Dash pleaded as he just shrugs, giving them their drinks.

AJ took her's and began to drink, as Rarity just rolled her eyes. "Fluttershy, please tell Applejack to stop slurping her drink like a five year old?" Fluttershy blinked at this, looking at AJ and then at the others

AJ gave her the stink eye as she says, "Pinkie, tell Rarity ta mind her own business." Pinkie just sighed at that, not liking this at all.

"…OK, are you two REALLY going there?" Sunset asked, face palming at this. "AJ, Rare, you're SUPERHEROES and MUSICIANS. Stop acting like little kids who at the playground."

'Well, I will…once Applejack apologizes." Rarity said as AJ just rolled her eyes.

"Only aftah YOU apologize first." AJ said as Rainbow groaned, with Pinkie sinking in her seat, as well as Fluttershy, both not wanting to get in the middle of this.

Off to the side, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom watched with concern, both of them eating some ice cream with Scootaloo. "Ah Man, I hate it when dey get like this." AB said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, they're usually good friends…I think the stress could be getting to them?" Sweetie asked, concerned.

"Dash told me they were like that since that whole thing with that talking Tree." Said Scoots, as the three got an idea.

"Hmm…maybe we could help?" Sweetie asked as AB shook her head at that suggestion.

"Nuh-uh, not aftah that whole thing with Cathulu. It took me weeks to get my arm out of dat

cast." AB said, as Sweetie Belle sighed.

"Good point…" suddenly smoke appeared as the three went wide eyed. "Uh oh." The three said in unison as Terrovons appeared.

"Ah man, why did it have to be my shop?" Donut Joe asked with annoyance as the smoke took the Rangers, making them yell out as they were swept up, leaving Sunset with shock.

"Hey!" She said as she ran outside to see the smoke drop the Rangers outside, making them groan a bit.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I don't like LED lights too much. I prefer the sun." Mesmerio said, appearing before them as the Five Rangers got their morphers ready. "Nuh-uh…Night-night!" He then threw out dust at them, as Rarity and AJ got out of the way as the dust went onto the other three, making them cough before they got drowsy and fell over, asleep.

"GUYS!" Rarity and AJ yell in shock as the Mesmerio laughed evilly as he opened his bag, taking them in with the other sleeping people he already took.

"Sorry, they can't be of help right now…they're kind of stuck inside." Mesmerio laughed as the two glared daggers at this.

"Power Rangers!" The two yelled at once as they got into a pose each, one trying to step in front of the other. "Harmonize!" The two glowed brightly.

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

The two yell out as they got into a stance each, Terrovons appearing and charging at the two, who use their different fighting styles to take them on; rarity using her agility and grace to get around them and sending powerful kicks their way, while AJ uses more of her boxing style to take them out.

After they fell, the two glare at Mesmiro, who laughed as Rarity got her blaster out, aiming for his chest as AJ went for the offensive, getting her dagger out as the dust-monster moved out of the way, going between them and firing energy at them, making the two yell out as they were both hit.

"Get your head in da game, Rarity!" AJ said in annoyance as she got up.

"Me? You should focus on your surroundings, not just charging in like a crazy person!" Rarity said as Mesmerio smirked, his jewel glowing a bit at this time.

AB, Sweetie and Scootaloo notice this happening as Apple Bloom says, "We better vamoose before Sandman dere sees us."

"GOOD idea…" Scootaloo said with a nod as the three made a run for it, which catches Mesmerio's eye. He smirked as he formed sand in his hand as he looked right at them, which Sunset catches.

"Girls, move!" said Sunset as she went to move them, but ended up getting caught in the dust attack, making the girls cough as they all groaned, falling asleep.

"Huh?" AJ looked in confusion as she went wide eyed seeing AB asleep, as did Rarity when she saw Sweetie there as well.

"Apple bloom/Sweetie Belle!" AJ and Rarity cried out as the monster laughed evilly as the two glared darkly at him.

"What's wrong? Mad that you can't protect your little sisters? Mad that the other is just getting in your way? After all…if you two are a real team, you would be able to stand up to me. But sadly, you can't." He said as he fired a blast of dust, making the two yell out as they were sent back, making the two hit a nearby car from the hit.

"Ugh…he's right…" AJ groaned, punching the ground a bit. "And now, my sister is in danger…AGAIN." Rarity looked at her and sighs.

"It's not your fault, darling…if anything, it's mine. Look, we may have different views, but we shouldn't let that get in the way of our work, right?" Rarity asked as she says, "I'll admit, I go a bit overboard with the over analyzing thing…it's just how I am."

"Eh, it ain't that bad, I guess…you are a lot more careful than I have been." AJ said, getting up with a groan.

"How about we just forgive and forget and find out how to beat this dusty abomination before things get too hairy." Rarity said as she adds, "For our sisters and our friends' sakes."

"Agreed." AJ said as the two nod to each other as they cry out, "Rock and Load!" as their weapons appeared.

Nightmare Moon scowled at this, not liking this development as AJ says, "Aim for da bag! That's where the others are in! I'll distract him." She then ran forward and slammed her Sledgehammer into his chest, making him yell out as he was pushed back, glaring as he fired more energy.

Rarity played a tune before firing, hitting the monster's hand in the process and incinerating the bag, releasing the energy and the sleeping Rangers.

"Nice, and now…" AJ then swung the hammer right into his chest, making him yell out as his crystal cracked, releasing a yellow sand into the air and woke up the sleeping Rangers and the others in the area.

"Ugh…wha…?" Rainbow asked with a groan as she saw negative energy hit the Sand Monster, making Mesmerio grow into his giant size.

"Ah nuts…" said Pinkie as she woke up. "We better morph."

"Right!" said Fluttershy and Rainbow as they got their Morphers ready. 'Power Rangers, Harmonize!" The three glowed at this.

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between her fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cart wheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

"Get the Zords here, now!" Said Rainbow as the Zords arrived, changing into their giant robot form as soon as they got up. After the Zord formed, the large Sand monster growled as he fired energy, making the robot get pushed back.

"I'm gonna make you go into an eternal sleep, you pesky brats!" He said in anger as AJ and Rarity shared a smirk.

"Rarity, if you don't mind?" asked AJ as Rarity gave a 'go ahead' nod as AJ got her crystal and put it in, getting the apple Ball-and-chain out, and swung it at the monster's head, making it yell out at that blow before slamming it down onto the ground, creating a shockwave that caused the sand monster to groan.

"Now lets finish this!" Said Rainbow as the giant Robot's cannons formed. "Harmony Cannons ready!" The energy formed as they yell at once; "FIRE!" The energy fired at this, making it yell out as the large machine posed with the mace in hand, as the monster exploded into giant piles of yellow sand, which dissipated and woke up all the people who were asleep.

At the castle, Nightmare Moon yelled out in rage as the Sirens quickly hid, not wanting to get in the middle of her little tirade, as Adagio rubbed her chin in thought, as she says,

"Well…at least we know that they can still fight…we just need to take advantage of that, My Queen." Nightmare Moon panted as she nods.

"Agreed…" Nightmare said with a scowl as she sat down at her throne, regaining her composure.

At the command center, the others were relaxing as Monarch watched AJ and Rarity talking again. "Well, at least they are getting along again."

"Yeah, but I'm just hoping we don't have to worry about more things popping up." Vinyl said with a shrug, as the other Rangers nod in agreement.

"But I can say this at least." AJ said as she gave Rarity a smile. "While Rare and I don't always see eye ta eye, we have to get over our differences if we want to succeed."

"Agreed, friends have to find a compromise in their mindsets or else things won't get done, or worse, something bad might happen." Rarity said as Sunset wrote that down to send to Twilight.

"I'd say that's a good lesson to learn. Come on, lets head out to Sugar Cube Corner, after today, I need some coffee." Said Rainbow as she yawned a bit.

"Eyeah, I'm SUPER sleepy from that monster's last attack." Pinkie said as they all headed out, laughing a bit at that.
Episode 11: Witch Doctor Appointment
Witch Doctor Appointment by: ShadowDJ

At Canterlot high, the girls were in the cafeteria, as Pinkie Pie ate one of the deserts eagerly while Sunset and Vinyl sat down as another girl came with them, having been invited by Vinyl after the whole fiasco with the Battle of the Bands: a gray skinned young woman wearing a purple dress button up shirt, a dark violet bowtie, a purple skirt with a Bass clef on it and dark blue eyes as she sat down.

"It's a pleasure to see you are doing fine, Octavia." Rarity said with a smile as Octavia gave a smile in return as she gave a nod to Vinyl.

"I'm just glad Vinyl has an interesting job, just make sure she's not doing anything reckless." Octavia, as Vinyl just gave her friend a flat look at this as she lowered her sunglasses to give her a quizzical look. "You have to admit, you do stupid stunts at times." The bass player said with a calm resolution, though a smirk was noticeable on her face.

"Hmph…kill joy." Vinyl mutters as she crossed her arms until a sudden flash came to their eyes, making everyone in the table yell out.

"What the!?" asked Rainbow in annoyance as the group noticed Sweetie, Applebloom, and Scootaloo grinned at them, Scoots holding a camera with a playful smirk.

"Sorry Dash, we were just wanting to let you know we're back on the newspaper staff as regular staff members, and not on that gossip collar…after the whole fiasco with it." Scoots said, the last part in a sheepish tone.

"I sure hope so, you three." Applejack said in a stern tone, making the three young teens chuckle nervously before the whole cafeteria fell silent as they turned to see someone walk into the cafeteria, all of them staring in shock at the arrival. The person in question was a pale gray skinned woman with brilliant blue eyes with a faint curve to them, golden earrings and several golden necklaces, bracelets and anklets on her person, with a simple brown dress and a folder under her arm. But that wasn't the oddest thing; her skin was covered from head to toe, which was noticeable with her heels, with dark stripe-like tatooos and a sun-styled mark under her right eye.

"Who's dat?" asked Apple Bloom with confusion as she watched the woman head to the line, calmly getting a tray and walked ahead, calmly taking a tray

"No clue…maybe a new teacher?" Sunset asked with a shrug as she watched her get her lunch in a calm way but then leave the room, likely going to the teacher's lounge to eat.

"You'd be right on that.' Said a voice as they noticed Trixie, looking at where the woman went. "I saw her take over the chemistry classroom, so I think she's our newest science teacher."

The five rangers looked at each other at this, a pair of glowing eyes outside unknown to those not noticing.

Power Rangers

Sunset had her chemistry book in hand as she noticed her friends heading over to the room as well, looking into the room curiously as Sunset gave them an odd look, knowing that they should be in class. "What are you five doing?"

"Trying to figure out about this new teacher…" Rainbow said as she motioned Susnet along and she looked inside…and did a double take. The room in question was Zecora's office as she ate calmly, seeming to prefer isolation from most of the people there. Her room was decorated with what appeared to be tribal masks on one of her walls, each of them in different shapes and sizes, and also noticeable bottles of in scents and what looked like bottles of chemicals. But the thing that stuck out the most was that Zecora had her hair showing, revealing that it was shaved on the sides with it being long in the center, reaching to her neck and the top of her head, becoming a long Mohawk, with her in stripes of white and black.

"Think she's a witch?" Pinkie asked the others curiously as Sunset just rolled her eyes.

"Oh please." Sunset said, sighing a bit at this as the group looked at her curiously. "I have MANY doubts that she's a witch. She's a new teacher, we should at least give her the benefit of the doubt?"

"…Sugercube, the last time we had new folks arrive, they turned out ta be a pony princess and a trio of Sirens. I tink we can be cautious dis time around." Applejack pointed out.

"'Sides, what kind of teacher makes her room look like a Halloween Decoration store?"

"It's clearly about a faith of her's, not just some sort of witchcraft thing. You've seen Dr. Turner's office as well, and he's all about time. Do you think he's a master of time and space because of all of his hourglasses?" Sunset asked, as Pinkie looked to the side awkwardly.

"Of course not." Said Rainbow Dash…as she adds, "Well…up until this whole Nightmare Moon thing happened…wait…" She looked inside and narrowed her eyes a bit. "You think SHE could be Nightmare Moon?"

"It would make sense…Nightmare Moon CAN become anyone she wants…and if she is into the dark arts, it would make sense to have creepy decore…but we would need actual evidence to prove that." Rarity said as a chuckle is heard in the corners of the hall.

"What was that?" Asked AJ as the group quickly went to investigate, as the girls each got there they saw no one there, so they shrug it off and went to class, each of them looking toward Zecora's office with a look of interest.


After School, the teens were heading home via the Jeep, Vinyl driving as the others just relaxed, the CMC also in the car with them as Scoots looked over her camera for the news, when suddenly…

"WHOA!" Vinyl said as she slammed the brakes, making them all yell out as they were almost tossed out of their seats.

"What the heck, Vinyl!?" Rainbow demanded in annoyance.

"Y'all almost gave us whiplash!" AJ said in equal annoyance as Vinyl looked surprised, with Sunset looking disturbed.

"You guys may want to see this…" Vinyl said as the girls looked out of the front window and saw several people out cold, groaning in pain on the streets, their faces pale Emergency Responders performed triage.

"We gotta go see what's going on." Sunset said as the girls nod as they all got out of the car. The 7 of them looked over some of them as they noticed the human Twilight nearby, looking at one of them as she looked through her phone.

"Lets see…I'm not sure what kind of toxin this is…" said Twilight as she looked at the man in front of her, concerned. A doctor looked the man over, his nicely combed brown hair kept back as he adjusted his glasses

"Thanks for calling, Dr. Sparkle." said Dr. Horse as Twilight nods, as she could have sworn she saw a figure with sunglasses nearby before mixing with the crowd, confusing her greatly.

Rainbow frowned at this as she noticed what looked like powder on the ground but that wasn't the oddest thing; she saw Zecora talking to a young man with bluish hair, white skin, and noticeably blue eyes, wearing a suit with a badge akin to a blue shield with a noticeable purple star in the middle.

"Thank you for your time, ma'am. And don't worry, we will ask for any assistance with finding a cure for this." He said as a red haired woman in a nurse uniform came over and talked with Zecora, who looked at her calmly.

"So, do you know what this is?" the nurse asked as Zecora looked at the people with a frown.

"These people are quite ill, and is quite dire. So we must move before they expire. But for now, I must leave now detective. I will find a way to help you with this objective." Zecora said, as the officer and nurse looked at each other with confusion.

"…the chief is gonna be REALLY confused with this report…" He muttered flatly, looking at the report…that he had to write in rhyme. Rainbow frowned at this, as she looked at this powder on the ground.

"Hmm…I think she has something to do with this." Rainbow said, motioning to the leaving Zecora. Vinyl collected some of the powder to be analyzed in the jeep.

"Ain't dat jumpin' to conclusions?" Apple Bloom asked flatly as Sunset looked towards them.

"You three better head home. We'll take care of looking into this with the police." Sunset said, the three groaning with disappointment as they walked back into the jeep with Vinyl.

Shining noticed the rangers as he walked over, as he says, "So, you're the Rangers, huh? I'm Detective Shining Armor." He said, putting a hand out as Sunset shook his hand.

"Sunset Shimmer, I'm sort of the one who gave them their weapons." Sunset said sheepishly as Shining looked her over.

"Hmm…Yeah, I think I remember you. My captain said you were on parole after an incident at the high school." Sunset looked awkward at that as he cleared his throat. "Anyway, the people here seem to be under some sort of poison or something…"

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" said a loud laugh as a smoke screen formed, as the group turned to the sound of bone rattling as a skeletal humanoid appeared, wearing a purple and black suit jacket over his rib cage, a pair of black slacks, dress shoes, a top hat with a black chicken feather in a red sash on it and a bejeweled cane, crystal eyes and what appeared to be black hair on his head. "Da Doctor is in!"

"What the?" asked Rainbow with confusion as the skeletal being laughed wildly as he twirled his cane around.

"A'right, time ta get movin', boys 'n girls! Time for ya ta meet your dark mistress." He said as he slammed it down, creating a dark hex of energy to go around him, making the people who were out cold groan a bit, their eyes opening to reveal they were glowing a faint shade of green as they got up, all moaning.

"ZOMBIES!" Pinkie screamed as she jumped up, landing in AJ's arms out of fear as the Rangers looked on in shock.

"Hey, Back off!" Rainbow said as the skeleton ssaw her and gave a hearty laugh.

"So, ya think you can take on Doctah Hoodoo? Yeah…sorry, but I got ya a perscripton!" he said as he got his staff out. "Hex Blitz!" He fired out a blast of energy, sending the five rangers, Sunset and Shining back a bit as the groaning people followed after.

Vinyl saw this as she says, "Ah nuts…I better get you kids out of here!"

"Wait, I think I heard it say somethin' 'bout a 'dark mistress'…maybe he works for Nightmare Moon?" asked Scoots as Sweetie looked at his outfit.

"Given his outfit, he looks like Baron Samedi." Sweetie said a she noticed stares. "…I saw a movie with him in it once…He's a voodoo god of the death and healing."

"And who do we know that's all about Voodoo…" said Scootaloo as the three looked at each other and said 'Zecora!' at once.

"Vinyl, ya gotta get us to Zecora's place! Maybe we can ask her how to stop them?" asked AB as Vinyl pressed a button as the powder was analyzed on the Jeep's computer and nods.

"Hmm…well…she WAS asked to study that powder…might be our best bet…" Vinyl said as she drove off, Sunset groaning as she nods.

"Good…the kids are out of the way." Sunset said as she looks at the doctors, Twilight and Shining and the other officers. "We got to get the pedestrians out of here."

"Right." Shining said as he got his badge out. "Everyone, move it! The Canterlot PD is closing this area off! Everyone get out of here now!" Shining said as the doctors quickly got moving as well as the bystanders moved quickly as Hoodoo laughed evilly.

"Ready?" Rainbow asked the others as they nod. They got their morphers out. "It's Morphin' Time! Power Rangers, Harmonize!"

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between he fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

The Rangers got into stances as they glared ahead. "Element of Loyalty; Red Harmony Ranger!" Rainbow said, going into her finished morphing pose as red smoke appeared behind her.

"Element of Honesty: Green Harmony Ranger!" AJ said, going into a boxing stance as green smoke appeared behind her.

"Element of Generosity: Blue Harmony Ranger!" Rarity yelled out, going into a pose as well as blue smoke appeared behind her.

"Element of Laughter: Pink harmony Ranger!" Pinkie said with glee, going into a pose as pink smoke appeared.

"Uh,,,El-element of Kindness: Yellow Harmony Ranger." Fluttershy said nervously as she squeaked as the yellow smoke appeared behind her, posing awkwardly

"Harmony Rangers!" The group cried out at once as Shining looked at this with confusion.

"Must they do that?" Shining asked as Sunset shrugs.

"Let them have their fun." Sunset said as Shining just rolled his eyes and continued to lead people away from the battle as Hoodoo just stared at this with confusion.

"Terrovons, attacks!" Dr. Hoodoo said as the Terrovans appeared, growling as the Rangers ran forward, their daggers at hand.

Elsewhere, the Jeep stopped as the three kids ran out and snuck around the building, looking for any suspicious activities as Vinyl followed after them. "Ok, we should be able to find out where this lady is from around here…" Vinyl said as she looked up on her phone. "It's a good thing I checked the public records to see where she lives."

"Yeah." AB said with a nod as they went around the back and peaked in, seeing Zecora working on something in a pot, looking over what looks like a green book as she put in what looked like grass into the pot.

"Ugh…what kind of soup is that?" Scoots asked, looking at the liquid with disgust.

"Maybe we can ask her." Sweetie said as she cheerfully walked over to the back door and knocks, as AB and Scoots quickly came over as Vinyl came with them, sighing a bit.

"If I end up becoming a scarecrow, I'm holding YOU three responsible." The dub step enthusiast reminded them as the door opened, Zecora looking at them calmly, her eyes looking at them quizzically.

"What brings you to my home, children?" Zecora asked stoically, making the three kids gulp nervously as Vinyl got ready for anything, pressing a button on her music box, which beeped faintly.

Back at the battle, the Terrovons yelled out as they were sent back as a red lightning bolt hits them, Rainbow smirking as a barrage of cotton candy clouds flew by, Pinkie Giggling as she jumped on them and smacked a few Terrovons away.

AJ slammed her sledgehammer down as it sent several Terrovons away as Rarity played her keytaur, creating a watery bind around the Terrovons infront of her as she sent a rapid fire at them, blasting them away, Fluttershy taking out the last with a pirouette.

"Hmm…good moves." Hoodoo said, giving a sarcastic clap as he smirked. "BUT I gotta go give dese new slaves to da dark mistress. See ya'll later." He slammed his cane down, releasing a green energy mist that vanished with the group, making the Red Ranger growl as they pressed a button on their belts as the Rainboom Riders arrived, Sunset getting a message on her phone.

"Uh, guys? Vinyl sent me a message. You may want to meet up with her at her coordinates." Sunset said as Rainbow got on her bike.

"I bet she went after Zecora. I knew something was up with her. Come on, rangers!" Rainbow said as the Rangers drove off…but Sunset noticed Rarity and Fluttershy waiting.

As Sunset got behind Rarity, the blue and yellow Riders rode after the other three.

Soon, the Rainboom Riders got to Zecora's place, the Rangers getting their weapons at the ready as Dash and the others snuck around and saw Zecora working on the soup from earlier, humming faintly as they noticed her kitchen had even more decorations than her office.

"…OK, this is kind of creepy…" Sunset said as the others nod, as Fluttershy noticed something nearby.

"The girls are here too!" Fluttershy said in a nervous whisper as she motioned to the backpacks on the ground, making the others look nervously at each other.

She sniffed it as she nods. "Hmm, perfect temperature for the final ingredients, so this is nearly at an end. Now…where are those young children?" The Rangers went wide eyed at this as they suddenly ran, making Sunset do a small spin, making her dizzy after stopping as AJ knocked open the door, surprising Zecora.

"OK, where are our friends at?" Rainbow demanded as Zecora stared at them with confusion as Vinyl had just walked in, looking back and forth at this as she awkwardly walked backwards.

"'ey Zecora, are these da boxes ya'll wanted?" Apple bloom asked as she, Sweetie and Scootaloo came back and saw this, exchanging confused looks. "What the hay?"

"Hey, you guys are OK. What's going on here?" AJ asked as the rangers took off their helmets as Vinyl came out at this.

"I wanted to message ya, but Dr. Z here got us working on this potions she made. She said that she recognized that powder." Vinyl said as Rainbow gave her a quizzical look.

"It's an old remedy of my culture, a powder of toxin that is inhaled in a breath. It gives the illusion of death." Zecora explained as she showed them a book she had opened. "I looked through my personal study for a cure. And their aid will be of great help, that's for sure." The three kids gave grins at this.

"SO…you're NOT a witch?" Pinkie asked, as Zecora raised an eyebrow at this.

"And NOT Nightmare Moon?" Rainbow asked as the Rangers gave awkward exchanges as Sunset groaned a bit.

"…I believe you have been watching to many films, young ladies. I have no affliction with this woman from Hades. Where did this idea come to form? I believe you have gotten misinform."

"WELL…it's just the timing." Rarity explained sheepishly as Zecora sighed.

"Despite what the film industry will say, my culture is not the work of evil. We are just quite primeval. We do not work in the dark, we work in the light. We are quite peaceful, so that should bring it right." She filled up the vial with the finishing touches as she mixed it together and put it into some bottles and handed it to the rangers.

"OK…we need to find out where that skeletal freak is then." Rainbow said as Zecora looked at them calmly.

"It's very likely they are at a fish market." Vinyl said, getting her phone and looking over an address. "This is the only place in Canterlot that even SELLS blowfish like this, so it's likely here." She points to an address.

"OK, got it." Rainbow said as the rangers quickly went onto their motorcycles outside and drove off, as Zecora watched calmly.

"We better go with them. Zecora, watch the girls." Vinyl said as she and Sunset left, as Zecora looked at the young girls.

"…Mind if we git an interview for the School paper?" Apple Bloom asked as Zecora just gave a friendly smile at that and motions them along.

Later, the rangers made it to the address Vinyl found and looked around, and saw that various people with the yellow eyes were out as the Rangers came out. "Alright Adagio, we know you're in there."

"…For realizies? YOU automatically think this was HER idea?!" asked a familiar voice as Hoodoo arrived, crossing his arms as another figure stood on top of the building…Sonata?!

"Wait…Sonata Dusk…this was YOU'RE plan?" asked Rarity, shocked.

"Uh-duh." Sonata said, rolling her eyes. "What? Is it THAT shocking that I could come up with my own plans?" The Rangers looked at each other awkwardly…which made Sonata angry as her cheeks puffed up, turning red from anger. "UGH…." She growled in annoyance.

"OK…if ya did make dis plan…why a voodoo monster and where did ya'll get the idea?" AJ asked, confused as Sonata just smirked.

"I saw it in a movie." Sonata said as Rainbow mutters 'that explains a lot', as she says, "And I used some of the magic that my mistress uses to make monsters to make my own."

"…wait…you actually made it…by yourself?" Fluttershy asked, also as surprised as she asks, "But why are you doing this?"

"Because of you five ruining EVERYTHING." Sonata said with a scowl, her eyes narrowed as her wings came out more. "You took away our singing voices, you destroyed our necklaces, and you made us a laughing stock! And that's not even going into the fact that we were DYING because of you!" Her iris started to turn red. "So…yeah, I am NOT a happy camper from that!"

"Wait…you were gonna die?! We just thought it was the source of your magic." Rainbow said, surprised as Hoodoo just laughed.

"How long do you think we've been here? Just a few months? NO…we've been here for over 100 years!" Sonata said as Hoodoo rubbed his chin.

"Uh…I thought you were here for over a tousand, Miss Dusk?" Hoodoo reminded her as she looked confused and counted up on her fingers as she realized the mistake she made.

"Oh yeah, my bad." She said sheepishly, rubbing her head as she got back to being serious. "But yeah, the math isn't important. What IS important that, if I destroy you girls and get these new slaves, maybe Nightmare Moon can help us get back our full voice strength again."

"Should have guessed the Sirens would have thought of a mind control scheme…" Rainbow said as they got their bottles out. "BUT we gotta bust it." The Five rangers threw the bottles into the air and fired at them, making the bottles shatter as the liquid came down, fumes releasing into the air as the people groaned a bit, inhaling the mist and waking out of the trance, running away wen they saw Sonata and the monster.

"Wait, no!" Sonata said in shock as she growls in anger, her wings coming out as she says, "Doctor…uh…blast them!" She said, as she giggles. "Wow, commanding people is fun. No wonder Adagio likes it so much."

"Gotcha, ma'am." He said with a tip of his hat as he jumps down, glaring as he says. "Hex Blitz!" He fired a blast of energy as he ran at them, the girls yelling out, "Rock and Load!" AS their weapons arrive as they fight him five to one.

AJ swung her hammer as Hoodoo blocks it with his cane as he takes the jewel out, revealing it to be a thin sword. "En garde!" as he fights using the newely revealed sword against the weapons.

"OK, I am STILL processing how Sonata Dusk, the ditz of the Dazzilings, made THIS just from watching a movie." Rainbow said, ducking from the slash and parrying it with her axe.

"Well, I guess all of them have SOME form of craftiness in them after all…they ARE masters of manipulation, after all darling." Rarity said as she played a tune on her keytaur as water formed and shot forward, which hit Hoodoo but did little damage.

"A'right, lets try this!" AJ said, swinging her hammer and hitting him square in the head…causing it to fly off. Everyone screamed out at this, shocked as they saw the now headless skeleton with the head bonking away, looking dazed.

"…OK…ow." He said with a groan as his body got back into a sword using pose as it slashed, but due to the fact it didn't have eyes, it was more haphazardly.

"OK, now!" Said Rainbow as all of them fired their elemental attacks at once: Rainbow sending out red lightning with a strum of a guitar, Rarity firing a burst of glowing diamond energy, AJ firing energy apples after slamming her hammer down, Pinkie sending out balloon-shaped energy out with her nunchcucks and Fluttershy summoning energy butterflies, hitting the Voodoo monster square in the chest ad causing him to blow up, littering the ground with bones.

Storm clouds formed as a lightning bolt appeared, reanimating the bones and making him grow to his giant size as Sonata smirks, giving them a teasing wave goodbye and vanishing, taking something with her.

The Jeep arrived and saw this as Vinyl got some buttons pressed. "OK, getting the Zords here." The Zords arrived very soon as the Rangers jumped up and into their vehicles, as they quickly got into the morphing sequence for the Megazord.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie spun their vehicles so that they were driving backwards into Applejack's. The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted "Harmony Megazord!"

Doctor Hoodoo laughed evilly as he fired an energy blast from his cane, the Megazord being pushed back from it. The Rangers yelled out as Rainbow glared. "OK, try this. Jet Boost Punch!"

The Megazord sent a powerful punch at it, making the giant Voodoo monster glare in annoyance as he summoned his cane and slammed down on them, making them go back a bit.

"Fluttershy, get Monarch here!" Said Pinkie as she activated the Knee Cannon as it fired at him, while Fluttershy nods and gets out her crystal and puts it in.

It glowed as Monarch flew in, growing in size to her Minizord form and the two Zords nod. Monarch's wings glowed with energy as the Megazord's Harmony Cannon glowed as well. "Harmony Cannon!/Kindness Wave!" Both attacks fired at once, making Hoodoo give out a yell as he was hit, causing the two Zords to pose as the large skeletal monster exploded.

The next day, the rangers were walking down the hall as they noticed Zecora giving the girls a friendly smile, which they returned as Sunset came over.

"Hey, check this out." She said as she showed a newspaper article that was made; the title read 'Into the world of Voodoo; New Canterlot High Teacher explains true origins of mysterious way of life. By Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo.'

"Heh, nice job girls." AJ said as she noticed the three freshmen arriving, giving grins as they noticed Twilight talking with Zecora, the two exchanging friendly smiles as they spoke.

"Well, ya'll know what dey say, jumpin' ta conclusions ain't gonna do well if you don't look into it, right?" AB asked, giving her big sister a teasing smirk as AJ just laughed, ruffling her sister's hair.

"Ya got a point dere, sis." AJ said as the girls all shared a laugh at this.

At Nightmare Moon's castle, Sonata stood in front of Nightmare Moon, looking really nervous as the other Sirens stood on the sidelines. "So…you crafted your own monster using the dark magic I use to make the monsters?" Nightmare asked, looking at her calmly.

"Yeppers." Sonata grinned as Nightmare moon rubbed her chin.

"And you made your own plan involving a mind control-based monster?" Aria asked as Sonata just gave a grin and nods.

"And this just came from a movie you watched?" Adagio asked as Sonata just nods more. "hmm…I have to say Sonata…I'm…mildly impressed the plan worked out so well. Maybe there is hope for you after all." She gave her sister a grin, as Sonata just beamed.

"Indeed…hmm…alright, you three work together with any new monsters when I do not have the time…and see if you cannot take advantage of any new threats the three of you can create together. I have some of my own plans to make. Excuse me." Nightmare Moon said calmly as she left the room, the three Sirens exchanging a smirk as Sonata's playful grin turned wicked, as did the others.
Episode 12: Going Batty
Going Batty by Shadow-DJ

At Sweet Apple Acres, AJ was helping move a crate full of cider to a table with her big brother, Big Macintosh, a tall, light pink skinned young man with shaggy blonde hair, a red jacket with a dark brown collar and a pair of jeans.

"Thanks for the help, bro." AJ said as Big Mac just gave a smile in return.

"Eyep, it's no problem at all." Big Mac said in return as he saw a makeshift stage being set up. "Though I'm surprised da girls wanted to perform for our annual Family Reunion tomorrow."

"The girls wanted to have some fun, so I decided to invite them. Might as well give our kin a show, right?" AJ said with a grin. "'Sides, Braeburn is comin' from Appaloosa and Sunflower is sendin' her sister over. I'm sure they'll love da show."

"I thought they moved ta Jersey after ya'll became sophomores? Ain't Babs a senior now as well?" Big Mac asked as AJ nods.

"Junior, actually. She's only a couple years older than Apple Bloom." Applejack explained. Mac nods at this. "'sides, what's da worse that could happen?"

And as if fate was particularly cruel, Fluttershy was humming faintly as she wrote down a new song, shaking her head as she erased one of the things she didn't like. Unknown to her, a dark figure was creeping on her and she turned and gave a faint scream as the shadow came over.

Power Rangers

The next day at Sweet Apples Acres, several trucks or cars or cabs were coming in as AJ, Big Mac, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith waited as they saw several people come out of the car.

"Hey kids, come give your aunt a hug." Said a pale orange skinned woman as she came over and hugged them, wearing a posh-looking dress, her hair done up and wearing a pearl necklace and a dark orange sundress, with a tall man wearing a similar suit with his green hair put in a nice mold as the woman hugged AJ.

"Hey Auntie and Uncle Orange." AJ said, returning the hug as AB hugged her uncle, who chuckled at this.

"Now you have grown up, Apple Bloom." Uncle Orange said with a chuckle as a teen leaned against the car they arrived in, blowing a bang out of her face.

"Hey cous, what's up?" A dark tanned young woman said, blowing a long bang out of her face as she gave a smirk. "Ah, Hey Babs." AJ said nervously as she came over…as Babs just gave a surprisingly friendly smile and hugged her.

"Oh don't be like that, Applejack. Look, I know we didn't exactly have the best…relationship a few years ago…" Babs began as AJ gave her a flat stare. "…OK, yeah, I was mean, I will fully admit. But since staying with Aunt and Uncle Orange, my sis and I changed.

"She has gotten better." Uncle Orange said with a nod. "Sunflower wanted to come, but she has her own activities she wanted to do." AJ just nods as she looks at Babs, who gave a sheepish look.

"A'right, but ya'll better be on your best behavior." AJ warned as the teen gave a nod in understanding. A honk is heard as the group turned to see the Jeep arrive with Vinyl and Sunset inside.

"Hey AJ, Sunny and I got the Equipment." Vinyl said as Sunset came out, opening up the side.

"Hey, y'all need a hand?" a voice said as Sunset turned to see a good-looking young man with neck-length orange and yellow hair, faintly tanned yellow skin, dark blue eyes and a friendly smile, wearing a brown stitched vest with an Braeburn Apple on the right side over a dark orange button up long-sleeved shirt, a pair of blue jeans, brown cowboy boots with spurs, and a brown cowboy hat on his head.

"Uh…sure, yeah, that's nice of you." Sunset nervously said, as he just gave a charming smile and lifted up one of the parts of the drum, as AJ giggled at this sight as she walked over to help.

"Don't go fallin' in love too fast now, Sunny. It ain't Valentines yet." AJ teased, making Sunset jump a bit as the farmer just laughed at her reaction.

"Oh ha-ha, real funny AJ." Sunset said, giving her a faint scowl as AJ just kept chuckling.

"Don't you worry none, sugarcube. I've seen girls go ga-ga over either Big Mac or Braeburn, so it ain't nothin' new to me." Applejack said as she saw Applebloom and Babs by an apple tree, both shaking it a bit to get some apples for later.

"This batch should be good, cous." AB said as Babs looked up and made sure not to be under it as the apples fell…though the two looked grossed out.

"Yuck…" Babs said as she picked one up and saw how gushy it looked. "I think this tree is sick or something…that or something got to your apples."

"What de hay?" AJ said as she came over with Sunset as they looked over the fruit…which all looked rotted and juiced from the inside out, making the insides gushy and nasty.

"Gross…" Sunset said as she noticed something peculiar about some of them…they appeared to have teeth marks, akin to a large fangs.

"Better call an exterminator." Big Mac said, coming over to see this as Sunset looked it over.

"Or call the other Rangers." Sunset said with a frown. "This looks like the work of some sort of Vampire Fruit Bat infestation. Likely brought in by the Dazzlings."

"Vampire what?" AJ asked as Sunset shrugs.

"Nasty flying rodents who are sort of this world's fruit bats, only they suck out the juice out of fruit and leave them rotted. Basically meant to be a natural fertilizer and they spit out seeds that have some sort of natural growth aid. But they can be dangerous if not put into captivity." Sunset explained as she looks at the tree.

"Sunset, not everyting is a Ranger issue." Applejack said. "We've had these issues before, we'll just call the usual guy and everything will be fine."

"OK…" Sunset said with concern as Vinyl just chuckled, patting her back.

"You gotta relax, Sunny. Look, I know you're getting hung up with Nightmare Moon being around, but let's just get set up for the concert later tonight, OK? I'm sure the others will be glad to be here by then." Vinyl said as Sunset sighs.

"I guess you're right." Sunset said with a chuckle. "How about we make the concert for tomorrow instead? They are here for a couple days, I think I'd feel better if we don't have to worry about some creature messing with our equipment."

"Good call. I'll go call the exterminator." AJ said as the group headed back inside, unaware of a pair of red eyes watching from a tree top before vanishing.

Later that day, the others arrive by Rarity's own car, which was a silver car as the other three came out. "Hey guys, Fluttershy's mom hasn't seen her. Is she here?"Rarity asked.

"Yeah, I forgot to call earlier. She came by last night after something came into her house. She didn't want to get her parents into any danger, so she ran here to get me. But when she came here, the monster wasn't there, so I think she could have been seeing things. But I think she should still be asleep, she was rather roughed up. It was kind of late." AJ said sheepishly, as Sunset gave a sigh of relief.

"That's good to hear." Sunset said as they saw Fluttershy walking out, giving a faint yawn.

"Hey guys. Sorry if I worried anyone." Fluttershy said, giving a sheepish smile as Dash just laughed.

"Heh, it's OK Fluttershy. Just glad you're OK." Dash said as she asks, "SO...how's the new song coming?"

Fluttershy was about to say something, but gasped. "Oh no, I forgot my writing pad in the orchard. I'll be right back." She then ran towards the orchard.

"We can help if you-" Before Pinkie could finish, there was a sharp 'No' from Fluttershy, surprising them.

"I-I mean, I can manage. I don't want to distract anyone from the other guests." Fluttershy said sheepishly as she continued to go into the orchard, while Babs saw this and raised an eyebrow.

"WOW she's even weirder than the last time I saw her…" Babs said as Braeburn gave her a faint nudge.

"Easy cous, remembah, you're in hot water as is from what I heard." Braeburn said as Babs just rolled her eyes.

"Ah keep out of it, Brae. I can handle myself." Babs said with a smirk. "'heck, I'm gonna help find whatever the heck is in that orchard."

"Oh no ya don't, missy." Granny Smith said, hearing that as the younger teen yelped in surprise at the sudden appearance of the elderly woman. "No one is goin' out in that orchard 'till we know what's in dere, got it?"

"Yes ma'am." Babs said begrudgingly, though she gave the orchard a small frown, suspicious.

As the witching hour came, Sunset and Applejack were sharing a room. Applejack soundly asleep while Sunset had her pen hovering over an empty page in her journal. A glance out the window showed the trees of the orchard practically dead from the recent cold weather, the moon hanging low and yellow in color. "Halloween in February, yikes." She said with a shiver.

"AAAAaaaaagh!!!!" A scream came from outside, waking Applejack. She and Sunset went out into the shadowed orchard as fast as they could. When they got outside they found Dash, Pinkie and Rarity by a tree comforting a crying Babs in a fetal position.

"What happened?!" asked AJ as Granny Smith, Aunt and Uncle Orange and Big Mac also came out.

"A-a Ba-bat...bi-big bat...almost go-got me!" Babs sobbed, terrified as Granny Smith put a comforting hug around the girl, patting her shoulder.

"There, there, Babs. It ain't gonna hurt ya'll." Granny Smith said as BIg Mac frowned, Braeburn heading out as he got a bat.

"Come on, lets go varment huntin'. Whatever this thing is, it's dangerous if it attacked her, right?" Brae said as Sunset nods.

"Good idea." Big Mac said with a nod, as he looks at Granny Smith. "Auntie, Uncle Orange, you guys stay with Granny and Babs. Make sure Apple Bloom doesn't get out side. I'll go get some flashlights and some nets from the shed." he then went off to just that as the two upper class relatives lead Granny Smith and the scared Babs back inside.

"OK guys, remember; it's just a big bat. We just need to catch it...and hope that Fluttershy didn't end up getting lost in there." Sunset said, looking inside, flashlight held under one of the Ranger's spare blasters.

"Whatever it is, it's gotta be rabid." AJ said as Braeburn nods, bat in hand as Big Mac came back with more flashlights and a few nets, which the Bat hunters went towards the orchard, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activities.

Pinkie Pie hummed a tune akin to 'Vampire Roundup' from their album, making a nervous Rarity get a little agitated. "Pinkie, please be a dear and stop. I don't want whatever is out here to tackle us next."

"Oopsie, sorry." Pinkie said sheepishly as she says, "Though you gotta admit, we DID have a great Halloween when we played that tune." Rarity just gave a small eye roll at that as the sound of rustling leaves got their attention.

AJ quickly looked to that tree, net in hand as Braeburn looked up. "A'right, steady now, guys. Lets not get it excited." The light reflected off of Red irises, as a hiss is heard before something flew out of the trees and into another.

"GAH! It's coming to eat us!" Pinkie screamed in panic as Rainbow Dash covered her mouth.

"Pinkie, calm down. Look, I know you got an issue with bats, but calm down." Dash said as Pinkie gave a faint squeak as she gave a sheepish smile as Braeburn looked at AJ.

"Ya got some interestin' compadres, cous." Braeburn said as AJ just gave a sheepish smile as Rarity had Pinkie take some breaths.

'She giggles through most of her other battles and yet it's a big bat that makes her freak out...ok, she freaked out over zombies, but that's logical...I guess.' Sunset thought, shrugging as she kept her blaster in hand.

Another hiss drew the groups attention upwards, Sunset's blaster staying trained on the light from her flashlight. A human like figure with large wings was hanging by a tail. As the light covered the figure it began to show…

"Fluttershy!" The girl opened her wings fully to reveal her body. The tail they believed they saw was an extension of her hair, now matted and unruly. Her eyes now slitted and red and her ears had been replaced by long animalistic ears. Her fingernails were extended and jagged, like a monsters. Her teeth extended over lips in points. She glared down, growling a bit at them as some sort of liquid came down her lips.

"Is she...drooling? Eewww…" Rarity said with disgust as Braeburn noticed a pile of apples and noticeable disturbed branches.

"Found our culprit. Your friend sucked your apples...but why da heck would she do dat?" Braeburn asked as he also noticed her attire. "And what da heck is with the bat get up? It's da later part of winter, not Halloween."

"Whatever happened corrupted her Anthro-form. Likely her Equestrian magic is being used to control her somehow." Sunset said as Fluttershy glared down, an animal-like stare down at her friends.

"Fluttershy, you OK?" AJ asked, stepping forward as she hissed. "...kay, you ain't alright."

"Fluttershy, sweetheart, come down from there." Rarity said in a chiding tone, as if reprimanding a child as the others just gave her a flat stare as an apple was tossed at her from the tree, making it squish against her head. "EEW! that was just rude."

"OK, whatever is going on, she's clearly not in control of her actions. Lets catch her before she thinks about getting us." Sunset said as Rainbow looks at her Morpher.

"Hmm...maybe you can use that mobilization-do dad on the morpher like you did before? I mean, you had to think about putting that on the remote, right?" Rainbow asked, as Sunset's pupils shrank.

"Uh...I think I forgot it back at the cave." Sunset said sheepishly as AJ gave her a flat glare.

"You had da time to grab a gun, but not enough time in case somethin' like DIS could happen?" AJ asked, motioning to their friend, who was just biding her time, as if waiting for the right moment, which was making Pinkie nervous.

"How was I supposed to know one of you was gonna get brain washed! We already avoided that with the Dazzilings when they lost their powers." said Sunset, annoyed as well.

"Hello, you've seen the show! This sort of thing happens all the time with the other shows! I think the Dazzilings or Nightmare Moon would use THAT old cliche." Rainbow pointed out with annoyance.

"Ok, from now on, I'll make a spare and give it to Vinyl after we get Fluttershy back to normal, alright?" Sunset said as they turned and then saw...she was gone.

"I thought she turned into a vampire, not The Shadow." said Dash with a groan. Suddenly a large gust of wind came down as the group got sent back from the force of the winds as they looked up to see Flutterbat glaring down, flapping her wings to create a gust.

"Whoa! OK, I didn't know she can use elemental magic!" Said Rarity with a small scream, trying to keep her skirt down.

"It's likely whatever is controlling her doing this! Fluttershy, it's us! Your friends! Snap out of it!" Said Sunset.

"Come on, Shy, you know who we are. Stop with the bat act and get down here!" Said Rainbow Dash as Flutterbat gave her a glare and hissed loudly, dive bombing right at them.

The group screamed as Rainbow Dash got ready for the attack when...nothing? Rainbow Dash cracked an eye open as she saw Flutterbat looming over her like she was about to attack, but seemed...reluctant, still growling but looked more confused than angry.

"Shy...it's OK. We're here." AJ said softly as Braeburn quickly tossed the baseball bat aside, to show they meant peace.

Fluttershy looked at them nervously as she squeaked a bit, as she suddenly screeched out in pain as she gripped her head, her morpher glowing a bit. The other morphers glowed as well, surprising everyone.

"GAH!!!" Flutterbat screamed out as her tone became more human-like as a pink energy bat flowed out of her, the morpher finally able to expel whatever force was inside of her as it took roost on one of the branches.

"Ugh...too much good emotions." said the creature with clear disgust as he patted himself off, the others staring at his...very garish look. he appeared to be a humanoid bat of some kind with shaggy white hair on his head, very large animal-like ears and wearing a bright red, orange, green and yellow suit, which were the usual colors of an apple. His dark red eyes beady and his blue-tinted tounge licking his lips a bit as his fangs sunk down on a still fresh apple. "Aah, that's better." He then tossed it down.

"hey, get outta my family's orchard!" AJ said in annoyance as the bat creature just rolled his eyes.

"Oh please...hmm?" He looked confused as he saw Fluttershy wake up, though she didn't look at ALL happy...in fact, her eyes were narrowed and gave a VERY piercing glare, which made the monster look very nervous and made the others back up a bit.

"You...made me attack my friends…" Fluttershy's usually quiet tone was gone, showing she was FAR beyond angry as the creature backed, flapping his wings a bit.

"Now-now my dear, nothing THAT bad happened…" He said nervously as Fluttershy had a hand on her shoulder, making her turn to AJ, who just gave her a small nod.

"Girls, how about we show this varment some southern hospitality." AJ said as they nod. "Fluttershy, lead on." AJ said as Fluttershy nods.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Fluttershy said as they activated their morphers. "Power Rangers! Harmonize!" They activate the morphers at once.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between her fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

The Rangers yelled out at once as they got into stances, as Braeburn whistled. "Whoo-wee, where do I get one of dem fancy wrist watches?"

"They're not watches." Sunset corrected, rubbing her head at this. "They're morphers of my own design, Vinyl helped with them though."

"Man, ya'll must be pretty smart ta make something like that." Braeburn said as Sunset gave a nervous chuckle.

"Rock and Load!" The rangers yelled out at once as they summoned their weapons. The Vampire Beast roared out as he flew down, sending down a gust right at them as the rangers were pushed back.

Rainbow jumped up, using the trees as leverage as she slashed through it with her axe, sending some sparks through it as she energized it. Pinkie followed suit, smacking it in the face with a few hits of her nunchucks.

He roars out as he slashes at them, making the two rangers yell out as they got hit with the claws, but the monster yells out as he gets hit by some Keytar blasts from Rarity, who gave a smirk at this sight. Vampire Beast snarled as he was about to fly at her, and was stopped by a slam in the face by AJ's sledgehammer, making it screech out in pain.

He groaned a bit as he shook it off, but saw a not so happy Fluttershy, who's tamborine was at the ready. "I usually like animals, even bats. But you have crossed a line that makes it easier for me to do this." She then sent a kick his way before jumping, and began to use it like a hula hoop. The flowers of the field swirled around her in a tornado. Vampire Beast was tossed into the air and cut by thousands of tiny blades, making it screech out as it sparked up, Fluttershy landing as the creature blew up in the air.

"Guess he had a lot of bad karma, huh?" Dash said in a somewhat joking tone as Fluttershy gave a nervous giggle as a blast of lightning came out as the Vampire Beast appeared in the sky, roaring out. "...OK, that is ONE big bat…"

"We better get the zords here now." AJ said as they ran out of the orchard, calling the zords via their morphers as the vehicles came onto the property as quick as they could and they jumped in.

The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted "Harmony Megazord!"

The Bat screeched as it fired bursts of wind at it, making the Zord back up a bit, lucky that it formed outside of the field parts of the farm. "Ok, we better end this fast." AJ said as they pressed a few buttons.

"Let's fire a blast of sound at it. Get the Wub Cannon here now!" Rarity said as the rangers nod.

"You're using the Wub Cannon with the zord's, it's never grown to that size before!" Vinyl's voice came over the radio.

"First time for everything!" Fluttershy said as the Ranger's belt buckles began to glow. The rangers all nod as they activated it at once, the Wub Cannon flying in as the bat nearly got hit by it on the way down. The Five got their buckles off as they put them in, activated a glow from the Megazord as it's cannons came out of the back, the flying device taking shape as a cannon in front of it.

"Harmony Wub Cannon! Fire!" The rangers said at once as the fired the large tuning fork-like shaped cannon fired out a burst of stabilized sound and rainbow energy from the Megazord right at the large bat, making it screech out from the pain of the sound coming into it's ears before it blows up from the sound and energy combined.

"Man, that was AWESOME! why don't we use that more often?" Dash grinned as the others noticed that the zord's windows had cracks, same with their helmets. The Zord then looked down and saw the others down below were rubbing their ears in pain. "...Oh right." Dash said sheepishly. "I guess it gets REALLY loud…"

"Note to self...Danger proof the zord's glass and the helmet's visors...and my shades." Vinyl said with a groan from inside the house as she adjusted the now partially broken sunglasses.

After the commotion ended, Fluttershy was in front of Babs, looking tear stricken. "Babs Seed, I am SO, SO sorry for what happened. I didn't mean it, I swear."

"...Well, it wasn't really you, so I guess I can't blame ya…" Babs said, rubbing her arm nervously. Fluttershy looked downcast at this, as Babs just gave a sigh. "Though given the stuff I put ya through when you were just starting out at Canterlot high, I guess I deserved it a bit, huh?" Babs looked down a bit as she asks. "Think we can...I don't know...start over?"

Fluttershy looked up at that and gave a small smile as she says, "I would like that very much." She then gave Babs a hug, making the other girl give a look of shock.

"...OK, I put limits on the whole 'hugging' thing." Babs quickly said, embarrassed as the others chuckled.

"Hmm...you know, how about we do the concert first thing in the morning. It's been a REALLY rough night." Dash said, as the others nod in agreement as Sunset was near by, writing in her journal.

'Dear Princess Twilight,

We just got done with a very interesting adventure. Though I'm not sure if this happened to you guys, but somehow Nightmare Moon was able to infect FLuttershy with some sort of curse with a monster bat. If you can give some form of advice for any future instances, please let me know. And also, gotta say, we had a rough time out there trying to help her. But as any good friend can tell you, showing some kindness can go a long way.

Your friend,

Sunset Shimmer.'

Sunset put her pen away as she looked at Fluttershy and Babs with a small smile, hoping for the best for the former bully...while a small part of her was reminded of her own past mistakes. But shook that off as she gave a small yawn, heading for bed with the others in tow.
Episode 13: Power
Power by: Xero Key

Sunset opened her eyes groaning but blinked as a bright light was put into her face.

"Hello Ms. Shimmer." A deep voice said beyond her line of sight.


"Now now, you know why you are here Ms. Shimmer. Technology you should not have." The light in Sunset's eyes was obscured as a man's face came into her vision, silhouetted so that she could not identify him. "Why don't you tell me what I want to know."

Outside of the room the two were in, some guards flinched as the lights began to flicker, the sounds of a young girl screaming echoing through the halls.

Power Rangers

"Has anyone seen Sunset? She missed every class." Rarity said as the final bell at Canterlot High rang.

"Not me, haven't seen her all week." Applejack said. The girls looked around at the school, Fluttershy holding her books close.

"You think something happened?" Fluttershy asked, sounding nervous.

"Attention: Will Rainbow Dash, Rarity Belle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack Smith, and Fluttershy please report to the Principal's Office. Repeat: Will the Power Rangers please report to the Principal's Office." Celestia's voice came over the intercom.

They passed by Derpy at the front desk sorting the last of the mail, who smiled and waved, before going back into Principal Celestia's personal office.

Celestia sighed as she says, "I was given a phone call from a man named Eiling who wishes to talk to you girls about your activities. I have told him about how much good you are doing, but he doesn't seem interested in the good you have done, but more interested in the technology. He believes the Military can benefit from it."

"But it ain't just tech though. These things are connected to our Elements of Harmony. And if da Military gets it, who knows what could happen." AJ said, as Rarity nods.

"Indeed. We cannot be part of any military group yet, as we are just trying to keep the magical threats from expanding outside of Canterlot. They seemed focused here." Rarity said as Dash crossed her arms.

"So I don't care what they do, but we can't just give them our morphers. If we did that, Nightmare Moon would just have MORE people to attack or take over." Rainbow said with a scowl.

Just then Vinyl came running in, banging the door open. "Guys, we need to get to the command center! I think Sunset's in trouble!" The Rangers turned to her, surprised to say the least.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow asked, concerned as Vinyl pants.

"Lyra said she saw Sunset get taken by some guys with a black van. But knowing her, she could be wrong...but if Celestia had to call you guys up, she must be onto something. We gotta get out of here. I do NOT Want to end up vanished." said Vinyl.

"Va-va-vanished?" Fluttershy asked in fear, her pupils shrinking to the size of dimes.

"Oh come on, you can't believe that whole 'Government kidnaps people' thing, right?" asked AJ as Vinyl gave her a flat look, lowering her sunglasses. "...OK, that is a dumb question. We better move. Tell dis 'Eling' guy we will meet him in a private spot. HEre." She gave a number to CElestia. "Just have him call this number. And he bettah come alone."

"Yeah." Rainbow said with a nod as they headed out, Celestia giving a soft sigh.

Sunset was in a dark room, taken in with her head covered like usual, but this time her usual interrogator didn't come in. The door opened and Sunset's eyes widened as the Sirens walked in, dressed in military uniforms. She opened her mouth to speak but Adagio stopped her. "Don't bother, they can't hear you." Sunset looked over towards the window and saw a small flashing blue light, the Sirens didn't seem to notice.

'Have to get them to talk' "What's going on?"

"Confused? Oh let me explain, I do owe you that at least. We are doing our patriotic duty." Adagio said pacing the room. Sonata and Aria leaning against a table chuckling evilly. "Do you know how long we've been out of Equestria? Don't answer. It has been over One Thousand Years. We arrived in the Tenth Century, just before the kingdom of Al-Andalus, modern day Spain, was founded."

Adagio paced towards the one-way mirror in the room and stared into the reflection. "We began to seed tension into society so that we may feed. We traveled over the mainland of Europe, following the stories of the greatest powers in the world." Adagio's reflection grew sinister as her eyes closed, her face joyful as the memories returned. "The Vatican was so simple. A little tension along the way and...poof. The Crusades. We went with the knights as 'entertainment' and they worshipped us."

'I don't want to know the type of entertainment they could give when they are in the bodies of teenagers...' Sunset thought to herself, keeping it best that she stayed silent.

Adagio turned and came up into Sunset's face. "After that there were so many wars and Inquisitions! Oh the hatred tasted so wonderful!" Her smile softened as her eyes sharpened. "Then we heard of a new continent. A fresh start where we could be worshipped...as gods!" Adagio began to pace again as Sonata and Aria mimed a fife and drum, Sunset shaking her head at the odd sight. "Revolution." Sonata danced a stereotypical Indian dance and pretended to be shot by Aria's gun, Sunset suddenly wearing a feathered hat, which she just took off with an annoyed look. "Conquest." Aria acted like she was in chains as Sonata pretended to whip her, making Sunset cringe at this sight. "Injustice. Oh it was wonderful. But then something glorious happened." Adagio stopped the others. "Humans did the work for us and plunged the entire world into our feeding ground." Adagio's smile turned wicked. "Total War."

"Ah the First World War. after it finished we needed more. The sheer hatred from it made us nearly as powerful as before we were banished. We went to Europe to...inspire a certain individual. Take a guess who?" Sonata put one finger below her nose like a mustache, making Sunset's eyes shrink in horror. "Aria went East, to the Rising Sun, Sonata to the West and 'freedom fighters.' I stayed here and helped a special Project...such a Big Boy!"

Sunset gasped. "No…"

"Yes." Adagio's smile vanished as her face turned sorrow. "But then they didn't have the decency to use it again!" Her face twisted into a snarl as she shook Sunset's chair. "That much hatred and fear would have allowed us to reach back into Equestria, but even that pawn McCarthy was useless." Adagio began to pace again, this time in anger. "Civil Rights: he got a holiday for dying! The President: still no war!" Adagio began to pull at her hair. "No matter what we did, our food supply was drying up!" Her face calmed and became stone like. "Even with recent events like New York we barely feed off the residual anger."

"Yeah, the most we get is off a flame wars or nerd fights. Silly little fights like that, nothing too big." Sonata said before getting slapped upside the head by Aria.

"As soon as we felt your magic that day, we saw our chance...And then you took our lives from us!" Adagio screamed in Sunset's face. She pulled down her collar to reveal a green crystal. "The red ones, the ones you broke, they were how we processed magic to live. If Nightmare Moon hadn't rescued us, we would have turned to dust. Our deaths on your hands." Adagio's smile returned, as sinister as ever. "But now we have a new chance, and we are going to take it!" With that all three of the Sirens began to laugh, and Sunset's soul wept in fear.

Back in Canterlot, the Rangers rode on the Jeep to the Command Center, running inside as Monarch was looking all over the computers, trying to find Sunset. "No, not there...no, not there either." The humanoid butterfly squeaked a bit, showing clear signs of nervousness.

"Find anything, Monarch?" Vinyl asked as Monarch shook her head.

"No, I can't find her cell phone anywhere. I don't know where they could have taken her." Monarch said, as she says, "But there is that detective guy or that Twilight girl...from what I read, this Twilight Sparkle girl that you've met could have an idea."

"How are we gonna get her from Equestria?" AJ asked, as Monarch gave a nervous chuckle.

"I...didn't say Princess Twilight, now did I?" Monarch said sheepishly as they had a realization there.

"Human Twilight. The one from here. Man...I almost forgot about her...but she's been following us for awhile now. How do we know she didn't tell them about us?" Rainbow asked, concerned for Sunset's safety more so than if this Twilight did or not.

"I doubt she would. She showed trust in us when Blunt Facts was in town, and she may know something if the government is involved." Rarity said...as she adds, "Oh wait, she's around our age. Why would they ask her for anything?"

"Maybe she could help us narrow things down? I don't know if there's any Military bases in town." Rainbow Dash said as the phone rang, catching their attention as Monarch put it on speaker.

"This is General Eiling, Rangers. Your Principal has given me this number and I will ask for you to come quietly. I just want to talk about this 'magic world' that is mentioned several times, and also a comment on these strange events going on in this town.Come quietly and I will make sure we remain civil. I will meet you at the Quarry if that is fine. I do not wish to make a scene." Eiling said as the Rangers looked at each other as Rainbow walks up.

"Alright...BUT we want to see if Sunset is alright, got it? Because if she is hurt in anyway...lets just say I don't care if you guys are part of the military, NO ONE hurts my friends!" Rainbow warned, as Eiling chuckled.

"Guess that 'loyalty' thing is spot on with you, little girl. I could have used you in the service of this great nation, you'd make a fine soldier."

"Thanks, but in all seriousness, I just want to make sure she's alright." Rainbow said as Eiling gave a small grunt, showing he was nodding on the other end.

"Alright, see you then." Eiling said as the connection ended, Monarch having been following the signal, frowned.

"Couldn't finish the trace…" Monarch said with a sigh, as she says, "Of course, it IS a military-based call, it'd make sense."

"Come on girls, lets head out." Rainbow said as she put on a bike helmet, the others doing the same.

"You sure about this?" Vinyl asked as they shook their heads 'no' at this.

"But we can't let them be in any danger. Come on, let's ride." Rainbow said as they got onto their motorcycles and drove off, heading out of the Crystal caves, unaware of a certain violet-skinned individual seeing them leave, having followed the Jeep here on a bike.

"Hmm…" she tapped her chin curiously at this sight, looking towards the cave with a curious gaze.

At the quarry, the Rangers got off of their motorcycles and lined up opposite to contingent of soldiers. Dash's eyes scanned the crowd. "I thought you would be bringing Sunset?"

"I agreed to let you make sure she was safe, she is, you have my word." Eiling said stepping forward. "Now if you will come with me, we can negotiate her release."

Fluttershy's eyes narrowed as she stomped towards the general, ignoring the rifles being raised as Eiling motioned for them to stand down. "Now you listen here you big meanie! You give us our friend back!" She said poking Eiling in the shoulder so that he would step back, slightly off balance.

"That...Is Assault on an Officer of the United States armed Forces. You are hereby placed under arrest." With a wave of his hand the soldier's rifles were leveled on the Rangers.

"She just tapped you!" Rainbow with an annoyed tone, hands on the morphers. "BUT If you want assault...we can give it to you." She then nods at this, as the others got ready. "It's Morphin' Time! Power Rangers, Harmonize!" Five bright glows came out as the Rangers stood powered up, their eyes narrowed beneath their visors.

"Take them down!" Eiling ordered and the soldiers opened fire. The Rangers ducked around as they got their own blasters out and fired, aiming right for their guns away from any vital areas.

A soldier yelled out as he was hit and ran forward, going for a punch towards Rarity, who ducked around it as she says, "How rude." as she kept mostly to the defensive as the other Rangers took on the other soldiers.

Fluttershy tried her best to keep up, but two soldiers grabbed her arms and restrained her, making her cry out. Pinkie Pie jumps in and tried to kick them but four of them were abled to get to her, ducking around her more frantic movement before one landed a good punch on her helmet, making her shake up a bit before they got her as well. The soldiers knocked both of them out, forcing them to demorph.

Rarity kept herself pretty safe as Dash ducked, giving one of the soldiers a solid kick to one of them while AJ was going two to one on several other soldiers, grunting as she was able to at least keep up.

Rarity cried out as she was hit by one of the soldier's kicks, sending her down as she groaned a bit, as she was about to get up but one of them pressed down on her neck, knocking her out, demorphing her as well. "Rarity!" Dash said as she saw Pinkie and Fluttershy were also restrained, both out cold.

AJ and Dash glared at Eiling as he says, "You two are out manned, Rangers. Be reasonable about this." The two looked at each other as they looked down, demorprhing. "Good. Cuff 'em." Rainbow Dash and AJ were handcuffed and led to a military truck. "Secure their morphers, we don't need them being tracked." The morphers were removed from the Ranger's wrists and placed in a lead box.

The Rangers were lead into a vehicle, their motorcycles brought into another vehicle as they drove off.

In the base, Sunset was with her original interrogator. "So...you are telling me that all the stuff going in that town is from a would-be goddess from a place called...'Equestria'?"

"You have seen our footage from our concerts. That's how we change into our Anthro forms and how the Ranger forms are created is because of these artifacts called the Elements of Harmony. They are meant to bring peace, not destruction." Sunset explained, as the man looked at her oddly.

"And...you are not human, but instead you are actually...a pony?" He asked, clearly not believing her.

"...You are kind of skeptic about it, given we were visited by royalty from that world." Sunset said flatly in return, as he just nods, writing that down.

"And you're telling me that there are counterparts for most of the human population there in some way?" the doctor asked, sounding curious at this.

"Yep. I am a unicorn there, given that's what I'm naturally. According to Princess Twilight, my friends are Earth Ponies, Pegasai and Unicorns as well. And she's an Alicorn, a sort of monarch in my world."

The interrogator did not seem convinced and pressed a symbol on his tablet, brightening the room by turning on more lights. "Tell me how many lights are behind me?"

Sunset scowled, which was difficult considering her bruising. She looked at the lights then the interrogator. "I've seen this episode of Star Trek, it doesn't matter how I answer."

The Interrogator smiled. "True." Another press on his tables and Sunset was shocked again, barely grunting this time. "Your resistance is impressive."

"You know...I am pretty sure torture is an illegal way to get information out of me, especially since i've told you everything I know about the Elements and Nightmare Moon." Sunset grunts, her eyes narrowed.

"I am just making sure you don't try anything." He reassured her as Sunset gave a flat look.

"I don't have a morpher and my magic only activates when I play a song. I doubt I could break out of here in my own free will if I tried. besides, YOU guys jumped me. So kidnapping and torture...you are doing your country proud, soldier."

The man smiled. "Truthfully, I'm not a soldier, I merely work for them." Sunset just glared at this as she situates herself.

"Doctor. She's done, we have the others, bring her out." Eiling's voice came over the PA for the room. The Man nods as he got up, leaving the room as Sunset glared at this, groaning a bit given her injuries. She was taken to a different room, where she found her friends handcuffed to chairs.

"Girls! Let them go, now!" Sunset demanded, her tone angry at how they were treated like criminals.

"Stand down, ma'am." Eiling said, going to calm her down but Sunset just glared.

"OK, where do you get off on this? First you kidnap me, then you have that psycho doctor electrocute me and all this other stuff. what kind of military officer are you?" Sunset asked, sounding like she was getting to her limit with this, her eyes flashing a black and blue color.

"Wait, what happened?" Eiling asked, hearing the part about the electrocution.

"Oh don't play dumb. That nutcase said he was given orders to get the answers out of me 'at any cost'. Apparently he thought it was OK to use old school torture on a TEENAGER." Sunset said, her tone sounding like she was on the point of a tirade. "And now I see that you also captured my friends?! What in Tartarus is with this world's military!"

Eiling frowned at this as he put a hand on her shoulder as he lead her to a seat next to Dash, who looked at her with concern as the other Rangers were looking down. "Look, I don't like this any more than you do. Trust me, I can tell you girls aren't trying to do any harm. But I have the public's safety to think about. I'll have a talk with the doctor about this, don't worry"

Sunset just scowled, as AJ asks, "So, why do you want us here?"

"I just want to ask you this: Why is all of this insanity happening? I am curious on why these creatures are appearing recently." Eiling said as he sighed. "My commanding officers up top are asking questions and I want the answers, alright?"

"Ya want the truth? Here it is: The five of us are the living representations of the Elements of Harmony in this world." Rainbow said as Eiling frowned.

"And who chose you for this position? Why do this without any real training? Without any real combat experience outside maybe learning some karate and what not? This is needlessly unsafe for a group of teenagers to deal with."

Sunset's face became solid. "Because we have to. Because there is no one else. Our powers are tied to our soul, they wouldn't work for anyone else. That's why. It's not that we want to fight, look at us!" Sunset said gesturing with her head to the Rangers. "The weight of the world has been on our shoulders for only a short time, but we feel it every day." She sighed and closed her eyes. "If there was another option we would take it in a heartbeat."

Eiling rubbed his chin at this, as he gave a nod. "Alright...but I cannot, in good conscience, have you keep fighting like this. It could lead to you kids dying out there, so I want to at least find something to work with here."

"How do we know we can trust you?" AJ asked, but before Eiling can ask, an eerily familiar music filled the room, making the Rangers glow faintly, showing they were putting an instinctive protective spell on themselves to keep the spell off of them.

"No way…" RD said as Eiling looked up, a frown forming but saw he had a glow on him and saw that Sunset was focusing on him, putting the protection on him as well. They nod as Eiling was quick to move as he saw his men were groaning, as if being put under a trance.

"Bu-but I thought their magic was gone…" Fluttershy said as Eiling took the keys from one of the soldiers and unlocked their handcuffs.

"We better get out of this area. It's not safe here." Eiling said, getting his gun out after unlocking the others handcuffs, making them rub their wrists as they followed.

"You're right about that. Look!" Rarity screamed as they saw several soldiers pointing their guns at them, as three voices vocalized more, familiar silhouettes walking up as Adagio smirked, removing her military cap as Sonata and Aria smirked as well.With a wave of their hands, a shockwave began to shake the building they were in. "We need to move now!"

The Rangers were able to escape the collapsing building and reach the main courtyard. The Sirens hovering above them laughing. "And now Rangers,we have a surprise for you." Adagio said as all three moved their hands to cup the green gems on their neck. "Wave of Sound! Crash Down!" They cried spreading out their arms.

The Sirens were covered in a dark miasma, their forms completely obscured. The orbs of darkness took on cracks of light, like shells opening to give new life. When the orbs shattered, the Sirens were revealed in their new forms, spiritual versions of their true bodies forming around the three.

the Rangers looked on as the Sirens flexed their new forms. They were now wearing finned helmets akin to seahorse heads, their mouths covered by a solid piece of metal, their eyes seemingly been replaced by yellow visors. All three were wearing black gothic-style dresses, with differences in colored outlines. Adagio had burnt orange, Sonata had light blue, and Aria had dark purple.

"No way...they can morph now!?" Asked Dash, shocked. "When could they do that?"

"It's from studying how your morphers work...you did steal our crystals to make them, after all." Adagio scowled as Aria smirked behind their masks.

Eiling fired his gun at the three, as Sonata giggled and waved her hand, creating a blue shield to deflect the bullets. "Too bad, so sad!" She giggled as Aria smirked, sending a wave towards them, making the seven yell out as they got knocked back and sent flying into the air.

Eiling groaned a bit, rubbing his head as he noticed one of the near-by vehicles and went there, grabbing the lead box and tossing it over to a groaning Sunset, as she saw it and opened it, revealing the Morphers. "Girls! It's Morphin' Time!"

The Rangers took their morphers back and activated them. "Power Rangers! Hamonize!"

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between he fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

Rainbow slapped her chest. "Element of Loyalty: Red Harmony Ranger!" She called as she posed like she had finished her morphing sequence. A cloud of red smoke exploded behind her.

Applejack mimicked her. "Element of Honesty: Green Harmony Ranger!" She posed in a boxing stance and green smoke exploded behind her.

"Element of Generosity: Blue Harmony Ranger!" Rarity said. She posed and blue smoke appeared behind her.

"Element of Laughter: Pink Harmony Ranger!" Pinkie posed and pink smoke appeared behind her.

"Element of K-Kindness: Y-Yellow Harmony Ranger!" Fluttershy said as the yellow smoke exploded behind her and she posed.

Rainbow and the others then posed together with arms in a V shape crying out "Harmony Rangers!" as an explosion of fire appeared behind them.

Behind them, Sunset had clasped her hands in prayer, unknowingly causing them to glow orange.

"We aren't going to let you get away with this Sirens!" Dash said drawing her blaster. "We'll stop just like every other time!"

"Oh no, she has gun, whatever will we do?" Adagio mocked before she and her sisters joined hands pushed out a wave of dark energy at the Rangers,causing an explosion to knock them back.

"Rock and Load!" The Rangers cried out to summon their weapons, but the Sirens waved their hands and harmonized their voices, causing the weapons to vanish and the Rangers to collapse in pain.

"Suprised? You shouldn't be. As we've already established, you are using OUR crystals to make your morphers work. Now that we have our full power back, we can take control!" Adagio said turning her eyes red.

"What a bunch of losers." Aria said.

"We're gonna win! We're gonna win!" Sonata danced happily.

The Sirens opened their mouths and began to sing a song without words, but still caused the Rangers incredible pain. Sunset dropped to her knees, praying that the Rangers would be safe because she couldn't help them. The orange glow of her hands began to encompass her entire body before spreading out to engulf the Rangers. Deep within their uniforms, dark red crystals were sparking with red lightning. When the orange light touched the crystals, they began to glow with a bright, white light. The Rangers themselves began to glow with their own color and were able to stand up against the power of the Sirens.

"We told you! We'll never let you win, Never!" Dash said placing her hand over her heart. "Our Friendship is stronger than you will ever be!" The Rangers all cupped their hands above their hearts pulled, an orb of light coming with them. Together they threw the orbs at the sirens, causing a massive explosion that shook the Earth.

When the light of the blast faded, a shifting wall of black light was between the Rangers and the Dazzlings, who were on the ground, reduced to their human forms. As the wall fell, the Rangers could make out a woman in dark armor holding a scythe.

"Is that...Nightmare Moon?" Applejack asked.

The woman spoke to the Sirens behind her while facing the Rangers. "You have disappointed me Adagio, Aria, Sonata. I expected you to wait for my permission before engaging the Rangers with your new abilities." Adagio looked up in shock. "Yes I knew about them, did you really believe you could keep it secret from me?" Adagio and sisters looked back to the ground humbled as Nightmare Moon turned her attention back to the Rangers."And as for you…Power Rangers...You have something I want." She raised a finger to point at Sunset. "And you Little Thief, will not deny me this time." With that she stamped the end of her scythe into the ground, engulfing the Sirens and herself in a black sphere that sank beneath the earth.

Eiling had saw this, shocked to say the least as he saw Sunset groaned, passing out there, having used up a lot of energy. "Sunset!" The girls all yelled out at once as they went to check on her, all worried. Eiling watched this as he nods.

"Hmm...I guess there is some potential in these girls." Eiling said as he got a phone out. "Sir, yes. This is me. I saw these girls in action. I think it's best we give them some support...and I doubt we can do much with them anyway. The best we can do...is given them anything they need to keep our country safe. Yes sir, understood." He then hung up, looking at the group at this.

Later that day, Sunset groaned a bit as her vision was blurry, before noticing she was in a hospital bed. "Wha…? Where am I?" she asked with a groan before a hand touch her shoulder.

"It's OK, Sunset. We're here." Vinyl said as she saw that she was in the hospital, the others looking over her with AB, Sweetie, Scootaloo and some of her other friends in the room.

"take it easy, everyone. Remember, do not over do it." Nurse Redheart said as they all nod.

"Gotcha." a light orange skinned young man said, adjusting his jacket as he looks over at Sunset. "Hey Sunset, you doing OK?"

"I guess...thanks Flash." said Sunset, giving her ex a small smile but groaned a bit, rubbing her head.

"easy now, Sugarcube. Don't go pullin' something." said Granny Smith, her tone chiding as Sunset chuckled, giving her a smile.

"Got it, Granny Smith." said Sunset as she saw all the people there. 'They were all...worried about me…?' She gained a soft smile at this as they saw Monarch arrive, surprising many people.

"Uh...Miss Shimmer? I believe I have someone who wants to talk to you in private." she said sheepishly. The others nod at this, as they headed out to give her some alone time with the person in question.

Sunset looked confused as the Nurse left, writing down final parts of her notes to give to the doctor as the person came in, revealing herself to be the Human Twilight Sparkle, who adjusted her glasses.

"Hey, you doing OK?" she asked, rubbing her head a bit as Sunset just nods.

"Uh...yeah. What is it?" Sunset asked, as Twilight sat down.

"OK, I kind of followed your friends to your...what is it? Bat cave or something like that?" Twilight asked, as Sunset just chuckled.

"Command Center. So you saw the Crystal caves, huh?" Twilight nods as Sunset sighed a bit. "So...what do you want to know, Dr. Twilight?"

"Well...I am thinking that, given all that's going on, I'd be glad to help." said Twilight, as Sunset gave her an odd look. "Yes, I know how it sounds, but hear me out: I have majors in various sciences, including physics, quantum mechanics, chemistry and what not. I think I will be of great help to you when fighting these villains. Plus I noticed your technology tends to make a lot of...damage. So I think I can help with keeping the power outputs keep from discharging."

"Hmm...alright. But you do know this means you have to socialize with the other girls, right?" Sunset asked, giving her a faint smirk as Twilight looked a bit nervous.

"Well...that could be a problem, I'm not the most social of people. In fact, I mostly talked with my dog, Spike." Twilight said sheepishly as Sunset smirked.

"Then I guess the biggest step you got is to be able to make friends. After all, you did study us...but now you get a chance to KNOW us." said Sunset as Twilight adjusted her glasses, giving a nod.

"I'm in, if you will have me that is." said Twilight as Sunset put a hand out, giving her a smile.

"Welcome to the team, Miss Sparkle." Sunset said as the two shook hands, unknowingly to the two, a faint energy formed between them; one purple, one orange.

At the military base, repair teams were working to clear away the debris, General Eiling oversee the work. His attention was drawn to a black car driving up into the yard. Man with an umbrella stepped out of the car, followed by a young woman in all black wearing sunglasses. "This is a restricted area, no unauthorized personnel." Eiling said.

"I think you'll find that we clearly authorized." The man said giving Eiling a sealed envelope. The general opened it and read the first page, eyes widening with every line. "Now, I believe you can work together, don't you agree?" The man said holding out his hand. Eiling took it.
Episode 14: For the Dogs
For the Dogs: by ShadowDJ

At a junkyard, late at night, a trio of teens were looking around, as a very short one asks, "Why are we here, Rov?" The boy in question had a small build with faintly muscular arms, curly black hair and squinted eyes, adjusting a necklace the three shared.

"Cause Spot, we're here to find something valuable. You know how people are; they usually throw away things carelessly these days." Said a lanky, gray skinned boy with spiky blue hair and wearing a red jacket over a white shirt and a pair of jeans, his squinted eyes looking around.

"Well, I don't see anything valuable." said a giant of a teen with shaggy red hair, a green shirt under a gray vest and a pair of jeans, giving a faint growl in annoyance. He punched a nearby crate, causing an old chest to fall from a nearby pile and land on the ground near them, making the three jump back.

"So...you want something valuable, hmm?" asked a seductive voice in the shadows, making the three look confused.

"...You guys hear that?" Rover asked, a little nervous as the three stood back to back.

"It's such a shame three handsome men like you have to hang out in a refuse collection for baubles...when you can just take them." said the voice again as the three saw three familiar shadows arrive, as they saw the Dazzilngs coming out of the shadows, wearing their new armor.

"Yeah...especially since someone else already used you in the past. Well, besides us, but that's besides the point." Sonata said with a giggle.

"A certain...'generous' spirit…Rarity." Aria pointed out, the three looking at each other at this. "Yeah, we heard about how she used you to haul a grand piano across the school by using her feminine wiles on you."

"And from what I saw at the school, most of the other students saw you as inferior to them." Adagio said, their voices laced with magic as the three's eyes narrowed with anger.

"So how about you pay them back for their misdeeds...starting with Rarity." Aria said as the three looked at each other.

"What did you have in mind?" Rover asked as the three smirked as they got out orange crystals and used some magic to make them, vocalizing an eerie song as orange energy went around them, making them cry out.

"Wha-what's going on?!" Fido screamed out as the three began to change in shape before the sound of howling mixed with the sound of the vocalization.

Power Rangers

At Canterlot high, the Rangers were heading to the school with Twilight in tow, all 8 of the teens wearing clothing more good for colder weather of mid-February. "So let me get this straight...that whole viral video thing with my doppelganger was for a magic crown that happens to be what caused this entire thing to happen in the first place? And you put it on, Sunset?"

"Eyeah...I was kind of...bratty is the best word for it." Sunset said sheepishly. "The Element of Magic knew I wasn't worthy of that power and, well...guess it decided to punish me by showing what that road can lead. There was...a lot of darkness in me...and to be honest, that scares me."

"Don't worry, dear. We're here for you." Rarity reassured her, as the others all nod in agreement. Twilight saw them comfort her and gave a soft smile as a faint growl is heard as her over-arm bag shook a bit.

"Hmm?" Fluttershy asked as she saw a head pop out, revealing a purple-furred pug with green tipped ears and green eyes, panting a bit. "Aww, you brought Spike?"

"I asked Principal Celestia of it was OK. Spike here can be a great help to the Rangers, especially with tracking stuff. Plus he needs the exercise anyway, and he gets lonely at home alone." Twilight said, scratching her dog behind his ear.

"Man, it's weird seeing Spike as a normal dog." Rainbow said as she noticed Bright Idea walking by, shuddering. Rarity saw this as well, a small smile forming as she took off her scarf and handing it to the teen.

"Here, you need this more than me." Rarity said as the teen looked surprised before nodding, smiling as he put it on.

"Thanks." Bright said as he went off, Twilight smiling a bit at seeing Rarity's generous spirit at work as they went towards the school.

As they entered, a scream is heard as the group turned to see several lockers were ransacked, showing that something attacked the school.

"Someone stole my locker decorations!" Violet Blurr said, looking over her wrecked up locker.

"They took my studded glasses case my mom got me for my birthday!" Silver Spoon screamed in sadness as Diamond Tiara patted her shoulder at this.

"Zhose thevez ztole my camera!" Photo Finish said in anger. "I left it here for safe keeping, and it gets stolen!"

Rarity noticed something and screamed as she saw her own locker was ripped open, her books scattered on the floor. "My locker! Someone stole from my locker as well." She then noticed her books were also damaged by looked like claw marks. "Ooh...and they ruined my books too." She groaned.

"Hmm…" AJ rubbed her chin as she looked around. "Anyone else notice it's the more...fashion-savvy of the students who got robbed?"

"And it's only things that would catch the eye about something...or something that's at least valuable enough to be taken." Sunset said with a scowl. "...We better go investigate this, now."

"Oh, I will full-heartedly agree to that. NO ONE steals from the good people of Canterlot, especially when we are around." said Rarity, as the others nod. "...Plus they need to pay for the damages done to my and the other's lockers." The others just groaned at that.

Twilight looked over one of Rarity's wrecked books and looked at the book and showed it to spike. "Think you can pick up a scent, boy?" Spike sniffed at it...and began to growl, not liking the smell at all as he hopped out of her bag and followed after it.

"Come on." said Rainbow as they followed after him, Spike sniffing around the school, following the scent to a locker room, growling at it as Sunset opened it, revealing a very large hole coming out of the ground and given the dirt around it, the intruders dug out of the school, not into. "Red pill or blue pill?" The others looked at Rainbow confused. "Come on. Matrix, pills, rabbit Hole? That is funny!" She sighed.

"Ugh…" sighed AJ as the group looked down the hole, curious.

"I'll go to the principal and get the police here." Twilight said as she headed out, the others nodding. Rarity looked down, as Spike growled more down into the whole, though the sound of faint growling echoed down below.

"It sounds like someone is down there...or something." said Rarity with concern.

"Awoooooooo!" A howl came from inside the hole.

"That does not sound human." Rarity said. "Hope you haven't forgotten your morphers ladies." The Girls smirked as they went down the hole, all yelling out, "It's Morphin' time! Power Rangers Harmonize!"

As they fell down the hole, all five were engulfed in bright lights and landed fully morphed at the bottom of the hole.

A trio of growls are heard as three set of yellow eyes moved in the shadows. "OK, who goes there?" asked Dash with a glare under her visor, as the trio of eyes glared darkly at them, sniffing the air.

"Blue Ranger...the user…" one of the voices growled horsley.

"Do we doos it?" Another asked.

"Not yet...She still must suffers!" the third exclaimed. The three howled, the area shaking as the Rangers saw Terrorvons starting to appear from the shadows, glaring at them.

"Terrorvons." Said Rainbow said as she kicked one away, the others grunting as they tried to fight them off, but the softer ground and the more enclosed area was making it difficult.

Rarity cried out as some dirt got onto her outfit, which gave some Terrorvons time to crowd her, with her trying to fight them off as the other Rangers went to help, but a crowd of Terrorvons blocked them off, making it harder for them to get to Rarity as she was dragged away. "Girls, help!"

"Rarity!" the others cried out as they tried to fight them off, but the numbers kept increasing as they kept trying to fight them off.

"There's too many of them!" Fluttershy screamed out as AJ growled in annoyance, seeing Rarity being taken away.

"Ugh...we gotta retreat. We need to find out where these freaks' hide out is." AJ said, annoyed as the Rangers went back, the Terrorvons retreating after them,

"We'll find ya Rarity, we promise!" Pinkie yelled out as they went back up. They climbed out of the hole, Spike barking as Sunset and Vinyl looked surprised.

"What happened?" Sunset asked, as she saw the Terrorvons starting to climb out. The Four Rangers were quick to blast the hole, causing it to go right down towards them, making them slip and fall as the dirt gave way from the blasts.

"Where's Rarity?" Vinyl asked as Twilight, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna came into the scene.

"What happened?" Celestia asked, gasping at the sight of the hole.

"Rarity's been captured...we were overrun…" Rainbow said, her head downcast. The others looked equally concerned, as Celestia frowned.

Back in the pit, Rarity struggled against the hold of the Terrovons as she says, "Let me go, you ruffians!"

"Who you call 'Ruffian'?" asked a gruff voice as three large canine-like creatures came out, snarling at her as they came into the light. One appeared to be a medium-sized gray-furred dog wearing ripped up clothing similar to Rover's, the second was a giant of a dog with Fido's and the final one looked like a bulldog with Spot's. All three had Gorilla-like proportions and a spiked tail.

"Rarity...long time…" The giant one grunted, as Rarity got a good look at them as her visor went up, squinting.

"Wait...do I know you?" She asked, now confused. "The lighting is terrible in here." The tallest one pulled a switch, revealing many light bulbs hung up on the ceiling, revealing them. "Wait...you're the Diamond Dog Boys. You were a band during the Showcase." Rarity said, recognizing their outfits. "...are you...werewolves?"

"Not Werewolves, we are now true Diamond Dogs." Rover growled, the three glaring darkly at her. "And we no longer work for snobbish prima donnas like you."

"Work for...what are you talking abou-" Before Rarity could finish, a realization hit her. "Oh, the Piano...yes, I am quite sorry about that. But I thought you liked those necklaces I gave you for helping me out."

"We did, honestly. But we do not like being grunts for you or other fancy-pants kids." Fido growled, glaring darkly at her.

"So now you be grunt for us." Fido snarled as Rarity looked surprised.

"Excuse me?" she asked as she was lead ahead and saw a shocking sight: Many people were being forced into labor, digging into the earth under Canterlot. "What is this?"

"They dig for us." Rover said with a growl. "Canterlot is over a large collection of precious gems and metals. But mines shut down after Gold Rush. But still treasure here, so you dig with them!" He said as he threw her into a wall, causing her to yell out as she demorphed, groaning a bit as Spot took the morpher from her wrist. "No need this." He chuckled as Rarity blew some stray hair from her face, looking at the dogs with a small frown.

Back at the caves, Vinyl was quick to get the computers on as they went to look for signals. "Let's see...I need to pinpoint Rarity's morpher, that way we get her some back up."

"I thought Rarity was a Power Ranger, can't she handle herself?" Twilight asked as the others looked to the side.

"Rarity is a good shot and a great strategist, but she's still learnin' how to fight hand to hand." Applejack explained. "Out of the active rangers, Dash and I are the most skilled in combat. Pinkie, Shy and Rare don't have any real formal training."

Twilight gave a flat look at this and facepalms. "...Note to self...let my brother teach those three how to defend themselves formally." She noticed odd looks as she says, "He's a cop. You've met him. Detective Shining Armor?" That got an 'Ooh' reaction.

"OK...ah great...she's underground. It's gonna make this a lot harder." Vinyl grumbled in annoyance.

"Wait...underground…" Pinkie tapped her chin and gasped as she says, "The Pie Family Mines!"

"Huh?" asked the others in confusion as Pinkie grinned.

"My dad's family's farm started out as an area during the Gold Rush! They dug in the rocks to look for gold before my great-great grandpa decided to look for gemstones instead." Pinkie said, hopping. "But the old mines are closed down since they went out of business, so maybe they're there!"

"Wow, that's...a sure amount of luck." Rainbow muttered, noticing how lucky that was.

"I know." Pinkie shrugs but adds, "But it would make sense why someone would be underground, right?"

"OK, you lead the way Pinkie." Sunset said...as she looked surprised. "Did I really just say that?"

"Yep-a-roonie." Pinkie giggled. The Rangers nod as they went to their bikes and drove out, the other three watching them go out.

Back at the mines, a man coughed a bit as a Terrorvon sprayed some water into his mouth, making him cough as he swallowed some of the water though coughed a bit. Rarity groaned a bit as she dug, looking over the area as she saw the Terrorvons also digging as Rover, Fido and Spot growled down at the people to keep digging, all three giving evil glares. Rarity scowled as she looked around the mine, keeping close attention to the details of the mine as she used a pick axe, as she groaned a bit.

"What are yo doing?" Spot growled, coming down as Rarity turned to him.

"I apologize, but you did just get me after a grueling battle, and I am low on energy." Rarity said, not telling a complete lie but a good enough one that made Spot raise an eyebrow.

Spot growled as he says, "Fine, you want water or something?"

"Oh yes, that would be quite nice, thank you." Rarity said as Spot moved away, Rarity looking down at her chain and got an idea, getting a hair pin out of her hair as the other guards were distracted and hid it under her sleeve.

After being given her water, the Diamond Dogs played less attention to her specifically and focused more on the diggers as a whole. Rarity stealthily inched over to the nearest person digging. "Don't look at me." The girl she was talking to jumped but obeyed. "Turn your head towards the guards, slowly and wipe sweat from your brow. Then look for a wrist device, it will have a blue gem." The girl followed the instructions, eyes raking over the Terrorvons overseeing them and slightly widening when she saw the device in question. "Did you see it?" Rarity asked as the girl turned back. She nodded. "Good. That's my morpher. I'm the Blue Ranger and I need that to get us out of here."

"What do you want me to do?" the girl asked, looking nervously at her. Rarity her the bobby pin as the girl looked at her oddly. "...is that even gonna work? This isn't a movie."

"Trust me, I've got a plan." Rarity said, as the girl just shrugs. Rarity then snuck over to a tall column wide enough to hide her from view, breaking her hair pin in the process of hiding out, making constant hits with her pick axe so that the lack of noise would not be noticed. Once behind the pillar, she calculated thirty seconds to undo the lock before she was noticed missing, and another ten before the Terrorvons noticed her trail. She unlocked herself in twelve, but kept the clasp on long enough to move back towards the other diggers.

"Ok, I'm going to need you to punch me." Rarity said. She was then hit hard enough to crack a tooth and she fell to the floor hard, her manacle nearly falling off. "You took that with far too much enthusiasm." Rarity said as one of the Diamond Dogs came over.

"What are you doing?" Rover asked with a growl, coming over and glaring at the two girls in annoyance. "Workers don't fight, they work." he snarled, annoyed.

"Sorry." the girl said fearfully to the giant dog, who growled in annoyance as he looks down at Rarity, snarling a bit.

"It is alright, sweetie. We were just having a small spat, nothing too bad." Rarity said reassuringly, the thinner dog giving a flat look as he watched walked over, Rarity keeping an eye on this as she got prepared.

"No fighting! Yous come with me!" the beast said as he dragged her towards the other Diamond Dogs...who were playing poker with some Terrorvons.

"Dogs playing poker, right. This joke has gone on long enough!" Rarity said as they got up to the table. She took off her manacle and used its chain as a garoute around her captors' neck. "Don't worry, I only need you unconscious." She said as she dragged the monster closer to her morpher, keeping him in front of her like a shield.

Rover gave some gasps, gripping the chain as the others looked surprised, Rarity taking the morpher and kicking the dog away, her chains coming off with them, revealing they were now lose as she put the morpher on.

"What the?!" asked the other dogs with shock as Rarity gave them a frown.

"I do apologize for how I treated you before...but this isn't the right way to deal with a problem. So I guess I have to give you boys some...obedience training." Rarity said as she put her morpher into a stance. "Power Rangers, Harmonize!" And in a flash Rarity was in her uniform.

The three dogs snarled at this as Rarity did a few flips as she says, "Rock and Load!" As she gained her Keytar. She then smirked as she aimed it at them, making them yelp in shock...as she quickly did rapid fire blasts around the area, hitting the chains of the other prisoners, making them yell out in shock as they saw the chains break.

"Uh-oh…" The three dogs said nervously, realizing that she just made them vastly outnumbered

"Alright, everyone. Time to show these brutes what we are made of." Rarity said as the others gave nods, clenching their digging equipment as weapons, making the Terrorvons growl in anger as the other three dogs just grew more nervous...as the sound of engines roared, getting the others attention as the four rangers arrived.

"Rarity, you alright?" Rainbow asked as Rarity nods, glaring at the dogs as she looks up.

"Alright everyone, let's do this!" Rarity said as the others gave out yells, taking on the Terrorvons with their new weapons, taking on the grunts with ease due to their more massive numbers, Rainbow whistling.

"Heh, guess the town's gotten a LOT tougher since these guys showed up." Rainbow said, sounding surprised.

"It's like the end of In Space when you think about it...only it's not a massive invasion, it's a prison break." Pinkie said, noticing this..

"And now...we run." Rover said scurrying out of the caves towards the surface.

"Oh no you don't." AJ said as they saw Rarity chasing after them, the five jumping down to her floor and running after them in the tunnel they ran through.

The Five continued to run towards the three dogs as Rarity says, "Applejack, think you can use some terrakinesis to give us some more speed WITHOUT knocking down the halls?"

"No prob, Rare." AJ said with a smirk as she says, "Rock and Load!" She then summoned her sledgehammer and kicked up some dirt behind them, causing the ground behind them to push them ahead, making the five yell out from the sudden force as the three dogs noticed and gave yelps as they were suddenly pushed, causing all eight to suddenly be flung out of the tunnels, all of them yelling out as they went back to one of the entrances.

"...OK, you need to find out how to control that." Rainbow said flatly as they all got up, the five rangers quickly getting into a pose and glaring at them.

"Rainbow, AJ, take on the big one. You two have the most physical strength of the five of us. Pinkie, Fluttershy, the smaller one. You two are the lightest on your feet. I got the medium sized one." Rarity said as the other four nod.

"I thought it was the RED Ranger who gave the commands, but given what you went through, I'll let it slide...for now." Rainbow shrugs as the five ran forward.

Fido growled as he slams down onto the ground, giving a rough barking noise as Rainbow gave a kick to his head, making him yelp out in annoyance as he growls, an angry whine.

Pinkie hopped over to Spot, petting his head before punting him away, making him yelp as Fluttershy got her tambourine out as she moved him away, not really wanting to hurt the large dog as Rarity gave a few good kicks towards Rover, making him yell out as he was sent back.

The team forced the Diamond Dogs into a circle, trapped by the Rangers. "Up to you now Rarity!" AJ said, miming tipping her hat.

Rarity played notes on her Keytaur causing the area to flood, trapping the three dogs below their waists. Rarity spun her weapon to open up rifle components and knelt down on top of the water causing ripples. She leveled her weapon at the three and pulled the trigger, a bright blue beam lanced out and stirred up the water into a spiral. When the energy hit the monsters, it caused a massive explosion.

The monsters weren't fully destroyed however, the three were just now on the ground, groaning as they shrank back down, and turning back into their human forms, their necklaces the Dazzilings gave them shattered from the explosion.

"Are they alright?" Fluttershy asked, as the group went over to check on them, unaware of three figures watching.

"Well, that was a bust. I thought those mutts could have at least gotten rid of little miss Fashionista...I guess someone has to have brains in that team, especially with that princess gone." Aria said, sounding annoyed. "I guess we better get...creative." Adagio and Sonata nod as they gave some vocalization, making the Rangers yell out as their morphers acted up again.

The stones that were on the dogs glowed a bit, dark energy forming out of them and grew to the giant size, turning into a large, Cerberus-esque humanoid that had a large bulky body, small legs, a mace-like tail and three heads that looked like Rover, Spot and Fido's dog form heads, all three howling as they glared down, their eyes pitch yellow.

"OK, that explains the dog look…" Rainbow said with a groan as the Sirens vanished, likely to let the large dog to take care of them while they went to get something. "We better get the zords here, fast. Before this freaky mutt makes a chew toy out of Canterlot."

'Good idea." Said AJ as she got her communicator on. "Vinyl, we need da zords here, now!" The zords then arrived as quick as they could as the giant dog made its way to the city, the five rangers jumping up and activated the Megazord sequence.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie spun their vehicles so that they were driving backwards into Applejack's. The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted "Harmony Megazord!"

The large dog snarled at this, all three heads sending out sonic howls as the zord was pushed back, making it stagger a bit before it charged forward, sending a punch into the middle head, before sending a kick it's way. The Diamond Cerberus snarled before swinging it's mace-like tail at them, making the zord get sent back.

\Rarity growled as she says, "Time to put this dog down." She then got her crystal out and put it in, summoning the Diamond Sword and got ready. The Megazord lashed out multiple times, leaving after images and blue streaks in the sword's wake. Then it pulled back the sword and thrust it forward, before jolting it upwards sharply. The Megazord spun on its heel till its back was facing the sparking monster, sword raised in front of its face, before making a salute like motion with the sword pointed towards the ground as the giant dog blew up behind them.

The Rangers later got out of the zords, heading back to the three boys, as Rarity shook Rover. "You three alright?" Rarity asked, showing some concern.

"Ugh...wha-what happened?" Rover asked, his voice back to normal and not as feral as before.

"Well...you were kind of...how should I put this?" Rarity tried to explain, but Pinkie was faster.

"You three turned into big furry doggies and attacked the Fashionistas at the school. Well, more their lockers and stole their stuff out of them and then you kidnapped Rarity and some other people who are likely really, really mad and might be coming up any minute now." Pinkie explained, making the three blink in shock.

"...OK, can we just say we're sorry and that those Dazziling girls put those weird collars on us?" Rover asked, sounding nervous.

"I believe most would believe that. After all, they are known to be manipulative...though I guess I am no better for treating you three like that. Tell you what; I think I can make it up to you three somehow?" Rarity said, as she adds, "Nothing too big that is. You three are quite nice, but I am looking for another boy."

The three nod as they began to think. "...can we give back the other stuff we took? We want to look for treasure that's not owned by anyone, not steal from others." Rover suggested as the others nod.

"We'll help with that...AND you also gotta help fix up the mess yo made at the school." AJ pointed out as they nod, looking nervous.

Back inside the mines, the Terrorvons were out cold from the beating the former slaves gave them as Adagio looked over the collection of jewels.

"Hmm, impressive...looks like turning those three numbskulls into Diamond Dogs made it QUITE easy to find this many jewels." Adagio grinned as Aria nods, while Sonata picked one up.

"Ooh, this one looks pretty!" She said as she put it near her neck. "Think it'd make a good necklace? Or a better hair pin?" she then put the gem in her hair, imitating a hair pin as the other two looked at her...and were gob smacked.

"Wait...something is familiar about that stone…" Adagio said as she came over and looked it over. "...There is a lot of magic here...not sure if it's Equestrian or not, but it's a lot."

"We better show this to Nightmare Moon and fast." Aria said, as Adagio nods, the three looking at the stone curiously. Unknown to them, a shadowy force came behind them, as Sonata gave a closer look to the stone.

"Show me what, my dears?" Nightmares voice came from behind them, causing the Sirens to jump. Sonata merely held the stone out to Nightmare, whose eyes widened at the grey stone with six colored lines crossing it. "It cannot be…" she said dropping her scythe and taking the stone into her hands. "So, you are here as well." Nightmare smiled. "Hehehehe Hahehahahaha HaHaHaHaHaHa HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

"...I swear that laugh gets cheesier…" Aria mutters to herself, Adagio just smacking her mouth shut with her hand.

"Quiet, you idiot." Adagio hissed in annoyance. The three began to shudder as the laughter continued, echoing through the abandoned mine.
Episode 15: The Inner Limits
The Inner Limits: By ShadowDJ and Xero Key

At an apartment building, Sunset sighed as she headed into her flat, one of the few places of isolation she actually had. During her time in the human world, she lived there after getting some work at her younger age. Thanks to her above average intellect, she was able to live comfortably.

She sighed as she walked into the building, looking around the building. It was comfortable living arrangements, though she didn't originally think so when she was still overly vain. She gave a sigh as she says, "Well...better get this place ready for the sleepover. Pinkie and I had planned this for a few days now, so may as well make sure everything is ready."

She then got her bag down and headed towards the kitchen, looking through the fridge and frowned at the food in there. "Hmm...maybe it'll be better to order a pizza instead of making something fancy." She looked around and found some snacks.

Unknown to her, the Sirens were watching from their lair with Nightmare Moon, as Sonata asks, "Why don't we ever do sleepovers?"

"...Did you really just ask that?" Aria asked in a flat tone, rolling her eyes as she flipped through a magazine, looking a bit bored.

"What's the plan now, My Queen?" Adagio asked as Nightmare Moon was glaring darkly at the image of Sunset getting several bags of chip out, as she rubbed her chin.

"The Rangers are becoming quite a nuisance...Of course, that is all because of one reason; They are always together. We need a way to separate them." Nightmare Moon said, as the Sirens looked at each other.

"How? When we tried to break them up, they just get back together anyway. The only way we could separate them is if we put them on other parts of the world or something. And even then, they could find a way back home." Sonata said, sighing a bit.

"Why not just stick them in another dimension?" Aria suggested, getting a smirk. "Remember those shows where the heroes end up in another worlds? We just need to get them somewhere where they can't get out that easily."

Adagio then looked into the scrying pool and noticed something in the room, and she gained a dark smirk. "And I think I have an idea…" she then gave a soft chuckle.

Power Rangers

Sunset smiled as she looked upon the now clean room as a knock on the door is heard. She says, "It's Open!" as the Rangers and Twilight arrived, all of them dressed in more casual clothes.

"Thanks for yur hospitality, Sunset." AJ said, putting her hat on a coat rack as the others nod in agreement.

"Where did you get the money to pay for this house, Sunset?" Asked Fluttershy, looking at everything curiously.

"I do have a job, Shy. I need to get money for food as well, after all." Sunset said as the girls all shared a laugh at this.

"OK, lets party." Rainbow said with a laugh, Twilight just rolling her eyes a bit as Spike looked around the house curiously.

Twilight noticed Sunset's concern as she says, "Don't worry, I made sure I walked him before coming here." Spike hopped onto the couch and curled up into a ball and napped, Rarity giggling at the pup's behavior as Sunset gave a chuckle as she got out her cell phone.

"OK, I'm gonna order some pizzas. What do you girls want?" Sunset asked, as the girls all thought it over.

"Just plain pepperoni for me. I'm not exactly one for overdoing it on toppings." said Twilight, opening a book she brought with.

"Vegetarian." Fluttershy said, raising her hand. "I don't like meat all that much."

"Sausage and Mushrooms." Dash said, putting a hand up at this as she unloaded her game system.

"Hawaiian for me." AJ said, setting up her sleeping bag in front of the TV, as Rarity did the same.

"I'll take the Artisan Pizza, thank you." Rarity said, as the others gave her odd looks. "...what? is it wrong if I wish for a classy meal as well?"

"Barbeque Chicken for me!" Pinkie said, as Sunset just gave a nod as she looked through the menu of the restaurant she was gonna call.

"Hey Fran, it's Sunset Shimmer. I need 7 medium pizzas here. 1 pepperoni, one hawaiian, one Artisan, one sausage and mushroom, one Barbecue chicken, one vegetarian, and one Italian." Sunset said, as she nods as she got a check book and began to write down the amount he told her. "OK, thanks." She then hung up, giving her friends a nod.

"I am surprised you could afford all that. That's over $100." said Twilight, looking at Sunset as she adjusted her glasses.

"Eh, I can afford it." Sunset said with a smile, unaware of a pair of eyes watching from outside before it vanished in a flicker of light.

After some time, and paying the pizza boy that arrived, the girls were watching Rainbow, Sunset and AJ all playing a game. "Get the power up!" Pinkie said to Rainbow, who rolled her eyes as the girls were playing a kart-racing game.

"I know that, Pinkie." Rainbow said as AJ smirked, as she was currently in the lead before…

"GAH! Where da heck did they get dat dang shell from!?" AJ groaned as Sunset smirked as she passed her.

"Don't try anything funny this time, Dash." Sunset said, giving the multi-hued girl a smirk, as rainbow gave her a look. "I saw you turn off the station when AJ was beating you at Heroes Rise: Mane-Iac's Revenge."

"Oh come on, Zapp can control the WEATHER. I could easily take on lasso girl." Rainbow said, rolling her eyes.

"It was Mistress Marvelous." AJ muttered, rolling her eyes at that.

"And yet Pinkie was able to beat you as Milly-Second. Remember?" Sunset said with a laugh as Dash smirked.

"Well then, better eat your words, Shimmer, because I'm going for a boost." Dash said as she passed the two on the screen as the three kept it up, Twilight just chuckling at their behavior as she looked over her book.

Suddenly the screen turned black, confusing the girls. "Ah man, I was about to win!" Dash groaned, as Sunset got up and looked it over.

"Is this an old set, Sunset?" asked AJ, as Sunset looked it over.

"Old, but functional. It shouldn't be this bad. It worked fine yesterday. Maybe it's a bad wire or something." Sunset said as she was about to check it before a sudden white dot appeared in the screen.

"What the hay?" Rarity asked, confused as the dot became more noticeable on the screen.

"There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not try to adjust your screen. We are controlling the transmission." a voice said as a faint ringing came out of the screen, confusing the group with confusion as Dash tried to turn the channel, but it kept to the same screen.

"...what was in that pizza?" Twilight asked, as Spike gave a groan out of annoyance from the noise.

"If we wished to increase the volume, we will do so. If we want to be more quiet, we will do so. If we wish to be blurry, we can. If crystal clear, we can...and if we wish to show you Rangers a good time, we shall." the voice said, now getting the group nervous as the Rangers got ready, reaching for their morphers.

"OK, what the heck is going on here?" Dash asked, glaring at the screen as the voice just gave a chuckle.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know...but for now, you will participate in a series of adventures the likes of which you have never experienced before." The voice said, as a pair of green eyes suddenly appeared on the screen above the dot before a beam of white light engulfed the room, making the Rangers all yell out in shock as they suddenly vanished from sight, leaving the room to be empty.

Fluttershy groaned as she found herself in a warehouse-like building as she got up, rubbing her head. "Girls? Girls, where are you?" Fluttershy asked as she realized something; her clothing changed back to her usual civilian garb, making her grow more confused.

Suddenly a laugh is heard as she snuck around, noticing a word on the side of a box; "Nocturne City? Wait...this is from one of the Power Protector shows Rainbow watches...Lets see...Nocturne City is the home of...what was his name again?"

"Well, well...lookie who we have here…" a voice said, making her yelp a bit in shock as she turned to see a group of thuggish men wearing black shirts, gray pants and ski caps, all glaring at her with various weapons.

"Uh...hello. I am sorry for intruding, so I am going to leave now." Fluttershy said with a nervous giggle as she was about to leave but ran right into someone else. She looked right ahead of her as she stood nose to nose with a glaring individual, making her back up a bit, now scared at the figure.

"So...it seems that some school girl got a little too nosy...what? You want to make a report about the going ons of my business?" asked the man, flipping a coin as he walked out of the shadows revealing he had a perfect face, frozen in a state of stoicism. Upon his body was a black robe and on his head was a powdered wig. "I am The Judge, and I judge you guilty of interfering. The sentence for such an act: Death." The Judge pulled a metal gavel from one of his sleeves and motioned for his men to take Fluttershy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha….Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?" A sinisterly smooth voice said from the darkness, seeming to echo from everywhere at once. "The Shadow knows. Now release the girl Judge, she has committed no crime by any law."

"Vigilante!" Judge cried. "You interfere again!?" Fluttershy cowered behind a box as the thugs began pointing their weapons at any patch of darkness they could see. She raised her hand to her temples to will away a constant headache that began when voice appeared.

"The Shadow...now I remember!" Fluttershy said blinking away the pain. "The Protector of Nocturne City is The Frightful Shadow!"

"I assure you miss...Frightful only applies to my enemies." His voice said behind her. Turning around, Fluttershy found herself facing a black alley, which seemed to swell into the shape of a fedora and cloak wearing man made of darkness a dark violet scarf wrapped around his face and drifting with the wind. He then got out a small disc-like weapon and threw it out, which ricochets off of various walls and hit one of the near-by thugs, making him grunt before he jumps forward, sending a roundhouse kick around him.

The Judge sneered at this, which was hard given his stoic features. Shadow ducked around a man and disarmed his friend of a chain he carried, using it as a makeshift whip to knock down a man near him by tripping him up.

Fluttershy watched this, before shaking it off as she saw the other men arriving. 'I better help...I hope I can still morph here...I'm VERY far from home.' she thought, getting her morpher at the ready.

The Judge noticed this and narrowed his eyes, getting his gavel out as he ran forward, Fluttershy going into her pose. "Power Rangers, Harmonize!" Suddenly a yellow glow came out, making the thugs cover their eyes as Fluttershy came into her Ranger form, though it looked...different.

The usual yellow coloring of her costume appeared to be muted with the red streak much more noticeable, her helmet becoming more angular in appearance and the visor focusing around her eyes to create a representation of a domino mask, and her blaster's holster more styled after a police officer's.

Fluttershy noticed her reflection "Oh my…" she said as she got into her martial arts pose, the others looking baffled at this.

"Wait, she's a cape!?" asked a thug in shock.

"Must be new in town. How about we give her a Nocturne Welcome." the Judge as he got his gavel at the ready, the Shadow standing beside her.

"Hope you know what you are doing, little girl. Because The Judge is very dangerous." the Shadow said as Fluttershy nods.

"I-I hope you can help at least." Fluttershy said as the two stood at the ready, both standing by each other from the goons.

In another space, AJ was walking around, trying to activate her communicator. "Guys, ya'll dere? Where da heck am I?" she asked, adjusting her hair a bit, going wide eyed as her hand brushed something. She then quickly went to a near-by puddle and gave out a shocked yell; her ears were now much longer than before, akin's to an elf's.

"What da heck!?" AJ asked as she finally noticed her attire; she was in a green hooded tunic over a white shirt, a pair of white pants, dark brown boots and her usually long blonde hair tied in a different styled ponytail, and a noticeable quiver on her back and a bow in her hand and a sheathed sword. "...Why da heck am I dressed like dat gum pixie boy from Pinkie's game collection?"

"Hey! Listen! New comer!" a voice said as a pixie suddenly flew out, surprising AJ. "What are you doing here? Are you lost?"

"Buzz off, ya blue light bug." AJ said, trying to get around it, but it flew back in front of her.

"What's your name?" It asked, looking at her curiously. "I'm Dattie, and you are?"

"...Applejack, now go back to ya tree." AJ said, going on ahead. "Stupid fairy…"

"Well, since you're new here, I can help you get around. Especially with the dark wizard being in the area. The heroes of Tibattleonis should be arriving soon to help save the Pixie Kingdom from his evil." said the voice, as AJ gave her an odd look.

"Tibattleonis? Wait a minute…" AJ said as she face palmed. "Ah horse apples, I'm in dat Renaissance Faire Fantasy show." She looked herself over and asks, "And why da sam hill am I an elf?"

Suddenly the ground shook as AJ looked up, as Dattie says, "Look out! Oozies!"

"Whoozies?" asked AJ with confusion as she was shot at with a green blast of liquid, making her yell out with disgust, wiping herself off. Hopping over were several large, green gooey-looking creatures with large googly-looking eyes and rounded bodies, all bouncing over.

"Better look out, Oozies may be weak, but they attack in hordes!" Dattie said as AJ just shooed her away.

"I don't need a play by play from a firefly." AJ said in annoyance as she glared at them, putting her bow away and slashing away at them with her sword, taking them out with ease. "...Wow, dat was kind of lacklustah."

"Look Out! Here comes the Boss!" Dattie lit up red as a giant version of the Oozies, this time purple in color, landed with a crash in front of them.

"...Really, that fast?" AJ asked, looking up at the giant Oozie, now getting a flat look. "Ah great…" She then ran forward...only to get swatted away by a giant purple tentacle as it gave out a roar, purple liquid flying past her making her hood go down from the force of the wave.

"You need any help?" Dattie asked as AJ gave her a glare.

"NO." AJ said in a flat tone as she ran forward and stabbed at it, but it got stuck. "What the?" she asked as she tried to get the sword out.

"Bladed weapons don't work on the Purple Oozies." Dattie said, as AJ gave an annoyed grunt.

"That makes no sense at all!" AJ said with an annoyed tone as she was sent flying by a forced hit, making AJ groan a bit.

And now for something completely different

Dash groaned as she walked out of an alleyway, looking around the city streets she found herself in with a confused daze as she noticed she was in a red hoodie, a pair of blue jeans and black tennis shoes. Essentially clothing she would have worn when she was a child.

"...OK, why am I now feeling a sense of dread?" Rainbow Dash asked as she walked onto what looked like a stretch of road that looked like a neighborhood in a large city. "Hello? Anyone here?" Suddenly she heard a faint tune play, which resulted in a face palm. "Oh no...Don't tell me…"

"Hello! are you new in town?" a voice said as RD jumped a bit, looking at what looked like a fuzzy, 4 foot tall ball of blue lint with large round eyes with three fingered hands and ball-esque feet.

"...You can say that...you're…Jolly, right?" Rainbow asked, as she thinks, 'I'm on that little kid show, Sunny Day Boulevard. I haven't seen this show since I was a little kid.' while giving him a nervous smile.

"Yes, and it is very nice to meet you. Do you want to play?" the puppet asked as she gave a nervous smile.

"Uh, no thanks. I'm good." Rainbow said with a sheepish chuckle as a near by dumpster opened up, revealing a red and orange furred puppet, it's face put into a permanent sneer.

"Oh, hi Mr. Grumps." said Jolly with a wave.

"What's all that racket? i'm trying ta sleep here!" the puppet said in annoyance as he saw Rainbow and asks, "Hey, Don't I know you from somewhere?"

"Uh...I'm not sure if you have." Dash said, as she bumps into someone else, making her jump a bit in surprise as she looked up to see a yellow T-Rex like dinosaur costume.

"Hi, I'm Dina Saurus. And I think I know who YOU are, missy-miss." said the dinosaur, poking Dash's nose in a childish way. "You're Rainbow Dash, the Red Power Ranger."

'...Oh yeah...NOW I remember...the producers wanted us to make a guest appearance on this show...guess who ever is doing this caught wind of that...' RD thought, dread coming forth. "...Yes, yes I am."

"Then you need a Sunny-time welcome! Come out, everyone! Lets welcome the Red Ranger to Sunny Day Boulevard!" Suddenly there was cheering all around, as Dash gave a faint groan from this as she saw several different people, puppets and normal actors alike, coming out to welcome her.

'...AND there goes my dignity...' Dash thought, giving a facepalm at this as she was suddenly moved, giving a faint in surprise.

This Episode of Sunny Day Boulevard is brought to you by the Color: Red.

On another, more forested set, Rarity found herself wearing a white tank top, a pair of blue shorts and her hair tied in a ponytail, making her look very confused. "Where am I?"

"Welcome, everyone!" Said a voice as a man came down from a podium as she noticed she was with others dressed in similar attire standing across from a team dressed in attire with purple shorts instead, making her grow more confused. "Welcome to your next challenge!"

'Challenge?' Rarity thought, looking confused as she noticed something being brought in, as her face paled even more. 'Oh no...' before them was a large obstacle course of some kind with various flags around them.

"For those at home, I'm Joshua Christensen and welcome back to another episode of Life on the Wild Side!" Joshua said, giving a smirk. "Today our victi-I mean contestants will have to test their wits against today's challenge. The Barracudas are up against the Gulls in today's challenge; Tropical Turmoil. Today they have to go through a simulated mudslide in this game of Capture the Flag."

'...Whatever higher power I have angered, I am VERY, VERY sorry...and I will also personally harm the Dazzilings in ANY humane way possible.' Rarity thought, the last part out of pure rage as she looked at the more athletic contestants, who all smirked as they got ready as Joshua got out a popgun.

"Ready...set...GO WILD!" Joshua said as he fired the gun, the two teams running, as Joshua noticed Rarity. "Hey Miss Prima Donna, wrong way. If you don't want the next boat off of the island, you have to compete." Rarity groaned as she whimpered at the sight of the mudslide activating near the flag.

Sunset blinked as she found herself on the bridge of a starship, alarms going off as it was rocked by weapons fire. "Lieutenant!" The commanding officer shouted pointing to her. "Get to engineering now!" Sunset ran towards the doors near the back of the bridge. On her way with others downwards, she noticed she was wearing a red naval styled uniform others wearing blue and yellow. The doors opened and she was immediately directed to a console near the center of the room.

She was bumped into by other,people wearing the same uniform as her, almost falling to the ground as one rushed into the large chamber in the center of the room. The rocking of the ship seemed to cease as the alarms stopped blaring. Another man came up to the structure and found the man who knocked her down sealed behind a transparent wall. She overheard one of the other officers say that the radiation was too much and he is dying. Coming closer, she could hear the man behind the glass say "I have been and always shall be...your friend." before he collapsed.

Sunset gasped as she saw this, seeing the man had a familiar look. 'Wait...I've seen this episode...I'm on...' Her eyes shrank as she looked at her uniform and gave an inward scream. 'RED?! I need to get out of here!' she looked around nervously as she looked around.

"We need to get this ship stabilized, now!" the Captain said, his tone sadden but commanding, as the officers gave a quick salute as Sunset went to a spot to help as well, looking at the sadden officers with sympathy as she went to a computer and began to type, though squinted as the letters on the pad were of a fictionalized language.

'Would it have killed the set makers to make this legible?' she thought flatly as she typed, being very careful of what she actually typed since she didn't want to end up blowing anything up on the ship. She sighed as she thinks, 'I hope the others are alright...'

Pinkie looked confused at where she was, looking at the laboratory area as she says, "Ooh...Shiny!" she looked at the blinking tech as a voice gave a clearing of the throat, making her jump a bit, as she asks, "Yes?"

"Special Agent Diane Pie, I presume?" asked the man in front of her, showing a rather imposing appearance. His skin was a pale teal, dark violet hair cut rather short and a squared jaw and wearing a blue jacket over a button up shirt and a pair of khakis, a detective badge noticeable on front of his jacket. "I'm Detective Garrison, nice to meet you."

"Hi." said Pinkie as she thinks, 'Special Agent?' She then looked down and, to her surprise, noticed she was dressed in a lot classier-looking clothes than usual, a badge designed like a star on a chain around her neck. She wore a pink shirt under a black jacket and skirt combo and her very curly hair was tied into a ponytail.

"Hey Gar, I got the results from the Biopsy." said a light green skinned woman with short blonde and wearing a tank top under a black vest and a pair of jeans, as he nods.

"Thank you, Miss Blade." the man nods to her, as she left with a nod back as he looks at the report, showing it to Pinkie as well, who cringed at the sight. "I believe this man was killed by the man you are looking for, Miss Pie."

'Who I'm looking for? Wait...maybe this guy can lead me to who put me here!' Pinkie realized as she nods, "Yes, I do believe this fits his pattern." She said, pretending to be serious for this moment. "Maybe he could be in the area?"

"That's what I think. Come on, lets go get him." Garrison as he says, "Get Officer Falcon and the team ready."

"Time to bust this guy…Pinkie Pie style." said Pinkie, putting on a pair of black shades as she followed. A nearby cell phone went off with a "Yeaaaaahhh!!!!", but the Special Agent Diane and Detective Garrison ignored it as they walked out of the lab dramatically.

Twilight and Spike followed an area, as Spike sniffed the ground near where they were at, as Twilight adjusted her jacket she was now wearing. "Where are we?" Twilight asked, unaware of the fact her glasses were now more opaque, making her pupils the only thing noticeable out of the lense.

Spike barked as he noticed a near-by van, as she looked at it and read the stylized letters on the side. "The Enigma Crew?" She asked, confused. "Why does that sound familiar?" She then saw the car's mirror reflecting back on her, revealing her new attire: she was wearing a white lab-like jacket over a purple top, a pair of blue jeans and wearing a green scarf around her neck. "Hmm...weird."

She looked to where Spike was growling, as she looked to see the van was parked in front of a large castle-like building as various bats flew by. "...OOH, now I remember this show. it's that mystery cartoon Shiny and I watched when I was a little girl. 'What To Do, Enigma Crew'. I loved this show."

Spike tilted his head at this as Twilight paused. "Wait...this is usually when-" A growl is heard as Twilight's eyes went to the left as she looked to her side and saw a 6 foot tall creature glaring down at her. It appeared to be a humanoid mishmash of VCR and DVD player on his rounded body, remote-like structures for arms, and an old antenna Tv for a head, the screen coming to life and becoming akin to a skull head, giving a manic laugh. "Jinkies!!!" Twilight yelled, grabbing Spike, and spinning her legs in a circle before running into the building. The mechanical being ran after her, still laughing as he chased after her and Spike.

Back in Nocturne City, Fluttershy panted as she and The Shadow stood by the group of out cold thugs as The Shadow had Judge against a wall, his gavel on the ground. "Alright, Judge. Talk. Why are you here?"

"If you must know, I was going to be meeting with a new associate. He said he had something of interest for me." The Judge said, looking at the two with a stoic gaze.

"Who is that, sir?" Fluttershy asked as a clanking sound is heard, making the three look at the back alley as a similar-looking monster to what is chasing Twilight came out, though he seemed more angular and smoothed out than the other counterpart, his face turning into one akin to a domino mask-wearing man.

"Heh, heh, heh. Well, Miss Fluttershy. I do believe it is improper to spoil the ending so quickly." The being said in a sickeningly calm voice. "But as the cat is out of the bag...allow me to introduce myself." The being crossed an arm over his chest and bowed. "I am Film Freak, and this is my world!" He said as he began to laugh maniacally.

Fluttershy glared beneath her helmet as she says, "So you brought me here? Where are my friends?"

"Oh, they're with me, myself and I. You see, in this plain of existence, I can be anywhere, at any time." He said as he suddenly vanished, now by them, leaning against the wall. "Which makes this...a lot more fun for me." He chuckled a bit as the screen suddenly changed from a domino mask to a scary-looking monster with a manic grin, laughing evilly.

The Shadow shoved Judge aside as he got into a stance, glaring at the Film Freak as Fluttershy glared as well, saying, "Rock and Load!" Her tambourine came out, though it became more styled and a simpler design and gaining a large butterfly inner part, much to her confusion on the sudden change in design. "Let us go!" She said leaping into battle, The Shadow following behind her.

Applejack yelled out, falling back into a wall as she panted a bit, having finally defeated the giant Oozie as the fairy gave a few claps. "Good job, Applejack! Keep it up!"

Suddenly an explosion is heard near by, making AJ jump a bit as she got her bow out in confusion as she saw a glasses-wearing young man get sent back, wearing a wizard-esque robe and holding a staff.

"That's Midnight the Mage! He's one of the heroes of the land." Dattie said in confusion as she asks. "What's going on?"

"We are facing against a new foe. Likely a new agent of the Dark Master." Midnight said as three others came out; one was a short dwarf with a curly black beard and armor, an elf with a bow and long blonde hair and wearing a black jacket and the final one was a woman wearing knight-esque armor with a chakram-like weapon.

"Midnight, get up. We need to stop that odd Automaton before he attacks the village." The woman said, crossing her arms.

"Yes, Princess Bronze." Midnight muttered with faint annoyance, rolling his eyes at this.

'Bronze? Wow….that wasn't exactly the best name.' AJ thought to herself as she saw a clanking figure coming out. He appeared to be like the monsters attacking Fluttershy and Twilight, but his appearance was more akin to a knight's and his screen had the front of a knight's helmet on it.

"Ah, the Green Ranger. It seems to be the fortnight of your demise, madam." The creature said as it raised up a large hammer. "Verily, I speak of yon final day you shall view. For I, as commanded by my great Queen, I shall vanquish thee!"

AJ sighed as she says, "Time for ya'll to stop taklin' in fancy and get to action." She got her morpher out and says, "Power Rangers, Harmonize!" Suddenly a green aura came over her, the others looking with shock.

"What magic is this?!" the dwarf asked in shock, as the elf frowned.

"I do not think this is magic of our land, Go'Ran." the elf said as AJ took a new form of her Ranger's uniform. Her clothing was the usual green and white styled outfit, but her helmet gained a hooded aspect to it, her blaster replaced with a holstered mini-crossbow and wearing more leather-like aspects on the uniform, the frills more detailed than before and now having a cape-like aspect added to her back.

"...Ah great, my Ranger uniform got turned into some sort of weird Elf look." AJ groaned, looking at the outfit as Bronze smirked.

"Nice armor, Rogue. Let's see how well you do in a fight." Bronze said, getting her chakram out as AJ looked at the group and nods.

"Rock and Load!" said AJ, summoning her hammer, which looked more akin to a lute instead of a bass guitar, much to her confusion. "...guess the Bass wasn't made in this universe."

"Very well." The monster said. "Have at thee!" He then charged, AJ charging with the Heroes of the series against him.

Rarity was at Life on the Wild Side still, groaning as she was with her team, whimpering a bit as she was covered with mud as Joshua nods. "And this round goes to the Barracudas! Thanks for the last-second win of our new contestant, Miss Rarity Belle." She just gave a groan, holding the filthy flag before dropping it with disgust.

"Now for our next round! It'll be something to help clean up from this challenge! You have to get the flag from up that waterfall!" Said Joshua, pointing to a very large waterfall/Rock Wall hybrid as Rarity groaned.

'What sadist designed this show?' Rarity thought with a groan as she got up. "If anyone needs me, I will be venting in that confessional booth that is usually on a show like this."

She went off, as a contestant says, "What's her problem? She should have expected this." the other shrugs while Rarity noticed a bush nearby shaking. Rarity looked confused before something jumped out, roaring as she gave a scream.

In front of her was the same monster that was with the others, though he appeared to look more animal-esque with fur-like growths on the arms and legs and the screen having the face of a large ape. "Hello there, enjoying the challenges so far? I'm here to make things more interesting."

"And how is that?" Rarity asked as he jumped off, grabbing Joshua and climbing up the waterfall, Joshua giving a surprised scream of shock.

"Instead of just a flag, you gotta save this pretty boy here from certain death. Part of the fun of sticking you here." Film Freak said with a crazed laugh as Rarity gave a frown, her morpher out.

"...since it's clear that you put me here..I'm going to make you PAY for making me go through this." Rarity said as she activated her Morpher. "Power Rangers, Harmonize!" She glowed blue, her Ranger form taking shape as it gained shorter sleeves and shorts instead of the usual jumpsuit, the boots and gloves looking better for outdoor terrain and her helmet changing to look like a pony's in a climbing helmet.

Rarity ran to the waterfall, climbing up the raging water as Film Freak grabbed a near-by crate and threw it down, making her have to move fast to get away from it as he continued to throw down rocks and other debris down at her.

Rainbow was groaning a bit, her arms crossed with a noticeable scowl on her face, a red party hat on her head. "Aww, put that frown upside down, Miss Cranky Pants." said Jolly, giving a smile as he tickled her cheek to get her to smile, but RD just gave a flat look.

"I'm not in the mood, fuzzy-wuzzy." Dash said in annoyance as Dina gave her a hug suddenly, making her yell out.

"Aww, she's not in a happy mood." said Dina as Dash tried to wiggle out.

'What did I do to deserve this again? Seriously, what weird, polyester torture is this?' Dash thought as she wiggled out of it.

Suddenly clanking is heard as the Film Freak walked in, having a bit more...plush-like appearance, his appearance looking more like thick foam than metal as his face gave the disturbed face of a yellow smiling face.

"Hi there, everyone! I am Film Freak, and I am here...to give Miss Dash here a fun….Time." Film Freak said as his face slowly turned into a red angry face as he powered up an energy blast, as the kids all screamed and the puppets went into hiding spaces.

"OK, I know you don't belong in this show, freak." Said Rainbow Dash as she says, "Power Rangers, Harmonize!" As a red glow came out...as Film Freak's face turned into an orange puzzled face...before it switched to a pink laughing face as he burst out into laughter.

"...What?" Dash asked in confusion as she looked into a near-by window...and gave out a shocked yell out of shock as she noticed her costume appeared to be given more padding, making it look like she had false muscles under the costume and her skirt was now a pair of pants...with red fuzz covering her helmet and on her gloves and boots, noticeable fuzz on the red of her costume, akin to red fur.

"OK, that is funny." said the Film Freak with a laugh, slapping his knee as he laughed, Rainbow's face turning a dark shade of red out of embarrassment under her helmet.

'...I am SO going to need to hide out for a while after all of this...' Rainbow thought of embarrassment as she got her blaster out...only for it to look like a squirt gun, much to her annoyance. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?" She yelled out of desperation.

"Oh this is too easy." Film Freak said as Dash put the blaster away as she got into a stance.

"Rock and Load!" She said as she summoned her axe...only for it to be a lot less imposing as it looked more like a regular, red acoustic guitar with multiple flashing buttons on the top part, making her groan. "What am I supposed to now?! Just whack it with this thing?"

"Maybe you can use good feelings?" Dina said from her hiding space, as Dash gave a flat look at that idea.

"And what? Am I supposed to play and start singing about rainbows and being blue or something?" Asked Dash, giving the dinosaur a flat look. She sighed as she says, "I hope I get SOMETHING…" She then strummed it a bit, making flashing lights come out of the guitar, making the mechanical being blink out of annoyance.

"Too bright." He said, annoyed as she got an idea, Dash smirking.

"Hmm...I wonder…" She said as she strummed some more, making more lights come out as it made him back up a bit, making him growl in annoyance as he vanished.

"Hey, where'd he go?" Dash asked, looking around in confusion as a few kids that were there looked from where they were hiding, seeing Film Freak appear on top of a near-by building.

"Red Ranger, lookout!" one of the little kids said, making Dash look around confused as she gave a 'what' look to the kids, since they weren't being all that clear.

"He's right behind you! On top of the Apartment complex!" said a little boy as Dash turned to see Film Freak up above as she gave a nod.

"Thanks kids." Said Dash as she ran to a fire escape. "Get somewhere out of sight." The Kids nod as they head out, Dash putting the guitar over her shoulder as she climbed up.

Pinkie and Garrison were in a cop car as they stopped in front of an old warehouse, where various SWAT were at the ready. "The man is inside, sir. Though he seems to be an oddball." said a man with spiked back black hair and wearing a police uniform, adjusting his cap.

"Thanks Falcon, We'll take care of it." Garrison said as he put on a SWAT Vest as well, Pinkie Pie also putting on one after removing the black jacket, adjusting her Morpher.

"OK, so we go in and start shooting?" Pinkie asked, looking at them with confusion.

"Not yet. We know the suspect is in there, but we still have to follow procedure. Knock an Announce." Falcon said readying a shot gun.

"Got it, allow me." Pinkie said approaching the door. "Power Rangers, Harmonize!" she said morphing, a pink glow surrounding her as her normal uniformed appeared combined with the SPD SWAT uniform, with a little microphone appearing near the mouth of her helmet and a black vest over her pink uniform. With her elbow she slammed on the door "Police! Open Up!" Before she kicked the door in while drawing her blaster, which transformed into a rifle.

"That standard issue, ma'am?" asked a cop, looking at her with confusion.

"No, but I'm not from a normal unit." Pinkie said, looking around as a clanking sound is heard, the cops at the ready as they all looked around, their guns at the ready as a sudden blur smacked aside one of the cops as they all turned to see Film Freak, who appeared to be a lot more threatening in appearance; the hands appeared to be claw-like, his body more muscular and shined like real metal and his screen appeared to be that of a man with a muzzle on his face, Garrison glared at him.

"Take it down!" he said as the group all opened fire, as Film Freak laughed crazily as the bullets bounced off mostly, some of them making good hits here and there as he ran forward.

"Let's see how you take on a TRUE mastermind, Garrison!" He laughed as he charged forward, getting hit by a laser blast from Pinkie, who smirked under her helmet.

"How about me?" Pinkie said as she somehow pulled her agent badge from her vest. "Judgment Mode!" She cried, pointing the badge towards Film Freak. "Guilty or Innocent of Kidnapping me and my Friends, Murder of that guy in the morgue, and being generally evil?" the cops looked at each other with confusion.

"...They always have the nutty ones in the higher ups." A cop whispered to his partner, who nods in agreement.

A large holographic red X flashed to a blue O and back in front of Film Freak, before settling on X. "Uh...oh…"

"SPD Harmony Rifle Ready!" Pinkie leveled her blaster at Film Freak and pulled the trigger, a sphere of pink energy flying at the monster who jumped away into a portal of static, before it hit. Pinkie turned towards the officers who were staring at her in confusion. "Sorry boys, out of your jurisdiction." she said shrugging, before jumping into the portal.

With Sunset, she was now watching a funeral scene from afar, sighing a bit as she looked downcast, a dark chuckle is heard in the darkness. Sunset perked up at this as she turned at the sound getting a blaster she gained with the new uniform as she followed after it. She eventually reached a shuttle bay where she saw another Film Freak, who appeared to be more of a rubbery appearance, akin to an older styled TV show, getting in one of the shuttles. She jumped into one of the one-man fighters and followed it out of the bay and into space. The monster then established communication.

"Bad choice for a Red shirt!" he said before firing on the craft, sending it falling to the planet below.

Once there, a beam of light deposited Film Freak on a hill above Sunset. Her uniform had been damaged in the crash, so she dramatically ripped it off to reveal her white tank top underneath. She then performed a flying double kick at the monster, knocking it back. The monster then swung at her pathetically, allowing Sunset time to unnecessarily roll away before popping up and slamming her palm into Film Freak's jaw area, followed by punch to the gut to knock him over, and finishing off with a double handed slam onto his back.

'Man, this guy can't fight to save his life.' Sunset though as she looked through some of the area as she got an idea. 'If it works for the Captain, it'll work for me.' she thought as she looked through the area and started making something as Film Freak looked around for her. Sunset grabbed a large log, a small boulder, and some dust and quickly lit a flame on a bush. Film Freak noticed her and raised up a boulder to throw at her, but the log somehow fired the boulder inside like a bullet and Film Freak fell. 'That defied physics...even Equestrian physics.' Sunset rushed over to where the monster fell, finding a quickly closing portal of static she jumped into.

Twilight Sparkle and Spike were running through the mansion trying to escape the monster behind them. "We're getting nowhere! The walls keep repeating!" Twilight screamed before coming to a hallway of doors. She and Spike entered one, followed by Film Freak, before they exited on the other side at the other end of the hall. Another doo, a different exit, repeating until all three somehow ran into each other coming from different directions. Fortunately this knocked the monster back while Spike was sent up onto a chandelier, which then fell on the monster trapping him. "And now let's see who you really are!' Twilight said pulling at the TV head. she removed it to find a face beneath. "Principal Celestia!" She removed that mask too, "Dr. Turner!" another mask and another until...the final head was the first head she removed.

The monster broke free and went over to another door, opening it to a wall of static and leaping inside, followed by Twilight and Spike. On the other side she found herself in an alleyway, Fluttershy morphed by a man with a cloak looking over a manhole. "He went down into this static...what is he?"

"No time to explain, Fluttershy, come on!" Twilight said pulling Fluttershy inside. Coming out of a cave when an explosion occurs. Nearby they see an altered Green Ranger riding a horse after Film Freak.

"Hop on you two, we got a varmint to catch!" They did and rode into a different portal, coming out on a city street like their own, the horse vanishing. "The hay…?"

"Everyone over here!" They turned and saw Sunset and Rainbow Dash in their regular clothes, which they then noticed they were in too.

"Where were you guys? I got sci-fi and Dash got…" Sunset was interrupted by Dash's hand on her mouth.

"We do not speak of it."

Fluttershy looked around. "Where's Pinkie?" Sunset and Dash pointed down the street where Pinkie in civilian garb was pulling on floating Japanese characters, stopping them from scrolling.

"We're in a Sentai." Sunset said flatly. "Ads roll across the screen when nothing is going on."

*Honk!* A car horn caused everyone to jump as an orange car with an anime character on the front pulled up behind them. <Oi!> A man in a red and black helmet designed to look like a spiky hair style, popped his head out of the driver's side, speaking in Japanese the Rangers only understood from conveniently placed subtitles. <You following that TV thing?> The Rangers nodded. <Okay! We'll get you to him!> The car then revved its engine as the tires smoked, barreling past them towards a wall. <Delusion Break!> the car vanished as a portal of static appeared.

The Rangers rushed inside to find themselves in a black room with blue consoles, before a large tube. "Ai yi yi yi yi! Zordon, Intruders!" A robot said coming out of hiding. Inside the tube a floating head appears.

"No Alpha, I can sense the Power within them, these are Rangers." Zordon said calmly. "Rita has not yet awakened, but the entity you were chasing is causing havoc on this world. Observe the viewing globe." They all turned to sphere displaying impossible weather patterns. "The creature is outside of this Command Center, I must ask that you defeat him and return to your homes, for the safety of both our worlds. May the Power protect you" The rangers nodded and raced out of a door that opened while Zordon had been talking.

Outside the Rangers found a single Film Freak, his body looking more like a Power Ranger monster and the image on his head was static creating the illusion of a frowning face. "I'm going to crush you right now!" Film Freak said, his voice now a bizarre mix of every voice he used in the other dimensions.

"It's Morphin' Time! Power Rangers, Harmonize!"

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between her fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

Rainbow slapped her chest. "Element of Loyalty: Red Harmony Ranger!" She called as she posed like she had finished her morphing sequence. A cloud of red smoke exploded behind her.

Applejack mimicked her. "Element of Honesty: Green Harmony Ranger!" She posed in a boxing stance and green smoke exploded behind her.

"Element of Generosity: Blue Harmony Ranger!" Rarity said. She posed and blue smoke appeared behind her.

"Element of Laughter: Pink Harmony Ranger!" Pinkie posed and pink smoke appeared behind her.

"E-Element of K-Kindness: Y-Yellow Harmony Ranger?" Fluttershy squeaked as the yellow smoke exploded behind her when she posed.

Rainbow and the others then posed together with arms in a V shape crying out "Harmony Rangers!" as an explosion of fire appeared behind them.

"Stop posing and fight me!" Film Freak screamed rushing the Rangers, firing lasers from his remote arms. The Rangers easily jumped to avoid the explosion, firing their blasters down on Film Freak.

"Time for a classic combo!" Dash said with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie ramming into the monster before connecting their arms. Rarity and Applejack then used the arms as a step to increase the height of a jump, using the fall to land a powerful double fist punch onto the monster, then copying Pinkie and Fluttershy in setting up a step. Dash used it to launch a powerful flying kick that seemed to slow down time when it connected to Film Freak, causing a shockwave that sent Film Freak flying.

The Rangers called out "Rock and Load!" and summoned their weapons. They fought Film Freak till he fell down a hill, then played a song that formed a large sphere of rainbow energy that fired off at Film Freak causing a massive explosion. The explosion caused cracks to appear in the horizon, breaking reality and causing a portal to Canterlot City. The Rangers jumped in, followed by orange and purple static beams carrying Sunset, Twilight, and Spike.

In the city, Film Freak had become a giant. "It's time for this show...to be canceled!"

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" The Rangers placed one hand to their helmets and raised the other upwards. "We call on the Power of Harmony!" and their zords appeared.

In the crystal caves, Monarch and Vinyl watched the zords leave under their own power and no inputs into the computer. "Am I too young to drink?" "You aren't human, but I know I am...unfortunately."

Rarity and Pinkie Pie spun their vehicles so that they were driving backwards into Applejack's. The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted "Harmony Megazord!"

Dash and Rarity placed their buckles into slots to summon the Megazord's sword and shield. It slashed at Film Freak and knocked him back with the shield, before raising it to block incoming laser blasts. "Let's end this guy!" "Right!" The sword and shield began to glow and combined to form a large paintbrush that was swung three times, causing streaks of energy that exploded on Film Freak, resulting in his destruction. The brush was placed into the ground beside the Megazord like a staff as the fires from the monster's destruction faded.

Sunset, Twilight, Monarch, and Vinyl watched the end of the battle on the main screen. "...We don't question anything that happens with the zords from now on, agreed?" Sunset asked deadpan.


Later, after rather enthusiastic calls from multiple companies and their lawyers, the Rangers finally had a chance to relax. "We got sucked into the TV....Yep, we're Rangers now." Dash said leaning back into her chair at the Youth Center.

"The monsters didn't make us?" Pinkie asked slurping her milkshake.

"I think she means now something so strange has happened, that it may as well have been television." Rarity said. "I just hope the 'writer' of this 'episode' knows that they will have to deal with ME!"

"Gross out game show?" Fluttershy suggested. Rarity nodded in response forlornly.

"Well, this has been a truly enlightening experience. Imagine if we could control something like this!" Twilight gushed while writing in a notebook. Sunset stopped her.

"Let's not. Dealing with lawyers because we 'altered' their products was not fun." Sunset said. The Rangers all began to laugh as the sun began to set with an orange-gold glow.

(*Note*: The Sci-Fi section is dedicated to Leonard Nimoy, who has sadly passed away at 83. He lived long and prospered. -\\//)

Sunset's voice: Next Time on Power Rangers!

Nightmare Moon: I will have my revenge on you Thief!

Sunset: Not today or any day. It's Morphin' Time!
Episode 16: Good as Gold
Good as Gold: by Xero Key

It was a bright day in Canterlot and the Power Rangers were relaxing at the Youth Center.

"OK, I have been thinking of a new way to work on the energy output on the suits." Twilight said, showing them news footage of the Rangers morphing, including the explosions. "The City is getting annoyed with the explosions that always happen when you guys do these poses."

"Ah come on, they look awesome." Dash said, giving an annoyed look as Sunset rolled her eyes, chuckling at this.

"Sunset? Baby, is that you?" A motherly voice called out. Sunset turned from their table and saw two adults that looked suspiciously like her; the woman having the same fiery-styled hair but yellow skin, while the father had a red-orange tone and short red and black hair under a black hat. "Oh it is you! Honey, look, our daughter is ok!" The woman ran to Sunset and lifted her out of her seat in a bone crushing hug. "I thought we lost you when you ran away. And now we finally found you!" The woman cried through tears.

The man stepped forward and removed his hat. "We know we didn't pay attention to you Sunset, but we're here now." He put a hand on Sunset's shoulder as his wife set her down. "We've decided to move to Canterlot so you don't have to leave your friends." The woman and the man engulfed Sunset in a hug. "We can be a family again." Sunset awkwardly returned the hug and from the view of Twilight Sparkle, she was grimacing.

Power Rangers

In the command center, everyone was gathered at the computer. "So, your parents…I knew you were a runaway, but didn't expect to see them." Vinyl said.

"They're not mine." Sunset said while turned towards the wall.

"Then whose are they?" The group turns toward the voice, seeing Twilight Sparkle walking up the stairs from the vehicle bay. "Because I'm certain they match your physical characteristics enough to be them."

"Uh...You see, it's a VERY long story." Dash said sheepishly, as Twilight crossed her arms.

"Well, I'm listening." Twilight said as the girls looked at each other nervously as Rarity gave a nervous giggle.

"One moment, dear." the fashion-savvy ranger said as she motions the others into a huddle.

"So what do we do now? We already told her 'bout all da magic stuff and how we got it." AJ said, looking at the others.

"But we never DID tell her about MY past...though that is still a touchy subject…" Sunset said, looking down at this.

"Well, no time like the present." Vinyl said as Twilight tapped her foot, crossing her arms.

"Ahem." Twilight adjusted her glasses as the attention was redirected to her. "Once more, how can they not be your parents?"

The Rangers all shyly looked over to Sunset, after all it is her story to tell. "I'm from Canterlot, but not this Canterlot." Sunset walked over to the curtain hiding the Tree of Harmony. "I'm from another reality, one where everyone is what Earth considers mythical creatures." Sunset looked to the sky as if watching a memory play out on the ceiling. "I was born a unicorn and was extremely gifted in magic. Too gifted really. I grew so arrogant that I turned to dark magic to achieve my goals." She turned back to the humans. "When I was discovered, I ran through a mirror to this world. And like a mirror, everything was reflected. Everyone has a counterpart." She opened her arms in a gesture of surrender. "I always assumed my counterpart was dead or so far away that we'd never have our lives meet. I should have known better."

"Shouldn't be too shocked, Twi. Given what we just experienced, this isn't the weirdest thing to happen. Heck, Sunny here kind of started this whole magic broo-haha, remember? We told you about the crown thing." Vinyl said, as Twilight gave a nod.

"So how are we gonna explain it to them that you are not the Sunset they know?" Asked Twilight, as Sunset sighed.

"I-I don't know...that's the thing...I don't know WHAT To tell them. How am I going to explain that to them?" asked Sunset. "'Sorry to disappoint you two, but I am not your daughter, I'm the daughter of your inter-dimensional counterparts from a world where magic talking horses are the dominant species of a world of magic.' Even I think that sounds insane to tell someone, and it's the truth." Sunset said, gripping her head.

Suddenly the alarms in the base went off and Vinyl opened up the alert file. "We got an attack going on downtown. Riders are down for repair so you'll have to take the jeep."

"Right, I'm driving." Sunset said taking out the keys.

"Now?" Rarity asked.

"I need to punch something, and Terrorvons are perfect." Sunset said, a frown forming on her face as the others looked concerned, Vinyl sighing as they headed out, heading to her lab.

"Where are you going?" Monarch asked, confused.

"To work on something. I'll be right back." Vinyl said as she headed into the workshop and sat down and got her tools out, working on what looked like an odd-looking watch set, which were still in pieces but in a finishing touches, both of which were pitch white at the moment but had the red crystals from Equestria. Behind them was schematics hidden under a pile of other blueprints, which had a picture of a new ranger suit.

Downtown, the Sirens were smirking as they lead a group of Terrorvons, all growling at the people who backed away in fear as the Jeep arrived, five energy surges coming out as the Rangers all jumped out, in full uniform and ready to go.

"Ah, so the Rangers arrive just in time." Adagio said with a smirk.

"Duh, you said they would." Sonata said, also smirking as she put her hands on her hips as Aria just chuckled.

"They are kind of predictable after a while. Cause some havoc, and they're here like a dog looking for a treat." Aria said as the three shared a laugh, the Rangers just giving them glares under their visors.

"What's your game this time, Dazzilings?" Rainbow asked, the rangers aiming their guns as the Sirens vocalized, making the Ranger yell out as their suits began to malfunction on them.

"Girls, try the safeties!" Sunset said as the Rangers pressed on their morphers, creating a rainbow aura on them, as Adagio raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, how cute; a firewall. Lets see how much punishment they can take." Adagio said, as the three began to vocalize more, their voices becoming louder as the Rangers got pushed back from the force of the vocalization as three familiar auras came around them.

"Wait, what is that?!" asked pinkie in shock as the Aura-Sirens arrived, all three growling as they glared, as they sent out red energy burst from their mouths in the forms of sound waves, making the Rangers get pushed back, sending them flying backwards from the force of the sound.

"Ugh...OK, that was not fun." Rainbow said, rubbing the area her ears would be on the helmet as they got up, glaring up towards them as the Dazzilings all smirked.

"Well, I hope you enjoyed your warm up." Adagio said as the other two smirked as well. "Because NOW it's the main event!" The three flew up onto a near by skyscraper as the sky began to darken, the full moon starting to come into the sky.

"What in the world…?" Twilight asked, seeing news feed from this. "How is-who is doing that?"

"I think we're about to get the Queen of Darkness herself…" Monarch said nervously, as Vinyl saw this from her lab, a frown forming on her face as the sky grew dark.

Everyone on the streets look up in fear as a small twister of dark energy formed, the dark blue haze filled with miniature stars as a dark laugh is heard, as Nightmare Moon herself came into form, her cyan eyes glaring down to the people below.

"Hello everyone, it is so nice to see you are all here." Nightmare Moon said, as she flew down to the ground below, her tone dark as people took notice to her face; under the helmet, over her mouth area, was a face mask akin to the front of a horse's mouth, which kept her face hidden except for her eyes, which narrowed at the sight of the rangers, her lips visible with a sneer due to the opening of the mask.

"So, you decided to take us on instead of sending goons after us, huh?" Rainbow said as Nightmare Moon just gave a dark chuckle, as she looked at them.

"More that I feel I have wasted enough effort on you." Nightmare said, giving a faint shrug. The Rangers glared as they drew their blasters and fired...which Nightmare just casually blocked all the hits with her free hand.

"...OK, so she dresses like Vader AND does dat laser block thing too?" AJ asked in a flat tone.

"Oh, it wouldn't be that unless I did...oh, THIS." Nightmare Moon said as a dark aura came around their blasters and they were suddenly disarmed.as she tosses them aside. She then sent a telekinetic burst of energy towards them, making the Rangers cry out as they were sent flying back.

The civilians looked in shock as the Rangers were just taken on with a single hit as Nightmare Moon gave a laugh. Rainbow glared as she nods to the others, who nod back. "ROCK AND LOAD!" The Rangers cry out at once, getting their weapons out.

"Hmm...this should be interesting." Nightmare Moon said as she got her scythe out and ready. AJ ran forward first and swung her hammer, which Nightmare blocked with a quick move with her scythe, slashing forward as she ducked around a few blasts of energy from Rarity's keytar.

"Hey, hold still!" said AJ as she slashed with her axe, Nightmare Moon blocking with the pole of her scythe before kicking her away, keeping her blade down as she smacked both Pinkie and Fluttershy aside before they could get near her.

"She is quite skilled…" Rarity mutters as she aims her blaster and powers it up. "But lets see how well you can take this." She then fired a more powerful burst of energy from her keytar, which sent an explosion around her.

"Oh yeah!" said Dash with a grin...before the smoke cleared and showed a mostly unphased Nightmare Moon, whose eyes narrowed darkly. "Oh no…"

"Enough of this nonsense!" said Nightmare Moon, slamming her scythe down as a dark shock wave came out, sending the Rangers flying back again, this time into walls or cars around them, making them groan as they demorphed.

"Girls!" Sunset said as she came out of the jeep, but was suddenly forced against it by a dark aura, Nightmare Moon's gaze pointed right at her.

"Well, well...if it isn't the Thief…" Nightmare said, her eyes narrowed as she made her hold tighter, making Sunset yell out in pain.

"Wha-what are you talki-" Before Sunset could finish, she was pushed back harder against the telekinetic force, the alicorn-empowered woman glaring darkly at her.

"Do NOT talk back to me, girl." Nightmare snarled, making many people back up nervously as Sunset gave a pained look as Nightmare Moon looked her over. "Peh...you are a lot of trouble, you know that? You make this pathetic group of cosplaying mystics with the powers of the Elements of Harmony and for what? Some sort of ill-attempt to try and 'make things right'? Is that it? You feel guilt over some past action?"

"I don't...have anything to say to you….you nutcase…" Sunset strained as her eyes flashed a bit, as Nightmare chuckled.

"Oh...but I think a part of you does…" said Nightmare Moon said with a dark smirk as she snapped her fingers. Suddenly a rattling sound is heard as various pieces of glass came out, twirling around in a twister.

A dark chuckle is heard as the shards smoothed out in the twister, turning into a humanoid being made of dark metal and glass, appearing to be a humanoid being with a mirror for a face and two shields on his arms and legs, the arm ones appearing to be rounded mirrors and the ones on the legs being oval-shaped, as a faint image of a theater mask-like face appeared on the image of the mirror that made it's face.

"Bwhahahaha! I am here to serve, my queen of darkness!" the mirror creature sad with a dark chuckle as Nightmare Moon gave a smirk as she showed Sunset to the creature.

"Reflecton, show miss Shimmer her true self." Nightmare Moon said as the mirror gave a chuckle.

"With pleasure, my dark mistress." he said, giving her a small bow as his face changed to Sunset's...which began to change and shift, turning into a familiar red-faced demon with elf ears and flaming hair and eyes, who gave a demonic laugh as the image began to glow brightly as clawed hands came out, Sunset's eyes widening in shock as she gave out a pained yell, feeling some aura being sucked out of her.

Everyone looked in horror as a large, red skinned humanoid came out, giving a crazed laugh as she says, "I'm FREE!" She gave a sinister laugh, large bat-like wings on the forefront as her attire formed into a dress made of solid fire."Behold Canterlot, the inner evil of Sunset Shimmer." She said, giving a bow as she laughed.

"Wha...I thought...ugh…" Sunset said as she was dropped, her fiery double coming down and cupping her face.

"Aww, what's wrong? You thought just because I got blasted by a rainbow I'd go away? Please, I'm your darkness...I'm always there!" Demon Sunset said, as she shoved her down, glaring darkly at her. "Everyone denies it, but there is darkness in EVERYONE, it is our true Essence! You knew this better than anyone, but now even you deny that there is darkness in anyone." She spat, glaring at her.

At the HQ, Twilight was gobsmacked as she asks, "What...is that?"

"THAT would be what happens when you get someone who decides to put on a magic relic without thinking of the consequences…" Said Vinyl, sighing as she saw that image return, the one of the Fall Formal.

Demon Sunset looked at the Rangers, glaring darkly at them as she lifted them up with her own telekinesis."Peh...you girls were a thorn in my side back when I was more dominant. Everyone was so happy and carefree... UGH...that just makes me mad." Sunset looked at this, confused as Rainbow saw this, looking between the two.

"Wait...how did….where did you come from?!" asked Dash, looking at the Demon Sunset with shock as the others looked equally surprised.

"I thought we blew you up!" said Pinkie as Demon Sunset just gave an annoyed eye roll.

"Weren't you paying attention? I am the darkness inside Sunset's heart, the one who bullied you for some time. You really are dumb aren't you?" Demon said. "And now because of you, she rejects me...tries to hide me away. *Sniff* I only wanted to help *Sniff*. Of course, you deny any darkness in your hearts as well...all beings do. People and Equines alike love to deny this fact." Demon said, looking down at this but her eyes harden, becoming a far more evil version of Sunset's old glare. "And now it's time to reveal the truth. BUT first, to get rid of you five."

"Agreed." Said Nightmare Moon said, chuckling as Reflecton gave a laugh as he vanished in a shimmer of light, the Dazzilings following suit as dark blue smoke formed around Nightmare Moon and the Rangers, as Demon Sunset burst into flames and vanished as the smoke dissipated, a ring of dark laughter ringing in Sunset's ears as she passed out with a groan, drained of her energy from all that happened.

Later, she gave a groan as she woke up in the back seat of a car, rubbing her head with a faint groan...but then noticed she had a blanket on, confusing her greatly as she sat up. "Don't over exert yourself, dear." said a voice as she saw the face of her-This world's Sunset's mother, looking at her with concern.

"...Uh...thanks...Mom…"Sunset said, rubbing her head as her father looked at her.

"OK little lady, you may want to explain what that thing was." her father said, as Sunset gulped a bit, now nervous.

'OK...if my counterpart IS...gone...I need to make up something to keep them from being the wiser….but I can't just LIE to them...let's see...' Sunset then got an idea as she sighed. "Mom...Dad...I'm gonna come clean...when I ran away, I found this...weird mirror."

"What do you mean?" asked her mother, confused as they parked to talk.

"You see, after I ran away, I came to this city after some traveling and in front of the local high school I found this weird mirror that opened up. Then I went to this strange and mystical world called 'Equestria'. It's basically like this world, only filled with magic of all kinds and home to many mythical creatures."

"That explains all that went on, but how did you get back?" her father asked, as Sunset sighed.

"You see...I became a student to the monarch there; Princess Celestia, that world's counterpart of the Principal here. There she's essentially a god who can control the sun and has a vast amount of spells. She sensed a lot of potential in me for the mystical arts so...for a long time, I trained with her. I got really good at what I did...I kind of...told her that I didn't have parents...so she wouldn't get suspicious." Sunset said, feeling a bit guilty at the half truth as her parents looked disheartened at that. "But...I guess that it wasn't good enough to just know the spells...I wanted to be like her...her equal."

"You wanted to be like this Celestia woman in this other world? What do you mean?" Asked her mother, confused.

"I found out that if I did something amazing with magic, I could become like her." Sunset explained, as she looked at them. "She's not a woman though...she's an alicorn, a unicorn with wings...and...I wanted to become a God."

Sunset sighed "But...let's just say the two of us had a falling out...so when the mirror reopened four years ago, I came through with what I could carry from that world and came back. I lived here and started coming to school here. Turned out that my aging wasn't all that fast...I was essentially an adult there but when I came back, I was no older than a 14 year old freshman."

"Sounds like that weird book involving that magic closet...what was that called again?" her father said, rubbing his chin with a bit of thought.

"And I guess I was still...very upset after what had happened...I lashed out against the people who accepted me at the high school. Everyone seemed to like me at first, always praising me for how smart I was and how much I knew...I guess part of me liked all the attention. But then...I felt a presence going on the other end of that mirror. I guess after spending so many years in Equestria, I got sensitive to it. I found out when I came back, the elements of Harmony, powerful relics were rediscovered by Celestia's new student and her five friends….whose counterparts are now my friends."

"I went there and well...I kind of stole the Element of Magic, which looked a lot like this year's fall formal crown. I went to switch them and, well...that world's Twilight followed me back here. Hijinks ensued, we had a fight and I put on the crown to get it's power...and well, that just revealed how unworthy I was of that element..Ii became that...THING and well...I guess you can guess what happened since then. I got rainbow blasted and I got accepted by the girls I bullied…" Sunset said, putting her knees up near her chin. "I guess...a part of me is still upset I lost...and that's where that thing kept hidden in me...but I don't want to be that girl anymore…"

Sunset's parents looked at each other with concern as her mother put a hand on her knee. "Don't worry Sunny, we won't let anything bad happen to you, OK?" her mother said, giving her a soft smile as Sunset smiled back, thankful for that as her phone rang, looking at it with confusion as she opened it up.

'Sunny, I got something for you. Get to the command center ASAP.' the text said, Vinyl's image near it as Sunset looked at it.

"Mom...Dad...can you take me to Crystal Caves Park?" Sunset said looking up from her phone. "There are friends of mine who need my help there." The two looked at each other at this, concerned. "Look, I know you will be worried about me, but I have to help my friends. Please…"

Her father sighed as he says, "I guess we have no choice...just...make sure to come back safely, OK?" Sunset gave a nod as she looked at the two as they drove back towards the park.

when they arrived, they drove into the Command Center, her father looking surprised. "...Wow...so this is where you been doing this stuff?"

"Yeah…" said Sunset sheepishly, coming out of the car as Monarch was hiding at this moment, unsure of how to approach them as Vinyl came out, holding something behind her back.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Shimmer...heh...s'up? I'm Vinyl Scratch, I kind of help make all the stuff." Vinyl said sheepishly as she got out a box. "Here's something that could help take on those freaks." She opened it, revealing two white Morphers. "They kind of need a charge though."

"Hmm?" asked Sunset as she realized what she meant. "Wait...those are...mine? But I-"

"Don't give me 'buts', Sunny. I saw you change too, so that means you got SOME element magic in you as well. So get some of that mojo on and power up. They need time to charge though, so just put enough that would usually go into your anthro form." Vinyl said as Sunset nods, taking them and putting them on.

Sunset took a breath as she gave a soft hum, as she was one of the main singer's of the Rainboom, thus knowing she made it to work with her voice. Her body gave off an orange aura as it took a golden glow, the morphers turning into a set of dual colored morphers; the left hand having a yellow-orange color scheme while the other had a red-orange color scheme, making it look similar to her cutie mark.

She nods as she says, "OK, they're charged. Now for surprise number two…" Vinyl motioned for Monarch to come out, and she brought a silver mechanical horse with her. "This is SIlvermane, and he is supposed to be Dash's battlizer...but...you need him right now."

Sunset nods as she says, "And I think I know where they may have put the others...likely near the Quarry."

"Why the quarry?" Asked her mother, confused.

"Let's just say we do a lot of our big battles there. It keeps the city from being targeted and leaves less damage." Sunset explained, as the two gave an 'ahh' expression, understanding. She looked at Vinyl and asks, "Where's Twilight?"

"She's making sure their families don't get heart attacks over the fact that they're captured by Nightmare Moon...I think she's gonna have a LOT of trouble with that…" said Vinyl, a faint cringe on her face.

"...I better be quick then." Sunset said with a nod as she got onto Silvermane's back. "Hi ho Silvermane…" and they ran out, his mechanical hooves clicking on the ground.

"...I just realized some irony here, but I don't want to say what." Vinyl said as she gave a 'shush it' look to Monarch before she mentions it.

Sunset rode Silvermane to the quarry where an army of Terrorvons awaited her. She drew two blasters from her jacket pocket and fired into the crowd. When streaks of smoke were fired back at her, she leapt off the horse and spun in midair, firing down on the creatures. She landed feet first and upright onto the horse as it continued to ride, firing the blasters as they charged into the crowd.

"Ok...actually kind of impressive…" Demon Sunset said stunned at the supposedly impossible display. Reflecton just rolled his would-be eyes at this as he looks at her.

"Don't just stand there like a gargoyle, creature, ATTACK!" Reflecton as he was suddenly hoisted into the air by a growling Demon Sunset.

"You do NOT give me orders, got that?!" Demon Sunset said in a dark tone, her eyes narrowed in anger as the fire on her body glowed,Reflecton nodding nervously.

"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am." he said, clearly scared.he was then dropped as Demon Sunset flew down, glaring darkly at her good counterpart.

"Hmm...I take it you are not here to surrender?" Demon Sunset said, as Sunset glared back. "Heh, guess that's something we do have in common then."

"Not a chance. It's Morphin' Time!" Sunset revealed the two halves of the morpher Vinyl gave her. "Power Rangers!" she cried raising one arm up over her head and the other pointed towards the ground. "Harmonize!" she connected the two halves with a yell "Ha!" The orange-gold streaks on Sunset's Morpher glowed, engulfing Sunset in light. Sunset began to float and spin as her body took on a dark-purple body suit, with golden light forming wristbands, boots, finger plating, and her breast plate. Opening her eyes sharply, Sunset's head was covered by a gold helmet, the sound of a horse neighing echoing. She landed on a cliff above a ocean at sunset as waves crash behind her.

On her chest was a gold variation of the female Samurai Mega-mode chestplate, over a dark-purple body suit. Her helmet was a golden horse head like the other rangers, but had a red diamond in the center of the head. Her wrists and boots had golden bracers like the Mighty Morphin' White Ranger's wristbands, with the boot having a gold sheen, and the back of her hands and fingers in golden shields, like Alpha-5's hands. Her belt was silver connected by a ruby and gold version of her cutie mark. On her left hip was a blaster and on her right was a golden dual-sided sword with a slight hook at the tip and a microphone attached to the handle, with what appeared to be buttons on the front.

Sunset raised one arm upwards like preparing for a chop, while her other went to the hilt of her sword. "Walking the path of Redemption!" she said bringing her hand down and one leg back. "Gold Harmony Ranger!" A burst of orange smoke and confetti exploded behind her and rained down around her.

Demon Sunset gave a gasp in surprise. "Well...this is an interesting turn of events." She said with a chuckle as she circled around, Sunset doing the same. "So I take it we trade blows now?"

"Oh yeah." Sunset said with narrowed eyes as the two charged towards each other. Sunset gave a roundhouse kick, which her demon counterpart dodged and retaliated with a slash from her claws, which Sunset jumped back from.

Reflecton sat down and watched with interest, as Sunset rolled back as fire blasts came down from her evil half's hands, dark energy forming over her as she roared out, sending down a large blast.

Sunset got her sword out and powered it up and gave out a short vocalization, sending out a burst of sound that countered against the energy attack, the two glaring at each other. "It seems we're even...despite the fact that I was empowered by the Element of Magic."

"So am I. But unlike you, I'm not powered by evil." Sunset said, giving a glare as the two glared each other down.

"Evil? I'm you, the true you! The you you hid away and deny, for no reason besides your own fear!" Demon Sunset yelled.

Sunset lowered her sword. "Yes I was afraid. Afraid of myself and everything I could do, everything I did." She raised her head to stare directly into Demon's eyes. "But...I guess I was suffering because of it."

"Yes, I was! I was locked away, ignored and forgotten! I was your strength!" Demon cried, tears of fire streaming down her face. "Why did you abandon me?! Just like everyone else!"

"I'm sorry." Sunset said sheathing her sword. "I did abandon you, after you helped me survive." Sunset opened her arms as if wanting a hug. "Forgive me...please."

Reflecton did a double take as he asks, "Wait, what?" as he saw the two hugging, as he says, "Wha-what jus-WHAT IS THIS!? You moronic Gargoyle, you were supposed to kill her, not hug her!" He said, fire forming in the glass.

Demon growled at that as she says, "Shut up!" She powered up an aura, dragging Reflecton down onto the ground below, making him gulp nervously as the two gave each other smirks.

"Shall we?" Sunset asked as she got her sword out as Demon Sunset nods.

"We shall." said her darker half as her hands ignited with flames. Reflecton looked on nervously at this.

"...This will hurt OH so much…" Reflecton said with fear in his voice. He powered up his shields to protect himself as Demon fired energy blasts at the mirrors, which they absorbed and redirected, but Sunset slashed through the energy with a quick swipe of her sword.

"Try this on for size." Sunset said as she ran forward, giving a few slashes his way, making Reflecton spark up from the blows before Demon Sunset swooped in and threw him into the air, before quickly flying up and slamming him down with her ponytail, making him smash into the ground.

Suddenly a dark lightning bolt formed as Reflecton grew to his giant size, roaring out. "You will pay for your insolence!" Though they did notice something off; his face was cracked. Demon Sunset looked at her other half and flew down.

"Together then." the two halves of Sunset said in unison, Demon Sunset fading to transparency and overlaying herself with Gold Ranger Sunset before vanishing, returning to Sunset.

"Release the Darkness inside!" Sunset yelled in a dual voice, her visor cracking before shattering along with her uniform, revealing her demon from beneath. She began to grow to giant size as the shards from her uniform fused with Silvermane, turning it gold. The horse then grew alongside her, transforming and separating into multiple pieces. Sunset gained a chest piece and skirt combination like a Roman centurion's armor. The horses' head shifted to reveal a curved black sword with a golden edge. "Fallen Paladin Mode!"

"Wait, you can turn into a giant!?" Reflecton asked, shocked.

Watching this, Vinyl whistled. "WOW...I didn't see that coming." Said Vinyl, chuckling at this sight.

Sunset glared at Reflecton and ran forward, giving him a roundhouse kick, making him yell out as he says, "Time for me to give you 7 years bad luck, girly!" He fired an energy blast from his shields, Sunset rolled out of the way as the explosions happened behind her.

"Ugh…" Sunset groaned, as she rubbed her shoulder. "OK, this still has some getting used to." She was then punched, sending her back a bit as Reflecton smirked, glaring at her as he got into a pose.

"OK...time for me to make this end…" Said Sunset, glaring at her as Reflecton powered his facial area mirror, as he fired it out. Sunset yelled out as she was hit, making her growl in anger. "OK...time for me to end this!" She raised her hand into the air as a golden solar aura came over her hand, ending the eclipse that Nightmare Moon brought out originally as her sword returned, the hilt having an appearance of an alicorn now as she got into a stance. She raised her sword above her head in two hands, and the sword began to glow with a golden light. The light extended up out of the Earth's atmosphere. Sunset swung it down at Reflecton, and he was obliterated.

Sunset shrunk back down, panting a bit as she pets Silvermane, who gave a smile in return as a blue smoke went over her as well. "What in the-" before she vanished from sight, making the command center lose visual.

"Hey, what the?" asked Vinyl asked, typing away in confusion. "Where the heck did Sunset go?" She frowned and says, "Dang it! Nightmare Moon's got her now!"

"Can't you find her and the others then?" Sunset's mother asked, as Vinyl sighed.

"I...think so...she's got her full power back, including that dark magic she used to repress...I think I can track that." Said Vinyl as she began to type. "Hopefully…"

In a dark room, Sunset appeared with a surprised look, showing she was in a throne room. "Where am I?"

"You ask a lot of stupid questions, thief." a voice said as Nightmare Moon walked out of the shadows, scythe in hand.

"Where are my friends, Nightmare Moon?" Sunset demanded, glaring daggers at this.

"oh...they're around. Just not in this room." said Nightmare Moon with a dark laugh. "You want them? You have to prove your mettle." She said with a dark laugh, turning into mist, leaving Sunset in the throne room, her eyes narrowing under her visor as she chased after it, sword now out.

Sunset looked through the halls of the dark castle as she passed by various rooms and chambers, running through the old building. 'where the heck did they find this castle, anyway? There's no castles in California.' she thought, a frown on her face as she looked around, trying to find any clue to where they currently are but found nothing.

She then saw a large door ahead and got her blaster out and fired, blasting the door open. In there was Nightmare Moon, who had crossed her arms.

"There were handles, you know." nightmare Moon said flatly as she chuckled darkly, Sunset glaring.

"I am TIRED of games, Nightmare Moon. where are my friends?!" Sunset demanded, glaring.

"Look up." Nightmare Moon said as Sunset did so and gasped; above her were her friends in dark orbs, appearing to be asleep. "Suspended animation is quite an interesting thing, yes?" Nightmare Moon asked as she summoned her scythe.

"Alright...you are SO going to get it." said Sunset with a glare.

"Indeed I am...what you have taken from me that is!" said Nightmare Moon as the two charged at each other.

It began, as so much does, in darkness.

Running through a forest/city. Jumping to void the fallen logs/shopping carts. Dodging to the side to just barely miss a boulder/shopper.

My/Her/Our darkness.

A bright light as the sky seems to stop/a bright light by narrowly avoiding a speeding vehicle.

Is this all I am/She is/We are?

A mirror showing potential/a puddle showing destruction.

What could have been?

A bright rainbow swirled into the sky and struck me/her down. I knew my future from then on.

A mere reflection?

*Klang!* A golden sword meets a black and silver scythe as sparks fly. Beneath their helms, the two combatants glare at each other.

No matter what, this ends here!

Power Rangers

Sunset growled as she pushed back against Nightmare Moon, who glared darkly as she kicked her away. "Heh...lets see how you deal with me." Nightmare Moon said calmly as she advanced, the Sirens laughing evilly as they appeared, their eyes glowing.

"Heh, this should be fun." Adagio said with a grin as Sonata sat down, munching on some popcorn as the two fought each other.

"Though where'd she get the gems to make that armor?" Aria asked, rubbing her chin in confusion as Sunset looked between them and the Rangers suspended above and got an idea, smirking under her helmet.

Sunset parried a slash from the scythe and jumped back to get some room between them as she got her blaster out. "Ooh, looks like someone is going to get trigger happy." Sonata said as Sunset looked around and saw a near by crane and fired at it, smashing it. The suspended Rangers came downt, the orbs shattering on impact as the Rangers gave a groan.

"Sonata, I told you to make sure that was secure!" Adagio said to Sonata, annoyed as Sonata put her hands up.

"How was I supposed to know she would get a bigger gun?!" Sonata defended, putting her hands up as the others looked at the area.

"Wait, what's-Sunset?" Rainbow asked, seeing Sunset in the Gold Ranger armor, shocked as the others looked at the new Ranger with confusion/awe.

"Yeah, it's me. You girls take on the Sirens, I got Nightmare Moon." Said Sunset as the Rangers nod, getting their morphers out.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Said Rainbow as the Rangers got into their pose. "Power Rangers, Harmonize!"

"Waves of sound, Crash down!" The Sirens called at once, going into their own pose. Flashes of light filled the air as the 8 girls were now powered up and in battle pose.

Rarity and AJ charged as Aria jumped down at the two, glaring as she got sent a kick to Rarity, who ducked around and had AJ throw a punch her way, the violet villain glaring darkly at this.

Sonata came down as Pinkie and Fluttershy got ready, Sonata giggling as she says, "Oh this should be fun." She then ran forward, sending a kick their way as Pinkie ducked around it and sent her own kick her way, Sonata blocking with a quick movement of her arm, but cringed when Fluttershy got a good hit in.

"Oh, sorry. I mean...Take that." said Fluttershy, quickly correcting herself at the last moment as she Sonata's eyes narrowed.

Adagio and Rainbow traded blows as Sunset and Nightmare Moon continued to fight in the back ground, dark and golden light clashing.

Adagio ducked around a kick from Rainbow as she says, "Heh, it is usually tradition the head of the villain's main fighters to take on the Red Ranger."

"Yeah, but I don't remember the comic relief ever helping in a fight." Dash joked as Adagio glared as she kicked her back. AJ and Rarity both kicked at once, sending Aria back a bit as she glared darkly.

Nightmare slashed with her scythe, Sunset blocking with her sword as she pushed back. A cry of 'Rock and Load' is heard as the Rangers summoned their weapons.

"take dis, ya no good harlot!" AJ as she swung her hammer, Aria jumping back as she looked at her oddly.

"'Harlot'? WOW, that is old school...and VERY rude." Aria said, giving a glare to AJ as Rarity aimed her keytar and fired at her, which she flipped away from. "Heh, you got some bad aim."

"Actually, that was a distraction shot. THIS is a real one." Rarity said as she fired a blast, hitting Aria in the chest, sending her back a bit.

Pinkie giggled as she twirled her nunchucks around and created different clouds to surround Sonata, who glared as she tried to kick one, making it stick. "What the?" She asked, trying to shake her leg off of the mass.

"Hehe, sorry Sonata. I made sure to get the sticky clouds." said Pinkie with a giggle as Sonata still tried to shake it off. "WHICH makes a good distraction for that."

Sonata looked behind her to get hit by a pirouette, making her yell out as she got sent back from Fluttershy's rapid attack.

Adagio grunts as she pushed back from an attack from Rainbow's axe, who glared as she jumps back. "Lets try this!" Rainbow strums her guitar a bit and gave a ripcord, creating an electrical shock wave, hitting Adagio and sending her back to her sisters.

"Hmm...seems the girls are tougher than before...must be a second wind thing." Adagio said with a scowl as she gave the other two a nod. The three then began to vocalize, making the five yell out as their suits were getting affected again.

"Girls!" said Sunset in shock as she went to help, but got blasted for her troubles, making her get sent back as Nightmare Moon tsked a bit.

"Don't be so easy to be distracted, little thief." Nightmare Moon warned as she got her scythe out.

Rainbow groaned as she says, "Girls...safety mode...now…" The rangers reached their morphers and activated them again, all of them panting as they nod to each other and got their weapons ready.

"All at once!" said Rainbow as the five fired out five elemental blasts: RD fired lightning, AJ fired a barrage of stones, Rarity a blast of water, Pinkie a burst of wind and Fluttershy a barrage of pedals, making the Sirens yell out as they were hit.

the three were sent back, but were still in one piece a they glared, their eyes glowing a bit as Adagio says, "We're a lot tougher than your average everyday monster, girls." the two nods as they went to power up, but groaned a bit.

"Heh, you may be tougher, but those are still a lot of attacks to take at once." Rainbow pointed out as they glared, hearing the clashing as the others turned to see Sunset sending a vocal blast at Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare glared at this as she slashed forward, a blast of darkness nearly hitting her target as Sunset ran towards her. "Time to end this, you little thief."

"Not just yet." Sunset said as she got her sword into a ready position. Sunset's sword began to glow and she swung in an under-curve, after images following along. The blade hit Nightmare's scythe and knocked it back, forcing Nightmare to fall backwards. Nightmare's head was covered by her cape of feathers, her helmet having been knocked off to the side. The other Rangers joined Sunset's side as Nightmare grabbed her helmet, raising herself up. Turning fully to the Rangers, Nightmare revealed her face. It was Sunset Shimmer's, aged nearly twenty years, her hair a dark indigo where the yellow was on Sunset..

"What? You're...me? This world's Sunset Shimmer?" Sunset asked, stepping back in shock as the other Rangers were flabbergasted, while the Sirens were confused, looking at each other with expressions of shock..

"I was, once." Nightmare said. "Until you stole it from me." With a wave of her fingers, the shadows formed a screen displaying Nightmare's memories. "I ran away, to avoid the so-called family I had, always holding me back and coddling me. When I was at my lowest, I heard about 'Sunset Shimmer: Star of Canterlot High.' I tracked you down on the night of the Fall Formal, and saw the power you gained then lost." Nightmare's eyes narrowed in absolute disgust. "You took what should have been mine!" She raised her arms up to encompass the image of Demon Sunset displayed. "My name! My life! My power!"

"That power nearly destroyed the world. I wasn't worthy of it!" Sunset said, trying to reason with her but a death glare from her counterpart caught her her off guard, the near-by torches growing in height from her rage.

"Worthy by such weak standards as 'Friendship.' But true power is what you had, the power to rule!" Nightmare scowled at the Rangers, placing her hand over her eye-like brooch. "The Nightmare Forces came to me. After two defeats to the Elements, they wanted revenge. And I wanted power." Holding her helmet up, she altered it to become more like a crown combined with a mask, metal sides protecting the cheek area and a nose cover. "But now I see that Sunset Shimmer is weak. Friends? Light? Useless in the face of true power!" She put the helm on, her hair becoming a dark starfield. "Now and forever, I am Nightmare Moon! And you will never defeat me." She said raising a finger to the Rangers, a bolt of darkness forming on it. Before the bolt could strike, the Rangers were teleported away in a flash of purple light. "What!? NOOOOOOOOOO!!" Nightmare Moon screamed in rage as her vengeance was denied to her.

The Rangers were deposited inside the command center, groggily getting back to their feet because of the teleport. Taking off their helmets they took in their surroundings. "Uh..Am I seeing double?" Rainbow Dash asked. Before the Rangers by the computers were two Twilight Sparkles. One seeming to be recovering from an existential crisis, the other calmly holding her hands by her front, a distinctive five pronged crown on her head. "Princess Twilight!" The Rangers said coming to hug her.

"Hello everypo- I mean everyone." Princess Twilight lowered her head in sadness. "I'm sorry you've had to deal with my mistakes."

Sunset placed her helmet under one arm and a hand on the Princess's shoulder. "Don't be. You had no way of knowing what would happen." Princess Twilight nodded at this.

"I can't stay too long,there are things I must take care of in Equestria, but for now…" Princess Twilight raised her hand, taking on a purple glow. In a flash, the statue from outside of Canterlot High was inside the command center. "I've replaced it with a replica and locked the portal to this one. It's not a permanent connection, you can't open it from this side, but you can call me or my friends to open it for you." As she stepped to the statue and placed one hand in, she stopped and turned to Sunset. "Tell them exactly what the stakes are Sunset, they deserve to know the truth." And with that the pony princess went back to her world.

"What is she talking about?" Applejack asked.

Sunset and Vinyl looked nervous before sighing together. "It all started, as so much does, with a tree…"
Episode 17: True Talk
True Talk by: Shadow-DJ

At a studio, a familiar man was sitting at a desk as he adjusted in his seat and waved to the camera. "Hello everyone, It is I, Blunt Facts. Back again with True Talk. I know I said I wouldn't do this show again, but as a changed man, I am hoping for a second chance."

The audience cheered as Blunt put his hands up, chuckling a bit. "Now, don't think I am not gonna go easy on people, because I'm not. But I want to make sure I keep the 'True' in 'True Talk' alive. So from here on, I'm gonna make sure when I ask the questions, the answers will be 100% authentic." Blunt continued as the audience all laughed, as he chuckled as well.

"But who will be my first guest, you may ask? Well, as a way to make it up to them, I have my first real guests in a long time arriving soon." Blunt said, a small smile on his face. "They are the heroes of Canterlot, and the ones who are keeping Nightmare Moon at bay-I speak from first hand experience with this-it's the Power Rangers."

The Audience cheered at this, as the Rangers had arrived in the jeep, in full uniform. "You sure about this guys?" Vinyl asked, looking at them as she and Twilight came out with passes of their own

"We need to make people know about who our new Gold Ranger is, and we may as well do it now." RD said with a shrug.

"Besides, we owe it to Mr. Facts. He has changed quite a bit and has gone into actual work on a newspaper a well, so he' at least getting better with his interviewing skills." Rarity said with a nod.

"And this should help at least answer some questions." said Vinyl, getting out a flash drive. "I had to make sure to record all of your shows so that way people get to see both sides. AND I also had some collection of videos from your usual days at school. I asked some of my camera pals to help out. You never even noticed."

"Nothing too embarrisin', right?" AJ asked as Vinyl took a hand wave.

"Please. I told them to only do it at school, so no one was at your house." Vinyl hand waved as Fluttershy gulped a bit.

"Come on, Shy. It's gonna be OK." RD reassured her as Sunset came off last as she nods to the others as she smirked.

"Ready?" She asked as the others nod and walked ahead, going inside.

Power Rangers

The Audience waited and saw bright lights fill the hallway, everyone turning to see as the doors opened up, RD leading the five known Rangers ahead to the stage, all of them waving to the audience as they cheered. Fluttershy was really happy for the mask, as it helped her be a bit calmer.

"Hello Rangers, I see you are all in good health." Blunt said as Rarity nods, giving him a smile from under her helmet.

"Thanks Mr. Facts, and it's good to see you are doing well." Rarity said with a nod as Rainbow counted up the seats.

"Hmm...I think you're a little low on seats, Blunt." Rainbow said, as the audience looked confused by this.

"What do you mean?" Blunt asked, looking at the five seats. "I was expecting five guests."

"Sorry dear, we forgot to tell you; we have a new member in the group." Rarity said as she removed her helmet, as did the other rangers.

"A new ranger?" An audience member asked, showing confusion.

"Think that was who had that new robot take that mirror thing?" another asked, as the others murmured, as Sunset took a breath from under her helmet as she kept herself ready.

"Eyep, dat's the one." AJ said with a smirk as Pinkie giggled.

"Everyone give a big welcome to...the Gold Ranger!" Pinkie said with excitement as the Gold Ranger opened the door, everyone looking at her with surprise as she walked down the aisle as Blunt motioned some staff members to get an extra seat for her.

"And you are, ma'am?" Blunt asked, looking at her curiously as Sunset chuckled.

"I am hoping you all don't mind, but...you may be in for a surprise." Sunset said as she unclasped the sides of her helmet and opened it up, revealing her true face, making everyone in the audience look in surprise.

"So you became a ranger yourself?" Blunt asked, surprised. Sunset gave a nod at this as they all sat down.

"I had to. Nightmare Moon has gotten bolder in her actions, so Vinyl Scratch, our main tech expert on the team, helped design these new morphers. They're made to go with the magic I use when singing." Sunset explained as Blunt gave a nod.

"So you went from the organizer of the team and their second lead singer of the Rainbooms to being a Power Ranger, eh? Well, that is a surprise." Blunt said with a chuckle. "Speaking of your band, how is it being on a band and being heroes?"

"Heh, show the clips, OK?" Rainbow said as they motioned to the TV set, as images of the Battle of the Bands played.

"It was rather hard starting out. Even before the Ranger business started; you see, Rainbow originally started this band so we could be part of a musical showcase at the school. It was meant for charity, you see." RArity explained.

"But den those nutcases, the Dazzlings showed up and caused a whole lot of ruckus." AJ said as it showed clips of the Dazzlings from the final round of the Battle of the Bands, taking on the Rainbooms before they got blasted.

"Of course, we took them out." Rainbow said with a smirk. "Since then, we've been doing shows in Canterlot as a sort of local band. We had Vinyl start making custom CDs of the songs Shy and I wrote."

"So you and Fluttershy are the main songwriters of the group? What do the rest of you do?" Blunt asked, as clips of set ups are shown.

"Vinyl is our sound girl, she's basically in charge of making sure our equipment is working." AJ said, as the clip showed Vinyl smirking as she tested out a amp system, giving a smirk at the camera.

"I am the one who usually designs the outfits for any of our concerts." Rarity explained, as it showed her showing some new designs to the others, as Pinkie smirked as she came in with treats.

"I usually make treats for everyone so when we're not jamming, we're just hanging out." Pinkie said. "Though Applejack also gets snacks for us as well." It then shows AJ hauling in some equipment with her big brother, Big Macintosh.

"Mah brother and I are usually the ones helping move the equipment. It's hard work, but the two of us are the more physically stronger, plus my bro likes to help out." AJ said, as the two on the video gave nods.

"And then there's Sunset; aside from being our second main singer, she was usually the one getting concerts set up early on. After Dr. Twilight joined though, both of them are the main organizers of the events we take part of." Fluttershy further explained as it showed a clip of Sunset and Twilight looking over a schedule, Twilight ruffling Spike's head as she looked over some notes.

"Though even then, we still had school." Rainbow said, as it then showed Canterlot high.

"Oh? And what activities do you do there?" Blunt asked, looking at the screen as it showed Sunset with a notebook.

"After the school and I got over my...past mistakes, heh, I started helping out other clubs get more in tune. You know, making sure everyone in the clubs are getting what they need and what not." Sunset explained as it showed her helping out the chess team with some work tables for a new Chess Tournament happening.

"Twilight, after enrolling, helps out as an assistant to some of the science teachers, as she had already graduated sometime ago. She still goes to normal classes, but she tends to help out more." Rarity explained as it showed Twilight carefully dropping a drop into a beaker. The liquid changed color, causing her to smirk as she motions Pinkie to do the same...who then adds too many drops, making the two go wide eyed until-


Pinkie gave a sheepish smile as she and Twilight's faces were covered with ash from the explosion, Twilight moving her glasses down to give her a flat glare. "...Yeah, I'm still getting used to that." Pinkie said sheepishly. "But when not in class, I sometimes help out Granny Smith in the cafeteria." It then shows Pinkie doing just that, serving out different lunches to various students.

"I am involved with the theatre department when not helping with saving the world or working at the boutique or the band." Rarity explained, as it showed her drawing up designs for a new play in production, as the manager of the play gave a smile and nods at the designs.

"Um...I help out with getting word out for different events." Fluttershy said as it showed images of her going around handing out pamphlets, showing awareness for that exact play.

"While AJ and I are two of the top athletes at the school. I'm part of the soccer team, while she's more involved with Track." Rainbow said, as it showed images of the two in action, showing them race each other during gym and trying out do the other.

"Though I can say from experience, we've seen the two butt heads over who can do the most. Which had lead to an incident once or twice. Like...say, remember when you two decided to see who could take on the most Terrorvons?" Sunset asked, giving her friends a smirk as they cringed a bit at that.

"I take it this was early on?" Blunt asked as Sunset nods as she cues it, as Vinyl put the clip in from their own hard drive, allowing more images to be seen. It showed a time before Sunset was the Gold Ranger and the group was taking on a group of Terrorvons. By their fighting styles, it was clear this was early on.

"Hey Cowgirl, think you can take these guys?" Rainbow asked as AJ chuckled on the screen.

"Ya Kiddin'? I can take these clowns with one hand tied behind my back." AJ said as Rainbow crossed her arms.

"Oh really? Well, lets see you put that money where your mouth is." Rainbow said as the two gave the other a competitive glare as they both yelled, 'Rock and Load!' as they summoned their weapons and charged at a group, the other rangers jumping back to avoid the carnage.

"...We had to help clean up a lot of our mess." RD said sheepishly as it was then showing said two rangers trying to see who could clean up faster, as she gave an embarrassed chuckle.

"I see that, even though your friends, you can butt heads still. How does that affect the team as a whole?" Blunt asked as AJ chuckled.

"Oh yeah. My ego once got my sister hurt pretty bad, and I couldn't forgive myself for what I did. So that kind lead me to doin' a pretty brash thing when goin' against Hippounder. 'Course, it wasn't as bad like when Rarity and I were arguin' when that weird Sand-tree showed up. What was he called again?"

"Mesmerio, dear." Rarity said, as it showed the two delivering the finishing blow after reconciling. "Of course, like any good friends, we have to find a way to forgive each other."

"And there are times when you have to show others some kindness every once in awhile, like I did with Monarch." Fluttershy said, as it showed some security footage from the shop that showed Fluttershy and Monarch's first meeting, picking out dresses for Rainbow Dash and even having her try out some.

"Ugh...yeah, I remember that…" said Rainbow with a cringe. "And yeah, I am with Fluttershy on that. You do have to show some good sides, even to those you had hurt." It then showed a clip, likely from Vinyl, of Rainbow visiting Gilda at the hospital, who was still presently in the coma.

"And even now, this job has shown us different side of many different people, like our new science teacher, Professor Zecora." Sunset said as it showed images of Sunset and Twilight in her class as Zecora showed them a new chemical reaction by dropping a small gummi bear into a beaker of chemical with the lights turned off, causing various lights to come out.

"Yeah, some people thought she looked creepy, but she's one of the nicest people at the school. Heck, the younger students like her a lot." Pinkie said with a laugh as it showed Zecora helping Apple Bloom out with a science project in the freshman's science classes.

"Yeah, she was an especially big help against Doctor Whodoo. if it wasn't for her, that bonehead would have kept an entire army for Nightmare Moon." Rarity said as it showed the Rangers taking on Whodoo's forces, via again from Vinyl, and firing the bottles they got from her, which awaken the brainwashed victims.

"Though it seems you girls have been through a lot with all of this in mind. What are some of the odder battles you had to deal with?" Blunt asked, as he adds, "for each of you, I mean."

"I hadn't been in many of their battles yet, but I do remember one I found rather odd." Sunset said as she motions to the screen as it showed something rather odd; it appeared to be a blue and white humanoid goat with what looked like a football uniform with a large roman 'X' on his front and back with Nightmare Moon's face on his shoulders. "If I remember right, that was Bam Ram."

In the screen, the monster brayed loudly as he says, "Alright rangers, it's time for me to go for a touchdown."

"A talking goat who's into football...OK." TV!Rainbow said with a shrug as Bam Ram snorted a bit before charging, his curled horns at the ready as he charged at them, dodging any blasts as he barreled through them, the Rangers yelling out as they were sent flying by it.

"OK goat-boy, lets see you take me on." TV!AJ said as she got back up as she got ready, Bam Ram braying as he charged right at her, as she smirked and got her hammer ready and swung it, slamming it right into his helmet, shattering it and making him bray out in pain. The clip ended at that, the audience laughing at the way they were able to stop it.

"Yeah, all it took was one good hit on da noggin' to stop that rampagin' goat. Though that has nothing ovah Cathulu." The other Rangers cringed at that.

"PLEASE Don't bring that up…" Rainbow said, as AJ just chuckled at that reaction, knowing she'd get that.

"What's a Cathulu?" Blunt asked as the rangers gave a chorus of 'Don't ask', which lead to the audience to laugh at their reaction.

"I know one weird one. You see, a couple months back, Nightmare Moon decided to bring out this weird monster, Snip Shrimp." Pinkie said as the video file showed the Rangers going up against what looked like a giant humanoid Lobster-like creature with large, scizor-like claws.

"How about a little off of the top, eh?" Snip Shrimp asked the Rangers as he snapped at them with his claws, TV!Rarity ducking around the claws, as Pinkie giggled.

"I got this girls." TV!Pinkie said, summoning some clouds that came in his reach as he snapped at them but the clouds started to multiply, causing it to get confused as he snapped at them, making hundreds of clouds.

"Nice, now lets give him a little spark." Rainbow said as she nods to Rarity, who nods back as the fired two elemental attacks at once; one electric, the other water as it hit it right on, sparking it up before it explodes. "Steamed Shrimp, anyone?" TV!Rainbow asked the others.

"Yeah, that wasn't one of her smarter monsters." AJ said with a chuckle, the others laughing along. "Though aside from...you-know-what, I'd have to say the weirdest monster would have to be…" The screen changed to show the five original Rangers playing volleyball with a giant pufferfish. "...yeah, that."

"Though I do remember a rather scary fight…" Fluttershy said as the screen showed Fluttershy and Pinkie being chased by what looked like a humanoid snake dancing, as she shudders. "Mamba Conda may have had a funny name, but he wasn't all that nice…"

Fact nods at this as he says, "And of course, you girls have been through a lot these past few months. You have anything to say to the people at home, especially to people who may look up to you in some way?"

The Rangers looked at each other as AJ said, "I may as well go first. This job ain't easy. Never is and likely never will be. We're up against some dangerous folks and we know that. Heck, the military once tried to talk us out of it, but we were able to make some convincing. As I always do, we gotta be honest about things, we can't always sugar coat things."

Fluttershy nods as she says, "I would also like to point out that, even though it's really tough, you have to have the time to be a good person. We can't forget who we are, especially with all these scary things out there."

Rarity turned towards the audience so her entire face could be seen by the camera. "Always be willing to give of yourself. It's easy to be a hero with super powers, but those who give up from themselves are the real heroes, right Mister Fact?" She winked and Blunt ducked his head in embarrassment, but was smiling.

"Keep laughing! When friends laugh with each other, they always feel better!" Pinkie said jumping up from behind the couch. The camera crew was certain was she was in front of it.

Rainbow crossed her arms and closed her eyes, a giant smirk on her face. "Never give up on your friends and always be there for them. Friends are the family we choose, we can't lose them."

Sunset exhaled a deep breath before looking right into the camera. "Forgive. Redemption is what keeps us together, even when we hurt each other."

From off stage, Sunset saw Vinyl giving a thumbs up and miming a guitar. She nodded and motioned for the other Rangers to stand up. Rainbow gave Fact a nod as they headed off as Fact gave a smile to the audience.

"And now ladies and gentleman, the Rangers are going to perform the first song of their new album Heroics. As far as I understand it's meant to be what they would have as a theme song if this were television. Ladies and Gentleman: The Rainbooms!" Fact said waving towards the band now on a stage separate from the main one.

All: Aaaah aaaah aaaah aaaah

Sunset: Hear a call in the night,

Crying for the light,

As the dark_ness clos~ses in~!

RD: In Harmony we rise,

Reaching for the skies,

Never giving up on_each_ot~her!

All: Aaaaah

Go_Go_Power Rangers!

Fight for the light that_ binds us tog~ether!

Go_Go_Power Rangers!

A rainbow of hope, shin~ing for~ever!

All: Aaaaah

Fluttershy: When you feel full of strife,

And nothings right with life,

Remem_ber _the truth with~in!

Rarity: If in troubled time,

The world has lost its rhyme,

The rea_son is_ still here~!

All: Aaaaah

The Rangers began to glow as their pony attributes appeared. Rainbow and Fluttershy floated up into the air and began to perform an aerial dance.

Go_Go_Power Rangers!

Fight for the light that_ binds us tog~ether!

Go_Go_Power Rangers!

A rainbow of hope, shin~ing for~ever!

All: Aaaaah

AJ: Don't ever you lose sight,

Of what is in the light,

Friends_ and_ Family~

Pinkie: Will never let you go,

Though the ebb and through the flow,

We_ are_ here beside you~!

All: Aaaaah

Go_Go_Power Rangers!

Fight for the light that_ binds us tog~ether!

Go_Go_Power Rangers!

A rainbow of hope, shin~ing for~ever!

Go_Go_Power Rangers!

Fight for the light that_ binds us tog~ether!

Go_Go_Power Rangers!

A rainbow of hope, shin~ing for~ever!


Rainbow and Fluttershy landed after the song ended. "The Rainbooms Everybody!" Blunt Fact said. The show ended not long after, The Rangers gave out autographs and took photos then went home to relax for the rest of the day, glad no monster had attacked.

Later that week...Sunset had her head in her hands as the online video played. Vinyl however was smiling like a loon. "You know you haven't fought much, but they got your good side. And hey, we have a theme song now, we're the big time!" Sunset looked through her fingers then groaned, letting her head hit the table, the other Rangers laughing.
Episode 18: Hexagon
Hexagon: by Xero Key

Canterlot High School

Sunset Shimmer was walking down the halls of her school, hoping for a relaxed day where her friends are not out risking her lives. As she came upon her locker, she ran into a familiar blue face. "Oh, Trixie. How are you? We haven't talked since the whole Kamen Rider incident."

"Trixie is fine, as you can see." She fumbled with her collar a little bit, rubbing her thumb and forefinger over a silver pin. Sunset's sharp eyes caught the motion. The pin was a silver hexagon, with six distinct lines separated by small gaps surrounding a lowercase letter 'eye' and a number three.

"Did you join a club?" Sunset asked.

Trixie blinked then dropped her hand into her hoodie pocket. "Um, yes." She then smiled. "Actually, my…club president has an interest in you and the Rangers, actually."

Sunset's eyes narrowed. "Really?"

"Indeed…" The school bell rang signaling the end of the day. "However, we still need to get things ready, so the invitation won't be for a while. Ciao." And with that Trixie left the school, leaving Sunset suspicious of what Trixie may be planning.

Power Rangers

In the Ruined Castle, Adagio and Aria came across Sonata playing with action figures. "Really Sonata?"

"What? They look so cool?"

"Ugh, you are the worst."

"Is there a problem?" A seductive voice called from the shadows. The Sirens jumped, the toys scattering, as Nightmare Moon entered the room.

"No ma'am. Just…" Adagio leaned down and picked the figurines up. "…Cleaning up some trash." She said glaring at Sonata, who was clawing at the toys in Adagio's arms. Nightmare raised a brow and with a wave of her hand, the figurines levitated in front of her.

"These toys…they seem interesting. Where did you get them Sonata?"

"Oh so I was taking a shopping trip in disguise, cause I really didn't want to deal with Rangers, then I ended up at this nerd shop and saw these mix-match toys in the window, they looked cool soItookthemand…"

"Sonata!" The Siren stopped rambling. "I have an idea." She telekinetically moved the figurines into the scrying pool. "Warriors from beyond this space, rise and fight in your Empress' place!" A burst of smoke enveloped the room, forcing the Sirens to cover their eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha ha." Five male voices laughed from the smoke, as terrifying silhouettes appeared in the clearing smoke.

Canterlot City: New District

Sunset Shimmer is cartoonishly stalking Trixie as she goes around the San Fransokyo inspired area of the city, built before the Ranger's made their appearance.

"Personal Log: Trixie seems to just be wandering with no clear goal in mind." Sunset looks through binoculars as Trixie sits on a bench. A few minutes later a man in a dark suit and sunglasses with blonde sat down next to her. Sunset's eyebrow raised. The two did nothing for a few minutes and the man eventually made an action like he noticed someone, waving and standing up as he walked off. Trixie got up not long after, sliding a newspaper the man left behind into her pocket. "Playing secret agent Trixie?"

Sunset's phone then rang with the Ranger communications tone. "Shimmer."

"Get to the desert outside of town. We got trouble."

"On my way." Sunset said with a nod as she looked to where Trixie was before heading out, her morpher at the ready.

In the Desert, the Rangers were in full costume against a new monster, who smacked Rarity and Fluttershy aside, making the two yell out as they were sent flying back.

The monster laughed heartily as it walked up, dusting off sands from his furry hide. "Did you really think you could stop me, you little girls?" He asked, pawed hands clapping off dust as RD glared.

"And who the heck are you supposed to be?" Rainbow asked as the creature cracked...it's three necks at once as it looked like a three-headed biped that had three dog-like heads; the one on the right appearing to be more wolf-like, the one on the left appearing to be akin to a Jackal and the one in the middle appearing to be like a Coyote. The beast's fur was dark brown and bristled, wearing what looked like Obsidian-black rock armor over hi fur.

"I'm Charberus! And with my three powerful jaws, you can't beat me!" He howled as AJ got up with a groan.

"Please, Winona is a toughah dog than you are, and she's only up ta my knee." AJ said as she ran forward, slamming her sledge hammer but he caught it with his paw and snapped at her with his wolf-like head, making her go back a bit before he bit her head off.

"Man, where's Sunset at?" Pinkie asked with a pout under her helmet, as Rarity got up and helped Fluttershy back up.

"It is a long drive...maybe we can try to reason with him?" Fluttershy asked as Rarity went wide eyed.

"Big rock!" Rarity yelled out as the group jumped away from the clearly-tossed boulder heading their way as the tri-headed hound howled.

"How rude!" Fluttershy said in a rare show of rage, irritated by that act as Rarity aimed her Keytar cannon and fired barrages at the wolf as he rolled out of the way and ran forward on all fours.

"Right where I want you, fido!" Rainbow said as she ran forward and sent a kick at the middle head, making it roar out at that as he got sent back, growling as he ran at the red ranger, but got blasted by Rarity again as Fluttershy snuck up behind him as they did this.

"Hey barky!" said Pinkie as she and AJ jumped forward and jumped kicked him over a crouching Fluttershy, making him trip over her.

"Sit!" AJ said as Charberus growled, getting back up with a snarl as the sound of an engine caught his three set of ears as he looked to the left to see another Rainboom Rider coming in, this one dark orange with yellow and red accents, the familiar sight of the gold ranger riding in as Sunset glared under her new visor before getting off.

"You girls called?" Sunset asked, glaring at Charberus. "Looks like someone is in need of some obedience training."

Charberus growled as he says, "You think you can defeat me, Gold wench?" He snarled, glaring darkly at this.

"Yep, you definitely work for Nightmare Moon…" Sunset muttered with a sigh as she got her sword out and got it ready. "OK girls, lets show this mutt what teamwork can do." The other five rangers nod at this.

"Lets try the new formation! The Delta Stream!" Rainbow said as Sunset nods in agreement. Fluttershy spun her tambourine a bit and sent out a barrage of flowers that spun like dics as Sunset slashed forward as Pinkie used her own magic to create a gust of wind to increase the flame, making the two hits make contact, making it howl out.

The other three nod as AJ slammed down while Rarity played a tune and fired down water at the newly formed ditch as RD slammed her guitar-axe down Rockstar-style, releasing a blast of electricity that electrocuted Charberus, making him howl out in shock as he howled out in pain from the electrocution. However, as the smoke cleared, Charberus seemed unharmed.


Charberus began to laugh, his voice being joined by others as pools of darkness rose from the ground. As the darkness faded, the Rangers were facing five enemies instead of one: Charberus, a skeletal minotaur, a tengu in monk robes, a humanoid scorpion, and a knight in Sauron-like armor bearing the crest of a unicorn. The knight flung his hand forward a bolt of energy knocked the Rangers back.

"I am Unikahn, leader of the Empress' Knightmares. You have been a thorn in her side for far too long Power Rangers." The knight said closing his fist before his face.

"...Unikahn?" Rainbow asked, clearly trying not to laugh at the name. Sunset gave her a look that basically said 'now's not the time' as she got ready

"KaraTengu-San, Scorpidark...Eliminate them." Unikahn's voice cold and empty, but carrying unmatched charisma.

Scorpidark nods as he fired out an acidic blast from his pincers as KaraTengu-san got some feathers out and threw them like throwing knives at them. The two combined attacks headed for them as the rangers went to dodge, but the feathers exploded upon contact with the acid, making the Rangers yell out as they got sent flying backwards.

Charberus growled before all three heads powered up before firing out fiery blasts of energy towards them, Rarity quickly using her water blasts to counter against it but the flames vaporized the water upon contact, making the rangers yell out as they got sent back.

"Okay, now I'm mad!" Dash said, summoning her axe. With a fierce yell she charged at the unicorn-styled knight.

"Foolish." Unikhan said in annoyance, getting his mace ready as Dash got up and ran forward, but the minotaur caught the axe mid-swing before shoving her away. Unikahn raised his hand. "No Doomitaur, the Red Ranger is mine." Resting his weapon upon his shoulder, he calmly stalked forward, deflecting any stray shots near him behind,causing minor explosions. "Do keep this interesting, won't you?"

Rainbow glared at him as she ran forward, slashing at him as he caught each slash with his mace, blocking all of the hits with his mace, as she glared at him. "Ugh…" Rainbow said as Unikahn frowned.

"Is that it? how disappointing." He said plainly as he concentrated, his mace glowing with electricity before slamming down, making a shockwave hit the rangers, making them all yell out as they got sent backwards from the force of the shock.

Doomitaur growled as he snorted a bit, ready to charge as Unikahn put his hand up. "Come on, I want to smash them too." the bull-like beast said with a growl.

"Fine." Unikahn dismissed his mace and turned his back to the Rangers, crossing his arms. "They were unworthy of my efforts. Do as you wish." he said walking away.

Rainbow growled at this as she says, "Hey, get back here...I'm not done…"

"But I am. Bury them." Unikahn said calmly back to her as the other monsters growled and stalked forward.

"Unikaaaaaahn!" said Rainbow in anger. "Unikaaaaaaahn!" she yelled to his retreating back as the other four monsters powered up their attacks; Charberus's flames, Scorpidark's liquid-based claws leaking as they were powering up, KasuTengu-San getting some feathers out and Doomitaur's horns glowed, an energy sphere forming as they empowered their next attack.

Suddenly energy hit the four, making them yell out in shock from the sudden attack. "What in the-" KasuTengu-san asked, clearly confused

"Raida Kick!" A mechanical voice called, followed by a feminine scream of rage from above. A ball of roaring blue flames crashed into the four, causing a miniature nuclear explosion. As the flames died away, Kamen Rider: Great Illusionist was standing before them with her arms crossed, an operatic mask added to her helm, and yellow eyes shining beneath.

"What the…?"Sunset asked, shocked to see the new arrival.

"Trixie? What's she doing here?" Pinkie asked, clearly confused.

"Is there any reason to complain now?" Rarity asked as they got up, groaning a bit.

"We need to move, we can't fight them now." Trixie said sternly. the Rangers were ready to protest when Trixie raised her hand above her head. "Clearing Rounds: Fire!" She cried bring her hand down. From all around, soldiers in armor appeared firing lasers at the Knightmares. When the dust cleared, Trixie and the Rangers were gone, along with the soldiers.

Unikhan growled at this, "What was that?" The other just shrug, clearly confused as he was as they looked to where the Rangers used to be.

In a tunnel beneath the city, Rainbow took off her helmet as she asks, "What the heck, Trixie?! We had them!" Upset at having been removed from battle.

"Yes, you clearly had them when you were all on the ground at the mercy of FOUR monsters." Trixie said, sarcasm clear in her tone. "Or when that knight was knocking you around with ease."

"'ey, we didn't get killed did we?" Applejack asks indignantly.

"True, thanks to our efforts." A cultured voice echoed through the tunnel from speakers. A wall in the tunnel opened up, revealing a computer center far more advanced than their own. A man with pale skin and blue hair wearing a monocle and twirling an umbrella walked out. "I am Fancy Pants, director of this facility. And I believe a thank you is in order."

"Oh, and why is that?" Sunset asked, like the others having removed her helmet.

Fancy Pants chuckled, leading them inside the facility, the wall closing behind them. "Tell me Rangers, what do you know of Aliens?" He asked.

"They aren't real?" Fluttershy said hesitantly.

Fancy raised an eyebrow and pointed his umbrella at Sunset. "Then what is she?" The Rangers began to move defensively, right until Fancy lowered the umbrella. "Now now, I don't mean harm. I suppose that even an internet generation can be out of the loop." Fancy strolled over to a computer and inputted commands, causing an a video of the United Nations to appear on screen. "The United Nations instituted First Contact Protocols in the event intelligent life was discovered. However...not all life on Earth is friendly, so we cannot assume it would be different beyond."

A new image, the logo the Rangers had noticed around the facility, was now displayed on the screen: a lowercase letter 'eye' with a small number three floating above it. "So, a group of wealthy and concerned citizens formed the International Incursion Initiative; a paramilitary organization dedicated to the defense of Earth from all threats Extra-Terrestrial, Dimensional, and Astral. With full backing of the UN Security Council of course." Fancy chuckled out. "When you Rangers appeared, it was decided a new division was needed. One to develop and train Power Rangers for the future." The Screen changed again, the I3 symbol becoming surrounded by six colored bars: Red, Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, and Orange. "This is Hexagon!"

The Rangers were shocked, hearing about an organization dedicated to making Power Rangers in case they fell, was actually heartwarming. "Wait...that symbol. Trixie was wearing it on a pin." Sunset said.

"Well I did make a morpher. Not long after, The Director offered me a position." Trixie said, having demorphed. "I may not be a team player...but we are on the same side."

"Indeed." Fancy spoke up. "However...we are not ready to aid you fully yet." He raised his hand to silence the Ranger's oncoming questions. "Though obviously advanced, Hexagon does not have all of the resources it needs to become an active player in the World Defense game. For now we shall be your secret allies, granting you clearance to any and all technologies we develop. Agreed?" He said holding out his hand to shake.

Sunset looked at the other Rangers. Dash was smiling arrogantly, Fluttershy contemplative, Rarity was smirking, Applejack gave a thumbs up, and Pinkie was nodding her head in a blur. Sunset turned back to Fancy Pants "Deal." She said putting her hand in his.

In Nightmare's throne room, the generals except for Unikahn were lounging around. Charberus specifically was pacing impatiently. "Why do we have to wait? We should just draw the Rangers out and destroy them!"

Unikhan, who had been staring out one of the windows into the blackened void, didn't even turn to respond. "The Empress gave her orders and we shall not disobey them."

Charberus bristled at the rebuke before stomping out of the room. "Well I think some initiative is what we need! Once I destroy the Rangers, I'll be the Right Hand!"

KaraTengu-san stood to stop him, but was held back by Doomitaur, who pointed towards the still brooding Unikahn. "Let him die." Unikahn said callously. "Her Dark Majesty has no room for disobedience."

Back at Hexagon HQ, Fancy Pants was showing the Rangers the first device developed by the organization. "This is the Fusion Executor. It's still in the preliminary phases, but we believe that it will allow Ms. Shimmer's monster form to combine with the Harmony Megazord." Before he could explain further, emergency klaxons sounded throughout the base. "What's going on?" He asked into a radio.

"Sir, the enemy classified: Charberus has resurfaced in downtown Canterlot."

"I see...Rangers we need to prepare you...where'd they go?" As soon as the sirens had sounded, the Rangers raced out of the facility, and called Vinyl for their jeep and raced off into the city at high speeds.

In the city, Charberus was causing random destruction. "Come out Rangers! I'm getting bored! You wouldn't like my imagination when I'm bored! Ha ha ha ha ha!" The monster kept laughing right until he was hit by blaster bolts from behind. Turning he saw the Rangers leaping out of the jeep as it barreled into him at full speed. "Seriously!? You ran me over!?"

"There's a lot more where that came from. Ready girls?" Sunset said.


"Power Rangers, Harmonize!"

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between her fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

The orange-gold streaks on Sunset's Morpher glowed, engulfing Sunset in fiery light. Sunset began to float and spin as her body took on a dark-purple body suit, with golden light forming wristbands, boots, finger plating, and her breast plate. Opening her eyes sharply, Sunset's head was covered by a gold helmet, the sound of a horse neighing echoing. She landed on a cliff above a ocean at sunset as waves crash behind her.

The Rangers leapt into battle with battle cries and began to fight Charberus, who was smacking them around fairly easily. "Alright, Phoenix Draw!" Sunset said quickly drawing her sword in a slash at point black range of Charberus, the image of a blazing phoenix appearing behind her, a contrail of fire trailing her blade.

Dash got her axe ready for a follow up with a guitar riff that engulfed the weapon in red lightning. "Roc Slasher!" A giant bird made of storm clouds formed as the axe crashed into Charberus.

A bass tone intoned behind Charberus and a green light shined. "Stampede Quake!" Applejack cried, slamming her hammer to the ground. An illusion of hundreds of bison shook the ground and sent Charberus flying.

"Serpent Striker!" Rarity called firing her keytar's rifle, a snake made of water coming out of the tip colliding with the monster.

Pinkie spun her nunchaku until they somehow formed a bow. "Uenuku's Calling!" She cried, pulling an invisible string to fire a pink energy arrow, which exploded into clouds.

Fluttershy simply played her tambourine, summoning lights in the form of butterflies and moths. "Wings of Change!" and the constructs took Charberus up into the air and dropped him, causing an explosion.

Charberus got up, but was haggard and damaged, his body barely able to move. "You think this is over!? I'll show you my true power!!!" And with that he began to grow to giant size.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie spun their vehicles so that they were driving backwards into Applejack's. The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted "Harmony Megazord!"

"Release the Darkness inside!" Sunset yelled in a dual voice, her visor cracking before shattering along with her uniform, revealing her demon from beneath. She began to grow to giant size as the shards from her uniform fused with Silvermane, turning it gold. The horse then grew alongside her, transforming and separating into multiple pieces. Sunset gained a chest piece and skirt combination like a Roman centurion's armor. The horses' head shifted to reveal a curved black sword with a golden edge. "Fallen Paladin Mode!"

The Harmony Megazord slashed it's Diamond Sword and blocked a counter with the Stratos Shield as Sunset drew a long strike along Charberus' back. However, it didn't take long for the monster to send the Megazord and Sunset onto their backs.

"Rangers, this is Director Fancy Pants. We're sending you the Fusion Executor. It's not tested, but it may be your only option!"

"Right. Sunset, we got something coming your way!" Dash said over the loud speaker.

Sunset looked up and caught the device, which looked like the Matrix of Leadership. "Harmony, Unite!" she said thrusting the device forward. From the Executor, six lights shone out, stunning Charberus. Five of the lights joined with the Harmony Megazord, with the last engulfing Sunset. The lights then coalesced into one being, which formed two legs and six arms on its body. The light broke away piece by piece to show off the new form: The upper arms were red and yellow with gold accents, the middle were blue and green with gold accents, and the last were pink and white with gold accents. On it's chest was a hexagon symbol with six crystal, colored bars: red, blue, pink, green, yellow, and orange; and its head was a crown and visor colored silver. The Rangers were teleported into a large cockpit with six platforms, one for each of them, Sunset appearing in her morphed state. Crossing their arms in unison caused the six arms outside to cross as well. Uncrossing them caused an explosion behind the mech. "Hexagon Megazord!"

The platform Dash was standing on lit up, coinciding with the red crystal on the chest. "I'll start things off!" She said, as the mech's red and yellow arms grew blades. It spun around like a tornado, causing massive damage to Charberus. "Fluttershy, you're up!"

"Ok…" she said as the platform beneath her lit. The red/yellow arms transformed into guns, which fired a stream of energy at Charberus that lifted him into the air. "Pinkie!"

"Yepperooni!" The two lower arms became giant fans that caused hurricane force winds to send Charberus flying backwards. "AJ, ride it cowgirl!"

"Thank ya' kindly." She said, miming tipping a hat. The fingers of the green/blue arms fired off like missiles at Charberus, making explosions. "Beat that Rarity."

"I think I shall. Hmph." she said, mimicking a flip of her hair. The green/blue arms now extended like rubber and began to wrap the monster around and toss him into the conveniently empty buildings. "Sunset, darling, would you mind?"

"Not at all." she said bringing her hands together like she was holding a ball with both of them. All six arms followed her lead, forming what appeared to be a miniature sun between them. Sunset and the Megazord thrust their arms forward, hurling the fire ball at Charberus, causing a massive explosion. When the smoke cleared, Charberus was sparking but still standing.

"T-Tha-That all you g-got?"

"Not even close...Together girls!" All six lights on the chest piece and all six platforms in the cockpit began to glow. The Rangers began to punch and all six arms were following, each shining with a different light. The punches accelerated until they were practically a blur. Eventually, the Hexagon Megazord turned its back and the collapsing monster, middle arms crossed while the upper and lower were posing, backdropped by Charberus' explosion.

Nightmare Moon looked on from her scrying pool. "You were right Unikahn, he was far too hasty." She said to the knight kneeled behind her. "But it worked to our advantage this time. We know the Rangers have allies, powerful ones." She turned and glared down to him. "Do not let this happen again."

"As you say, Your Majesty." Unikahn said with his head bowed.

In the command center, the Rangers were teleconferencing with Hexagon.

"I am sorry we can't do much more yet. But we will fight by your side and aid however we can." Fancy Pants said.

"For now that is enough, and pressure off us. Thank you." Sunset said. The Director nodded and the screen went blank.

"That was so cool!" Dash said pumping her fist into the air.

"It was quite the experience. But I hope we don't have to do it too often dears." Rarity said.

"But what about the other...Knightmares…"

"We'll deal with them as they come sugar."

"Hey Sunny, you okay?" Pinkie asked.

"Sunset looked up. "Huh?...Oh yeah...I'm fine. You girls head home, I've got work to do here." The others were hesitant but left, Monarch going with Fluttershy for a sleepover.

Vinyl and Twilight didn't leave. "Seriously, something is bothering you Shimmer. What's up?"

"Vinyl, she just had her body forcibly merged with a robot, she's probably just shaken up." Twilight admonished with her fingers pinching her nose. "And people wonder why I was glad to graduate Crystal Prep early, if this is the average."

"Don't worry you guys…" Sunset said looking to the subtle orange glow coming from the Tree of Harmony's room. "...I'm fine."
The OC monsters introduced here are property of GIGA-XISBASS and used with permission.
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Episode 19: Daymares and Dreamscapes
Daymares and Dreamscapes: by Xero Key

It was a long, white hallway filled with blank doors every few feet. She was running, but didn't know why. Whenever she turned her head behind her, she was filled with immeasurable terror, and fled forward more along the unending hall. She knocked on, rattled, shook, and slammed against the doors. 'Help Me! Help' she cried, but there was no answer. The lights above buzzed and flickered before...darkness. A scream.

"AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaagggghhhh!" Twilight cried with a jerk.

"Dr. Sparkle, is MacBeth truly so terrifying?" The literature teacher at the front of the room asked. "Or does being an assistant teacher make you feel as though you can disrupt whenever there isn't a crisis? As I was saying, Historically MacBeth has been portrayed as…"

Twilight looked around confused, before her eyes began to close again. She shook her head to stay awake, as her friends looked on in worry, and exhaustion.

Power Rangers

Later that day in the command center, Twilight was inside an MRI machine scanning her brain.

"First off: Where did we get the that? Second: why are we using it?" Sunset asked.

"I've been barely able to sleep, that's not normal." Twilight said over a speaker.

"You sleep? I thought that was attempting information osmosis from books." Vinyl snarked.

"Ha ha ha...but seriously I don't get Nightmares, Daymares...whatever their called. Me screaming randomly because I had a bad dream, that can't be good."

"So our equipment has to be used?" Sunset questioned.

"Well, we had it."

"Once more, why?"

An alert like a phone came across the center computers as Twilight exited the scanning room. Monarch put on a headset to answer. "Power Rangers Emergency Hotline, this Monarch, what seems to be the issue?" The other Rangers gathered around curious as very few use the hotline. "Mass Necrolepsy? Screaming coma patients? Yes sir, the Rangers will be there soon."

"Bad dreams aren't a problem huh?" Twilgiht said with her arms crossed. Sunset only glared back as she and the other Rangers got into their jeep and drove out of the cave.

In The Nightmare Castle, Scorpidark peers into the scrying pool. "Well well well, it seems the Rangers are now on my tail. Boo hoo hoo...for them." He summoned his lance, which took the appearance of a scorpion stinger, and held it high. "Unfortunately that means they get the Sting!"

Twilight rushed into the hospital, her lab coat flowing behind her. "The Rangers! Where are they!?" she interrogated the nurse at the front desk, who directed her to the ICU. When Twilight got there, she found her friends lined up along a single wall, heart monitors beeping steadily, but slowly.

One of the observing doctors came over. "Dr. Twilight Sparkle correct? I'm Dr. Roberts, I'm the primary physician for this plague."


"I was brought in from New York a few days ago when an entire Cub Scout fell unconscious at the same time...my specialty is sleep medicine."

"So what happened here?"

"No idea, as soon as the Rangers saw the patients, they started to scream and blacked out. We've been trying to wake them since." He turned to look Twilight in the eye. "Any idea what may be the cause?"

"Just one." She took out her phone and dialed 541.


"No time for procedure Monarch, transfer me to Hexagon stat!"

Soon the entire hospital was under the control of Hexagon troops, who were setting up the Rangers' beds in a hexagon formation, heads facing inwards, surrounding a device connected to each of them.

"This device should allow you to enter their dreams Dr. Sparkle." The scientist said finishing checking the equipment connected to her. "Once there, you'll have to wake them up and stop whatever is keeping these people asleep."

"There is absolutely no evidence this is a problem that can be punched away! Nor that that device even works! Science doesn't work like that!" One of the hospital doctors yelled.

Everyone else from the nurses to the soldiers, even the comatose rangers seemed to turn to him. Twilight spoke slowly as if to a child "Pow...Er...Ran...Gers...."

"Fair point, shutting up."

As Twilight laid down, the nurses injected her with a sleep aid. The world became blurry, blurry, and black as she lost consciousness. She was standing in the middle of an empty city street.

"Hello?" she called, only to hear an echo. All around her were books, books and more books. Enough books to tower the sky, enough knowledge to last a thousand lifetimes. She reached down to read the title, but found her vision blurred. She checked for her glasses and could hold them in her hand, but the feeling of holding them was not there. Her head felt comfortable, cradled in something soft. Suddenly, her hand dropped her glasses and they cracked with a muffled sound.

"Time enough at last, yes?" A slithering voice said, carried on the wings of a swarm. From behind a pillar of books, Scorpidark appeared. "The Realm of Sleep is mine, as granted by my Queen. Did you really think I wouldn't hear you knock on the door?"

He raised his staff to attack her, but was stopped by a single word. "Bark."

The word bark, not the sound humans attribute the word to have, but like someone saying Bark. Looking down between the two was a purple dog with green ears. "Spike?" Twilight asked, while Scorpidark just staggered back in confusion.

Spike opened his mouth and, with voice similar to a young boy in a cartoon, said "BarkBark RuffRrrufff! RuffRuffBark!"

The gem on Spike's collar began to glow, engulfing him in a bright light. His form morphed and twisted until it became human-esque. With a spin he gained a body suit and helmet. And with a pose like a bidpedal dog and howl of a wolf, he had completed morphing.

"RuffRuffBark: Bark Bark Bark!" The now human, and Power Ranger, Spike posed like a bipedal dog as purple and green smoke exploded behind him.

"I have absolutely no idea what I'm looking at." both Twilight and Scorpidark said indepently of each other, just before Spike leapt into battle. Twilight began to hit her wrist with two fingers as she ran from the battle, ignoring all sounds of what would be battle cries but are instead onomatopoeia dog sounds, when she ran into a door. the door was in the middle of the street and connected to nothing. On a hunch, she opened it and ran through.

Ranger Spike and the entire world began to dissolve. "What!?" Scorpidark yelled as the entirety of existence seemed to fade away like tissue in the ocean. "She must have escaped!" Then he vanished as if he never was, just as the dream of the city of books.

Twilight ran down a long hallway of doors, some with names and some with symbols. She opened one with a magic wand, she recognized it as Trixie Lulamoon's personal symbol. When she opened the door:

Driver on

Standing on top of a building looking out at the city, was an armored warrior. They were clearly female, wearing black and purple armor that was fashioned to look like a magician's tuxedo with a red bowtie. Her left arm had a silver gauntlet, and her right arm had an odd watch/card reader like machine and a golden shield guarding it. Around her waist was a fancy silver belt with a golden five pointed star glowing in the screen in the center, and at her left side was a magic wand. Finally the warrior had a fancy helmet with silver mouth piece shaped like an actual woman's mouth with purple colored lips almost like lipstick, a dark blue head piece that looked sort of like hair, and a purple and orange opera mask over her eyes, which were yellow and large, almost like sharp bug eyes. On her head was a black top hat, and she wore a long cape that was black outside and purple inside.

He promised to help me find my mother…

There's no way I'm giving up the chance!

The armored woman is fighting a giant bug like creature and draws a card from her belt.

Plus fighting aliens?

The woman swiped the card through a reader on her arm.

Grand Finale

I'm perfectly okay with that.

The armored woman bent down preparing to jump, and then jumped high into the air. She flipped a few times midair, and then did a flying drop kick into the monster, her foot engulfed in blue energy. she posed away from the explosion, destroying the monster.

Introducing The Great Illusionist!

Twilight slowly backed away from the dream that looked like a television commercial and closed the door gently, hoping not to let whatever insanity she just witnessed out. She came to a different symboled door, this time with a red-and-yellow sun. Opening it she went inside.

There was naught but a sea of bodies shambling forward as the world was bathed in blue-black flames. In the distance, hung from a tree, was an equine figure with wings and a horn. A majestic city crumbled from a mountain side as the moon shattered and the sun turned black. And upon the backs of the advancing horde was a throne of skeletons, bones forming a staircase to its occupant. Seated upon this grotesque regality was a red alicorn with hair of fire and wings of a demon. On her brow was a tiara with a black six-sided star. The figure was laughing, laughing in ecstasy as the world died around, but her eyes were panicked with tears streaming down her face. While she laughed, she wept. And Twilight's eyes widened as she saw upon the flank of the joyful/agonized being, was a dual colored sun.

"This is her worst nightmare? How awful was that night to make this?" Twilight asked to herself, before she felt the Throned One turn her attention to the intruder of this dream.

"How dare you enter into my realm! Help me... You shall die! Run...hurry…"

The demonic being charged to attack Twilight with her hooves, when she stopped just inches before her face, hoof shaking. "Sunset please, Listen!" The monster's left eye changed to white and blue. "I know you regret what happened back then, how you were. But that's not you anymore and you accepted that remember. Your past is not today!"

And with that the world began to melt as it became colorful and inviting. A golden-white city and castle rested on the side of a mountain, while a girl and a small unicorn in a black jacket looked on to the setting sun.The unicorn was then pulled into a squeezing hug by said girl.

"Oh you are so cute! I can't believe this is what you really look like!"

"Please put me down...I'm a pony, not a plush." Sunset said dejectedly. "And I'm not cute!" She yelled, a single yellow hoof pointing into the air. Behind the two, another door appeared, which they went through in search of answers. They came to another door, this time with the symbol of rainbow lightning from a cloud, and Sunset's horn took on a pale blue glow, which opened the door.

The room was noisy, but quiet; practically muffled. Full of shadowed adults talking and laughing, but never looking down beyond their tall legs that stretched for eternity. "Now, now deary…" a singular female voice said. "Good little girls are seen, not heard...Go play with your dolls over there while mommy closes a deal." The figure said, a wave of her shadowed claws glancing over the head of a child Rainbow Dash. Trapped in chains bound to a wall, her mouth gagged and her eyes in tears as she writhes in her bonds. With all her effort she tries to point to the growing fire in the room, but the adults continued to walk through it, ignoring the flames as they drew up their bodies.

"I don't understand it, what is the fear?" Sunset asked.

"She's trying to act in defense of others but people won't listen or won't let her. She's bound by expectations and society, which is why she acts so confident and loyal." Twilight said sadly. "She must blame herself for what happened to Gilda...If she had talked to Gilda before the police, maybe the girl wouldn't be in a coma now." She walked over to the child. "You can't blame yourself. Loyalty is good, but people need to be allowed to make their own decisions."

"I-I'm j-just t-t-tryi-ing to h-help-p!" The girl cried, her chains rattling.

"I know…" and twilight gave her a hug, the world fading to the clouds as Rainbow Dash completed the hug with her teenage arms.

When they separated, she scratched her cheek nervously. "Sorry you had to see that Twilgith, Sun…" Dash stopped and saw who she assumed was her friend and co-leader.

"Don't. You. Dare." The small unicorn threatened, muzzle scrunching up adorably.

"Pfffttttt Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"*sigh*Can we go now?" And so they went into another dream, this door bearing three balloons.

The room was filled with laughter as Pinkie Pie spun on the stage, the wheel she was kneeling on constantly turning, turning, turning, turning. With each turn, the laughter grew and grew and grew, with the soothing chimes of a music box playing a happy song. The lights would smile and the people would clap, but there is now joy in this laughing trap. Pinkie kneels on the wheel, turning and turning and turning and turning again. With each turn the laughter grew, and the soothing chimes of a music box play a happy song.

"She's afraid of everyone? Why?" Dash asked as the wheel turned and the crowd laughed.

"A clown tries to bring joy, even when they have none." Sunset answered, unable to look away from the kneeling girl.

Twilight stepped forward and stopped the spinning wheel. "Pinkie, don't sacrifice your own happiness for ours...We're happy when you're happy." The room brightened as a still flat haired Pinkie looked at Twilight, tears in her eyes.


"We can cry together...okay?" And they did, for an eternity plus an eternity all four of them cried until they had no tears left. For those lost to us and those we will lose, they cried. When the tears were gone and the sadness expunged, they laughed and joked and reminisced in the joys life has. Pinkie's hair became a pooky mess, which she reached into a pulled out a door. With a laugh and a giggle, they all went on to find their friends. The next to be found was behind a door adorned with diamonds.

Grey, the world is grey. The world is always only shades of grey and black, what else could they be? Buildings rise and block the sun, smog stops whatever light there is, and people are mere shadows of emotion walking in the gloom. Rarity stands in the middle of the street dressed in rags, trying to give away the clothes off her back to all she sees, but she is shoved aside, pushed to the ground, and her offerings stomped on. The world is only grey, becoming black. What is the point of color anyway?

"She's trying to make them happy, just like I do." Pinkie said, her hair still flat.

"She makes clothes and gives so much of herself, just so the world looks better for everyone." Twilight said going over to Rarity.

"Why won't they buy them Twilight, is my work worthless?"

"Is that why you make them? So you can have worth?"

The fashionista looked up sharply, and then became contemplative. "Well...yes and no. I do want to be recognized, but it really matters that other people look good because of me, not because I want them too." With a smile and a flip of her hair, the world became a fashion show stage with a door at the end. "Afterall, life is a Runway darling." And so Rarity strutted down the aisle and out the door, her friends close behind. They come to another door, this one with butterflies in flight.

The halls are endless, the shadows are deep. What is the point of staying in this keep? Safe and warm, from all the terror...that is what mother says. Monsters and plagues and horrific things, that is what mother says. 'The sunlight will burn you, the air will choke you. The people will hurt you, and the world will ignore you. Listen to mother, stay safe in here, you'll never have to worry again.' 'But mother' you cry. 'They need me out there. Or they will burn, and choke, and be hurt and ignored. I can't stay here safe and warm, when others who I could warn!' But mother never listens, she knows best she says. And alone you are left, with the shadows instead.

"Fluttershy...you can't worry about us forever." Twilight said.

"But someone will, but I can't help."

"Hey, Shy. I know how you feel. But we can't just let our fears rule us...either to help or to hinder." Dash said coming up to the mass of covers hidden in the dark. She wrapped her arm around it as she sat down. "I ain't movin' until you're ready."

Slowly but surely, a head popped out of the cocoon. Then arms and torso and legs. The friends hugged and smiled (and Sunset squeaked like a toy, getting a laugh from everyone) before they all left through a door with an apple tree.

Two gunshots ring out, and a hat floats into the water. A young blonde in pigtails cries onto two graves as the hat goes by her feet. Two gunshots ring out as an older blonde wearing the hat cries over four graves. Gunshots ring out, and the woman cries in a cemetery. A gunshot rings out, and the rain cries for the girl.Two gunshots ring out, and a hat floats into the water. A young blonde in pigtails cries onto two graves as the hat goes by her feet.

"She's trapped in a cycle, isn't she?" Rarity asked without asking.

"No I'm not...I know this aint real…" The woman among the graves said. "I just can't lose no more...no more." She held up her hand, the silver grasped within it dulled red. "No more…" She tossed it down and stood up and put on the hat, her black clothes becoming green. "I'm done dreamin'...Time to wake up."

As they all exited, the world between dreams was no longer a hall, but a tower. A tower of circling doors stretching up into infinity. "Welcome Rangers...to your doom!" Scorpidark's voice rang out from above.

"Kinda cliche don't you think?" Sunset said, waving a hoof dismissively.

"I don't need critiques from a plush toy!"

"Seriously? Uh...Let's get him girls. It's Morphin' Time!"

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between her fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

The orange-gold streaks on Sunset's Morpher glowed, engulfing Sunset in fiery light. Sunset began to float and spin as her body took on a dark-purple body suit, with golden light forming wristbands, boots, finger plating, and her breast plate. Opening her eyes sharply, Sunset's head was covered by a gold helmet, the sound of a horse neighing echoing. She landed on a cliff above a ocean at sunset as waves crash behind her.

All of the Rangers took their usual poses, except for Sunset who's uniform had been adjusted to fit a pony, so attempting to stand on two legs caused her to fall backwards as the usual smoke cloud explosion happened behind her. "Oh come on!" The Rangers attacked Scorpidark and sent him flying into the air with a five-man rising kick. Sunset used her magic to levitate her sword into a spin and sent it flying "Finishing Move! Twilight, throw me!" The girl took Sunset into her arms and threw her like a football upwards to Scorpidark. The spinning sword became two, holding him in the air in a cross shape. The gem on Sunset's helmet became a horn, which became a large drill, and all the Rangers fired their blasters at her, making her a rainbow powered rocket-drill. Sunset flew right through Scorpidark, causing him to explode, and landed perpendicular to the ground, on the wall. Her sword flew back into her hilt with a click, which caused the explosion to explode.

In the real world, the people began to awake from their comas, the Rangers included. However the sounds of giant footsteps leads the Rangers to morph once again and form the Hexagon Megazord. The six-armed metal titan faces down the giant Scorpidark, who has shed all semblance of human qualities, now looking like scorpion that stands on two legs. He charges, but the Rangers deftly dodge out of the way. After a few swift punches, Sunset sets up her Solar Bomb, while Twilight prays from a distance. This prayer causes the miniature sun to take on a purple hue and instead of just launching the sphere at the enemy, the Megazord fires a purple beam that encompasses Scorpidark and destroys him.

In the Nightmare Castle, the Sirens look on in worry. Turning to their master, Adagio is quick to cover them from any wrongdoing. "My Queen, Scorpidark did act without you permission, perhaps it is best that he is destroyed?" Nightmare didn't listen, merely patted the rock retrieved from the mines, it's purple vein pulsing.

As she looked away from the scrying pool and to the stone she smiled. "And that makes six."


Spin-Off: Kamen Rider Great Illusionist
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Episode 20: Magic of Friendship
Magic of Friendship: by Xero Key

Twilight Sparkle was in the Command Center lower level's emergency barracks, attempting to levitate cubes resting across from her. Her hand was outstretched and sweat was dripping down her face. After nearly half an hour of not even the slightest shake, she collapsed into her lap.

"Nothing. How can Rarity and Sunset get this so easily?"

"It's not that easy darling." Twilight looked up and saw Rarity outside the door of their shared dorm. "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you, You just missed lunch...again."

Twilight checked her phone and noticed that she had indeed missed lunch, for the third time in a week. "Sorry Rarity, I guess I just want to know how to do this…" At that moment, the cubes in front of her became attached to the opposite wall above Rarity's bed. "...consciously." She finished deadpan. Rarity only chuckled as she came in to remove the cubes.

Power Rangers

Later that night in the Rangers' shared kitchen/dining area. Rainbow Dash spoke up. "Okay, why are we staying in the Command Center again?"

"Because it's safer, people have been going missing and appearing in the desert with amnesia." Sunset answered while typing away at her laptop.

"We have jobs."

"That Hexagon was able to put on hold for us."

"We have lives."

"We aren't in lockdown."

"You're avoiding the question!"

Sunset looked up over her laptop. "Firefighters do it all the time, it's just simpler if we all know where everyone is in case of an emergency." Sunset typed a bit more into her laptop before picking up a radio. "Try it now."

"Got it." Vinyl said on the other end. This was quickly followed by a rumble through the base and purple smoke. "Don't got it."

Sunset pinched her nose in frustration, closing her computer. "Maybe I should have left this for Hexagon."

Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak, having tried to avoid either of her teammate's eyes, but the emergency sirens started to blare. All of the Ranger's met in the control room, the main viewer displaying KaraTengu-san and an army of Terrorvons attacking one of the town's Japanese Historical shrines. The Rangers literally leapt into action, dramatically backflipping off the platform and into the team jeep, and raced out of the cave.

"I seriously do not understand them sometimes." Vinyl said, idly noticing Twilight staring out the Portal Statue. She opened a drawer in the desk to pull out a book with a red/yellow sun emblazoned on the front.

As Twilight stared at the hard marble that made up the statue, she truly wondered what she was meant to do. "Magic, the one thing I can't understand." She placed a hand upon the stone, feeling it would not give. "Another me? What's the point of it all?" Her hand sunk forward and pulled back with a yelp, just before two hands pushed her into the silvery shine of the active portal.

Vinyl lowered her arms to her side, smiling grimly. "Hope you can do something Princess...cause if anyone can talk sense into her, it's herself."

The Rangers came to the forest where the monsters, leaping into battle one after the other. "So you're number three huh?" Dash asked arrogantly.

"Indeed, you have had two chances Rangers, now your time is up. Aria, if you would please?" KaraTengu-san said, turning to the siren.

She smirked. "With pleasure. Ah ah Ahah Ah ah…" she sang few notes which did damage the Rangers, but did not disable them.

"It isn't as strong without all three, take them down!" Sunset ordered drawing her sword as Aria morphed. Dash and KaraTengu-san squared off against each other, before running towards their sides while firing at each other. Aria engaged Applejack in hand to hand combat while the rest fought off the Terrorvons.

The battle went on for several minutes before KaraTengu-san cast a spell of darkness, knocking out the Rangers out and forcing them to demorph. "And you didn't lead with that why?" Aria asked. Kara-Tengu-san merely growled before ordering the Terrorvons to tie them up.

Through the looking glass, Twilight Sparkle was waking up from being pushed through. "Oh my head." She said rubbing her hoof to her horn. "Wait. Hoof? Horn?" Opening her eyes Twilight peered into the reflective surface of the floor she now rested on. Looking back at her was a purple unicorn. "AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!"

"Wow, she's as loud as you Twilight."

"Don't be rude Spike."

Raising her head, Twilight came muzzle to muzzle with another reflection, this one slightly taller than she was and had large, beautiful wings. "P-Princess?"

"You remember me, that's great." The other Twilight smiled kindly, giving the impression of an overjoyed mother. Her eyes turned sad though, when she looked at the open portal. "Do you know why you are here?"

"I was pushed?"

"Not just that." Princess Twilight helped Twilight stand on her four feet. "You've been feeling as though you don't matter."

"No, that's not it at all." Princess Twilight raised an eyebrow. "I just can't figure out magic."

"The more things change… You can't figure out magic because you are looking at it the wrong way." Twilight looked confused. "Magic is not something that can be truly quantified, believe me I've tried. True magic is the interaction between friends."

"Friendship... is… Magic?"

"Exactly." At that moment, a silver and purple flip phone slid out of the portal and clacked against the transformed human's hoof. "They need you."

Twilight looked to the open portal, took the phone in her mouth and rushed through.

"Good luck...me."

In the quarry, the Rangers were locked in a cage, waiting to be executed. "Did she say which order to kill them in?" Aria asked, poking at the cage and pulling back to avoid Pinkie's bite.

"No, just that the Gold Ranger is hers alone."

"You aren't killing anyone today!" Twilight's voice rang out over the valley. Looking up to the top of a cliff, they saw Twilight Sparkle throwing off her labcoat. She opened the phone, then with a flick of her wrist, revealed a wand function. After inputting some numbers, she crossed her arms. "Power Rangers!" She then pointed the wand skyward. "Harmonize!"

The tip of the phone-wand sparked with a purple light and shot into the sky, as Twilight was dragged into a spin upwards. She balanced on top of a spiraling galaxy in a purple body suit-and-skirt and snapped out her hands to form gloves. Slight kicks to the side formed her boots, and a snap of her fingers near her neck formed a silver cape and collar. The purple light from her morpher fell into her outstretched hand and became a staff. A shooting star crashed into her head with a neigh echoing to form her helmet. She posed with one hand outstretched and palm forward, and her staff held parallel to the ground behind her.

The new Ranger's body suit was purple with black outlines, silver tights, and a purple skirt. On the chest was the Rainboom band symbol, outlined in black. Her gloves and boots were white with eight pointed, purple stars on them. Her helmet was a purple horse head like the other Rangers, except where Sunset had a gem, Twilight had a silver horn protruding from the helmet. Attached to her shoulders by gold pauldrons was a mid-length silver cape, the image of a prancing unicorn displayed in black on it. Her staff was long and partially segmented, a wheel like structure at its upper tip covered by a crystal eight-pointed star.

Twilight held her staff forwards so that it crossed her left arm, which was outstretched and forming the devil horn sign in her hand. "Magic that Unites us all!" She cried before swinging her staff above her head, bringing it down with a clang to her right side. "Purple Harmony Ranger!" Purple smoke exploded behind her.

"Don't just stand there, get her!" Kara-Tengu-san ordered to the Terrorvons, who proceeded to rush towards the cliff Twilight was standing atop.

Twilight jumped off the ledge, spinning the wheel portion of her staff. The star at the top gained the image of snowflake."Rezeef!" she cried swinging her staff in an arc in front of her. A wave of ice and snow crashed into the ascending Terrorvons, freezing them solid so that they fell to the ground and broke with a crash. Twilight landed safely on the ground, just as another wave of enemies rushed towards her. Spinning the wheel again, the staff icon became three commas in a fire pattern. "Unbr!" with a jab forward, the Terrorvons were engulfed in a fireball.

"This is getting ridiculous!" KaraTengu-san turned towards Aria. "Do something!"

"Ugh, fine." Aria sang a single note that caused a shockwave to knock Twilight back, who recovered by gripping her hand into the ground.

Standing up she spun her wheel again, coming up with an open lily symbol made of tear drops. "Owrg!" Twilight cried slamming the butt of her staff into the ground, from which large vines erupted, sending Terrorvons, Aria, and KaraTengu-san flying.

"Nope, I'm done." Aria said leaving in a puff of smoke.

"Coward!" Facing Twilight, Kara-Tengu-san gestured his remaining forces into a charge, leading the way himself. "Destroy her!"

Twilight was completely surrounded by the army of darkness, so she spun her wheel one more time. This spin came up with a single dot with three lines coming down from it. Raising her staff above her head she cried "Tihgl!, creating a circle of energy that spread out from her, destroying all of the Terrorvons and knocking KaraTengu-san to the ground.

"You think that you can defeat me? I am invincible! Immoveable! Unstoppable!"

"Consider yourself stopped." Twilight said spinning her wheel once again, this time coming up with an eight-pointed star. She summoned a starfield around herself and the monster, before directing the stars to crash into it, completely destroying it.

KaraTengu-san grew to giant size, but before the Harmony Zords could be called, the sound of a jumbo jet filled the air. "Hey Doc, little present from Hexagon for ya!" Vinyl said over the radio. Flying above was a single purple and white plane, which Twilight leapt into, attaching her staff to the control console, the crystal displaying a bird.

"Right, Starforce Zord Aerial Mode!" The plane swung around KaraTengu-san, pelting him with missiles and lasers.

"Come down here and fight me!"

"As you wish…" Twilight spun the wheel in the staff, coming up with a sword and shield combination image. "Starforce Zord, Battle Mode!" The plane flew up until it was perpendicular with the ground before beginning to shift. The front changed to form a head like the Astromegazord, while the main bulk of the plane opened up to reveal a feminine figure. The wings settled onto the back, while the rear split and turned to form two legs, with high heels, the leftover bulk becoming a sort of cape. The left arm looked like a normal human's, but the right became a single large crossbow.

KaraTengu-san attempted destroy the Zord by throwing feathers and casting magic, but the mech covered itself in it's cape to deflect the blasts away. "Uh oh…"

In the cockpit, Twilight snapped her fingers in a motion of assured victory. "Single Shot." The Starforce Zord raised its crossbow and pulled back the hammer. "Harmony Arrow Strike!" From the crossbow came a burst of rainbow colored energy, destroying the tengu in a massive explosion.

Later in the command center, the Rangers were all congratulating their newest teammate.

"Way to go Doc!"

"Oh this is so great!"

"Darling you looked simply smashing."

"Not bad pardner."

"I-I'm so glad."

Sunset came up to Twilight and put her hands on her shoulders, before bringing her in for a hug, which became a group hug. "Welcome Home."
Episode 21: What being a public superhero does...
What being a public superhero does...

(I own nothing. This is me just putting Slice of Life into this story. Absolutely no fight scenes, mainly comedy.)

Did you really try to start a revolution?

Canterlot High tries its very best to enjoy days without monster attacks, few as they are. But some days, something weird just has to happen...and you start thinking to yourself that you should lock the cafeteria door.

"Fellow Students! I am Starlight Glimmer and I have a message for you!"

...Well she isn't singing at least. Seriously, why do new students always show up halfway through the day?

"The evil plaguing our fair city comes from our individualism." The would be politician said. "We must come together in true harmony, as one entity, for peace to prevail." She stood on one of the numerous soapboxes the school just keeps lying around. "We must be Equal!"

"Like Animal Farm equal or Bioshock equal?" A student asked.

"Maybe she means Lord of the Flies?" Another commented.

"I thought she was going Borg." A third said, not looking up from his handheld game.

Twi--Sun--Starlight Sh--Sp---Glimmer became red in the face. "Equality is the only true path to Harmony! You can't have a Nightmare if you never Dream! And our enemy is a Nigh..."

She was interrupted by a flash of light like a rainbow on the opposite side of the cafeteria. The crowd of students stepped back to two sides to reveal all seven Power Rangers. Red was standing with her arms crossed. Green was twirling her blaster in one hand next to her, while Blue was on the other side acting like she was filing her nails through her glove with her dagger. Pink was sitting cross-legged on the ground playing patty cake with Yellow. Purple was slightly off to the side spinning a wheel on the tip of her staff. Gold was sitting on the edge of the table, one leg hanging off and her hand in fist holding up her head. The gold helmet slightly raised, along with the others, as she said. "Hi, you must be new here."


You're a Celebrity, get used to this.

"This is ridiculous!" Rarity said holding up a magazine she saw at a local drug store. "'Blue Ranger's Rehab failing!' What Rehab? I've never even been to Amsterdam, let alone to a drug party!"

"You're a celebrity, get used to this." Vinyl said, not looking up from the work she was doing on the Wub Cannon.

"They are literally telling lies! It's all made up!" Rarity glanced down at the article. "It's even dated for a day when I was fighting, like, six giant Terrorvons outside of the city! Seriously!?"

"You're a celebrity, get used to this."

Rarity huffed and stormed out of the lab. "I'm going to talk to their superiors, let's see how they'll like that! Hmmph!"

Vinyl blinked and took off her headphones. "Well...this will escalate quickly."

Two days later

"AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Rarity's scream of rage could be heard throughout the base. "'Blue Ranger Tells All: The Lifestyle of the Ranger Base!' I never said any of this! And that picture is clearly an unshaven man in a wig wearing a cheap knock-off of my uniform!"

"You're a celebrity, get used to this."

Papers, please.

"Next." The judge officer said, beckoning Sunset forward. "Prosecutor, crime?"

"Possession of a weapon without a license."

"Since when does a sword need a license?" Sunset asked.

"Speak only when spoken to or you will be found in contempt of court." The judge said sternly. "Recommendation?"

"As it is a first offense, a fine will do." The ADA on duty said.

"Miss. Shimmer, do you understand the charges against you?" The judge asked.

"A question your honor?"


"Would this be happening if my helmet had been on at the IHOP?"

"Probably not."

"*sigh* I'll pay the fine."

"Good. The sentence is a $2500 fine and required licensing." A bang of the gavel. "Next."

I'm Too Awesome

A figure in a Carmen SanDiego outfit does her best to avoid being noticed. This is Canterlot after all, it's practically the American nerd cultural center. No one is going to notice a woman dressed all in red in this town.

"There she is!"

Except for Genre Savvy fans.

Rainbow Dash's hat practically flew off her head as she ran away. "Please I've got a hand cramp! No more autographs!" The fans would not be deterred, recreating Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, with multiple-Coyotes.

Watching from a nearby cafe, Applejack and Rarity looked on in amusement. "Awesome as She wants to be?" "Guess it was too awesome."

Get off my property!

The sun rose over the hills, as the soft morning dew and fog settled on Sweet Apple Acres. The rooster crowed and the multitude of animals awoke from their long nights rest, some now going to sleep. In the rustic farmhouse that has stood the test of time, a beautiful voice could be heard as the young southern belle awakens. "GET THE HECK OFF MAH PROPERTY!!!" And with crashes and meows, a veritable army of camera operators ran from the house as fast as they could. A gunshot rang out through the fields, knocking a sign off it's post. "And stay out yah varmints!" Applejack said lowering her rifle. "Dad gum morons always waking me up...she put a no Trespassin' sign... Auntie Megan never had this problem... *grumble grumble*"

And with that the beautiful southern belle, rifle slung over her shoulders, marched back into her home dressed only in her nightgown and bonnet.

Ain't no Party like a Pink Ranger Party

The delivery man just sighed as he waited at the door of the Youth Center. "Why the heck do we have breakfast deliveries anyway?"He looked towards the truck he had backed up to the door. "And who could possibly need this many burritos?"

The door opened to reveal a helmet-less, but still costumed, Pink Ranger. "Hey, your here!" She said. "I'll take those!" She lifted the truck and shook all of the cargo into her arms, before putting them inside. "Here's the money, keep the change as a tip." Before she closed the door, the delivery man could see a crowd of people sleeping like it was pre-school nap time, some even had stuffed animals they were cuddling with. Looking to his side he saw perfectly stacked card pyramids of pizza boxes, modern art of balanced soda bottles, and a letter saying 'Free to Good Art Home--Party Goers'.

"I need an invite."

That's Not Science!

Doctor Twilight Sparkle was at her Alma Mater showing off her new abilities.

"That shouldn't work." Her old professor said.

"It does." Twilight answered while causing a sapling to grow into a bush by waving her hand.

"Magic isn't real."

"Clarke's Law Corollary."

"That's a science fiction joke! That's not science!" The professor shouted while pointing at the rose bush with apples growing from it.

"You're right." Twilight said, lowering her glasses to the bridge of her nose, smirking a vulpine grin. "It's magic."

Huh, I have a cavity.

Fluttershy was waiting in the dentists chair, trying the best that she can to not imagine all of the sharp pointy things nearby attacking her. "Calm down, imagine them monsters. Then you can punch it."

The dentist, Dr. Minuette, walked in. "Hello Fluttershy, been using Colgate toothpaste like I suggested?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Aw, you are such a cute superhero!"

"I'm not cute." Fluttershy pouted a little, cheeks puffing up and becoming rosy.

Dr. Minuette stopped what she was doing, looked at Fluttershy and clicked her mouth. After wincing and rubbing her jaw, she set up a complicated series of mirrors to look inside her own mouth. "Wow, you're so sweet and cute, you gave a dentist a cavity."

Episode 22: Old versus New
Old vs. New: by Xero Key

"Canterlot PowerCon!

Do you want to see real Power Rangers live on stage?

Do you want to see them do epic stunts? Do you want to see them play epic music? Do you want to hear them talk about what it means to be a Ranger?

Then come on down to the Canterlot Convention Center this weekend to see it all!

Canterlot PowerCon! The Real Con for Real Rangers!"

Vinyl turned off the radio she had playing in the rarely used tour bus, before turning back to check on her passengers. All seven Rangers and Spike were sleeping soundly.

"Aww, all tuckered out from fighting evil. How cute!" She turned back to actually drive the bus, not that she really had to. "Ugh, one in the morning and still traffic on the highway." Vinyl was in the one lane marked with a road alert sign 'Canterlot Convention Center 1 mile, 5 hours from this point.' Vinyl looked out as best she could at the single lane on the highway that wasn't moving. "Should have left last night."

Power Rangers

At the convention, seven friends were walking around the vendor area. Each of them were wearing a mass produced Mighty Morphin' costume they ordered online, the kind that are only bodysuits and face masks. Antony was leading the group in his White Ranger outfit; while his girlfriend Aisha was in the Pink Ranger costume. Jake and Dante were wearing the Blue and Black Ranger outfits respectively, Celine was wearing the Yellow Ranger outfit, which went well with her blonde hair. And wearing the Red and green Ranger outfits were twin exchange students from Japan, Shinji and Minato.

"Can you believe how awesome this is!? Real Power Rangers….At our convention!" Aisha squealed. "Oh I am so nervous to meet them! And excited! Nervouscited!"

"Isn't the Pink one supposed to be calm, ma chere?" Celine asked.

"Not ours."

"I still can't believe that I'm not dreamin' man. I mean...Power Rangers man." Jake said, lagging behind to look at the various vendor booths.

"Truthfully, I'm only curious as to how they were able to use their technology. It would take massive amounts of energy to teleport their costumes…" Dante started rambling.

"No technobabble Dante. You'll just get lost in your own little world." Antony says.


"No, tech tech. Capisce?" Tony said raising his clenched hand.

"Excuse me, could we get a photo?" A sultry voice asked. The seven turned around, Shinji and Minato immediately rushing over to the trio now before them.

"Ooh...nice costumes. Dazzlings right? They are…" "...The Rangers arch rivals right?" Shinji and Minato finished each others thoughts.

"Yes, costumes." Adagio said. "Anyway, we were wondering if we could get a few action shots with the Originals, maybe them fighting us?" She asked holding up a camera.

"Zyuranger was the fifteenth…" "...Not the first." Shinji and Minato clarified.

"I think she means Power Rangers dudes." Jake said.


Aria stepped up with a box. "Actually, we were hoping that we could get the actors but they aren't here, so maybe you could use these." She opened the box to reveal seven Mighty Morphin' morphers and power coins.

"Yeah, that's a great idea!" Sonata said grabbing the morphers and passing them out to their respective colored teen. "One nice shot of the Originals morphing!"

The seven looked at each other, shrugged and put their masks on. They fell into the most accurate formation possible with seven Rangers: Tony center with Shinji on his left and Minato on his right, followed by Jake behind Shinji and Dante behind Minato, and Aisha came behind Jake while Celine was behind Dante. They held the morphers behind their backs and spread their legs shoulder width. The Dazzlings raised their camera. "It's Morphin' Time!" Tony shouted as they thrusted their morphers forward.

The power coins flashed black as the teens began to writhe in pain, sparks of negative light danced around their bodies as smoke billowed around them. The morphers attached themselves to their waists, causing mores sparks that created armoring. The seven screamed in pain as they held their heads, their masks becoming fuller. The smoke completely enveloped them, giving them silhouettes of helmeted figures. The camera flashed and Sonata looked at the dissipating smoke. "I can't tell if their smiling." All that answered her was dark laughter.

The Harmony Rangers rushed outside of the building as the explosions began as they saw the figures slowly turn over to them, glaring under their helmets as they were introduced to…"Wait, aren't those…?" Pinkie began as Dash nods.

"Yep...the Mighty Morphin; Power Rangers…" said Dash with a cringe as they turned to them.

"So, looks like Rita and Zedd decided to make some new fake Rangers, huh?" the Red ranger said as they got into their stances.

"we'll take these fakes out no problem." The Black Ranger said as Sunset frowned.

"Whatever happened to them, it brainwashed them. They think they're the heroes from the show...so we better be careful." said Sunset as the rangers got into a stance as their weapons were summoned.

"Power Sword!" Said the Red Ranger with a glare, his sword at the ready.

"Power Bow!" The Pink Ranger said as her bow got out.

"Power axe!" The Black Ranger said as he flexed his axe a bit.

"Power Lance!" The Blue Ranger said with a twirl of the lance.

"Power Daggers!" The Yellow Ranger said as her daggers were at the ready.

"Dragon Dagger!" The Green Ranger said as he got the infamous dagger out.

"Saba!" Said the White Ranger as the seven rangers glared at the Rangers in front of them as Dash glanced t her team.

"This isn't gonna be an easy fight, is it?" Dash asked as the others shook their heads at this as she glared ahead. "We better get them out of those costumes. Ready?" They nod as they call out "It's Morphin Time! Power Rangers, Harmonize!" They all glowed as they gained their Ranger forms.

"Anyone got popcorn?" Sonata asked the other Sirens as they watched from behind a pillar...Aria bonked her head, making her cringe as she rubbed the sore spot.

"So...we fight our counterparts?" AJ asked as Sunset nods.

"Sounds like a plan to me. Everyone, weapon up!" They all nod as they yell out "Rock and Load!" As their weapons arrived.

"Come on Rangers, take them out!" the White Ranger said as the Mighty Morphin' team nod as they ran forward, weapons out as the Harmony Rangers ran forward as well.

Dash ran towards Ranger Red as he slashed at her with the Power Sword, but her axe blocked it as she kicked him in the side with a grunt. Fluttershy squeaked in fear as she used her tambourine to block off slashes from the Power Daggers.

"Try and catch me if you can~!" Pinkie Pie teased as she hopped from cotton candy cloud to another as the Pink Ranger fired at her with her bow who was growling in annoyance.

"Hold still! Ugh, you are so annoying." the Pink Ranger said as Pinkie gave a teasing wink under her helmet as AJ ducked around the Green Ranger's Dagger as Twilight was fighting against the Black Ranger with her magic as he dodged and slashed with his axe.

"Shouldn't you fight the Black Ranger?" asked Twilight in confusion as AJ shrugs.

"Good point. Wanna switch dance partners?" AJ asked as she nearly got stabbed by his dagger but was able to block it with her hammer.

"Uh...maybe later?" Twilight asked nervously as Rarity fired her Keytar at the Blue Ranger, who did a few flips before separating his lance and slashed at Rarity, who yelled out as she ducked back.

"And here I thought the Blue Ranger was supposed to be one of the nice ones!" Rarity said as Sunset and the White Ranger clashed swords with a grunt from each.

"Listen! I don't know what's going on with you, but you need to fight it! We're the good guys! if you're anything like the other rangers from the show, you should know that!" said Sunset as the White Ranger kicked her back as he glared.

"Sorry, but I don't take orders from a Putty! Hiyah!" White Ranger thrust Saba forward, hilt up, and fired lasers at Sunset that sent her flying.

Sunset growled as she got up as she says, "I'm not a Putty, you moron. I'm a person like you! The Sirens got you under a spell!"

"Likely story.' said the Red Ranger, hearing that from his fight with Rainbow Dash as he slashed forward, but she blocked it.

"Take it from the Element of Honesty; We're tellin' da truth!" said AJ as she kicked the Green Ranger back as the Black Ranger and Green charged as AJ and Twilight looked at each other and nod as they rolled away, causing the two to crash into each other, making them yell out at that.

"OK, I am surprised that worked." Twilight said in shock as she saw something...surprising: Pinkie Pie took the Pink Ranger's bow and was hopping around as the Pink Ranger was chasing her, annoyed.

"Give that back!" the Pterodactyl-themed ranger said in annoyance as Pinkie giggled up a storm.

"Gotta catch me first!" Pinkie said as Twilight just groaned aloud. The Yellow Ranger saw this and growled, drawing her blaster. "AJ, catch!"

Applejack caught the bow and was able to fire off a few energy blasts at the enemy Rangers, before being tackled by Original Pink Ranger.

"We don't have time for this! Let's put 'em together!" Red yelled. The other Rangers untied their weapons into a single cannon.




As the Harmony Rangers flew back from the explosion, they were forcibly demorphed and revealed their human selves beneath.

"What? Boss, aren't Putty Rangers supposed to return to normal or be destroyed when no longer morphed?" Blue asked White.

"Yeah….Could they be…?" White pondered.

"Ahem, excuse me! Could you get on with the elimination of our enemies? Kind of important!" Adagio called down from where she and the Sirens were resting on the roof.

"Not happening, lady!" Red shouted back, pointing at them dramatically. "If these are humans, then their on our side!"

Aria rolled her eyes. "Ugh. Plan B it is." And with that, the Sirens began to sing. The haunting tune enveloped the Mighty Morphin' Rangers, and consumed their thoughts. "Now, do your job puppet."

"Yes, mistress." The rangers monotonously said before raising their weapons high to deliver a final blow to the Harmony Rangers. *Honk! Honk!* The rangers turned in time for them to see the large bus that ran them over.

The door opened to the downed Rangers, revealing Vinyl sitting at the wheel. "Come with me if you want to live!" The Rangers rushed on board and the bus drove off. The Mighty Morphin' Rangers stood up and watched them leave, snarls coming from beneath their helmets, tire tracks covering their armor.

"I can't believe they got away!" Sonata exclaimed later in the castle. "We…" She glanced over to White and Green sparring. "...I mean they had them!"

Unikahn brooded as he looked out the window into the void."They are annoyances, unworthy of the Empress' time."

"Then why would she focus on them? Face it Unikahn, you're jealous of the Red Ranger." Adagio said, lounging on a chaise. Red looked down from waving a fan above her. "Not you honey."

"How dare yo wench!" Unikahn said as he stalked towards Adagio, mace drawn.

"Enough!" Nightmare Moon said from her throne. "White Ranger?"

White stopped his fight with a wave of the hand. "Yes, Mistress?"

"I sense the Rangers are preparing for another confrontation. Destroy them."

"As you command." With a motion, the Evil Rangers vanished in a flash of light.

"Now for us… I believe a symbolic strike is best. Hmm?" Nightmare waved her hand above the scrying pool. Within it, an image of what is popularly known as the Command Center appeared. "Ah yes, The Brandeis-Bardin institute's House of the Book in Simi Valley, California? The irony of having the Original Power Rangers destroying that would be exquisite!"

In the desert, the Evil Rangers faced off against the Harmony Rangers. "Ready to die?" White asked.

"Not a chance." Rainbow Dash answered. "Power Rangers! Harmonize!"

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lightning stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between he fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

The orange-gold streaks on Sunset's Morpher glowed, engulfing Sunset in fiery light. Sunset began to float and spin as her body took on a dark-purple body suit, with golden light forming wristbands, boots, finger plating, and her breast plate. Opening her eyes sharply, Sunset's head was covered by a gold helmet, the sound of a horse neighing echoing. She landed on a cliff above a ocean at sunset as waves crash behind her.

The tip of the phone-wand sparked with a purple light and shot into the sky, as Twilight was dragged into a spin upwards. She balanced on top of a spiraling galaxy in a purple body suit-and-skirt and snapped out her hands to form gloves. Slight kicks to the side formed her boots, and a snap of her fingers near her neck formed a silver cape and collar. The purple light from her morpher fell into her outstretched hand and became a staff. A shooting star crashed into her head with a neigh echoing to form her helmet. She posed with one hand outstretched and palm forward, and her staff held parallel to the ground behind her.

"Rangers, strike the coins!" Dash ordered. The Harmony Rangers ran forward, an act that surprised their counterparts. Each Ranger went for their opposites' Power Coin. Reaching deep within themselves, the girls forced their magic into the coins, demorphing their opposites into civilian garb, and taking their coins.

Jake was the first to come out of the spell. "What happened?"

"You were dragged into our war." Sunset said, holding out the White Tiger coin in the open palm of her glove, her team copying her.

"Up for one last battle soldier?"

The formerly controlled Rangers glanced around at each other, before reaching for the coin in their counterpart's outstretched hand.

Beneath her helmet, Sunset smiled. "Back to Action!"

Outside the famous House of Book, Nightmare Moon's forces greet the approaching Rangers. "At last, my true warriors arrive!" Nightmare Moon said, indicating the approaching Mighty Morphin' Rangers...unmorphed. "Have you successfully destroyed those annoyances?"

"Not yet. They're still pretty annoying." Tony said, as the other Rangers chuckled.

"You dare return to me with failure and levity!?"

"Jobs not done…" "...Thought you'd want…" "...A front row seat." The twins explained.

Nightmare raised an eyebrow in confusion as a wave of mist washed over the area.From within, seven voices began to sing a haunting tune. Out of the mist, behind the Mighty Morphin' Rangers, came the Harmony Rangers.The mist faded away to show all fourteen lined up opposite of Nightmare Moon's forces.

"What?" "Uh oh." "I don't feel too good…" The sirens said looking at the now obviously heroic assembly.

"Tony, would you care to do the honors?" Sunset asked flippantly.

"Our pleasure. Ready?" Tony asked.

"Ready!" The other thirteen shouted.

"It's Morphin' Time! White Tiger!"




"Saber-Tooth Tiger!"



"Power Rangers! Harmonize!"

With a flash of nine colors:Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, Orange-Gold, Purple, Black, and White; the Rangers stood united.

"White Ranger Power!"

"Green Ranger Power!"

"Pink Ranger Power!"

"Yellow Ranger Power!"

"Black Ranger Power!"

"Blue Ranger Power!"

"Red Ranger Power!"

"Hiyah!" The seven Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers posed before their enemies with a yell.

"Red Harmony Ranger!"

"Green Harmony Ranger!"

"Blue Harmony Ranger!"

"Yellow Harmony Ranger!"

"Pink Harmony Ranger!"

"Purple Harmony Ranger!"

"Gold Harmony Ranger!"

"Hiyah!" The Harmony Rangers posed in their signature stances.

"United Together! Rangers Forever!" All fourteen Rangers called as colored smoke burst behind them, cleared away by an explosion of fire.

The Rangers charged at the alliance of evil, pairing up with their counterpart or as close to, and attacked. Shinji and Dash attacked Unikahn; while Dante, Applejack, Twilight, and Minato attacked Doomitaur. Rarity and Jake took on Aria, Pinkie and Aisha charged Sonata, while Fluttershy and Celine attacked Adagio. Nightmare Moon charged the remaining two Rangers, Sunset and Tony.

The two Reds landed the first hits on their enemy, tagging each other in and out of melee and range. When Unikahn swiped at Rainbow with his mace, Shinji caught with his sword and gave Dash the time to cut Unikahn's legs from beneath him with her axe. She then played a riff to shoot lightning at the Power Sword, and Shinji cut through Unikahn's armor like butter. He blasted the two Rangers back, but they managed to flip out of the explosion by leaping off each other. While in the air they switched weapons, Shinji rocking out to send lightning at Unikahn while Rainbow went for a leaping stab with the sword.

The sound of trumpets rang as green bolts lifted Doomitaur into the air, followed by purple-black energy blasts. Applejack slammed her hammer into the ground to create a mesa that lifted Twilight into the air, where she fired down a rain of fire and lightning, forcing the skeletal minotaur to the ground. Dante wrapped his axe around Doomitaur and flung him towards Minato while cutting him. Doomitaur was able to recover from the spin with a stumble and attempted to chop Minato's shoulders, but was blocked by his golden shield. Minato punched him off into the air and roundhouse kicked him back, where Applejack was waiting to hammer him into the ground.

Pinkie used her nunchuck like a whip to wrap Sonata up, then pulled to force her into a spin as Aisha fired energy arrows. Grabbing Aisha, Pinkie bounced upwards into the sky in complete defiance of even Ranger physics and immediately dropped them straight down onto Sonata's head in a four boot kick. Aisha then used her bow as a staff and knocked Sonata around until Sonata caught and flung Aisha towards Pinkie. Pinkie jumped over her counterpart, while using her nunchuck to pull Aisha back to her feet, before punching Sonata with a haymaker.

Jake stabbed forward at Aria as Rarity fired off shots to keep her pinned. Aria took the blow from the lance, but grabbed on to spin Jake around. Jake however used the momentum to slide down the staff to kick Aria in the chest and send her flying to Rarity. Rarity double kicked Aria up into the sky and sent energy diamonds to collide with her, after which Jake used his lance like helicopter blades to fly up and cut the siren. He ended their short lived flight with an elbow to the stomach and threw his lance behind her, pinning her arm as diamonds pinned the rest of her limbs.

Fluttershy spun in her hoop at Adagio, Celine holding on to the side with her arm as her dagger was held out in the other. The spinning stab sent the siren flying, followed by the two Yellows coming down with a double karate chop. Adagio sent out blasts of energy, but Fluttershy was able to use her hoop to redirect them away, giving Celine an opportunity to stab the siren in the back with both of her daggers. Kicking Adagio over her head, Celine rolled to Fluttershy and they both drew their blasters, firing and damaging the still airborne siren.

Sunset and Tony fired off blasts of energy, but Nightmare canceled the attacks with her own wave of darkness from her scythe. However the blast caused a smoke cloud that obscured her vision, which allowed the White and Gold Rangers to leap out of the cloud. Spinning in the air with their swords outstretched, the Rangers struck out Nightmare Moon, actually succeeding in breaking her staff into two.

"Tony, give me to Sunset!" Saba the Sword said.

"Got it. Sunset, Catch!" Sunset caught the scimitar and performed a flaming double cut on Nightmare Moon, causing a giant cross of fire to fly across the field.

"I've had enough of this! Two teams of Rangers is too much! Retreat!" Nightmare yelled before vanishing in smoke, the Sirens and Unikahn doing the same. The only monster that remained was Doomitaur, who was just now digging himself out of the ground.

"Uh Oh..." Doomitaur said as he noticed his situation.

"Let's put 'em together!" Dash and Shinji shouted.

"Power Axe!"

"Power Bow!"

"Power Daggers!"

"Power Lance!"

"Power Sword!"

"Dragon Dagger!"


The weapons united once more, but this time combined with the Wub Cannon.



"Fire!" The Rangers spread their arms into V's as the cannon launched a powerful energy blast that disintegrated Doomitaur in a single blast.

Later that day, outside of the Canterlot Convention Center, the Rangers were saying goodbye to their new friends. "Never thought this would happen in my life." Tony admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

"We are sorry, but thank you for helping us." Sunset said.

Vinyl gave Shinji a wooden box. When he opened it, he found the Power Coins they used. Vinyl smiled sadly. "Bosses say they won't morph again, so I thought that you guys might want a unique souvenier."

Thanks and hugs were given, tears welling up in everyone's eyes. Tony and Minato both took I3 business cards, considering them for the future. Fluttershy put her hand out in front of her, palm down. The others were confused for a fraction of a second, before placing theirs on top of it. Sunset smiled. "Once a Ranger…"

"...Always a Ranger." Tony finished.

"Go Go Power Rangers!"
Episode 23: Discord
Discord: by Xero Key

Nightmare Moon sat upon her throne, rolling the multi-veined stone in her hand. Unikahn was brooding out the window as usual, and the Sirens were squabbling over a petty disagreement. 'Heh. Ironic that is what I need, but not from them.'The Queen of Darkness thought to herself. She waved her hand over the shattered remains of her scythe, destroyed by the Power Rangers, reforming it into a silver double-edged blade. Hefting the weapon in her hand, Nightmare frowned. 'A sword… even now we are too similar.' She raised the hand with the stone, palm facing up, and used her magic to levitate the stone over the scrying pool.

"Your Majesty? Is something wrong?" Sonata asked.

"I'm trying to bring out an old friend." Nightmare said as she summoned a bolt of black lightning. It struck the stone with the ring of a gong, and the stone began to twist and shake. The scrying pool bubbled and boiled. Within the foam and lights, screaming faces of silent agony echoed into the void. With a burst of energy the throne room filled with smoke. The Sirens coughed as they cleared away the smoke. There, standing in the ruins of the pool was a man-not-man. He appeared in mismatched clothes, one leg bare and one leg fair and two hands open to the air, facing in to the trees. A clock of twenty faces and four hands went on his head, while a hat of one eye stared down from below.

"Tockety-tick, Tickety-tock. So good to notbe a boring old rock. No callumphing or jumping or zbbayetibumphing." The thing of not-thing smiled in his frown. "Now who wants to turn town thE

dOwn1 upZides/" He asked shyly with a booming voice.

Power Rangers

The Rangers were hanging out at a cafe, well hanging out is inaccurate. They were in the same general area… but they were not enjoying the company. Each girl was doing something to ignore the others, Sunset had changed into a light-blue outfit with orange stripes on her black jacket. The only thing that showed she was upset was the fact that Gold Ranger wasn't in control, but her Dark side, evidenced by her black sclera.

"Ugh, nothing on my phone." Sunset said practically throwing the device back on to the table.

'Could you please not break my stuff?' Ranger Sunset asked from within their mind.

'One of the few times I'm nothing more than emotion...and your chastising me?'

'Not to brag, but I kinda hold the team together.' Gold said appearing to Dark as a spirit. 'I mean look at them.' She gestured to the other Rangers. Pinkie was playing a loud game, Rarity looked as though she was working finances, Twilight was reading a book with an angered expression because of Pinkie's game, Applejack and Rainbow were competing about something unimportant, and Fluttershy was asleep with earmuffs on.

'Well besides Pinkie it's exactly what I like, quiet.' Dark said leaning back in her chair, before getting a psychic slap to the backside of the head from Gold.

'Talk to them, they're our friends.'

'Your friends, I broke them up to be Queen Bee remember?'

At that moment the street exploded in fire, knocking the Rangers out of their seats. "Oh boy, joy-o! What a happy surprise! I go looking for a rainbow and find the treasure inside!" The Rangers turned to see...the strangest wrongness they'd ever heard. A large man-woman of infinite smallness stood atop the bottom of the deepest crater.

"Who the hay are you?" Fluttershy yelled in her cocky pointing her hoof, her usual Stetson balanced to the side of her head.

"Why Wobbery Jack I was to be, I have to thank you for setting me free." The nothing said laying on the air below them. "Now I know you and true to sew, To game i say, and a game we shall go!" With a snap of it's toes the world became right...a red sky of night and purple grass flows. "The world we wander about in twists and turns and gallops about. Find me if you can through this maze of your hearts...and come out the same as when you did start." It chuckled in a dark sinister voice. "Now no re-arranging, the board has been set." The girl's morphers vanished. "To the game I say, go on get!"

The Rangers stood at the entrance of a stone maze, separated from each other by walls reaching beyond the sky. "Girls, meet up in the center." Twilight called from the right/left? Sound made no difference here. The first to step forward was the still Dark Sunset.

"Okay, got any advice me?" Sunset recieved no answer. "On my own, great…"

As Twilight walked farther into the maze, she attempted to use her magic. "Nothing… not even a spark." She came to an opening decorated like a science lab.

"Doctor there you are! You're needed in the lecture hall immediately!" Twilight put her notes back onto her desk and adjusted her glasses, confused.


"Yes, you are the most successful doctor in the world, with awards in every field!"

"Wow! really?" She asked, eyes turning to the diplomas decorating her office… only diplomas. "Where are the pictures of my friends and family?"

"What are you talking about Doctor?" The not-thing asked. It turned her head so she could see her reflection in her infinite awards.

"They didn't do this, only you."

"Yes… only me…" In a flash of grey, Twilight's morpher returned to her coat pocket. The lab fell away to become a maze once more and Twilight walked on, an empty feeling sinking in her heart.

Fluttershy was in a veterinarian's clinic, changing out of her scrubs from another successful surgery. "My poopsy is ruined!" A woman said, holding up her perfectly normal corgi.

"What do you mean ma'am?"

"Look at this scar you left on her head!" Indeed the corgi had a scar, a very minor one. "We'll see you in court!" The woman said as she left, leaving Fluttershy stunned.

"It's always like this newbie." A fellow doctor said. "Don't do this out of the goodness of your heart, nobody else has it. It's a job nothing more...being kind never gets you anything."

Fluttershy briefly looked like she wanted to debate, but her memories of always being ignored whenever she did something nice came to her mind. "No, duh. Not even worth my time." Fluttershy's morpher returned to her wrist in a burst of grey.

Pinkie Pie wiped the tomatoes from her face as she was booed of stage." Wh-Why aren't they laughing?"

"They are honey." The stage manager said. "Laughing at you."

"But that's not funny." Pinkie said getting angry

"Is to them, and that's all that matters."

"Then they don't get to laugh." Pinkie said as she picked up a prop cleaver. "No one does." Using the dull blade she cut a frown into

the face of clown on a poster. Not even noticing her morpher fading back onto her arm.

Applejack carried her gun through the decimated city. "The last remnants of the Ranger Civil War. Hard to believe it came to this." She spoke to herself.

"We might have a way to change this." Her companion said taking of their pack. Inside was a wristwatch with an indecipherable language. "If the doc who made this was right, one of us can go back and stop the war from happening."

"The only way to do that would be… to never let them go out that day." Applejack said putting the device on her wrist. "But how could I convince 'em?"

"I don't know… Lie? Anything to keep that from happening right?" Her companion suggested.

"Yeah, a lie would work. Just one little lie, just for one day." The walls of the maze returned and the watch became her morpher.

Rarity slowly repelled down the side of the cavern wall. "I think I see them! If we're right, these crystals could probably solve the energy crisis!"

"That's great Rarity!" Her partner said as Rarity finally reached the bottom. All around her were glorious crystals of power beyond her wildest dreams. Her partner landed beside her. "With all of these, no one on Earth could go hungry." Her partner smiled. "They'd probably fetch a pretty penny."

Rarity perked up from her sketchings of the cave. "How pretty?"

"Enough to set us for life."

Rarity looked back down to her sketch, then to a rock on the floor, her morpher glowing grey. "Set each of us for life...or one of us for two." Rarity picked up the rock and threw it, hitting the opposite wall of the maze. She stood up and sauntered away, numbers and figures and gold dancing in her head.

Rainbow Dash came across Nightmare Moon lunging on a chaise. "I figured you were behind this!"

Nightmare sat up, chains connecting her to the chaise clinking, her crown falling off to reveal Sunset's face. "Please Rainbow Dash, I need your help. Creating Wobbery Jack drained the nightmare forces! Release me and I can lead you to him!"

"Yeah right." Dash said. "Why should I help you?"

"Because I'm your friend…"

"My Sunset ain't evil."

Sunset's face grew cold. "Is that what you really think? You've never doubted her or questioned why she made the Rangers in the first place?"

"Duh, to save the world?"

"Then why didn't she become the Red Ranger herself? She definitely has the skills." Nightmare asked, circling Rainbow Dash.

"She uh… didn't think she was worthy."

"And now she's in charge."

"What, no way. I am!"

"When was the last time the Rangers looked to you for guidance?" Rainbow Dash pondered this, and couldn't answer. "It was always her, becoming Gold was just taking the throne from her pretender."

"No Way is she getting away with that!" Dash yelled , readying her gray morpher. "Red's in charge, no one else. I can handle this jerk on my own! Then they'll see." Dash ran off farther into the maze, Nightmare squelching to once more become Wobbery Jack.

"Six down, one to go…"

Sunset sat facing her reflection in a pool. Where she had her hands clenched, her reflection hid her face, weeping. "Get up already…" Sunset ordered weakly, her black eyes barely staying awake. "Even if I get the morpher back, I can't use it."

"Why bother?" Her reflection asked. "I'm not worthy of it anyway."

"Bull." Her reflection looked up as Sunset pulled her out of the water. "You let me back in and made great friends."

"But they'll never trust me."

"You'll get it."

The ground began to shake as the walls of the maze fell. Wobbery Jack stood next to the other six Rangers, who were bickering and fighting each other. Sunset's reflection vanished, but her eyes remained black.

"Tricking you won't work, so I'll hit you where you hurt!" Wobbery Jack said as he vanished.

With his exit, the other six stopped fighting and readied their morphers. "Disharmonize!" They shouted, and in a burst of black smoke they transformed. Their colors were replaced with black, and the white now grey. The rainbows on their chest were grey-scale.

"Oh no." Sunset said as her black eyes widened.

Standing before Sunset was the Rangers, the uniforms turned black and gray. "Oh Horseapples…" Sunset said, not liking this at all as she looked at the now powered up rangers who were glaring at her under their visors. Sunset grasped at her chest, in a vain attempt to bring her Good side out, but there wasn't a single hint of golden light.

"Eheheh...it seems that even when you say you are a good girl, this sort of thing still happens." Jack said with a chuckle, appearing with a puff of smoke. "Of course, it's to be expected from you." He then whispers. "Oh poor Sunset Shimmer, can't even keep her friends when she has them." The serpent slithered across the sandy sky. "First her teacher, then her school, everyone close to you." The not-thing giggled. "Have fun on your playdate girls!" And Jack was gone, leaving Sunset alone with the Rangers.

"Oh yeah, time for some pay back!" said Rainbow as she got her axe out as she swung it, making Sunset roll to the side.

"OK, have you officially lost your minds!?" asked Sunset, annoyed.

"Stop talking!" said Fluttershy as she sent out a burst of black moth-like energy blasts at her, making her go back a bit.

"Sheesh…" said the darker side of Sunset in clear annoyance. "You are officially getting on my nerves. Aren't you supposed to be friends or whatever?"

"Sorry to do dis, hon." said AJ as she swung her hammer as Sunset yelped as she ducked around them.

"OK, that was a bold faced lie...I am kinda impressed in an odd way, but that's not important." Sunset said as she looked around for something to defend herself with as Rarity fired her keytar, making Sunset run for it.

"You can't hide from us!" said Pinkie Pie in anger as Sunset kept running anyway.

"Well I can sure as Tartarus try!" Sunset said as she kept running. 'OK...Karma biting my flank aside, I need a plan...OK, they are now turned evil by some weird trickster god that this world somehow has-I'll have to look into that once this insanity is over-and he turned the Rangers into the Psycho Rangers...I gotta find a way around this, but how?'

Sunset snuck into a room as the other rangers ran past. "Lets split up." Twilight said to the others as Rainbow just scoffed.

"First good idea I heard all day, doc." Rainbow said with an eyeroll under her helmet as they went off, FLuttershy shoving Rarity out of her way as Sunset watched.

"...OK, I know I wasn't exactly the nicest person in the world back in the day, but even I had standards...this is crazy." Sunset said, studying the situation. "...OK, they split up for now, so that gives me some time to think of how to reactivate the morpher...and at least FIND it…" she rubbed her temples in thought.

'What's the point?' Dark Sunset heard as she saw the depressed version of her good counterpart, as the darker counterpart just rolled her eyes.

"OK, can you stop with being a negative nancy?" Asked Dark Sunset flatly as she got up, her reflection followed her example but kept her head down. "I'll try to see if I can at least fight one of them off." Her eyes gained a green outline as she concentrated.

Suddenly a mystical aura went over her as she growled out "Let's do this." Suddenly she roared out as a fiery explosion went over her, returning to her demonic form but at a much smaller scale, about the size of her real anthro form. She then flapped her wings slightly as she nods. She then took off after the Rangers.

AJ looked around, patting her hammer a bit. "Come out, Sunny. Look, I am really sorry. how 'bout we have a nice talk o'er some nice, cool cider?"

"Is that before or after you decide to bash me with the glass bottle?" a dark voice said as Demon Sunset came in, fire at the ready.

"Ah, so you suited up. It suits ya." said AJ, tapping her hammer more as Demon Sunset growled.

"OK, I can tell in your reverse talk that was an insult." Sunset growled as she flew forward, smashing AJ against a wall. "Look, the lying thing doesn't work for you, cowgirl. So how about you just snap out of it?"

"Snap out of what?" asked AJ with a false sense of hurt. "I am perfectly fine!" She then kicked Sunset in the chest, making her let go.

"...At least you still got that kick thing going on." said Sunset flatly, rubbing her stomach at that. She growled as she says, "Come on! Where's the old 'Yeehaw, lets be best buds' thing that you usually go on about?"

"Ya'll are right...let's talk this out." said AJ...before tossing the hammer right at her, making Demon Sunset hit a wall with a groan, shoving it off.

"Well, that failed spectacularly." Good Sunset said with a sigh as Demon Sunset only gave a flat look.

"Oh shut up. You're not exactly being much help yourself." Demon Sunset said in response, getting up from the blow. AJ walked over, cracking her knuckles before Sunset slammed her hands down, creating a wall of fire to separate the two of them before flying off. "OK...the southern belle, a no-go. Lets see if Miss Sunshine and Lollipops is more in the mood to talk."

Pinkie Pie stomped around, looking annoyed more so than usual as she mutters something about 'I hate this place! I hate these people! I wish they would go into a ditch' or something along those lines as Sunset landed.

"Oh, do you really feel that way? I'm hurt, really." said Demon Sunset as the Good Sunset just sighed. Pinkie saw her and growled as she rushed at her, going for kicks as Sunset dodged. "Oh come on! Where's that endearingly annoying ball of energy that usually tries to make people smile?"

"Oh, so I'm annoying, am I!?" Pinkie asked in rage as the demon got worried at her tone.

"...OK, that came out ALL wrong…" said Demon Sunset nervously as she saw Pinkie Pie make some clouds...that were dark gray instead of the usual pink and had barbs coming out. "Well, that doesn't look comfortable. Wait, how do clouds...ah right, I'm against Pinkie Pie."

"It's Pinkamena." said Pinkie with a growl, her nunchucks at the ready as Good Sunset gave a nervous yelp.

"She HATES being called by her full name." Good Sunset groaned as Demon Sunset didn't like the sound of this.

"Wow...you have gone off the deep end. Look...uh...how about we have a party, huh?" She asked, as she had a hand behind her back as she concentrated on the clouds, trying to get them to ignite. "You know...with balloons, cake, party games...all that fun stuff?" She said as she waved her hands as the clouds gained a blue hue that caused the clouds themselves to give off a faintly orange light and some smoke to form.

"I Hate parties!" said Pinkie in rage before she noticed her clouds were on fire. "What the?! how did you do that?"

"They may be gray and barbed, but they're still the same chemical makeup of your usual clouds...and since that's not water vapor, it's easily ignitable with the right amount of heat." Sunset explained as she says, "Look. Everyone is acting weird, including you. Do you really want to see your friends going through this stuff?"

"Who cares?" asked Pinkie with a growl, her eyes narrowing as she got her nunchucks ready. "Because when I'm done, I'm gonna make sure you're not gonna have much left about you!" She then ran at her, but Sunset flew out of her way, causing her to hit a wall as Sunset retreated quickly.

"O-KAY! That was a really bad idea!" said the demonic girl with a shudder. "Seriously, who knew that girl could be TERRIFYING...and this is coming from me!"

"Break a Pinkie Pie promise and you'll know scary." Good Sunset said with a sigh as the demonic Sunset looked around, but then nearly got hit by a burst of moths.

"Found you!" Yelled Fluttershy as she was right behind her with her tambourine as she jumped at her, kicking her down, making Sunset yell out as she hit the ground. "Payback time!"

"For wha-ooh…" Sunset then groaned, realizing something. 'I forgot...before my good half came back, I bullied this girl a lot...and now that she's all about rage, she's got a LOT of pent up anger…'

"Back off, Flower girl! She's mine!" said a voice as she turned to see Rainbow Dash coming in with a glare, holding her axe on her shoulder. "Time to show her how a REAL leader does things."

"Oh yeah, since you clearly took charge when Twilight told you to split up…" Sunset said flatly as Rainbow glared.

"Can you ever say the right thing?" Good Sunset asked with a sigh as Demon Sunset just gave a scowl.

"Bite me." Demon Sunset whispered to herself as FLuttershy glared.

"Rainbow, I got this!" Fluttershy said with a growl as Rainbow just laughed.

"Yeah right! You're the wimpiest of all of us!" said Rainbow as Fluttershy growled and grabbed her by her collar.

"You want to say that to my face, you wanna be?" Fluttershy asked with a sneer under her helmet as Rainbow glared.

"Who are you calling a wanna-be, hippie!?" asked Rainbow in anger as Sunset watched the two argue, making her raise an fiery eyebrow.

'What am I doing? I was Celestia's prized student, I shouldn't be….' Demon Sunset smiled cruelly as she dug a single talon into the ground, carving a shape. "Oh girls~" She sing songed. "You want me? Come get me!"

"OUT OF THE WAY!" said Rainbow, shoving her Fluttershy aside as she ran forward, as Fluttershy grabbed her by the back of her shirt.

"I saw her first!" said Fluttershy as the two tussled a bit as they tried to get to her first as Demon Sunset backed up a bit, just waiting for it as the two kept fighting.

'Hmm...I wonder which of them would win in a fight...ah well. That's not important' Demon Sunset thought as the two glared at her and ran for her, trying to push the other away before a glow engulfed them when they both hit the floor.

"What the hay?" asked Rainbow in confusion as the two tried to get up. "What the heck did you do to us?!"

"Oh, just a slight demobilization spell. You girls play nice now~." Demon Sunset said as she walked away slowly, giving a teasing wave, staying long enough to hear the resulting argument.


"This is your fault!" said Fluttershy with a glare.

"How is my fault!?" Rainbow demanded with a glare back, but Fluttershy just rolled her eyes.

"If you didn't show up, I could have finished her!" Fluttershy said as Rainbow Dash just laughed.

"Yeah right! You couldn't beat a cold!" Rainbow said as Sunset walked off, rolling her eyes.

"Man, as their negative selves, they argue like an old married couple...weird." said Sunset with a shrug. "Ah well, finally got those two...Just need to disable the other four and find a way out of this mess so they can get back to their normal selves."

"Why bother? Didn't you hear them?" Good Sunset sighed as the demonic one rolled her eyes.

"It's a SPELL. Can't you tell!? This weird trickster is using the opposite form of the Elements to make your friends turn into negative versions! All we need to do now is to get the others…" said Demon Sunset as the arguing earlier gave her an idea, smirking a bit.

Rarity walked around, her keytar in hand as she looked around. "Oh darling, where are you?" Rarity asked, looking around before bumping into Applejack. "Oh, Applejack. Have you seen Sunset?"

"Enope, haven't seen her." AJ said, shaking her head and feigning innocence as Rarity gave a glare.

"Well, I am going to be the one who gets her. After all, I am sure there is gonna be quite the reward for capture." Rarity said with a faint chuckle as AJ just rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I bet it'd be mighty fancy." said AJ with a chuckle as Rarity just gave her a flat look.

"At least have some merit, my dear." Rarity said with a harrumph as clapping is heard as Sunset wa near by, giving a faint wave.

"Howdy." said Sunset with a smirk as the two aimed their weapons at her. "Hey, I'm not here to fight." She said, secretly drawing a similar ruin into wall as Rarity gave her a skeptical eye.

"You're not?" asked Rarity as Sunset gave a head shake.

"Nope. I'm just here to give an offer." said Sunset, smirking internally since she knew Rarity's new greedy persona would be easier to trick as Rarity's eyes widen as AJ just kept an eye on the two. "I can help give you ALL the morphers if you help me out. Would that sound OK with you, Rarity?"

"All the Morphers, hmm…?" Rarity said, thinking this over as AJ looked at them with concern. "Hmm...sounds quite enticing."

"I just need to know where mine is and I can get them all together for you." Sunset said with a smirk as AJ looked kinda worried now.

"OK, dis sounds like a real good idea and all, but what about me?" asked AJ as Sunset just smirked.

"Well, the offer is open to you too. I already got the offer to Rainbow and Fluttershy, and they're all in on it." said Sunset said as the greedy girl smirked as she walked over.

"Your offer sounds good to me...I think I've got one in mind right now. "Rarity said aiming her gun at AJ as she powered it up as Sunset mouthed an incantation as AJ glared.

"Oh yeah, I'll just HAND it over, ain't it?" asked AJ with a glare as she stomped over. "Here, how about I also give you my hammer!" The two ran at each other as Sunset finished the spell as a ring of fire got in between them and cloaked them, making them stop in their tracks.

"What in the world!?" asked Rarity in shock as AJ glared through.

"Oh yeah, thanks! This is real appreciated." AJ said with a growl as Sunset snickered a bit.

"Sarcasm is not lying Cowgirl." Sunset quipped, floating above the two. "And also...about the morpher thing...I lied. Ironic, ain't it?" She said to AJ with a smirk as AJ growled in annoyance.

"OK, that was quite underhanded." Rarity said with a glare as Sunset scowled.

"Said the girl who pointed the gun to your own comrade? And I thought Rainbow got disloyalty." Sunset cracked as she landed. "Also, don't worry. The fire won't hurt you...well, if you don't try to move through it. The fire isn't gonna go out with either smothering or water. Dark magic by nature." She walked off at this as the two glared.

"You had a GREAT idea in this, girly." AJ said as Rarity just gave a glare.

"Oh shush." Rarity said flatly as Sunset snuck around as she looked around.

"Oh Pinkie~ Come out and play~" said Sunset in a sing-song tone as she looked around. She then heard footsteps as she moved to the side as Pinkie yelled out as she came to run at her as Sunset counted down. "Three...two…"

"GOTCHA!" said Pinkie as Sunset hand glowed as the door in front of her suddenly slammed shut, making Pinkie hit it and fall back with a groan as Sunset opened it with with a smirk.

"I am honestly impressed that work." said Sunset with a chuckle as she whipped some magical energy to go around her as she snapped her fingers as the other four arrived with the same aura around them. "OK...five down, one to go. Then I can find a way to reverse this spell."

"Oh right, like you can do that." Rainbow with an eye roll. "Look, how about you just let me go and I'll just clear out, OK?"

"And where exactly does that leave US?" asked Pinkie as she and Fluttershy glared at her at that.

"Duh, with the crazy fire lady. Who cares what happens to you, I'm the important one." said Rainbow as the five began to argue while Sunset started to growl as she floated them behind her.

"Urge to maim...rising steadily…" Demon Sunset said, her eye twitching faintly. The arguing continued before she growled as she says, "The five of you… WOULD YOU KINDLY SHUT UP ALREADY?!" She yelled in annoyance, her eyes shining with flames as the five became silent, wide eyed as Sunset just growled as she continued on.

She then heard quiet crying, making her pause a bit as she raised an eyebrow. She placed the five on a wall, making them unable to move. The demonic being moved through, seeing Twilight against a wall, her head on her knees and her helmet next to her. 'OK...this is new...' Sunset thought, seeing this.

"Ooh, it's you...come to kidnap me as well? Why not just forget about me." said Twilight with a sigh. "Not like anyone would miss me...I mean, I had to do a lot of things on my own anyway and I can do that from her on too."

"Yeah, sounds like you are having a heck of a time here." said Sunset, leaning against a wall as the Good Sunset gave her a flat look from a near by mirror, as she did a hand motion. 'Seriously? NOW of all times?!' she mouthed as the Good Sunset just crossed her arms.

"What do you want?" Twilight asked with a groan while Sunset just gave an eye roll.

"It's like I told the other Sunset: this is all just a spell. I need you to help me fix this mess. We're the only two with the access to the kind of magic needed to fix this." said Sunset as Twilight just rolled her eyes.

"Like we have a chance if you fix this." said Twilight with a sigh as a sinister chuckle carried over as she saw the other five rangers were out, glaring at her.

"Ah crud…" Said Sunset, not liking this. The Five glared before they headed out as Sunset says, "Hey, hold on a second!" they ignored her as they went off as Twilight sighed, taking her helmet.

"I'm out of here...forget this whole Ranger nonsense." said Twilight with a sigh as Sunset looked shocked, as it cause her demon form to give out.

'OK...this is bad...'thought DArk Sunset, not liking this. 'ALL the Rangers are out and I'm at half strength since my good half isn't listening...' she then began to pace, trying to think of a solution...but couldn't.

A train of thought was caught and bought with the fish of wish in the dish at bish. Wobbery Jack stood right side left as Sunset realized she had failed. "Oh pish posh, what's the matter? Wash wish, give me something to work with." A nest landed on it's crow as it quacked and clucked for it's legs to flap, swimming off into the ground.

"Just go away…" Sunset said.

"Aww, you aren't the one fun one. You're so mopey and dopey and altogether lopey." Jack said with a mile like a smile, frowning a while in the denial of the Nile.

"I swear I will burn you!"

Jack chuckled and heckled, but would not leave the sea. "You see? I see. You won't burn any-bee." He buzzed.

"Rhyming? Really?" Sunset asked.

Jack shrugged, the world becoming right. "It's a gimmick, the readers don't seem to care." Sunset raised an eyebrow at that comment but Jack just waved a hand at this. "Ehh, don't mind me, since all you can do is stare." Jack looked up. "Okay, I don't like rhyming that much. Give me that!" Jack said reaching out of the screen and pulling Xero's laptop inside itself.

"...What is he going on about?" asked Sunset in confusion. Jack then sighs as he looks at her.

"You annoy me. While I am workin, you take a nap." said Jack as a hammer appeared over her head.

"Like I'd let you do any-" before she could finish, the hammer hit her on the head, making her groan a bit as she fell to the side, now having a throbbing headache.

Sunset was in a dark void, Dark taking the form of a bat winged alicorn, while Good was human. "It's hopeless…" Good Sunset said, her image floating in mid air, knees tucked to her chin.

"That is it!" Dark said, her hair temporarily bursting into flame. "What is your deal!?" Good Sunset looked down from where she hung, tears wallowing in her eyes, but didn't say anything. "Ugh! You are so frustrating! Wake up and smell the manure filly! We aren't done yet, but I can't fix this alone!"

"Why? I don't deserve to do anything." Good said.

Dark just gawked. "Deserve? That's what this is about?"

"I've done so many horrible things…"

"No I did!" Sunset said pointing her hoof back to herself. "You have done everything you can to repent for me!"

Good Sunset floated down and landed on the roof of the high school, watching the sun set beyond the horizon.


Was all I desired. (I desired, I desired)

But all that grew inside me

Was the darkness I acquired.

Looking at her reflection in the window, Sunset's face seemed to split and flash between her Ranger helmet and Nightmare Moon. She began to remember the Fall Formal, when she took the Element of Magic for herself. And Princess Twilight Sparkle offering a hand of friendship.

When I began to fall

And I lost the path ahead

That's when your friendship found me

And it lifted me instead.

Sunset began to run around the center spire of the school. Waving her hand at a streak of gold soared through the sky, her eyes briefly changing to black as Dark Sunset vanished.

Like a Phoenix burning bright

In the sky

I'll show there's another side to me

You can't deny.

She looked up at the school clock, becoming more bold as she sang. An image of Nightmare Moon appeared in place of her reflection, which she wiped away, and she looked at her new reflection of the Gold Ranger happily.

I may not know what the future holds

But hear me when I say

That my past does not define me

Cause my past is not today.

Sunset found herself in Canterlot High's hallway, facing photos of her from winning the school's competition and being crowned princess. She looked at the first one of her being happy and not crazy, before taking them all down and throwing them away. She closed her eyes, a brief image of her pony self looking in a mirror with an alicorn for a reflection filling her mind.


Is what I believed

Would be the only way

To set me free.

She flashed back to before the Battle of the Bands, when she was still hated, and watched all the students disappear. Then Princess Twilight put her hand on her shoulder, joined by her teammates including Ranger Twilight.

But when it disappeared

And I found myself alone

That's when you came and got me

And it felt like I was home.

Sunset ran to the edge of the roof, throwing off her jacket as she did so, the sun beginning the rise. Her body started to spark with golden light like wisps of flame. As she sang, Dark Sunset's voice began to harmonize with her own, forming a perfect shadow over Good Sunset.

Like a Phoenix burning bright

In the sky

I'll show there's another side to me

You can't deny.

She smiled sadly as the energy began to build around her, before opening her arms and beginning to float upwards. She held her arms close before energy exploded outwards from her, forming golden phoenix wings, her flowing in an ethereal wind.

I may not know what the future holds

But hear me when I say

That my past does not define me

Cause my past is not today!

Sunset landed, her wings faded. "Don't worry guys… I'm coming." On her left wrist, her morpher reappeared. "Power Rangers, Harmonize!" She activated her morpher as her body glowed.

The orange-gold streaks on Sunset's Morpher glowed, engulfing Sunset in fiery light. Sunset began to float and spin as her body took on a dark-purple body suit, with golden light forming wrist bands, boots, finger plating, and her breast plate. Opening her eyes sharply, Sunset's head was covered by a gold helmet, the sound of a horse neighing echoing. She landed on a cliff above an ocean at sunset as waves crash behind her.

Jack paused his typing when he noticed the energy coming from Sunset's body as he asks, "What the devil?" he asked as he saw her vanish from sight with a brilliant flash of orange. "...Oh dear."


Sunset reappeared as she panted a bit. "Ok...teleporting that long of a distance...DRAINING…" She then activated her comlink. "Vinyl, you there?"

"Here. What's up?" asked Vinyl in confusion. "The Tree is going nutty here."

"I know. We met up with a more malicious version of the chaos spirit from Equestria. I need you to track the other Rangers. They got affected by him."

"Gotcha." Said Vinyl as she was looking around. "Ok...they're at six different locations: Twi is at the School Library, AJ is at her barn, Pinkie is at the cafe, Fluttershy is at her house, Rainbow is at the gym and Rarity is at the Boutique." Vinyl said as Sunset nods.

"OK, get the new zord ready. We're gonna need it soon." Sunset said as she pressed a button on her morpher, which summoned her Rainboom cycle as she got on it and rode off.

At the library, Colgate and Moon Dancer moving away from a seat where a VERY large stack of books was standing. "...Where did she get all those books?" Colgate whispered as the other just shrugged as they heard a knock as Sunset came in full ranger gear.

"I'd step back." Sunset said as she looked around and saw Twilight in the middle of the books, likely trying to find solace in her many books. "Hey Twi, you OK?" Sunset asked, taking the seat across from her and taking the helmet off.

"What do you want?" asked Twilight, her hair back up in a bun and wearing a gray-scale version of her usual attire.

"What? A friend can't sit by another friend?" Sunset asked as Twilight looked at her oddly, but noticed the eyes were a bit different; it was the Good sunset AND the Dark Sunset, both sharing control at the moment as one eye looked normal and the other had black corneas.

"Look, I know you had a rough day so far, but we've been through a lot worse." SUnset said with a sigh. "I mean, come on, you're the Element of Magic. That's the signature of Friendship, remember? Wouldn't you rather be having fun with the others instead of being alone?"

Twilight looked down and says, "But...I've been able to do a lot alone anyway…"

"And have you ever felt happy with your success? Being alone is never rewarding. Trust me, I know how it feels; I let my ambitions blind me for a long time, but I found out something; ambition is only so good...but I would rather have you girls than be like that." Sunset said, putting a hand on her arm as a light orange magic began to mix with violet as Twilight closed her eyes in thought.

Her clothing began to regain color as she thought over what Sunset had said, as her morpher shined..as she nods, removing her glasses calmly as she got her morpher out. "Lets go save our friends."

Sunset smirked as she put her helmet back on, as Twilight activated her Morpher. "Power Rangers, Harmonize!"

The tip of the phone-wand sparked with a purple light and shot into the sky, as Twilight was dragged into a spin upwards. She balanced on top of a spiraling galaxy in a purple body suit-and-skirt and snapped out her hands to form gloves. Slight kicks to the side formed her boots, and a snap of her fingers near her neck formed a silver cape and collar. The purple light from her morpher fell into her outstretched hand and became a staff. A shooting star crashed into her head with a neigh echoing to form her helmet.

The two then went off to the farm, where the area looked kind of worn out as AJ was resting, wearing grayscale clothing of her usual style. "Where is everyone getting the black and white clothes from?" Sunset asked in confusion as Twilight shrugged.

"Huh? Ya mind, I got some important work to do." said AJ as the two just gave each other a look under their masks.

"I'll hold her still, you apply the spell. She's a lot stronger than you are physically." Sunset instructed as Twilight nods, her wand glowing a bit as Sunset snuck over and grabbed AJ, hoisting her up.

"Hey! Get your paws off of ah me!" said AJ in annoyance as Twilight tapped her head with her wand, causing AJ's eyes to shrink as she groaned, her clothing turning back to normal as she rubbed her head.

"You OK?" Twilight asked in concern as Applejack looked confused.

"Twilight? Sunset? What the hay is going on here?" asked AJ in confusion. "Weren't we in some maze or some-ooh...sorry girls." She said, as the realization hit home.

"It's alright. It was only a spell that Jack used to mess with our heads. It was a form of mind control after using self doubts to mess with how we perceived and acted." Sunset explained, as AJ raised an eyebrow. "...he brainwashed you." Sunset said flatly.

"Better get to the others." AJ said as she got her morpher out. "Power Rangars, Harmonize!"

A green light pulsed from Applejack's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

The three then arrived at Fluttershy's house as a green girl with a peace sign tie-dyed T-shirt and a plaid skirt looked concern. "Whoa, hey girls. Somethin' is making Fluttershy all weird, like something is messing with her vibes."

"One sec, Tree Hugger. We got this." Sunset said as they entered the house and went up stairs.

"What are you doing here? GET OUT!" Fluttershy yelled as Tree Hugger looked up and heard the sound of a scuffle from the room as the crashing, things being thrown and the sound of resistance before a bright flash of light went through the window.

"...Whoa…" said Tree in awe. "That was wicked…" she said with a faint chuckle as she then saw Fluttershy come out, looking embarrassed. "And so it's known, girl, it's all good."

"Thanks...and sorry for yelling at you when you came to visit." Fluttershy said with embarrassment as the ranges gave nods. "But for now...Power Rangers Harmonize." She said, activating her morpher.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

The four then arrived at the cafe, where they see...Pinkie Pie wearing a more gothic version of her usual attire in grayscale and reading dark poetry?

"...OK, dis is getting weird." AJ said as the others nod in agreement. Pinkie then saw them and raised an eyebrow.

"What do you want?" asked Pinkie flatly as Twilight looked at the others as she shrugs and walks over.

"We want to try something out. Don't worry, it won't be fun. Just close your eyes." said Twilight ."It's a surprise."

"Ugh, I hate surprises...fine. If you'll leave me alone." Pinkie said, closing her eyes...only to get touched by the wand and went wide eyed as her clothing regained color, making her shake her head in confusion. "Who-wha-where-huh?" She looked around and says, "Oh, hi guys! We having a Ranger party?"

"NOT exactly...but we do need ya to suit up. We need ta help de others." AJ said as Pinkie nods as she got her Morpher out.

"Time to hero up! Power Rangers, Harmonize!" said Pinkie as she shined brightly.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying 'don't talk to me' to two people.

The Five were now at the Boutique as they saw the mannequins were gone as Sweetie walekd out, confused. "Uh…" Sweetie began as Sunset just gave a nod as she pats her head.

"We know. one second." said Sunset as she and Twilight went upstairs as Pinkie hummed a bit, bouncing up and giggling.

"We had a weird day! I mean, I was GRAY! GRAY!" Pinkie giggled as Fluttershy was whimpering.

"Oh, I said such mean things to Rainbow...think she'll be upset?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"I'm just hopin' for an apology to be given between me and Rare. We were mighty mean to each other…" AJ said sheepishly as the sound of a yell as a bright flash came down as Rarity came out of her office as Sunset and Twilight put everything back.

"...I apologize for any misgivings I have given, but let us all agree; NEVER speak of this again." Rarity said as AJ nods in agreement, as did the others. "But as now we must find Rainbow Dash before things go from bad to worse." Rarity then got her morpher out. "Powe Rangers, Harmonize!"

A blue light pulsed from Rarity's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

The six rangers arrived at the gym, as they heard yelling as they saw Rainbow was practicing some hand to hand combat on the karate team, making several groan out. "Come on, no pain no gain!"

"Rainbow! That's enough." said Sunset as she got onto the podium.

"Ah great, it's the so-called 'leader'." said Rainbow with an eyeroll as Sunset sighed.

"Rainbow, we have seen ALL the Ranger shows...OK, Pinkie's seen them all, I've only seen about half, but still; the dynamic between us is that I'm the mentor for the team and you're the leader. While people come to us to guidance, you are still an important member of the team. Look...I didn't think I was worthy of being a ranger. Heck, I'm still having some doubts."

"Then why give me the red color if you were gonna be in charge anyway?" Rainbow asked as Sunset just sighed.

"I never planned on being a Ranger Rainbow."Sunset said as Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "yes, I had this set up, but I never expected it to be ME who wore it."

"Now come on...let's fix you up." said Twilight said as Rainbow glared as she was about to move, but the others got her to hold still as Twilight pressed the wand on her head, making her groan a bit as her clothing went back to normal.

"Ugh...wha? Ah man...sorry guys." said Rainbow sheepishly as Sunset just pats her shoulder.

"Don't worry. Jack just went for a weakness of our's. Come on, lets take him out." said Pinkie as Rainbow nods as she got her morpher out.

"Power Rangers, Harmonize!" She said as she glowed.

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow's Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between her fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

The Seven stood together as they nod as they headed out, their blasters ready as they looked for the most chaotic part of the city to find Jack. "Vinyl, you got an energy signature for Jack?"

"Uh yeah...about that...he's KINDA trying to GET INTO THE BASE!" said Vinyl in a faintly panicked tone. "I think he is going to get rid of the tree."

"We'll be right there." said Sunset as they nod as they ran ahead, going at their top speeds thanks to the Ranger suits.

Crystal Cave park was... non-existent. What was where the park should have been was insanity inca--- Hello, Jack here. How are you? I'm fine, just dealing with some annoying little girls colored like the rainbow. Red just tried a flying leap and Pink is sending cotton candy straight into my mouth. MMMmmmm, Delicious. Aww, look how cute Yellow is being spinning around. Oh, OW! Blue's actually shooting me. Well that's no fun. Green just made a mountain out of a literal mole hill.. Ha ha ha ha. Hey, I can't move my arms… Purple just wrapped chains around me! What's Gold doing? Is that fire? Are those wings!? She can fly!!??

Wobbery Jack was cut down by Sunset's burning sword. Exploding sanity back into the world. From the remnants of the not-thing reformed as an indescribable entity. "Vinyl, send the package!" Rainbow ordered. From beneath the park every zord was released, and with them was a flying platform with seven stands. The Rangers leapt onto the platform as all of the zords collided together around them, forming a sphere of light. From the sphere two wings spread out and the sphere shifted to form a giant ethereal alicorn with a rainbow mane. The Incarnation of Harmony pointed it's horn at the Disembodiment of Chaos and fired pure light into the void. The nothingness dissipated and the Incarnation of Harmony stood tall and proud, shining like a sun.

As Nightmare Moon watched all that had transpired, she grew angry and with a yell she threw her sword into scrying pool, splitting it. "EVERY TIME SHE WINS!!!!! I WANT HER DESTROYED!!!!" The Sirens huddled together in fear behind Unikahn, who was slightly shuddering. The forces of evil were not having a good day.

Back at the Juice Bar, the Rangers were now sitting a table and relaxin, as Rainbow noticed Sunset's eyes were the darker color. "Wait...so...how are we gonna tell you two apart? The eyes?"

"Basically..yeah." said Dark Sunset with a shrug. "The good me wants to make sure I behave, so I have to do this every once and awhile. Plus...she said I 'owe you guys' or something like that." The six heard this and gained smirks as an idea formed.

"Well then, I'm sure Sunset wouldn't mind us playing a game then." said Twilight as the Good Sunset chuckled a bit, having no problem with the game in question as the Dark looked confused.

Her pupils then shrank as they saw them getting objects; Rarity got out a dress, Pinkie got some seltzer water, and Rainbow got her guitar. "The initiation...starts now." Dark Sunset just gulped a bit.

"Don't worry, it's not TOO bad." said Good Sunset with a shrug. "BUT for you...it may be since I know you don't like fun all that much." She said the last part in a faintly teasing tone to her dark counterpart.

"I hate you all so much…" And with that, Sunset's body started running while under the control of her dark half, while her good half laughed in the back of their shared mind, the other Rangers chasing after her.
What do Rangers do with their time off?
What do Rangers do with their time off? by ShadowDJ

Skate Park Rangers

At the Canterlot Skatepark, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were hanging out at the local skate park as Scoots gave Rainbow a smirk. "Thanks for coming with me, Dash."

"Heh, no problem squirt." Dash said with a grin. "Besides, why wouldn't I want to hang out with you?"

"Hey guys, it's that wanna be skater." said a male voice as Scootaloo scowled at the sound as Rainbow turned to see a trio of boys, all laughing.

"Ah great, those idiots…" said Rainbow with an eyeroll, as Scootaloo looked at her with confusion.

"You know those jerks?" asked Scootaloo as Rainbow nods, glaring at them.

"Yeah...Dumbell and his goons, Hoops and Score. They're all talk. Come on, show them your moves, kid." Rainbow said as Scootaloo nods, getting on the skateboard and getting ready as the three goons just laughed.

"Oh this should be good. Klutterloo wants to be like Dash!" Hoops laughed as Dumbell and Score both copied him, and Scootaloo glared as she got ready for the ramp and went down. Dash just watched with a smirk as they saw her shredding through the half-pipe with incredible ease before doing a flip and landing, catching her skate board. She gave a smile as Rainbow ruffled her hair.

"Heh, nice job, kid." Rainbow said with a smirk. "I think for THAT, you deserve a treat. Come on, I'll pay." Scootaloo gave her surrogate sister a grin as she followed, leaving the three bullies to stare with shock

Butterfly Cupcakes

At the Canterlot high kitchen, Pinkie was humming as she skipped over to a table and got some ingredients out. "Thank you for helping me with making some treats for the shelter party, Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy said, putting an apron on as Pinkie gave a grin.

"No problemo, Fluttershy! So, what kinda bake goods are we making?" asked Pinkie...as she noticed her putting out some odd mixture out. "...What is THAT?"

"Oh, it's a pet cake mix. since animals cannot, I'm making some cupcakes that the animals can eat too." said Fluttershy as Pinkie gave an 'oooh' look.

"That makes sense! OK, I'll make the treats for the people, and you make the treats for the critters!" said Pinkie in excitement as she began to add things in a very animated fashion, humming a tune all the way.

Fluttershy, however, was much more subdued in her mixing, making sure things weren't overly heated in the oven.

Pinkie, after a few seconds of mixing, had the trays set out and put into the oven, humming a bit as she saw Fluttershy carefully cracked a few eggs into the batch, mixing in peanut butter and honey into the mix.

Pinkie whistled a bit as she says, "WOW Flutters...you're REALLY slow…" She then zoomed over and asks, "Mind if I help? I got a few batches in the oven."

"Oh...OK. But remember, no chocolate or anything like that. It's not good for them." said Fluttershy as Pinkie gave a salute and helped with getting another bowl out and began to mix a similar batch to Fluttershy.

"Hello Girls." said a voice, making them jump back a bit to see monarch was in the room now, wearing a yellow hoodie over her insect-esque form.

"Monarch? What are you doing here?" Pinkie asked in surprise as Monarch giggled.

"Oh, I'm here to help with the decorating of the cakes when they're done." Monarch said as Pinkie heard the oven ding.

"Oh, that's my batch for the people! Can you get those, Monie? I need to help Flutters with these." Said Pinkie as she and Fluttershy began to work on them as Monarch nods.

She got on some oven mitts and reached in and got the cupcakes out and looked around for some frosting as Pinkie and Fluttershy put the 'pupcakes' into the oven to heat them up. "Hmm...where's the frosting? Oh, found it!" Monarch said as she got out something that was a glass cup with a liquid dark brown color.

"Wait, Monarch! that's the wrong frosting." said Fluttershy as she took it. "Sorry, this isn't cake frosting. This is gravy mix." she pointed at the mark as Monarch giggled sheepishly.

"Whoops…" said Monarch sheepishly as the group waited for all the cupcakes to be done and Pinkie looked excited.

"So what are we gonna put on them?" asked Pinkie with a huge grin as Fluttershy giggled.

"How about some nice butterflies on the human's cupcakes. That way it's easier to tell them apart from the ones the animals will eat." Monarch suggested as the three nod as they began to decorate.

Pinkie did it in a very fast rate with some frosting going into the air from the speed, while Fluttershy did it calmly and more focused. Monarch was a little...unsure as she just shrugs and begins to wing it a bit.

After some time, the three backed up and looked at their decorations: Pinkie's had various shades of pink, blue and greens with cartoony smiles made with yellow frosting or goofy expressions of some kind. Fluttershy's was more subdued in color as it showed simple shapes of a rabbit or some other animal head on them. But Monarch's...was just haphazard colors meshed on top.

Monarch rubbed her head as she says, "I swear if I had exposed cheeks I would blush…"

"Aww come on Monny, nothing is perfect. Besides, it shows that you are unique." Pinkie said as the girls just laughed in a good hearted fashion. "So...which ones were the ones for the dogs again?" The three looked at each other nervously at this.

What cannot be explained?

At the base, Sunset was arriving with a phone in hand. "No Mom, I'm not running away again. I'm just checking out the base because Vinyl and Twilight needed to talk to me. Don't worry, I'll be back. OK, love you too. Bye." She said as she gave a sigh, rubbing her temple.

She walked into the base...and saw some sort of weird computer-based device set up as a dome was put over the Tree of Harmony, Twilight wearing a lab coat. "Oh, Hey Sunset." Said Twilight with a wave as Vinyl gave a slight wave.

"S'up?" asked Vinyl with a smile. Sunset looked at the machine nervously, flashbacks from studying the other girls coming into her mind.

"Uh...what are you doing?" asked Sunset, looking at the scene in question as she says, "You're not gonna try and study that, right?"

"Why not? After all, magic is just something that is in need to be studied, yes? Don't scientists in Equestria study magic as well?" asked Twilight as Sunset sighed.

"Yes they do. Heck, I'm usually one of the people who rolls up my own sleeves to get the answers I want, but this...seems kinda dangerous. and I speak from experience." Said Sunset.

"It's true. Awhile back, she had to study the other Rangers to get an idea on how their powers work so we can make the morphers work. We made an excuse that it was 'for fun' or something like that...all it ended up with is Sunny here getting swarmed, buried, tripped, zapped and smoozed on." said Vinyl, unaware of her suddenly shivering a bit.

"Sorry...that word just...makes me nervous. Don't ask, bad memories from my days as Celestia's student. That thing may look nice, but MAN is it slimy...ugh." Sunset said with a groan of disgust.

"Don't worry, I'm sure this is safe." said Twilight as Sunset sighed as she put on her own goggles to be safe as Twilight put on goggles over her glasses. "Here...we...GO!" she said as she turned the machine on.

Energy went through the computers as a laser began to fire down onto the small sapling of magical energy, trying to see how it would react to it. The tree suddenly gave out a soft glow, making the three go wide eyed.

Vinyl then heard something as she typed on the computer monitor she was on...making her eyes widen. "Wha-oh...everyone...we may need to stand back...NOW!" she said as she got up as the red lights began to blare.

"Hit the dirt!" yelled Sunset in panic and Twilight screamed as the three went under a table, the computers sparked and the magic from the small tree glowed and sent out a shockwave, making the lab go out.

"...You are SO going to pay for the electricity bill, Sparkle." snarked Vinyl in annoyance as the three sat in the dark.

"OK...not one of my best ideas…" Twilight said in clear embarrassment, but Sunset and vinyl could only give her flat looks in the dark.

Simple Tastes for Simple Times

At the Canterlot Mall, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were looking through outfits as their sisters were playing chaperone, the two smiling at their sister's enthusiasm. "I have to say Applejack, it is nice to get out and just relax." Rarity said, wearing a long sleeved blue shirt under a white button up blouse and a pair of jean;, and AJ wore a simple green button up flannel and black sweat pants, her usual boots on and her Stetson lowered to around her neck.

"Ya'll said it. We have been doin' lots of work with all this insanity. Ah well, at least we can just relax." said AJ as the two watched the two younger girls compare outfits that they found.

"Ugh...I have to say, those skirts do not match well with your sister's eyes, Applejack. I guess she never had anyone help her with her with her fashion sense. No offense." Said Rarity as AJ gave her a flat look.

"What's dat supposed to mean, little miss prissy?" She asked in annoyance. Rarity put her hands up in defense at this, her morpher noticeable under her long sleeved shirt she was wearing that day.

"I do not mean to offend, dearie. I am just saying that you're sense of style is, how should I say...not up to snuff." said Rarity as AJ gave her a look.

"Who says I'm into that fancy-smansy fashion stuff? I use what is good for hard work. I think practical-like, not just wanting to be gussied up in some fancy whatever." AJ said as Rarity gave her a look.

"Look, I can understand work clothing, but why not have something you could just go out and have fun in? Or is that not in your vocabulary, little miss 'trains all day'?" asked Rarity with a small frown.

"Hey, I can have fun, you prissy little…" AJ said as the two began to bicker, all the while their sisters just watched with a bored expression.

"They're going at it again, huh?" asked Sweetie in a plain, bored tone.

"Eeyep." said Apple Bloom in a equally plain tone as the two just watched.

"Should we stop them?" Sweetie asked again in the same tone.

"Enope." said Apple Bloom as the two just went back to what they were doing, ignoring the two bickering senior students.