[X] "Perturbed? I... I can kinda understand. You probably don't know this, but my hometown had a big gang war while I was in highschool. Just to be clear, I wasn't a part of any gang. But I uh... didn't exactly 'stay in my lane' so to speak. So when I moved here, I was hoping for a place that well... Didn't have all of that."
[X] "Perturbed? I... I can kinda understand. You probably don't know this, but my hometown had a big gang war while I was in highschool. Just to be clear, I wasn't a part of any gang. But I uh... didn't exactly 'stay in my lane' so to speak. So when I moved here, I was hoping for a place that well... Didn't have all of that."
-[X] "Instead, it's getting out of hand: now there are two of them 'all that's."