Vote tally - Puella Magi Adfligo Systema

Adhoc vote count started by The Narrator on Jul 24, 2017 at 12:25 AM, finished with 121402 posts and 26 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
The Narrator
Puella Magi Adfligo Systema
Post #1
Post #121402


    [X] What's her name? Ask about her situation. Barring her being in a critical state, agree to contact her later this week as long as KB helps you with some things. Ask for:
    -[X] Details on Kuroki Matsuko, possibly other nearby meguca in need of Seeds.
    -[X] Help with your SCIENCE session. As a carrot: You'll work on making your grief invisible while traveling.
    [X] Once at Warehouse-kun, quickly test whether your Grief needs to be within 100m of your Gem, body, or both. Ask KB for info and help while you work.
    [X] Try dispersing your Grief into particles smaller than the wavelength of visible light, and/or otherwise making it invisible.
    -[X] Try and use Grief nanoparticulates to feel your surroundings, and test other general utility fog stuff.
    [X] Additional testing: Ribbons!
    -[X] Channeling for Control Magic through Ribbon.
    -[X] Channeling Grief Control through Ribbon. Attempt to use Ribbon to extend your range.
    [X] What's her name? Ask about her situation. Don't accept ambiguous responses; ask for specific details.
    -[X] If the name/description is unfamiliar, telepathy Homura and Mami to ask if they've ever heard of her.
    -[X] If it's not Kuroki, request that Kyubey put you in touch with Kuroki.
    -[X] If you don't get the impression that stealth-guca might be hostile, request that Kyubey connect you to her for telepathic conversation.
    -[X] In both cases, introduce yourself, try to learn their circumstances, offer assistance. Arrange to meet in the near future, unless their need is urgent.
    -[X] Tell Kyubey that you'll consider his request in exchange for him answering your various questions about SCIENCE! As a carrot: You'll work on making your grief less visible while traveling.
    [X] If neither girl needs your urgent assistance and there's still enough time, continue to Warehouse-kun to engage in SCIENCE! as planned.
    [X] Talk to Kyuubey
    -[X] Agree with its offer
    [X] Assess Kyuubey's words very carefully.
    [X] Ask the stealth-guca's name, situation, and whether there's any other reasons Kyuubey wanted us to contact her.
    -[X] Unless time is of the essence, agree to get in contact later this week on the conditions that KB gives you detailed information on Kuroki Matsuko, possibly any nearby meguca in need of Seeds, and helps you with your SCIENCE session.
    [X] Once at Warehouse-kun, run tests, poking Kyuubey for info and help:
    -[X] Make liquid grief. Let it sit somewhere and check for corrosion and other effects later.
    -[X] Try various means of channeling your magic through Mami's ribbon, starting with what comes naturally.
    -[X] Whether your gem or body is the center of your range.
    -[X] Try methods of non-witchy invisibility: nanoparticles, active camoflauge, light affecting metamaterials, and so on.
    -[X] Grief nanoparticulate utility fog.
    -[X] Whether you can use metamaterials for color.