[x] Give Madoka and Homura some time alone together. -[x] Talk to Mami a bit more about Homura. You want to make it clear to her how much better she made tonight, especially for Madoka, but you think she has trouble understanding why people care about her and you're not quite sure how to approach it without addressing that first. You explained to her why you care, but for something this personal you can't really speak for anyone else.
[x] Over dinner:
-[x] Have some fun brainstorming more defensive enchantments and potential tests for those enchantments (up to and including griefhax, if it'd be sufficiently useful to offset the time cost). [x] If you have to dispel any griefhax devices constructed using enchanted grief, use the opportunity to see if you can recover the enchanted grief by moving it outside your range.
[x] Politics discussion
-[x] Refine the "be kind to each other" statement - you do recognize that a functioning justice system is ultimately a threat of force; you have been completely explicit about your intent to drop the hammer on people that abuse Clear Seeds.
--[x] You'd just prefer less "20 angry magical girls at your front door" and more "modern policing organization".
[x] After Madoka and Sayaka leave:
-[x] Observe to Homura that tonight might be the happiest you've ever seen Madoka.
--[x] Madoka has self-worth issues, right? She needs to feel like she's contributing, and she doubts herself and needs friends to support her and convince her that she's doing okay.
--[x] Homura's been helping with both of those. You think that Madoka finds the politics really satisfying, and having Homura around seemed to make Madoka happy. It's good to see.
--[x] Homura needs to know that this isn't something you're coming up with yourself and it'd help if she understood why people care about her and are doing this, so:
---[X] Give Mami an opening to chime in, following your earlier conversation.
---[X] Point out some of what Sayaka was doing. *Don't* suggest romance, but even small details would be strong evidence of Sayaka's trust and would help Homura believe that she's the one responsible for Madoka's happiness tonight. --[x] Note that this vote tries to stick to observations that are safe outside time stop - you specifically want to help Homura stop feeling like she has to hide everything about herself and her relationships.
[x] After you finish talking to Homura:
[X] Dinner!
-[X] Have fun coming up with potential enchantments and potential tests for those enchantments, you can hax in anything you can think of after all, even if it takes time. Allow sillyness. Bemoan that you don't have a devil here so you can't ask for her help in this. A Mara type would great for testing defenses against illusions. [X] Look for opportunities to give Homura and Madoka time to themselves. [X] Addendum to science vote: expansion of intention and specifics: -[x] Prepare emotion enchanted grief to try Homura's mind reading suggestion as you have time and aren't occupied by other concerns. --[x] Focus on emotions and desires akin to mind-reading: Your desire to understand yourself and others, to communicate, and to help them understand each other, and the times where you have succeeded in getting through across those divides. Finally getting your feelings through to Mami. Giving Homura insight into Sayaka. Watching Sayaka's understanding of and relationship with Homura develop over the weeks. -[x] Try to recycle the enchanted grief after your done with it, using the edge of your range to reset it. Save some for later if you can. --[x] If recycling worked, run through the best of the proposed tests.
[X] Internet vote in abeyance.
[X] Talk scheduling: How would everyone feel about spending Saturdays hanging out and/or doing administrative stuff as needed and Sundays taking trips outside the city for cleansing, recruitment, etc?
[X] Shiogama girls: Check in, ask how they've been. Ask if they're interested in private discussion tomorrow afternoon or being introduced to other groups around town sometime afternoon.
[x] After Madoka and Sayaka leave: -[x] Observe that tonight might be the happiest you've ever seen Madoka. --[x] Madoka has self-worth issues, right? She needs to feel like she's contributing, and she doubts herself and needs friends to support her and convince her that she's doing okay... And, it seems like Homura being around has been helping with it too. It's good to see. ---[X] Let/cue Mami to comment on that, too. (Establish that this isn't just something you're coming up with) ----[X] Even Sayaka seems to think so -- she spent most of tonight giving Homura opportunities to be around Madoka.