[X] Plan Spring the Trap v1
-[X] "Alright then, looks like it's showtime. Let's go Kohaku, but I'm coming with."
--[X] Summon Pixie in advance. Maybe she can scout out the area before you and Kohaku arrive?
-[X] Give Shoji a means to track your location, then send him to gather allies for reinforcements. Uncle Kuzunoha, Arthur, and anyone else we intended on fighting alongside.
--[X] Give him a means of communicating with our allies before we leave. Ensure that the Magical Girls and the children don't get involved if you can help it. Ask Anahita to go with Shoji as well.
[X] Plan Rally, Gather, and March To WAR! V1
-[X] "Oh... he's talking to you now? Welp- it's showtime!"
--[X] Ask her where her dad wants her to meeting up- and go along with her. You assume he wouldn't be against it, wanting to get rid of you for show or something to keep Kohaku in line the bastard- but let's keep information about who you are to a minimum. Information black out.
---[X] As you walk, distract Kohaku... you don't know how this curse works, but he may not be able to deal with you keeping Kohaku's mind busy with with random yap- Like what she wants for lunch or this cool coin trick you can do. Make it casual, but make her focused on something that isn't where you're at.
----[X] While your doing that, it's time to gather the troops. We have phones, and our gauntlet. Remember- Saints are quieter then Monsters~!
-----[X] Type on your phone: "Arthur, situation has changed- Hostage situation requires Kohaku to be taken to Hino. Requesting private channel- Text based- with all combatants and potential advisors such as my grandparents, Oriko, and Homura due to risk of information leak through Kohaku. Furthermore- send my location to everyone, keep tabs where I am and begin movement. We go dark and make him unaware of a trap of our own. "
------[X] If Arthur aids in this, during your walk with Kohaku hash out battle plans with everyone. DO NOT LET KOHAKU SEE.
-------[X] If Arthur cannot aid, do it yourself if you can.
-----[X] Shoji will be sent off with the mission to make sure all of the noncombatants are safe. Ask Anahita to go with Shoji as well. See that he's is also added to the private chat if that is up as well.
-----[X] Use your gauntlet to keep contact with Pixie, have her slip and go to the location Hino advised and send you back information without Kohaku noticing. Have that data fed into the private chat if it's online.
-----[X] If the private chat is not up- Contact Oriko yourself. If it is, either way use her skillset to aid in planning the assault. Advise her due to Mother Hino, she may be at risk of being seen and attacked like with Dante. Use stealth and be careful of attacks.
-----[X] Keep contact through Telepathy with Gabriel. If the private chat is up, you'll be the one to relay the points Gabriel makes as well as keep her updated. Ask if she can join the private chat to help keep communication easier between you all, but it won't hurt if she can't.
------[X] Somewhat close to the point of contact, begin to silently cast Charge and Tarukaja to start building power for your first strike. Use extra magic to keep the buff there and not fade as you continue your march.
-------[X] Near point of contact perform final confirmation of battle plan with all combatants. What are we doing?
--------[X] Make sure, through all of that, nothing is shared with Kohaku. Keep her on thoughts that will not aid her father and sights that provide no tactical benefit.