Vote tally - Puella Magi Adfligo Systema

Adhoc vote count started by Spectral Waltz on Sep 11, 2018 at 4:23 PM, finished with 144944 posts and 40 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Spectral Waltz
Puella Magi Adfligo Systema
Post #1
Post #144944


  • [X] Agree to end the meeting shortly.
    -[X] Tell Riona you regret that she wasn't able to find what she was searching for here.
    [X] Release the Field.
    -[X] Be attentinve in case Riona tries anything.
    [X] Before letting her be, call her out and get concessions in exchange for her actions, without pissing her off too badly:
    -[X] Priority: Arrange a new meeting before she leaves, with plenty of time to spare.
    -[X] Priority: She does not attack nor use magic against anyone in Mitakihara.
    -[X] She'll answer all our questions next meeting.
    [X] Leave. Get distance but stay within your sensing range. Be inconspicuous. Then:
    -[X] Timestop meeting. Include Sayaka.
    -[X] Explain everything. Avoid social bombs.
    --[X] Make it clear you'll hold back your own opinions until they've heard everything. Give as unbiased a re-telling of events as possible.
    -[X] Listen to their opinions and break to voting before sharing what you want to do.
    [X] Ask Rionna if you may cleanse her.
    [X] Don't allow her to leave. Don't allow her to harm you. Don't allow her to harm herself. Use all means necessary, but start with minimal force. What can be accomplished with words instead of force should be.
    [X] There are/were options. Just as an example, she could have cut a deal with a potential, that she would fulfill their wish and some in exchange for them using their wish to bring back her sister. Somebody somewhere would go for it. Healing is a common enough wish, and not difficult to provide.
    [X] Talk to her:
    -[X] Argue that the only thing she's accomplished with her current track has been to inflict pain on others and deny herself any hope of getting what she actually wants.
    -[X] Argue that the incubator tries to provoke isolation and infighting for a reason: less cooperation means less chance of people getting what they want, and thus better rates of witching.
    [X] null
    [X] Call Mami for an emergency timestop meeting.
    [X] On timestop, make sure the whole group (Homura, Mami and Sayaka) is in the meeting
    [X] Discuss the situation in timestop with Homura, Mami, and Sayaka.
    [X] Agree to end the conversation, but not before calling Riona out on everything: she's crossed a lot of lines—showing up in your territory without warning, permission, or excuse, trying to mind control you without provocation, making demands in exchange for nothing...
    -[X] Meanwhile, call Mami via grief for an emergency timestop meeting.
    [X] On timestop, make sure the whole group (Homura, Mami and Sayaka) is in the meeting
    [X] Discuss the situation in timestop with Homura, Mami, and Sayaka.
    [X] Agree to end the meeting shortly.
    -[X] Tell Riona you regret that she wasn't able to find what she was searching for here.
    [X] Release the Field.
    [X] Before letting her be, call her out and get concessions in exchange for her actions, without pissing her off too badly:
    -[X] Priority: Arrange a new meeting before she leaves, with plenty of time to spare.
    -[X] Priority: She does not attack nor use magic against anyone in Mitakihara.
    -[X] She'll answer all our questions next meeting.
    [X] Go. Once you're away:
    -[X] Timestop meeting. Include Sayaka.
    -[X] Explain everything. Avoid social bombs. Don't take sides, be impartial.
    [X] Kill her
    [x] Fine. Release the isolation field.
    [x] Tell Riona you regret that she wasn't able to find what she was searching for here.
    [x] Given the circumstance, while it's regrettable, I agree it's best that you leave Mitakihara at your earliest convenience. Further I must insist that you don't create anymore shades in our city for any reason or I'm afraid conflict will be unavoidable. That said, wish her a good night.
    [x] Leave with Mami. You're done here.
    [x] When you're out a considerable range from Riona, contact Homura by phone for a timestop meeting. Update Homura and Mami of the situation. You weren't able to come to any agreement with Riona. Bring up Riona's intentions to leave in the morning and threat assessment. Avoid social bombs.
    [X] Try that shit again on anyone in your territory, or hurt anyone in Mitakihara, and her life is forfeit.
    [X] You'll let her go, but she's crossed a lot of lines—showing up in your territory without warning, permission, or excuse, trying to mind control you without provocation, making demands in exchange for nothing—so you'll be taking something in exchange. Your teammate is going to copy her power before she leaves this privacy sphere. It won't harm her or her power in any way, nor can it be used to track or monitor her. But you'll be getting SOMETHING out of all the trouble she's caused you.
    [x] Ensure she doesn't leave this bubble under her own power, either by calling a meeting and then alpha-striking her or by alpha-striking her right now.
    [X] Shrug casually
    -[X] Alright. Wasn't planning on keeping you trapped anyways, anti-spy zone is for spies like QB, not you.
    --[X] Release the field, hug Mami, telepathically request time-stop.
    ---[X] Discuss.
    [X] Cleansing offer.
    [X] If that's so, then when and why did she go from seeking justice to judging people without knowing their crimes, unjustly taking other people's sisters? When did she give up, and start spending her time inflicting pain instead of trying to get her sister back?
    [X] Don't allow her to leave. Don't allow her to harm you. Don't allow her to harm herself. Use all means necessary.
    [X] Talk to her:
    -[X] There are/were options. Just as an example, she could have cut a deal with a potential, that she would fulfill their wish and some in exchange for them using their wish to bring back her sister. Somebody somewhere would go for it. Healing is a common enough wish, and not difficult to provide.
    -[X] Argue that the only thing she's accomplished with her current track has been to inflict pain on others and deny herself any hope of getting what she actually wants.
    -[X] Argue that the incubator tries to provoke isolation and infighting for a reason: less cooperation means less chance of people getting what they want, and thus better rates of witching. She could always punish the architect if she's not satisfied yet. A shot at that, you can provide.
    [X] gem her
    -[X] If she shows any sign of resisting after being gemmed, smash her
    [X] Mami: clandestinely communicate to contact Homura for a time stop ASAP
    [X] Buy some time until Homura arrives. Firmly discuss that, once the isolation field is down, Rionna will not be leaving her hotel room until she leaves for her flight. Any hostile actions on Mitakihara's residents will not be tolerated.
    - [X] Be prepared to defend yourself. Do not let Rionna leave the isolation field. Prioritise protecting yourself and Mami over Non-lethal methods.
    [X] Once in timestop: Hug Mami and Homura, then break to voting.
    [X] Plan Cautious Optimism
    -[X] "I didn't intend for you to feel trapped, this is merely a privacy device to allow us to talk without being overheard by Kyubey or other parties, if it makes you feel uneasy I'll certainly turn if off although I do request that any further conversation not be about serious topics"
    -[X] Simultaneously communicate with Mami using Grief and ask for a Homrua Timestop Meeting.
    -[X] Grab everyone and hold a timestop meeting.
    --[X] we have background music if it makes everyone feel better about spending time in timestop.
    -[X] Set up preparations for dealing with Riona.
    -[X] If we decide not to attack.
    --[X] Get back into position and continue the meeting, take down the privacy field.
    --[X] Tell Riona that in light of her circumstances, attitude and the attempted mental alteration we ask that she not attack, make shades, or use magic without permission during her time here.
    --[X] Ask if she wishes to continue to talk without the privacy field.
    --[X] Set up another meeting.
    [x] Nudge Mami to call for timestop.
    -[x] Consult with allies.