Vote tally - Puella Magi Adfligo Systema

Adhoc vote count started by Firnagzen on Nov 18, 2017 at 3:23 AM, finished with 129105 posts and 19 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Puella Magi Adfligo Systema
Post #1
Post #129105


  • [X] Keep abusing multitasking.
    [X] Talk with Hijiri about today her actions, their consequences, and the rationality behind them.
    -[X] Carefully point out inconsistencies, if necessary.
    -[X] Be agreeable whenever appropriate.
    -[X] Nudge her to step back and consider whether she made the right call, or could do better.
    -[X] Pay attention as to whether she's telepathying/subvocalizing.
    [X] Airi: Call her by her real name.
    -[X] Be brief:
    --[X] Show condolence for her loss.
    --[X] We don't understand everything, but we could, if we just talked.
    --[X] Ask her to give us a chance.
    -[X] If she blocks telepathy, insist as long as necessary.
    [X] Hunting:
    -[X] Group brainstorm searching methods.
    --[X] Grief sensors (others should copy this); Ribbon Grid; Sayaklone Army; combos thereof.
    --[X] Encourage others to propose ideas.
    --[X] Ask Hijiri if she's willing to help find Yuuri.
    --[X] Yuuri likes to spy and set up traps. Can we draw her out and counter ambush her?
    [X]Simultaneously: Hijiri
    -[x] Apologize for causing the screaming.
    -[x] Use utility fog to try to listen in on subvocalization/telepathy/surface thoughts from Hijiri.
    -[x] Keep Hijiri occupied. Subtly look for signs of collusion with "Yuuri".
    -[x] Ask Hijiri if she knows any phone contact info for Yuuri. Imply communications use, not tracking. Break to vote if given.
    -[x] Ask for her help in locating Yuuri. Make it clear this is a real choice - you won't compel it if she refuses. It's just a good thing she could choose to do.
    [x] Simultaneously: Airi.
    -[x] Don't be aggravating. Be brief, be respectful, be earnest. Keep pushing for open communication..
    -[x] Potentially, call her by her real name.
    [x] Simultaneously: Allies.
    -[x] Keep everyone informed.
    -[x] Hypothesize that Hijiri can eavesdrop on telepathy.
    --[x] Decline to explain the reasoning - you're guessing about her Wish and that's private.
    -[x] When things settle, brainstorm higher-tech search methods. Encourage creativity in others.
    -[x] Suggest a counter-ambush.
    [X] Do something to force Yuuri to pay attention to us. Call her by her real name? Yuuri hasn't actually dropped the connection with us, so she should actually be hearing what we're saying.
    -[X] Give Yuuri allllll the deats about what Hijiri is telling us about her. That she's a maniac. That she's obsessed.
    --[X] We're pretty convinced that's not what's going on. Friend died, she wished over it, hates the Pleiades because of it... that sound closer to right? Certainly sounds closer to sane.
    ---[X] If she doesn't respond just start playing Navi over the line.
    [X] Make a Grief-construct lie detector. If possible, make it able to tell whether a given statement is partially true but misleading, technically true but misleading, a total lie, or withholding some information but not misleading.
    [X] Question Hijiri--nothing personal, but we need to be sure: was she coordinating with Yuuri at any point since you met her (if so, how)? Has she misled us in any way or omitted any significant information about herself, her actions, or anything regarding Yuuri?
    [X] Propose an idea to Mami: using her ribbons to extend your range, create magic-sensing constructs every 100-meters or so, covering the whole city if time permits.
    [X] Telepathy-call Yuuri, calling her her original name. Explain that she doesn't actually understand the full picture of what happened to her friend.
    [X] Annoy her into submission
    -[X] Make her go limpet on us for safety measure
    [x] Apotheosise