I'm going to update this Quest tomorrow after 4 pm, since it's Christmas and all. Have a Merry Christmas!!
18 - R&R
[X] You decide to use...
-[X] Frigid Spiral.
-[X] Sub-Zero Infusion.
--[X] Don't go into melee, and just throw those Icy Spears like a Javelin.

[X] Irie decide to use...
-[X] Dozing Spirits

Mami decide to use...
-[X] Chain Creation, and how much?
--[X] Twice
-[X] Tiro Finale.


It was time to roast that witch on a pike and be over with this. It was a risk to go into melee, you decided, and you were going to set up Frigid Spiral and Sub-Zero Infusion. It was best. It would take time for the Sub-Zero Infusion to kick in, but at least that you were going to get to pop a few familiars along the way with your attack. It wasn't like the witch could actually stop you.

"Take... this...!" You had felt the power of the Frigid Spiral freezing your opponents quite a bit, although it didn't mean that they were out of the woods yet. That was simply only the easier part. "Irie! Do your thing!"

"You got it, Tomo-chan!! Let's do this!! Dozing Spirits!" Irie exclaimed, as the spirits flew out of the orb, causing the familiars to fall asleep. It was a critical hit, making most, if not all the familiars fall asleep so easily. Then there was the fact that the witch wasn't sleeping at all. This would be bad, if you didn't have Mami in the ring along with the rest of you.

"It's time for your senpai to show you how it's really done!" Mami had summoned two chains, the chains wrapping around the base of the witch's base. Using her magic, she had created a large gun. "Time for the current call to your labyrinth... Tiro... Finale...!!"

If you hadn't been covering long-range below, Mami definitely would have been hit. Well, having Irie's sleeping magic did help as well. It prevented from the familiars doing anything really. And it seemed like the witch had no clue what to do with the three of you. The shot rang through, clearly piercing the witch's chest. It screamed and writhed out in pain, as the witch's barrier began to melt into normal scenery. And was stuck in the cement ground remaining was a Grief Seed. Walking over to the Grief Seed, you gingerly looked at it. It seemed that the emblem of the Grief Seed was a teddy bear marking. You sighed and looked over at Mami and Irie, who Irie was hugging Mami once again. ...You swore that Mami was going to legitimately end her.

"...Ah. You're wondering how I beat the witch, Irie?" You could hear Mami's voice as she had a light chuckle. "It's because I'm strong. The stronger you become, the more you will be able to help others. So always be a good girl and help out others, alright?"

Irie drooled, her eyes sparkling. "Yes madam... I'll do whatever you ask, Mami-san..."

"Irie. Stop drooling over her body. You're sounding more and more like a pervert." You scolded, causing Irie to whimper.

Mami laughed. "It seems to be within Irie's nature to just be physical with others... Don't worry. If I have to, I will and can end her at any point." Her smile alarmed you slightly. So this was what it was like to be a senior magical girl. Able to say that with a smile. "Anyways, since we had a successful mission... would you like to come over to my place for cake? I'll treat you to an extra big slice, Tomoko-chan. ...And Irie-chan? You'll only get cake if you behave from now on..."

"Aye, aye, madam!" Irie said, with a salute.

Kyubey had hopped onto Mami's shoulder, almost looking like a squirrel. "Cake again? Isn't there something else you'd rather eat, Mami?"

What do you do now. . .?

[] Take the Grief Seed.
[] Don't take the Grief Seed.
[] Give it Mami. She looks like she could use it...

[] Go to Mami's place with Irie for a tea party. You deserve cake. Reputation bonus. Status bonus. Grief replenished.
[] Hang out with Irie. You want to be able to bond with her. Reputation bonus. Status bonus.
[] Go home. You're tired. You really want to get a shower in and hit the hay. Grief replenished. No bonuses.
[] Write-in.
[X] Take the Grief Seed.
[X] Go to Mami's place with Irie for a tea party. You deserve cake.

We definitely do deserve this.
19 - Sudden Encounters

[X] Take the Grief Seed.
[X] Go to Mami's place with Irie for a tea party. You deserve cake.


[Grief Seed: Kaguya, the Witch of Delusions, Usage: 1150/4000]

You made sure to clean your Soul Gem. It was something you needed to do eventually. After this long, painful first battle with a witch...? Yeah. You deserved it. As long as Irie behaved, you hoped for the best. Although you stared at the necklace that you retrieved from the labyrinth. It was quite odd. A bluebird in a cage? Was there any meaning behind it? Was there no meaning at all? ...You hoped that it didn't seriously mean anything at all. You just wanted to live your life, or at least try to, to the best of your ability.

You owe it to yourself, didn't you?

The walk to Mami's place wasn't long at all, really. It felt like no time had passed. Her pleasant words and warm smile actually felt nice... although it was odd that Kyubey was quiet, as well. Perhaps he had nothing to say on the matter, really. It was just them talking about mundane, every day life. ...And how already, Irie wanted her to join them in high school. It was quite funny.

"...And, that's what happened. It was kind of funny, really." Mami remarked. "Madoka went floating up into the air! Seriously, the girl should be more careful. Magic isn't just a simple toy!"

"Yo, Tomo-chan, you payin' attention?" You felt Irie's finger prod your cheek. "You're spacing off again..."

You shook your head. You were fine. Of course you were. It was odd, being around two other people like this. You couldn't say you were the best around others. You never were, and you would never try to pretend to be. In this moment though, you could say that you are feeling better about yourself. If things all went to hell, they'd still be there, supporting you. It funnily brought tears to your eyes.

"Now, now, Tomoko. No tears, okay? We're here for you, after all. Please don't worry about anything." Mami had brought out a handkerchief, taking your hands, and pressing them into your now opened hands.

"...Thanks." You said, wiping away your tears with the handkerchief, and gave a soft smile.

"Hey, you finally smiled! I was wondering when you were going to show those pearly whites!" As erratic Irie could be on the battlefield and off, you had to appreciate those sort of kind words, once in a while.

You barely could contain your laughter. "Haha, sorry for holding out on you then... I'll make sure not to do that in the future!"

Over at Mami's place, she had poured some chamomile tea, having already set the plates for the cakes. After saying thanks for the treat, you noted that the lemon chiffon cake, with a light chocolate drizzle were on fancy plates. You looked around, and you wondered about Mami's parents. Surely Mami couldn't be staying by her lonesome. Although you were concerned, you knew that you had no right to pry.

After all, everyone has skeletons in their closets.

It was lovely to eat cake and have a sort of a small party. It was a celebration of something new. The taste of the fluffy layers made you thought of a fairy tale. You briefly looked out for a moment, just to take a glance. Only to be shocked about what you saw next. Somebody else was there. The tea party would have to wait. Something was going on outside, and you weren't sure where this would leave you, Irie, and Mami.

Sudden Encounters

[] A dark, raven-haired girl seems to be standing outside of Mami's residence, staring at you...
[] There seems to be a young green-haired girl wandering around the streets.
[] A pink-haired girl and a blue-haired girl seem to be having a good time outside. And it seems they're waving at Mami.
[] A pretty familiar face from school is here to visit... how did she figure out that you were here?
[X] A pink-haired girl and a blue-haired girl seem to be having a good time outside. And it seems they're waving at Mami.
"...And, that's what happened. It was kind of funny, really." Mami remarked. "Madoka went floating up into the air! Seriously, the girl should be more careful. Magic isn't just a simple toy!"
Madoka really has the Pannier Rocket attack?

Also, this means that Homura is still her Moemura self.
[X] A pink-haired girl and a blue-haired girl seem to be having a good time outside. And it seems they're waving at Mami
[x] A pink-haired girl and a blue-haired girl seem to be having a good time outside. And it seems they're waving at Mami.
Also, this means that Homura is still her Moemura self.
I don't think so.
[] A dark, raven-haired girl seems to be standing outside of Mami's residence, staring at you...
It's not really Moemura-ish.

[X] A pretty familiar face from school is here to visit... how did she figure out that you were here?

Pretty familiar? We should farm it for pretty Witch :V

But seriously, if it's Tsundere I want to know what's she doing here (she made a contract and QB sent her here?).
If not, I want to know who it is.
[x] A pink-haired girl and a blue-haired girl seem to be having a good time outside. And it seems they're waving at Mami.
20 - Tragedy

[X] A pink-haired girl and a blue-haired girl seem to be having a good time outside. And it seems they're waving at Mami.


"Huh, who are those girls? Mami, do you know them?" You asked curiously, to which Mami gazed out of the window and smiled.

Her reply was curt. "Of course. Kaname-san and Miki-san are two other magical girl potentials. I invited them to the tea party earlier."

That explained much of what they were doing there and why they were involved, of course. You couldn't help yourself, but you had to wonder why in particular were these two girls were potential magical girl candidates. They noticed that they had been spotted, and waved back even bigger now. You could tell they were laughing and so happy. ...Surely these two girls must have had happy lives, right? If so, a wish for them really wasn't necessary, was it...?

Mami, obviously, had left to collect them. It gave you a few moments with Irie and Kyubey, however. It seemed that Kyubey had been oddly quiet throughout the whole transaction.

"...Why have you been quiet this whole time?" You asked, pondering about the magical messenger.

"Oh? Why? I have no real input. Unless it's about magical girl business, then there was no need." It was a simple answer, really. Kyubey seemingly wouldn't know of something like that.

Irie pouted slightly. "Kyu-chan's rude! Have more input, won't you? You are a magical girl mascot. It's like, a requirement!"

"...Perhaps there are some value to everyday conversations, although I view of them to not be the case." Kyubey had been relaxing on the pillow that Mami had ensured to lay out for him.

Luckily for you, Maki brought back Kaname and Miki, so you didn't have to worry about an argument really breaking out. It seemed that Irie always picked out the fights in this rag-tag group. There was nothing that could be done about it, so you figured to let her have her moment, of course.

"Irie, Tomoko. This is Madoka and Sayaka." Mami introduced. "Madoka, Sayaka, this is Irie and Tomoko. Now be nice and be friends now!"

"It's nice to meet you~ Mami-san told us already about the epic battle you guys had up against that witch!" Sayaka, the blue-haired girl exclaimed. "I wish I could have seen it myself... it must have been really cool!"

Madoka gave a weak laugh. "Well, it's good that either way that the witch was taken care of."

"So, are you two still planning to contract? Tomoko and Irie already have made their contracts, by the way." Mami mentioned.

"Oh, really?! What are your wishes?" Sayaka's eyes sparkled. You had a feeling that this girl might be just as problematic as Irie. Although on the grand scheme of of things, Irie was much worse in comparison.

"Aaah, well..." You were embarrassed. You weren't expecting just anyone to ask that question.

"Oh! Before I forget. Let's exchange numbers." Madoka said. "That way we can all talk to each other in case of emergency.

"Duh! I wouldn't leave without getting their numbers." Sayaka chuckled. "We already have Mami-san, another one to the collection would be good."

Even though you had collected the cell phone numbers from Irie and Mami, you'd obliged to get the two girls' cell phone numbers and registered them into your into your cell phone, at least for future references.

Irie pumped her fists, who was oblivious to what was going on. "Well, I'd go on and on about my wish, but obviously--"

Suddenly your cell phone rings. It was a number that you didn't know. Initially you wanted to ignore it and keep chatting with Madoka and the others. Although the incessant ringing chattered in your mind. You had to pick it up. "Hello?"

"Is this Tomoko Ueda-san? This is Doctor Hoshimoto from the Hoozuki General Hospital. ...I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your mother is in the hospital."


"We need you to come right away to confirm a few things. There's... a lot that needs to be talked about."

"...Yes. I understand. I will see you then..."

Your throat was numb, as you gathered your things and left abruptly. You didn't even bother saying good-bye. You didn't have the time to. You had to get to the hospital. You had to see your mother. You had to know what was going on. The hospital wasn't too far off from your place. You kept running. Not caring who or what stood in your way. Your thoughts were racing. She couldn't have died. Could she? But then again, it didn't sound too good from the end of the doctor. The noises, colors... everything blurred. And you couldn't recognize the surroundings around you. And what about your father? What happened to him?

Charging into the hospital, you spat out the basic information, identification, all that. You don't want to deal with the lady's bullshit, you had to get through.

Reaching the hospital room, your eyes widened at the sight. Your mother. Lying in the bed. Wrapped in various bandages and the like. From the looks of it, it was burns and god knows what else could be under the bandages.

"Ueda-san." The doctor's words chilled you to the bone. "There has been an incident at your home. Apparently your neighbors reported on multiple occasions of your parents arguing and alcohol being involved. However, this particular one had the fight escalate. I'm sorry to inform you that your home has been burned down. Your father is nowhere to be found. And your mother was found. She's stabilized for now, but could relapse at any moment."

Seized up by what had happened, you barely moved from your spot. Your eyes were vacant. Shivering and shuddering, at the reality that now faced you. You were just about to grasp onto the sliver of hope. And now it had been crushed and crumpled. It was so easy for God to take away your happiness, picking off the people you cared one by one. It was ironic. You almost wanted to laugh at your accursed fate.

Although you did need to give the good doctor an answer...


[] "...I need to contact somebody... I'll stay over at their place until it settles down..."
[] "I'll be fine... I'll be okay... everything is fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine."
[] "It's a lie. I refuse to believe any of this... Somebody else had to have done it! My parents would never do this!"
[] Cry. Cry until you feel nothing left. Everything hurts.
[] Your cell phone has a load of messages popping on in. Answer them?


Character profile updated. Crucial info updated.
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[X] Your cell phone has a load of messages popping on in. Answer them?
You could tell they were laughing and so happy. ...Surely these two girls must have had happy lives, right? If so, a wish for them really wasn't necessary, was it...?
Yes. But they are too stupid and egotistical too understand it.

[X] "...I need to contact somebody... I'll stay over at their place until it settles down..."
-[X] Your cell phone has a load of messages popping on in. Answer them?
[X] Cry. Cry until you feel nothing left. Everything hurts.

Answer to doctor, go out, check messages, try not to cry, cry a lot.
21 - Caged Bluebird

[X] Your cell phone has a load of messages popping on in. Answer them?


You blankly took your cell phone in your hands. Messages. What felt like the thousands. Mami asking if you were okay. Irie geniunely worried for you. You had no way to really answer them. Instead of answering the doctor, you preferred to cradle your cell phone as if it was the only sane thing keeping you... alive. You quietly texted them. Mami and Irie, you told them to come to you. That you needed them for a bit and to come to the hospital, no questions, please. That was all you wanted. All you wanted was to be with your friends. Your spine chilled. The hospital was so ungodly quiet... it was a tomb for the dead, you thought. People who didn't have power or once had power all ended up here. All of them.

Not you, however.

"...I'm going to see my friends. ...Please contact me if something arises. Good-bye for now." Your voice threatened to break, but you held it all in. Breaking down wasn't what you wanted to do. You didn't want to go back there. You didn't. You just wanted to be fine again. You didn't want to think about death. Death was friend to some, enemy to others, and where Death was for you, you had no clue.


"I said, 'Good-bye for now.' Don't make me repeat myself."

Before the doctor could say anything more, you had swung open the door, your shoes making palpable sounds on the tile. God did the noise irritate you. Your eyes were searching for a shred of hope. A small hope within the darkness. ...It was funny. Laughable, really. Why were you so desperate to hold onto something that didn't even exist? ...Was it out of fear of not having it? Or was it because you didn't want to be alone anymore. You had Mami. You had Irie. You weren't sure on Madoka and Sayaka yet... but... If you lost them too, then you would be alone again. So horribly alone. With that in mind, your heart felt like it was cracking, the full weight of the situation in your hands. You had no home! You had no family! Everything had been tossed to the wind.

And for what? For some stupid drink...? For money? For women? Why did you have to lose the only people you truly cared about to things that were materialistic, that wouldn't matter when they died?! Life simply had become a game that everyone participated in, whether they desired it or not. Choices were made, promises were broken... and you felt it. On your hands. Tear drops.

"...I... I don't want to cry...!" You whimpered, not to anyone, but to yourself. You weren't sure if anyone would even care. "Crying is for the weak... crying is for those who have... already surrendered to fate...!"

You stared at the necklace you kept around your neck for a moment or two. Then you noticed something. It was a tiny knob. Almost with delicate machinations, you twisted it effortlessly. It was a tinny, soft melody. It sounded almost like a piano. This only melody, that kept you company until your friends arrived. You remembered hazily that Mami and Irie had to get Madoka and Sayaka home and then they would come to take care of you. You were crumpled onto the ground, clutching the necklace, wanting to keep some grip onto reality.

Everything around you had been silent. Your brain wasn't registering time. How long had it passed until you went to the hospital? The only audible noise that you could hear was the clicking of shoes in front of you. You had instinctively looked up to see a beautiful, black-haired girl. She almost looked like a princess. Her hair flowed, almost like a straight wave. Her eyes. They were beautiful. They were so cold, yet filled with life. Those purple, murky irises that had intrigue to them, yet still clung onto something.

"...May I help you with something? Your stare is bothering me." Her tone was sharp and unforgiving, looking as if you were nothing but garbage.

"I... um..." You struggled to find words to describe what you wanted to say. Your fingers wrapped around the bird cage, wishing to touch the blue bird inside.

The girl must be around the same age as you. No. She looked younger? Perhaps she was Madoka and Sayaka's age. Yet it seemed the way she was giving her impression off was as if she had been through a repetition, and had lost the will to live.

"If you have nothing to say, then don't bother. It's simple as that." The girl remarked, her expression never changing. Cold and unwelcoming to the bitter end. Flipping her hair, she had left just as she had arrived.

A text notification came off. You nearly leaped up from your spot. With a quivering move, you collected your phone and read the message.

"'The bluebird that starts in the cage remains in the cage. If you wish to seek happiness, come to the park, alone.' ...What the heck is this...?" You mumbled, wondering why an unknown sender would send such a strange thing. "How odd..."

You shook your head and pocketed your phone. Now was not the time to worry about that. Getting downstairs to the lobby, you were greeted by your two companions and surprisingly, Kyubey was absent. You thought that he would at least be around. But the fact was that he wasn't around comforted you at the very least and you would take brief solace in that.

"...Tomoko-san, you are welcome to come to my place if you like. I have a nice warm guest bed, some food... at the very least so you don't sleep out in the cold." Mami gently said. Despite being a middle schooler she acted quite mature for her age. Was it because of her experience with the witches, or was it because she too, knew the feeling of loneliness?

Irie put her hands on her hips. "Oh c'mon! She can totally stay with me! Tomo-chan can crash at my place whenever she likes."

Caged Bluebird

[] Stay with Mami. You wanted to get closer to Mami and get to know her better. She seems to know what you are feeling...
[] Stay with Irie. She seems determined to get you to stay at her place. Maybe she wants something from you?
[] Go to the park and see what the message is about. You don't want this person to act recklessly and do something that you could have prevented.
[] Meet up with somebody else of your choice and tell them about your situation...?
-[] Minami Fujimura
-[] Mari Tachibana
-[] Hanayo Chigusa