Quest Resources

This thread is meant to archive basically everything useful for QMs to know. I'm sure there's plenty of obvious stuff I missed, so feel free to post anything you think might be helpful and I'll add it to this post.

Threads with useful information
The obvious stuff:
Intro to Questing
Quest Recommendations
Quest Idea Thread

@Ralson wrote an excellent piece on the history of the medium here.

The useful DM and GM tools thread has a lot of stuff that's also applicable to quests.

How to run a riot quest explains how to run quests where each player is an independent individual.

How to plan for a quest

Websites that have quests
For crossposting to get a bigger audience, finding inspiration, or just looking for cool stuff to read. If you're going to add to this include a description of what kind of quests are run there and what the community is like - I'm deliberately leaving out a couple sites because I'm not familiar with their communities.

Sufficient Velocity: Well duh. Most quests here are text-based, and we have a mix of original quests and ones based on existing settings. Most quests have some type of RPG mechanics, and will usually list options to vote on.
Spacebattles: Sufficient Velocity spun off from this forum. Quests and other roleplaying share a forum here. Expect similar quests to the ones on SV.
Questionable Questing: Spun off of SB. Allows for NSFW content, which is only visible to members that are logged in. Similar style to SB and SV.

Omegaupdate: Replacement for the dead MSPA forums. Quests are called "adventures" here. Most quests have art and usually don't list options, instead allowing for freeform commands. Game mechanics play into some quests, but there are plenty that choose not to use them. In addition to art, some quests include GIFs, and even interactive segments. Some original quests and a whole lot of Homestuck-based ones.
Eagletime: Spun off of the MSPA forums as a place for original quests not to get buried in a deluge of Homestuck. Quests are the same style as Omegaupdate. A lot of the original quests from the old MSPA forums moved here after they were deleted.

TGChan: One of two sites that spun off of 4Chan after moderators banned quests from /tg/. Use the term quest, but usually follow the freeform MSPA style. May have NSFW content.
Anonkun: The other site that spun off of 4Chan. Has even more NSFW content.
/qst/: 4chan eventually started allowing quests again, and now they have a dedicated board for them.

City of If: Uses the term "storygames." Pretty dead right now, but they have plenty of completed works archived. Thanks to @Crawkid for finding it. This is almost certainly the oldest quest community out there.

Quests with their own websites
A few quests are hosted on their own websites.

MS Paint Adventures: Complete. The elephant in the room in regards to quest. You may have heard of this Homestuck thing at some point, which was a quest until midway through act 4 at which point the author took full control due to having too many commands. Used to have an active quest community in its forums, but they were deleted to protect user data from a hacking attempt.
Prequel: Ongoing. An Elder Scrolls quest that originated on the MSPA forums.
Awful Hospital: Ongoing. You wake up in a hospital where some very unusual things are going on.
Blood is Mine: Ongoing. You wake up in a hospital where some very unusual things are going on, but different unusual things than in Awful Hospital.
Kill Six Billion Demons: Not a quest anymore, ongoing. The original K6BD was a quest on the MSPA forums, and the author decided to reboot it as a webcomic fairly early on in the story.

Tools for quest authors
MS Paint Fan Adventures: A website dedicated to archiving quests created by the MSPA community. Serves as both a backup for your content and an easy way for new readers to catch up. It even allows readers to save their place.
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You have forgotten also known as
It's a spin of from 4chan with mostly NSFW quests and pool voting.
You have forgotten also known as
It's a spin of from 4chan with mostly NSFW quests and pool voting.
Like I said, I don't know anything about the sites that spun off of 4chan. If you could write a short description and Link for them I can add them to the OP.

Useful DM/GM Websites and Tools

Here's an old SV thread focused on resources for GMs. Translates fairly well for QMs who want to explore their options. Up to you whether to merely link to that thread, or yoink a bunch of the links from within that thread to post here instead.

The thread was unpinned at some point during a forum reorganization, so it got buried.

As for useful content, I think the Same Page Tool is a good reference for QMs. A lot of those questions are useful for the QM to establish early on, whether implicitly or explicitly. :)

Edit: Whoops, forgot the link. Added in.
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Useful DM/GM Websites and Tools

Here's an old SV thread focused on resources for GMs. Translates fairly well for QMs who want to explore their options. Up to you whether to merely link to that thread, or yoink a bunch of the links from within that thread to post here instead.

The thread was unpinned at some point during a forum reorganization, so it got buried.

As for useful content, I think the Same Page Tool is a good reference for QMs. A lot of those questions are useful for the QM to establish early on, whether implicitly or explicitly. :)
Thanks. There's a lot of stuff there, so I'll just link directly to it.
There's HOW TO: Run a Riot Quest, which seems vaguely "Intro to questing"-like but from a different angle. I'm fairly sure it covers certain different info too.

An app thingy mentioned in a baking vid I was watching XP I tried linking it to the specific moment...This useful?
An app thingy mentioned in a baking vid I was watching XP I tried linking it to the specific moment...This useful?
Not as couched, no.

  • What time within the video? (quoting your post I see "t=541", would that be 5:41 or 541s?)
  • Do you remember the name of the app?
  • What sorts of things might the app be useful for? Dice rolling? Post editing? Vote counting? Alternate browser?

At minimum convince me it's worth my time to watch enough of the video to figure out what you're talking about.
An app thingy mentioned in a baking vid I was watching XP I tried linking it to the specific moment...This useful?
So I hit play on that video, and it jumped directly to a point about nine minutes in. I did not catch the name of the app, I think the name was a little bit earlier. The logo looks like it might be WattPad though? (I may be misspelling that.)

WattPad would be along the lines of a potential alternate site to run a quest on. I don't know much about it, so I don't know if that would work. If someone wanted to run a quest on WattPad, it's not impossible for an app to be of use to them.
Because I appreciate having all of this kind of stuff in one place:

If you're considering running a quest, and are wondering whether to do a character creation portion, read the first two pages of Storybuilding - Why I Think Character Generation in Quests is Bad. The main essay in the OP is personal opinion, and then everyone else in the thread is discussing what character generation in quests can be good for, and how to do it reasonably well when it is appropriate.

I'm going to throw in:
If you think you want to run a quest, and you don't quite know what kind of quest you want to run and after hoping character generation will help you think of something -- run your character generation in the appropriate interest check thread. Then you can see if what the hivemind helps you come up with is something you are interested in/able to write, and it reduces the consequences if you don't go any further. Also, if you do get something you can take further, you can start your thread with those results rather than with character generation.