[x] Shiogama girls
-[x] We won't take too much of their time. You can see that they're tired. We'll set them up at their apartment shortly. We just want to go over a few things first.
-[x] Explanation/Demonstration of Sabrina's powers. Offer cleansing as well as making a clear seed for them later.
-[x] Ground Rules
--[x] No restrictions on hunting witches and/or familiars. Though if they see any and are not up to fighting, please call it in so we can take care of it.
--[x] Please do not give used grief seeds to Kyubey if you can avoid it. Your powers can refresh spent seeds and preserve a precious resource.
--[x] Please call us if you see any magical girls you don't recognize.
--[x] If there's anything that you need help with or if you have questions. Don't hesitate to call. We're here to help to the best of our ability.
-[x] Would like to talk to them about a few things later when they're more rested. But that can wait. When everyone's ready, we can take you to the apartment.
[x] Does anyone have any questions for you?
[x] Thank the Homu.
-[x] She's welcome to stay, however you can probably take things from here.
[x] Since she's here now, Is there anything Nadia needs from you at the moment?
[X] Offer cleaning, our girls demo first. Inspect soul gems.
[X] Telepathy Ask Mami compose thoughts for her speech
-[X] compose rules together
--[X] Follow all the normal laws, with limited exceptions.
--[X] Minor property damage, purposeful trespass, heroic deeds
--[X] Hunting, joining combat team, optional.
--[X] Save normals, report hazards.
--[X] We recycle! Seeds do not get disposed of, call Sabrina.
--[X] Clear seeds must be accounted for.
--[X] Combat with others only at matches, ask later.
--[X] Become part of our community
[X] Set infohazard precautions, not testing.
[X] Offer normal conversation, not war stories yet. Eat?
[X] Mami welcome speech / rules
[X] Hugs
[X] Ask tour of town, or apartment, offer later appointment if they want to rest
[X] set Homura appointment tonight
[X] Nadia - want her to do short AMA via telepathy for Hijiri, arrange for future
-[X] Check infohazards
[X] They're tired. Be understanding, keep it short.
-[X] Offer Cleansing, Clear Seeds as appropriate.
-[x] Ground Rules
--[X] Hunting is optional.
--[X] Don't give Seeds to Kyuubey.
--[X] Ask they call in:
---[X] Non-hunted Witches.
---[X] Magical Girls in/causing trouble.
---[X] Any issues, big or small. We want to help.
-[X] Show them to their apartment. Wish them well.
--[X] Ensure sufficient funding. Money's not a problem.
[X] Thank Homura. Hint timestop.
-[X] Hugs.
-[X] Ask if Nadia's witchbombed. (Break for votes if not.)
-[X] You want to discuss more this afternoon once things settle.
-[X] Exit timestop, rejoin group.
[X] Offer Nadia introductions with other Mitakihara groups.
-[X] Ask to Privacy Sphere talk after dropping the Shiogama girls.
--[X] Prod very carefully for Witchbomb. If yes:
---[X] Re-confirm Fukushima are suitable guards for Anri. Any useful details?
---[X] Who else is cleared for witchbomb info? Discuss dewitching.
[X] They're tired. Be understanding, keep it short.
-[X] Offer Cleansing, Clear Seeds as appropriate.
-[x] Ground Rules
--[X] Hunting is optional.
--[X] Don't give Seeds to Kyuubey.
--[X] Ask they call in:
---[X] Non-hunted Witches.
---[X] Magical Girls in/causing trouble.
---[X] Any issues, big or small. We want to help.
-[X] Show them to their apartment. Wish them well.
--[X] Ensure sufficient funding. Money's not a problem.
[X] Thank Homu. Hint timestop.
-[X] Hugs.
-[X] Ask if Nadia's witchbombed. (Break for votes if not.)
-[X] You want to discuss more this afternoon once things settle.
-[X] Exit timestop, ask her if she wants to return to school, rejoin group.
[X] Offer Nadia introductions with other Mitakihara groups.
-[X] Ask to Privacy Sphere talk after dropping the Shiogama girls.
--[X] Prod very carefully for Witchbomb. If yes:
---[X] Re-confirm Fukushima are suitable guards for Anri. Any useful details?
---[X] Who else is cleared for witchbomb info? Discuss dewitching.