[X] If at any point she asks what we want from her: dewitching, the shades, not killing people if it could be avoided. Vocalize & explain dewitching first.
[X] We haven't given up on this conversation yet because she has things we want.
-[X] We can't help her because the two of us don't trust each other, no?
--[X] If she tries to assert that we don't have the capability to help her: refute her. In the end, if we couldn't help her, she'd've had no interest in the clear seed.
[X] At this point, if dewitching hasn't already been brought up:
-[X] Before you explore anything further, the two of you wouldn't happen to have a mutual interest in turning grief seeds back into soul gems, would you?
[X] Trust is a hot commodity, but perhaps a substitute could be crafted in some manner?
[x] One of the first things you said was that I can't exactly give you my magic.
- [x] What did you want it for? What would you expect to be able to do with it that you assume I can't or won't do for you?
[x] Mention something about dewitching. Maybe it's what she wants from us, maybe it's not, but it's certainly what we want from her.
[x] Think out loud.
[x] Why do you think that Rionna is so sure you can't help? You have two guesses.
[x] First guess: Rionna has some problem that's even more exotic and difficult than cleansing.
-[x] She seems to already have cleansing solved for herself, judging by her power's ongoing cost. She knows you can cleanse and isn't interested.
-[x] You hope it's this because you're currently working on dewitching and were anticipating Rionna's arrival. You're not sure there's much that's harder than that.
[x] Second guess: Rionna is doing something that puts her on Sabrina's List of Things To Fix.
-[x] Is the problem with the means to an end or the end itself?
-[x] You hope it's the means, because your entire purpose in life is to fix everything, and you're damn good at offering people better means.
-[x] If it's the ends, well, you're always up for therapy. How does she feel about her mother?
[X] Tell Rionna that we want to make a soul gem. We need her soul vision.
[X] Tell her we will get to fabricate a body. Grief doesn't form a normal Magical Girl. Others tried it.
[X] State that saving everybody is our goal.
[X] Turning witches back into girls is important to us.
[X] Explain we understand perfectly what Magical Girl life leads her to do, even though we are new.
[X] If any of that would help with her issue, it's time that she gave us the answers we want.
[X] We can almost communicate with witches.
[X] Feed Happiness to a Clear Seed right now, in front of her.
[x] I want to help fix things. Does it have to be a fight? [x] Whatever it is you're dealing with, it was worth coming out all this way here. At the very least I can hear you out. Rionna, why did you come out here? What's troubling you? [x] (If she's still reluctant) Try to encourage her to talk about her problems. You won't be able to help at all if you don't know what the problem is.
[x] "Right. Rionna. I haven't actually told my offer yet, have I?"
-[x] "Show me a grief seed, and I can make it last for a lifetime. Would that be the help you were looking for?"