[X] "Thanks for that." Give him an appreciative nod. "And I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
[X] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
-[X] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever fucker is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
--[X] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... it let me see her again- my Mom I mean... And it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
---[X] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
----[X] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"
[X] "Pixie, thanks for helping out with the binding spell- And don't worry I meant what I said. Thank you partner."
-[X] "And thank you too Dante. Tried to be nice but sometimes it just be like that- oh and I'm out here because apparently there's a whole system of teleport points just scattered around town that no one thought to tell me about. Besides, might as well do a late night walk to clear my head in case whatever is trying to use me as a portal to this world finds me again tonight."
--[X] "I meant in my dreams- Apparently I can like... spirit walk when I sleep? I ended up going to a whole other world once or twice. While it's a bit of a pain..." Give a soft smile, "I... it let me see her again- my Mom I mean... And it let me save the life of one of my new friends so... We take the negatives and positives with what we're given and make things work."
---[X] "Ah right! Mami and Homura went to your shop to see about getting some Grief seeds... Did you meet up with them?"
----[X] After he answers, "Well... what are your plans tonight?"