Yeah, her interaction with Aika in her dream indicates that much + i think something similar happened to her sister Kyumi.

2 things:

-Most importantly is everything OK? If there are problems you can ask both SVers, readers, me and Admins for help. (You are capable and competent, its just everyone needs help once in a while)

-Is my "idea" about "making Kyubey more reasonable/friendly" is at least somewhat possible? I just wanted at least ONE sensible Incubator as an real ally/friend to someone. (one can always dream :rolleyes:)
Yeah, her interaction with Aika in her dream indicates that much + i think something similar happened to her sister Kyumi.

2 things:

-Most importantly is everything OK? If there are problems you can ask both SVers, readers, me and Admins for help. (You are capable and competent, its just everyone needs help once in a while)

-Is my "idea" about "making Kyubey more reasonable/friendly" is at least somewhat possible? I just wanted at least ONE sensible Incubator as an real ally/friend to someone. (one can always dream :rolleyes:)
Actually your idea does work.
Due to how that fight went with Akuma Homura, he's been gaining emotion because the devastation of the hivemind allowed emotion to take root in his mind.
Oh and there's nothing wrong, it's just hyperactivity makes it difficult to get your thoughts together.
So that's why I'm sticking with smaller write-ins.
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Great, thanks!

Since Kyubey starts to gain emotions, Aika can be the "stabiliser" guiding and helping Kyubey view the world through different perspectives.

And that ? I think let the story revile it in good time. Y'know "spoilers!! :grin:""agent"
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[X] Enhance your computer again and find what you can what happens in Mitakihara
-[X] Enhance your detection "range" and "precision" to assist computer search
--[X] Afterwards find spaceports that other magical girls recently built, you did want to go to space at some point, might get in line
[X] Kyubey hides something so:
-[X] Enhance your senses, perception and thinking, you'll need them to "read" Kyubey without him overtly detecting it and "help" him
--[X] Talk to Kyubey, it seems that whatever happened left some deep scars, (Incubators are NEVER emotional, even melancholy does not exist in their society, meaning, whether they know it or not, by their own standards they are ill)
---[X] Act as some therapist, but don't inquire too deep about what scares them (that might distance him from you, you want the opposite), if possible "guide" Kyubey to be more kind ( this 2nd-gen is proof that Incubators though still "pragmatic" and "ready to be shady" start to "worry" and "help" Magical Girls, somewhat), point out some facts you detected from that Sephira pice, that might "confirm" you previous thought, and that you might help him, if he wants and trusts you
----[X] Since now Incubators have emotions (somewhat) try to get some positive response and try to find what is he "attached"/likes
-[X] Confirm that, yes, you know there is a catch in becoming a Magical Girl, something negative, but that you want Kyubey to tell it when he feels somewhat "better" and you'll think his explanation over, "I mean I already am a Magical Girl, and I can do a lot of good while I'm here. Good and bad do work together, but I think there is always a little more good both in others and in general, it's just harder to see" *small, genuine smile*
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 1
Note: This is a testing of a new tally program I just got.
Great, thanks!

Since Kyubey starts to gain emotions, Aika can be the "stabiliser" guiding and helping Kyubey view the world through different perspectives.

And that ? I think let the story revile it in good time. Y'know "spoilers!! :grin:"
I just edited the post.
Boy, I feel weird right about now because I might've accidentally spoiled the whole story (Yeah I'm still not entirely sure if that counts).
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I doubt that. And nothing bad happened.

Just any "heavy" long-term spoilers could be kept "hidden until the time is rip"
I doubt that. And nothing bad happened.

Just any "heavy" long-term spoilers could be kept "hidden until the time is rip"
Thanks Renars.
Now I think I've got to take a little break cause I'm overreacting.
In the mean time, I'll leave votes open for the rest of the day.
Found some time so decided to "help" this cool stuff with vote plan!:

[X] Your sister, Kyumi, something happened, you need to find out what and what she wants

[X] Enhance your computer again and find what you can what happens in Mitakihara and you sister
-[X] Enhance your detection "range" and "precision" to assist computer search
--[X] Afterwards find spaceports that other magical girls recently built, you did want to go to space at some point, might get in line + might provide some answers

[X] the Dream and yesterdays conversation shows, that Kyubey hides something so:
-[X] Enhance your senses, perception and thinking, you'll need them to "read" Kyubey without him overtly detecting it and "help" him
--[X] Talk to Kyubey, it seems that whatever happened left some deep scars, (Incubators are NEVER emotional, even melancholy does not exist in their society, meaning, whether they know it or not, by their own standards they are ill)
---[X] Act as some therapist, but don't inquire too deep about what scares them (that might distance him from you, you want the opposite), if possible "guide" Kyubey to be more kind ( this 2nd-gen is proof that Incubators though still "pragmatic" and "ready to be shady" start to "worry" and "help" Magical Girls, somewhat), point out some facts you detected from that Sephira pice, that might "confirm" your previous thought, and that you might help him, if he wants and trusts you
----[X] Since now Incubators have emotions (somewhat) try to get some positive response and try to find what is he "attached"/likes
-[X] Confirm that, yes, you know there is a catch in becoming a Magical Girl, something negative, but that you want Kyubey to tell it when he feels somewhat "better" and you'll think his explanation over, "I mean I already am a Magical Girl, and I can do a lot of good while I'm here. Good and bad do work together, but I think there is always a little more good both in others and in general, it's just harder to see" *small, genuine smile*

[X] Find if there is another "Moderately strong witch", you'll need a Grief Seed soon.
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