Purgatory: An Artemis Fowl supernatural crossover: Artemis fall into Purgatory, then Hell
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Artemis wakes in a strange forest and meets an infuriating vampire.

Artemis falls into Hell and is at the mercy of the master of the pit, a merciless demon who delights in breaking people.

As usual, Heaven is really bad at orchestrating the universe. An angel loses Artemis' paperwork and all hell breaks loose. Literally.

Meanwhile, in Hell a war is brewing, millenia long plans coming to fruition; the end of the world creeping ever closer...
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Chapter 1: The first rule

Chapter 1 – The first rule

The last thing Artemis could remember was Butler and Holly running towards him, but it was too late. In truth, he hadn't expected Holly to get his hint about the clone, but he was impressed none the less.

He opened his eyes, one brown, one blue and stared up at the forest canopy. Artemis frowned; he was most certainly not in LEP headquarters nor was at home. Fog swirled around him, making the forest seem more sinister.

Ah. She hadn't grown a clone. He was just lost. Or dead.

Standing, he brushed the dirt off his jacket. His questions could wait until he found civilisation.

He stumbled through the trees though the ground was uneven, and his loafers were not built for this kind of stress. He caught site of a body. The closer he got the clearer it became that the body was humanoid and disembowelled.

Nausea swept through him as he knelt in front of the body. Fangs? Odd… they could be a realistic prosthetic. He checked the man's pulse. Nothing. No beat.

He felt the gums, the fangs were retractable and there was no sign of any surgery. Maybe it was a sub-species of some description, could it be…

Vampires were mythical creatures just as fairies were so it would stand to reason that vampires could be real too. As soon as he made it back to Fowl manor he would look into it, but for now… He needed to avoid whatever had killed this man.

A machete lay in the man's slack hand. Artemis looked at it then grabbed it, gingerly. It was like Butler said, 'best to be prepared'.
He continued into the forest carrying the bloodied machete.

He only encountered more bodies lying in eerie silence. A feeling was beginning to churn in his gut, this wasn't right. Where was he?

He heard a rustle and turned just in time to a see the snarling rabid thing hurtling towards him. After a moment he unfroze and pushed it off him with surprising ease. He scrambled away before looking back in the direction of his assailant.

His stomach dropped. A woman with fangs and claws half crawled towards him, her legs had been severed at the knee leaving her to use her remaining limbs to clumsily lumber forward at a snail's pace.

However, he knew if she managed to get within an arm's length of him, she could kill him with those sharp claws of hers.

He took a cautious step forward and jabbed the blade into her neck, she screamed and kept on crawling. How was she still functioning? Severing the brain from the body should dispatch the vampire. He tried to get close to retrieve the machete but was met with slashing claws which caused him to stumble back. He steeled himself and stepped forward and wrenched the machete from her neck. He backed away again coming away with sharp bleeding gashes down his face and arms. He swung for her head, sending it rolling away.

She stilled… He let out a breath and let his shoulders sag in relief. What a mess. He looked at the blood on his shaking hands then at the body on the floor.

He needed to keep going.

He stood and walked. And walked.

Night fell, and by some miracle he managed to avoid running into any more… he wasn't sure what the proper term was for what those creatures were, but felt hesitant to call them vampires, it just made him feel a little ridiculous. He sighed; it would simply have to do.

He didn't light a fire; he couldn't risk it.

Slumping on the floor, he wrapped his arms around himself, "five, ten, fiveteen…". Feeling drowsy from the blood loss and mentally exhausted from the events of the day, he drifted into a fitful sleep.

The next few days represented a steep learning curve for Artemis, and he had come to realise a few things to be true about this place.

One: he discovered that everything here wanted to kill him.

Two: All if the creatures he had encountered could be killed by beheading.

And three: if in doubt, run.

Currently, Artemis was slumped at the foot of a tree, trying to catch his breath. He had spent all morning running and he was going to get all the rest he could get.

He heard the crunch of leaves, turned and froze. He had never seen something so grotesque. Gorilla-wolves were unusual, and vampires were supernaturally fast, but neither were gruesome. It was humanoid and crouched on all fours. Its skin was mottled and riddled with wriggling worms and veins so prominent they were popping out of its skin. He was on all fours, growling lowly, his eyes of a pitch black.

'All fours' Artemis thought hysterically, 'four is bad, four is death.' He tapped five times on his leg to counter it. 'Five was safe.'

Artemis took a step back.

The creature shook its eyes on him and briefly those pitch-black eyes bled of darkness leaving a natural brown, "You're a human. a child… you shouldn't be here." The shaking intensified "I'm sorry…" its eyes returned to an inky black, and the creature pounced.

He jerked into action and swung, they rolled to the ground, grappling. The blade fell from his hand and the creature knelt over him. His hand skittered across the dirt, hand blindly searching for his lifeline. His palm finds purchase on the handle and he swings.

The body fell on top of him limp. He rolled it off him, wrinkling his nose.

That was the first time anyone had said anything to him in…. he wasn't sure, weeks?

The monster had seemed remorseful, but it had appeared to lose control. The twinge of guilt he felt for killing the creature was quickly replaced with annoyance. What was this, Twilight?

His hands shook, that was close. He really should have listened to Butler more.

He felt his chest constrict and he sank to the floor next to the body. Breath, needed to breath. count, he could count his breaths, one, two, three, four, five. He stopped counting. Five was good, five was safe.

He stood; the body would be descended on by scavengers by sunset. It was getting darker, he needed to find somewhere to rest in these shivering woods.

Artemis woke to a sound. He scrambled to his feet, clutching his blade

He was pinned to the ground, flailing gracelessly all the while. Suddenly the mess of gnashing teeth and claws were off him. A man had tackled his attacker to the ground then proceeded to cut its head off with a weapon fashioned from a sturdy wooden stick with jagged bits of bone strapped to it along its length. In a flash the man had dispatched the other vampires.

Artemis struggled to his feet to face the man. He was large and fanged, wearing a moth bitten black coat and a shirt that had once been white but was now flecked with grime and blood.

The man rounded on him retracting his fangs, speaking in a southern American drawl, "What? Not gonna thank me for saving your life?"

Artemis stayed silent, unsure. He kept his eyes on the man, fully aware of how quicky he could be killed.

The man sighed, "Relax, I'm not gonna kill you." He took a step closer which sent Artemis scrambling back. The man backed off and held his hands up in placating gesture "Okay, okay. I'll just stay here, see, not moving." The man sat where he was in a bid to seem less threatening, "You can call me Benny by the way…"

Artemis looked at him trying to decide whether he should run or not. "Artemis," he said.

Benny sat back, an easy smile softening his features, "How'd you end up here Artemis? You're an awful long way from home."

Artemis relaxed but kept tight grip on his blade, "Where-… where is this exactly?"

This garnered a dumbfounded stare from Benny, "You don't know where you are?" Artemis shook his head. Benny raised an incredulous eyebrow, "Do you know how hard it is for a human to get here?" he laughed, "And you got here by accident, that is priceless."

Artemis' jaw tightened minutely, prickles of irritation needling at him, "That does not answer my question," he said, his voice hard despite the thin veil of calm he tried to hide it behind "Where are we?"

Benny still seemed amused, "Purgatory, the place where all us monsters end up when we die."

Artemis started, "So… am I dead?"

Benny shook his head, "If you were dead, you would be in Heaven or Hell."

"Do you really expect me to believe that Heaven is a real place?" Artemis said derisively.

Benny shrugged, "Believe it or not, that's just what I've heard. Anyway, we are in purgatory, I don't see why that's any more ridiculous."

A silence followed as Artemis tried to digest this. A thought struck him, "The ones that attacked me, were they you friends?"

"They were my friends, now you're my friend." Benny said

"And why is that?" Artemis said, feeling thoroughly perturbed by the vampire's flippancy.

"You're my way out of this hellhole. I can get us out into the real world," said Benny.

"So, just how do you intend to do that," said Artemis, who was finally at ease now he understood why he wasn't dead, now understood what this was. This was a transaction and he understood transactions. Understanding of a situation led to the ability to hold greater agency, and greater control could be key to survival.

"This place was made to cage all the monsters of the world; it doesn't want you here. At the first opportunity it'll spit you out. There's a portal, a human portal. Now, I'm just close enough to human I might be able to hitch a ride. You'd just have to carry my soul to the other side." said Benny.

"Am I just supposed to take you at your word?" asked Artemis distrustfully.

"Basically, yeah."

"And how do I know I won't end up like your friends," Artemis gestured to the body on the floor.

"You don't. First rule of purgatory kid, you can't trust nobody."

"You just asked me to trust you," Artemis said.

"You see? You're getting it now," Benny said with a smile that was all teeth. "Now, what do you say? Are you in?"

It took a moment for Artemis to realise that Benny was asking his consent. Artemis nodded slowly, "Yes, I would find that arrangement… agreeable."

Benny frowned at him, "Do most kids talk like that now or are you just weird? The last time I was on earth was about, fifty years ago."

"You could say I am unusual in comparison to my peers" Artemis said

"So, what did you do? Kill a leviathan? Must have been some stunt to break your way in here," said Benny curiously.

"You would never believe me and even if you did it is a long story, and not one I have the inclination to tell." Said Artemis, not really in the mood to have this conversation

"If you say so." Benny said, standing with an 'oof'. "We'd better get a movin', all sort of critter will be after us soon. When word spreads of a human in purgatory, everything'll want a chunk of you."

"Lovely thought," Artemis said sardonically. He began to tap in multiples of five against his leg. "What is a 'leviathan' anyway?"
Benny grinned, "I'll tell you if I see one 'cause then at least you can know what's gonna kill you."

After an hour of walking in a tense silence Benny tapped Artemis on the shoulder, putting a finger to his lips and pointing out into the forest.

Artemis nodded in understanding adjusted his grip on the machete, 'here we go' he thought.

A group of four vampires emerged from the tree line and rushed Benny who was able to most of them at bay with his claws and quick reflexes. Artemis beheaded two, leaving Benny to wrestle with the other pair.

Artemis heard a twig snap behind them and spun.

A vampire was approaching Benny from behind at an alarming pace. Benny had just finished dispatching his assailants and was completely unaware of the vampire hurtling towards him. The vampire bowled Benny to the floor and Artemis took his head off while he was grappling with Benny. The body fell to the forest floor next to a slightly shaken Benny.

Artemis offered him a hand up and Benny accepted it with a surprised "Thanks".

Artemis looked at him, "What?"

Benny shrugged, "Didn't expect you to stick around to save my hide. Specially as we barely know each other."

"Well, I was hardly going to let you die; you know where the portal and you did save my life earlier."

"Also didn't expect you to be any good with a blade," said Benny

Artemis gave him a withering glare then deflated, "Fair enough" he said sounding defeated.

"You're holding it wrong by the way. You'll strain your wrist if you keep swingin' like that." He gestured towards the blade that Artemis held in a death grip. "Can I?" Artemis nodded. Benny reached out and adjusted Artemis grip then nodded to himself "Feel better?" Benny asked.

Artemis gave an experimental swing, "Much better." He looked up at Benny, "Thank you." He said the word feeling foreign on his tongue.

Soon the sun began to dip in the sky, bathing the trees in an orange haze.

Benny slowed to a stop, "We should sleep in shifts, everything in purgatory is hunting us. You should grab a few hours; I'll take first watch."

Artemis eyed him suspiciously.

Benny rolled his eyes, "What? Just because I'm a vampire you think I can't be trusted." he crossed his arms "You know what I hate most about being a vampire? The prejudice. Everyone thinks that just because vampires drink blood we'll rip out people throats when they're sleeping."

Artemis raised an eyebrow, "Have you ripped out anyone's throat when they were sleeping?"

Benny waved the question away, "That is completely beside the point."

"Right, nothing untoward, you're just going to watch me sleep." Artemis said his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Benny sighed, "Look, If I wanted you dead you would be. I can't get though the escape hatch to earth without a human with a soul, that means a live human. Does that make you feel better?"

"That was you trying to make me feel better?" Artemis said

"Did it work?" Benny asked



"That was terrible. Never try that again."


Artemis curled up on the forest floor sparing Benny a glance who was slumping against a tree.

"Thanks for..." Artemis seemed at a loss, "Watching me while I sleep. I tried to make it sound less creepy but that would be impossible."

Benny loosed an amused huff, "G'night Kid."

Artemis continued to tap out multiples of five against his leg till he fell asleep.

Author's note:
Feel free to drop your thoughts below, constructive criticism welcomed!
Chapter 2 : Dragon protocol
It had been a week since their first meeting, and despite his mistrust Artemis had taken to chatting amicably to Benny, the vampire was, after all a scientific marvel. "Do vampires cease to age when turned or do they merely age slower?" Artemis said.

"As far as I can tell, we don't age, can't get sick. Hell, the only way for one of us to croak is if we get our selves decapitated or poisoned," said Benny

"Do you actually have to feed on blood, can you eat normal food?"

"We could eat normal food but it just kind of goes straight through, if you know what I mean." Benny said

Artemis winced "I do."

Benny looked at him, amused "Too much explanation? If I remember correctly humans are quite squeamish about those things."

"And you're not?" Artemis asked

"Good point" Benny conceded

"How does one become a vampire anyway?" asked Artemis

Benny frowned, "Swallowing vampire blood will do it, injection of blood should work too. other than that, I'm not sure." Benny's face was contorted into what Artemis liked to call his 'brooding face' which cropped up every time Artemis asked him anything approaching personal. Artemis guessed that his transformation was a sore subject.

Artemis wasn't an expert on social interactions, but he knew when a swift subject change was called for, "How close are we to the portal"

Benny thought for a moment, "We're about an hour's walk from the small lake so we should be about a quarter of the way there"

Artemis frowned, "How do you know?" he stopped for a second, "I don't even know how you navigate this place; how do you know where the portal is?"

Benny shrugged, "A bit of trial and error."

"Trial and error." Artemis ground out "Please tell me we are relying on more than trial and error"

The corner of Benny's lip quirked up, "The whole place is almost exactly the same apart from the water. there are fixed landmarks, streams, rivers, lakes. they are almost the only way to navigate."

Artemis looked at Benny incredulously, panic rising "We haven't seen any water... are... are we lost."

Benny snorted, "Calm yourself chief. I keep forgetting how limited humans are. I can smell the sand, the rock, and the minerals in and around the water. Lakes and rivers have a much more distinct scent then the rest of this place"

Artemis' relaxed, "I cannot believe I didn't think of that sooner. It's this place, its throwing me off."

"Purgatory will do that to you." Benny said, amused by the boy's antics

Artemis glared, "Do you think this is funny?"

"I think it's hilarious"

"I hate you." Artemis grumbled. Artemis spoke in a character of Benny's accent "I forgot how limited humans are. Do you know how ridiculous you sound sometimes?"

Once the conversation had juddered to a slow and comfortable stop, Artemis' thoughts returned to their usual musings. What if his condition deteriorated further in this place? What if he took control again? Artemis knew the answer, he would surely perish here.

The only solution to this conundrum was (as always) to tell Benny. But he couldn't do that, he had barely known Benny a week and the man himself had told Artemis not to trust anyone here.

And so, (as always) Artemis was left in a limbo of uncertainty stuck between trusting a man who had killed all his companions on a whim and well... the alternative, risking... it happening again with no one to ground him. The anxiety that arose as a result of this line of thinking caused him to tap his breast pocket five times and then his blade five times and then it was hard to stop, everything five times

He was so focused on these thoughts, that revolved in circles like a merry go round, that he didn't notice the concerned looks Benny was throwing at him.

After arriving at the lake, Artemis realised that Benny was more on edge than usual and upon enquiry Benny had informed Artemis that, "The lake is easier to locate than the woods, it's a landmark. If something finds us here, all of purgatory could descend on us."

Artemis rolled his eyes, "I feel safer already."

They walked along the edge of the lake while Benny looked for landmarks to point them in the right direction. The area around the water was rocky and devoid of trees.

Benny tensed then looked around.

An almighty flapping filled the sky followed by a roar. Artemis looked up just in time to see the two dragons clash. They screeched and grappled in the sky.

Artemis stopped. Was this just another delusion? He wasn't sure.

The smaller of the two dragons swooped down to escape the larger one.

"Get down!", Benny yelled and suddenly the air was filled with fire and the air was unbearably hot and dry.

Artemis felt a white-hot pain move up his leg. Fire, his leg must be on fire.

His leg was not on fire. However, the super-heated air was burning his leg.

He looked around him to see the lake and he jumped. He saw the water rise to meet and braced himself just as he plunged into the icy waters. The pain in his leg ceased. He froze for a moment, The shock taking him as he sank further down.

He snapped out of reverie and clawed at the water desperately. His lungs burnt as he tried to stop himself from taking a breath. He broke the surface of the water, gasping. He swam to the edge of the water and saw an outstretched hand. Artemis looked up to see Benny and grabbed his hand. Benny pulled him out of the water, and he lay face down on the ground, gasping.

"You alright cher?" Benny said, sounding entirely too calm, but concerned.

Artemis rolled himself onto his back with much effort and rasped, "What was that?"

"Dragons. They've moved on." said Benny, who was kneeling down next to him and examining the burn.

Artemis groaned, "You know, once the shock wears off, burns really hurt." he said, his voice becoming slightly high pitched. He then promptly fainted.

Artemis woke to a crackling fire and a night-sky dotted with glittering stars. He was wrapped black coat a next to the fire. The coat, he recognised, was Benny's and was so large it reached his ankles. his clothes were slung over large rocks and his shoes were warming by the fire and a quilt ferns were tucked under him, creating a barrier between the coat and the ground.

Benny was tucked next him, sheltering from the wind, allowing warmth to radiate through the coat. Benny was peering down at him, "How you doing, cher?"

"Leg hurts. Cold." Artemis groaned.

"I figured" Benny said.

Artemis frowned, his mind foggy, "wh-uh. what happened to fire attracts monsters?"

Benny looked at him raising an eyebrow, "It does. But being soaked through on a cold day will make you catch your death."

Artemis seemed confused but nodded dumbly. He started to tap his leg in fives and felt some of his anxiety leave him.

"For future reference, kid, jumping into a lake with serious burns is not a good idea, you could get an infection."

"I'll just keep that in mind for the next time I see a dragon then", Artemis said, flatly.

"Seriously, that is the worst thing you could have done in that situation. I'm actually struggling to think of anything worse."

Artemis raised his arms in surrender, "Fine, No jumping into lakes with burns, I've got it."

"Anyways the likelihood is you probably won't be in that situation again, dragons aren't usually that dangerous, most of em' are too busy to deal with the likes of us. They're vegetarian, so the only time they fight is in self defence or to ward of a rival. Barely happens though. Mind you, they don't need to try to be violent to be danger, like today," said Benny.

Artemis frowned "Of course they were" Artemis did his best to mimic Benny's accent, 'trying to be violent' they were attempting to kill each other."

Benny snorted, "Cher that weren't a fight, that was a mating ritual."

"..." Artemis frowned, tilted his head then his face melded into a mask of baffled amusement "I suppose it is no more odd than some human mating rituals." Artemis sat, groaning. He gazed at his leg which had been wrapped in cloth from Benny's shirt.

Benny saw him looking, "It was the best I could do with what we have here. I had to wrap the leg up to stop it getting infected, but it isn't that bad. If we're lucky it'll heal in two weeks."

"Two weeks is too long." He fell back, his head hitting the ground with a 'thump'.

"We'll manage. you'll be standing in a day or two." Benny said, his voice light.

"How are you so obnoxiously cheerful all the time?" Artemis asked

Benny snorted, "I'm not, you're just a grumpy bastard."

They fell silent for a long moment and all that was audible was the crackling of the fire, and the whisper of the wind through the trees.

"Can I ask you something?" asked Benny.

"You may certainly ask." said Artemis, although his voice sounded thin, and his eyes were distant.

"Why do you do that?" said Benny, curiously.

Artemis looked up, confused "What?"

"The tapping. At first, I thought it was just a habit, but you count them. It's always in fives. I think you count other things too. sometimes I hear you counting before sleep."

Artemis glanced at him tentatively as if weighing up options in his head, then after a long pause he spoke "I have a.... condition" At this moment he was very aware that the last time Benny had been on earth was fifty years ago. Artemis couldn't meet Benny's eyes, his compulsion screaming at him to shut up. "Obsessive compulsive disorder. I constantly feel the urge to sort, organise, and count everything around me."

Benny tilted his head, "Why?"

Artemis took a breath. This was a risk; he was not yet sure if Benny could be trusted, but if his symptoms worsened it would be advantageous to have someone to ground him to reality. "I can't... I don't... I hate to feel out of control of my situation. Some of my life events were particularly... stressful so it was easier to believe that arbitrary things caused these traumatic events. That way, I could prevent things that were out of my control easily. It's a self defence mechanism to prevent me from feeling so helpless. My mind began to find patterns everywhere and I began to experience delusions and paranoia."

"You say that like it's over and you seem perfectly sane to me, what happened?"

The corner of Artemis' mouth quirked upwards, "My friends noticed I had changed, they know something was wrong, they helped me get treatment for it. I saw a doctor and I underwent several months of therapy. The symptoms were completely gone till I arrived here. The stress must have triggered some of the symptoms."

Benny nodded slowly. "Aren't you scared?"

"Of what?"

"How do you know what's real? How do you know if you actually have to be concerned or if you're just being paranoid?" he seemed to be deep in thought for a moment, it looked painful, "How are you not paranoid by that?"

Artemis sighed, "You know I hadn't considered that for the precious few hours I had been unconscious, so thank you."

"You're welcome." Benny said jovially.

Artemis considered the question, "Since I've been here, my symptoms have been getting worse. I don't think I'm paranoid or deluded right now but... If I was, how would I know? It is quite disconcerting, I have to say."

The silence followed was more uncomfortable than usual, in Artemis' opinion at least.

"I could... let you know if... you are going a bit" Benny made a winding gesture beside his ear, "funny in the head."

"Thank you... I think." said Artemis, slowly slipping into sleep, comforted by the awkward declaration.

When he awoke the fire was smoking and Benny was sitting, sharping his knife made of wood and bone. Carcasses of fallen various assorted creatures were strewn in all directions around the camp.

Benny didn't look up from his knife, "Morning kid. Don't mind the bodies, just some trouble during the night."

Artemis sat, wincing "Huh. You have been busy." he frowned at the knife and asked something he had wondered for a while, "Did you make that weapon? Or did you bring it with you?"

Benny remained focused on sharpening his blade, "Had to make it out of dead werewolf bones. I didn't have a weapon on me when I died." Benny's usual sunny disposition seemed to have evaporated like water on a hot day.

"How did you manage to wake up on the wrong side of the bed without a bed? Honestly, it's baffling." said Artemis groggily. Artemis' voice took on a serious tone, "Are you okay?"

Benny sighed, "Yeah, I'm fine cher. I just... didn't sleep. In this place you're usually runnin' or sleepin'. I haven't had time to think for a while."

"What about?" Artemis asked.

"My death. My life. A lot of things." said Benny morosely.

"Tell me about your life, what did you do?" Artemis asked.

"It's not a nice story cher."

"Well, we have nothing else to do. I can't stand on this leg, and you can't carry me and protect yourself." Artemis paused expectantly "So? You can't sit there brooding forever. I will annoy you till you tell me something."

"Alright, alright." said Benny, defeated "I lived in Louisiana. I didn't do much with my human life to be frank, I married when I was expected to, had kids when I was expected to, I earned enough money to support them. I barely knew my wife; I didn't love her, it wasn't her fault, she was just some girl. I did love my children though." Benny smiled fondly, "Helene, Marie and Louis. Louis was the youngest child, it's a shame- I would have wanted to see him grow up. Helene and Marie grew up to be intelligent young women, I was so proud of them." his expression darkened "Anyway, I was turned when Louis was ten. I never saw them again." he said sounding final.

Artemis was not one for platitudes but now he said the only thing that came to mind, "I'm sorry."

Artemis knew when to drop a subject, but the thought still nagged at him, why didn't Benny see his family again? Surely, he could have just visited them. Benny stood and Artemis felt the chill in his bones return.

"It is what it is. The fire's gone out, I better collect some wood" said Benny, sniffing, his eyes suspiciously glassy.

Artemis allowed him the excuse; he could not begin to understand what it was to lose a child, but he thought that it would be something akin to never seeing his brothers, Miles and Becket again. A trickle of icy fear spread out from his chest to his veins, raising hairs on the back of his arms when he realised that may well become a reality for him.

Benny returned with a bundle of firewood under his arm and restored the fire to a roaring blaze.

handing him a bundle of clothes Benny said, "I dried your clothes last night, they should be fine now."

Artemis tilted his head, "How?"

Benny went back to sharpening, "I heated a rock in the fire for a few hours then took the rock out with a stick so I could put the clothes on the rock."

"Creative. Thank you" Artemis had been saying that a lot lately and didn't want to make a habit of it. He would just have to make sure he didn't have a reason to thank anyone. Oh well... there wasn't much hope of that now.

Benny gestured in his general direction, "Will you need help with getting changed

Artemis felt a jolt of embarrassment, "No! I mean, no, I'll be fine."

Benny snorted, "kids never change. Anyway, I'll be over there looking at something else, yell when you're done." and with that Benny walked off.

After ten minutes of awkward and slightly painful manoeuvring Artemis was dressed in his usual attire and looking extremely bedraggled due to the fact that this suit was dry clean only. "You can come back now" he called to Benny who came wandering out of the tree line.

"Here" Artemis offered holding up Benny's coat to him.

"Cher I'll be fine. You on the other hand, need to keep warm considering that stupid stunt you pulled yesterday."

Artemis slipped the coat on, feeling slightly ridiculous in an Armani suit and a moth-eaten coat that was made for someone much bigger than he was, "Forgive me for not knowing what the protocol is for dragons."

Mirth glinted in Benny's eyes, "Well, neither do I, but it ain't that." Benny sat next him, "You're taking all of this awfully well, have you run into this type of thing before?"

"I'd encountered fairies and time travel before, so this didn't seem like a massive leap." said Artemis.

"Fairies?" Benny asked, "As in tiny creatures glowing with little wings, those fairies?"

"Only some fairies have wings, and they aren't as small as you would think."

"You can't be serious-" Benny's head swivelled around to the trees and he held up a fist to signal to Artemis that he should stay put and quiet. Benny walked out into the forest warily.

They were (as Butler would say) sitting ducks here. It would be a long week.
Chapter 3: Of mice and Men
The tense atmosphere was dispersed by Benny returning from the treeline carrying a very much dead racoon, "False alarm" Benny declared and then shrugged, "But I found dinner."

Artemis shuddered, still not comfortable with the whole 'kill an animal and then eat it' lark, which earned him an eyeroll from Benny. Benny began to help Artemis remove the skin as he usually did, and Artemis was beginning to think he was getting the hang of it.

Benny never ate anything due to him being a vampire and well… dead.

While they worked, Benny resumed their conversation from earlier, "Fairies? Time travel? You can't leave me hanging Cher."

Artemis tilted his head, "Now that you mention it, withholding information may annoy you" he smiled to himself, "which I generally enjoy immensely."

"You wouldn't." Benny said with faux horror, politely not mentioning the fact Artemis speech was slightly hesitant and in sets of five.

"Wouldn't I?" Artemis smiled, a gleam in his eye.

"C'mon" Benny urged him. "You have to tell me that story, otherwise we wouldn't be friends."


"Exactly, I'm glad we're on the same page. So, seeing as we're actually great friends, you're going to tell me."

Artemis hummed to himself, amused, "Alright, but the compressed version will have to do for now."

Benny shrugged, "Seems reasonable to me."

"I found a book detailing the law and history of 'the people'-as the fairies refer to themselves. As it turns out, the word 'leprechaun' comes from the term LEP reconnaissance; It's a unit in the lower elements police. Thousands of years ago fairies were driven underground by humans, hence the need for a reconnaissance unit to venture to the surface-"

Benny took this moment to cut in, a grin on his face, "Do they actually wear those ridiculous green outfits with the belts?"

Artemis had always despised eye rolling but now he was sorely tempted, "Are you going to let me finish?"

"Depends, are you going to answer my question?"

Perhaps for the second time in his life Artemis Fowl rolled his eyes, "They used to, the old uniforms were phased out in the last hundred years."


Artemis continued, "Because the people were driven underground, they refer to their dwellings as the lower elements. Each officer in the LEP recon unit has a hostage fund of gold bars to insure them."

Benny smirked, "Fairy gold? Hostage funds? I think I can see where this is going you devious bastard."

Artemis couldn't meet Benny's eyes, "Fairies must rise to the surface to replenish their magic regularly in magical 'hotspots' by burying a seed of a plant in the ground, preferably during a full moon. When I was twelve, I waited at one of these hotspots with my bodyguard and captured an LEP recon officer and held her to ransom." Artemis' voice had become more morose at the mention of the kidnapping. "The house was under siege for hours. Well… technically it was over in a matter of minutes, the LEP froze time around the house. It all worked out in the end. I made a decent profit." his voice took on a bitter edge, "That was practically all I cared about back then."

Benny frowned, "And you parents were fine with that? Wouldn't they have noticed something."

Artemis felt his mood take a nosedive, "When I was ten my father went missing. My mother didn't take it well to say the least, she sank into a depression. She was confined to her room and refused to come out, most days she didn't even recognise me."

"What'd you mean by 'missing'. Did he just not come home one day?" Benny said

Artemis took longer to answer this question, still deciding how much to disclose, "My father used to own a less than… legal business", 'to put it mildly' he thought. "In an attempt to adopt a more legal model he had a large amount of cola shipped to Russia. What he did not anticipate was the Russian mafia hearing about this and sinking the ship as it came into harbour, my father was onboard at the time."

"Who looked after you?"

"My bodyguard, Butler, was more of a father to me than my actual father even before he went missing. The family fortune was all but squandered on my father's foolish venture to Russia, so I wasn't even able to pay him." Artemis' lip quirked upwards, "He stayed anyway."

After a moment of hesitation Benny spoke, "He sounds like a good guy."

Artemis' smile was more noticeable now, "Yes. Yes, he is."

Benny looked at Artemis something that seemed to close to pity for comfort, "Still, it must've been hard. Lonely too."

"It was. It's fine now, my father was found and recovered safely, and my mother is entirely sane again."

Benny frowned, unconvinced, but said no more.

Dinner had been skinned by now and Benny was focusing on skewering it on a stick and tying the stick to a frame over the fire.

Artemis turned to Benny, "I know you don't need to drink blood, but could you? You said that only your soul came here but you seem perfectly solid to me."

"I am, for all intents and purposes, real. Yes, I can drink blood but there's no need to unless I get injured too badly and even then, it would have to human blood. Non-human critter's blood is edible, but it doesn't do much in the way of healin'." Benny grinned, "Why? Are you wonderin' if I'm gettin' snack-ish."

Artemis kept his face blank, "The thought has crossed my mind."

Benny frowned, "Is this just your usual level of paranoia or are you finally losing it?"

Artemis crossed his arms, "There was no need."

"There's nobody else here, someone has to mock how seriously you take yourself," said Benny.

"How very selfless of you," Artemis said sardonically.

"I've always thought so" Benny said with a grin.

"Are you capable of maintaining serious conversation for more than a couple of minutes at a time?" Artemis groused.

"I could" Benny seemed pensively for a moment, then shrugged, "but I won't" he declared happily.

Artemis huffed.

Benny looked at him, amused, "What's got you all huffy today?"

"I am not 'huffy'" Artemis said with such gravity that it would make a grown man cringe.

Seemingly oblivious, Benny continued "Yes, you are, you just huffed."

Artemis glared coldly, "I'm not huffy, I am merely exasperated, and that is because I am stuck in purgatory with a one-hundred-year-old child." He said, rage apparent in every syllable.

"Huffy," Benny smirked, victoriously.

Artemis' jaw locked, "Can we please stop using that word, I feel that it's undermining any attempt at serious conversation I might try to make."

"You don't need any help with that short-stack", Benny grinned

"Very mature," Artemis ground out, seeming genuinely murderous. "Would you mind shutting up for at least an hour because, frankly, you are extremely irritating. Your pathological need to inject humour into situations because you are uncomfortable is not only annoying but also pathetic." He said, his tone harsh and without an ounce of jest.

At this point, the camp was filled with the mouth-watering smell of cooking and the sound of sizzling. A thought struck Benny, "Are you hungry?"

"Of course, I'm hungry but I don't see what that has to do with—" Artemis froze, "Oh".


Artemis eyes widened slightly, "Oh. That's probably it. Sorry."

"I think what you are trying to say is, 'sorry for being such a jerk, I was just grumpy and hungry.'"

A sheepish smile lit up Artemis' face, "Don't push your luck" His eyes dropped to a fixed point on the floor, "but yes, in summary. In fairness to me the sensation of anger is not dissimilar to hunger."

Benny incredulity was palpable, "That was a truly terrible apology, I don't think I have ever heard a worse apology." He smiled "But I accept it."

They both jumped when a curious mewing sounded behind them.

Staggering to his feet Artemis hissed in pain, turned then stopped, "Is that-?"

"I think so" Benny stood staring at the animal.

Artemis was still rooted to the spot, "how-?"

"Not a clue"

The cat sidled up to them and rubbed its face against Artemis' good leg, purring happily.

Benny looked down at the cat, "Will it go off?"

Artemis rolled his eyes, "It's not a bomb."

"How would you know." Benny hissed.

"Because it's a cat.", Artemis whispered.

Benny eyed the cat, "It's in purgatory for a reason."

"Someone could have just died with a cat in their arms." Artemis shrugged

"I don't think that's how it works." Benny said, looking unsure.

"However it works, that is still just a cat." Artemis lowered his hand slowly and stroked the cat gingerly, as if it were a bomb. After a moment he relaxed and knelt by the ink black feline and stopped stroking it to speak ,which earned him a headbutt from the disgruntled cat, "See? Just a cat."

Artemis settled back down by the fire wincing, as did Benny after a moment of uneasy shifting. The cat jumped up into Artemis' lap and purred happily.

Benny turned to the skewer and tilted its head, "I think it's burning."

Artemis looked up to see his dinner flaming, "Shit, shit, shit." he patted the fire out with his sleeve, "What is wrong with you? Why didn't you put it out?"

Benny shrugged, "Didn't want to burn my shirt. Hey, don't look at me like that. It's not my fault, it's the devil cat. If it hadn't distracted us, it probably wouldn't have started burning."

"You are unbelievable." Artemis scratched the cat's ears, "Don't listen to him, you're not a devil cat. In fact, I would say she looks like a…Bast. what do you think?" he asked the cat.

Bast released a satisfied purr.

"How do you know it's a she?" Benny asked

"It just seems like a female." Artemis lifted the cat up and peered at it, "Yes, I think it is.". He picked at his food.

Bast pawed at his arm and released a forlorn "Meow."

Artemis glanced sheepishly at the cat. He peeled a chunk off and covertly dropped it for the cat.

Benny rolled his eyes, "Are you feeding it?"

Artemis crossed his arms, "No."

"I just saw you do it," Benny said.

"Shut up."

"I'm just saying it starts by feeding it then…" Benny faltered.

"And then?" Artemis asked.

"Something bad- the point is you can't feed it. Then it won't leave." Benny scowled.

Artemis frowned, "What is your problem with Bast? She hasn't done anything to you."

"It's a mysterious Black cat. You know what they say about black cats, they bring bad luck… or witches. Or… the bad luck comes from the witches? I can't remember but it's something bad." Benny said resolutely.

Artemis stared at him "I cannot believe I used to find you intimidating." He burst out laughing, "Seriously? A superstitious vampire."

"I don't like cats, sue me", Benny said sullenly.

Artemis continued to share his food with the cat much to Benny's chagrin until they were interrupted by a hissing.

It was a half dead ghast. Ghast's were large bat like creatures that were harmless on their own but in flocks they could overwhelm anything with slashing claws and sharp beaks. The creature's wing is broken and so it crawls closer.

Artemis sighed, "Can you go deal with that."

"I'll do it when it gets closer." Benny said.

"Just do it now. I would prefer if the camp didn't smell like dead ghast for the next few hours-"

They ceased they're bickering to stare at Bast. She had leapt out of Artemis' lap and grew larger and leaner, her teeth elongating into sharp knives of enamel. Her fur was black and gleaming her and her head reached past waist level. Bast the panther stalked towards the gast and began to rip it to shreds.

Benny stared in horror, "Jesus, she isn't going to make it quick." bits of gast went flying and the creature screamed all the while, "Devil cat. I told you. It's a were-ca—"

"Don't say it-"

"Were-cat. It's a were cat," said Benny

More chunks of gast sprayed into the air causing Benny and Artemis to cringe. Finally, the screeching stopped and bast transformed back into a cat and leaped back into Artemis' lap, looking up at him innocently.

Artemis stared at the cat in shock, "That explains why she's here."

"It has to go now." Benny announced.

"She only had to do that because you wouldn't get off your ass and do it yourself." Artemis countered, stroking the cat.

"Since when do talk like that anyway," still thoroughly outraged.

Artemis paused, "It appears you have been rubbing off on me, so to speak. I must have been assimilating your vocabulary and speech patterns." He shrugged "I don't mind as much as I would have thought."

"Will wonders never cease." Benny said.

Artemis continued, "She was defending us, weren't you Bast? She could come in useful."

Benny sighed, "Fine, the were-cat can stay if you want."

It was Artemis' turn to be petulant, "I wasn't asking."

"Have you ever heard the phrase 'don't poke a gift horse in the mouth'?" Benny asked

Puzzlement and annoyance battled for dominance of Artemis face, "Well, no because the phrase is 'don't look a gift horse in the mouth'. Your version makes no sense, why would you 'poke a gift horse in the mouth'."

"Exactly my point. Why would you?" Benny said

Artemis narrowed his eyes, "I feel like we are having entirely different conversations here. Either way, I knew you'd come around."

The discussion was rendered moot by the retreating footsteps of Bast.

Artemis tilted his head, "I think Bast may have only come to us for food."

Benny stared straight ahead, "Yep."

Artemis hummed, "Do you ever feel like some of the arguments we have are slightly comical?"

"All the time."

Silence hung in the air for a moment, only to broken by the sound of their laughter.

A month later Artemis was up on his feet and running to keep up with Benny.

"How many?", Artemis asked.

"Twenty moving up from the south-east." Said Benny, glancing behind him. "God, I hate were-wolves."

"Yes" Artemis wheezed "I've always been more of a cat person myself, dogs drool far too much for my tastes."

They stumbled into a clearing with a gurgling stream and an opening to a small cave. Benny held up a hand, "Stop. They've changed direction."

They stood there panting. Artemis staggered over to the mouth of the cave and leant on it. He felt a pull towards the cave that was almost magnetic.

Benny watched his friend with amusement. While his fitness was improving, Artemis still struggling to keep up which, coupled with the fact he had all the co-ordination of a drunk toddler slowed them down a great deal. Benny didn't mind, the kid was funny and well meaning, despite being ever so slightly up his own ass.

Artemis frowned, "Do you feel that?"

Benny cocked his head to the side "What?"

Artemis' eyes were still glued to the cave, "It's like a magnet... pulling me in. There's something…" Artemis stepped closer to the mouth of the cave and appeared to flicker out of existence.

Benny blinked. Artemis was gone… just gone. Benny turned round to look at the empty forest, "Artemis?" Benny walked into the cave and found nothing.

He turned back to the forest and yelled, "Artemis!"

Artemis fell sideways for a moment, as if gravity had tilted on its axis. Panic began to claw at him when, instead of reality righting itself he continued to accelerate. Suddenly, the ground rushed to meet him, and he fell with a sickening 'thwack' on the cobbled floor.

The first thing to hit him, other than the ground, was the smell that wafted up from the burnt cracks in the paved floor. Its sulphurous stench invaded his senses and caused his eyes to water.

A wave of vertigo hit him when he attempted to stand, the world still feeling as if it was tilted on its side. The street was dark and deserted, lined with dingy buildings with worn soot covered façades. The sky was black but for the occasional sparks of red lightning that ran along straight lines crisscrossing the sky.

Benny had said that there were portals leading to earth, but he hadn't mentioned any to Heaven or Hell.

This was not good. This was not good at all.

He searched his surroundings for the portal he had stumbled through but found nothing before belatedly realising that the portal would be several metres high in the air, even if it was a two-way door. Great.

He cursed, Stuck in Hell because he decided to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Oh, the irony.

He was too exposed here. Artemis looked around, what would Butler do? His eyes drifted to the roof. He strode down the street until he found an alley. No luck.

Two men with black eyes were walking in the opposite direction and quickly approaching. He walked with as much confidence as he could muster with his torn bedraggled Armani suit hanging off him, the mantra of 'don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact' echoing in his skull. They walked past him without so much as a glance and he relaxed. He could do this.

The streets ahead were populated by scantily clad men and women standing on street corners and sleazy looking suit clad business-people approaching one occasionally before walking off together.

Artemis passed three side streets before he found what he was looking for, a metal staircase. Five flights of stairs later he stumbled onto the roof.

Right, time to do what he did best, strategize.

Zaphkiel walked through the bustling office, clutching the intelligence report. He was confronted by the two seraphs that guarded the corridor.

The seraph held out a hand, "Stop. Only permitted personnel past this point. Name and ID please."

Zaphkiel let out a sound of frustration and fumbled with his badge, "I'm supposed to be on the list."

The guard nodded to himself, "Reason for visit?"

Zaphkiel looked around, "This is important, I have a report, it is of the intelligence level thirteen. No-one can find out."

The guards looked at each other, "Go ahead," one said.

Zaphkiel took a breath before starting down the corridor to the most important office in heaven. This was quite possibly the most important thing an angel as low ranking as him could ever hope to achieve. He was a mere scribe; this meeting would be the highlight of his century.

He knocked on the inconspicuous looking door and heard a voice from inside call, "Enter."

Zaphkiel walked in to see a woman with dark hair and a suit writing at a desk. Naomi spoke without looking up from her work, "What is it?"

Zaphkiel shifted, "I have just received a report about an anomaly. A living human has entered Hell."

This caught Naomi's attention, "How?" she asked, looking up and dropping her pen, giving the angel her full attention.

Zaphkiel wilted, "We're not sure. But it is written, it is the first seal- we think" he scratched his head.

"Are you sure?" Naomi asked leaning back in her chair, hands steepled together on her imposing desk of pure white.

"Completely- I think." The scribe read from the parchment he was carrying, "The living shall walk in hell and there he will meet the righteous man. It one of the conditions to break the first seal. This must be it."

"Then why did you come to me with this?" irritation laced Naomi's words. "Surely this is a sign that all is going to plan. The less this matter is discussed the better. We don't need to be discovered now."

Zaphkiel shifted, "He has not been apprehended; they seem completely unaware of his presence. I know that making contact with them is discouraged but in this instance, it may be necessary to accelerate proceedings."

"How long has the human been in hell?" Naomi asked.

Zaphkiel swallowed, "Five days in hell time, an hour earth time."

Naomi raised an eyebrow, "Impressive. Who is this human?"

"Artemis Fowl the second" Zaphkiel rifled through the papers he was holding, "I brought his file, it is rather… extensive." He dropped a book sized file on her desk. Zaphkiel spoke, "There is still the question of what we should do, I am aware this is a risk but analysing his file I believe Artemis is capable of evading them for a long time, if not indefinitely."

Naomi sighed, rubbing her temples "This happens every time. We always have to clean up after them, no matter how easy the task is. This was their plan." She collected herself, "Very well, have Nathanael inform our contact." Naomi waved him away before stopping him, "Oh, and do make sure that the contact is made aware that our patience is wearing thin. We can only make up for so much incompetence before the operation is uncovered." And with that he knew he was dismissed.

Zaphkiel walked out of the meeting, his hands shaking. That was exhilarating, even better than when Uriel had called his filing system 'useful', two hundred years ago. He smiled broadly to himself before schooling his features into something more professional. He needed the other angels to take him seriously, he could act like this was no big deal.

Zaphkiel couldn't control himself, he grinned, this was the best thing ever to happen to him.

Author's note:
What did you guys think?

It's warming up now, I have this entire ark planned, I am sooo excited!

Feel free to drop any thoughts or reaction below, I would love to hear what you guys think of it!

Anyway, the were-cat thing was inspired by my sister (she adores cats) and I thought it would be fun.

Also fun bit of trivia; Zaphkiel means 'God's knowledge' and I though it would be appropriate:)

geek22 out!
Chapter 4: Divine Incompetence
Author's note: TW :Violence and incarceration ahead.

Artemis was beginning to wonder how long he could scamper from roof-top to roof-top over what appeared to be the suburbs of this place. He was, as always it seemed, completely in the dark about his whereabouts. Artemis had a hunch though. He had a hunch and he hoped to god that he wasn't right. The sulphur, the black sky and the people with black eyes all pointed towards one conclusion. This place could be Hell.

The machete he had picked up from purgatory was always in his hand and he was always on the lookout. He couldn't sustain this though. He knew he couldn't. Fatigue was dragging at his body, hunger was burning in his gut, and paranoia sent tremors though his body- infecting his mind. Artemis was unsure of what he was running from but was absolutely certain that he didn't want to find out. He assumed had been in this place for days, he couldn't tell due to the fact that the sky was always dark here, apart from those red sparks that shot across the sky.

No-one had approached him or given him a second look before he had arrived, but he saw how things happened here. He heard the screaming that sounded in the night that emanated from the larger buildings and from below the grates the street. He did his best to avoid thinking about that.

Zaphkiel strode down the corridor to his office, which consisted of a small corner in the celestial library affectionately known as 'the stacks'. He grabbed the paper he needed and headed for the door only to interrupted by Hael.

"Where are you going?" Hael hissed.

Zaphkiel looked both ways to make sure no-one was listening in, "I just had a meeting with" he lowered his voice even more, "Naomi."

Hael tilted her head, "what?"

"Naomi," Zaphkiel hissed.

Hael frowned, "I can't hear what you're saying, you've got to speak up."

Zaphkiel raised his voice to an audible volume, "Naomi," he enunciated.

Eyes widening, Hael asked, "Why?"

Zaphkiel leant in conspiratorially, "About the report. To do with the seal and Fowl. She's sent me to meet with Nathanael about our findings."

"I should go with you," Hael said.

"No!" Zaphkiel barked, she was not stealing his moment. His volume had raised to the point other Angels were looking at him, he lowered his voice, "No. Naomi asked me to do it, she said only me," he lied.

Hael tilted her head, "That should be fine… as long as you've read my report on the possible ramifications of the living human on the closing of the seals, he is referred to as the emissary, not sure why yet. I wrote a risk assessment of prophecy 4732 with prophecy 6668, you know, the one I gave you last year. If you haven't, I should probably go."

Oh, dear. Zaphkiel had not read that report, in fact he had spilt a coffee on it and had disposed of the evidence. He did not need to eat or drink but he found it to be pleasant. It had been the only copy of the report and he had told her he had given it to management, "Yes, I read the report, very interesting, I was impressed." He lied. "I should go." He made for the door and was gone in a flash. What harm could this possibly do? Every angel in heaven was convinced that their work was the most important thing in the universe.

Nathanael restrained himself from shaking the angel in front of him till the moron got to the point.

Zaphkiel barrelled on, "What I am trying to say is that we believe there is a human in hell."

Nathanael clenched his fist, "There are billions of humans in Hell, can you please be more specific."

"Oh right, yes. A living human is in hell, and we believe he could be the emissary that is referred to in prophecies."

At this Nathanael perked up, "Are you sure?"

Zaphkiel began to ramble, "Well, it's not completely clear although a review of the evidence leads us to the conclusion that it is possible-"

Nathanael raised a hand silencing him, "Is there anything else I should know?"

"The human's is named Artemis Fowl, here is a copy of his file." Zaphkiel dropped the file as he shuffled though his papers and cursed, picking the file up and handing it to Nathanael. "We have no Idea how the Fowl boy got to Hell, which is the odd thing, it shouldn't be possible..." Zaphkiel's face was a mask of indecision and guilt. Zaphkiel's answer continued confidently, "That's it. Nothing else."

Nathanael sighed, "Then why are you still here? Out."

"Right, I'll just… uh. Yes, goodbye." Zaphkiel's backed out of the office awkwardly.

Nathanael waited for that idiot Zaphkiel to leave his office. A smirk slithered its way onto his face, this would be… interesting. Nathanael picked up the phone and waited.

A young girl's voice sounded from the other side, "Nathanael, to what do I owe the pleasure."

Nathanael spoke, "Hello Lilith. How long has it been?"

"Since the fall? 600 million years perhaps. Now to business, why did you call?" Lilith said.

Nathanael grinned, "Don't worry, it's good news. We found the key; we believe he is right under your nose. Oh, and Naomi sends her love. She would also like me to tell you that we can only have so many screw-ups from your side before something serious is discovered."

"I don't know what she is so afraid of. Even if a few of our ranks find out, nothing will change, they will simply be eliminated."

Nathanael sneered, "She is concerned for heaven's reputation."

"Of course she is. Now, this key, who is he, what do we need to know?"

Artemis risked a peak at the street below before ducking. There seemed to be increased military patrols in this area and, while he did believe in coincidence, he was wary.

"Ooooh, what are we hiding from?" said a playful voice over his left shoulder a hairs breadth from his ear.

Artemis yelped and backed away, still crouching, "Ah! Christ."

The woman had brown hair, light skin, and an American accent. She stood up, "I would tell you have nothing to be scared but well, that would be a lie. We should probably get acquainted seeing as I'm going to be working with you for a while. I'm Meg, and you must be Artemis." Her smile was all teeth. Meg clicked her fingers and handcuffs secured themselves around Artemis wrists causing him to drop his machete. Meg continued in a sing song voice "We had better get going, no time for dilly dallying."

Artemis struggled against his bonds and asked dazedly, "Who are you?"

Meg's eyes flicked to onyx-black, "I am the world's best intern." And with that she pushed Artemis to his feet and led him down the stairs, "Oh and, if were you sweetheart, I wouldn't try anything because I will hurt you if I have to. Or if I just feel like it."

After a brief moment of shock Artemis unfroze, "You must have made a mistake, I'm not who you're looking for. My name isn't Artemis, it's Alphonse."

Meg snorted but did not stop, "Nice try, wonder-boy."

'The pit', as Meg referred to it was a snaking underground labyrinth filled with cells, out from which the sound of screaming escaped and the mood of despair streamed.

By the time they had reached their destination, a small crowd had gathered. One man crossed his arms and faced them, "What's this Meg? Hoping that we wouldn't hear you had brought him in?"

Meg sneered, "Yeah, I was actually hoping you hadn't. You heard what the boss said, 'finders keepers'. Alastair said, whichever intern catches him gets to assist. I caught him, so back off."

At this, all hell broke loose. The interns began to yell in earnest with snippets of sentences the only thing audible, such as, 'an actual living human', 'unfair', and 'I wanted this for my resume'.

A nasal voice broke through the chaos, "What is going on exactly?"

The crowd parted to reveal a lanky man with white eyes.

The interns looked anywhere but at the man. One brave soul piped up, "Sorry Alastair. We were just… discussing who should be allowed to assist with…"

"I see... Because none of you could follow the simple instructions I left you in regards to that, none of you will assist."

A groan followed this announcement. Alastair waved his hand to silence them, "You may all have equal access if I am called away. Now, get the prisoner to his cell, lest he endure more of your completely unprofessional behaviour." Alastair shot Artemis a spine-chilling grin, "See you later kiddo."

The cell in question carved from volcanic rock and dark but for the floor which glowed with the heat of magma. Artemis was secured to a sort of upright rack, his hands and ankles secured by rusted cuffs, leaving him hanging from the vertical rack spread eagled. Meg turned to him, "Guess I'll see you later wonder-boy."

Artemis debated staying silent and then settled on, "That's not going to be my nickname from now on, is it?"

Meg hummed, "I see what you mean, I'm not happy with it either. Tell you what, I'll try to brainstorm a better one for the next time I see you." She smiled, "Maybe it can be something to do with your accent, I love it. What is it, English?"

"I am just going to pretend that you didn't say that" Artemis said.

Meg tilted her head, "Scottish?"

The withering stare Artemis shot Meg spoke for itself, "You cannot be serious."

"Welsh?" Meg asked but this time she let her teasing smile inch its way onto her face.

"Oh, haha." Artemis said dryly.

"Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I was debating whether to ask you if you English or British, I decided English would be more irritating." Meg snorted

Artemis weighed up his options, "Why am I here Meg?"

Shrugging, Meg answered, "Because Alastair wanted you to be brought here."

"And why is that?"

"Beats me." Meg said

Artemis took a breath, "What's going to happen to me?"

"You're probably going to horribly tortured until you become a demon." Meg said.

"A demon?" Artemis asked curiously.

Meg's eyes flicked black, "Like us."

It took a moment for Artemis to process what he had been told, "I… can't say I like the sound of that."

"Join the club kid." Meg said as she walked away. The Heavy metal door shut with a clang, and he was left alone.

He contemplated what Meg had said. The people here called themselves demons, but they were derived from humans. He was sure that the demons here differed greatly from the demons on Hybras. Alastair was obviously very important, so why had he sent for Artemis? How had Alastair known that Artemis would be here?

He stayed like that for a while, hanging on the rack, thoughts chasing themselves in spirals before the weariness in his bones overpowered the fear he felt. The world faded to black and then morphed into dreams of being chased through a forest.

Artemis blearily jolted out of sleep when he heard it.

A gleeful voice in particularly nasal tones, "Rise and shine" Alastair sauntered into the room, a spring in his step.

Artemis groaned, His wrists and ankles were soar from the strain of holding his entire weight and from the tight metal cuffs biting into them. His back ached and his throat was dry and scratchy.

Alastair approached, his eyes of pure white the focus of Artemis of attention. That quickly changed when Artemis spotted the knife held casually in Alistair's grip.

Alastair's face was a landscape of manic delight, "we've got work to do." He raised a hand to touch Artemis' face.

Artemis flinched at the contact, "Don't touch me."

Taking no notice, Alastair ran his hand from Artemis' face to his neck, "You know- It's always the first thing to go. Pride. The shame stays but pride… pride just melts away." Alastair's hand slipped down from Artemis' neck, slowly straying down to his waist. "I must confess… I like to do this bit myself."

Ice filled Artemis' veins at the implication, he wasn't clueless, he knew what Alastair was alluding to. For once, Artemis did not have a witty rebuttal or a snarky comment.

The ragged blue blazer Artemis wore was tossed to the side as Alastair brought his knife to Artemis' collarbone then sliced the knife through the fabric and skin all down Artemis side. The sharp bite of the blade caused Artemis to yelp. Artemis' already torn suit fell off him, losing all structural integrity. His shoes, socks and boxers were next to go. Once the final article of clothing had fallen to the floor the entire pile disappeared into clouds of dust.

Artemis eyed the deep cut that ran from his shoulder to his knee sucked in a pained breath. Artemis couldn't look at Alastair as he felt eyes sweeping ever him. Tremors shook his hands, his heart thumped and sweat clung to his palms.

Alastair's tone was light and conversational, "You must be hungry."

Artemis nodded mutely; he was. It had been a week since he had a meal, a day since he had drunk a drop of water. His throat was dry and scratchy, His stomach had ceased to ache and instead a numb nausea infused his limbs.

A pleasant smile twisted Alastair's feature's, "I'll go fetch something for you." Alastair walked out of the cell leaving the door the creak shut.

Artemis was developing whiplash from how fast Alastair was changing pace, it was catching him off guard. He was sure now- this was all a power play, the veiled threats, stripping him, and the shifts in behaviour. Alastair was showing his power over Artemis, showing that he could chose to do anything he pleased to Artemis. A simple but effective form of intimidation. Knowing this provided Artemis with little comfort, he had no doubt Alastair would have no reservations about carrying out any of his threats. Artemis' breathing still came in panicked puffs, and he worked hard to compose himself.

Alastair re-emerged with a steaming plate of food in one hand and bottle of water in the other. Artemis' stomach let loose a rebellious growl which elicited an amused hum form Alastair. Resuming his staring contest with the floor, Artemis' cheeks flushed.

With a click of his fingers, a chair materialised beside Alastair and the demon took a seat, his eyes flicking from pure white to a normal brown, "Forgive me, I haven't introduced myself properly. They call me Alastair, master of the pit, demonic chief of staff."

Artemis' eyes flickered around the room, "I figured."

"Clever boy. Now it's your turn." Alastair said.

"You already know who I am," said Artemis.

Alastair placed the plate and water on the floor and sat back in his seat, "Indulge me."

Silence. Artemis glared at Alastair but did not dare voice his discontent. What game was Alastair playing?

Alastair had a strange meandering way of speaking that lent him gravitas, "Your parents, didn't they ever teach you manners? You've always got to exchange… pleasantries before eating."

Artemis could almost hear Butler's voice then, 'Play along Artemis, do not antagonise him.' Artemis tried his best to sound confident, "Artemis Fowl, the second."

"Do you want the cuffs to come off?" Alastair asked.

Artemis considered nodding but then dismissed the thought, "Yes."

Alastair tutted, "You really do have poor manors."

Jaw tightening, Artemis kept his voice steady, "Please." The cuffs encircling his wrists sprang open instantly, sending Artemis sprawling to the ground. The red-hot volcanic rock burnt his hands and knees on contact, leaving angry red burns. A blinding shock of pain let the world outside this overwhelming agony simply slip away. His cries of pain tailed off into pained gasps. When he stood his bare feet were left blistered and singed. Artemis' vision cleared.

Alastair sat looking at him with interest. "What do you say?" Alastair asked.

Artemis' mind was blank for a moment before it clicked, "Thank you."

Alastair beamed, "Good boy."

Humiliation trickled down Artemis' spine. Still, there was nothing he could do.

"Do you want to eat?" asked Alastair.

"Yes… please." Artemis said, understanding what Alastair wanted.

Alastair handed over the bottle and plate.

"Thank you" Artemis said, his cheeks burning with shame and his eyes averted.

Alastair ruffled his hair, "You're welcome. I'm impressed, you're learning quickly." He stood and with a click of his fingers, the chair vanished. "I'll leave you to your meal." Alastair walked toward the door and said "Behave" over his shoulder. The door creaked as it opened and shut, leaving Artemis alone.
Chapter 5; The Rack
TW: Torture, incarceration

Artemis had found a patch of cooler rock to sit on, one that didn't scorch his skin.

The room was sweltering, heated by noxious vents. It was all he could focus on. It was all he would focus on because if he didn't, he would dwell on what had just transpired, and that… well.

Even thinking about it... Shivers were rolled up his spine. Nothing had happened, as such. No more than a cut down his side, but Artemis felt… violated. He guessed that was the point.

Anger, terror and humiliation Churned in his stomach over an undercurrent of vulnerability.

That's all it boiled down to, really. He felt vulnerable. Horribly vulnerable because he knew that, for once, he was totally helpless.

Despite his best efforts, he ended up marinating in his own powerlessness. Artemis was not generally the subservient type and the fact he had to be so submissive made him sick.

A weary sense of foreboding settled over him, if what Meg's words were anything to go by, it would only get worse from here.

Artemis over the years, had come to the conclusion that extreme situations revealed one's true character.

Perhaps, that was because he had reacted favourably in many high-pressure scenarios, the theory had painted him in a good light. That would make him a coward as well delusional, hiding from the truth.

The brief sojourn he had spent in this cell had proven that Artemis would rather bow and scrape to appease Alastair's sick sense need for control than to endure any kind of pain or discomfort. It was pathetic really, in Artemis' opinion.

Hours passed with Artemis just sitting there, trying to come up with some semblance of a plan. It was no use.

The demons were unbelievably strong, many in number, able to move objects with their minds and capable of willing objects into existence (although he had only ever seen Alastair do that). The cell was locked, although there was no handle nor was there a visible mechanism for it locking.

Well, Artemis assumed it was locked because there was always a click after the door shut. The door would not budge either, he checked.

Artemis perked up when he heard approaching footsteps, something was different this time however, Artemis could just about make out the footfall of two people.

The door swung open with a screech; Artemis was learning to fear that sound.

Alastair entered, followed by another man.

The newcomer was in his early twenties and had short brown hair, green eyes, and a square jaw. The man was indisputably gorgeous. When the man saw Artemis he froze, his face a mask of horror, "No."

Alastair rounded on the man, "What's the matter Dean? Afraid to get those hands of yours dirty?"

The man, Dean shook his head, "He's a kid." He said, his voice breaking slightly.

"How very observant of you." Alastair mocked.

Dean ran a hand over his face, "What has he done? What did he do to get here?"

Alastair shook his head, "No crimes, this isn't one of those cases."

Dean frowned, "He sold his soul then?"

Alastair just smiled broadly.

"I can't… You can't do this." Dean sounded so pitiful; Artemis couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"I can and I will." Alastair asserted, "The question is, Dean, will you do what you're told? Or will you back on the rack?" The silence was long and telling. Dean shook his head. "Good." Alastair said.

Not sure what to make of the interaction, Artemis filed it away for future reference.

Artemis wasn't quite sure what to do, but he refused to get up from where he was sitting to greet Alastair, he wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

This placed him in quite a precarious situation because now he was sitting, and Alastair was standing over him. Artemis was painfully aware that he was naked and that was only made worse by the fact that Alastair was not alone.

Alastair hunkered down in front of him, "I hope you don't mind Artemis; I brought my intern." He gestured to the beautiful man behind him, "Say hello Dean."

Dean would not meet his eyes.

Artemis glared, "You don't care about what I mind."

In a flash, Alastair grabbed Artemis by the arm and hauled him to his feet and across the floor, that burnt like hot coals, and to the rack.

Artemis yelped and yanked against the arm but as usual, it was no use.

The smile that Alastair wore was sickly sweet, "Now, we can do this next bit on the floor or on the rack, your choice."

Gritting his teeth, Artemis took stabilising breaths against the pain of his feet burning, "The rack." He said quietly, looking at the wall.

"What was that?" Alastair asked, leaning in.

"The Rack." Artemis said, louder.

"You want me to put you back on the rack?"

Hot daggers of anger and humiliation pierced Artemis' stomach, Alastair was going to make him say it, wasn't he? "Yes." The seconds dragged on as Artemis' feet burned, "...Please."

Alastair smiled, "That was all I needed to hear." Rather than simply flicking his wrist and having Artemis on the rack, Alastair chose to do it by hand, the contact between them always lingering for an uncomfortable length of time.

Artemis was laid down on the rack and the cuffs were secured which were now inexplicably made of leather rather than metal. The whole processes just served to make him feel more exposed and humiliated.

Artemis knew what Alastair was doing by presenting dilemmas for him. Alastair was trying to make Artemis feel as if he was responsible for what was done to him. It was clever, Artemis couldn't fault him on that, and it would probably work if given enough time.

Alastair clicked his fingers and miraculously (or rather demonically) all the burns and cuts on Artemis' body were completely gone. Another click and a metal table of surgical instruments were beside him. Artemis heart was in his throat.

"Now," Alastair intoned in that nasal voice of his, "any burning questions you would like to ask Before we get started?"

The first question upon Artemis' arrival came to mind, "Where are we?"

Alastair's voice had taken on a condescending quality, "Surely a boy as intelligent as you could figure that one out."

Artemis' face remained stoic, "I have my suspicions."

"Hell. Specifically, the pit." Alastair said.

That confirmed Artemis' theory. "What will happen to me?"

Alastair considered the question, "Well, I am going to teach my protégée a lesson in inflicting pain, which really isn't good news for you."

Artemis tensed "Why?"

"First of all, that's just how this place runs, and Primarily I just enjoy causing pain. There isn't anything quite like making someone scream, beg for it to be over. It gives me a… kick." Alastair said.

That did not bode well. Artemis could feel his options narrowing and walls closing in, he was beginning to think that there was no way out of this.

Alastair sounded apologetic, "I really do have to get this lesson started, so if you do have any further questions, you can see me straight after class."

Alastair took a gleaming scalpel from the table hovered it over Artemis' shoulder.

Artemis eyes widened, "No wait-"

Alastair made a deep cut causing Artemis to groan in pain.

"There is skill to torture, even draconian torture like this." Alastair said, gesturing for Dean to come closer, "you see I have made a cut, but because it is not over a nerve cluster, there is little impact. However, if I were to make an incision here," Alastair hovered the blade over another spot nearer to Artemis neck, "there would be significantly more impact."

Alastair brought the scalpel down and made the cut causing Artemis to buck, letting out a pained scream that tapered off into whimpers.

Alastair continued matter-of-factly, "Nerve clusters are located here," he brushed his hand over Artemis neck, making the boy shudder, "here," Alastair ran a hand under his armpit, "Here," The hand trailed under Artemis' peck and on his lower rib, "here," Alastair indicated to the crook of Artemis' arm, "here," Artemis jumped and took a sharp intake of breath when Alastair placed a hand into his genital region then skated the hand down the insides of his thigh, "and here." Alastair ran his hand over the arch of Artemis foot.

Artemis remained still, not daring to move. The impromptu lesson Alastair launched into made Artemis feel like a dead insect, awaiting dissection.

Alastair handed the scalpel to Dean, "Why don't you have a go?"

The look Dean shared with Artemis as he took the scalpel was one of a prisoner being led towards the gallows. It was incredibly uncomfortable. They both knew what would come next but neither (it seemed to Artemis) could do anything about it.

Dean stepped forward. He steadied a hand over Artemis shoulder. Artemis closed his eyes.

The first cut Dean made was clumsy (as were many that followed) but over the next hour Artemis' winces and moans of pain morphed into screams and begging.

The song of pain coursed through Artemis' veins, It reached a crescendo and he screamed though a throat rubbed raw. He held the bars of the rack under his hands in a vice grip.

Dean had slipped in a trance. His focus was unshakable as he on the canvas before him. He had lost all self awareness and apprehension towards the task at hand. Some cuts were small shallow things and others were long deep gashes.

Every so often, Alastair would click his fingers and the cuts that littered Artemis' body would melt away like nothing happened.

The knife came down again and Artemis screamed. The knife came away and Artemis shook his head against the rack, "Please stop. Not again, please. I can't..." The knife came down again, "No, please don't-" his begging was cut off by fresh cries of agony.

If Alastair continued to heal Artemis, who knows how long this could go on. The thought should panic Artemis, but the genius was starting to feel as if everything happening to him was a thousand miles away.

Alastair brought the cutting to a stop, "I think it's time to explore other avenues. Our guest seems to be leaving us. We should be careful not to break him too fast."

Dean blinked, then nodded. Artemis let out a sob of relief when the pain subsided.

There was a shuffling and a clunk before Alastair was at eye level with Artemis.

Alastair put a hand on Artemis' cheek, "Are you still with me Artemis?"

Artemis did his best not to cry and lean into the hand. He nodded afraid to leave the man's question unanswered but unable to form a coherent sentence.

Alastair's voice was warm, "There you are, good boy."

A cloth was placed over Artemis' face. Ice fill his veins. Not this. He shook his head and let out a groan.

Water soaked through the cloth and Artemis held his breath. Thirty seconds passed and his lungs began to burn, his vision blurred and his heart thumped in his ears.

He gasped for breath.

Water flooded into his mouth and nose, it trickled down his throat and he coughed and spluttered. He tried to take a breath but only breathed in more water. His lungs on fire, his throat clogged with water, his head was pounding desperation filled him. This was what drowning felt like.

He needed to breathe.

Abruptly, the water was gone and Artemis drank in air. He gasped and spluttered and sobbed.

Too soon the process began again.

His world was reduced to cycles of pain and relief. Bruises formed on his arms as he struggled against his bonds. To Artemis it felt endless, it would never stop.

Artemis felt his senses dampen, leaving the world muted. The sounds of water and his own gasping quietened to a distant murmur, the pain dulled and Artemis' struggles weakened. He stared ahead, unseeing.

To Artemis' ears the sound of Alastair speaking was garbled as if he was underwater, "Dean, that's enough." The cloth was removed from Artemis' face. Alastair waved a hand in front of Artemis eyes, to no reaction, "The lights are on but nobody's home." Alastair said with barely contained glee.

Alastair clapped Dean on the back with a jovial expression, "Well done, I didn't expect him to tap out that fast. I'll have to plan for that in future, maybe less physical torture if he is going to disconnect so easily."

Dean flinched on contact. He was staring fixedly at the slack features of Artemis' face. Water dripped down from the Kid's damp locks. Dean had tortured before and had entered his 'flow state' (as Alastair called it) before but surfacing from his trance this time was different.

With most people Dean tortured, he had the assurance that either, they deserved to be here or that they had made the informed choice to sell their soul.

The Kid, Artemis, hadn't done anything wrong. Dean reckoned he looked about fourteen or fifteen so there was no way that the kid could give consent to sell his soul.

He probably had no idea what he was getting to when he signed the contract.

Dean raised a knife to plunge the knife into Artemis' heart only to be stopped by Alastair's hand. Dean was taken aback, it was standard procedure to kill someone after torture as, because everyone here was dead they just reset, unharmed.

Alastair had a knowing look in his eye, "Leave him alive."

Dean tilted his head at this. They didn't use words like 'alive' here, they used words like 'intact', as everyone in hell was dead.

Alastair waved Dean away, "I'll deal with this, you should go back to your work. Sorry to have dragged you away but I thought this would be a valuable learning opportunity."

Dean left and Alastair couldn't contain a triumphant smirk, "Neither of you realise what just happened do you?" Artemis stared at the wall, unblinking. Alastair sighed, "I thought not. It's so much less fun this way."

The higher levels of Hell scorch with a burning heat but deeper in the maze, the breeze is frozen and cold.

Somewhere deep in the pits of Hell a stone wall on split and cracked down the middle, revealing a darkened cage. The cage was laden with an intimidating number of locks and shook with the force of the creature held inside.

An eerie laugh filled the frigid air and drifted out, causing the guards outside to turn.

Frost spread across the bars of the cage, glittering malignantly.

The laughter died but hung in the air, still laughing at the cosmic joke, at the irony of it all.

Artemis didn't register much but he was aware that he was unstrapped from the rack and carried somewhere. He was lying on his side.

There was a nagging voice seemingly a thousand miles away but it was persistent. It was nasal and steady, and becoming incrementally louder.

Slowly, he became aware of a hand raking through his wet hair. It was nice.

Artemis was floating away, the only things grounding him to reality were the voice and the hand in his hair.

He clung to them, focusing on the only thing that was real. He could just about make out the words now, they were assurances and words of comfort, "It's okay, just relax. You did so well for me today."

The words washed over him as Artemis' mind lazily worked to decipher them. His head pounded and his lungs stung as he laboriously inhaled and exhaled.

His eyes fluttered open. Blinking, he noted that he was in a well lit room, lying on a bed with his head resting on someone's lap. He closed his eyes and leaned into the hand in his hair.

An unknowable amount of time later Artemis' thoughts began to shuffle into a chaotic order. He had been in his cell. He had been in his cell and...

Artemis began to shake.

Memories of drowning and cutting blades filled his mind. His breathing became frenzied and panic rose in his chest

Alert, Artemis lurched upwards. His head swivelled to see Alastair and Artemis began to scramble away only to be caged by strong arms. Alastair held him close as Artemis' struggles became more subdued, eventually ceasing.

Artemis would like to that he didn't dissolve into tears and collapse against Alastair's chest but, then again, Artemis would like to say a lot of things.

He couldn't stop the sobs that wracked his frame as Alastair shushed him and ran a calming hand down his back.

Artemis was not an expressive person at the best of times and was not used to being so vulnerable. He didn't remember even showing this much emotion to Butler, never mind his own mother. He felt as though his feelings had been pulled out of him forcefully leaving him raw and helpless. A small part of his soul had been ripped from him, a screeching feral creature, bloodied and beaten.

Artemis hated how fragile a few hours of pain had made him. Alastair had knocked down Artemis' walls built over years, which even Artemis struggled to lower.

This sick parody of tenderness felt wrong.

Everything about this felt wrong.

He wanted to scream.

But once the tears started to fall, it was impossible to stop, years of sorrow, pressure, hurt, and repression escaping him. It didn't occur to Artemis to speak.

What would he say?

He didn't want to be here. He wanted to be gone. So, he closed his eyes and waited for the next best thing.

Feel free to drop a comment below to tell me what you thought of it, constructive criticism welcome:) I really enjoy hearing other people's perspective/theories/criticism.

Oh, and for those of you thinking 'no-one wants to hear my opinion, it's not important', yes it is important and I want to hear it! YOU MATTER!
Whatever people are comfortable with but just know I want to hear people's thoughts!
Chapter 6: Can't get off this trip
Author's note:
Warning! Graphic torture

This chapter is not wholly important to the plot and you may skip it, I have made sure that the story makes sense without this chapter. I have written the next chapter and it does not contain any torture.

I am so sorry, I did not mean for it to get this dark, *hides under a thermo blanket* don't kill me.

Artemis woke to a strangely familiar yet alien sight. Above him, the canopy of the four-poster bed hung proudly in deep blues and black rather than his usually view of a grey sky peeking through the trees. As awareness returned to him, he froze.

The memory of the torture was rivalled by the knowledge that he had broken down in front Alastair. No-one had held him like that since he was a small child and the fact it had been done without his consent only served to make it more violating.

The room was empty, but Artemis spied a door on the far side of the room. He slipped out from under the covers, still very aware he was still completely unclothed, and eased his feet down to the carpeted floor. Was this Alastair's room? The implications of that made him uneasy. He made for the door but before Artemis could make it even halfway across the room, he was stopped by the sound of the door opening.

Alastair walked through the door, "Ah, you're awake." He said in that infuriatingly polite and matter of fact way, a bundle under his arm "I brought you some clothes. The question is," He paused, "are you going to be good for me?"

Of course. Everything was conditional. Artemis was tired, far too tired to be precious about his pride, "Yes." He said quietly.

Alastair handed over a pair of boxer briefs and a black T-shirt and Artemis issued a mumbled "Thank you."

Alastair smirked, "Good boy."

Despite himself, Artemis felt a pang of gratitude toward Alastair, a voice whispering that he 'should be grateful that Alastair let him have the clothes.' He quashed this voice, he shouldn't feel grateful for basic necessities.

No matter how badly he wanted to believe Alastair was capable of compassion, the truth was that he wasn't, this was all a ploy to remind Artemis how dependant he was on Alastair.

Artemis considered running but thought better of it; Alastair was able to move things with his mind and Artemis was deep in the complex of the pit, he would never escape.

Hastily getting changed, Artemis couldn't help but feel that the clothes were just another thing that could be taken from him. Another thing Alastair could hold over him.

The next morning Alastair came to visit, Artemis was still tied to the rack.

"Morning sunshine." Alastair said.

Artemis wasn't sure what to say to that. "Ali, I… I need the bathroom." He would be wringing his fingers if he could.

Alastair untied him and led him to a bathroom that appeared with a click of Alastair's fingers.

Alastair was stood behind Artemis the entire time, clearly unwilling to leave him unsupervised. It was degrading to say the least and oddly intimate in a way that made Artemis uncomfortable.

The next few days were spent in his cell where Alastair would… hurt Artemis while Dean watched or on some occasions… participated. Artemis had tried to stop using words like torture, it made the situation feel real.

Artemis cursed himself for complying so easily but… he was scared. He was scared and there was no way to escape.

There was something else though, another reason he felt the need to please Alastair, one that he buried under layers of denial. He liked when Alastair would hold him, he liked when Alastair would call him a good boy (even if it was humiliating) and he liked when Alastair would whisper quiet assurances while stroking his hair. Because it wasn't painful or traumatising, it was just… nice?

Artemis was slumped on the rack; he hadn't been able to move all day, not a muscle. What he wouldn't give just to stretch his legs.

Alastair was talking but Artemis really couldn't be bothered to listen today.

A deep but sharp pain reverberated around his body as a knife cleaved through his lower ribs.

Alastair was saying, "I really have been too soft on you. Sometimes darling, I think you aren't even listening to me."

Artemis choked and gasped.

Sighing, Alastair pulled the knife out of Artemis' side, "I was going to do this later but… what can I say, I'm feeling… spontaneous." And he clicked his fingers, plunging Artemis' world into black.

Hours ticked by in the dark room and anxiety began to crawl in Artemis' veins.

Days flicked by (or maybe they didn't) and Artemis felt as he was losing his mind. Geometric shapes of flashing neon colours emerged from the darkness, and he tried to ignore that it was one of the first symptoms of white room torture.

The shapes were soon joined by shrieking sirens, snippets of conversation and a low rumbling noise.

Thoughts were hard to string together, he kept losing his train of-

It was so dark. Where was he?

The dull ache of boredom had intensified until he felt as if his skull was being crushed. He hit his head against the wall, but the wall was soft. He needed more of something. Pain, noise, light. Anything.

He let out a bone chilling scream that lasted for several minutes. It blended into the sirens and screeching noises that filled his head.

Light peeked through an opening that widened more with each passing second. He could hear something, footfall, coming closer.

Click, clack. Click, clack.

A voice, a real voice he thought. There were words, but he couldn't decipher them. Still, to his ears it was like music, soothing the sharp fog piercing his mind.

A hand held his, and Artemis could have cried.

The man with white eyes helped him to stand and helped him, limping, out of the room. The warm feel of someone stuck to his side was intoxicating and he was like a moth to a flame. It felt like something, it felt real. He needed to feel something.

The room outside was bright and blinding, he blinked to clear his vision. The walls were black stone which glowed yellow in some places. He took it all in, hungry eyes devouring all the detail as if he would never see anything again.

The corridor distorted, twisted, bent, and moved causing him to stagger. Doors and walls moved around him, squeezing and undulating.

But the shoulder he was leaning on stayed solid, a constant. He clung to the man

Time stopped and then he was in another room. He'd been here before. The room with the four-poster bed Alastair had taken him to before.

But this time the room was spinning, the tables were shifting, and the chairs were walking. It was too much he didn't like this, he wanted it to stop, he wanted it to stop. It was if the world around him was liquid; ever changing and shifting.

Artemis backed into a solid wall and slid down it, rocking and pulling his hair. Dimly, he became aware that someone was crying, it took a moment longer to realise that it was him.

Arms wrapped around him, and a nasal voice was saying, "It's okay, shhh." A hand came down to stroke his hair and Artemis leaned into it.

He didn't know how long he stayed like that but when he finally moved, he mourned the loss if the contact.

Alastair stood up, "I have some work to attend to, I'll be back in a few hours."

Nausea tugged at Artemis' as eels squirmed in his stomach, writhing and twisting. He couldn't be left alone with them. With that thought, shadows swirled around the room, thin and fast. They had gotten out and he was going to be left alone with them. In the dark.

Artemis shook his head, "Don't go. Please. Don't leave me alone." Because he wasn't alone, the shapes and the sirens and the eels would come back, the dark looming like rabid panther, ready to devour him. He didn't even know if they were real, he didn't even know if he himself was real, he didn't know who he was. Alastair was real, he was solid.

Considering it, Alastair tilted his head, "How do I know you won't run? If I take you with me, how do I know you won't try something?"

Artemis shook his head again, "I won't, I won't, I promise."

Alastair turned to the wardrobe, retrieving a blind fold. Artemis felt his throat constrict, "No. No, not that. It'll be dark again and I can't- I can't do that again."

Alastair hunkered down in front of him, "You won't be alone. I'll be with you the whole time; you have my word."

Finally, having reached a decision, Artemis nodded soundlessly.

Once the blindfold was secured on him, Artemis couldn't see a thing, just like before, in that room, he was back, and he couldn't get out and-

"Hey, it's okay. I'm right here," crooned Alastair's detached voice, a hand coming to rest on the nape of Artemis' neck.

Artemis focused on that, on the sound of Alastair's breathing, on the hand on his neck. He relaxed.

"Good boy," Alastair praised as he leaned into his captor.

Artemis was led along, not sure where he was. All he could do was focus on Alastair and the reassurances he would whisper to him every so often. People were around them and Artemis didn't like it. He didn't like being unable to see but Alastair was here, so he was safe.

Finally, he came to a stop. Someone was talking, with an unfamiliar voice, "Good morning sir, we have the weekly report-" the voice stopped, taken aback, then carried on, "On the development of bribing state officials and another report on the recent success in the high court regarding the overturning Roe vs. W-" and that was when Artemis stopped listening.

A voice in his ear (Alastair's) whispered, "Kneel."

Artemis cautiously dropped to his knees and was pulled against something solid. A leg. Alastair was sitting and Artemis was kneeling and leaning against his leg like a dog, Artemis realised. Shame curled in his gut, but he couldn't quite bring himself to pull away from Alastair.

Leaning against the leg was grounding and as a hand came to pet his hair, he felt himself slipping into a relaxed trance. He was so used to solitary confinement and round-the-clock under stimulation that he felt drunk on the attention.

"Wake up kiddo." The voice dragged Artemis back to consciousness and he opened his eyes to complete darkness. Oh right, the blindfold.

Artemis groaned; his cheek still pressed to the man's leg, a warm hand carding through his hair, grounding him.

Alastair helped him to his feet, a guiding hand on his back.

The walk back to the room was long and anxiety inducing but Alastair was close, and Artemis tried to focus on that.

Days later, Artemis had to subdue the gratitude he felt towards Alastair when the torture started again. Pain was something, and something was better than nothing. Infinitely so.

The gratitude was new but growing stronger by the day and for things as simple as being allowed to wear clothes, not being left alone, and both when the pain subsided and when it started.

He knew what was happening. He knew. He just didn't want to think about it.

Alastair was one of the only people he interacted with and slowly but surely Artemis began to look forward to his arrival. He tried his best to feel angry, he really did, but even that was slowly but surely being whittled away.

Artemis was fading away, being replaced with… something else. He didn't know what it was, but in his more lucid moments, he knew it wasn't him.

"You're going to have to choose for me. Electric shocks or simulations." Alastair said sounding sympathetic.

Artemis had learned early on how bad the simulations were, for hours he was forced to watch ever escalating scenarios do his family and friends dying and in pain. Watching his little brothers bleed out on the floor had made for one of the worst moments of his life. Artemis didn't hesitate, "Shocks. Not the simulations, please not the sims."

Alastair smiled knowingly. With a wave of Alastair's hand, the table he was on was metal and hooked up to electrical wiring. Alastair raised a hand to Artemis' cheek, "Of course."

"Thank you." Artemis said woodenly, desperately trying to feel like he didn't mean it.

The first shock was short, but left Artemis writhing, nonetheless.

Alastair took his hand and squeezed comfortingly, and Artemis squeezed back because, damn it, he was hurting and scared, and it felt nice.

Another shock wracked him and held Alastair's had tighter.

The pain had stopped. Artemis sat slumped in the chair, bracing himself for another wave; it never came.

"It's over, you did so well." Alastair said, unstrapping him from the chair and helping him to his feet

Alastair clicked his fingers and a bed materialised on the corner of the room then deposited Artemis' limp frame on it.

Artemis shook and started to cry. Alastair shushed him, "Hey you're alright, it's okay."

Shaking him off, Artemis shook his head, "It's not okay. Nothing about this is okay." He staggered to his feet and sank to the floor across the room, "You have tortured me for… I don't know- I don't know how long and- and now you're acting like that never happened and I don't hate you. I should but I don't. Why are you doing this? Why don't you just kill me?" His voice broke with emotion toward the end.

Alastair remained impassive, still sitting on the bed, "To tell the truth? We did need you for something before. But now? it's just because I want to."

Something in Artemis snapped at those words and his shoulders began to shake.

Alastair hunkered down next to him and shushed him, "Hey, calm down sweetheart. Because now I'm going to punish you for your little tantrum, and there's no need to make things worse for yourself."

And that was when Artemis knew he'd made a mistake.

A chain snaked up from the ground, securing around his wrists and ankles, rendering him immobile just as a blindfold materialised in front of him and wrapped around his head, blinding him.

Not again. "Not this, not again. Please." Artemis implored Alastair, "I'm sorry, just don't-"

Footsteps echoed around the room as Alastair left and bolted the door. He couldn't move. He couldn't move and he was in the dark again. He began to hyperventilate.

Alastair pocketed his phone, his mood thoroughly soured. The last time he had been to earth was 1941 to pitch his 'final solution' plan to Adolf. Odd man, very insecure about his height.

He flagged an intern down, (Meg), "I'll be detained for a while, I've been summoned to the icebox, you'll be in charge of my projects in the meantime."

Meg rubbed her hands together, ", That is good, I get to road test some of my new nicknames. Arty-kins isn't one of my strongest, but it'll annoy him."

Alastair raised an eyebrow, confused, "What are you talking about Meg?"

Meg looked down, "Nothing sir. Sorry, got distracted."

A slow smile creeped onto Alastair's face, "Actually… I may take Fowl with me. I just had an idea. Have fun, try not to destroy the house while I'm out."

"No promises." Meg muttered

"What?" Alastair asked, having not heard.

Meg played dumb, "What?"

Alastair briefly considered her then walked away.

Artemis tried to breath evenly. It was no use. Everything was so dark under his blindfold, and he was tied to the bed, he was completely defenceless

The door opened and he fidgeted in his bonds. Footsteps came closer to the bed, but Artemis was too scared to speak, something that was becoming more commonplace these days.

"Artemis, change of plans I'm afraid, we're going on a short trip. I expect you to be good."

Artemis was almost scared to ask, "Where?"

"Earth. Wisconsin to be specific."

Author's note:
You are welcome to yell at me in the comments, or offer concrit and yell at me. I really appreciate any feedback :) constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged! I won't be offended I promise!
Chapter 7: Blood that won't wash away
Warning! Graphic torture!

Artemis is tortured more. This is the final installment that this happens.

This chapter is not wholly important to the plot and you may skip it, I have made sure that the story makes sense without this chapter.
I have written the next chapter and it does not contain any torture.

I am so sorry, this is the darkest bit, *hides under a thermo blanket* don't kill me

Alastair refused to take Artemis' blindfold off, even when they stepped into the doorway to the living world.

The blindfold was finally taken off as he was pushed into a room with a bed and a bathroom. Artemis sat trying to plan… something.

Shortly afterward Alastair walked into the room, a spring in his step and presented a pill and a bottle of water to Artemis, "I want to watch you take it."

Artemis looked at it. It was white and small and was certainly not prescription, "What is it?"

Alastair didn't answer, "Take it now, or I will shove it down your throat for you."

He could hide it under his tongue… but Alastair would check and then… things would get worse. Why was he taking it? He took the pill and raised a sweaty hand to his mouth, swallowed it with a gulp of water.

"Good boy." Alastair told him, handing him a blanket.

Artemis looked at the blanket. He hadn't been allowed even a pillow for as long he had been here. Another fresh wave of gratitude washed over him, which was stupid. It was a necessity, Alastair had kept him here, Artemis shouldn't feel grateful for this. He shouldn't. Nonetheless, he should still say, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Alastair said, indulgently. As if Artemis should be grateful. "Lie down." He instructed.

Artemis complied, and a short time later Alastair left. His thoughts strayed to means of escape but his interest slowly ebbed away. Who cared? Who cared if he stayed here? Maybe Alastair would finally let him die. He just didn't care…

Dazed he stared at the ceiling. He wasn't stupid, he knew it was a side effect of whatever Alastair had given him. The ceiling was a dull grey but the longer he stared it danced in shades of blue, red, and purple. The floor melted into the walls, all melding in bright colours. He laughed, with a detached kind of glee, he was floating, far, far above.

He felt heavy, even if he wanted to move, he doubted he could.

He woke, bleary eyed, feeling a pressure in his head, as though he was underwater. His head pounded and colours still danced on periphery of his vision. He was laying on his side head spinning but aware enough to know he wasn't alone.

It was dark, the light must be turned off, he though dazedly.

A myriad of concerning sounds reached his ears. The shuffling of shoes on concrete, a struggle, a yelp that died down into a pained mewl.

Artemis' eyes took a while to adjust to the dark room but when they did, he wished he hadn't woken up.

A boy was lying on the floor, his hands cuffed underneath him, clothes dispatched in the corner. Alastair straddled his hips a hot poker in hand, burning his stomach. The smell of scorched flesh drifted across the room.

The drug was still in effect, but the screams tugged on his heartstrings now, the numbness gone. There was no point in trying to help him. Still, the boy screamed. Artemis closed his eyes.

Eventually, it was over. Alastair uncuffed the boy's wrists, then left.

The sounds of hopeless sobbing fill the quiet cell.

Artemis wonders whether the kid knows he's there or whether he thinks he's alone. Whichever way, he doesn't utter a word.

The light flicked on.

The boy was blond, still unclothed, and had eyes that held all the qualities of a shell-shocked soldier. The crying stopped, the kid staring at Artemis, shocked. The boy glanced over at his discarded clothes in the corner but was clearly in too much pain to move.

Feeling stupid, Artemis scrambled over to the pile of clothes and handed them to the boy. Artemis turned away while the boy pulled on his clothes with a rustle of fabric and several pained wheezes. The boy curls up on the floor where his is.

They both hear the lock click and the door open. All eyes are on the door. The boy is sprawled and propped up on one elbow, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

Alastair walked into the room, a box under his arm and a hand in his pocket. He walked calmly towards the boy on the floor and-

Artemis couldn't process what he was seeing. It happened too fast.

Alastair pulled out a switchblade and buried it into the boy's stomach. Once, twice, and a third time.

Christ, there's so much blood. He had seen his bodyguard shot before, but this was different because he was in his right mind and he had Holly, but now…

His head hurt, colours were still dancing on the periphery of his vision, and he was… fuzzy.

Artemis staggers back, "What did you do? What did you…" He was high. He was high and he was scared, and this was too much, "Ali, he's going to die, he's gonna-"

Alastair dropped the knife and the box, and took Artemis shoulders in blood caked hands, "Why did you let that happen?"

Artemis was confused, "I didn't…I don't-" He didn't let anything happen. He's scared and foggy and probably in shock.

…Did he? Artemis wasn't sure anymore.

Alastair shook his head sadly, "It doesn't matter, you have to fix it, you have to make it right. You see the box?"

Artemis nods.

"Open it." Alastair orders.

Artemis dropped to his knees next to the boy who was still making those pained whimpers. He looked at the box, it was a first aid kit.

"You should fix him before he bleeds out." Alastair said. "Don't want a death on your conscience," And with that he casually leaned against the wall.

Artemis' mind was still foggy, but he understood. If this was his fault, then he should fix it. The boy was taking rattling breaths in between crying like a scared child.

Artemis wasn't good with his hands, but he tried his best to stitch the wound back up. It was messy and bloody and the boy wouldn't stop screaming and bucking the entire time.

"I'm sorry." Artemis muttered, "I'm so sorry." But when has I'm sorry ever been enough.

This is his fault

He let this happen.

He should have done something.

The boy struggled and cried, and Artemis hand slipped.

Artemis held the boy still, "I'm trying to help you. Stay still." He needs the boy to understand. The boy squirms and screams and Artemis can't get a good grip on the needle "Stay still." He pleads, ", stay still, I'm trying to help you."

Artemis hands slip through the blood, and he is so tired. The kid needs to let Artemis help otherwise he will die but he won't listen. None of this was fair, "I'm trying to fucking help you! Stay still." Artemis practically screamed at the poor kid

The boy only became panicked. Artemis was only half done when the boy stopped moving. Five minutes after that the boy was dead, Artemis checked his pulse.

Artemis knelt there staring at the body, "Hurt me."

"What was that sweetheart?"

"Hurt me. Please" Artemis begged. When nothing happened, Artemis lay down and smashed his head into the floor. Pain exploded in his skull and hands hauled him up and pressed him against someone's chest.

Alastair held him tight, protecting him from himself, "Why did you do that?" Alastair asked.

"I… didn't do anything. I didn't stop it. I yelled at him and… and then I let him die." Artemis doesn't even know the boy's name.

Alastair didn't say anything, just held Artemis tight and rocked them.
Chapter 8: Cleopatra and the goat
Author's Notes:

TW: mentions of torture, violence, war, unhealthy relationships, Note: Artemis is not the tortured

I'm back Guys! And I am on a roll!

I really liked writing this chapter and I hope you'll like reading it. I wrote this at the same time I wrote the last chapter and I had to stop myself from posting them both at once because I was so excited! Feel free to drop a comment below to tell me what you thought of it, constructive criticism encouraged :)

And without any further ado,

"Chuck Shirly, Kevin Tran, Donatello, Luigi Ponzi, Justin Hunt, Aaron Webber, Maria, Dennis Adams, Krista, and Sven." Artemis read aloud for the tenth time, vainly hoping that, this time, it would make sense. He sat back at his desk, giving in.

Meg peeked her head around the door, "Y'know, saying it a thousand times won't miraculously reveal the meaning."

Artemis glared, "I had just come to that conclusion myself, actually. There's no discernible link between these names. All of them are common enough that it would be impossible to tell who these people are."

Meg nodded along, not really listening. Meg was at a loss as to why Artemis tried so hard in his work, perhaps it was pride but, in all probability, it was the raging case of Stockholm syndrome the boy harboured. She had been familiar of the concept of Stockholm syndrome for centuries, but she (and all the other demons) had never felt the need to put a name to the condition. She didn't understand the human impulse to give everything a label, didn't they find it exhausting?

Anyway, Artemis had been less weepy lately, which Meg was quite glad of because she didn't know if she could deal with much more whining.

It was one of the good things about Hell, as the soul was cracked and ripped by the torture, the gaps were filled with the essence of Hell, the sulphurous smoke that swirled around the atmosphere. It numbed the pain and dampened empathy, increasing violent tendencies.

Interrupting Artemis' rambling Meg cut in, "Hey can you take my shift?" She handed him a clipboard, "I've only got a few more poor shmucks to review."

Artemis looked up at her, still outraged about the last time she had asked, "Why? It better not be another Cleo situation." He shuddered, he still had nightmares about it.

The infamous Cleo incident to which he referred to, was of course, the time Meg had asked him to cover her shift so that she could…well. It was better left unsaid, but Cleo Patra, Stalin, and Marylin Monroe had been present, as had a goat, a litre of olive oil and a bag of hair. Artemis had told her, after finding out, that she could schedule her personal activities during her free time. Especially the weird ones.


Meg crossed her arms, "I swear, it's not! There's a social for the new demons on floor seven, could be fun."

Artemis' sigh was resigned, "You've been a demon for millennia."

"And I want to mess with the fresh meat. Sue me." Meg grinned.

Artemis deflated, "Fine but I've got some work to do for Ali." And took her clipboard.

Meg bounced on her toes, "Thank you! I won't forget this." She hugged him.

Artemis tried not to smile, "Go on, you've got younger interns to terrify."

Meg practically skipped away, grinning, this would be fun.

Artemis sat where Meg had left him. He had run the list through his computers to find anagrams and secret messages but all of them had been weak and nonsensical.

He left the slip of paper on the desk, it wasn't urgent, or even something he was expected to solve but it needled at him. It had been an intercepted communication from a few weeks ago. Alastair hadn't told him who the message was from, only that communication was rare and that intercepts were far more sparse.

He didn't like failing Alastair, it made him feel worthless. The only good thing about him was that he was useful, he wasn't nice or funny or even attractive. He was a terrible person but he could be useful, people would keep him around if he was useful.

He looked down at the clipboard and read the first name. Maria Gonzalez, crimes: accidental infanticide, theft and… defenestration. Well, that was new.

He sat at the computer and with a few keystrokes found a dictionary entry for defenestration and found that it meant the act of throwing something or someone out of a window. He snorted, his eyes flicking onyx black for a moment. He wondered if the 'accidental infanticide (Killing your children)' was in any way related to the defenestration. He hoped not.

He and Meg worked in the department that assessed the files of the damned and created tailored torture plans for each soul. This one would be simple, even the grunts could figure this out. He circled the 'accidental infanticide' and wrote a quick 'guilt and simulations of dead children * psychological torture *'.

If that wasn't clear, he didn't know what was. Although the torturers did not seem to think so, claiming that his notes were 'indecipherable and vague'. It was odd, he should feel guilty for condemning a woman to be tortured by the death of her child. He didn't, he just felt bored. That happened more and more now, a blanket of numbness protecting him. And there was his eyes. Every so often he would catch his reflection in a surface to see obsidian black eyes staring back.

A knock sounded at the door, it was Dean, "Hey Art."

Artemis was faced away from the door and didn't look up from his work, "I never said you could call me that."

"And yet."

"Smiling roguishly will get you nowhere." Artemis said, eyes still locked on the clipboard, trying to keep a straight face.

"I didn't- wasn't- doing that." Dean floundered, said roguish smile falling from his face.

Artemis turned in his swivel chair and raised an eyebrow trying to ignore how cute Dean could be sometimes.

Dean came to sit next to him, "What are you doing anyway?"

"Covering for Meg then my own stuff."

Dean sighed, "You gotta tell her no once in a while. You're too nice."

Artemis' lip quirked upwards, "An ironic plot twist indeed."

Dean looked over his shoulder at the work, "I would offer to help but I think this is the most boring job in the entire joint. Also, I think that you guys don't actually do much. I mean you circle a few things, but you don't do any of the work."

"Better than being a brainless knife jockey." Artemis shot back.

Dean frowned, "Is that what you guys call us?"


Tilting his head, Dean conceded, "I mean, It is accurate."

Artemis opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again before saying, "Not all of the time." Feeling a bit guilty.

Dean grinned, "I knew you liked me really." His exuberant confidence returning.

"Oh, get over yourself." Artemis rolled his eyes.

Dean leaned in, "If you weren't here, what would you be doing?"

Artemis considered it, "Researching the behaviour of subatomic particles probably."

Dean grinned, "You were a nerd?"

Artemis rolled his eyes, "And you were an idiot?"

Dean laughed, "I'm kidding, that sounds pretty awesome." He shrugged, "Or it would if understood half of what you said."

Artemis glanced up, "What did you do?"

"Travelled across America, killed monsters." Dean said.

Horrified, Artemis asked, "You killed people?"

"Not people. Monsters, like vampires." Dean defended.

"My best friend is a vampire." Artemis said. "He isn't a monster."

Dean looked down at his lap, "I only ever found a nest because they were killing the locals. The ones I found were killers. It was just... what my Dad taught me to do." He said, almost as an apology.

Artemis could relate to that, "We need not repeat the mistakes of our parents, I know that better than most."

"I'm impressed," Alastair said out of nowhere. Artemis whipped around and saw the man standing behind him. Alastair continued, "You've cracked a record number of cases in the time you've been here and that case with Caroline Holland, genius. You know, the demons that had to carry out her torture plan still have nightmares about it."

Artemis took a breath, "Jesus. Ali, don't sneak up on me."

"Where's the fun in that?" Alastair said.

Artemis glared and in response Alastair pulled Artemis into a hug. "I'm sorry." Alastair said, "I would never try to scare you on purpose, you know that right?"

"I know." Artemis mumbled into Alastair's shoulder. The scary thing was, he meant it.

"How are your studies going?" Alastair said stepping back.

Artemis had been attempting to learn the ancient demon language which Alastair told him only a handful of trusted acolytes were taught. It was interesting to say the least, the syllables, alien but viscerally human, like the sound that came before speech. The language was a lot less pedantic than English, enabling the user to communicate pure feeling, vague notions to cut through unimportant things and get straight to the point.

He had started learning when Alastair carved each sigel into his skin and made him sound each one out. He shuddered at the thought. He reminded himself that it was over now, that was when things were… bad.

Artemis shrugged, "I'm almost fluent."

Pride glinted in Alastair's eyes, "Has anyone ever told you how brilliant you are?"

"It's come up." Artemis said, eyes cast down, cheeks alight with embarrassment.

"Well, you are." Alastair said with a soft smile. "How's the work going?"

"I'm exploring a few routes that I think would increase soul acquisition." Artemis said, "We've been trying to erode universal healthcare rights in a few countries, you know, adverts about benefit scroungers and the like. We've found lack of access to healthcare increases desperation indexes, violent crime, and sale of souls."

"How wonderfully diabolical." Alastair said, pleased, "Allow them to destroy themselves."

Artemis and Meg sat atop a building on the surface layer, staring up into the sky as red lightning cracked across it.

They were both slightly drunk, as per usual and their feet dangled over the edge. Artemis had taken to drugs and alcohol as of late, which would have been odd for him, if he hadn't spent the last few years in Hell. He found that sometimes, they dulled the aching wounds that resided in his head. Every so often something would remind him of the boy in the basement (He hadn't even known his name) which would send him into a spiral and he would spend the entire week addling himself. Those were the darkest times.

As for Meg, well she just enjoyed it.

Artemis peered down to the street below, "Do you think I would leave this place if I jumped? Do you think it would stop?"

Meg froze, "Artemis, how about we have this conversation inside?"

He didn't say anything.

Meg frowned, "What would stop?"

"The noise." Artemis said as if it was obvious, "In my head."

Meg was at a loss, "I don't know." She paused, "Artemis, we should go inside, come on." She took his arm.

"Yeah, okay." he said, standing.

Artemis swept through the corridors of hell with a confidence it had taken long to acquire. He was in a bad mood, itching to inflict it upon someone else, but alas, he had a job to do. Demons guarded some doors, casually leaning against the walls.

A guard muttered something unsavoury under his breath, "The fuck is a human doing out its cage, apparently now you can just pick your favourite whore to run the domain. I haven't had a promotion in…" Artemis had stopped, when he heard it causing the guard to trail off.

He squared up to the demon, his eyes flashing black, "I have never understood why people stage whisper, it's as good as yelling." The way he said it was casual enough for the guard to be unnerved.

"Sir, I didn't…"

A knife plunged into the demon's side, and no one dared to move. The demon winced but did not react, in fear of angering Alastair.

Artemis gestured to the other guards, "Seize him. I want him secured in that room, now."

The other demons gingerly obeyed, binding their friend. One piped up, "That room's already occupied-"

"I don't care, just do it." The company should make this more humiliating if nothing else, he thought.

The group scrambled away, tripping over themselves to do what they were told.

He stalked into the room, ignoring the woman bound up in the corner. He headed straight towards the demon. The first hour was spent skinning the demon alive. During the second he indulged himself with waterboarding the demon with holy water which burnt the demon like acid.

The sense of power he got from inflicting so much pain was intoxicating.
Chapter 9: The siege of Hell
Alastair approached him one day, a distant look in his eye, "I have a task for my esteemed right-hand man."

"And who would that be?" Artemis asked.

At this, Alastair laughed, "That would be you."

Artemis grinned, "I'm your right-hand man?"

Alastair inclined his head in an affirmative gesture.

"So, what do you need?" Artemis asked.

"A minor scuffle on the eastern borders has become a sustained conflict." Alastair said, "I have business elsewhere, but I would like you to be in charge of the defensive effort against the insurgents."

Artemis shook his head, "I don't know anything about combat… I'm not suited to this."

"You're a quick learner." Alastair said with a fond smile, "You have already picked up well on the self-defence we've been practising, you're good with a knife. You'll take to commanding a battlefield the same way."

Artemis shrugged, looking down and closing in on himself, shyly. "Okay… I just don't want to disappoint you."

"You won't. I need someone I can trust on the front." Alastair said, "We do not currently have the capabilities to kill the insurgents in great numbers so you will only be slowing them down."

Artemis frowned, "Who are these insurgents?"

Alastair's expression soured, "Agents of heaven."

Artemis did a double take, "Like… angels?"

"I'm afraid so." Alastair said.

Artemis took a moment to digest it, "When will I be taking over the operation?"

"A few days, so I suggest you say your goodbyes. You'll be at the eastern front in two days." Alastair said, matter of factly.

Artemis stepped back, "The front? I cannot go to the front," he said. Because he couldn't, he could not under any circumstances fight in all out combat.

Alastair clapped him on the back, "It'll be good for you, think of this as a learning opportunity." He said, "You'll do great."

"Do you ever miss your family?" Dean mused as they walked outside, near the emergency trenches and defences.

Artemis shrugged, aware that this was dangerous territory, "Sometimes, I try not to think about it. You?"

"Yeah." Dean blew out a breath, "I've got a little brother, Sammy. He's still alive, he's old enough to look after himself too but…."

After a short deliberation, Artemis sat against the wall of sandbags that surrounded the trench, arms wrapped around his knees, "I've got two younger brothers, twins. I hope they're okay."

Dean sat next to him, "How old?"

"I… don't know." Artemis said, "I know time here works differently, but I don't even know how long I've been gone, I don't think I'm ageing here at all. They were three when I left."

"Do they have parents looking after them?" Dean asked.

Artemis snorted, "I'd like to think so. My father was… I believe the term is 'a dead-beat'. He promised he would change but he made similar promises when I was young too. My mother is nice, she tries to be supportive, she really does but… she wants a 'normal' family and sometimes she forgets to appreciate her family as it is. She was always trying to get me to act like someone else."

Dean listened and didn't react for a moment and then, "It sounds like they care, even if… they have problems."

"Yeah. Yes, they do."

Artemis saw a white flash light up a battlefield in the distance, "Do you think they'll be here soon? The insurgents."

Dean shrugged, "I've heard they've taken the eastern sects; it won't be long. Three years at the most."

Artemis rested his head on Dean's shoulder, "What about your parents?"

"My mom died when I was young." Dean said, "And my Dad… he spent his whole life hunting the thing that killed her. He didn't pay me and Sammy that much attention. I had had to raise Sam on my own. Sometimes Dad would be gone for months, and I wouldn't have enough money to feed Sammy."

Artemis didn't really know what to say. "I'm sorry that happened to you." He said, gripping Dean's hand.

Dean smiled and wrapped a hand round his shoulders.

"Do you think it's strange?" Artemis asked, "I don't hate him. Alastair. I think I… I-" He could never finish that sentence.

Dean looked down at him, "A little, yeah." They were both silent for a moment, the sound of fighting echoing in the distance.

Two years later, in Hell.

Nine days later, on earth.

Glancing around the battlefield like a spooked rabbit, Artemis looked for friendly territory. He had been stuck in no-mans land for days, cut off from the front line by a pincer movement. His squadron had all been killed or scattered.

He had been directing this war for over two years and he could not see an end in sight.

The thing about a lack of technology that could accurately map and track hell (it constantly shifted and omitted false signals) is that news travels slowly. It could be hours before a runner could alert him to a defeat or change which was only made worse by the fact that angels nor demons slept, battle was constant and fast moving.

There was no time to sit comfortably behind front lines and strategize, so he led forces on the front and tasked other generals with the same. It made each unit more independent and quick, they could mobilise in minutes, compared to their angelic counterparts who waited hours to be given orders to attack.

That all said, even though Artemis had superior tactics, they were still locked in a stalemate with the angels who held the inherent advantage of being freaking angels. They could smite with the flick of a wrist and were exceptionally hard to kill. Traps could be set with sigils that banished them far away but they would only come back. It soon became obvious that while demon weapons could weaken angels, they could not kill them. Only the angel's own blades guaranteed that, Artemis found after several months of gruelling losses.

The problem was that angels did not take kindly to being separated from their weapons. The few times one had been recovered during a fight, they would be barraged by concentrated attacks until the angels recovered the weapon.

The sky flashed and a being came hurtling towards the front line with a boom, sending Artemis hurtling. He rolled into a crouch, his eyes turning an inky black. A woman appeared from the smoke, eyes a glowing a brilliant white light.

She slipped a gleaming silver knife from her sleeve and walked slowly toward him. He went at her with a run and they grappled, he flicked his switchblade out and embedded it in the angels side. She looked down at it, pulled it out and slashed his side with it and went to stab him. Artemis caught the knife and threw it, sending it skittering away. The angel tried to stab him with her own silver blade and Artemis skipped away, then grabbed the hilt of the dagger. They wrestled for control of it before he plunged it into her side, and she fell, her eyes flashing with a great white light.

The next moment he was thrown sideways propelled by a shell detonating a few metres away.

Fuck. Was the only word that came to Artemis' mind as he fixed his eyes to the cluster of bright lights in the distance. A new wave of angels were now on the move and he was caught in no-man's land. That meant he would be caught by the next barrage of shelling. He staggered to his feet, making a break for friendly territory.

Explosions rocked the earth around him, sending him stumbling. He found his feet again and continued, finally catching sight of the trench. He ran at full speed and jumped onto the ditch, his back resting against the sandbags.

"Sir?" Someone asked, "Sir, are you okay?" A demon, corporal Amar was fussing over him.

"Fine. I'm fine." Artemis said.

"Fuck, he's bleeding. Does anyone know how to stop humans bleeding?" Said Amar, more than a little panicked.

Artemis cursed as he looked down and saw the blood seeping through his combat gear. At a guess he would say shrapnel from the blasts was the culprit here. That was his last thought before the dark enveloped him.

Artemis awoke in a bed, in a new set of clothes, feeling like shit. He raised his shirt to see the rushed surgical job, keeping him alive. Usually, he would have been attended to, but this was an active war zone, everyone was a little occupied. He sat up, wincing and limped into cobbles outside.

A shrill alarm bell rang through the night air and suddenly the street was abuzz with activity.

"Breach! Breach!" Came a scream, "The city has been breached!"

Artemis waded through the panic, a little disorientated. A few moments later he found himself in an empty alley, explosions sounding in the distance.

The sky flashed with an almighty crack and the earth shook, sending him sprawling to the floor. Artemis slammed his eyes shut against the burning light.The light faded as Artemis uncovered his eyes squinting to see a figure emerge from the dimming glare. The man wore a trench coat over a cheap black and white suit with a blue tie hanging loosely from its collar. His eyes were of a deep piercing blue, his hair brown and stuck up as if it had been styled. He walked slowly towards him in deliberate calm steps.

"Artemis Fowl." Came a deep rumbling voice.

"That's me." Artemis said, unsure. His eyes flicked to a pitched black. He pulled a knife out of his boot and plunged it into the man's shoulder. He didn't even flinch. Damn, it never worked but it was worth a try, after all, Artemis couldn't run.

The man raised a hand to Artemis's head and said, "You shouldn't be here. Your soul has been… dirtied."

Artemis screamed as the white light filled his vision, falling to one knee.

If Artemis could see what the man saw however, he would see his soul, blackened by the corruption of Hell, shedding its shell, and becoming a pure blue light.

When it stopped, Artemis was gasping, on his knees and feeling lighter than he had in years.

The man considered him, "I am not here for you, nor do I have clearance to help you. You had a plan, didn't you, to escape purgatory?" A small smile danced in the man's eyes, "I think I can open the door. Good luck."

And then Artemis was falling. Sideways. Again.


A short time later, a victory drunk war cry rang out across all of heaven; "Dean Winchester has been raised from perdition, Dean Winchester is saved."

Feel free to drop a comment below to tell me what you thought of it, constructive criticism welcome:) I really enjoy hearing other people's perspective/theories/criticism.

Oh, and for those of you thinking 'no-one wants to hear my opinion, its not important', yes it is important and I want to hear it!
Whatever people are comfortable with but just know I want to hear people's thoughts!
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Chapter 10: Into the woods (again)
Author's note:
Okay, this took a while, I just struggled with the... Emotions.

*Hides in cave*

Tell me what you think below, I'd like to hear your take on it.

I'd like to thank my fantastic beta Anastacius_Arklov whom has been absolutely amazing!

Artemis landed on his back, winded. A cold wet feeling trickled down his neck and the dribbling of a stream filled his ears. He sat up, shirt soaked through, stained pink by the mingling of blood and water, surveying the familiar terrain. He sat at the mouth of a cave, where he had fallen through the door and instantly regretted it. God, his side hurt.

He pulled a demon knife (made of pure oblivion and blessed by an Aztec priest) out his combat boot and held it in numb fingers, it glinted in the morning light. He glanced around him, no hostiles in sight.

He dragged himself out of the shallow water and tried to catch his breath, but it wouldn't come. The quiet of the clearing was too loud, his thoughts buzzing around him, a swarm of vengeful hornets.

He didn't know what the angel had done to him but the veil of numbness that dampened his guilt, his joy, his hurt, had lifted. He could feel it in a crisp clarity that he hadn't known for years. The world was real, tangible, but it was also sharp and jagged. Perhaps that was good, the pain cutting through the mist like dead tissue shed from skin. Maybe it meant the parts of himself that were rotting, were cast away.

He took a breath. There was no fighting, no orders to yell, no reports to write. What did he do now? He was in purgatory, and Ali wasn't here. Should he go back?

He had killed people; he had tortured people and for the life of him couldn't figure out why it was only hitting him now. He had known before; good god, he had done it.

He was grounded back in reality by something damp brushing against his knuckle. He looked down and saw the cat nuzzling at his hand with her nose, meowing softly. He stroked her, the fur soft against his skin. He closed his eyes, focusing on her.

He felt woozy to say the least. Probably from the blood loss. He laughed; Butler would lose his mind if he could see him now.

Artemis began to fall asleep, lulled by the rhythmic purring. Distantly, he noticed Bast nosing his chest where the wound was. Bast meowed desperately, trying to get his attention and headbutted his hand. It was too late; sleep had already taken a firm grasp on his mind.

A frustrated yowl escaped Bast as she transformed into a panther, taking off at speed. Trees whipped by and still the cat ran, for hours, finally stopping at a group, treading through the trees. The group converged on a lone man. Bast, tired of Benny playing with his food, pounced and ripped the were wolf's limb from stringy limb.

Benny stared, a little horrified, a little flattered, "Thanks." Then, "Not that I needed any help."

Bast shrank into a cat and leapt towards him, meowing desperately.

Kneeling, Benny frowned, "What's wrong? You hurt?"

Bast growled, annoyed, headbutting his knee as she turned to face the forest.

"Is someone coming?" he guessed.

Bast growled again and headbutted him before beginning to walk off.

"You want me to follow you?" he asked.

At this Bast meowed emphatically and trotted away, followed by Benny, bemused as he was.

It took a while for Benny to realise where Bast was leading him, and he tried not to hope. Hope would crush you. If you let it.

The trees receded as they made their way into the clearing, and that was when he saw it. A figure lying on the floor by the stream, limp. Ice filled his veins as he recognised Artemis, still and unmoving. He sprinted over and dropped to one knee, checked for a pulse. He waited with bated breath until he felt the rhythmic thump of a heart.

As soon as he was sure the boy wouldn't die on him, he took in Artemis' appearance. The kid was wearing dark camouflage combat gear, steel capped boots, and clutched to his chest, a wickedly sharp looking curved black blade. His complexion was pale and sickly, his breathing was shallow and ragged, his face was cut in several places as well as being caked in dirt.

What the hell?

"Artemis?" he called as he tried to wake his friend.

Wild eyes snapped open, and Artemis shot up, or rather, he tried to before wincing and falling back down again and instead scrambled away as best as he could, finally kneeling on one knee with a foot planted in the ground, ready to spring into action.

Artemis blinked up at Benny's concerned face, "…Ben?" as his eyes cleared, his expression crumpled, he shook his head, "Not again." His eyes screwed shut and hands clamped over his ears, "It's not real. It's not real." he sank to both knees, sounding confused and close to tears, "What did I do? I didn't…" He trailed off, a despondent glaze settling over his cold blue eyes. He hung his head, muttering to himself all the while.

Something cold and heavy settled in his chest, "Artemis?" No response. "Artemis listen to me," his voice hard as iron.

Artemis went ridged for a moment, the whispers ceasing before his face appeared from under the mop of black hair. He looked terrified. Not like before, not panic, not despair, he was scared… of him.

Benny winced, he shouldn't have done that, "Okay, let's assume that this is real for a moment. Why do you think this isn't real?"

"It can't be. Just more sims. They haven't used you before, must be trying something new." Came a jumbled response.

This wasn't good, the kid was really mixed up, "Who are 'they'?"


A horrible feeling was creeping its way up his spine, as a horrible realisation dawned on him. No. "Oh cher."

Artemis was staring ahead now, somewhere else entirely.

It was important to keep his attention now, "Okay, you said I ain't in the 'sims' usually, what else is different?"

Artemis' arms came up to wrap around his chest in a self-soothing gesture, casting furtive glances in either direction, "I… the… My uniform. I'm wearing my uniform." The boy looked down at himself, bewildered.

"And?" he prompted.

"It's spitting." He said after a brief pause, "If this were a simulation-"

Ah, simulation. The last few minutes began to make a lot more sense.

"-then it would be raining, or not. As if… it has low resolution. And… I'm… I'm injured. From before, when I was…" the crack in his voice sent an uncomfortable pang to Benny's chest. Piercing blue eyes were trained on him, "So you're really…" Tears threatened to fall and The kid trailed off.


The tension in the kid's body disappeared as if his strings had been cut and Benny only now felt it was safe to approach the patch of riverbank where he was knelt. He settled down in front of Artemis.

"Hi." Artemis said, as if it were the first time he had seen him.

"Hey chief. How you feeling?"

"Like I've been hit by a bus. An angry bus." Artemis deadpanned, his voice containing a slight American twang. That was… odd.

"Well in that case I should probably take a look at you. Make sure you're not dying," He said.


He spared Artemis a quizzical look, "Mm, yeah, that's exactly how I would describe being hit by an angry bus."

The boy sighed, grumpily.

"You really are starting to remind me of my idiot of a brother." Benny remarked.

"You had a brother?"

He laughed, "I was born over a hundred years ago, I had ten siblings, and I even liked two of them."

Artemis bowed his head, shoulders shaking, a sobbing sound escaping him.


The shaking continued and the wheezing sound became regular. When Artemis brought his head up again, tears were running down his face, and a brilliant smile lit up his features. He was both crying and hysterically laughing, "I've missed you Benny, I really did. I thought I'd never see you again."

"Right back at you cher." Benny had been worried about how Artemis would respond to all of this, but somehow, this felt right.

Artemis shook again, the strange combination of sobbing and uncontrollable glee leaving him in cathartic waves. He pulled Benny into a hug.

Something between a scream and a groan of anguish clawed its way past Artemis's mouth. Benny held him tighter, hand tracing circles on his back. The kid laughed, for no particular reason.

The two of them kneelt there until Artemis composed himself. "S'good to see you." he mumbled, brokenly.

Benny inclined his head, "Well, I am a handsome devil, even I have to admit that."

Artemis rolled his eyes and sniffed, "I take it all back, I'd simply forgotten how insufferable you were."

"I'm glad to see you too kid, it's been weeks. Thought you were dead." His eyes swept over the combat gear, "Any injuries? Where does it hurt?"

Artemis frowned confusedly, "I… uh got hit by a shell, shrapnel buried in my chest. I've been stitched up. Not sure if there's still some debris in there."

"Shrapnel? As in from a bomb?"

The kid nodded, dazedly.

"What-" Benny faltered, "What happened?"

Artemis' voice shook, which was… disturbing, "I… um," the word became strangled, "Fuck." He said, his voice breaking, "This is really hard, can we talk about it later?" His eyes were clouded and focused on some point in the sky, finger tapping against the ground, no doubt in sets of five.

He froze, then soften, "Sure, Chief. How badly are you injured; you think you can walk?"

"That's the thing," Artemis slurred, "m'not hurt that badly. Whatever the angel did to me…" his brow furrowed, "I feel weird… weak."

"Not hurt that badly? Weren't you just saying that there may or may not be shrapnel still inside you." he grumbled.

Artemis relaxed, their usual exchanges comforting. His knees were wet from the stream and small stones dug into him.

"Sorry kid, but we need to get to the treeline. Can't light a fire out in the open. Think you can stand?"

"Yeah, basically. Might need a bit of help standing up."

"Look at you, using slang and casual sayings. You've changed." Benny teased.

He shrugged, before wincing at the movement, "I may've picked some things up along the way."

Benny hoisted Artemis to his feet, propping him up with an arm around his side.

"Mind the ribs." He winced, hobbling along, leaning on the offered shoulder for support.

"Right. Sorry."

He focused on the twinge of pain as his side ached in protest, it was calming, familiar. But it wasn't enough. He felt the urge to pull on his stitches until the pain burnt his uncertainty away, to plunge the knife into his skin. But the urge wasn't so strong that Artemis would ignore the fact that Benny would find that deeply disturbing.

Benny eased him down to a patch on the forest floor and soon a fire was casting a warm light over the makeshift camp.

The man hunkered down, "When's the last time you ate?"

Artemis cocked his head, "Two, three days."

"Hmm, I'll stay near, I'm just going to find something. You have anything against eating rodents?"

"I don't suppose I have much of a choice."

Benny shrugged, "Na, not really." He said, then walked off.

For the first time in years his thoughts ran unchecked. Something about hell had been stifling, strangling thoughts, keeping rational ponderings dampened. It was safer that way, it kept the sharper thoughts away.

He almost laughed, the great Artemis Fowl, mentally agoraphobic.

Benny had asked what happened, but Artemis wasn't sure he could answer that question. He would at least like some kind of answer before Benny returned.

Alastair had tortured him. Then why do you want to go back?

He'd let that boy bleed out in the basement. You didn't even know his name.

Artemis had helped them. Coward.

He'd fought for them. Fool.

He'd killed angels. Murderer.

He had tortured people. Monster.

He didn't even have the heart to be angry at Alastair, he just… missed him. Like a kicked fucking dog.

Artemis stared at the fire, he shifted toward it and held his hand over the scorching heat, the pain relaxing him like a comfort food or a blanket. It reminded him of Ali.

Sometime later he heard the crunch of twigs under boots. Too late, he snatched his hand away from the flame.

"What'ya doing there Cher?"

He shrugged, not really in the mood to lie, "Needed quiet."

There was a pause that stretched out like honey dripping from a spoon. It would have been uncomfortable, Artemis supposed, if he still registered discomfort as he once had. Discomfort was bones breaking and skin tearing. His eyes went distant at the thought.

Benny looked to be at a loss, so he settled on a comforting, "That's okay kid."

The camp was filled with the sound of food hissing on the spit and Bast had joined them, curled up in Artemis's lap, if only to steal food.

None of this felt real, the time before Hell seemed like a distant dream. He was sick of feeling distant, of everything being surreal, he wanted to be here, really be here.

He took a breath, "I fell through a door to Hell, that's where I've been." There. He'd said it now.

The silence stretched on, as both of them waited for the other to say something. If Holly had been present, Artemis imagined she would roll her eyes, if the topic had not been so heavy.

Benny looked at him, really looked at him, "Are you okay?"

"I- I don't think I am." He said, staring at his hands. An owl hooted in the trees.

"Wanna talk about it?", came the tentative response.

Yes. Yes, he did, but… telling someone else about what happened between him and Alastair, it felt like a betrayal. It was personal, delicate, like if it was exposed to the open air it would dissolve. It felt like something he wasn't supposed to talk about. But, he knew Benny was trustworthy, and he also knew his own judgment could be severely impaired.

"I don't know. This doesn't feel… I need to know they're the same. That this isn't some hallucination. But I shouldn't-" He muttered to himself. That wasn't normal, he didn't mutter. But that was before.

Benny watched Artemis argue with himself, an uneasy expression on his face.

When Artemis's disordered musings reached a peace, he seemed agitated, almost uncomfortable with the concord they had come to. "I hid for a few days in the streets. They knew I was there somehow." He frowned distractedly.

Bast happily chewed on a large piece of miscellaneous meat.

The kid smiled at the cat and continued, "Hell is… something of a fusion of a city and a military base, there's the surface level and then there's a subterrain network of tunnels and chambers, they call it the pit. Even the smallest factions of demons have factions in hell; it's chaos. Meg found me, took me to a demon called-" he took a sharp breath, taking the plunge, "Alastair." The sentences were curt and ineloquent, his voice forced and thick.

A rising sense of unease unfurled in Benny's gut, if this was going where he thought it was going… well, it would explain some of the kid's behaviour at least. He rested a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, "Hey, slow down Cher, it's all right."

Artemis closed his eyes, leaning into Benny, "I know how bad this will sound. I know." He scrubbed his palm across his face. "It's not… he didn't…" he abandoned sentences as they sputtered into dead ends, "He tortured me. I don't know for how long or…" the train of thought evaporated. "It would always heal before I died, as if I was reset."

Something lodged itself in his chest. What in tarnation. Something was seriously wrong with the way Artemis talked about it, he was confused, that much Benny could tell.

"It's not as bad as it sounds… He hurt me but… he- I don't know how to explain it. I don't… I won't make any sense anyway."

"Hey, it's okay if it don't make sense. You're allowed that sometimes chief, its human. Well, non-humans too. It's a part of being alive." He put a hand on Artemis's arm, "I'm listening. You can try an'explain."

Artemis looked up, his head bowed and considered him, "Time works differently on hell; for me it was eight years, give or take. He kept me in a cell for three or four years." He paused, "I miss him. That's... Not good. I shouldn't..." he shook his head, quiet shrouding him.

"I never told you why I left my family, did I?" Benny's question took him off guard, "When someone turns you, it's like a switch in your brain flips, and suddenly… they are god. The man who turned me, we called him father and he was a jealous god, kept us separate from the outside world. He could do anything to me and I... I'd let him. Well, until Andrea, if I saw him now I'd kill him. But that's another story. Point is, I get it. Probably not in the same way but I'm no-one to judge you."

Bast finished off another mouthful of meat, and keeled over in a food coma, nuzzling his hand until he continued to stroke her.

"Thanks. For telling me that."

Benny shrugged, "It was a long time ago."

"It's just… I was in pain, all the time- and he was… nice. Sometimes. He is a demon, and we were in Hell, it's simply how the place is run. It's not as if demons are capable of feeling huge amounts of remorse." Artemis rubbed his upper arm in a self-soothing action. He shrugged, "I don't know how to process any of this."

"I'd say that's understandable cher." His expression became slightly apologetic, "And I know you probably don't want to hear this but… nothin' makes what he did to you okay. Nothing."

"It wasn't… all bad. He's not bad. He's not. After, when I stopped being so stubborn- he gave me direction. It was… grounding."

Benny grimaced, a chill dripping down his spine "Cher, he locked you up in a cell and tortured you for years. of course, you needed direction. He took advantage of that. In fact, he was counting on it."

Artemis's jaw locked, blinking tears out of his eyes.

"An' I don't know what happened but… you weren't being 'stubborn'. It sounds like you didn't do what he wanted you to do." Artemis was quiet, so he continued, "He say that a lot? That he hurt you because you were stubborn. That it was your fault?"

Artemis glanced up, "Yeah."

"Do you believe it?"

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters Cher. I know you just accepted whatever he said, told him whatever he wanted to hear, otherwise he'd hurt you. But you're not there anymore. What you think matters."

"Well, I…I didn't make it easy for myself. I was always resisting him. I knew what was going to happen." He kept his eyes on the ground. "It was my fault sometimes."

Benny felt sick, "It wasn't you fault at all."

"I don't think that…"

"Artemis that ain't right. You can't be serious." Benny hadn't meant to raise his voice like that. Aw, hell. He wasn't good at this.

Artemis's curled in on himself, fidgeting, eyes wide, "Sorry. You're right, I was just..." Scared, the kid looked scared.

Benny looked at him for a long moment, "Did-? Look, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to sound so angry, I'm not, I swear." He paused, "You can disagree with me, you know."

Artemis nodded mutely, still not making eye contact.

"You're not scared of me, are you?"

Artemis opened his mouth to say something and then snapped it shut, panic flashing across his face. Finally, he said, "I'm not."

"What's goin' on Cher?"

"I'm always doing that. Being difficult."

Should he even try to open this can of worms? "So was I kid, what's wrong with that?"

Artemis shrugged, shutting down.

Benny sighed, conceding defeat. He smiled wanly, "I'll take the night shift, you look half dead."

"Thanks Benny." Artemis said quietly. He curled up by the fire, though it was still light. Bast temporarily woke from her food coma to slink over to Artemis and settle down in his arms.

It was odd to see him so subdued, and looking at him now, a hand buried in Bast's fur, Benny couldn't remember a time when Artemis had seemed so child-like.

Which was ironic, considering-. No, idiot, wrong time for bad jokes.

Still, it was sickening. What people did to one another.

It didn't sit right with him.

Someone had done that, had him jumping at his shadow, apologising for existing, terrified to have a god damn opinion. It was nauseating.

And Benny was aware what he was doing. He was. Funnelling all the uncomfortable emotions into anger was easier than dealing with pain, sorrow, horror. Greif.

Benny doubted he would ever fully recover. There were some things that never leave you.

Artemis didn't seem to have the same awareness he had before. Like there was entire layer of conversation he was missing. Artemis wasn't talking with him, it was as if he was navigating a set of invisible rules.

The whole thing was wrong.

He kept his knife in his hand, scanning the dark night for any sign of life.

If one had the ability to perceive the celestial plane, they would see the yellow light beaming from Artemis chest, riddled with black tendrils, strangling it. A brilliant sliver of blue was weaving through the yellow, consuming and transforming the tar-like veins.

As the night wore on, the tendrils disappeared, and the blue substance, that floated as if it were a gas, but it appeared to be a liquid, heavy and dense, began to wrap around the sleeping boy's chest, cuts and bruises disappearing.

Benny had said he would take first shift, but it wasn't as if Artemis could take the second. Familiarity and routine, he could at least do that.

It was a concern, what happened once Artemis found his bearings. He was unbalanced, not in his right mind, and Benny was worried that he would want to go back. To that place.

Force would be used if force had to be used, but he really hoped it wouldn't come to that. Something like they would dissolve a trust they had built over weeks.

The thought struck him, innocuous and disarming, this was like being a father again; the constant worrying, having to think about a thousand things and once but appearing to notice none of them.

It wasn't something he could dwell on. Family.

He glanced over to Artemis's sleeping form, watching his chest rise and fall. Someone had to look out for him.

Because Benny had learnt in his many years that monsters weren't outside, they weren't disfigured monsters in the shadows. They were clever, charming, smiling reapers.

That was one of the only things he ever learnt from his dear old daddy. May he rest in Hell.

It weren't something someone as young as Artemis should have to learn, but life weaves in circles, never ending patterns in the sky.

Author's note:
Also, if anyone is interested, I listened this song on repeat while writing :
Maybe by Flower face