[X] Talk to Homura about the strange nature of information you have, spanning centuries and continents, and including timelines that, to your knowledge,
couldn't have happened.
-[X]As a benign example, raise the time travel mechanics from Homura's Revenge.
-[X] Mutually discuss what this means for the reliability of your knowledge, with an aim of reassurance.
[X] If we really are here as a result of Madoka's wish... then we only exist because of the massive effort Homura has put in.
-[X] Thank Homura for helping you be here. You
like existing.
-[X] (Jokingly.) ...Would this make them ...our mothers?

[X] An insight: Once her friends, including Homura herself, are safe, if Madoka knows the impact her wishing would have
on Homura, and all the effort and sacrifice it took Homura to get through the loops... Madoka will respect that effort, and swear off making a wish