Putting the Craft in Warcraft

See, I don't think we could have escaped even if we were as good a fighter as Lothar himself.

Cause, well, it seemed like the last upgrade hinted that we actually were going to escape and then the time dragon interfered to make sure we were captured.
[X] Engineering

I'll admit I was actually pretty close to going the other way myself...oh well.
What made you decided not too? Honestly I picked alchemy for three reasons. One I don't want to give the horde better siege equipment if we can avoid it. Two the fatigue potions and the ability to make better materials. Mostly the fatigue potions. I don't think we are going to be allowed to take day long breaks like we used too. Three I want to give Gol'dun a stupidly deadly poison that makes him suffer for a long time.
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See, I don't think we could have escaped even if we were as good a fighter as Lothar himself.

Cause, well, it seemed like the last upgrade hinted that we actually were going to escape and then the time dragon interfered to make sure we were captured.
I find that much more believible then evil's constant insistence that we could have gotten nowhere near as good with a weapon to escape.
To be honest I would go Engineering just for this arc so that when we plan our eventual escape route Star will inevitable give us an achievement that has the phrase "Box of scraps" in it.
you know, what ever did happen to our old dwarven mentor? was our old village also destroyed? would Joyce become a High Priestess? and where is Officer Harding and the others?
To be honest I would go Engineering just for this arc so that when we plan our eventual escape route Star will inevitable give us an achievement that has the phrase "Box of scraps" in it.
See, that's why I dont want Engineering.

It's a good movie. I like the character. I thought when it first came out years ago it was a great quote. Including it in relevant crossovers is certainly okay, especially when Tony Stark is involved.

Shoehorning the reference onto other stories and characters when they are awesome in their own way is irritating, though, especially when they aren't really operating with a 'box of scraps'. If anything I feel it cheapens their accomplisments.
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Hmm, I wonder how that potion thing works?

I mean, if it's fell magic it might help to do what we did to Gorona on ourself? If it's regular magic, well, what about that one metal that breaks up magic?
See, that's why I dont want Engineering.

It's a good movie. I like the character. I thought when it first came out years ago it was a great quote.

Including it in relevant crossovers is certainly okay, especially when Tony Stark is involved. Shoehorning the reference onto other stories and characters when they are awesome in their own way is irritating, though, especially when they aren't really operating with a 'box of scraps'.
Yeah, the joke wouldn't be worth not having a two month headstart on Alchemy. That shit is honestly too useful for us at this point and for future endeavors.
you know, what ever did happen to our old dwarven mentor? was our old village also destroyed? would Joyce become a High Priestess? and where is Officer Harding and the others?

Joyce lived. Smith lived. Leon lived...

That's about it of the people Wayland knew in Stormwind.

As for the Wetlands? Your home village is in such an obscure part that Deathwing himself couldn't burn it down if he wasn't led to it.
A short Omake. Something to bribe Lost into giving us a XXX

:rolleyes:. pikachu is also going to sleep nao


The sound of tinkling metal was decidedly odd. Not because of it's nature. Gold, especially alloyed gold such as the ones found in coins naturally clink on anything solid.

No. What was odd was that the sound there was only that sound. Just the clinking of coins as Guivzi went about her business whatever they were.

"Why'd you like gold so much?" You managed to mumble through the haze of exhaustion. Or maybe you wanted to talk to someone who at least has the semblance of caring for you. There was only so much to do before boredom and loneliness kicked in.

"Hmm" She said before pulling her head from the book she had "You say anything ?"

"I said" you enunciate clearly "why do you, why do goblin's like gold so much?"

And to your actual surprise Guivzi stopped and thought about it.

"It's because it's gold." She said at last "And with gold comes freedom. Kingdoms come and go but gold stays and with Gold you can buy a lot of things"

"T's weird" You admitted. And in a way it's true. For a long time living in a village meant that you didn't just dealt with money. Many people would help one another without the need for gold. Some would buy things on 'credit' or with promises to pay later or a cup of beer.

"Weird?" Guivzi said with a tilt. You're pretty sure it's sarcasm. "You're the weird one Smith. That potion of yours was bought with gold. From the flask to the ingredients to the equipment. Without gold you would probably be dead?"

"Still weird" you said stubbornly "I'mma here because I was very very good. Gold has nothing to do with that"

"And how did you get good?" she countered "Who bought you what you needed to practice with? Or paid you to live in a human capital?"

"Notta point" you said "you gave me the potion right? Did anyone gave you gold to do it?"

"I'm doing it for the promise of gold"

"But it's still a promise" you insisted.

"Maybe it's a promise for gold and maybe you're doing it for gold. But I don't have gold and I may die tommorow but still it's a promise. And you Miss Goblin-" you point at her with your free hand. "- are relying on a promise."

Guivzi look like she wanted to blow andand maybe you shouldn't have challenged her. But before you start to regret it she turned back into a book and decided to ignore you.

And curling up in your blanket you wonder if it's a good thing
Hey guys about our mentor, remember that he is a wild hammer dwarf and Grim Batol is the old Wildhammer capital. Odds are we might be able to use that.
Oh btw, an Alchemist can also transmute iron into gold, and mithril into Truesilver, as well as the whole arcanite miracle metal thing.
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Or maybe just forge Shamanistic weapons, and Light weapons in a mixed batch. If it doesn't sell we'd do it some other way, but this way SOME can be sold, which should be enough to keep them off our case.
To be honest, I'd imagine Light weapons selling very well. Just because Gul'Dam can conjure up evil fel stuff, or orcs are corrupted by fel stuff, that doesn't mean weapons against fel stuff aren't awesome for orcs.

Seriously, if I were an orc I'd hop on that stuff in a hot second. Not only do I have a nifty weapon in case Gul'Dam pulls his inevitable betrayal, but I also have a particularly impressive point to make when next there's a small difference of opinion as to how the loot should be shared out. It's not like humans are particularly resistant to being set on fire, but if asked 'do you want a burning sword' the answer is YES.
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Forgot to say, end of arc + doing so well netted you a fate point. Spend it at your leisure.

Also @Evillevi Nice. I'll be yoinking that premise and doing a character piece in a bit if you don't mind.