[x] Small talk. Relax. Ask Oriko how she's doing and if she needs anything.
[x] Serious talk time. Ask Oriko if you can invite Homura. If yes, ask Homura if she could come over, with her power.
-[x] Explain the Asunaro situation to Homura privately, in particular that it might help with dewitching.
[x] Privacy measures. Talk about Asunaro, and your hopes and fears there.
--[x] Ask Oriko/Mami/Homura for advice.
[X] If Mami's OK, ask her to contact Kazusa.
-[X] Social as appropriate for permission to visit.
[x] Once details are known, start planning a task force, and break to decide whether or not Mami should come.
[x] Be Friendlybrina. As usual, ask if there's anything you can do for O&K.
[x] Tell Oriko that you're looking into Asunaro. Ask her for appropriate level of privacy: Mami+Kirika presence? Privacy bubble?
[x] Ask Oriko about Asunaro.
[x] Ask Mami about Kazuza.
[x] Be up-front with Mami about the infohazards and help her with it. Take her aside if you need to.
-[x] Emphasize that it's not specific to her. These are bad just in general, enough so that you're probably going this one alone.
[X] Privacy Device.
-[X] If anyone asks, we want to obscure how long we discuss things of import, so we're putting it out early.
[X] Ask Oriko how she's doing. As usual, ask if there's anything you can do for O&K.
[X] Talk about Asunaro.
-[X] Metaknowledge suggests that things might get hairy there, and we want to head that off, while making new friends with a particular penchant for SCIENCE and TEAMWORK, which we're also very in favor of.
--[X] Ask Oriko and Mami for advice.
[X] If Mami's OK, ask her to contact Kazusa.
-[X] Social as appropriate for permission to visit.