Vote tally - Punching through the Masquerade (Modern Magical Cultivation Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by CedeTheBees on May 14, 2023 at 11:19 PM, finished with 40 posts and 8 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Punching through the Masquerade (Modern Magical Cultivation Quest)
Post #2
Post #41


  • [X] Plan: Magical Lady Scientific Ascension
    -[X] Rebellion:
    -[x] Suburbia
    -[X] Young Adult
    -[X] Blood: Whimsy, Social aptitude, Associated with Air
    --[X] 1 (To 2)
    -[X] Yellow Bile: Passion, Magnetism, Associated with Fire
    -[X] Black Bile: Resilience, Awareness, Associated with Earth
    --[X] Value of 1
    -[X] Phlegm: Wisdom, Reliability, Associated with Water
    --[X] 3 (To 3) +1 Free Point (To 4)
    -[x] Enhanced Acumen
    -[X] Mystically potent:
    -[X] Handicapped: Something has affected you significantly, in such a way as to limit your body's natural capabilities. (Slows your growth as you have to overcome physical disabilites when trying to improve your stats, halves the rate at which you gain new stat levels, but does not affect your starting dice pools.)
    --[X] Black Bile
    -[X] Camilla Evans, Female, a somewhat gloomy looking young woman with a bob-cut of brown hair, glasses, and legs that don't quite work after an accident in her early days, tends to dress in simple, comfortable clothing.
    [X] Plan: Midwestern Emo
    -[X] Rebellion:
    -[x] Suburbia
    -[x] Youth
    -[X] Blood: Whimsy, Social aptitude, Associated with Air
    --[X] Value of 1
    -[X] Yellow Bile: Passion, Magnetism, Associated with Fire
    --[X] 1 (To 2)
    -[X] Black Bile: Resilience, Awareness, Associated with Earth
    -[X] Phlegm: Wisdom, Reliability, Associated with Water
    --[X] 3 (To 3) +1 Free Point (To 4)
    -[x] Enhanced Acumen
    -[X] Mystically potent:
    -[X] Handicapped
    --[X] Blood
    -[X] Raven Blackveil Alison Martinez
    [X] Action economy is king.
    -[X] Sorcery
    -[x] Suburbia
    -[x] Youth
    -[x] Enhanced Acumen
    -[x] Every second spared
    -[x] Magically Potent
    -[x] Handicapped (Black Bile)
    -[x] Supremely Unlucky
    -[x] Mari Thyme
    -[x] a young girl obsessed with having friends, reading various books to aid in her efforts, a well known extrovert that fails in her own ability to gain them, for now. She's resorted to cultivation to gain them. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
    [X] Plan: Potter and Young Dresden Got Shit On Me
    -[X] Sorcery: The common memes of society hold that magic is merely a word used by the ignorant and incurious to explain the nature of reality around them. Forever the domain of the immature, the con-artist and the foolish. You have learned that reality itself is far more malleable than it has any right to be if this claim was true. And that you have a talent for manipulating it.
    -[X] The Urban Jungle: The great city, an endless fabrication of steel and concrete bending the natural world into unnatural shapes to accommodate the seething masses of humanity. Will the throng of humanity shield you from prying eyes for long enough to achieve your goals or will the crowd turn to a mob and slay you where you stand?
    -[X] Young Adult: you're well into the summer of your being. (Gain one additional action per turn, Gain one free stat increase - Free stat increases do not affect the price of elevating a stat, so elevating a stat from 2 to 3 would cost one point)
    -[X] Stats
    --[X] Blood 2 (1 point)
    --[X] Yellow Bile 3 (Free+1 point)
    --[X] Black Bile 3 (1+2 points)
    --[X] Phlegm 3 (1+2 points)
    -[X] Even More Time: Your zest for life and indefatigable nature gives you even more time to work with. Gain two additional actions per turn. (5 points)
    -[X] Mystically Potent: The manipulation of reality and it's consequences seem to turn to your favor. Different effects based on path chosen, mystery box. (2 points)
    -[X] Supremely Unlucky: It's amazing you're still alive, given all the bad luck that's come your way. The GM chooses two rolls per turn and forces you to roll twice on each, taking the lower result. (+7 points)
    -[X] Name and Identity: Robin Archer, Male, Tall, Dirty Blond Hair, Blue Eyes
    [X] Action economy is king.
    [X] Max Stats Max Actions
    -[X] Rebellion:
    -[X] The Urban Jungle
    -[X] Young Adult
    -[X] Stats
    --[X] Blood 1 (0 points)
    --[X] Yellow Bile 3 (3 point)
    --[X] Black Bile 4 (6 points)
    --[X] Phlegm 4 (free point + 3 points)
    -[X] Enhanced Acumen -3
    -[X] Mystically potent -2
    -[X] Stealing an extra step ahead -3
    -[X] Body of iron, Mind of Steel -3
    -[X] Only a Glimpse of what Could Be +15
    -[X] Max, male, tall, thin, black hair, black eyes.
    [X] Plan: No I Don't Like Ghibli Movies Too Much
    -[X] Community: The old stories are full of tales of beings with magical talents and the lingering specters of long dead humans. While most consider them to be mere stories. You have learned that the world around you is far fuller than most would expect, and that these beings lurk just around the corner for any fool to bargain with.
    -[X] The Boondocks: The hamlet, shaped firmly by the whims of nature and the edge of humanity's domain. Strange things lurk in the wilderness beyond and old practices banished by the scourge of modernity still linger in this place that time forgot.
    -[X] Old: The winter of your existence has come, and death looms on the horizon. (Gain three free stat increases, lose one action per turn, after two in-game years, you will begin playing games with Death.
    -[X] Blood: Whimsy, Social aptitude, Associated with Air
    --[X] 1-> 2
    -[X] Yellow Bile: Passion, Magnetism, Associated with Fire
    -[X] Black Bile: Resilience, Awareness, Associated with Earth
    --[X] Value of 1
    -[X] Phlegm: Wisdom, Reliability, Associated with Water
    --[X] 1 -> 4 (+3 Free stat ups)
    -[X] Socially adept: Perhaps you were raised by extroverts, perhaps you were required by necessity to make friendships and build alliances amongst your peers. It matters little how you achieved this companionable nature. (Allows you to roll twice on a social test and take the better result, increases the natural dice cap for Blood by 3 for a total of 7)
    -[X] Enhanced Acumen: Books are to the mind as a whetstone is to a sword, sharpening it to an increasingly lethal edge. A fierce love of knowledge or a great hunger to know more has shaved away the ignorance inflicted by the system. You learn and retain information at a faster rate than most. ( Reading and Research takes half as much time, Increases the natural dice cap for Phlegm by 3 for a total of 7)
    -[X] More time: Perhaps you don't need as much sleep as others do. Perhaps you spring back quickly from physically or mentally exhausting events, regardless, you seem to be able to squeeze an extra hour out of the day. (Gain an additional action per turn, costs two points.)
    -[X] Handicapped
    --[X] Black Bile
    -[X] Name: Mirinae Jin
    -[X] Gender Identity: Female
    -[X] Faceclaim: Zeniba, from Spirited Away