Vote tally - Puella Magi Megami Tensei

Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 2, 2024 at 8:32 PM, finished with 34 posts and 9 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Puella Magi Megami Tensei
Post #17444
Post #17477


  • [X] "As much as I want to use my sword, I'd also like to be a bit more capable of helping."
    -[X] "What do you have in mind?"
    [X] Write in a Witch/Labyrinth.
    -[X] The Labrynth looks like a school, with origami Familiars. The Witch looks like the Wonderland boss from Kingdom Hearts 1. All relatively weak. Good for training. There is a small band of low level Neutral demons that got pulled in and are fighting the familiars.
    -[X] Sayaka will fight familiars (with help nearby) and try to befriend the demons.
    [X] "What do you have in mind?"
    [X] Write in a Witch/Labyrinth: Elsa Maria
    -[X] Why are there a bunch of angels here?
    [X] The Toy Maker Witch
    -[X] The Labyrinth takes the form of a winding factory, that goes deeper and deeper into the earth. Inside there are ruined toys layed about with red stains around them. The familiars of the Labyrinth come in many shapes, teddy bears, dolls, small toy bots, all of which are rather weak but do not stop until either they have filled themselves full of meat or have been ripped to literal shreds. The Witch at the bottom of the Labyrinth takes the form of a small girl in a cage with one way mirrors for walls (being able to see in, but not out), endlessly making new toys to be put out into her Labyrinth to spend the time. The Witch itself is rather friendly, and does not attempt to harm anyone, even acting as if she was still a little girl. The real threat comes from the large toys that surrounds her, much stronger familiars that feed themselves on the smaller ones. Beating these won't even cause the Witch to act violently either... maybe she can be reasoned with?
    [X] The Twin Doll Witches
    -[X] Twin Witches that resemble western porcelain dolls with long black hair, wearing a vague french maid uniform, and a single black halo with cracks between them, one with blue eyes and another with red eyes. the Blue Eyed Witch is the Fallen Knight Witch and the Red Eyed Witch is the Abandoned Servant Witch. The Labyrinth is a ruined city with a red sky and a single tower that has fallen in half. The witches' minions look like smaller porcelain dolls with various different head ornaments and all wield weapons that vaguely resemble plastic toy firearms, all with black halos with cracks. The Red Witch is fast and will defend the Blue Witch, even though the Blue Witch has much better defense. The Blue Witch will occasionally fire a powerful beam of black and blue energy.
    [X] The Endurance Witch
    [X] The Toy Maker Witch