Change of vote, because why the hell not.

[X]I wish to be the genkiest genki girl ever conceived, making my way through life with unlimited genki energy!

Massive unassailable lead go!
Ok then.
But wait a minute....I am sort of against Adifligo Systema kind of wishes though.
Not saying you can't make that's just that I feel that this just seems too broken for this quest (I'm still just a newbie GM).
So would it be fine if I just go with the gaming wish?
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Can somebody do a vote tally please?
I'm really trying to stay calm and collected as best as I can.
And I'm sort throwing stuff randomly and hoping for the best.
If you don't feel like you can write the genki option it's fine, go ahead with the gamer option. Honestly gamer option is even more broken due to the stat increases and shit like that though.
Not to mention there is already a ton of gamer quests out there and each have their own problems, and it generally is a lot of work keeping track of the stats and things like that.


Then there is the problem of the fact most of the updates would likely be this "And then I grinded x all day" if you don't end up forcing situations making that harder to bunker down and grind all day long until our character is god empress of mankind or something.


Sorry... I've seen a lot of gamer quests crash and burn that it got me weary about them. I'll shut up now.
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Chapter 1.1
[x] I wish I knew how to advance as much as I did in video games.

So that was your wish?
A rather good choice it was, though it turned out differently then what you expected it too be, and by differently you meant that it was basically Enchantment on steroids, you gained not only a trusty shapeshifting battleaxe, but also incredible control over your own body and magic, allowing you to put enchantment effects on not only yourself, but also your magical weapon.

You tested your battleaxe on a building that was just in front of you, and you swung your battleaxe at it just once, and the moment it flew through the air towards your target, it caught fire from the sheer speed and cleanly bisected the building.

"That was incredible!" "I thought this wouldn't be that powerful, but that was pretty fun!"

And so you decided to take a little walk around the destruction, taking note of the trails of magic that you picked up just about now, though the one thing that caught your eye was the telltale ping of a witch, four of them in fact.

Your pupils widened at the ping sound, your instincts only informed you of the strength of the four hostiles, so you sat down and went over your plans in your head.

"So that's what a signal sounds like." "Well there are four of them so maybe I should test my powers on them, just so I can get more of a hang on this."

Which witch will you go after?
[x] Strong witch
[x] Moderately strong witch
[x] Average witch
[x] Weak witch
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[x] Average witch

I have a request. Please change to a different color for your color text. It gets hard to read on the theme and to my eyes.
[x] Average witch

I agree with the color thing. Also, threadmarking the updates would be appreciated for when you have a lot of them.

Good luck with your first quest!
[x] Average witch

It might be a good idea to have a character sheet set up in a post (or just the OP), once the threadmarks are up ^.^
Though I think I'm gonna need a little help on that.
Also I suddenly fell asleep at one point, like I literally, suddenly woke up without remembering when my head hit the bed.
So now I'm back and better than ever.
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Chapter 1.2
[x] Average Witch
So that's the way you went, you had a lot of thoughts in your head like "How will I do against my first witch" and "Will I find anybody that needs help?" and things like that, your second thought however, it was proven true rather quickly.
Hiryuku-chan! Look out for the-

I know! I know, Kimiku-chan! I'm just-WOAH! trying to-OH BOY! Get to the-SHIT THAT WAS CLOSE! Body-FUCK IT GOT MY FUCKING ARM!!

Oh shit y-you guys....I think we should've....t-t-tried a weaker witch a-at the v-very least *sobbing*

Well looks like you need to take action, and take it quickly, before these poor souls get their guts spilled across the pavement and their soul gems shattered.

Even weirder was this....eerie, and unusual signature inside the witch, it seemed to hold the implication that some sort of crystal is literally embedded in it's grief seed, though you've gotta think up how your going to help those three girls first.

What will your strategy be?
[x] Write-in
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[X] Enchant the axe
-[X] Shapeshift the axe as aerodynamical as possible to increase its movement speed without loosing its attack power.
--[X] Make it so you can control it mid air. If it dodges early, you can readjust your aim to track it. If it misses, you can try to hit them on a return trip.
---[X] If we can't do that, just make it so it locks onto the witch.
[X] Look around, but try to stay out of sight.
-[X] See if you can spot some familiars. Don't want anything to sneak up on us.
[X] Aim carefully, don't want to hit friendlies.
--[X] If you miss the first time, Keep the witch's attention on you, so the axe with hit them in the back on the return trip.
---[X] If that doesn't work, catch the axe and try again. Keep your distance though, you have no idea what this witch could do.
----[X] Readjust your position, keep possible allies safe and repeat until the witch and familiars are dealt with.

Edit: Changed the boomerang part.
edit 2: added an option for familiars.
edit 3: Sounds like a good plan to me!
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Ok you guys, you get a full hour (If you guys are sort of behind with your plans I'll extend it to an hour and a half) to discuss and pool your votes.
I'm looking forward to seeing them in full *Robot Oil Drink Air Toast* *Gulping noises* *Fire Burp*.
Oh and you guys, aren't you kind of forgetting about the familiars?
You know you kind of should never forget about the familiars, as you never know how powerful they could be, ESPECIALLY with this anomaly of a witch.
Oh and if your wondering, Omakes are also welcome in this quest.
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[X] Shapeshift and enhance the axe
-[X] Make it as aerodynamical as possible to increase its movement speed without loosing its attack power
--[X] Make it so that the axe during the flight creates hundreds of spectral copies that do the same damage as the original, but disappear the moment they damage the target.
--[X] Make it so they lock onto the witch.
[X] Look around, but try to stay out of sight.
-[X] See if you can spot some familiars. Don't want anything to sneak up on us.
[X] Aim carefully, don't want to hit friendlies.
--[X] Keep the witch's attention on you, .
---[X] Keep your distance, you have no idea what this witch could do and repeat until the witch and familiars are dealt with.
Ok people we've got two votes.
We need something to break this stalemate.
New plans or bandwagons, take your picks and start your engines!
1 Hour until voting is closed.
[X] Enchant the axe
-[X] Make it so you can control it mid air. If it dodges early, you can readjust your aim to track it. If it misses, you can try to hit them on a return trip.
--[X] If we can't do that, just make it so it locks onto the witch.
[X] Look around, but try to stay out of sight.
-[X] See if you can spot some familiars. Don't want anything to sneak up on us.
[X] Aim carefully, don't want to hit friendlies.
--[X] If you miss the first time, Keep the witch's attention on you, so the axe with hit them in the back on the return trip.
---[X] If that doesn't work, catch the axe and try again. Keep your distance though, you have no idea what this witch could do.

Don't feel like attempting the spectral axe trick yet. Sounds more like a high level technique and potentially costly in terms of grief.
Don't feel like attempting the spectral axe trick yet. Sounds more like a high level technique and potentially costly in terms of grief.
OK, cool and yeah, that might be BIG right now, but shapeshifting the axe can give better manoeuvrability and control thus increasing enhancements effect to a near guarantied success.
plus it costs next to nothing, because well, read chapter 1.1 at the beginning. might be economic and analytic at the same time!
OK, cool and yeah, that might be BIG right now, but shapeshifting the axe can give better manoeuvrability and control thus increasing enhancements effect to a near guarantied success.
plus it costs next to nothing, because well, read chapter 1.1 at the beginning. might be economic and analytic at the same time!
Though your gonna have to get another voter to put yours into effect.
Though if a compromise plan is worked out that would work just fine.
Just type it out and if it gets the bandwagon support then there we have it.
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